Process Theory and Equation Solving Nicoline Johanna Drost Abstract: This thesis belongs to the field of process theories and process algebras. In the first part the model of Rem and Kaldewaij for communicating processes is analyzed, which shows that their definitions in fact describe two different models, the first based on prefix-closed trace structures, the second on trace structures with complete traces. In this dissertation, both models are described in terms of signature, domain and axioms. This reveals some problematic properties of the models. The first does not enable an adequate definition of sequential composition. In the second model all previous actions are erased in case of succesful and unsuccessful communication. The models are combined into a new model that doesn't have these properties. A discinction is made between successful and unsuccessful terminations. A complete axiomatisation for this model is presented. Two operators are added that generate processes with infinitely long executions of infinite choices. Axioms for these operators are presented. The example for verification is the alternating bit protocol. The second topic in this thesis is equation solving in process algebras. This is useful for specification and implementation of systems with process algebras. Full specification with an incomplete implementation then leads to an equation. Equation solving results in a description of all solutions of missing parts. Equation solving in astract algebras also plays a role in logic programming, where it is referred to as unification. The thesis presents unification algorithms for a number of small process algebras, inspired by the algebra ACP (Bergstra and Klop). All algebras contain a non-empty set of constants for atomic actions, and a special constant for non-successful termination. The first algebra contains the nondeterministic choice operator as its only operator. This algebra is isomorphic with the algebra of sets with union and the empy set. A improved version of an existing unification algorithm for {\em sets} of equations is presented. The second algebra contains the operators nondeterministic choice and action prefix. The domain of the algebra also contains infinite processes, that are described by means of guarded recursive specifications. This algebra turns out to be finitary. An algorithm is presented that produces a complete set of most general unifiers for arbitrary sets of equations. This algorithm is based on transformation rules. When in equations choices do not contain free variables, the worst case complexity is exponential in the size of the input, otherwise it is super exponential. Thus, the algorithm is only usable in the case of small inputs. The third and last algorithm contains the operators nondeterministic choice and sequential composition. The algebra contains no finite processes. This algebra turns out to be finitary and there is thus no unification algorithm that terminates for each set of equations. An algorithm is presented that terminates for sets of equations which contain a closed term on one of the sides. For this input the worst case complexity is exponential in the length of the input if choices contain no free variables or terms that start with a variable. This algorithm is only useful for small inputs.