News Archives 2013

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Past Events

  • 20 December 2013, SMART Cognitive Science / Amsterdam Colloquium

    Date: Friday 20 December 2013
    Title: SMART Cognitive Debate on the Future of Semantics
  • 19 December 2013, Beth Lecture, John F. Horty

    Date & Time: Thursday 19 December 2013, 20:00
    Speaker: John F. Horty
    Title: Common Law Reasoning
    Location: Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 421

    The aim of this talk to offer a formal understanding of common law reasoning -- especially the nature of this reasoning, but also its point, or justification, in terms of social coordination. I will present two, possibly three, formal models of the common law, and argue for one according to which courts are best thought of, not as creating and modifying rules, but as generating a priority ordering on reasons. The work draws on bits of logic, and also on research in artificial intelligence and law; it contributes to legal theory, and also, possibly, to applied ethics.

    For more information, please contact
  • 18-20 December 2013, Amsterdam Colloquium 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 18-20 December 2013
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 September 2013

    The Amsterdam Colloquia aim at bringing together linguists, philosophers, logicians, cognitive scientists and computer scientists who share an interest in the formal study of the semantics and pragmatics of natural and formal languages.

    The 2013 edition will be held at the University of Amsterdam on 18-20 December and will be collocated with the 17th SemDial workshop (DialDam).

    The 19th Amsterdam Colloquium will feature two workshops on Quantitative Data and on Modals; a special session on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, jointly organized with the SemDial Workshop; and one evening lecture, jointly organized with the E.W. Beth Foundation.

    For more information, see

  • 16-18 December 2013, Workshop on "Questions in Discourse", Amsterdam

    Date: 16-18 December 2013
    Location: Amsterdam

    The workshop is concerned with the semantics and pragmatics of questions, question-embedding expressions, and constructions that are sensitive to the questions that are under discussion in a given discourse (e.g. topic and focus markers). The workshop is collocated with SemDial and the Amsterdam Colloquium.

    For more information, see

  • 16-18 December 2013, The 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2013), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 16-18 December 2013
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 10 November 2013

    DialDam will be the 17th edition of the SemDial workshop series, which aims to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. In 2013 the workshop will be hosted by the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, and will be collocated with the Amsterdam Colloquium.

    The list of accepted full papers is online and registration is open. For more information, see the website at or contact .

  • 13 December 2013, ILLC Midwinter Colloquium 2013

    Date: Friday 13 December 2013
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.

    For more information, see

  • 11 December 2013, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Milos Stanojevic

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 December 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Milos Stanojevic
    Title: Evaluating Reordering for Machine Translation
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 11 December 2013, Knowledge, Argumentation & Games

    Date: 11 December 2013
    Location: Room 0.20, Roeterseiland Building E, Roetersstraat 11, Amsterdam

    The central topic of this workshop is knowledge, argumentation and games. The workshop will create an opportunity for philosophers and logicians to meet and present their work on this topic.

    For more information, see

  • 9 December 2013, Visit of UvA philosophy department, ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    Date: Monday 9 December 2013
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    In order to strengthen the ties between ILLC and the department of philosophy, the department of philosophy will have their 'afdelingsborrel' in the common room of the ILLC on Monday 9 December 2013 t. This event was initially planned for 28 October last, but was then canceled because of bad wheather condition. Before the 'borrel', we have organised a short scientific session as well, with three 10-minutes talks featuring:

    - Christian Skirke: Does it Matter Who's Right? A Few Remarks on Disagreement.
    - Michiel van Lambalgen: Kant, developmental psychology and time
    - Ulle Endriss: Justice and Computation

    The scientific session starts at 16.30. Everybody is invited, also for the 'borrel' afterwards.

    For more information, contact .

  • 6 December 2013, Cool Logic, Yuning Feng

    Date & Time: Friday 6 December 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Yuning Feng
    Title: Delicacies without a recipe – Hilbert's Tenth Problem is unsolvable!
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 6 December 2013, DIP Colloquium, Natasha Korotkova

    Date & Time: Friday 6 December 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Natasha Korotkova (Los Angelas and Paris)
    Title: Embedding evidentials across languages
    Location: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 5 December 2013, False-belief tasks and logic, Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    Date & Time: Thursday 5 December 2013, 10:00-15:00
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    False-belief tasks play a prominent role in the study of social cognition. They have been designed to track the ability to attribute false-belief, i.e., to recognize that others may have different beliefs about the world. The experimental results are fairly consistent: most normally developing children are unable to pass the tasks until around age four. Acquiring the ability to pass false belief-tasks seems to be a milestone in the development of one's theory of mind. Psychologists and cognitive scientists have been actively trying to pin down the mental resources responsible for the ability. In parallel, logicians have been recently trying to understand formal and computational aspects of the false-belief reasoning. The workshop will bring together various perspectives on the formal modeling of false-belief tasks. The workshop is open to everyone interested in logic and cognitive science.

    For more information, see

  • 4 December 2013, Wittgenstein film evening

    Date & Time: Wednesday 4 December 2013, 19:30-23:00
    Speaker: Martin Stokhof
    Location: Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 421, Amsterdam

    AmFiBi (in collaboration with Logic and Linguistic Turns) organizes a Wittgenstein film evening with a.o. projection of the film "Wittgenstein" by Derek Jarman. Martin Stokhof will introduce the films.

    For more information, contact

  • 4 December 2013, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Facundo Carreiro

    Date & Time: Wednesday 4 December 2013, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Facundo Carreiro
    Title: Coalgebraic Announcement Logics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh ().

  • 3 December 2013, Logic Tea, Dominik Klein

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 December 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Dominik Klein
    Title: Epistemic Logic and Category Theory
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (), Johannes Marti () or Masa Mocnik ().

    Or see here.

  • 3 December 2013, ACG Colloquium, Joost Winter

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 December 2013, 14:00
    Speaker: Joost Winter
    Title: Arden's rule and the Kleene-Schützenberger theorem
    Location: Room L.202, CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam
  • 2-4 December 2013, LOGICIC Workshop 2013: Social Dynamics of Information Change, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 2-4 December 2013
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    This workshop will create a platform for researchers coming from different fields to present their work and exchange ideas on the topic of social dynamics of information change. We look both at already-established work as well as the possible new connections that can emerge between the areas of logic, belief revision theory, learning theory, game theory and social science.

    We are particularly interested in the conceptual-theoretical work as well as in the applications of formal models to specific multi-agent scenarios in which belief revision plays a crucial role. In contrast to the classical single-agent approach to Belief Revision Theory, the new developments from the area of Logic and Game Theory make it now possible to pursue a multi-agent perspective. Similarly, the study of the iterated belief revision procedures can benefit from the work on learning strategies in Formal Learning Theory. Bringing the ideas from these different areas together allows us to put forward new theoretical work which can lead to new modeling techniques and offer a better understanding of puzzling social-informational phenomena (such as pluralistic ignorance, the bandwagoning effect, group polarization, etc.).

    For more information see

  • 29 November 2013, DIP Colloquium, Philippe Schlenker

    Date & Time: Friday 29 November 2013, 15:00-16:30
    Speaker: Philippe Schlenker (Paris)
    Title: Monkey-Semantics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 28 November 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alessandra Palmigiano

    Date & Time: Thursday 28 November 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Alessandra Palmigiano (TU Delft)
    Title: Multi-type display calculi for dynamic logics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 22 November 2013, Cool Logic, Chris Mierzewski

    Date & Time: Friday 22 November 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Chris Mierzewski
    Title: Bridging Bayesian Probability and AGM Revision via Stability Principles
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 22 November 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi

    Date & Time: Friday 22 November 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Umberto Grandi
    Title: From Sentiment Analysis to Preference Aggregation
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 22 November 2013, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Max Louwerse

    Date & Time: Friday 22 November 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Max Louwerse (Tilburg, Memphis)
    Title: Symbol Interdependency: Language Encodes Perceptual Relations
    Location: Room F001, OMHP, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam
  • 21 November 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Dominik Klein

    Date & Time: Thursday 21 November 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Dominik Klein (Tilburg)
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 21 November 2013, Crosslinguistic Semantics [XLSX], Igor Yanovich (MIT, Tubingen)

    Date & Time: Thursday 21 November 2013, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Igor Yanovich (MIT, Tubingen)
    Title: The many faces of a modal with different forces
    Location: Vendelstraat 307 (old location philosophy dept), Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or contact

  • 20 November 2013, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Sumit Sourabh

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 November 2013, 16:30-18:00
    Speaker: Sumit Sourabh
    Title: An algebraic approach to cut-elimination for substructural logics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh ().

  • 20 November 2013, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Andreas Van Cranenburgh

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 November 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Andreas Van Cranenburgh
    Title: Discontinuous Parsing with an Efficient and Accurate DOP Model
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 19 November 2013, Logic Tea, Alessandra Marra

    Date & Time: Tuesday 19 November 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Alessandra Marra
    Title: A dynamic perspective on obligations; The case of the Miners' Paradox
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (), Johannes Marti () or Masa Mocnik ().

    Or see here.

  • 19 November 2013, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Andreas Eisele

    Date & Time: Tuesday 19 November 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Andreas Eisele
    Title: MT@EC: Serving the Multilingual Needs of the European Institutions
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 15 November 2013, LeGO Seminar, Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen

    Date & Time: Friday 15 November 2013, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen
    Title: Suppositional Inquisitive Semantics
    Location: Room C2.05, OMHP, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    For more information and an abstract, see

  • 15-16 November 2013, First annual conference of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam

    Date: 15-16 November 2013
    Location: Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Deadline: 20 May 2013

    The Nederlandse Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte (OZSW), or the Dutch Research School of Philosophy, was established at the end of 2012. It incorporates the former Onderzoeksschool Ethiek (OZSE). The OZSW is an initiative of 11 departments at Dutch universities doing research in philosophy. Its general purpose is to strengthen the discipline of philosophy by promoting and facilitating collaboration between the participating universities in the areas of research and the training of young researchers (PhD students and Research Master students). This annual conference is one of its activities.

    For more information, see

  • 14 November 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Rohit Parikh (CUNY)

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 November 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Rohit Parikh (CUNY)
    Title: Knowledge from Inadvertant and Strategic Communication
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
  • 12 November 2013, ACG Colloquium, Robbert Krebbers

    Date & Time: Tuesday 12 November 2013, 14:15
    Speaker: Robbert Krebbers (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
    Title: Moessner's Theorem: an Exercise in Coinductive Reasoning in Coq
    Location: Room L.120, CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam
  • 12 November 2013, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)

    Date: Tuesday 12 November 2013
    Location: Room L120, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    COIN, or Coalgebra in the Netherlands, is a seminar taking place alternating at the Radboud University Nijmegen and the CWI in Amsterdam. The aim of COIN is to bring together coalgebra researchers from various locations in the Netherlands, and share current results and questions in the world of coalgebra. We welcome presentations on any subject related to coalgebra.

    The next COIN meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 12 November 2013, at the CWI, in room L120. As usual, everyone who is interested is cordially invited to come. The schedule is as follows:
    13:30 - 14:15 Jan Rutten (CWI/RU) Syntactic Monoids and Their Dual
    14:15 - 15:00 Robbert Krebbers (RU) Moessner's Theorem: an Exercise in Coinductive Reasoning in Coq
    15:15 - 16:00 Jurriaan Rot (LIACS/CWI) Combining Bialgebraic Semantics and Equations

    For more information, see

  • 11 November 2013, Public kick-off embedded research projects CIRCA and Center for Digital Humanities

    Date: Monday 11 November 2013
    Location: Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    CIRCA and the Center for Digital Humanities start a second round of embedded research projects with partners from the creative industries and e-humanities. To celebrate this we would like to invite you for a public kick-off of the new embedded research projects.

    For more information, see

  • 8 November 2013, Cool Logic, Paula Chocron

    Date & Time: Friday 8 November 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Paula Chocron
    Title: Dealing with multiple theories: The combination problem in SMT solving
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 7 November 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Bouke Kuijer

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 November 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Bouke Kuijer (Groningen)
    Title: The Expressivity of Public Substitutions in Dynamic Epistemic Logic: A Guided Tour
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 5 November 2013, Logic Tea, Luca Spada

    Date & Time: Tuesday 5 November 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Luca Spada
    Title: Many-valued logics: an overview with motivations, tools, and open problems
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (), Johannes Marti () or Masa Mocnik ().

    Or see here.

  • 1 November 2013, Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam (TCSA) Day

    Date & Time: Friday 1 November 2013, 14:00-17:00
    Speaker: Ronald de Wolf, Andrew Polonsky (VU), Gunnar Klau (CWI, VU)
    Location: CWI Room L017, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

    The TCSA Day is intended to be an annual event, taking place in the Fall, to alternate with the national NVTI Theory Day that takes place in Spring. The event is organized jointly by CWI, UvA, and VU, and its aim is to foster cooperation among the various TCS-reseachers in and around Amsterdam. The program consists of three talks by researchers from CWI, UvA, and VU:

    For more information, see

  • 1 November 2013, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil-day 2013 (NAP dag), University of Amsterdam

    Date: Friday 1 November 2013
    Location: University of Amsterdam
    Deadline: 27 September 2013

    Each fall, the ACLC organizes the Nieuw Amsterdams Peil-day, commonly abbreviated to "the NAP-dag". This is a day on which PhD candidates from the ACLC and ILLC involved in linguistic research can present their work. The 2013 "NAP-dag" will be on Friday, November 1.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 31 October 2013, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Luc Steels (Brussels, Paris, Barcelona)

    Date & Time: Thursday 31 October 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Luc Steels (Brussels, Paris, Barcelona)
    Title: Fluid Construction Grammar
    Location: Building P (Euclides), room 2.27

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 31 October 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa seminar, Sven Ove Hansson

    Date & Time: Thursday 31 October 2013, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Sven Ove Hansson
    Title: Descriptor revision and epistemic accessibility
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 31 October 2013, Workshop "Language Development and Robots"

    Date & Time: Thursday 31 October 2013, 11:00
    Location: Symposiumzaal (Room 0.03), Building H, Roeterseiland complex, Amsterdam

    The central topic of this workshop is natural language learning and invention using (robotic) agents. The speakers are Michael Franke, Paul Vogt, Michael Spranger, and Simon Pauw. The workshop is concluded with a public SMART lecture by Luc Steels in a different building.

    For more information, see

  • 30 October 2013, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Johannes Marti

    Date & Time: Wednesday 30 October 2013, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Johannes Marti
    Title: Terminal Sequences and Their Coalgebras
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh ().

  • 28 October 2013, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Benedikt Loewe

    Date & Time: Monday 28 October 2013, 18:00-19:00
    Speaker: Benedikt Loewe
    Title: How did Kurt Goedel prove both a completeness theorem and an incompleteness theorem?
    Location: AUC common room, Science Park 113, Amsterdam

    The lecture is organised for the 1st year students following the course 'Logic, Information flow and Argumentation'. It is open and anyone interested is welcome to attend.

    For more information, see the AUC website at

  • 28 October 2013, Visit of UvA philosophy department

    Date: Monday 28 October 2013
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    On Monday 28 October 2013 the philosophy department will visit the ILLC in order to strengthen the ties between the two. After three short talks by Benedikt Loewe, Michiel van Lambalgen and Christian Skirke drinks will be served.

    For more information, contact

  • 25 October 2013, Cool Logic, Johannes Emerich and Nikhil Maddirala

    Date & Time: Friday 25 October 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Johannes Emerich and Nikhil Maddirala
    Title: Of Steel Mills and Ivory Towers: Thinking About the Future of Higher Education
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 25 October 2013, DIP Colloquium, Manfred Krifka

    Date & Time: Friday 25 October 2013, 14:00-15:30
    Speaker: Manfred Krifka (Berlin)
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 25 October 2013, 10 Years Bachelor/Master Programmes in Information Sciences at the UvA

    Date: Friday 25 October 2013

    On 25 October 2013 the University of Amsterdam will celebrate the 10-year anniversary of its Bachelor and Master programmes in the Information Sciences with an event for staff, students, and alumni. These programmes include the ILLC's Master of Logic, which in 2003 changed from to a 2-year programme from its original 1-year format.

    All members of the ILLC, and all past and current students are cordially invited. For details and to register, please visit

    For more information, please contact .

  • 24 October 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Ivano Ciardelli

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 October 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Ivano Ciardelli
    Title: Inquisitive dynamic epistemic logi
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 24 October 2013, General Mathematics Colloquium, Benno van den Berg

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 October 2013, 11:15-12:15
    Speaker: Benno van den Berg
    Title: Nonstandard analysis and proof theory
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 22 October 2013, Logic Tea, Zoe Christoff

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 October 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Zoe Christoff
    Title: Social Influence without Transparency
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Guus Eelink (), Johannes Marti () or Masa Mocnik ().

    For an abstract, see here.

  • 21 October 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Christian Geist (Munich)

    Date & Time: Monday 21 October 2013, 11:00
    Speaker: Christian Geist (Munich)
    Title: Finding Strategyproof Social Choice Functions via SAT Solving
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 19 October 2013, Life after ILLC!

    Date & Time: Saturday 19 October 2013, 13:30-18:00
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The purpose of this event is to bring together MoL students, PhD Candidates and ILLC postdocs, with ILLC alumni (MoL or PhD) that are pursuing either academic or non academic careers.

    The speakers will talk about their current occupations and the challenges and differences they faced when looking for a job inside or outside the academic world. The ILLC will invite all participants for drinks.

    For more information, see or contact the PhD Council at .

  • 18 October 2013, Workshop Tsinghua Meets the ILLC, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    Date: Friday 18 October 2013
    Location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    "Tsinghua Meets..." is a new series of workshops that Tsinghua University is going to host. It will take place annually. The idea is to create a platform for Tsinghua logicians, as well as those researchers from neighbouring universities, to meet other research groups in the world, discuss ongoing works and establish future collaborations.

    We are happy to open the new series of “Tsinghua Meets..." with a meeting with researchers at the ILLC, University of Amsterdam. We have invited researchers who are either from Tsinghua or the ILLC, or have closely worked with researchers in these institutions, to present their recent work and exchange ideas for future collaboration. We will have a panel discussion to explore further possibilities of joint project, including joint grant applications.

    For more information, see

  • 16 October 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Eyvind Briseid

    Date & Time: Wednesday 16 October 2013, 15:45-16:45
    Speaker: Eyvind Briseid
    Title: On functional interpretations for systems of nonstandard arithmetic
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg ().
  • 16 October 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Fabio Pasquali

    Date & Time: Wednesday 16 October 2013, 14:15-15:15
    Speaker: Fabio Pasquali
    Title: Sheaves and Cauchy-complete Categories in Doctrines
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg ().
  • 16 October 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Luca Spada

    Date & Time: Wednesday 16 October 2013, 13:00-14:00
    Speaker: Luca Spada
    Title: General affine adjunctions, Nullstellensätze, and dualities
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg ().
  • 16 October 2013, BetaBreak

    Date & Time: Wednesday 16 October 2013, 12:00 - 13:00
    Speaker: Jeremy Butcher, Rop Gonggrijp, Christian Schaffner
    Title: Cryptografie
    Location: FNWI building (central hall), Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The BètaBreak of Wednesday, October 16th is all about cryptography. But what does it mean: cryptography? How can you encrypt your data, and how safe is it? What is the status of quantum cryptography? And how safe is digital data for intelligence agencies and privacy?

    This summer Edward Snowden, a computer security specialist at the U.S. National Security Agency, blew the whistle on the practices of that service. Together with the British GCHQ they eavesdrop on much of the Internet traffic, including encrypted communications. They do this by forcing major Internet to transfer data, but also to crack the encryption or even weaken it beforehand. Thus cryptography - essential for safe Internet - becomes less reliable: for e-mail, but also for banking.

    Wednesday 16 October, the BètaBreak will be in the central hall of the Faculty of Science building at the Science Park, and we will discuss these subjects with the following guests:

    • Jeremy Butcher of the Crypto unit at IT security company Fox-IT, which in the Netherlands plays a key role in the investigation of and protection against IT security incidents.
    • Rop Gonggrijp, editor-in-chief of the hacker magazine Hack-Tic, founder of XS4ALL, creator of the Cryptophone and captain of 'Wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet' ('we do not trust voting computers').
    • Christian Schaffner, assistant professor at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), and researcher in the field of quantum cryptography.

    For more information, see

  • 11 October 2013, Cool Logic, Mathias Winther Madsen

    Date & Time: Friday 11 October 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Mathias Winther Madsen
    Title: Kelly Gambling and the Relevance of Information
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact . You can read the paper this talk will be based on at

  • 9 October 2013, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Luca Spada (ILLLC and University of Salerno)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 9 October 2013, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Luca Spada (ILLLC and University of Salerno)
    Title: Two isomorphism criteria for directed colimits
    Location: ILLC seminar room (F1.15), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    Using the general notions of finite presentable and finitely generated object introduced by Gabriel and Ulmer
    in 1971, we prove that, in any category, two sequences of finitely presentable objects and morphisms (or two sequences of finitely generated objects and monomorphisms) have isomorphic colimits (=direct limits) if, and only if, they are confluent. The latter means that the two given sequences can be connected by a back-and-forth sequence of morphisms that is cofinal on each side, and commutes with the sequences at each finite stage. We illustrate
    the criterion by applying the abstract results to varieties (=equationally definable classes) of algebras, and mentioning applications to non-equational examples.

