Belief Dynamics. (Epistemo)logical Investigations Allard Tamminga Abstract: This thesis deals with the dynamics of belief. In three interconnected, though independent studies, a viable alternative to foundational approaches in epistemology is explored. Rather than accept the research agenda dictated by traditional epistemology, with its stress on the pursuit of conditions under which our beliefs are justified or even true, the present work follows the lead of American pragmatism, and focusses on the articulation and defense of criteria according to which a change of mind may be judged legitimate. The second and third chapters discuss the attempts of two pragmatist philosophers, Charles Sanders Peirce and Isaac Levi, to formulate and to formalize the belief-doubt-belief model, a model that sets out to set forth systematically the optimal strategies according to which to change our minds. In the course of this undertaking, more and more logical considerations come to the fore, culminating in a discussion and an evaluation of formal systems for belief change. It is argued that belief change systems, despite the naturalistic setting in which they were first conceived, have outgrown their pragmatist origin and have metamorphosed into a branch of philosophical logic, where empirical considerations have become obsolete. To restore the connection between logical theory and epistemological practice, a case is made for reformulations of belief change systems that are cleared from elements that obstruct practical applications and empirical tests. In the fourth chapter, a belief change system is presented that (1) uses finite representations of epistemic states, (2) can deal with inconsistencies adequately, (3) has finite operations of change, (4) can do without, but does not rule out, extra-logical elements, and (5) only licenses consistent beliefs. An Appendix, where the underlying logic of the belief change system of the fourth chapter is studied proof-theoretically, concludes the thesis.