News and Events: Funding, Grants and Competitions

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Marie Curie: call for proposals

The 'Marie Curie Actions' have long been one of the most popular and appreciated features of the Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. They have developed significantly in orientation over time, from a pure mobility fellowships programme to a programme dedicated to stimulating researchers' career development. The 'Marie Curie Actions' have been particularly successful in responding to the needs of Europe's scientific community in terms of training, mobility and career development. This has been demonstrated by a demand in terms of highly ranked applications that in most actions extensively surpassed the available financial support.

In the Seventh Framework Programme, the 'Marie Curie Actions' have been regrouped and reinforced in the 'People' Specific Programme. Entirely dedicated to human resources in research, this Specific Programme has a significant overall budget of more than € 4,7 billion over a seven year period until 2013, which represents a 50% average annual increase over FP6.

Three Marie Curie Action calls have been published, with submission deadlines of 19th August 2008:
Intra-European Fellowships: This action aims at supporting experienced researchers at various stages of their career, helping them in acquiring new research skills (multi or interdisciplinary) or to undertake intersectoral experiences.
International Incoming Fellowships: This action aims at encouraging top class researchers from third countries to work on research projects in Europe, with a view to developing mutually beneficial research co-operations between Europe and third countries.
International Outgoing Fellowships: This action aims at encouraging top class researchers from third countries to work on research projects in Europe, with a view to developing mutually beneficial research co-operations between Europe and third countries.

For more information, see Informatie:

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