    For more information, contact

  • 8 October 2013, Logic Tea, Jonathan Shaheen

    Date & Time: Tuesday 8 October 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Jonathan Shaheen
    Title: Ambiguity Tests and the Lexicon
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Johannes Marti ().

    For an abstract, see here.

  • 4 October 2013, Cool Logic, Ásgeir Berg Matthíasson

    Date & Time: Friday 4 October 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Ásgeir Berg Matthíasson
    Title: Are there true contradictions? Paraconsistent logic and dialetheism
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 2 October 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Toby Walsh

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 October 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Toby Walsh
    Title: The PeerRank Method
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 27 September 2013, DIP Colloquium, Derek Ball

    Date & Time: Friday 27 September 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Derek Ball (St Andrews)
    Title: Relativism, Metasemantics, and the Future
    Location: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 September 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Twan van Laarhoven and Elena Marchiori (Nijmegen)

    Date & Time: Friday 27 September 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Twan van Laarhoven and Elena Marchiori (Nijmegen)
    Title: Axioms for Graph Clustering
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 27 September 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Judy Goldsmith

    Date & Time: Friday 27 September 2013, 11:00
    Speaker: Judy Goldsmith
    Title: Roles and Teams Hedonic Games
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 26 September, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Wendy Sandler

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 September, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Wendy Sandler
    Title: The emergence of complexity in the grammar of the body
    Location: Room 1.04, PC Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 September 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa seminar, Rasmus Rendsvig

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 September 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Rasmus Rendsvig
    Title: DEL-based state machines and their application in modeling group reasoning and choice
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 23 September 2013, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Christian Schaffner

    Date & Time: Monday 23 September 2013, 18:00 - 19:00
    Speaker: Christian Schaffner
    Title: Quantum Cryptography
    Location: AUC common room, Science Park 113, Amsterdam

    Christian Schaffner (ILLC) will talk about about 'Quantum Cryptography' to the first year AUC students currently following the course 'Logic, Information flow and Argumention'. The lecture is open to all interested parties.

    For more information, see the AUC website at

  • 23-27 September 2013, Tenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation

    Date: 23-27 September 2013
    Deadline: 15 May 2013

    The Tenth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation will be held in in Georgia, from September 23 to 27, 2013. The Symposium is organized by the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences and Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam. The 2013 forum is the tenth instalment of a series of biannual Symposia.

    The preceding meetings took place in the Georgian mountain resort Gudauri (1995), at the capital of Georgia Tbilisi (1997), in the Black see coastal resort Chakvi (1999), in the spa resort Likani situated in the Borjomi Canyon (2001), Tbilisi (2003), Batumi (2005), Tbilisi (2007), Bakuriani (2009) and Kutaisi (2011).

    For more information, see

  • 20 September 2013, DIP Colloquium, Albert Visser

    Date & Time: Friday 20 September 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Albert Visser (Utrecht)
    Title: Logicist Foundations meet Predicativism
    Location: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 September 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Olivier Cailloux

    Date & Time: Thursday 19 September 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Olivier Cailloux (Amsterdam)
    Title: Preference modeling in multiple criteria decision aiding
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 18 September 2013, Computational Linguistics Seminar

    Date & Time: Wednesday 18 September 2013, 16:00
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    On Wednesday September 18th, we'll start the CLS for the academic year 2013-2014 with the following topics:
    - Overview of this year's activities
    - Discussion of Freestyle: A Challenge-Response System for Hip Hop Lyrics via Unsupervised Induction of Stochastic Transduction Grammars (Dekai Wu, Karteek Addanki, and Markus Saers)
    - Discussion of Semantic Parsing as Machine Translation (Jacob Andreas, Andreas Vlachos, and Stephen Clark)

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 13 September 2013, Current Affairs Meeting

    Date & Time: Friday 13 September 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    As in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you on various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ILLC Common Room.

    For more information, see

  • 12 September 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa seminar, Emiliano Lorini

    Date & Time: Thursday 12 September 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Emiliano Lorini (Toulouse)
    Title: On the epistemic foundation for iterated weak dominance: an analysis in a logic of individual and collective attitudes
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 11 September 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Amar Hadzihasanovic

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 September 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Amar Hadzihasanovic
    Title: Functional interpretations and categorical models of nonstandard arithmetic
    Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
  • 10 September 2013, Logic Tea, Emiliano Lorini

    Date & Time: Tuesday 10 September 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Emiliano Lorini
    Title: Ockhamist Propositional Dynamic Logic
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Virginie Fiutek (), Guus Eelink (), Johannes Marti () or Sebastian Speitel ().

    Or see here.

  • 9 September 2013, PIIA seminar, Ivano Ciardelli

    Date & Time: Monday 9 September 2013, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Ivano Ciardelli
    Title: Inquisitive semantics and intermediate logics
    Location: Stijlkamer 0.06, Janskerkhof 13, Utrecht

    For more information, see

  • 9 September 2013, Academy Professor Mini Lectures, Peter Hagoort

    Date & Time: Monday 9 September 2013, 16:00 - 18:30
    Speaker: Peter Hagoort
    Title: Het talige brein
    Location: KNAW, Trippenhuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Hoe regelen onze hersenen de productie van taal, en het taalbegrip? Akademiehoogleraar Peter Hagoort (RU Nijmegen) doet onderzoek naar de neurobiologische fundamenten van het menselijk taalvermogen.

    For more information, see

  • 9-13 September 2013, Workshop on Modelling Meets Infant Studies in Language Acquisition

    Date: 9-13 September 2013
    Location: Lorentz Center, Niels Bohrweg 2, Leiden, The Netherlands

    The study of first language acquisition is crucial in furthering our understanding of the cognitive prerequisites and processes involved in language, a defining capacity of human cognition. Currently, early language acquisition is successfully studied from two main perspectives: one approach tests theoretical assumptions by studying infants' responses with behavioural and neurocognitive methods; the other implements theories by means of computational models. This workshop aims to bring these two approaches closer together, a much needed advance in the field and one that promises to deepen our understanding of the issues that play a role during language acquisition.

    For more information, see

  • 6 September 2013, Heyting Day: Meeting on Kripke Models and of the Categorical Foundations of intuitionistic logic

    Date: Friday 6 September 2013
    Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, Amsterdam

    On September 6, the yearly Heyting Day takes place in Amsterdam. This festive day is devoted to the celebration both of the 50 year anniversary of Categorical Foundations and of the 50 year anniversary of Kripke models. Because of the double anniversary, this day includes two Heyting lectures, to wit by Ieke Moerdijk and Johan van Benthem.

    For information about programme and venue, see:

  • 5 September 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Matthijs Westera

    Date & Time: Thursday 5 September 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Matthijs Westera
    Title: Attention, exhaustivity and non-cooperativity
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 4-6 September 2013, The 5th Biennial Conference of Experimental Pragmatics (XPRAG 2013), Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 4-6 September 2013
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Costs: Regular 40 Euro, Students 25 Euro

    The 5th biennial Experimental Pragmatics conference will be held from September 4-6, 2013, at Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, under the auspices of the ESF research network EuroXprag ( The Experimental Pragmatics series aims at fostering interaction between linguistic, psychological, and philosophical approaches to utterance interpretation.

    The programme and the registration form (regular fee €40, students €25) are available at the conference website:

  • 3 September 2013, Networking event for alumni

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 September 2013, 17:00-19:00
    Location: Amsterdam Academic Club, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 235, Amsterdam

    During the networking event, there will be ample opportunity to speak with alumni. The event itself will take place at the Amsterdam Academic Club.

    For more information, see

  • 3 September 2013, Opening of the UvA-Tsinghua Research Centre for Logic

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 September 2013, 14:00-16:00
    Location: ILLC, Science Park 105, Amsterdam

    A special collaborative partnership between Beijing-based Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam: the UvA-Tsinghua Research Centre for Logic. The official opening of this research centre will take place at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, which is located at Science Park Amsterdam.

    For more information and a programme, see

  • 3 September 2013, Symposium: 'Weaving threads between the UvA and China'

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 September 2013, 09:30-12:00
    Location: Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam

    During this symposium, a number of partnership initiatives between the UvA and China will be highlighted. All of the speakers have contributed to the publication The UvA meets China, which will be presented at the opening of the 2013-2014 academic year. The symposium will be chaired by Johan van Benthem, professor of Pure and Applied Logic at the University of Amsterdam.

    For more information and a programme, see

  • 30 August 2013, Citation Maps of Authors in the Humanities: Some Dutch Examples, Howard D. White

    Date & Time: Friday 30 August 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Howard D. White
    Location: BG5 2.13 Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, 1012 DL

    The AuthorWeb system, developed a decade ago at Drexel University, presents researchers with a new kind of transdisciplinary reference tool made possible by a citation database - in this case, the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It allows the user to enter a seed author of interest (e.g., Spinoza) and then to instantly retrieve and map the 24 other authors who are most frequently cited with the seed. Such maps would seem to have uses in teaching and exploratory research across the humanities and to bear on fields such as audience reception theory, canon formation studies, the study of interdisciplinarity, the sociology of literature, and intellectual history.

    For more information, see

  • 27 August 2013, Logic Tea, Kasper Christensen

    Date & Time: Tuesday 27 August 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Kasper Christensen
    Title: Etchemendy on Kripke Semanticshere
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Johannes Marti (), Sebastian Speitel (), or Matthijs Westera ().

    Or see here.

  • 10 August 2013, Informal workshop on set theory

    Date & Time: Saturday 10 August 2013, 10:00-19:30
    Speaker: Benno van den Berg, Stefan Geschke, Yurii Khomskii, Tanmay Inamdar, Hugo Nobrega, Apostolos Tzimoulis
    Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    On 10 August 2013, three Master's students in set theory will publicly defend their Master's theses with a committee that includes external committee members. We use this opportunity to have a day of set theory with short talks by the external researchers and an afternoon of thesis defenses. Everyone is cordially welcome to attend the entire day!

    For more information, see

  • 5-16 August 2013, 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2013), Duesseldorf, Germany

    Date: 5-16 August 2013
    Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
    Deadline: 15 June 2012

    The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different sites around Europe. Under the auspices of FoLLI (the Association for Logic, Language, and Information), ESSLLI brings together logicians, linguists, computer scientists, and philosophers to study language, logic, and information, and their interconnections. The school hosts approximately 50 courses at both introductory and advanced levels, and brings together around 500 participants from all over the world. Along with the courses, ESSLLI hosts workshops and invited lectures, providing opportunities for in-depth discussion of current research.

    For more information, see

  • 3 July 2013, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Marieke Woensdregt

    Date & Time: Wednesday 3 July 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Marieke Woensdregt (CSCA, ILLC)
    Title: Stats & Nets versus Rules & Symbols - Re-opening the Debate on Learning Mechanisms for Artificial Grammar Learning
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 3 July 2013, Farewell reception Theo Janssen

    Date: Wednesday 3 July 2013

    Dr. Theo Janssen, assistant professor at ILLC since 1985, will be retiring this summer. We are pleased to invite you to a reception marking this occasion on Wednesday 3 July 2013 from 17:00 - 18:30 in the ILLC Common Room (Science Park 107, room F1.21).

    For more information, please contact
  • 28 June 2013, Symposium "Culture and Mind"

    Date & Time: Friday 28 June 2013, 9:30-18:00
    Location: Room C3.16, Oudemanhuisport 4-6, Amsterdam
    Costs: None

    The human mind grows and develops in an environment rich with material and symbolic practices and other patterns of social interaction. From the moment we are born, we begin to learn how to adapt our behaviour to this richly structured developmental environment. The cognitive capacities that emerge out of this developmental process are the joint product of human nature and nurture. How should we understand this process of enculturation? More specifically how can the patterns of social interaction, preferences, presuppositions and expectations that define a cultural practice exert a causal influence on our behaviour? This interdisciplinary workshop will draw on research from philosophy, cognitive science and the social sciences to address these and other questions. We will focus in particular on the domains of mathematical cognition, social cognition and communication.

    Speakers: Tad Zawidzki (Georgetown); Richard Menary (Macquarie); Catarina Duthil Novaes (Groningen); Marc Slors (Nijmegen); Julian Kiverstein (ILLC).

    To register or for more information, please contact .

  • 26 June 2013, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2013

    Date & Time: Wednesday 26 June 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2013 will have three invited (25 minutes) talks by researchers from the three respective ILLC research areas. We are happy to announce that Martin Stokhof (LoLa), Jakub Szymanik (LoCo) and Ashley Burgoyne (LaCo) have accepted to give presentations.

    For more information, see

  • 25 June 2013, Logic Tea, Bryan Renne

    Date & Time: Tuesday 25 June 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Bryan Renne
    Title: The Logic of Justified Belief, Explicit Knowledge, and Conclusive Evidence
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Johannes Marti (), Sebastian Speitel (), or Matthijs Westera ().

    Or see here.

  • 24 June 2013, PIIA Seminar, Albert Visser

    Date: 24 June 2013
    Speaker: Albert Visser
    Title: Inconsistency Statements
    Location: Room 106, Drift 23, Utrecht

    For more information, see

  • 22-24 June 2013, Postgraduate workshop on alternative set theories

    Date: 22-24 June 2013
    Location: University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Costs: none

    From Saturday, 22 June 2013, to Monday, 24 June 2013, we shall host a workshop on "Alternative Set Theories" at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The workshop is primarily (but not exclusively) intended for postgraduate students working in the area (i.e., Master's and PhD students). For the purposes of this workshop, a set theory is "alternative" if it violates one of the axioms of ZF or has an underlying logic that is not classical.

    Everyone interested in the subject is cordially invited to attend. No registration fee is required, but we expect registration via an informal e-mail to by 15 June 2013 in order to attend.

    For more information, see

  • 21 June 2013, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Michel DeGraff (MIT)

    Date & Time: Friday 21 June 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Michel DeGraff (MIT)
    Title: A hitchhiker~s guide to Cognitive Science via Creole studies
    Location: VOC-zaal, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam
  • 21 June 2013, MSc Logic: Visit of Accreditation Committee

    Date: Friday 21 June 2013
    Location: ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    On 21 June 2013 the ILLC will get visited by an international committee of experts who will assess the MSc Logic programme and decide on its accreditation for the coming six years. At 17:15 the committee will make an initial announcement of its findings in the ILLC Common Room. This will be followed by a reception. Everyone connected with the programme is cordially invited to attend.

    For more information, contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 20 June 2013, Cool Logic, Heleen Booy

    Date & Time: Thursday 20 June 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Heleen Booy
    Title: Philosophy in primary schools: designing teaching material
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 17 June 2013, Workshop on inquisitive logic and dependence logic

    Date & Time: Monday 17 June 2013, 9:00-17:00
    Location: Room F1.15 (ILLC Seminar room), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    This is a joint workshop of the research group of Inquisitive logic and the research group of Dependence logic. Anyone can attend.

    Speakers: Ivano Ciardelli, Pietro Galliani, Jeroen Groenendijk, Miika Hannula, Juha Kontinen, Floris Roelofsen, Jouko Väänänen, Matthijs Westera, Fan Yang

    For more information, see or contact Jouko Väänänen at .

  • 15-17 June 2013, Symposium on Logic, Music and Quantum Information, Florence, Italy

    Date: 15-17 June 2013
    Location: Florence, Italy

    The 'Symposium on Logic, Music and Quantum Information', will take place in Florence from June 15 till June 17. Each of the three days of the Symposium will be devoted to a different theme, ranging from new developments in logic, quantum logic and quantum information to formal models for music analysis.

    In addition to an exciting scientific programme in one of the most beautiful locations in Florence, we offer two concerts and a special lecture on Schoenberg, given by Nuria Schoenberg.

    For more information, see

  • 14 June 2013, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting

    Date & Time: Friday 14 June 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    As in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you on various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ILLC Common Room.

    For more information, contact

  • 14 June 2013, DIP Colloquium, Michael Glanzberg

    Date & Time: Friday 14 June 2013, 14:00-15:30
    Speaker: Michael Glanzberg
    Title: Encoding perspective in semantic theories
    Location: Room A.110, Science Park 905 (main building), Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 11 June 2013, ACG Colloquium, Simona Ronchi

    Date & Time: Tuesday 11 June 2013, 13:30
    Speaker: Simona Ronchi (Torino)
    Title: An Implicit Characterization of PSPACE
    Location: Room L.120, CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam
  • 3 June 2013, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)

    Date: Monday 3 June 2013
    Location: CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    COIN, or Coalgebra in the Netherlands, is a seminar taking place alternating at the Radboud University Nijmegen and the CWI in Amsterdam. The aim of COIN is to bring together coalgebra researchers from various locations in the Netherlands, and share current results and questions in the world of coalgebra. We welcome presentations on any subject related to coalgebra.

    The next COIN meeting is scheduled for Monday, 3 June 2013, at the Radboud University Nijmegen, in room HG02.702 in the Huygens building, from 13:30 until 16:00. The schedule is as follows:
    13:30 - 14:15 Frank Roumen
    14:15 - 15:00 Helle Hvid Hansen
    15:15 - 16:00 Matteo Mio

    For more information, see

  • 31 May 2013, Cool Logic, Alexander Block

    Date & Time: Friday 31 May 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Alexander Block
    Title: Kripke models for first-order intuitionistic logic
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • Entangled?, Matthias Christandl

    Date & Time: Wednesday June 5th, 16:30
    Speaker: Matthias Christandl (ETH Zurich)
    Location: Room L016, CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

    A quantum state is entangled if it cannot be described by classical correlations alone. Entangled states are responsible for the security of quantum cryptography, the speed-up in quantum computation and properties of many physical systems. But if an experimenter has determined the quantum state of his system, how can he find out whether or not the state is in fact entangled? Answering this question has kept the field of quantum information theory busy since its beginning. After an introduction to the subject, I will explain the fastest way of determining when a state is entangled.

  • 29 May 2013, General Mathematics Colloquium, Tobias Mueller

    Date & Time: Wednesday 29 May 2013, 11:15-12:15
    Speaker: Tobias Mueller
    Title: Logic and random graphs
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Random graphs have been studied for over half a century as useful mathematical models for networks and as an attractive bit of mathematics for its own sake. Almost from the very beginning of random graph theory there has been interest in studying the behaviour of graph properties that can be expressed as sentences in some logic, on random graphs. We say that a graph property is first order expressible if it can be written as a logic sentence using the universal and existential quantifiers with variables ranging over the nodes of the graph, the usual connectives AND, OR, NOT, parentheses and the relations = and ~, where x ~ y means that x and y share an edge. For example, the property that G contains a triangle can be written as Exists x,y,z : (x ~ y) AND (x ~ z) AND (y ~ z). First order expressible properties have been studied extensively on the oldest and most commonly studied model of random graphs, the Erdos-Renyi model, and by now we have a fairly full description of the behaviour of first order expressible properties on this model. I will describe a number of striking results that have been obtained for the Erdos-Renyi model with surprising links to number theory, before describing some of my own work on different models of random graphs, including random planar graphs and the Gilbert model. (based on joint works with: P. Heinig, S. Haber, M. Noy, A. Taraz)

    For more information, see
  • 27-31 May 2013, Nordic Spring School in Logic 2013, Nordfjordeid, Norway

    Date: 27-31 May 2013
    Location: Nordfjordeid, Norway

    The first Nordic Spring School in Logic is organized under the auspices of the Scandinavian Logic Society and is supported by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo. The school programme will comprise a number of short courses on a variety of important topics in mathematical, computational, applied and philosophical logic, given by leading experts in their fields.

    The program will be divided into two parallel streams, one mainly on mathematical logic and the other mainly on computational, applied and philosophical logic. The courses will target mainly PhD students, but will also be of interest for young (and not so young) researchers in logic and its applications. Some of the courses will be accessible to advanced master students, too. Besides the series of courses, the school program will also include a half-day excursion to the famous glacier Briksdalsbreen, on Wednesday, May 29.

