Clocks, Trees and Stars in Process Theory Wan Fokkink Abstract: Process algebra, or process theory, constitutes an attempt to reason about `behaviours of systems' in a mathematical framework. Starting from a syntax, each syntactic object is supplied with some kind of behaviour, and a semantic equivalence says which behaviours are to be identified. (Bisimulation is such a semantic equivalence.) Process algebra expresses semantic equivalences in axioms, or equational laws. It requires that a set of axioms is sound (i.e. if two behaviours can be equated, then they are semantically equivalent), and it desires that it is complete (i.e. if two behaviours are semantically equivalent, then they can be equated). Process algebra can be applied to prove correctness of system behaviour. It enables to express (un)desirable properties of the behaviour of a system in an abstract way, and to deduce by mathematical manipulations whether or not the behaviour satisfies such a property. Forty years ago, Kleene introduced a binary operator x*y, called iteration or Kleene star. The process x*y can choose to execute either x, after which it evolves into x*y again, or y, after which it terminates. In Chapter 3 it is proved that BPA extended with iteration, modulo bisimulation, is axiomatized completely by the five standard axioms for BPA together with three extra axioms for iteration. In Chapter 2 it is proved that basic CCS extended with prefix iteration a*x, where the left argument is restricted to atomic actions, is axiomatized completely, modulo bisimulation, by the four standard axioms for basic CCS together with two extra axioms for prefix iteration. In order to describe a semantic equivalence by means of axioms, it is essential that such an equivalence is a congruence. Groote and Vaandrager proved that behaviours generated by well-founded Plotkin rules in the tyft/tyxt format are always a congruence for strong bisimulation. In Chapter 4 it is shown that the well-foundedness restriction can be omitted in this congruence result. This follows from a stronger result, which says that for each collection of transitions rules in tyft/tyxt format, there is an equivalent collection of transition rules in the more restrictive tree format. In Chapter 5, a classic result from unification theory, which says that if a finite set of equations allows a unifier then it allows an idempotent most general unifier, is generalized to infinite sets. In Chapter 6, a subalgebra of the regular processes in ACPrI with recursion is determined, such that for each pair of processes p and q in this algebra, their merge p||q is in this algebra too. The subalgebra is very specific, because if it is enlarged or restricted in any obvious way, then this elimination result is lost. The discovered algebra is equal to the class of timed automata of Alur and Dill. In Chapter 7 it is proved that strong bisimulation equivalence for the timed process algebra ACPrI is decidable, i.e. for each pair of terms in ACPrI it can be decided whether or not they are bisimilar. Finally, Chapter 8 presents a complete axiomatization for Basic Process Algebra extended with the constants silent step and deadlock and recursion and time,