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17-19 September 2009, "Logic, Language, Mathematics", A Philosophy Conference in Memory of Imre Rusza, Budapest, Hungary
The conference, part of the annual conference series "LANGUAGE, UNDERSTANDING, INTERPRETATION", is held in memory of Imre Ruzsa (1921-2008), the father of modern philosophical logic in Hungary. His professional interests centered around modal logic, intensional logic, modeling natural language in systems of intensional logic, and the foundations of logic and mathematics. He always thought of his generalization of A. N. Prior's concept of semantic value gaps to quantified, intensional and type-theoretic systems as his most important contribution to logic.
For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Andras Mate at mate at
Contributions for 20-minute panel-presentations are sought in philosophical logic, mathematical logic, formal semantics, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of language. Plenary talks will be in English; some of the afternoon panels are held in English, some in Hungarian. Graduate students are encouraged to submit. Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2009.
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