    Final registration deadline: May 1st, 2013. For more information, see

  • 24 May 2013, DIP Colloquium, Hans Kamp

    Date & Time: Friday 24 May 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Hans Kamp
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 21 May 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Fenrong Liu

    Date & Time: Tuesday 21 May 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Fenrong Liu
    Title: Facebook and the epistemic logic of friendship
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
  • 21 May 2013, Stone Duality for Markov Processes, Prakash Panangaden

    Date & Time: Tuesday 21 May 2013, 13:30 - 14:30
    Speaker: Prakash Panangaden
    Location: HG00.303 (Huygensgebouw, Heyendaalseweg 135), Nijmegen

    We define Aumann algebras, an algebraic analog of probabilistic modal logic. An Aumann algebra consists of a Boolean algebra with operators modeling probabilistic transitions. We prove a Stone-type duality theorem between countable Aumann algebras and countably-generated continuous-space Markov processes. Our results subsume existing results on completeness of probabilistic modal logics for Markov processes.
    (This is joint work with: Dexter Kozen, Kim Larsen and Radu Mardare)

    For more information, see or contact
  • 17 May 2013, Cool Logic, Sam van Gool

    Date & Time: Friday 17 May 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Sam van Gool
    Title: A Topological Proof of Gödel's Completeness Theorem for First-Order Logic
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 17 May 2013, DIP Colloquium, Paula Quinon

    Date & Time: Friday 17 May 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Paula Quinon
    Title: Extended Frege's Constraint
    Location: Room B0.204, Science Park 904, Amsterdam [new location]

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 May 2013, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gideon MdB Wenniger

    Date & Time: Wednesday 15 May 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Gideon MdB Wenniger
    Title: Hierarchical Alignment Decomposition Labels for Hiero Grammar Rules
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 14 May 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson

    Date & Time: Tuesday 14 May 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
    Title: Attitudes and Duals
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 13 May 2013, Logic Tea, Oliver Kutz

    Date & Time: Monday 13 May 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Oliver Kutz
    Title: Connecting Logics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Johannes Marti (), Sebastian Speitel (), or Matthijs Westera ().

    Or see here.

  • 7 May 2013, Logic Tea, Elliott Wagner

    Date & Time: Tuesday 7 May 2013, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Elliott Wagner
    Title: The Emergence of Semantic Meaning in Finite Populations
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Johannes Marti (), Sebastian Speitel (), or Matthijs Westera ().

    Or see here.

  • 3 May 2013, Cool Logic, Philip Schulz

    Date & Time: Friday 3 May 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Philip Schulz
    Title: A Naïve View on Language
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 26 April 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Femke Bekius

    Date & Time: Friday 26 April 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Femke Bekius
    Title: The Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problem
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 26 April 2013, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Daniel Everett

    Date & Time: Friday 26 April 2013, 13:00-16:30
    Speaker: Daniel Everett (Bentley University)
    Title: SMART CS Debate on Language, thought & recursion and ACLC lecture
  • 25 April, Farewell reception Reinhard Blutner

    Date & Time: Thursday 25 April, 17:00-18:30
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    Dr Reinhard Blutner, assistant professor at ILLC since 2002, will be retiring at the end of May 2013. We are pleased to invite you to take leave of him during a reception on Thursday 25th April next, from 17:00 - 18:30 h in the Common Room at ILLC (Science Park 107, room F1.21).

  • 25 April 2013, New Trends in e-Humanities, John Ashley Burgoyne

    Date & Time: Thursday 25 April 2013, 15:00
    Speaker: John Ashley Burgoyne
    Title: Fishing for Hooks: An Empirical Approach to Understanding Long-Term Musical Salience
    Location: Meertens Institute, Joan Muyskenweg 25, Amsterdam (right next to the Overamstel metro station)

    The e-Humanities Group is an initiative of the KNAW that brings together expertise and research in the development and use of digital technologies in the humanities and social sciences. The e-Humanities Group generally holds a research meeting every Thursday afternoon, and persons interested in the topics of the presentations are welcome to attend.

    Next thursday's talk by John Ashley Burgoyne will introduce an ongoing study of musical catchiness from the perspective of music cognition.

    For more information, see here or

  • 22 April 2013, Logic Tea, Catrin Campbell-Moore

    Date & Time: Monday 22 April 2013, 18:00-19:00
    Speaker: Catrin Campbell-Moore
    Title: Type-free, Predicate Approaches to Probability here
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Johannes Marti (), Sebastian Speitel (), or Matthijs Westera ().

    Or see here.

  • 19 April 2013, Cool Logic, Hans Grathwohl

    Date & Time: Friday 19 April 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Hans Grathwohl
    Title: The Computational Content of Classical Proofs
    Location: Room F1.15, SP 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 16 April 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Soroush Rafiee Rad

    Date & Time: Tuesday 16 April 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Soroush Rafiee Rad
    Title: Reasoning With Inconsistencies: A first order account
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 12 April 2013, DIP Colloquium, Luca Incurvati

    Date & Time: Friday 12 April 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Luca Incurvati
    Title: That's it, you're grounded!
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 April 2013, Leve de Wiskunde!

    Date & Time: Friday 12 April 2013, 09:00-16:00
    Location: Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Vrijdag 12 april is het weer zo ver: Leve de Wiskunde! 2013. Tijdens dit jaarlijks terugkerend congres vertellen vooraanstaande wetenschappers over hun bevindingen in en rondom de wiskunde. van financiële wiskunde tot symmetriepatronen en van forensische statistiek tot de filosofie achter getallen.

    Het wiskundecongres geeft inzicht in actuele ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied en is bedoeld om docenten havo/vwo te informeren, inspireren en om te ontmoeten.

    Voor meer informatie en aanmelden, zie

  • 12 April 2013, Leve de Wiskunde!, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Date: Friday 12 April 2013
    Location: Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Op vrijdag 12 april 2013 vindt voor de elfde maal het jaarlijkse congres Leve de Wiskunde! plaats op de UvA. Wetenschappers vertellen over hun onderzoek in en rondom de wiskunde. Docenten wiskunde, geïnteresseerde 6-vwo scholieren en andere belangstellenden zijn van harte uitgenodigd!

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 11-12 April 2013, ILLC Workshop on Collective Decision Making, Amsterdam

    Date: 11-12 April 2013
    Location: Amsterdam
    Costs: free

    To mark the end of the 5-year Vidi Project on Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains, we are organising a small workshop on all aspects of collective decision making. Invited speakers will include Stéphane Airiau (Paris), Umberto Grandi (Padova), Daniele Porello (Trento), and Olivier Caillloux (Amsterdam).

    For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss <>.

  • 9 April 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan van Eijck

    Date & Time: Tuesday 9 April 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Jan van Eijck
    Title: Model Checking Uncertainty about Probability
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 5 April 2013, Cool Logic, Giovanni Cinà

    Date & Time: Friday 5 April 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Giovanni Cinà
    Title: Proof Theory in the light of Categories
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information about upcoming and previous talks, visit our NEW Cool Logic website at or contact

  • 5 April 2013, NVTI Theory Day 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 5 April 2013
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    The Dutch Asssociation for Theoretical Computer Science (NVTI) supports the study of theoretical computer science and its applications. One of the main activities of the NVTI is the organization of the yearly Theoryday. This event consists of a scientific part and a business part. In the business part, members of the NVTI discuss the activities of the NVTI and decide what actions and new activities should be undertaken. The scientific part consists of four scientific contributions which are organized as follows: Four speakers are invited, two speakers from abroad and two domestic speakers.

    This year, as usual, we have an interesting program with excellent speakers from The Netherlands and abroad, covering important streams in theoretical computer science. Speakers: Wil van der Aalst (Eindhoven University of Technology), Christel Baier (Technical University Dresden, Germany), Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht University) and Barbara Terhal (RWTH Aachen, Germany).

    For more information, see

  • 4 April 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Marek Zawadowski

    Date & Time: Thursday 4 April 2013, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Marek Zawadowski (Warsaw University)
    Location: Room 611, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 3 April 2013, SPUI25 op locatie: Food for thought, Rens Bod

    Date & Time: Wednesday 3 April 2013, 18:00-19:45
    Speaker: Rens Bod
    Title: Dit land heeft ondernemende alfa's nodig!
    Location: NRC Restaurant Café, Rokin 65, Amsterdam

    Luisteren naar een goed verhaal en genieten van een maaltijd: dat is Food for thought. Iedere woensdagavond kunt u aanschuiven in aan een gedekte tafel in het NRC restaurant, genieten van een maaltijd en een glas, maar vooral van een boeiende tafelrede. Ditmaal: Rens Bod.

    For more information (in dutch), see

  • 2 April 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Marcel Boumans

    Date & Time: Tuesday 2 April 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Marcel Boumans
    Title: Rational consensus of expert judgments in economics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    Please note that from April 2013 on, the LIRa seminar will be held on TUESDAYS (in our new location: room F1.15 at Science Park 107).

    For more information, see

  • 2 April 2013, ACG Colloquium, Matteo Mio

    Date & Time: Tuesday 2 April 2013, 14:30
    Speaker: Matteo Mio (CWI)
    Title: Modal mu-calculi for Probabilistic Labeled Transition Systems
    Location: Room L.120, CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam
  • 29 March 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jiamou Liu

    Date & Time: Friday 29 March 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Jiamou Liu (Auckland University of Technology)
    Title: A Polychromatic Ramsey Theory on Ordinals
    Location: Room TBA, Science Park, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 28 March 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Thursday 28 March 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Voting as Choosing the Most Representative Voter
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 22 March 2013, Cool Logic, Riccardo Pinosio

    Date & Time: Friday 22 March 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Riccardo Pinosio
    Title: Some remarks on Boethius' "Consolations of Philosophy"
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, contact

  • 21 March 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Giacomo Sillari

    Date & Time: Thursday 21 March 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Giacomo Sillari
    Title: You better play 7: mutual versus common knowledgeof advice in a weak-link experiment
    Location: Room TBA, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 21 March 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Klaus Meer

    Date & Time: Thursday 21 March 2013, 14:00--15:00
    Speaker: Klaus Meer (Technische Universitaet Cottbus)
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 21-22 March 2013, Workshop Public-Private Initiatives in Digital Humanities

    Date: 21-22 March 2013
    Location: NIAS Conference Building, Meijboomlaan 1, Wassenaar

    On 21 and 22 March 2013 all 13 digital humanities projects by UvA, VU and KNAW will present themselves at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS).

    There will be demos of each project followed by feedback by an expert team. The second day of the workshop will be fully devoted to the future of public-private collaborations in the (digital) humanities as well as of the joint collaboration of KNAW, UvA and VU in CHAT (Center for Humanities and Technology).

    For more information, see

  • 20 March 2013, PIIA Seminar, Jeroen Goudsmit

    Date & Time: 20 March 2013, 15:00-15:40
    Speaker: Jeroen Goudsmit
    Title: Uniform Interpolation
    Location: Room 0.07, Drift 7, Utrecht

    For more information, see

  • 20 March 2013, PIIA Seminar, Rosalie Iemhoff

    Date & Time: 20 March 2013, 15:00-15:40
    Speaker: Rosalie Iemhoff
    Title: Uniform Interpolation
    Location: Room 0.07, Drift 7, Utrecht

    For more information, see

  • 19 March 2013, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Kazuyuki Tanaka

    Date & Time: Tuesday 19 March 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Kazuyuki Tanaka (Tohoku University, Japan)
    Location: Room A.110, Science Park 905 (main building), Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 March 2013, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting

    Date & Time: Friday 15 March 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Location: ILLC, Common Room, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    As in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you on various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme.

    For more information, contact

  • 13-15 March 2013, Amsterdam Workshop on Truth, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 13-15 March 2013
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    The Amsterdam Workshop on Truth is intended to serve as a meeting point for researchers working on the philosophy of truth in order to discuss latest results and work in progress.
    It will address a wide range of truth-related topics and it is open to more formal or less formal approaches.

    The following speakers have confirmed participation: Stefan Wintein, Philip Welch, Albert Visser, Giulia Terzian, Johannes Stern, Jönne Speck, Sonja Smets, Georg Schiemer, Robert van Rooij, Carlo Nicolai, Iris Loeb, Øystein Linnebo, Graham Leigh, Jeffrey Kettland, Leon Horsten, Volker Halbach, Nina Gierasimczuk, Martin Fischer, Theodora Achourioti.

    Attendance is free of charge, however, registration is required. The deadline for registering is March the 3rd. The workshop will start on Wednesday at 12:00 and end on Friday at 15:00.

    For more information, visit the workshop website ( or contact the organisers Dora ) and Cian ().

  • 11 March 2013, Workshop "Learnability and Computational Models of Language Acquisition"

    Date & Time: Monday 11 March 2013, 12:00-16:00
    Location: Room D1.116, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Speakers include Afra Alishahi, Barend Beekhuizen, Rens Bod, Gideon Borensztajn, Alex Clark, Jan van Eijck, Shalom Lappin and Jelle Zuidema.

    Afra Alishahi: "Language learning as a unified probabilistic process"
    Barend Beekhuizen: "What we can learn from bound learners"
    Rens Bod: "How I got into Sequential Structure: A Personal Odyssey"
    Gideon Borensztajn: "From place cells in rats to human syntax: the construction of a cognitive map of grammar"
    Alex Clark: "Learning trees from strings: a strong learning result for some context-free grammars.
    Jan van Eijck: "Learning from the perspective of dynamic epistemic logic."
    Shalom Lappin: "Towards a Statistical Model of Grammaticality"
    Jelle Zuidema: "Contextfreeness revisited"

    Because the workshop includes lunch and the capacity is limited, we ask those planning to attend to register with Barend Beekhuizen at before March 5th.

    For more information, contact .

    Registration is free, but please register before March 5th. For more information, see here or contact .

  • 8 March 2013, Cool Logic, Stefan Pliquett

    Date & Time: Friday 8 March 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Stefan Pliquett
    Title: "What's Cool about Frege's Logic?"
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, contact

  • 8 March 2013, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Eve Clark

    Date & Time: Friday 8 March 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Eve Clark (Stanford)
    Title: Language, Interaction, and Acquisition
    Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 421, Amsterdam
  • 7 March 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Karolina Krzyzanowska

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 March 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Karolina Krzyzanowska (University of Groningen)
    Title: Conditionals and inferencesConditionals and inferences
    Location: (<em style="color: red">changed!</em>) Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 4 March 2013, Amsterdamlezing, Rens Bod

    Date & Time: Monday 4 March 2013, 20:00-21:30
    Speaker: Rens Bod
    Title: Over de creatieve industrie, de stad en de waarde van de humanities
    Location: CREA, Nieuwe Achtergracht 168-178, Amsterdam
  • 1 March 2013, DIP Colloquium, Martin Kåsa

    Date & Time: Friday 1 March 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Martin Kåsa
    Title: Semantical considerations on experimental logics
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 1 March 2013, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Olivier Cailloux

    Date & Time: Friday 1 March 2013, 16:00
    Speaker: Olivier Cailloux (ILLC)
    Title: Preference Modeling in Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 27 February 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jens Ulrik Hansen (UvA)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 February 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Jens Ulrik Hansen (UvA)
    Title: Logical approaches to information dynamics in social contexts
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    Please note that this LIRa session will be exceptionally held on Wednesday, and will be held at the new ILLC location at Science Park 107.

    For more information, see

  • 27 February 2013, Seminar on Reasoning over ontologies and data

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 February 2013, 10:15-13:00
    Location: VU University, W&N building room WN-S631, De Boelelaan 1081a, Amsterdam

    We cordially invite you to a seminar on reasoning over ontologies and data, organized at the VU University Amsterdam. The seminar is held in the context of the PhD defence of Szymon Klarman from the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group.

    Speakers: Chiara Ghidini, Carsten Lutz, Heiner Stuckenschmidt.

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 22 February 2013, ILLC New Year's Colloquium 2013

    Date & Time: Friday 22 February 2013, 16:00-17:00
    Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam

    The ILLC New Year's Colloquium 2013 will have three invited (25 minutes) talks by researchers from the three respective ILLC research areas. We are happy to announce that Julian Kiverstein (LoLa), Reinhard Blutner (LaCo) andJohan van Benthem (LoCo) have accepted to give presentations.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 21 February 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Kaile Su

    Date & Time: Thursday 21 February 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Kaile Su (Peking University & 'Future Fellow' Griffith University)
    Title: Model Checking Epistemic Logic with MCTK
    Location: Room D1.115, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 15 February 2013, DIP Colloquium, Scott Grimm

    Date & Time: Friday 15 February 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Scott Grimm
    Title: Degrees of Countability: A Mereotopological Approach to the Mass/Count Distinction
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 February 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Mamoru Kaneko

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 February 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Mamoru Kaneko (Tsukuba University)
    Title: Epistemic Logic and Inductive Game Theory
    Location: Room D1.115, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 13 February 2013, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Sam van Gool

    Date & Time: Wednesday 13 February 2013, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Sam van Gool
    Title: A non-commutative Priestley duality
    Location: Room B0.203, Science Park

    For more information, please contact or see here.

  • 8 February 2013, Cool Logic, Fatemeh Seifan

    Date & Time: Friday 8 February 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Fatemeh Seifan
    Title: Compactness theorem, a topological view
    Location: D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, contact

  • 8 February 2013, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Ray Jackendoff

    Date & Time: Friday 8 February 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Ray Jackendoff (Tufts)
    Title: Language, Meaning, and Rational Thought
    Location: Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe doelenstraat 16-18, Amsterdam

    Registration is required. For more information, see

  • 7 February 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Roberto Ciuni

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 February 2013, 16:15-18:00
    Speaker: Roberto Ciuni (Ruhr University Bochum)
    Title: Completeness of a Group STIT with Next Operator
    Location: Room D1.115, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Please note that the time of the talk is 16:15-18:00 (and not the usual time-slot).

    For more information, see

  • 6 February 2013, General Mathematics Colloquium, Jop Briët (CWI)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 6 February 2013, 11:15-12:15
    Speaker: Jop Briët (CWI)
    Title: Grothendieck's inequality for quantum entanglement and combinatorial optimization
    Location: C1.112

    Grothendieck's inequality is a fundamental result to the theory of Banach spaces. But many years after Grothendieck published this result, people realized that it also has important applications in theoretical computer science and physics. In particular, the inequality can be used in quantum information theory to study the mysterious phenomenon of quantum entanglement and in combinatorial optimization to prove performance guarantees of efficient approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems. The aim of this talk is to give an overview of these applications and explain why Grothendieck's inequality and recent generalizations of it are powerful mathematical tools to study them.

    The General Mathematics Colloquium homepage can be found at

  • 1 February 2013, DIP Colloquium, Amaia Garcia Odon

    Date & Time: Friday 1 February 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Amaia Garcia Odon
    Title: A pragmatic approach to the phenomenon of presupposition conditionalization
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 1 February 2013, Workshop on Multilingual Information Management

    Date & Time: Friday 1 February 2013, 10:00-16:30
    Location: Euler zaal, CWI, Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam

    We would like to invite you to the Presentation day on Multilingual Information Management and Synchronization of Wiki-pages. We have invited people that will give a presentation about their own experience, challenges and opportunities in the context of multilingual information management. These speakers represent news organisations, companies, the Wikimedia community and a related EU project.

    For more information, see or

  • 31 January 2013, LogiCIC/LIRa seminar, Janusz Czelakowski

    Date & Time: Thursday 31 January 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Janusz Czelakowski
    Title: Freedom and Enforcement in Action - Elements of Formal
    Action theory
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 25 January 2013, Cool Logic, Fleur Bouwer

    Date & Time: Friday 25 January 2013, 17:30-18:30
    Speaker: Fleur Bouwer
    Title: How basic is hearing a beat?
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Target audience: MSc Logic and PhD students

    For more information, contact

  • 24 January 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Sebastian Enqvist

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 January 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Sebastian Enqvist
    Title: A Lindström theorem for a class of normal modal logics
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 23 January 2013, PIIA Seminar, Paula Henk

    Date & Time: 23 January 2013, 13:00-15:00
    Speaker: Paula Henk
    Title: On the Possibility of Finding a Relational Semantics for the Interpretability Logic ILMS - a Negative Result.
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 18 January 2013, DIP Colloquium, Richard Pettigrew

    Date & Time: Friday 18 January 2013, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Richard Pettigrew
    Title: Epistemic utility theory: some applications
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 January 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Audrey Yap

    Date & Time: Thursday 17 January 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Audrey Yap
    Title: Time and Dynamics in Epistemic Logic
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 11 January 2013, Dirk van Dalen 80, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 11 January 2013
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Vorige maand bereikte Dirk van Dalen de leeftijd van tachtig jaar. Om Dirk's verjaardag te vieren, hebben we op vrijdagmiddag 11 januari 2013 een bijeenkomst georganiseerd met als hoofd-bestanddelen een voordracht en een receptie. Graag nodigen we U hierbij uit.

    Met het oog op koffie en thee stellen we het op prijs als u uw komst aanmeldt. Voor meer information, zie here.

  • 10 January 2013, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Kohei Kishida

    Date & Time: Thursday 10 January 2013, 15:30-17:30
    Speaker: Kohei Kishida (ILLC, UvA)
    Title: Public Announcements under Sheaves
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

Calls for Paper

  • CfP special issue of BJP on "Facets of Rationality: Reasoning, Communication and Decision making"

    Deadline: 30 November 2014

    The Balkan Journal of Philosophy is pleased to announce the topic of the 2015 issue: 'Facets of Rationality: Reasoning, Communication and Decision making'.

    "Human actions in all their appearances are evaluated and assessed as rational or irrational. Subject to evaluation are everyday thinking and decision-making, scientific research, economic and political behavior, even love-affaires and sport competitions, as well as communication and speech acts of all kinds. Rationality is a normative concept in the sense that it is supposed to provide a standard or criteria to evaluate a piece of reasoning or an instance of decision-making. Why is this important? Using these criteria we are able to evaluate, control and regulate our own and others actions, thinking and decision-making".

