$\Pi o\hat{\imath}o\nu \; \tau \grave{o}\nu\; \mu\hat{\upsilon}\theta o\nu\; \raisebox{0.5ex}{\scriptsize'$\scriptstyle{'}$}\!\!\!{\epsilon}\epsilon \imath\pi\epsilon\varsigma;$ Rhetorical Questions in Ancient Greek Evert van Emde Boas Abstract: In Ancient Greek, as in any other language, the interrogative sentence type is not always used in what we would consider 'normal' questions, those that elicit information from the addressee. If we take that function to be the default, the fact that questions can also be used to assert something calls for an explanation. Such explanations have been sought in linguistic pragmatic theory on speech acts and implicatures. This is also the approach taking in the present thesis, based on a model by van Eemeren and Grootendorst.