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Logic and Heresy in the Middle Ages
Call for Papers
Leeds Medieval Congress 2009
13 - 16 July

In 2009, to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the launch of the Albigensian Crusade, the International Medieval Congress has the special thematic focus Heresy and Orthodoxy.

The IMC solicits proposals for both individual papers and for groups of papers forming thematic sessions. We are planning to submit a proposal for the inclusion in the Congress of a session on logic and heresy in the Middle Ages. For this, abstracts/paper proposals are now being solicited. Some questions which we hope to address in this session include, but are not limited to:

  • What role did the church and question of orthodoxy have on the development of logic in the Middle Ages?
  • How did prohibitions restrict the dissemination of logical texts and developments?
  • Are there heresies which are specifically logical, rather than just more broadly philosophical?
  • What references do logicians make to orthodoxy and to heresy in their arguments?

1 page abstracts for papers on any of these topics should be submitted to Sara L. Uckelman at by 1 September 2008. We also encourage historical submissions discussing condemnations of certain logicians, logical texts, or logical theories, and any other topic which touches on aspects of logic and heresy.

Authors will be notified whether their paper has been selected for inclusion in the session proposal by 15 September 2008. Note that papers will only be selected for inclusion in the session proposal; the final decision of the inclusion of the session rests with the Congress organizers and will be announced sometime in early November 2008.

For more information about the Leeds Medieval Congress, see

This website is no longer maintained, and is preserved for archival purposes. It was formerly maintained by Sara L. Uckelman.