    You are kindly invited to submit a paper on any of these topics. Papers should be between 6000 and 8000 words. The deadline for receiving manuscripts is the end of November 2014 but earlier submissions would be appreciated. This special issue will appear in 2015.

    For more information, see

  • 14-19 December 2013, The 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-19), Stellenbosch, South Africa

    Date: 14-19 December 2013
    Location: Stellenbosch, South Africa
    Deadline: 22 July 2013

    The series of International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) is a forum where, year after year, some of the most renowned researchers in the areas of logic, automated reasoning, computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to present cutting-edge results, to discuss advances in these fields, and to exchange ideas in a scientifically emerging part of the world. The 19th LPAR will be held in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

    For more information, see

    New results in the fields of computational logic and applications are welcome. Also welcome are more exploratory presentations, which may examine open questions and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories and practices, as well as experimental and tool papers that describe implementations of systems, report experiments with implemented systems, or compare implemented systems. Abstract submission deadline: 22nd July.

    LPAR-19 workshops will be held on 14th December either as one-day or half-day events. If you would like to propose a workshop for LPAR-19, please contact the workshop chair via email by 15th July 2013.

  • 12-13 December 2013, 11th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2013), Toulouse, France

    Date: 12-13 December 2013
    Location: Toulouse, France
    Deadline: 14 October 2013

    In the last two decades, we have seen a significant increase of interest in agent-based computing. This field is now set to become one of the key technologies in the 21st century. The aim of this Eleventh European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems is to encourage and support activity in the research and development of multi-agent systems, in academic and industrial efforts. This workshop is primarily intended as a European forum at which researchers, and those interested in activities relating to research in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, could meet, present (potentially preliminary) research results, problems, and issues in an open and informal but academic environment.

    The scope of the event is defined as the scope of the International Journal on Autonomous Agents & Multi-agent Systems (JAAMAS), the International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS), and the European Association for Multiagent Systems (EURAMAS). The sixth LAMAS workshop (Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems) will be colocated with EUMAS-2013, as a special session.

    For more information, see

    EUMAS-2013 welcomes both unpublished papers and papers that are under submission or have been published in a relevant conference, workshop or journal. We specially invite submissions by students that we think will receive valuable feedback from the the discussion-orientedfocus of the workshop. Preliminary student work is welcome; however it has to possess sufficient substance for serving as a discussion basis and therefore has to pass the review cycle in the same way as other work. Abstract submission deadline: October 14, 2013

  • Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplemental Volume on "Mathematics in Kant's Critical Philosophy"

    Deadline: 15 February 2014

    There is a long tradition of work in the history and philosophy of science on Kant's philosophy of mathematics, but more recently, philosophers have been considering the implications of this work for the Critical philosophy itself. In particular, scholars have begun to examine the role of Kant's reflections on mathematics in his philosophy more generally, and in its development. This volume, to be co-edited by Lisa Shabel and Emily Carson, will collect together papers which illustrate the centrality of mathematics to Kant's philosophy as a whole. To understand this fully also requires a proper appreciation of Kant's understanding of 18th century mathematics, so we welcome papers on this topic which shed light on our more general theme.

    For more information, see

    Submissions should not exceed 15,000 words, should be prepared for blind refereeing, and should include a brief abstract. Please send submissions by February 15, 2014.

  • 3-6 December 2013, 26th Australasian Joint Conference on AI (AI 2013), Dunedin, New Zealand

    Date: 3-6 December 2013
    Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
    Deadline: 1 July 2013

    Since the first AI Conference took place in Sydney in 1987, the series of annual Australasian Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence has become the premier event for Artificial Intelligence researchers in Australasia and one of the major international forums on AI worldwide. In 2008 the AI conference was hosted in New Zealand for the first time, in Auckland. In 2013 the 26th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence returns to New Zealand, and will be held in Dunedin, hosted by the University of Otago. It will be co-located with the 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2013).

    For more information, see

    Prospective authors are invited to submit original research and application papers in any area of Artificial Intelligence. Submissions Due: 1 July 2013

  • 3-6 December 2013, Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2013), Dunedin, New Zealand

    Date: 3-6 December 2013
    Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
    Deadline: 1 July 2013

    PRIMA is the leading scientific conference for research on intelligent agent systems and multi-agent systems.

    Agent computing and technology is an exciting, emerging paradigm expected to play a key role in many society-changing practices from disaster response to manufacturing to agriculture. The conference offers an exceptional opportunity for presentation of original work, technological advances, practical problems and concerns of the research community. PRIMA particularly encourages reports on development of prototype and deployed agent and multiagent systems and experiments that demonstrate the capability of agents to handle real-world challenges.

    For more information, see

    The PRIMA 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of original, unpublished, theoretical and applied work on any such topic, and encourages reports on the development of prototype and deployed agent systems, and of experiments that demonstrate novel agent system capabilities. Two types of contributions are solicited: full papers and short (early innovation) papers. Submissions Due: 1 July 2013.

  • 3 December 2013, International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC 2013), Turing, Italy

    Date: 3 December 2013
    Location: Turing, Italy
    Deadline: 21 September 2013

    The AI and Cognition workshop 2013 (AIC 2013) aims at putting together researchers coming from different domains (e.g., artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, engineering, philosophy, social sciences, etc.) working on the interdisciplinary field of cognitively inspired artificial systems.

    For more information, see the Workshop web site at or send an e-mail to: or to

    Both papers spotlighting theoretical issues and experimental research in the field are welcome. The submission of papers regarding the presentation of realized or under-development cognitively inspired systems and/or applications is encouraged. We also particularly welcome papers raising challenging questions, innovative ideas and out of the box thinking. Participation of younger researchers and the submission of research papers also at early stage of work is encouraged as well. Submission deadline: September 21st, 2013

  • 3 December 2013, 16th Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2013), Dunedin, New Zealand

    Date: 3 December 2013
    Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
    Deadline: 23 September 2013

    The pervasiveness of open systems raises a range of challenges and opportunities for technologies in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems and in their contribution to human and artificial societies. Open systems comprise loosely-coupled entities interacting within a society, often with some overall measures of quality or efficiency. However, achieving and maintaining a 'good' society, such as through establishing and enforcing societial norms and policies, is difficult to achieve. There remains a need for tools and techniques for articulating or regulating interactions in order to make the system more effective in attaining collective goals, more certain for participants, or more predictable.

    Coordination, organizations, institutions, and norms are four key governance elements for the regulation of open multi-agent systems, and the COIN workshops constitute a space for debate and exploration of these four elements that are central in the design and use of open systems. COIN@PRIMA'13 features a special track on agent-based modelling for policy engineering (AMPLE) in societies.

    For more information, see

    We seek to attract high-quality papers addressing mathematical, logical, computational, philosophical, and pragmatic issues related to the four aspects of COIN, and, further, papers taking up the challenges of complex societal systems. We invite the submission of short papers up to 6 pages and long papers up to 16 pages. Submission deadline: 23 September 2013

  • 8-9 November 2013, Jahrestagung "Logik in der Informatik" 2013, Bremen, Germany

    Date: 8-9 November 2013
    Location: Bremen, Germany
    Deadline: 13 October 2013

    The 20th annual meeting of the working group "Logic in Computer Science" of the "Society for Computer Science" will be held at the University of Bremen on November 8 and 9, 2013 (presumably from Friday noon to Saturday noon). The following speakers have confirmed to give an invited talk: Christel Baier (TU Dresden) and Manuel Bodirsky (LIX Palaiseau).

    We plan to have an informal dinner the night of November 8. To registrater (free of charge), please send an email by October 13 to Thomas Schneider at , and please indicate whether you intend to join the dinner (at your own expense).

    For further information (accommodation etc.), see or contact one of the organizers at , or .

    Presentations from all areas of logic in computer science and its applicates are welcome. Please send us an email with title and abstract by October 13: to . There will be no proceedings.

  • 2-3 November 2013, 7th Arche / CSMN Graduate Conference, St Andrews, Scotland

    Date: 2-3 November 2013
    Location: St Andrews, Scotland
    Deadline: 19 August 2013

    Arché, the Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology (University of St Andrews), and CSMN, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (University of Oslo), are pleased to announce the seventh in a series of graduate conferences aimed at showcasing excellent international graduate work in contemporary analytic philosophy

    For more information, see the conference website at

    We invite graduate students to submit high-quality papers in analytic philosophy. Submission in the core research areas of Arché and CSMN are particularly welcome, i.e., Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Methodology, Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action/Rationality and Moral Philosophy. We especially encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy. Deadline for submissions: 19th of August 2013.

  • 28-31 October 2013, 2nd International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC 2013), Paris, France

    Date: 28-31 October 2013
    Location: Paris, France
    Deadline: 30 April 2013

    The birth of the computing and its sciences has often been the topic of philosophical and historical reflection. The HaPoC-conferences have decided to bring together the historical and the philosophical viewpoints. They want to create an environment for a true interdisciplinary convergence around computer science, reenforcing research on the science(s) of computing and its history and stimulating a theoretical dialogue between these domains.

    Please check out the website of HaPoC 2013 for more information on the conference:

    For HaPoC 2013 we welcome contributions from logicians, philosophers and historians of computing as well as from philosophically aware computer scientists and mathematicians. We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to the main topics of the conference to submit short and extended abstracts. The submission deadline is: April 30th, 2013.

  • 28-29 October 2013, International Workshop on Diagram Logic and Cognition 2013, Kolkata, India

    Date: 28-29 October 2013
    Location: Kolkata, India
    Deadline: 2 July 2013

    Our world is increasingly visual, and diagrams are an essential aspect of many of the fields that try to make sense of it. These include demography, cartography, medical imaging, aviation, and so on. In particular, diagrammatic logic is gaining ground in logic and mathematics as an alternative to or when used in parallel with symbolic logics, and recent years have seen the appearance of increasingly expressive diagrammatic systems.

    The purpose of the workshop is manyfold. Firstly, we want to gain deeper insights into the activities involved in reasoning with diagrammatic systems: how can a modern, highly-expressive diagrammatic logic help with inferential tasks in practice, such as those undertaken in the field of knowledge engineering? Our second purpose, closely related to the first, is cognition: the verbaliser-visualiser cognitive style classification. Finally, our meeting will also focus on the topics of diagram aesthetics and visual complexity.

    For more information, see or contact one of the organisers, Jim Burton () or Lopmudra Choudhury ().

    We invite authors to submit an extended abstract (3-4 pages) via easychair. Submission period ends: 2nd July 2013.

  • 27-28 October 2013, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics LENLS 10), Kanagawa, Japan

    Date: 27-28 October 2013
    Location: Kanagawa, Japan
    Deadline: 31 July 2013

    LENLS is an annual international workshop on formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of the workshops of the fifth JSAI International Symposia on AI (isAI2013).

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal semantics and pragmatics, and related fields. Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2013.

  • 25-27 October 2013, Third International Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

    Date: 25-27 October 2013
    Location: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
    Deadline: 10 June 2013

    In the past two and a half decades, a number of attempts have been made in order to model various aspects of social interaction among agents including individual agents, organizations, and individuals representing organizations. The aim of SOCREAL Workshop is to bring together researchers working on diverse aspects of such interaction in logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science and related fields in order to share issues, ideas, techniques, and results.

    For more information, see

    Researchers from various fields, including logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science are hereby invited to submit an extended abstract (up to two thousand words) by 10 June 2013

  • 11-14 October 2013, Joint Rough Set Symposium (JRS 2013), Halifax, Canada

    Date: 11-14 October 2013
    Location: Halifax, Canada
    Deadline: 25 May 2013

    The 2013 Joint Rough Set Symposium (JRS2013) is a joint conference of the 14th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC13) and the Eighth International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT2013). The aim of JRS2013 is to provide an international forum for practitioners and researchers from industry, academia and government from all over the world for a wide ranging discussion of all forms of rough set and its applications.

    The conference will include workshops on Rough Set Theory (RST 2013) and Rough Set Applications (RSA 2013), as well as special sessions on "Covering-Based Rough Set and Its Applications", "Three-way Decisions and Probabilistic Rough Sets", "Soft Clustering", "Fuzzy and Rough Hybridization and Applications", "Mining Complex Data with Granular Computing", "Data Mining for Intelligent CCTV", "Granular Computing Theory Research and Application" and "Vagueness, Imprecision and Uncertainty in Description Logics"

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submission deadline is 25 May 2013.

  • Relaunch of the "Australasian Journal of Logic"

    Deadline: none

    The Australasian Journal of Logic is being relaunched. The AJL is a free, open access journal run under the auspices of the Australasian Association of Logic and Victoria University's Centre for Logic, Language and Computation. All papers sent to the AJL are refereed and we try for a turn-around time within three months of submission.

    The AJL publishes in all areas of logic, both technical results and conceptual discussions of logic. To submit an article please go to our online submission utility.

    For more information, see

  • 9-12 October 2013, 4th International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-4), Hangzhou, China

    Date: 9-12 October 2013
    Location: Hangzhou, China
    Deadline: 7 June 2013

    The LORI workshop series aims at bringing together researchers working on a wide variety of logic-related fields concerned with the understanding of rationality and interaction. These include Game Theory and Decision Theory, Philosophy and Epistemology, Linguistics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. The series aims at fostering a view of Logic as an interdisciplinary endeavor, and supports the creation of a Chinese community of interdisciplinary researchers.

    For more information, see

    Submissions of contributed papers bearing on any of the broad themes of the LORI workshop series are invited. Paper submission deadline (extended): June 7th, 2013.

  • 3-4 October 2013, 2nd APMP meeting: Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Urbana IL, U.S.A.

    Date: 3-4 October 2013
    Location: Urbana IL, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 30 April 2013

    The Second International Meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP) will be held October 3-4, 2013 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

    The APMP aims to foster the philosophy of mathematical practice, that is, a broad outward-looking approach to understanding mathematics that engages with mathematics in practice---including issues in history of mathematics, the applications of mathematics, cognitive science, etc. This meeting will be the first part of a four day meeting on problems and prospects in the philosophy of mathematics. The second part will be the Fourteenth Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 14): we hope APMP participants will also stay for this second part.

    For more information, see

    The call for papers is now open, with a deadline of April 30, 2013.

  • 27-29 September 2013, Rules 2013, Krakow, Poland

    Date: 27-29 September 2013
    Location: Krakow, Poland
    Costs: 850/400 PLN
    Deadline: 28 February 2013

    The idea of the Conference is to bring together philosophers, legal philosophers, psychologists and cognitive scientists, including researchers on artificial intelligence, who are interested in the problem of rules, rule-following and normativity.

    Our aim is to create an interdisciplinary forum that will bring together academics representing different disciplines, willing to present their perspective on the issues related to rules and normativity.

    Invited speakers: Paul Boghossian, Brian Bix, Philip Zelazo and Stefano Bertea.

    For more information, see

    We invite submission of original and unpublished papers. Abstracts (not exceeding 400 words) should be submitted by February 28th, 2013 using EasyChair.

  • 23 - 27 September 2013, Algebraic Proof Theory W0rkshop, Gudauri, Georgia

    Date: 23 - 27 September 2013
    Location: Gudauri, Georgia
    Deadline: 30 May 2013

    An Algebraic Proof Theory Workshop will take place at the Tenth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation that is held in Georgia on 23 - 27 September 2013. The workshop centers around the connection between proof theory and algebraic logic, a connection that is still not completely understood and has received increasing attention over the last years.

    Workshop organizers: Agata Ciabattoni and Rosalie Iemhoff. Invited Speakers: Matthias Baaz (Vienna University of Technology), Alessio Guglielmi (University of Bath) and Kazushige Terui (University of Kyoto).

    For more information, see the Tbilisi Symposium website at or contact .

    Anyone interested in giving a talk at the workshop can send a 1 page abstract to Agata Ciabattoni () and Rosalie Iemhoff () no later than May 30th, 2013.

  • 23-27 September 2013, Type Theory, Homotopy Theory and Univalent Foundations, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 23-27 September 2013
    Location: Barcelona, Spain
    Deadline: 1 July 2013

    The conference "Type Theory, Homotopy Theory and Univalent Foundations" will be held at the Centre de Recerca Matematica in Barcelona on September 23rd-27th.

    The invited speakers are Richard Garner, Andre' Joyal, Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, Thomas Streicher and Michael Warren.

    For further information, please see the conference webpage:

    The registration is now open and we also welcome submission of abstracts for presentations. The deadline for submitting abstracts is July 1st.

  • 20-23 September 2013, History and Philosophy of Infinity (FotFS VIII), Cambridge, England

    Date: 20-23 September 2013
    Location: Cambridge, England
    Deadline: 31 May 2013

    The concept of infinity has fascinated philosophers and mathematicians for many centuries: e.g., the distinction between the potential and actual infinite appears in Aristotle's Physics (in his treatment of the paradoxes of Zeno) and the notion was implied in the attempts to sharpen the method of approximation (starting as early as Archimedes and running through the middle ages and into the nineteenth century). Modern mathematics opened the doors to the wealth of the realm of the infinities by means of the set-theoretic foundations of mathematics.

    Any philosophical interaction with concepts of infinite must have at least two aspects: first, an inclusive examination of the various branches and applications, across the various periods; but second, it must proceed in the critical light of mathematical results, including results from meta-mathematics. The conference History & Philosophy of Infinity will emphasize philosophical, empirical and historical approaches.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 31 May 2013.

  • 19-20 September 2013, Modal Metaphysics: Issues on the (Im)Possible, Bratislava, Slovakia

    Date: 19-20 September 2013
    Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
    Deadline: 15 May 2013

    Keynote speakers: John Divers (Leeds) and Francesco Berto (Aberdeen).

    For further details, please visit the conference website at

    We invite submissions for a 30 minute presentation followed by a 20 minute discussion. Topics of interest might include (but are not limited to): the nature of possible and impossible worlds; logic of possible and impossible worlds; how possibilia and impossibilia represent?; can we do without them?. Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2013.

  • 18-21 September 2013, Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata (Highlights 2013), Paris, France

    Date: 18-21 September 2013
    Location: Paris, France
    Deadline: 20 June 2013

    The goal of this conference is to integrate the community working on logic, games and automata. Papers on these topics are dispersed across many conferences, which makes them difficult to follow, and the community rarely gathers. A visit to the Highlights conference gives you a wide picture of the latest research in the area, as well as a chance to meet everybody in the field, not just those who happen to publish in one particular proceedings volume.

    Representative areas include, but are not restricted to: logic and finite model theory, automata theory, and games for logic and verification. The programme includes one tutorial day and three days of contributed talks and keynote speakers.

    For more information, see

    The conference has no published proceedings. Participants are encourage to talk about their best work, be it already published or not. The submission deadline is 20 June 2013.

  • 17-18 September 2013, Combining probability and logic to solve philosophical problems (Progic 2013), Munich, Germany

    Date: 17-18 September 2013
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Deadline: 15 April 2013

    The Sixth Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (progic 2013) focuses on "Combining probability and logic to solve philosophical problems".

    For more information, see

    Scholars who combine probability and logic to elaborate new solutions to philosophical problems are invited to submit an extended abstract (two pages) for presentation at the workshop. Contributors should indicate if they are prepared to submit a paper to the progic 2013 special issue in the Journal of Applied Logic. Deadline for extended abstracts: April 15, 2013.

  • 17-19 September 2013, Mathematical Cultures (MC2), London, U.K.

    Date: 17-19 September 2013
    Location: London, U.K.
    Deadline: 1 May 2013

    The second conference in the AHRC-funded series on Mathematical Cultures will take place at De Morgan House (London) 17-19 September 2013. This meeting will articulate and classify mathematical values. What do mathematicians mean when they use terms such as ~deep~, ~elegant~, ~explanatory~, etc.? What is the rational structure of the deliberations mathematicians use to reach value judgments (in PhD examinations, book reviews, journal referee reports, etc.)? How much variety is there in mathematical values between mathematical cultures? What are the virtues of a good mathematician?

    Speakers will include: Prof Alan Bishop, Prof Paul Ernest, Prof Jose Ferreiros and Prof Emily Grosholz

    For further details, please see the conference website at or e-mail

    Speakers wishing to present papers at the second mathematical cultures conference should submit an abstract by 1 May 2013.

  • 16-18 September 2013, Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS13), Gent, Belgium

    Date: 16-18 September 2013
    Location: Gent, Belgium
    Deadline: 1 April 2013

    On occasion of its 20th anniversary, the The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University organises an international Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS13) on the themes that are central to its research:
    - Logical analysis of scientific reasoning processes
    - Methodological and epistemological analysis of scientific reasoning processes

    For more information, see

    We welcome submissions for contributed papers on every topic that falls within the scope of the two themes mentioned above. On top of the keynote talks and the regular sessions with contributed papers, we will also schedule eleven special symposia with a limited number of papers. Each symposium is organised by one or two post-doctoral researchers of the CLPS, and it is possible to submit a paper for these symposia. If you want to present a paper at CLPS13, please upload an abstract in PDF format (between 500 and 1000 words) before 1 April 2013.

