Metric and Layered Temporal Logic for Time Granularity Angelo Montanari Abstract: This dissertation is about the design of temporal logics that deal with changing time granularities. Time granularity can be defined as the resolution power of the temporal qualification of a statement. Providing a formalism with the concept of time granularity makes it possible to specify time information with respect to differently-grained temporal domains. This does not merely mean that one can use different time units--say, months and days--to represent time quantities in a unique flat temporal model, but it involves more difficult semantic issues related to the problem of assigning a proper meaning to the association of statements with the different temporal domains of a layered temporal model and of switching from one domain to a coarser/finer one. The original motivation of the work was the design of a temporal logic suitable for the specification of real-time systems whose components evolve according to different time scales (granular real-time systems). Nevertheless, there are significant similarities between the problems it addressed and those dealt with by the current research on logics that deal with changing contexts and perspectives. The design of these types of logics is emerging as a relevant research topic in the broader area of combination of logics, theories, and structures, at the intersection of logic with artificial intelligence, computer science, and computational linguistics. In this dissertation, we devised suitable combination techniques both to define temporal logics and to prove logical properties of these logics, such as completeness and decidability. We proposed a metric and layered temporal logic for time granularity, and we showed how to use it to specify granular real-time systems. We started by considering the purely metric fragment in isolation. We defined a general two-sorted framework where a number of metric temporal logics, having a different expressive power, can be defined as suitable combinations of a temporal component and an algebraic one. Then, we exploited the proposed framework to study completeness issues for the various systems of metric temporal logic. Despite their relevance, these issues have been ignored or only partially addressed in the literature. The next step was the definition of a many-layer metric temporal logic, embedding the notion of time granularity. We identified the main functionalities a logic for time granularity must support and the constraints it must satisfy. In particular, we identified the set of properties constraining the relations between time instants belonging to different layers. Then, we axiomatically defined a metric and layered temporal logic, viewed as the combination of a number of differently-grained (single-layer) metric temporal logics, and we studied its logical properties. We devoted a special attention to the decidability problem. We identified relevant classes of metric and layered temporal structures, and showed that the corresponding theories are decidable. More precisely, we proved the decidability of the validity and satisfiability problems for the theory of finitely-layered metric temporal structures, and for two relevant theories of omega-layered metric temporal structures. These decidability results provide useful insights about the relations between many-layer and flat metric temporal systems, e.g., they answer the natural question whether, and under which conditions, many-layer temporal systems can be reduced to flat ones. In the last part of the dissertation, we concentrated on the problem of executing metric and layered temporal logics. However, instead of proposing any specific-system oriented solution, we devised a general set-theoretic translation method which has a value of its own, and whose range of applicability is not restricted to temporal logics.