Collaborations and Consortia

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation is involved in several (international) collaborations and consortia. 


  • The Centre for Communication, Cognition and Computation

    This research centre is a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and the University of Amsterdam at the interface of Cognition, Logic, Language and Computational Models. Topics of focus include but are not limited to

    • Interaction in communication, reasoning and learning
    • Human machine interaction
    • Integrating modelling and experimental methods

    Our aim is to bring together researchers working on these areas using a variety of formal and experimental methods coming from psychology, logic, mathematics, computer science, linguistics and cognitive modelling. We are particularly interested in cognitive and logical processes that we observe in interactions in populations as well as interactions of individuals with their environment.

  • Indo-European Research and Training Network in Logic

    The Indo-European Research and Training Network in Logic (IERTNiL) aims to increase collaboration between India and the European institutions in research and research training in logic, with a special emphasis on logic in mathematics and computer science. To attain this aim, the network funds research visits of Indian researchers to Europe and vice versa, training visits of Indian students and junior researchers to Europe, training courses offered in India or Europe, and research events in India or Europe co-organized by European and Indian researchers. IERTNiL is funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften of the Universität Hamburg. The network is active from 1 October 2013 to 1 October 2016. While the network has officially ended last year, we have one final application deadline in April 2017 to use remaining funds.

  • Joint Research Centre for Logic

    The Joint Research Centre for Logic (JRC)  is a special collaborative partnership between Beijing-based Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam, ILLC. Officially opened in September 2013, the JRC provides an institutional framework for furthering close cooperation between staff members in research and training in logic, including its applications in philosophy, computer science, linguistics, cognitive science and other relevant disciplines. The mission of the Joint Research Centre is to foster collaborative research, joint training and education, and other scholarly activities of its members that contribute to the study of logic in a broad sense.


    Paris, Amsterdam, and London host a lively group of young researchers working at the interface of logic, language, and theories of rationality. PALLMYR brings them together. PALLMYR is a series of yearly meetings taking place alternatively in Amsterdam, Paris, and London. At each PALLMYR meeting, visitors give talks about their current research interests, each presentation being commented by a fellow researcher from the host town.

  • A cross-linguistic investigation of meaning-driven combinatorial restrictions in clausal embedding

    MECORE is a research project on formal semantics, jointly funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 

    The project will pursue an integrated approach to investigate the relation and interaction between semantic properties of clause-embedding predicates and their selectional properties, by combining cross-linguistic data-collection and experimental semantics with the development of unified theoretical analyses. Please see About for details of the project.

    It will run concurrently in Edinburgh (co-Principal Investigator: Dr Wataru Uegaki + 1 Postdoctoral Researcher), Konstanz (co-Principal Investigator: Prof Maribel Romero + 1 Postdoctoral Researcher), and Amsterdam (Co-Investigator: Dr Floris Roelofsen).

  • Quantum Software Consortium

    01 Nov 2017 - 30 Jun 2027



    Quantum computers and networks hold great promise to revolutionize information and communication technologies. Applications of large-scale quantum computers have been known and studied since the mid-1990’s, but their realization is still relatively far into the future. The expected availability, during the coming decade, of small-scale qubit platforms and networks brings the exciting possibility to pioneer quantum algorithms and protocols for few-qubit applications. The Quantum Software Consortium unites researchers from computer science, mathematics, and physics to develop and demonstrate quantum software. (link)


  • Computational Agent

    1 Jan 2022 - 30 Jun 2024

    Research Project, funded by the UK’s EPSRC at the universities of Manchester and Leeds.

    Engineered systems are becoming more complex and, increasingly, more autonomous; However, it has become clear that simple ethical principles, such as good/bad or right/wrong, are insufficient to capture high-level autonomous decision-making and that we need stronger concepts of "responsibility" in practice.

    In this multi-disciplinary project we aim to devise a framework for autonomous systems responsibility that is philosophically justifiable, effectively implementable, and practically verifiable.

  • Philosophy of Language and Mind (PLM)

    PLM is a European network of centers devoted to the Philosophy of Language and Mind. PLM was founded in 2010 and organizes international conferences, workshop and master classes taught by leading experts in the field.

  • Language in Interaction

    1 Jul 2013 - 20 Jun 2023

    Human language is the most powerful communication system that evolution has produced. It is the basis of culture and social life. It comes in many forms (> 6000 languages today). At the same time it is deeply rooted in the neurobiology of the human brain. The overarching quest of our programme is to account for, and understand, the balance between universality and variability at all relevant levels of the language system and the interplay with different cognitive systems, such as memory, action, and cognitive control.To achieve this, Language in Interaction brings together 50 researchers from eight universities and one research institute within the Netherlands to understand this unique capacity in its full glory.

    The consortium was awarded a very substantial subsidy for 10 years within the Gravitation programme. This programme, initiated by the Dutch government and NWO, encourages outstanding and innovative research by consortia of top researchers in the Netherlands. (link)

  • QT21: Cracking the language barrier

    1 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2017



    Quality Translation 21 is a machine translation project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 645452. (link)

  • EXPERT: EXPloiting Empirical appRoaches to Translation

    1 Oct 2013 - 30 Sep 2017

    EXPERT (EXPloiting Empirical appRoaches to Translation) aims to train young researchers, namely Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs), to promote the research, development and use of hybrid language translation technologies. The overall objective of EXPERT is to provide innovative research and training in the field of Translation memory and Machine Translation Technologies to 15 Marie Curie Fellows. (link)

  • ESSENCE: Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments

    1 Nov 2012 - 31 Oct 2017


    In everyday life, humans exhibit strong skills in resolving communication problems by re-negotiating what they mean. Modern-day computational systems, however, are lacking in resilience and robustness in this respect. Whenever different components with different vocabularies and models of meaning interact within distributed, open enviroments, they have to rely on their human designers’ abilities to resolve problems of miscommunication.

    The aim of the ESSENCE network is to translate these abilities of natural communicating systems to computational systems in order to improve their resilience and robustness, and by doing so to also make these systems more comprehensible to human users. To this end, we will bring together research on phenomena observed in human communication with research from areas that investigate heterogeneous computational communicating systems.

  • COST Action on Computational Social Choice

    30 Nov 2012 to 30 Nov 2016



    COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology), founded in 1971, is the longest-running European framework facilitating the cooperation of scientists, engineers, and scholars across national borders. COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice was a European research network funded by COST that ran from 2012 to 2016 and was coordinated at the ILLC. The network was set up to provide a common platform for research in this field across Europe and beyond. It involved 32 European countries and supported over 500 individual researchers.