  • 16-20 September 2013, 11th German Cnference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2013) and 4th Joint Agent Workshops in Synergy (JAWS 2013), Koblenz, Germany

    Date: 16-20 September 2013
    Location: Koblenz, Germany
    Deadline: 1 May 2013

    The MATES conference series aims at the promotion of and the cross-fertilization between theory and application of intelligent agents and multiagent systems. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and members of business and industry to present and discuss latest advances in agent-based computing with prototyped or fielded systems in various application domains.

    In 2013 the MATES conference is accompanied by the fourth installment of the Joint Agent Workshops in Synergy (JAWS 2013), a series of international workshops on different issues of agent technology. This European joint event on agent technologies (MATES+JAWS) is co-located with the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence(KI 2013) and the 43th Symposium of the German Computer Science Association GI (Informatik 2013).

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for Submission: May 1, 2013

  • 16-17 September 2013, Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XIV), Corunna, Spain

    Date: 16-17 September 2013
    Location: Corunna, Spain
    Deadline: 6 June 2013

    The purpose of the CLIMA Workshop Series is to provide a forum for discussing techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming and reasoning about agents and multi-agent systems in a formal way.

    Following the previous thirteen, very successful, editions, the 14th CLIMA will take place in Corunna, Spain, on the 16th and 17th of September 2013. It will be co-located with LPNMR'13. In addition to CLIMA's regular topics and sessions, this edition will feature two special sessions, on Argumentation Technologies and on Norms and Normative Multi-Agent Systems.

    For more information, see or send enquiries to .

    We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers, which have not been accepted for publication nor are currently under review for another journal or conference. Submission deadline: June 6th.

  • 16 September 2013, Workshop on Logics for Resources, Processes and Programmes (LRPP 2013), Nancy, France

    Date: Monday 16 September 2013
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 24 June 2013

    A one day workshop on `Logics for Resources, Processes, and Programs' will be held the 16th September 2013 in conjunction with the Tableaux Conference in Nancy, France, with D. Galmiche and D. Pym as co-chairs.

    The purpose of this workshop would be to discuss recent results on logics, including systems formulated in the style of Hoare and Hennessy-Milner, for modelling resources, processes, programs, and their interactions. We envisage a range of perspectives: proof-theoretic foundations, including decidability and complexity; semantic foundations (e.g., new resource semantics); specification of properties and behaviours; verification and analysis of programs and systems. It should help to establish and publicize a research agenda for such logics and their use in the development of trusted systems.

    The workshop is intended to provide a forum for discussion between researchers interested in logics of resources (from foundations to related calculi and applications) and researchers interested in languages and methods for specification of mobile, distributed, concurrent systems and their verification.

    Additional information will be available through WWW address:

    Researchers interested in presenting their works are invited to send an extended abstract (up to 10 pages) by June 24, 2013.

  • 16-20 September 2013, 13th Asian Logic Conference (ALC2013), Guangzhou, China

    Date: 16-20 September 2013
    Location: Guangzhou, China
    Deadline: 30 June 2013

    The Thirteenth Asian Logic Conference will be held in Guangzhou from September 16 to 20, 2013. The program will cover a wide range of topics and will feature plenary lectures presented by leading specialists in every major area of mathematical logic.

    The Asian Logic Conference series is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic and the meetings are major international events in mathematical logic. The series features the latest scientific developments in the fields in mathematical logic and applications, logic in computer science, and philosophical logics. It also aims at promoting activities of mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and bringing logicians both from within Asia and elsewhere together to exchange information and ideas.

    For more information, see or contact .

    In addition there will be many contributed talks. All the abstracts of talks should be submitted through Atlas ALC2013 by the Deadline of June 30, 2013.

  • 12-14 September 2013, Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (SOPhiA 2013), Salzburg, Austria

    Date: 12-14 September 2013
    Location: Salzburg, Austria
    Deadline: 9 June 2013

    The organizers aim to provide the opportunity for students and doctoral candidates of Philosophy to get in touch with prospective or well established philosophers, take a first peek into the philosophical business, and to attend interesting presentations. Beside the conference presentations there will be a workshop on Mathematical Philosophy.

    Keynote Speakers: Catarina Dulith Novaes, Ole T. Hjortland, Martin Kusch and Herlinde Pauer-Studer.

    For more information, see

    Students and doctoral candidates (pre-doc) of philosophy are hereby encouraged to submit an abstract for a presentation of approximately 20 minutes in length. Contributions in every discipline of philosophy (epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science etc.) are welcome. As customary in analytic philosophy, contributors should make use of understandable language as well as rational argumentation. Deadline: June 9, 2013

  • 3-6 September 2013, Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO 2013), Warsaw, Poland

    Date: 3-6 September 2013
    Location: Warsaw, Poland
    Deadline: 22 February 2013

    CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging uses of algebra and coalgebra in computer science.

    It is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007), Udine (Italy, 2009) and Winchester (UK, 2011). The fifth edition will be held in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.

    For more information, see or contact .

    We invite submissions of technical papers that report results of theoretical work on the mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the way these results can support methods and techniques for software development, as well as experience with the transfer of the resulting technologies into industrial practice. Abstract submission deadline: February 22, 2013.

  • 1-5 September 2013, 16th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2013), Plzen, Czech Republic

    Date: 1-5 September 2013
    Location: Plzen, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 31 March 2013

    TSD series have evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in both spoken and written language processing from all over the world. This year the conference is organized in parallel with the 15th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM).

    The conference program will include presentation of invited papers, oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions. One day of the conference will be dedicated to tutorials and workshops.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages formatted in the LNCS style. Authors are also invited to present actual projects, a developed software or interesting materials relevant to the topics of the conference. Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 31, 2013.

  • 29-31 August 2013, 4th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF 2013), Borca di Cadore, Italy

    Date: 29-31 August 2013
    Location: Borca di Cadore, Italy
    Deadline: 1 May 2013

    The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers from academia and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, ranging from theory to applications, and stimulate cross-fertilization.

    Invited Speakers: Alessandro Cimatti (ITC-IRST, Italy), Thomas Henzinger (IST, Austria) and Christof Loeding (University of Aachen, Germany).

    Please visit the conference website for more information.

    Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on all relevant topics in these areas. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. Abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2013.

  • 22-24 August 2013, SIGDIAL Conference, Metz, France

    Date: 22-24 August 2013
    Location: Metz, France
    Deadline: 3 May 2013

    The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research in discourse and dialog to both academic and industry researchers. Continuing with a series of thirteen successful previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest areas of discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGDIAL organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group on discourse and dialog for both ACL and ISCA.

    The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short papers, and demo descriptions. The long and short paper submission deadline is Friday, 3 May 2013; the demo submission deadline is Tuesday, 2 July 2013.

    For more information, see

  • 20-23 August 2013, 20th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2013), Darmstadt, Germany

    Date: 20-23 August 2013
    Location: Darmstadt, Germany
    Deadline: 25 March 2013

    WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The twentieth WoLLIC will be held at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, from August 20th to 23rd, 2013.

    WoLLIC is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL), Logic (EACSL), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), and the Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).

    For more information, see

    Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by March 25th, and the full paper by March 29th (firm date).

  • 15-20 August 2013, Metaethics Workshop: Moral Psychology and Ethics of Emotions, Freie Universität Berlin

    Date: 15-20 August 2013
    Location: Freie Universität Berlin
    Deadline: 1 June 2013

    Following four successful years of the Buenos Aires Metaethics Workshop under the auspices of the Center for Advanced Studies in Philosophy and Phenomenology, The Languages of Emotion Programme at Freie Universität Berlin announces the first Berlin edition of the yearly Metaethics Workshop. This year the theme of the workshop shall be Moral Psychology and Ethics of Emotions.

    For more information, see here or contact Dr. Johannes Windrich () and Dr. Martin Gak ().

    The organisers invite submissions for one hour presentations. The invitation is open to scholars approaching the topic from all fields and traditions, though philosophical considerations will take priority. Rather than read, participants are requested to give presentations of the arguments and position in a colloquial manner so as to facilitate discussion. Deadline for submissions: June 1st, 2013.

  • 12-16 August 2013, ESSLLI Workshop on Logical Models of Group Decision Making, D&uuml;sseldorf, Germany

    Date: 12-16 August 2013
    Location: D&uuml;sseldorf, Germany
    Deadline: 25 April 2013

    In recent years, in both logic and computer science, there has been a growing interest in the formal study of problems originating in economics, as witnessed by the emergence of research trends such as logic and rational interaction or computational social choice. This workshop will provide a forum for the discussion of ongoing research in this exciting field. It will specifically focus on the use of logic (rather than formal methods more generally) to model problems in group decision making (rather than problems in economics more generally).

    The workshop is part of the programme of the 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2013).

    For more information, see

    Submissions are invited. The paper submission deadline is 25 April 2013.

  • 5-16 August 2013, ESSLLI Student Session 2013, Düsseldorf, Germany

    Date: 5-16 August 2013
    Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
    Deadline: 1 April 2013

    The ESSLLI Student Session will be held during the next European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information in Düsseldorf, Germany (5th-16th August).

    For more information, see or the main ESSLLI-2013 page at

    We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from students in any area at the intersection of Logic & Language, Language & Computation, or Logic & Computation, for both oral presentations and posters. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters and will appear in the student session proceedings in Springer. Deadline for submissions: April 1st, 2013

  • 5-9 August 2013, Workshop on Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics, Duesseldorf, Germany

    Date: 5-9 August 2013
    Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
    Deadline: 15 April 2013

    The workshop wants to collect emerging work in Bayesian interpretation, as well as work using Bayesian methods in natural language (NL) interpretation, and bring together the various approaches so as to contribute to a more integrated research programme in this new area.

    The workshop is part of ESSLLI-2013 and is open to all ESSLLI participants. It will consist of five 90-minute sessions held over five consecutive days in the first week of ESSLLI. There will be 2-3 slots for paper presentation and discussion per session. On the first day the workshop organisers will give an introduction to the topic.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit an anonymous, extended abstract. What we are looking for are analyses in semantics and pragmatics using the possibilities of Bayesian interpretation, and papers exploring the consequences of Bayesian NL interpretation. Submission Deadline: April 15, 2013.

  • 5-9 August 2013, Boolean algebra, Lattice theory, universal Algebra, Set theory, Topology (BLAST 2013), Orange CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 5-9 August 2013
    Location: Orange CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 15 May 2013

    BLAST (Boolean algebras, Lattices, Algebraic logic, Set theory, and Topology; quantum logic and point-free topology have been added to the mix) is a series of annual conferences. The first four BLAST conferences were at the University of Denver, New Mexico State Universit, the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Kansas.

    BLAST 2013 will feature invited talks by William DeMeo, Francois Dorais, Mai Gehrke, Steven Givant, Steve Jackson, Michael Pinsker, Dima Sinapova and Sam van Gool, and invited tutorials by Martin Escardo, Heinz-Peter Gumm and Hilary Priestley

    More information can be found at the conference web page: The conference organizers can be contacted at: .

    Abstract submission is through Atlas-conferences at Deadline for submissions TBA.

  • 4-6 August 2013, 2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN 2013), Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 4-6 August 2013
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 24 February 2013

    Narratives are ubiquitous in human experience. We use them to communicate, convince, explain, and entertain. As far as we know, every society in the world has narratives, which suggests they are rooted in our psychology and serve an important cognitive function. It is becoming increasingly clear that, to truly understand and explain human intelligence, beliefs, and behaviors, we will have to understand why and to what extent narrative is universal and explain (or explain away) the function it serves. The aim of this workshop series is to address key questions that advance our understanding of narrative and our ability to model it computationally.

    This workshop will be an appropriate venue for papers addressing fundamental topics and questions regarding narrative. The workshop will be held as a satellite event of the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (to be held in Berlin 31st July - 3rd August), and so will have a special focus on the cognitive science of narrative.

    For more information, see Questions should be directed to .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Papers should be relevant to issues fundamental to the computational modeling and scientific understanding of narrative. We accept both finished research and more tentative exploratory work. Paper submission deadline: February 24, 2013

  • 3-5 August 2013, Tenth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC 2013), Beijing, China

    Date: 3-5 August 2013
    Location: Beijing, China
    Deadline: 19 April 2013

    The biennial Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC) is an established workshop with an active and loyal community. Since its inception in 1995, it has always been held in conjunction with IJCAI, each time with growing success.

    This year's special theme is the qualification problem, the fundamental problem of assuming away by default unexpected circumstances preventing the successful execution of an action.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of research papers for presentation at NRAC 2013, a one-day workshop to be held in Beijing, China as part of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13) workshop program. Submission deadline is 19 April, 2013.

  • 3-5 August 2013, Workshop "Information and Trust Dynamics in AI" (ITDAS'13), Beijing, China

    Date: 3-5 August 2013
    Location: Beijing, China
    Deadline: 19 April 2013

    Describing intelligent agents with the help of cognitive and social notions is now well established in the domain of artificial intelligence. In the recent years, concepts such as trust, reputation, delegation, commitment and convention have been proposed in order to describe how artificial agents interact in an artificial society or in a virtual organization. This workshop aims at discussing formal theories and logics of information dynamics, in order to better understand how information circulates in an artificial society, how it affects trust, and how it contributes to the construction of reputation and collective attitudes, and to the emergence of conventions. The workshop is an associated event of IJCAI-13.

    For more information, see the workshop website at

    Interested authors are invited to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is April 19, 2013.

  • 3-5 August 2013, Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA-13), Beijing, China

    Date: 3-5 August 2013
    Location: Beijing, China
    Deadline: 20 April 2013

    The Second International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA 2013) will be co-located with IJCAI 2013 in Beijing, and builds on the success of TAFA 2011 (co-located with IJCAI 2011). The workshop is inspired by the recent rapid growth of interest in formal models of argumentation and their application in diverse sub-fields and domains of application of Artificial Intelligence. TAFA 2013 aims to further foster uptake of argumentation as a viable AI paradigm with wide ranging application by providing a forum for further development of existing ideas and for the initiation of new and innovative collaborations.

    For more information, see

    TAFA 2013 therefore encourages submission of papers on formal theoretical models of argumentation and their application in (sub-fields of) AI, and on the evaluation of models of argumentation, both theoretical (in terms of formal properties) and practical (in concretely developed applications). We particularly encourage work on theories and applications developed through inter-disciplinary collaborations. The workshop will also include a demonstration session. Submission Deadline: April 20, 2013.

  • 31 July - 3 August 2013, The Sixth Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-13), Beijing, China

    Date: 31 July - 3 August 2013
    Location: Beijing, China
    Deadline: 1 March 2013

    The AGI conference series is the premier international forum for cutting-edge research focusing on the original goal of the AI field: the creation of thinking machines with general intelligence at the human level and ultimately beyond. The AGI conference series is held in cooperation with AAAI, and AGI-13 will co-locate with IJCAI-13. This is the first AGI conference to be held in Asia, and will be hosted by Peking University.

    Like its predecessors, AGI-13 will gather researchers in AGI and associated disciplines for wide-ranging presentation and discussion of approaches, architectures, algorithms and ideas relevant to the advancement of artificial general intelligence.

    For more information, see

    As in prior AGI conferences, we welcome papers on all aspects of AGI R&D, with the key proviso that each paper should in some way contribute specifically to the development of Artificial General Intelligence. Proposals for workshops and tutorials are also solicited. Deadline for submissions: March 1st 2013 (papers), April 10th 2013 (tutorial proposals) or December 15th, 2012 (workshop proposals).

  • 29-31 July 2013, 1st International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2013), Tarragona, Spain

    Date: 29-31 July 2013
    Location: Tarragona, Spain
    Deadline: 5 March 2013

    SLSP is the first event in a series to host and promote research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large, well-known conferences including papers in any of these fields, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between areas and people will hopefully happen. SLSP will reserve significant space for young scholars at the beginning of their careers.

    For more information, see

    The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical methods (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Deadline for paper submissions: March 5, 2013.

  • 24 July - 1 August 2013, 6th International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL 2013), Nashville TN, U.S.A.

    Date: 24 July - 1 August 2013
    Location: Nashville TN, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 1 April 2013

    Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active branch of mathematical logic, with many applications, in computer science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tools and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The program of the conference TACL 2013 will focus on three interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical study of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical, and topological methods.

    TACL brings together different disciplines with the goal of exploring problems in logic. While TACL can boast of having participants that are at least somewhat familiar with most of the featured areas, young researchers and students who attend the conference and work in TACL fields may have a more restricted and specialized repertoire of tools and knowledge. In order to fill that gap, the conference itself (which starts on 28 July) will be preceded by a 4-day summer school, aimed at exposing young researchers and students to a variety of methods outside their immediate area that can be used to study logic.

    For more information, see the TACL 2013 web site at, or contact the Program Committee at or the local Organizing Committee at .

    TACL invites contributed talks. Contributed talks can deal with any topic dealing with the use of algebraic, categorical or topological methods in either logic or computer science. Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2013.

  • 23-26 July 2013, 26th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2013) , Ulm (Germany)

    Date: 23-26 July 2013
    Location: Ulm (Germany)
    Deadline: 5 April 2013

    The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences.

    In this year, DL workshop will be collocated with the 2nd OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE), which will take place on July 22nd in Ulm, Germany. Furthermore, the International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR), will take place in Mannheim (1:40 min by train from Ulm) directly subsequent to the DL workshop (July 27th - 29th), and the 9th Reasoning Web Summer School (July 30th - Aug 2nd) also in Mannheim.

    Information about submission, registration, travel information, etc., is available on the DL 2013 homepage at

    We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics. Abstract submission deadline: April 05, 2013.

  • New journal: "Language under Discussion"

    Deadline: none

    Language Under Discussion is a new open-access peer-reviewed journal devoted to promoting open-minded debate on central questions in the study of language, from all relevant disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

    Each issue of the journal will be composed of a focus paper and discussion notes responding to it. An issue will remain "open" for adding discussion notes to it for a year after the focus paper is out, after which the author(s) of the focus paper will be invited to respond to the discussion notes. In addition, the journal will occasionally feature round-table discussions.

    "Language under Discussion" is looking for open-minded and original authors and volunteer reviewers. This call for papers is ongoing and there is no specific deadline. For more information, see or contact .

  • 15-17 July 2013, Third Workshop on Formal Methods in Philosophy (Entia et Nomina III), Gdansk, Poland

    Date: 15-17 July 2013
    Location: Gdansk, Poland
    Deadline: 1 April 2013

    Gdansk University (Poland) and the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at Ghent University (Belgium) are organising the third in a series of logico-philosophical workshops on the application of formal methods in philosophy (especially outside the narrow field of philosophy of logic and language). The workshop will take place in Gdansk, Poland (July 15-17, 2013).

    Details are available at:

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Full papers, prepared for blind-review, should be sent by April 1, 2013.

  • 15-18 July 2013, 4th European Set Theory Conference (4ESTC), Mon St Benet, Spain

    Date: 15-18 July 2013
    Location: Mon St Benet, Spain
    Deadline: 15 April 2013

    The 4th European Set Theory Conference will be held in Mon St Benet, near Barcelona, on 15-18 July 2013.

    The program includes:
    - Andrzej Mostowski Centenary. Invited lecture by Adam Krawczyk (Warsaw).
    - Tutorial by Moti Gitik (Tel Aviv).
    - Lecture by the winner of the Hausdorff Medal.
    - 6 plenary lectures.
    - 8 invited lectures.
    - Contributed talks.
    - Poster sessions.
    - Round table on the future of set theory.

    For more information, see

    The deadline for submitting an abstract for a contributed 20 or 50 minutes talk is April 15.

  • 15-19 July 2013, Ninth Panhellenic Logic Symposium (PLS9), Athens, Greece

    Date: 15-19 July 2013
    Location: Athens, Greece
    Deadline: 26 April 2013

    The Panhellenic Logic Symposium is a biennial scientific event that was established in 1997. It aims to promote interaction and cross-fertilization among different areas of logic. Originally conceived as a way of bringing together the many logicians of Hellenic descent throughout the world, the PLS has evolved into an international forum for the communication of state-of-the-art advances in logic. The symposium is open to researchers worldwide who work in logic broadly conceived. The Ninth Panhellenic Logic Symposium will be hosted by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.

    For more information, see

    Original papers that fall within the scope of the symposium are solicited. Prospective speakers of twenty-five-minute presentations are invited to submit a paper, in English, not exceeding six pages, by Friday, April 26, 2013.

  • 15-17 July 2013, The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP 2013), College Park MD, U.S.A.

    Date: 15-17 July 2013
    Location: College Park MD, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 30 April 2013

    This generation has borne witness to a veritable explosion in the use of computing technologies in almost every aspect of life. Philosophers, scientists, and technologists/engineers have an important role to play in addressing the foundational questions that arise on the inexorable march toward intelligent machines. This year's theme is "Minds, Machines and Morals."

