Incremental Dynamics Jan van Eijck Abstract: An incremental semantics for a logic with dynamic binding is developed on the basis of a variable free notation for dynamic logic that takes its cue from De Bruijn's variable free notation for lambda calculus. De Bruijn indexing replaces variables by indices which indicate the distance to their binders. We propose to use reverse De Bruijn indexing, which works almost the same, only now the indices refer to the depth of the binding operator in the formula. The indexing mechanism guarantees that active registers are never overwritten by new quantifier actions. The resulting system is analysed and applied to a new rational reconstruction of discourse representation theory. It is argued that the present system of incremental dynamic logic provides an explicit account of anaphoric context and yields new insight into the dynamics of anaphoric linking in reasoning. A calculus for dynamic reasoning with anaphora is presented and its soundness and completeness are established. Keywords and Phrases: dynamic semantics of natural language, complete calculus for dynamic reasoning with anaphora, incremental interpretation, monotonic semantics, anaphora and context. Submitted for publication in the Journal of Logic, Language and Information.