Marginalia on Sequent Calculi A.S. Troelstra Abstract: In this note we wish to draw attention to certain points of detail, concerning the subtle differences between several possible versions of Gentzen systems and systems of natural deduction. In notation and terminology we conform to [TS96]. Gentzen([Gen35]) introduced the calculi LJ, LK with left­ and right introduction rules, operating on sequents; systems of this kind are in the literature often called `sequent calculi'. Contrary to what many people think, natural deduction did not originate with Gentzen (there is, for example, the earlier work by Jaskowski, [J'as34]) although Gentzen's work made it wellknown. Versions of natural deduction are sometimes also presented as calculi operating on sequents (as in this note). For these reasons I have rejected the widely used designation `sequent calculi' for systems of the LJ,LK­type and call them `Gentzen systems' instead. (One might object that ``Gentzen systems'' might be interpreted as referring to all the formalisms discussed in Gentzen's paper, and that only `Gentzen sequent calculi' would be unambiguous. But in practice I find this too long.) On the side of the Gentzen systems, there are combinatorial differences between systems with term labels and systems without term labels attached; the customary presentation of Gentzen systems does not include term labels. Correspondingly, for natural deduction, there are the versions obeying the Complete Discharge Convention (the CDC): open assumptions are always discharged at the earliest opportunity, and versions with labelled assumption classes, isomorphic to (suitable extensions of) simple type theory. The correlation between natural deduction and Gentzen systems is usually described for Gentzen systems with term labels on the one hand, and extensions of the simple type theory on the other hand. In this note we discuss the systems and their relationships primarily for the unlabelled variants. The deductions in the systems we want to consider are, with few exceptions, represented as prooftrees with the nodes labeled by sequents $\Gamma \to A$, where $\Gamma$ is a multiset, but there are no term labels. To keep things simple, the whole discussion is carried out for intuitionistic implication logic, although there is no problem extending the discussion to full first­order intuitionistic logic. Technically, the results are simple adaptations of work by [Min96, Her95]. Possible reasons for being interested in these systems are (a) pedagogical: by comparison we see what the advantages/disadvantages of term labels are, and (b) for theorem­proving purposes, we are more interested in derivability than in derivations; natural deductions with the CDC permit representation by less data. Maybe this is useful; in any case it might be worth looking into. The version N_3 of natural deduction considered below may be seen as a presen­ tation of natural deduction under the CDC. Natural deduction under the CDC is considered to have bad combinatorial properties (no strong normalization), when compared with the standard version of natural deduction which is isomorphic to simple type theory $\lambda_\rightarrow$. On the other hand, the results in this note show that there are natural counterparts to $N_3$ on the side of the Gentzen systems ($G_2$ ,$G_5$) such that known correlations of a more static nature for the term­labeled versions in an obvious way ``project down'' onto $N_3$, $G_2$, $G_5$. In particular we shall consider normal forms on the side of the Gentzen systems (in two versions) in 1­1­correspondence with normal deductions in $N_3$. These results may be regarded as a limited rehabilitation of deductions under the CDC. Also, the results seem to point to a natural correlation between standard Gentzen systems with contraction absorbed into the rules (Kleene's G3) and natural deduction under the CDC.