    For more information, see

    We encourage the submission of novel work in three tracks: "Information and Computing Ethics", "Minds and Machines", and "Computing in Philosophy" We remain especially interested in the kind of interdisciplinary investigations that have been typical of our meetings as we seek to reach out to cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, social psychologists and experimental philosophers in further developing our understanding of moral minds and moral machines. Final submissions deadline (extended): April 30, 2013

  • 7-10 July 2013, Twelfth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
    Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2013), Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 7-10 July 2013
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 3 February 2013

    The biennial ECSQARU conferences constitute a major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty. Contributions come from researchers interested in advancing the technology and from practitioners using uncertainty techniques in real-world applications. The scope of the ECSQARU conferences encompasses fundamental issues, representation, inference, learning, and decision making in qualitative and numeric uncertainty paradigms. Preceding the main conference, on July 7th, a tutorial programme will be offered.

    For more information, see or contact the organisers at .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline: February 3rd, 2013

  • 1-5 July 2013, Computability in Europe (CiE 2013), Milan, Italy

    Date: 1-5 July 2013
    Location: Milan, Italy
    Deadline: 20 January 2013

    CiE 2013 is the ninth conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world.

    CiE 2013 will focus on research of Computational Complexity and the interplay between Proof Theory and Computation, as well as the special theme of the 'Nature of Computation', that is, the unexpected and strong changes that studies on Nature have brought in several areas of mathematics, physics, and computer science.

    For more information, see

    The Program Committee invites all researchers in the area of the conference to submit their papers for presentation at CiE 2013. Novel views that rely on physical and biological processes and models to find new ways of tackling computations and improving their efficiency are especially welcome. We particularly invite papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community. Submission deadline is 20 January 2013.

  • 1-5 July 2013, 15th European Agents Systems Summer School (EASSS-2013), London, U.K.

    Date: 1-5 July 2013
    Location: London, U.K.
    Deadline: 10 February 2013

    Since 1999, the annual European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS) has provided a forum for knowledge exchange between various research groups in the field of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, with the aim of benefiting mainly graduate students and researchers at both beginner and advanced level.

    The 15th European Agent Systems Summer School will be held at King's College London, UK, from the 1st to 5th of July 2013. EASSS-2013 will be co-located with the 15th Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence; a bi-annual summer school for graduate students and young researchers in AI, sponsored by ECCAI (European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence).

    As was the case with its highly successful earlier editions, EASSS-2013 will offer a rich programme of both introductory and advanced courses on a broad range of topics in the area of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. The courses are aimed at PhD students, advanced Master's students, and other young researchers and will be taught by leading researchers in the field. EASSS is organised under the auspices of EURAMAS, the European Association for Multiagent Systems (

    For more information, see or contact .

    We are now inviting proposals from members of the research community who are willing to offer tutorials at EASSS-2013. We are interested in tutorial proposals in all areas of current research in Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Deadline for tutorial proposals: 10 February 2013.

  • 25 June 2013, Logicality, Lexical Meaning and Semantic Invariance, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: Tuesday 25 June 2013
    Location: Barcelona, Spain
    Deadline: 13 April 2013

    The workshop aims at connecting two debates from two different disciplines: the debate over logical constants in philosophy of logic and the debate on the functional vs. lexical distinction in linguistics. It further aims at examining the notion of semantic invariance, both as used by logicians (namely, as a criterion for logicality) and by linguists and philosophers of language in discussions of semantics. One of the main goals of the workshop is to examine whether the distinction between logical vs. non-logical expressions maps onto the
    distinction between functional vs. lexical (or 'substantive') categories.

    For more information, see

    The workshop organizers invite papers for 40 min talks, followed by 20 min discussion, from areas of linguistics, philosophy of language and logic that address the issues presented in the workshop description. Submission deadline: 13 April 2013.

  • 25-28 June 2013, 28th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science (LICS 2013), New Orleans LA, U.S.A.

    Date: 25-28 June 2013
    Location: New Orleans LA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 20 April 2013

    LICS is an annual international forum on topics that lie at the intersection of computer science and mathematical logic. LICS 2013 will be held in New Orleans on the campus of Tulane University, and will be collocated with MFPS and CSF.

    For more information, see

    As in the past, there will be a short-presentation session during LICS 2013, which is intended for descriptions of works in progress, student projects, trailers for longer presentations at affiliated workshops, and relevant research being published elsewhere; other brief communications may be acceptable. Submission Deadline: 20 April 2013.

  • 24-26 June 2013, 24th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2013), Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Date: 24-26 June 2013
    Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 February 2013

    The RTA conferences series serves as a forum for presenting original work on all aspects of rewriting.

    RTA 2013 is organized as part of the Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP 2013), together with the International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2013) and several related events.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee invites submissions of oroginal papers, problem sets or system descriptions, on all aspects of rewriting. Abstract submission deadline: February 1st, 2013.

  • 24-28 June 2013, Constructive Mathematics: Foundations and Practice (CMFP 2013), Nis, Serbia

    Date: 24-28 June 2013
    Location: Nis, Serbia
    Deadline: 30 April 2013

    The main aims of the meeting are:
    - To provide mini-series of lectures, presented by experts and designed to lead mathematicians (including graduate students) from the basic elements of constructive mathematics to a level where they can appreciate recent developments in the area.
    - To enable selected speakers to present seminars on their recent research in aspects of constructive mathematics.

    The meeting will be sponsored by the University of Nis and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Nis, and will be part of the celebration of the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, which was signed by emperors Constantine and Licinius in 313 AD and which initiated the era of religious toleration for the Christian faith in the Roman Empire.

    For more information, see the website of the conference at or email .

    The schedule of the meeting will have slots for a small number of short talks by non-invited speakers. The closing date for submission of abstracts is 30 April 2013.

  • 23-28 June 2013, 7th International Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP 2013), Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Date: 23-28 June 2013
    Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 February 2013

    RDP 2013 consists of:
    RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications), June 24-26, and
    TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), June 26-28, and
    Workshops on June 24-25 and June 27-28.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit papers for RTA (deadline: 1 February 2013) or TLCA (deadline: 25 January 2013), or workshop proposals for RDP-2013 itself (deadline: 1 December 2012).

  • 17 - 21 June 2013, Logica 2013, Hejnice, Czech Republic

    Date: 17 - 21 June 2013
    Location: Hejnice, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 14 February 2013

    Logica 2013 will be the 27th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic. The official language of the symposium is English. Invited speakers are Johan van Benthem, Michael Dunn, Volker Halbach and Michiel van Lambalgen.

    For more information, see or contact .

    Contributions devoted to any of the wide range of logical problems are welcome except those focused on specialized technical applications. Particularly welcome are contributions that cover issues interesting both for 'philosophically' and for 'mathematically' oriented logicians. Deadline for submissions: 14 February (2 page abstract).

  • 17-22 June 2013, 13th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Dynamic Systems (SFM-13:DS), Bertinoro, Italy

    Date: 17-22 June 2013
    Location: Bertinoro, Italy
    Deadline: 21 March 2013

    Formal methods are emerging in computer science as a prominent approach to the rigorous design of computer, communication and software systems. The aim of the SFM series is to offer a good spectrum of current research in foundations as well as applications of formal methods, which can be of interest for graduate students and young researchers who intend to approach the field.

    This year SFM is an offspring of the workshops QAPL and MLQA and is devoted to dynamical systems. It covers topics such as chaotic dynamics, information theory, systems biology, hybrid systems, quantum computing, and automata-based models and model checking.

    Prospective participants should send by 21 March 2013 the application form, available on the school website. For more information, see

  • 17-19 June 2013, Seventh Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL 2013), Stockholm, Sweden

    Date: 17-19 June 2013
    Location: Stockholm, Sweden
    Deadline: 25 April 2013

    Formal approaches to rational individual and interactive decision making is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of research. The workshop series in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL) started in 2007 and aims at fostering interactions between graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers from economics, logic and philosophy.

    Each DGL features three tutorials, one on decision theory, one on game theory and one on logic, given by leading researchers. For DGL2013, these will be: Sven Ove Hansson, Annika Wallin, and Jörgen Weibull.

    For more information, see

    Each DGL features presentations by researchers. We invite submissions in the fields of decision theory, game theory, logic and formal philosophy. Preference will be given to conceptual work in these fields and work that combines interdisciplinary research in these fields. We invite submissions for both full presentations and poster sessions. Deadline for submission (extended): April 25, 2013.

  • 13-14 June 2013, Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature (CLFL 2013), Atlanta GA, U.S.A

    Date: 13-14 June 2013
    Location: Atlanta GA, U.S.A
    Deadline: 1 March 2013

    The amount of literary material available on-line keeps growing rapidly: there are machine-readable texts from libraries, collections and e-book stores, as well as "live" literature such as e-zines, blogs or self-published e-books. We need tools to help navigate, visualize and better appreciate the high volume of available literature.

    CLFL-2013 will focus on the subject of applying state-of-the art NLP methods to literary data, and consider questions such as: What characteristics of literature make it special? Is it, indeed, a unique type of language data? How should we adapt our tools to find meaning in literary text? What lessons from automatic processing of literature could apply to other types of data?

    All information sits at:

    The Programme Committee invites submission of long and short papers, describing completed or ongoing research on systems, studies, theories and models which can inform the area of computational linguistics for literature. Position papers are welcome, too. Submission deadline: March 1, 2013

  • 10-14 June 2013, 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Law (ICAIL 2013), Rome, Italy

    Date: 10-14 June 2013
    Location: Rome, Italy
    Deadline: 11 January 2013

    The ICAIL conference is the primary international conference addressing research in Artificial Intelligence and Law, and has been organized biennially since 1987 under the auspices of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL). ICAIL provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research results and practical applications; it fosters interdisciplinary and international collaboration. The conference proceedings are published by ACM. The journal /Artificial Intelligence and Law/ regularly publishes expanded versions of selected ICAIL papers.

    For more information, see

    ICAIL 2013 invites the submission of papers on a broad spectrum of research topics. In addition to papers about results and findings from systems, approaches, or theoretical models (in the conference's regular track), we encourage the submission of original papers about innovative applications. A session will be organized for the demonstration of creative, robust and practical working applications and tools. Finally, proposals for workshops and tutorials are also invited. Deadline for submission: December 7, 2012 (workshop and tutorial proposals) or January 11, 2013 (paper abstracts).

  • 10-14 June 2013, The 6th Semantics and Philosophy in Europe Colloquium (SPE6), St. Petersburg, Russia

    Date: 10-14 June 2013
    Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
    Deadline: 22 March 2013

    The purpose of the Semantics and Philosophy in Europe colloquia is to enhance the dialogue between linguists and philosophers by providing a forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and the various areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, logic, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, epistemology).

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstract Submission Deadline: March 22, 2013.

  • 10 June 2013, 8th workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M-8), Lake Placid NY, U.S.A.

    Date: 10 June 2013
    Location: Lake Placid NY, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 12 April 2013

    The workshop 'Methods for Modalities' (M4M) aims to bring together researchers interested in developing algorithms, verification methods and tools based on modal logics. Here the term 'modal logics' is conceived broadly, including temporal logic, description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic, temporal and hybrid logic, etc.

    To stimulate interaction and transfer of expertise, M4M will feature a number of invited talks by leading scientists, research presentations aimed at highlighting new developments, and submissions of system demonstrations.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers in the following three categories: regular papers, system descriptions, or presentation-only papers. We strongly encourage young researchers and students to submit papers and posters, especially for experimental and prototypical software tools which are related to modal logics. Abstract submission deadline: April 12th, 2013.

  • 3-5 June 2013, Fifth and Final Formal Epistemology Festival (FEF5), Toronto ON, Canada

    Date: 3-5 June 2013
    Location: Toronto ON, Canada
    Deadline: 22 September 2012

    Speakers include Lara Buchak (Berkeley), Anna-Sara Malmgren (Stanford), Jennifer Nagel (Toronto) and Carolina Sartorio (Arizona).

    For more information, see or contact .

    There are up to 6 slots available for contributed papers. Please submit full papers prepared for blind review to: . Deadline for submissions: September 22, 2012.

  • 30 May - 1 June 2013, Conference on Logic, Questions and Inquiry (LoQI), Paris, France

    Date: 30 May - 1 June 2013
    Location: Paris, France
    Deadline: 1 March 2013

    The aim of the Conference on Logic, Questions and Inquiry (LoQI) is to address issues in the philosophical and logical investigations of questions and inquiry from the various perspectives of formal epistemology, formal semantics and pragmatics, philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics. The conference intends to bring together researchers from these different fields in order to trigger interactions between the various existing approaches to questions and inquiry, and to promote cooperation and exchange on research projects related to these issues. The event will then be the occasion to assess the different past scientific contributions on these topics, and to discuss possibilities for new research directions.

    For more information, see or contact

    We invite submissions addressing issues related to Logic, Questions and Inquiry, and we encourage specifically submissions connecting the different themes of the conference. Submission exploring connections to philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics are very welcome. Deadline for submissions is March 1st, and the date for notifications is March 1st.

  • 29-31 May 2013, SILFS 2013 Mid-Term Postgraduate conference in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Urbino, Italy

    Date: 29-31 May 2013
    Location: Urbino, Italy
    Deadline: 28 February 2013

    The 2013 Mid-Term Postgraduate conference in Logic and Philosophy of Science will be held in Urbino on 29-30-31 May 2013.

    The conference will be organized by the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS) and will host six different sessions, namely:
    1) History and Philosophy of Physics
    2) Logic and Philosophy of Logic
    3) Philosophy of Biology
    4) Philosophy of Language and Mind
    5) History and Philosophy of Mathematics
    6) Philosophy of Social Sciences

    Further information can be found at or here.

    We invite submissions in the aforementioned areas of research from PhD students or scholars that have been awarded their PhD in the last 4 years. Deadline for submission is 28th February.

  • 28-29 May 2013, Euro-Xprag Master Class on Pragmatics and Language Processing, London, U.K.

    Date: 28-29 May 2013
    Location: London, U.K.
    Deadline: 1 May 2013

    Euro-Xprag, a Research Network Program sponsored by the European Science Foundation, is pleased to announce a Master Class on the topic of Pragmatics and Language Processing. The event will be hosted at University College London by the Department of Linguistics. Invited Presenters: Dan Grodner (Swarthmore College) and Jesse Snedeker (Harvard University).

    Participation is open but registration is requested. Limited student subsidies are avaiable (deadline: 1 May, 2013). Webpage of the Master Class:

    A poster session open to all participants will be held together with a free wine reception on 28 May. To apply to display a poster, please send a one-page abstract or poster hand-out once you have received confirmation of a place at the master class. The deadline for poster proposals is 1 May, 2013.

  • 24-26 May 2013, Workshop: Constructing the World, Cologne, Germany

    Date: 24-26 May 2013
    Location: Cologne, Germany
    Deadline: 31 March 2013

    The Emmy Noether research group "Understanding and the A Priori" is hosting an author-meets-critics workshop with David Chalmers to critically discuss themes from his new book, "Constructing the World" (Oxford University Press 2012). The book concerns "scrutability," the thesis that all the truths about the world can, in principle, be known on the basis of knowledge of just a limited class of basic truths. Chalmers argues for the scrutability thesis and investigates which sorts of basic truths can serve as the relevant "scrutability base". The book explores the implications of scrutability for a range of central philosophical issues: meaning and mental content, the existence of the analytic and the a priori, the refutation of skepticism, and the methodology of metaphysics, among others.

    Participation in the workshop is open, but there is a limited number of available places, and email registration is required by April 30, 2013. For more information, see

    Two sessions for the workshop will be determined on the basis of blind review of submissions, and so interested researchers working in all areas of philosophy are encouraged to submit abstracts for 45-minute presentations devoted to critical discussion of any of the themes of the book. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2012.

  • 23-25 May 2013, Philosophy of Science in a Forest 2013, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

    Date: 23-25 May 2013
    Location: Amersfoort, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 15 March 2013

    Every three years, the Dutch Society for the Philosophy of Science (DSPS; in Dutch: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetenschapsfilosofie, NVWF), organises this international conference with the original aim to collect everybody in one place who is active in this area of philosophy in the Netherlands and Flanders (PhD-students, professors, lecturers, readers, students). This conference is intended for an academic audience interested in philosophy of science in the broadest possible sense.

    The first edition of Philosophy of Science in a Forest, Spring 2011, was the first with English as the conference language. Contributions in the Dutch language are however not forbidden. Contributions from all over the world are now welcome in English.

    For more information, see the website of the NVWF at

    Besides the plenary lectures, there will be several parallell sessions for contributed speakers, 45 minutes each. Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2013.

  • 12-15 May 2013, International Frege Conference: Freunde und Feinde, Wismar, Germany

    Date: 12-15 May 2013
    Location: Wismar, Germany
    Deadline: 31 January 2013

    Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege/was born in 1848 in the Hanseatic city of Wismar. In celebration of his 165th anniversary, the Gottlob Frege Centre of the University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design Wismar will host a conference at his birthplace.

    For more information, see and

    The conference contributions centre on /Gottlob Frege/ as a person, his scientific achievements and repercussions on contemporary philosophy, logics, and fundamental issues of mathematics. Contributions are allotted a time slot of at most 100 minutes, including discussion. Contributors may feel free to introduce a junior researcher who may present a rebuttal or a self-contained talk not exceeding 30 minutes within the same time slot. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 January 2013

  • 6-10 May 2013, 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), Saint Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.

    Date: 6-10 May 2013
    Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 8 October 2012

    AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 by merging three highly respected meetings: the International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS); the International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL); and the International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA). The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally respected archival forum for scientific research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems.

    AAMAS 2013 is the twelfth conference in the AAMAS series, following enormously successful previous conferences, and will be held at the Crowne Plaza, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, May 6-10, 2013.

    For more information, see

    AAMAS 2013 seeks high-quality submissions of full papers, limited to 8 pages in length. Submissions are solicited in the main track, as well as in four special tracks (on Robotics, Virtual Agents and Innovative Applications, and the new special track 'Challenges and Visions' which includes perspectives papers). Please make sure you are aware of the policy regarding prior publication and simultaneous submission. Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 8, 2012.

  • 6-7 May 2013, 1st International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2013), Saint Paul MN, U.S.A.

    Date: 6-7 May 2013
    Location: Saint Paul MN, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 30 January 2013

    EMAS is the result of the merging of three "parent" workshops: AOSE, DALT and ProMAS. It aims to look at the the design, implementation and deployment of multi-agent systems by bringing together the currently separate topics (but overlapping communities) that focus on software engineering aspects (AOSE), programming aspects (ProMAS), and the application of declarative techniques to design, programming and verification (DALT).

    For more information, see

    We call for research papers that are concerned with any aspect of the engineering of multi-agent systems. Specifically including any topics that would fall within the scope of one or more of the three parent workshops:
    a) Agent-Oriented Software Engineering,
    b) Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies,
    c) Programming Multi-Agent Systems.
    We also seek application papers that describe developed applications. Such papers should not just describe an application, but also the lessons learned and the engineering challenges identified in building and deploying the applications. Paper submission deadline: 30th January 2013.

  • 6-10 May 2013, 18th Szklarska Poreba Conference on the Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poreba (Giant Mountains), Poland

    Date: 6-10 May 2013
    Location: Szklarska Poreba (Giant Mountains), Poland
    Deadline: 12 April 2013

    The conference is an annual, interdisciplinary meeting of philosophers, mathematicians and a wide spectrum of researchers whose interests are in the area of pure or applied logic. Held since 1996, it is always located in Sudety Mountains and its organizers are Chair of Logic, University of Wroclaw, Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia at Katowice and Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Opole.

    Traditionally, each edition of the conference is devoted to a specific leading theme. In the recent years the leading themes concerned the works of Alfred Tarski, equivalential logic, general issues related to algebraic semantics in metalogic, connections between logic and the theory of communication, algebraization of logic, induction, paradoxes, structural completeness and the part-whole theory. The leading theme of the 18th edition is "Game Theory and its Applications". However, the conference is never confined to its leading theme and talks cover also other topics related to logic and applications of logic.

    For more information, see

    Contributions related to the leading theme and other topics in logic, logical philosophy, the foundations of mathematics and related areas are welcome. Submission deadline: TBA.

  • 2-4 May 2013, 2nd WFAP Graduate Conference "How Am I Supposed to Know", Vienna, Austria

    Date: 2-4 May 2013
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    Deadline: 28 February 2013

    The second Graduate Conference of the Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy, a student society for philosophical research in the analytic tradition at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna, will be held from 2 - 4 May 2013 on the topic of knowledge.

    Contemporary debates on knowledge tend to revolve around the acquisition of knowledge, the conference will therefore focus on the sources of knowledge. Possible candidates for such sources of knowledge seem to be perception, memory, logical reasoning, testimony, or intuitions. But there is no agreement on which of these are sources of knowledge in their own right, and which can be reduced to others; in which epistemological processes they are involved; or what sort of justification they each require or yield.

