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4 PhD positions at ILLC

As part of the Marie Curie project GLoRiClass ("Games in Logic Reaching Out for Classical Game Theory"), the newly created ILLC Centre for Logic and Games invites applications for

4 PhD positions in the field of Logic and Games, (starting February 1, 2006) one for each of the four Main Themes.

Job profile

We are looking for candidates with a strong background in mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, theoretical linguistics or applied logic, and an interest in writing a dissertation on Logic and Games. The candidates are expected to have a strong interdisciplinary interest, connecting at least two of the Main Themes. While the focus of the appointment is on research training, it will include moderate teaching duties in logic-related courses. Successful candidates will have a research-oriented Master's degree (MSc/MA) or equivalent qualifications by January 31, 2006. While it is possible to hire candidates slightly later, we give preference to those that can start working in February 2006.

Formal Eligibility

Since GLoRiClass is a Marie Curie project funded by the European Commission, the European Union's strict eligibility criteria apply. Please check carefully whether you are eligible before you apply. The following brief description of the eligibility criteria is not complete. For details, please check the Handbook for Marie Curie Host Fellowships, in particular Section 5 "Which individual researchers can be funded by an EST".

  • Early Stage Component. Applicants need to be "early stage researchers". This means that they may not have a PhD degree and must be within four years of completing their Master's degree (or equivalent).
  • Mobility Component. GLoRiClass has a transnational mobility requirement for the students to be hired: they may not be Dutch nationals, and they may not have spent more than 12 months out of the last 36 in the Netherlands.

The project is mainly aimed at researchers from the European Union and the so-called associated countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Turkey; Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland). It is possible to employ nationals of other countries, but only within the limits given by the European Commission (at most 30% of total students).


The appointment will be for a period of three years (one year plus an extension by two years after a positive evaluation) and should lead to a dissertation. The gross monthly salary will be in accordance with the University regulations for academic personnel, and will range from EUR 1877 (first year) up to a maximum of EUR 2296 (third year) gross per month. In addition, there will be salary supplements according to the rules of the European Commission.

Job application

Applications should include a detailed curriculum vitae, a transcript of grades and courses from the applicants MSc degree, two letters of reference (one from the MSc thesis supervisor) and a motivated declaration of research interests (max. 1000 words). The letters of reference should be sent directly by the referees and not be included in the application sent by the applicant. Each application should clearly state for which of the four Main Themes the applicant would like to be considered (it is possible to mention more than one Main Theme).

Applications must be sent before 25 November 2005 (extended deadline) to:

ILLC Centre for Logic and Games Mrs Ingrid van Loon Universiteit van Amsterdam Plantage Muidergracht 24 1018 TV Amsterdam The Netherlands

We do not accept e-mail applications.

For more information, see the Website ILLC Centre for Logic and Games at or the Handbook for Marie Curie Host Fellowships at, Or contact Dr B. Löwe at .

Please note that this newsitem has been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.