Mapping Inferences: Constraint Propagation and Diamond Satisfaction Rosella Gennari Abstract: This thesis is concerned with knowledge representation, and efficient automated reasoning on the chosen representation. Part I treats constraint propagation algorithms. These constitute a broad class of widely used, efficient, non-deterministic algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems. Such problems are introduced in the first chapter of the thesis; e.g., the map colourability problem, N-SAT, Allen temporal reasoning problems, scheduling. Our aim in Part I is purely theoretical: a general theory, based on function iterations, underpinning those algorithms; this unifying framework allows us to verify, explain, compare and differentiate constraint propagation algorithms through functions and their iterations. For instance, this theory can answer the following sort of questions in terms of properties of functions or their iterations. 1. Do constraint propagation algorithms follow a common strategy? If so, how can it be ``characterised'' in general? 2. How do those algorithms \emph{differentiate}? That is: which function properties are responsible for the diverse strategies and efficiency? 3. What guarantees their termination? 4. What properties of functions guarantee the absence of backtracking? Soft constraints are more expressive than ``standard'' constrains: the former allow the user a certain form of uncertainty. Yet, the developed theory of function iterations is sufficiently general and expressive to represent and analyse soft constraint propagation algorithms too. In Part II of the thesis, relations are still under focus: in fact, this part deals with modal logics, introduced in Chapter 7. More precisely, in this part of the thesis we propose two main ways to tackle the following question: how can the satisfiability of modal formulas be determined in an efficient manner? In Chapter 8 we answer the question by embedding modal logics into first-order logics: we refine the standard translation from modal to first-order logic, and show how this refinement improves the performances of resolution-based theorem provers on the resulting fragment of first-order logic. Then, in Chapter 9 the same semantic intuitions underlying the refinement of the standard translation are at the basis of a constraint solver for propositional satisfiability; these decides the satisfiability of modal formulas ``layer by layer'', using constraint based algorithms as explained in the first part of the thesis. This chapter opens an interesting research topic: how efficient are constraint propagation and satisfaction algorithms for modal reasoning? Part III summarises the contents of this thesis, and concludes it by discussing some other open questions.