    For further information, see

    In order to tackle these questions we invite high-quality papers from graduate students. Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 28, 2013

  • 18-20 April 2013, Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy, Groningen, The Netherlands

    Date: 18-20 April 2013
    Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 4 January 2013

    The Department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Groningen is proud to organize and host the Dutch graduate conference focusing on topics within theoretical philosophy. The aim of the conference is to give graduate students working within some field of theoretical philosophy (e.g. epistemology, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of science / mind / language, etc.) the opportunity to present their work in progress and to get to know each other. Students from outside of the Netherlands are most welcome.

    To further enhance the experience, four professional keynote speakers will also be giving a talk providing inspiration for new ideas:
    Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde)
    John Dupré (Exeter)
    Hannes Leitgeb (Munich)
    Ruth Millikan (Connecticut)

    For more information, see

    The Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy invites graduate students working in any field of theoretical philosophy to present and discuss their research with fellow graduate students and experienced philosophers. Graduate students from in and outside the Netherlands are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation of completed or ongoing work (20 minute presentation plus 10 minute discussion). The deadline for abstract submission is January 4, 2013.

  • 11-12 April 2013, Workshop "Identity and Paradox", Lille, France

    Date: 11-12 April 2013
    Location: Lille, France
    Deadline: 16 January 2013

    On the one hand, the concept of identity naturally enters the discussion concerning many types of paradox that are not, primarily, about identity itself. On the other hand, there are a number of paradoxes considered as paradoxes of identity in which identity is apparently the concept generating the paradox (e.g., the ship of Theseus paradox, Chrysippus's paradox, the paradox of change, the paradox of constitution).

    The goal of the workshop is to discuss philosophical, logical and linguistic aspects of paradoxes in which the notion of identity plays a role. More specifically, we wish to examine whether the so-called paradoxes of identity really are paradoxes of identity in the sense that their paradoxicality is primarily connected to the concept of identity; and we want to investigate the role of concepts of identity in connection with the formulation/solution of other types of paradoxes.

    For more information, see here or contact .

    The organizers invite submissions presenting novel contributions to the topic from the viewpoints of philosophy, logic and/or linguistics. Up to 4 papers will be accepted for presentation at the workshop. Submission deadline: January 16, 2013.

  • 10-12 April 2013, 6th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg conference on MODELS AND DECISIONS, Munich, Germany

    Date: 10-12 April 2013
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Deadline: 15 January 2013

    Mathematical and computational models are central to decision-making in a wide-variety of contexts in science and policy: They are used to assess the risk of large investments, to evaluate the merits of alternative medical therapies, and are often key in decisions on international policies – climate policy being one of the most prominent examples. In many of these cases, they assist in drawing conclusions from complex assumptions. While it is undisputable that models help, their increasingly widespread use raises several philosophical questions: What makes scientific models so important? In which way do they describe, or even explain their target systems? What makes models so reliable? And: What are the imports, and the limits, of using models in policy making?

    This conference will bring together philosophers of science, economists, statisticians and policy makers to discuss these and related questions. Experts from a variety of field will exchange first-hand experience and insights in order to identify the assets and the pitfalls of model-based decision-making. The conference will also address and evaluate the increasing role of model-based research in scientific practice, both from a practical and from a philosophical point of view.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of extended abstracts of 1000 words by 15 December 2012. Decisions will be made by 15 January 2013.

  • 8-10 April 2013, PhDs in Logic V, Munich, Germany

    Date: 8-10 April 2013
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Deadline: 15 January 2013

    The fifth edition of PhDs in Logic will take place at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. PhDs in Logic is a graduate conference organized by local graduate students. Its aim is to bring together graduate students and researchers as well as to foster contact between graduate students. Earlier editions of the event took place in Ghent (2009, 2012), Tilburg (2010), and Brussels (2011).

    Following the previous meetings, the academic pattern is formed by two main parts:
    - tutorials given by researchers in logic
    - 20 to 25 min presentations by graduate students on topics pertaining to their research
    Besides that there will be opportunities for informal gatherings including a conference dinner

    For more information, visit our website

    PhD students interested in presenting a talk should send a 500-1000 word abstract to by January 15th, 2013. We welcome PhD students in logic with a background in philosophy, computer science, mathematics or linguistics. Exceptions can be made for master students and first-year postdocs.

  • 3-7 April 2013, 6th Workshop on Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications (IMLA 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Date: 3-7 April 2013
    Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Deadline: 1 December 2012

    Constructive modal logics and type theories are of increasing foundational and practical relevance in computer science. Applications of constructive modal logics are in type disciplines for programming languages, meta-logics for reasoning about a variety of computational phenomena and explanatory frameworks in philosophical logic.

    The workshop aims at developing and explaining theoretical and methodological issues centered around the question of how the proof-theoretic strengths of constructive logics can best be combined with the model-theoretic strengths of modal logics. Practical issues center around the question of which modal connectives with associated laws or proof rules capture computational phenomena accurately and at the right level of abstraction. The workshop will be held in association with Unilog2013.

    For more information, see

    Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form of full papers (with a maximum of 12 pages) or short papers (with a maximum of 6 pages). They must be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Paper submission deadline: December 1st, 2012.

  • 3-5 Apr 2013, "The Analysis of Theoretical Terms", Munich, Germany

    Date: 3-5 Apr 2013
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Deadline: 1 December 2012

    This conference is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of theoretical terms. Topics include the logic and semantics of our scientific theories, the epistemology and metaphysics of theoretical terms, and the philosophical consequences of these analyses for the philosophy of science and mathematics.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions for a 30-minute presentation. Deadline for submissions is 1st December 2012.

  • 29 Mar - 7 April 2013, 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Date: 29 Mar - 7 April 2013
    Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Deadline: 1 November 2012

    The 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic will happen in Rio de Janeiro, March 29 - April 7 2013

    15 invited speakers: S.Feferman, Y.Gurevich, J.Hintikka, G.Sher, etc.
    1 contest: Scope of logic theorems
    15 workshops: Historical Perspectives, Many-Valued Logics, Logic and Metaphysics, Thinking and Rationality, etc.
    25 tutorials: Hypersequents, Logic for the Blind, Erotetic Logics, Quantum Cognition, etc.

    For more information, see

    Call for papers : Deadline November 1st, 2012.

  • 23-24 March 2013, The Many Faces of Contemporary Philosophy and Theory of Law, Cracow, Poland

    Date: 23-24 March 2013
    Location: Cracow, Poland
    Deadline: 1 March 2013

    The aim of the conference is to integrate different points of view in contemporary philosophy of law. The conference will be divided into two special working groups: the first one will be entirely devoted to the application of the Bayesian analysis in legal settings. The second one will be a general presentation of the variety of contemporary issues in the philosophy of law. The organizers invite lawyers, psychologists, philosophers and all interested to participate.

    The conference will be held under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary Section of the Philosophy of Law TBSP UJ. The conference language is Polish and English (organizers will not provide translations). There will be no conference fee.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee invites researchers in philosophy of law, psychology, philosophy and forensic sciences to submit an original and unpublished papers. Submission deadline is March 1st, 2013.

  • 21-22 March 2013, 15th Jaina Studies Workshop: Jaina Logic in Context, London, UK

    Date: 21-22 March 2013
    Location: London, UK
    Deadline: 1 July 2012

    The workshop will be opened by the 13th Annual Jaina Lecture at SOAS by Professor Piotr Balcerowicz, University of Warsaw.

    For more information, see or contact Peter Flügel at .

    Papers are invited on Jaina logic and multiperspectivism from comparative and interdisciplinary points of view.

  • 16-17 March 2013, 1st Workshop on Strategic Reasoning (SR 2013), Rome, Italy

    Date: 16-17 March 2013
    Location: Rome, Italy
    Deadline: 15 December 2012

    Strategic reasoning is one of the most active research area in multi-agent system domain. The literature in this field is extensive and provides a plethora of logics for modeling strategic ability. Theoretical results are now being used in many exciting domains, including software tools for information system security, robot teams with sophisticated adaptive strategies, and automatic players capable of beating expert human adversary, just to cite a few. All these examples share the challenge of developing novel theories and tools for agent strategies that take into account the likely behavior of adversaries.

    The SR international workshop is an ETAPS 2013 workshop and aims to bring together researchers working on different aspects of strategic reasoning in computer science, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view.

    For more information, see

    Two types of submission are invited: papers reporting on novel research, and expository papers reporting on published work. Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2012.

  • 8-10 March 2013, Second conference on proof-theoretic semantics, Tuebingen, Germany

    Date: 8-10 March 2013
    Location: Tuebingen, Germany
    Deadline: 31 January 2013

    For more information, see

    There will be a few slots for contributed talks (30 min). If you are interested in contributing a talk, please send an abstract to Thomas Piecha () by 31 January 2013.

  • 27 February - 2 Mar 2013, 30th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2013), Kiel, Germany

    Date: 27 February - 2 Mar 2013
    Location: Kiel, Germany
    Deadline: 21 September 2012

    The 30th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science will be held in Kiel, Feb 27-Mar 2, 2013 (Wednesday through Saturday). As usual, the program will be composed of approximately 50-60 contributed and three invited talks, by Kousha Etessami, Kurth Mehlhorn, and Stéphan Thomassé. As this year's pre-conference tutorial on 'Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization' by R. Ravi was a great success, STACS 2013 will also include a tutorial, by Dániel Marx on algorithmic graph structure theory.

    For more information, see or cotnact (for general information) or (for information regarding paper submission).

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Submission Deadline: Sep 21, 2012

  • 25-27 February 2013, Systematic Analytic Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research, Graduate Workshop (SAPhIR), Bochum, Germany

    Date: 25-27 February 2013
    Location: Bochum, Germany
    Deadline: 1 December 2012

    The Institut für Philosophie II at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum is holding a graduate workshop on Systematic Analytic Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research. Keynote speakers are Mathias Frisch (University of Maryland), Hans Radder (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Jason Stanley (New York University).

    For more information, contact

    Graduate students, who are working at a University in Nordrhein-Westfalia, are invited to present a paper (25-30 minutes + discussion) at the Graduate Workshop. Please submit an extended abstract of about 1500 words to by December 1st, 2012. Workshop languages are English and German.

  • 15-18 February 2013, 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013), Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 15-18 February 2013
    Location: Barcelona, Spain
    Deadline: 29 October 2012

    The purpose of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications in these areas. Two simultaneous but strongly related tracks will be held, covering both applications and current research work within the area of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Software Platforms, Distributed Problem Solving and Distributed AI in general, including web applications, on one hand, and within the area of non-distributed AI, including the more traditional areas such as Knowledge Representation, Planning, Learning, Scheduling, Perception and also not so traditional areas such as Reactive AI Systems, Evolutionary Computing and other aspects of Computational Intelligence and many other areas related to intelligent systems, on the other hand.

    For more information, see

    ICAART 2013 welcomes the submission of position papers (resenting an arguable opinion about an issue). Deadline for position papers is set for next October 29.

  • 8-9 February 2013, 18th Coalition Theory Network Workshop, Warwick, U.K.

    Date: 8-9 February 2013
    Location: Warwick, U.K.
    Deadline: 21 November 2012

    The 18th CTN workshop will be held at the University of Warwick, on February 8-9, 2013. The workshop will be aimed at providing an avenue for presenting and discussing new contributions on network, coalition and matching theory. The workshop will start at 9.00 am on February 8 and end by 5.00 pm on February 9, so that most participants from continental Europe can leave in the evening of February 9 if they wish. Provision will be made for parallel sessions if all accepted papers cannot be accommodated in single sessions.

    Invited speakers:
    Herve Moulin, Rice University, USA
    Fuhito Kojima, Stanford University.

    For more information, see

    Please submit papers or extended abstracts by November 21, 2012. We also invite economists not affiliated with the CTN network to submit their papers.

  • CFP Studies in Logic

    Deadline: 27 April 2013

    Studies in Logic aims to provide a forum for original scholarly essays, discussion articles and book reviews in almost all areas of logic, mainly focuses on:

    • Mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics
    • Philosophical logic
    • Informal logic
    • Applications of logic in other disciplines, such as computer science, cognitive science, linguistics and social sciences
    • Philosophy and history of logic
    • Studies of logic, reasoning and argumentation from cross-cultural and comparative perspectives.

    The Journal of Studies in Logic is calling for submission of papers. Submissions and inquiries can be sent to: or .

    For more information, see

  • 19-20 January 2013, 6th Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Cambridge, U.K.

    Date: 19-20 January 2013
    Location: Cambridge, U.K.
    Deadline: 16 November 2012

    Keynote speakers: Vann McGee and Crispin Wright.

    For more information, see or here, or contact the conference organisers, Lukas Skiba and Owen Griffiths, at .

    We invite papers from graduate students, or those who have recently completed their PhD, on any topic in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, broadly construed. Papers will have respondents, and will be followed by open discussion. The deadline for receipt of submissions is 17h00 on the 16th November 2012.

  • 10-12 January 2013, Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS 2013), Berkeley CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 10-12 January 2013
    Location: Berkeley CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 13 August 2012

    The 4th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) conference (previously known as ICS) seeks to promote research that carries a strong conceptual message (e.g., introducing a new concept or model, opening a new line of inquiry within traditional or cross-interdisciplinary areas, or introducing new techniques or new applications of known techniques).

    For more information, see or cotnact .

    ITCS welcomes all submissions, whether aligned with current theory of computation research directions or deviating from them. Submissions should be addressed to a broad spectrum of theoretical computer scientists, not solely to experts in the subarea. Abstract Submission deadline (extended): Monday August 13, 2012.

  • 10-12 January 2013, Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA 2013), Chennai, India

    Date: 10-12 January 2013
    Location: Chennai, India
    Deadline: 13 August 2012

    ALI, the Association for Logic in India, announces the next edition of its biennial (International) Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA), to be held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, from January 10 to 12, 2013. ICLA is a forum for bringing together researchers from a wide variety of fields that formal logic plays a significant role in, along with mathematicians, philosophers and logicians studying foundations of formal logic in itself. The conference has also included studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, and historical research on logic.

    This year's speakers will include Joseph Halpern, Martin Otto, Mark Reynolds and Gabriel Sandu.

    For more information, see the ICLA page at and the ALI page at, or email .

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in any area of logic and applications. Papers on topics of current interest in pure and applied logic, foundations and philosophy of mathematics and the sciences, set theory, model theory, proof theory, areas of theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence and other disciplines which are of direct interest to mathematical and philosophical logic, as well as articles on the relationship between logic and other branches of knowledge, or on history of logic, are welcome. Deadline for Submission (in electronic form): 13 August 2012

  • 8-11 January 2013, 3rd International Conference on Logic, Argumentation and Critical Thinking, Santiago, Chile

    Date: 8-11 January 2013
    Location: Santiago, Chile
    Deadline: 30 September 2012

    The International Conference Logic, Argumentation and Critical Thinking III is a new academic effort of our Centre to continue to try not only to deepen and update the production of knowledge in the fields that this conference covers, but also to contribute to a positive valuation of different proposals that develop critical thinking and promote social debate with a standard of reasonableness.

    This Conference, organized by the Centre for the Study of Argumentation and Reasoning (CEAR) of the Faculty of Psychology at Diego Portales University, would like to generate tools, approaches and solutions to apply in those fields in which the uses of reason is fundamental: communication, law, education, etc. We do not have an official theoretical position, but rather we value the diversity of angles and proposals.

    For more information, see

    The organizing committee invites proposal for papers in logic, informal logic, argumentation theory, rhetoric, critical thinking. Abstracts prepared for blind refereeing must be submitted electronically no later than 30 September 2012.

  • 7-9 January 2013, 14th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK XIV), Chennai, India

    Date: 7-9 January 2013
    Location: Chennai, India
    Deadline: 3 September 2012

    The mission of the TARK conferences is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields, including Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Economics and Game Theory, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology, in order to further our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and knowledge.

    TARK 2013 will precede the Indian Conference on Logics and Applications (ICLA) held from January 10 - 12, 2013, also at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, India. TARK 2013 is the first TARK conference to be held in India, or in January. The proceedings of all previous TARK conferences can be accessed at

    For more information, see the conference website at

    Submissions are now invited to TARK 2013. Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 3, 2012. Extended Abstracts can be submitted here:

  • 6-8 January 2013, Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS 2013), San Diego CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 6-8 January 2013
    Location: San Diego CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 10 September 2012

    The LFCS series provides an outlet for the fast-growing body of work in the logical foundations of computer science, e.g., areas of fundamental theoretical logic related to computer science. The LFCS series began with Logic at Botik, Pereslavl-Zalessky, 1989, and was co-organized by Albert R. Meyer (MIT) and Michael Taitslin (Tver), after which organization passed to Anil Nerode.

    For more information, see or

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is September 10, 2012.

Past Conferences

  • 15 January - ? June 2014, Significance of Phenomenology Graduate Seminar and Lecture Series

    Date: 15 January - ? June 2014
    Location: University of Amsterdam
    Costs: None

    The UvA department of philosophy lecture series The Significance of Phenomenology, and NICA graduate seminar will recommence in January 2014. The aim of the lecture series and seminar is to explore how phenomenological ideas are of continuing inspiration in many different fields of research both inside and outside of philosophy.

    A graduate seminar will run alongside the lecture series which students from the master of Logic are welcome to take. The aim of the seminar is to provide some background to the topics to be discussed by our invite speakers and their connection to phenomenology. Meetings will take place once a month. The seminar can be studied for credit (6EC).

    For more information, please contact or see here.

  • 18 December 2013, Special event in honor of Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof, and Frank Veltman

    Date & Time: Wednesday 18 December 2013, 17:00 - 24:00
    Location: Amsterdam Business School (Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam) & Hotel Arena ('s-Gravesandestraat 51, Amsterdam)

    On Wednesday, December 18 (the last day of SemDial and the first day of the Amsterdam Colloquium), a special event in honor of Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof and Frank Veltman will be held. All members of the ILLC are welcome to attend.

    For more information, see

  • 16 December 2013, Workshop in Honor of Reinhard Muskens, Tilburg University

    Date: Monday 16 December 2013
    Location: Tilburg University
    Costs: free

    The Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) is proud to announce that this year, we're not only celebrating Reinhard Muskens' 60th birthday, but also his 25 year anniversary at Tilburg University!

    In honor of this double-jubilee we have organized a workshop on Monday the 16th of November. The invited speakers are:
    - Johan van Benthem (ILLC Amsterdam, Stanford University)
    - Jan van Eijck (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, ILLC Amsterdam)
    - Philippe de Groote (Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications)
    - Larry Moss (per video lecture) (Indiana University)
    - Yoad Winter (University of Utrecht)

    For more information, see

  • 13-14 December 2013, Advances in Proof Theory 2013 (APT13), Bern, Switzerland

    Date: 13-14 December 2013
    Location: Bern, Switzerland

    The aim of this symposium is to bring together some of the best specialists from the area of proof theory, constructivity, and computation and to discuss recent trends and results in these areas. Some emphasis will be put on ordinal analysis, reductive proof theory, explicit mathematics and type-theoretic formalisms, and abstract computations.

    For more information, see

  • 7-8 December 2013, Colloquium "New Scholastic meets Analytic Philosophy", Cologne, Germany

    Date: 7-8 December 2013
    Location: Cologne, Germany

    Lindenthal Institute in Cologne arranges in collaboration with editiones scholasticae, an international colloquium on the topic "New Scholastic meets Analytic Philosophy". The colloquium takes place on 7th and 8th December 2013. The conference is intended to serve a scholarly dialogue between analytic philosophers and recent developments of scholastic philosophy, which emerged mostly from analytic philosophy.

    Invited speakers are (in alphabetical order): Edward Feser, Uwe Meixner, Stephan Mumford, David S. Oderberg, Edmund Runggaldier SJ , Erwin Tegtmeier. Conference language is English.

    More Information and registration here: Contact person: Dr. Johannes Hattler, Lindenthal Institute .

  • 3-5 December 2013, "Proof Theory and Philosophy", Groningen, The Netherlands

    Date: 3-5 December 2013
    Location: Groningen, The Netherlands

    On December 3-5 2013, the Department of Theoretical Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Groningen will host the workshop 'Proof Theory and Philosophy', jointly organized by the VIDI projects 'The Roots of Deduction' and 'Logics for Intelligent Interaction: Expressivity and Succictness', and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy.

    This workshop aims at reviving the inherent philosophical interest of proof theory, and at showcasing a number of interesting applications that the framework can have for long-standing philosophical and logical questions. Moreover, it will foster philosophical discussions on the foundations of proof theory as an area of inquiry, including the very concept of a proof and the conceptual, philosophical import of key results such as normalization, cut elimination, admissibility and derivability of rules. Finally, since the growing interest in modal proof theory is challenging and reshaping philosophical debates, the workshop will provide a forum for the discussion of ongoing research across proof theory and philosophical logics.

    The workshop is open to all, but please register by sending a message to with the subject 'Registration for proof theory workshop', stating your name and affiliation. For more information, see

  • 2 December 2013, Workshop "Logic and Truth", Geneva, Switzerland

    Date: 2 December 2013
    Location: Geneva, Switzerland

    Playing a central role for all philosophical and scientific inquiry, the notion of truth has always posed various puzzles to philosophers and logicians. Answering questions such as what makes some things true as opposed to false or what kind of things can count as true or false requires a genuine understanding of the metaphysics and the logical behaviour of truth.

