News and Events: MoL and PhD defenses

Headlines MoL and PhD defenses

MoL and PhD defenses

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    (New) 3 February 2025, PhD Defense, Dmitry Grinko

    Date & Time: Monday 3 February 2025, 14:00
    Title: Mixed Schur–Weyl duality in quantum information
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Harry Buhrman
    Copromotor: Māris Ozols
    For more information, see here or contact Dmitry Grinko at .
  • 20 February 2025, Master of Logic defense, Laura Hernandez Martin

    Date & Time: Thursday 20 February 2025, 10:00
    Title: The Epistemology of Privacy
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Tom Schoonen
  • 21 February 2025, Master of Logic defense, Alex Stan

    Date & Time: Friday 21 February 2025, 13:15
    Title: Perceiving What Could Be
    Location: Room TBA, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Tom Schoonen
  • 10 April 2025, Master of Logic defense, Daan in de Braekt

    Date & Time: Thursday 10 April 2025, 15:00
    Title: Quantum State Preparation using Adaptive Circuits
    Location: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ronald de Wolf & Niels Neumann