Definability and Interpolation: Model-theoretic investigations Eva Hoogland Abstract: In this thesis we study definability and interpolation. These are properties of logics such as compactness or decidability that have been established as yardsticks by which to measure the behavior of logics. What do they look like? In a slogan, the _Beth (definability) property_ states that implicit definability equals explicit definability. These notions will be explained in full detail in the thesis. The gist is that implicit definability is a semantic concept whereas explicit definability is a syntactic phenomenon. To say that the two forms of definability coincide (as the Beth property does) may therefore be regarded as an indication that there is a good balance between syntax and semantics of a logic. Proving that a given logic S has the Beth property usually proceeds by way of proving the _interpolation property_ for S. This property requires that any validity \phi -> \psi has an _interpolant_. That is, there exists a formula \theta in the common language of \phi, \psi, such that \phi -> \theta and \theta -> \psi are again validities. Apart from its connection with definability, interpolation is also an interesting notion in itself which points to a well-behaved deductive system. The objectives of this dissertation are fourfold. We successively * Provide ``everything you always wanted to know about definability and interpolation but were afraid to ask.'' * Relate definability to the algebraic property of surjectiveness of epimorphisms. * Offer tools for proving and disproving definability theorems and interpolation theorems. * Present plenty of examples that show that the interpolation property is much stronger than the definability property. To this end, we do two detailed case studies, viz., of guarded fragments of first order logic and of interpretability logics. Chapter 2: The aim of this introductory chapter is to make the reader familiar with the main themes of this dissertation: definability and interpolation. The chapter is written in a rather informal manner with an emphasis on giving simple examples. We discuss the precise relationship between the relevant properties, summarize the state of the art, and provide ample references to the literature. This chapter also takes a look at the matter from an algebraic perspective. Chapter 3: This chapter is of an abstract algebraic nature in which algebraic equivalents of several Beth definability properties are given. We also supply many applications of these characterizations. The chapter contains an introduction to the abstract algebraic framework(s) we are working in. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5: These chapters can be seen as case studies in which we extend known methods for proving interpolation and definability. The fourth chapter concerns interpretability logics (these are non-standard modal logics), the final chapter deals with guarded fragments of first order logic.