Concrete Base Concepts

Most important concepts in 3-4 wordnets (English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian)

Total: 66 WordNet1.5 synsets (all nouns)


WordNet1.5 Synset: {amount 1; measure 1; quantity 1; quantum 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 18966

WordNet1.5 Gloss: how much there is of anything

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: abstraction 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part

WordNet1.5 Synset: {animal 1; animate being 1; beast 1; brute 1; creature 1; fauna 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8030

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: being 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Animal Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {apparel 1; clothes 1; clothing 1; vesture 1; wear 2; wearing apparel 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2307680

WordNet1.5 Gloss: covering designed to be worn on a person's body

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: covering 4 consumer goods 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Garment Solid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {artefact 1; artifact 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 11607

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a man-made object

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: inanimate object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {article of furniture 1; furniture 1; piece of furniture 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2008299

WordNet1.5 Gloss: artifacts that make a room ready for occupancy

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: furnishings 2

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Furniture Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {asset 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8179398

WordNet1.5 Gloss: anything of material value or usefulness

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: possession 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {being 1; life form 1; living thing 1; organism 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2728

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any living entity

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: entity 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Living

WordNet1.5 Synset: {beverage 1; drink 2; potable 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5074818

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any liquid suitable for drinking

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: food 1 liquid 4

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Comestible Liquid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {body 3; organic structure 1; physical structure 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 3607347

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the entire physical structure of an organism (especially an animal or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: natural object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Living

WordNet1.5 Synset: {bound 2; boundary 2; bounds 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5383364

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: extremity 3

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part

WordNet1.5 Synset: {building 3; edifice 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2207842

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a structure that has a roof and walls

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: construction 4

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Building Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {causal agency 1; causal agent 1; cause 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4473

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any entity that causes events to happen

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: entity 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {chemical compound 1; compound 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8907331

WordNet1.5 Gloss: (chem) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: matter 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Substance

WordNet1.5 Synset: {chemical element 1; element 6}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8805286

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any of the more than 100" known substances (of which 93 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: matter 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Substance

WordNet1.5 Synset: {cloth 1; fabric 1; material 1; textile 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 1965302

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Covering Solid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {commodity 1; goods 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2329807

WordNet1.5 Gloss: articles of commerce

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: inanimate object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {construction 4; structure 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2034531

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {consumer goods 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2344541

WordNet1.5 Gloss: goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: commodity 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {covering 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 1991765

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an artifact that protects or shelters or conceals

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Covering

WordNet1.5 Synset: {creation 3}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 1992919

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something that has been brought into existence by someone

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {decoration 2; ornament 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2029323

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something used to beautify

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {device 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2001731

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: instrumentality 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Instrument Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {document 2; papers 1; written document 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4242515

WordNet1.5 Gloss: writing providing information; esp. of an official nature

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: writing 4

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact LanguageRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {dry land 1; earth 3; ground 7; land 6; solid ground 1; terra firma 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5720524

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the solid part of the Earth's surface

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: inanimate object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Natural Part Place Solid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {entity 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2403

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something having concrete existence; living or nonliving

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms:

EuroWordNet Top Concepts:

WordNet1.5 Synset: {extremity 3}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5413816

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the outermost or farthest region or point

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: part 9

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {flora 1; plant 1; plant life 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8894

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: being 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Group Plant

WordNet1.5 Synset: {fluid 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8976164

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: matter 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Liquid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {food 1; nutrient 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 11263

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: matter 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Comestible Substance

WordNet1.5 Synset: {furnishings 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2043015

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the furniture and appliances and other movable accessories (including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other building) livable

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: instrumentality 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Furniture Group

WordNet1.5 Synset: {garment 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2309624

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an article of clothing

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: apparel 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Garment Solid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {group 1; grouping 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 17008

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any number of entities (members) considered as a unit

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms:

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Group

WordNet1.5 Synset: {human 1; individual 1; mortal 1; person 1; someone 1; soul 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4865

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: being 1 causal agency 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Human Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {inanimate object 1; object 1; physical object 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 9469

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a nonliving entity

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: entity 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Natural Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {instrument 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2657448

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a device that requires skill for proper use

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: device 2

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Instrument Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {instrumentality 1; instrumentation 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2009476

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Instrument

WordNet1.5 Synset: {language unit 1; linguistic unit 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4156286

WordNet1.5 Gloss: one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: part 12

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: LanguageRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {line 21}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5432072

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: location 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {line 26}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8484352

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: form 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: ImageRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {liquid 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8976498

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: fluid 2

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Liquid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {location 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 14314

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a point or extent in space

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms:

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {material 5; stuff 7}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8781633

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; "coal is a hard black material"; "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: matter 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Substance

WordNet1.5 Synset: {matter 1; substance 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 10368

WordNet1.5 Gloss: that which has mass and occupies space; "an atom is the smallest indivisible unit of matter"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: inanimate object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Substance

WordNet1.5 Synset: {medium of exchange 1; monetary system 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8207032

WordNet1.5 Gloss:

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: asset 2

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact MoneyRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {mixture 5}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8783090

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding)

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: matter 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Substance

WordNet1.5 Synset: {money 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8214427

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a medium of exchange that functions as legal tender; "we tried to collect the money he owed us"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: medium of exchange 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact MoneyRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {natural object 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 9919

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an object occurring naturally; not made by man

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: inanimate object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Natural Object

WordNet1.5 Synset: {opening 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2028879

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a vacant or unobstructed space

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {part 3; portion 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2855539

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something less than the whole of a human artifact: "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: inanimate object 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part

WordNet1.5 Synset: {part 9; region 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5449837

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: location 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {part 12; portion 5}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 8450839

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he kept all the parts because he had no idea which part was effective"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: relation 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part

WordNet1.5 Synset: {passage 6}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2857000

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a path or channel through or along which someone or something may pass

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: way 4

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Container Solid

WordNet1.5 Synset: {piece of work 1; work 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2932267

WordNet1.5 Gloss: something produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing: "he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey"; "the work of an active imagination"; "erosion is the work of wind or water over time"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: product 2

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {place 13; spot 10; topographic point 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5469653

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: point 12

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {point 12}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5443777

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the precise location of something; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: location 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {possession 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 17394

WordNet1.5 Gloss: anything owned or possessed

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms:

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {product 2; production 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2929839

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an artifact that has been produced by someone or some process

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: creation 3

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Function

WordNet1.5 Synset: {representation 3}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2354709

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: creation 3

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact ImageRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {surface 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2486678

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the outer boundary of an object or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {surface 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5467731

WordNet1.5 Gloss: the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: bound 2

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Part Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {symbol 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4434881

WordNet1.5 Gloss: an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: sign 3

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Representation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {way 4}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 2031514

WordNet1.5 Gloss: any road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: artefact 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact Place

WordNet1.5 Synset: {word 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4157535

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: language unit 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: LanguageRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {worker 2}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 5856677

WordNet1.5 Gloss: a person who has employment

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: human 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Human Object Occupation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {writing 4; written material 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4195435

WordNet1.5 Gloss: reading matter; anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect); "the writing in her novels is excellent"

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: written communication 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact LanguageRepresentation

WordNet1.5 Synset: {written communication 1; written language 1}

POS: n

WordNet1.5 File off-set: 4187642

WordNet1.5 Gloss: communication by means of written symbols

WordNet1.5 Hyperonyms: communication 1

EuroWordNet Top Concepts: Artifact LanguageRepresentation