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5 July 2005, Context Representation and Reasoning
International Workshop on
July 5, 2005 - Paris, France
Held in conjunction with the 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context
Representing and reasoning in a distributed and heterogeneous environments is becoming more and more important with the advent of the web and the ubiquitous connectivity. In the last decade, in many application areas such as, "Information Integration", "Distributed Knowledge Management", "Semantic Web", "Multi Agents Systems", "Distributed Reasoning", "Data Grid and Grid Computing", and "Peer to Peer cooperation systems", it becomes more and more relevant the capability to represent and reason on knowledge bases which are not organized as a monolithic entity, but in which knowledge is scattered in a large set of local and autonomous inter-related contexts. Representing and Reasoning on context is therefore becoming a necessity in many application areas, as most of the results in knowledge representation and automated reasoning are based on the assumption that knowledge is stored in an unique homogeneous block. In more recent years, a number of approaches to context representation and reasoning have been proposed in the different application areas, possibly under different names. This workshop has the main objective to allow the exchange of these experiences among expert in the different application areas.
- logic of context
- logics for distributed knowledge
- distributed/contextual reasoning algorithms
- reasoning with multiple ontologies
- complexity of distribute/contextual reasoning
- knowledge modularization
- information integration
- ontology/schema mapping
- ontology composition and combination
- ontologies and/vs contexts
- contextual reasoning and Semantic Web
- applications of contextual reasoning in semantic-based (distributed) systems (e.g., peer-to-peer networks, federated databases, distributed database)
- Alex Borgida - Rutgers University (USA)
- Andrei Tamillin - DIT, University of Trento (I)
- Carsten Lutz - Dresden University (D)
- Chiara Ghidini - ITC-IRST, Trento (I)
- Eyal Amir - University of Illinois (USA)
- Fausto Giunchiglia - University of Trento (I)
- Floris Roelofsen - ILLC, Amsterdam (NL)
- Frank Wolter - University of Liverpool (UK)
- Heiner Stuckenschmidt - VU Amsterdam (NL)
- Holger Wache - VU Amsterdam (NL)
- Massimo Benerecetti - Univ. Federico II Napoli (I)
- Natasha Alechina - Univ. of Nottingham (UK)
- Rich Thomason - University of Michigan (USA)
- Rolf Nossum - Høgskolen i Agder Christiansen (N)
- Stefano Zanobini - DIT University of Trento (I)
- Valeria De Paiva - Xerox PARC (USA)
- Ramanathan V. Guha - IBM Research (USA)
For CRR 2005 we are soliciting both high quality technical papers that describe research results and system demo on the relevant topic areas. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the CRR 2005 program committee and by additional expert reviewers from relevant research communities. Papers for CRR 2005 should be maximum 12 pages (technical papers) formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style. Papers can be submitted through the Context-05 web site (
Submissions due: March 25, 2005
Acceptance notification: April 15, 2005
Camera-ready papers received: April 30, 2005
Workshop: July 5, 2005
Luciano Serafinii ITC-IRST, Italy
Paolo Bouquet DIT-UniTN, italy
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