    In a one-day workshop on Logic and Truth, the SGSLPS suggests to look at some questions related to the notion of truth that arise in the context of formal logic. On the one hand, semantic theories of formal languages operate with a rigorous definition of true sentences when spelling out truth conditions for statements in formal theories; on the other hand, the logical behaviour of truth ascriptions themselves is an interesting subject of study. Truth predicates behave in a peculiar way and can lead to paradoxes when treated in a classical formal manner; moreover, it has not been settled so far whether truth ascriptions take the subject predicate form or involve a sentential truth operator which would resemble the necessity operator well known from modal logic. These and similar questions will be addressed during the SGSLPS workshop.

    For more information, see

  • 29 November 2013, Reading group on proof theory

    Date: Friday 29 November 2013
    Location: Philosophical Institute, Leiden University, Matthias de Vrieshof 4

    The topic is the completeness of the tableaux method for proof search. We shall study: Dag Prawitz, 'Comments on Gentzen-type Procedures and the Classical Notion of Truth' , Proof Theory Symposium Kiel 1974 (J. Diller and G. H. Müller, eds), Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol 500, Berlin 1975, pp. 290-319.

    If time permits, or possibly at a later date, we shall look at: Dag Prawitz,'Completeness and Hauptsatz for Second Order Logic', Theoria 33(1967), pp. 246-258.

    Those interested in participating may contact Prof. B.G. Sundholm at .

  • 25-26 November 2013, Substructural Approaches to Paradox, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 25-26 November 2013
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

    Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning interest in the application of substructural logics as a crucial component of philosophically motivated solutions to traditionally intractable paradoxes like the semantic paradoxes and the paradoxes of vagueness. Such solutions have proved to offer new valuable insights into those paradoxes, complementing those provided by more 'traditional' non-substructural solutions that also revise classical logic. The workshop proposes to take stock of the current trends in this thriving area of philosophy of logic.

    For more information, see

  • 25-26 November 2013, Workshop "Substructural Approaches to Paradox", Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 25-26 November 2013
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

    Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning interest in the application of substructural logics as a crucial component of philosophically motivated solutions to traditionally intractable paradoxes like the semantic paradoxes and the paradoxes of vagueness. Such solutions have proved to offer new valuable insights into those paradoxes, complementing those provided by more ?traditional? non- substructural solutions that also revise classical logic. The workshop proposes to take stock of the current trends in this thriving area of philosophy of logic.

    For more information, see

  • 19 October 2013, Workshop 'A Door to Logic', A Meeting on Logic, Language and Translation”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    Date: Saturday 19 October 2013
    Location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    To celebrate the successful conclusion of a Translations Project, we are going to organize a workshop "A Door to Logic, A Meeting on Logic, Language and Translation" on 19 October 2013 in Beijing. All participants of the translation projects of the four volumes are invited. As usual, while paying special attention to this Translation Project, the aims of the Workshop are broader. In particular, the lectures will address the current interdisciplinary position of logic in China and discuss the interface of logic and philosophy today. In addition, the workshop will include working sessions on major research themes by mostly younger researchers, with a view to sharing results and brainstorming about future collaborations, inside China and internationally. The workshop is open to everyone.

    For more information, see

  • 17-18 October 2013, Inductive Logic and Confirmation in Science, Paris, France

    Date: 17-18 October 2013
    Location: Paris, France

    The workshop is addressed to all researchers (early and not so early career) in all disciplines with an interest in inductive logic and confirmation in science. PhD students are particularly encouraged to participate.

    Invited speakers: Branden Fitelson (Rutgers), Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen).

    The workshop is free and open to everyone with an interest in inductive logic and confirmation in science. To register simply drop an email to the organizers () with your name and affilation. For more information, see

  • 14-16 October 2013, Logic across the University: Foundations and Applications, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    Date: 14-16 October 2013
    Location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    Logic has a long tradition at Tsinghua where the modern logic has been taught since the 1930s by pioneers like Jin Yuelin. In recent years, several initiatives have been taken to make it flourish once more. With the support of the newly established School of Humanities at Tsinghua University, we are organizing this conference 14-16 October 2013 and invite an international and Chinese group of speakers to present their research works, to show the broad interdisciplinary range of logic today, while also strengthening research contacts between Chinese and international colleagues.

    For more information, see

  • 11-13 October 2013, Andrzej Mostowski Centenary, Warsaw, Poland

    Date: 11-13 October 2013
    Location: Warsaw, Poland

    Professor Andrzej Mostowski (1913-1975) was one of the leading researchers of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics in the period from WWII to his untimely death in 1975. A student of both Gödel and Tarski, he became world-wide famous for his contributions to all major areas of the Foundations, including Model Theory, Recursion Theory, Set Theory, and others. In celebration of the centenary of his birth, the Mostowski Centenary Conference will focus on his contributions to logic and the foundations of mathematics, as well as on the continuing influence of his work.

    The objective of this meeting is to present and discuss up-to-date research advances in the field, with an emphasis on today's perspectives and challenges. The program will consist of eight plenary lectures related to Mostowski's heritage in modern Foundations of Mathematics, with additional invited presentations on current perspectives in the areas of Mostowski's mathematical activities. We will host an informal rump session intended for short and engaging presentations on recent unpublished results, work in progress, breaking news, progress reports, memories, or other short and entertaining topics of interest to the Conference attendees.

    For more information, see or contact . Due to the space limitations, we may not be able to accept registration after September 1.

  • 10-12 October 2013, Conference "Investigating Semantics: Empirical and Philosophical Approaches", Bochum, Germany

    Date: 10-12 October 2013
    Location: Bochum, Germany

    Natural language semantics is today a wide-ranging and methodologically diverse discipline. One can distinguish broadly between those who use experimental methods from those who don't. Mostly, semanticists in psychology or neuro-science work experimentally, while philosophers, logicians and linguists work non-experimentally. However, the variety of approaches and methods among both groups is huge. Even within the camp of theoretical semantics there are numerous communities: formal semantics, possible world semantics, discourse representation theory, etc. The same heterogeneity is present in the camp of empirical researchers: psycho- and neuro-linguistics, corpus linguistics, etc.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together these different branches which are often working on very related topics. The workshop will not only present the variety of empirical and theoretical approaches to semantics, but also invites explicit discussions of the neurobiological and psychological basis of semantics as well as its methods, and epistemology.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 20-21 September 2013, Workshop "Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematical Knowledge", Vienna, Austria

    Date: 20-21 September 2013
    Location: Vienna, Austria

    The workshop "Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematical Knowledge" is organized by the Institute Vienna Circle (Wissenschaftsphilosophisches Kolloquium) and the WU, Vienna University of Economics (philosophy division).

    Keynote speaker is Dieter Schott (Wismar), who will speak on friday on "Mathematics - A Philosophical Discourse", followed by the actual workshop on saturday.

    The organizers invite everybody interested in participating on Saturday but would ask for registration by sending an email to or . For the program in detail see:

  • 16-19 September 2013, Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2013), Nancy, France

    Date: 16-19 September 2013
    Location: Nancy, France

    This conference is the 22th in a series of international meetings on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods.

    Tableaux methods are a convenient formalism for automating deduction in various non-standard logics as well as in classical logic. Areas of application include verification of software and computer systems, deductive databases, knowledge representation and its required inference engines, and system diagnosis. The conference intends to bring together researchers interested in all aspects - theoretical foundations, implementation techniques, system developments and applications - of the mechanization of reasoning with tableaux and related methods.

    For more information, see

  • 13 September 2013, Conference "Logic Across the Disciplines", Harrisonburg VA, U.S.A.

    Date: 13 September 2013
    Location: Harrisonburg VA, U.S.A.

    James Madison University's Logic and Reasoning Institute (LRI) is going to be hosting a "Logic Across the Disciplines" conference on Friday, September 13, 2013. The conference is free and all levels of understanding of Logic and Philosophy are welcome.

    List of Speakers / Topics:
    Computer Science and Logic- Ian Barland, Radford University
    Philosophy of Logic- James Cargile, University of Virginia
    Buddhist Logic- Koji Tanaka, University of Auckland
    Logic and Legal Reasoning- Vern Walker, Hofstra University
    Psychology, Rationality, Logic-Richard West, James Madison University
    Quantum Logic- Alex Wilce, Susquehanna University

    Registration is free. For more information, see

  • 12 September 2013, Modal epistemology and the philosophy of science, Odense, Denmark

    Date: 12 September 2013
    Location: Odense, Denmark

    Workshop: Modal epistemology and the philosophy of science. Speakers: Mikkel Gerken, Jacob Busch, Rene van Woudenberg, Darrell Rowbottom and Asger Bo Skjerning Steffensen.

    For more information, see here or contact Nikolaj Nottelmann () Registration is free, but please contact the organizer if you are interested in attending this workshop.

  • 12-13 September 2013, Workshop on Experimental Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind and Action, Bristol, U.K.

    Date: 12-13 September 2013
    Location: Bristol, U.K.

    The 4th Workshop of the Experimental Philosophy Group UK, will be held 12-13 September 2013, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol. This is a BIRTHA conference. The main topic will be the philosophy of mind and action.

    The workshop will be followed by an informal open meeting about the running of the group and to discuss ideas for future events. This will be open to all participants.

    Please register online by 5 September. For more information, see

  • 9-13 September 2013, Proof 2013: An International Conference within the Frame of Humboldt-Kollegs, Berne, Switzerland

    Date: 9-13 September 2013
    Location: Berne, Switzerland

    Proof takes place in Bern, Switzerland from September 9-13, 2013. This meeting gathers about fifty leading researchers who are actively involved with the concept of proof in theory and practice.

    For more information, see

  • 9-12 September 2013, "Reflection principles and set theory of large cardinals", Kyoto, Japan

    Date: 9-12 September 2013
    Location: Kyoto, Japan

    The RIMS meeting "Reflection principles and set theory of large cardinals" will take place from Sept. 9 till Sept. 12 at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan.

    Please note that this meeting is right after TopGeo 2013 and right before the 13th ALC in Guangzhou, China,

    As there is no webpage yet, people interested in attending should contact the organizer, Sakae Fuchino, at .

  • 4-5 September 2013, Workshop on the occastion of an Honorary doctorate for Professor Harvey Friedman, Gent, Belgium

    Date: 4-5 September 2013
    Location: Gent, Belgium

    The rector of Ghent University will award an institutional honorary doctorate to Prof. Dr. Harvey M. Friedman on September 4th, 2013. On this occasion Friedman will give a general audience talk on September 4th afternoon, followed by a talk on electronic performance. In the morning of September 5th there will be two lectures by Friedman on his recent achievements on the foundations of mathematics. In the afternoon there will be four invited lectures by Albert Visser, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Matthias Baaz and Ali Enayat and additional short lectures highlighting some selected bits of Friedman's research. On September 4 and 5 Friedman will give piano recitals

    The (currently provisional) website of the event is located at Participants are welcome! There is no fee involved. (But participants of the lunch on September 5th are expected to pay a fee of EUR 20).

  • 4-7 September 2013, British Logic Colloquium 2013 (BLC 2013), Leeds, U.K.

    Date: 4-7 September 2013
    Location: Leeds, U.K.

    The British Logic Colloquium (BLC) 2013 will be held at the University of Leeds from the 5th to the 7th of September 2013, together with a symposium (4th-5th September 2013) in memory of Sir Michael A E Dummett FBA DLitt (1925-2011).

    It is expected that there will also be a BLC Postgraduate logic meeting on the afternoon of September 3rd and morning of September 4th 2013.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 2-3 September 2013, Workshop: Thought Experiments, Counterfactuals and Modal Knowledge, Berlin, Germany

    Date: 2-3 September 2013
    Location: Berlin, Germany

    In philosophy, claims of knowledge are often based on considering non-actual scenarios. But it is not so clear what explains and justifies such practices. Opposing the traditional view that the knowledge at stake is conceptual or based on rational intuitions, Timothy Williamson has come up with a revolutionary proposal: both modal claims and thought experiments can be accounted for in terms of our capacity for evaluating everyday counterfactuals. No wonder this innovative proposal sparked intense debate.

    To mention just two critical points: First, one might wonder whether our ability to evaluate the relevant counterfactuals depends upon prior knowledge of metaphysical necessity or essentiality. If so, the account runs the risk of being circular. Second, Williamson's account of thought experiments is designed to address the problem that any case description could be realised in a deviant way. One might suspect that Williamson?s own counterfactual account falls prey to the same difficulty. The workshop aims at promoting the critical discussion of the counterfactual account of both modal knowledge and thought experiments.

    For more information, see If you would like to participate, please contact Daniel Dohrn: .

  • 29-31 August 2013, International Workshop on the Epistemology of Modality, Lisbon, Portugal

    Date: 29-31 August 2013
    Location: Lisbon, Portugal

    "Modal epistemology" has witnessed a Rationalist Renaissance and is now witnessing what might end up being an anti-rationalist turn. This workshop aims to provide a forum for discussion and to reflect, via the contributed talks and informal discussions, the state of art of the discipline

    For more information, see

  • 26 August - 6 September 2013, "Proof Theory": postgraduate course

    Date: 26 August - 6 September 2013
    Location: Oslo, Norway

    The Plurals, Predicates, and Paradox project together with IFIKK and CSMN are arranging an intensive M.A./Ph.d course in Proof Theory. The course will be taught by Jon Litland (IFIKK/PPP) and Ole Hjortland (LMU/MCMP). The course will take place in Oslo August 26 - September 6, with daily meetings 12:15 to 14:00.

    For more information, see

  • 23-24 August 2013, Groundedness in Semantics and Beyond, Oslo, Norway

    Date: 23-24 August 2013
    Location: Oslo, Norway

    The notion of groundedness has been central to research on the semantic paradoxes ever since Kripke's seminal work on truth, and the notion continues to inspire work in this area. Recently, the notion has been applied more widely, for instance to criteria of identity, abstraction principles, and the semantics of modal predicates. There is also a renewed interest in the notion of grounding in metaphysics, and of course the focus on 'grounded objects' in all of these areas is closely related to the emphasis on well-founded sets in set theory. This workshop aims to bring together researchers who deal with groundedness in logic, semantics, metaphysics, and the philosophy of mathematics in order to get a clearer understanding of this concept and of its applications.

    For more information, see or contact Jõnne Speck at .

  • 18-31 August 2013, ICCL Summer School 2013: Semantic Web, Dresden, Germany

    Date: 18-31 August 2013
    Location: Dresden, Germany

    As in the past summer schools at the Technische Universität Dresden, people from distinct, but communicating communities will gather in an informal and friendly atmosphere. This two-week event is aimed at graduate students, researchers and practitioners. The topic of this year's summer school is "Semantic Web - Ontology Languages and Their Use"

    The summer school is devoted to the Semantic Web, a very dynamic and current area of research and application which aims at making information on the World Wide Web fit for intelligent systems applications. One of the key ideas of the Semantic Web approach is to make use of methods from knowledge representation and of AI research in general in order to obtain seamless integration of information from diverse resources, interoperability of tools, enhance search functionalities, and the like. The ICCL Summer School 2013 will introduce to Semantic Web Ontology Languages and some of their application areas, and highlight related research problems.

    Registration preferably by April 11, 2013. Please consult our web pages for further details:

  • 8-11 August 2013, SMPC, Toronto, Canada

    Date: 8-11 August 2013
    Location: Toronto, Canada

    The biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition will be held August 8-11, 2013 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Ryerson has the fastest rate of research growth in the Province of Ontario (as measured by external research funding), and it leads the country in research publication growth over the past decade.

    For more information, see

  • 24 July 2013, Paraconsistency and paraconsistent Logics, Bonn, Germany

    Date: 24 July 2013
    Location: Bonn, Germany

    The Institute of Philosophy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn will hold a Workshop on Paraconsistency and Paraconsistent Logics. The workshop is open to everybody interested in an introduction to paraconsistent reasoning, as well as an outlook in the fascinating problems of this area of research. The talks of the workshop will be held in English.

    For more information, see or contact

  • 23-28 July 2013, Summer school on Physics and Philosophy of Time, Munich, Germany

    Date: 23-28 July 2013
    Location: Munich, Germany

    The focus of this summer school will be to appreciate how physics and philosophy interact to contribute to our understanding of the nature of time. Our goal is to bring together scholars from both areas to consider central aspects of time as they arise in various physical theories, as well as how traditional philosophical questions regarding time may both motivate physical theorizing and find themselves constrained by it. Although the summer school will also consider more straightforwardly philosophical issues, the primary focus will be on the foundations of spacetime as the philosophy of physics is concerned with.

    For further information, see or contact

  • 22-27 July 2013, Logic Colloquium 2013, Evora, Portugal

    Date: 22-27 July 2013
    Location: Evora, Portugal

    Logic Colloquium 2013, organized under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic, will be held in Évora, Portugal, on July 22-27, 2013.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 22-26 July 2013, Multiagent Systems Summer School 2013, Chania (Crete), Greece

    Date: 22-26 July 2013
    Location: Chania (Crete), Greece

    The first ever IFAAMAS-sponsored Multiagent Systems Summer School in Greece, CretaMASSS-2013, will be held at the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, at Chania, Crete, Greece, from the 22nd to the 26th of July 2013.

    We believe that CretaMASSS-2013/HAISS'13-Agents offers a well-balanced tutorial curriculum, covering topics such as Teamwork, Information Sharing in Large MAS, Game Theory, Economies and Markets, the Smart Grid, Robotics, and Agent-Based Software Development.

    The event will have the form of half-day tutorials (TU), 3-4 hours long each, along with at least one panel discussion session, and along with specific, short (~45 mins long) research talks (RT).

    For more information, see

  • 22-26 July 2013, 2nd Hamburg Summer School in Philosophy: Kit Fine on Truthmaker Semantics, Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 22-26 July 2013
    Location: Hamburg, Germany

    This course examines and develops a version of situation semantics called truthmaker semantics. The first part of the course provides a basic exposition of the semantics; while the second part of the course considers a number of different applications of the semantics. Special emphasis will be placed on the notion of partial content, which derives from Kant's notion of an analytic truth and provides an alternative to the notion of logical consequence in dealing with many problems.

    During the course, Professor Kit Fine (Silver Professor of Philosophy & Mathematics at NYU) will present and lead discussion on both published and unpublished work on the topic; opportunities for presentations from participants will also be provided.

    More information regarding the Summer School is available on the course website (, but if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the organizers at .

  • 19 July 2013, Proof Theory in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

    Date: 19 July 2013
    Location: Lisbon, Portugal

    Just before the Logic Colloquium 2013 (Évora, Portugal) there will be a one-day workshop in Proof Theory in Lisbon. The main event of the workhop is a three-part lecture by Jean-Louis Krivine on his classical realizability of set theory, with new proofs of known relative consistency results.

    Please have a look at for information and participation.

  • 7-27 July 2013, UCLA summer school for undergraduates in Logic, Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 7-27 July 2013
    Location: Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    The UCLA Logic Center is organizing a summer school for undergraduates. The goal of the school is to introduce future mathematicians to methods and central results from mathematical logic. Courses are _very_ intensive, designed to assume little if any prior experience with logic, yet reach highly advanced, graduate level material, within three weeks.

    Further information is available on the summer school webpage, Questions about the summer school can be directed to

  • 1-5 July 2013, ACAI Summer School on Computational Models of Argument, London, U.K.

    Date: 1-5 July 2013
    Location: London, U.K.

    In odd-numbered years, the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence sponsors a specialised course in Artificial Intelligence, called Advanced Course on AI (ACAI). The ACAI Summer School 2013 (ACAI 2013) will be held at King's College London, UK, from the 1st July to the 5th July 2013 and is on the topic of Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence.

    Computational models of argument, and the development of agreement technologies, is becoming an important area in artificial intelligence. The aim of the summer school is to provide the attendees with a solid grounding in the basic ideas in formal modelling of argumentation, dialogue, and negotiation. Furthermore, there will be a programme of lectures on application areas, lab sessions on software developments, and lectures linking with areas in AI and beyond.

    ACAI 2013 will be co-located and run in parallel with the European Agent Systems Summer School 2013, giving students the opportunity to interact with a wide variety of peers.

    More information, including a preliminary programme, is available on the website, at

  • 30 June - 5 July 2013, Design and Security of Cryptographic Functions, Algorithms and
    Devices, Albena (Bulgaria)

    Date: 30 June - 5 July 2013
    Location: Albena (Bulgaria)
    Costs: 350 EUR

    The school aims at bringing together PhD students, postdoc researchers and security experts from industry interested in cryptography and crpytanalysis.

    Topics include:
    Boolean functions
    Block ciphers
    Hash functions
    Differential and linear cryptanalysis
    Implementation attacks
    Fault injection attacks
    Leakage-resilient cryptography
    White-box cryptography
    Security of embedded systems

    For more information, see

  • 28 June 2013, Workshop "Digital Humanities and Philosophy", Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: Friday 28 June 2013
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    The Digital Humanities are booming. However, philosophy is underrepresented in the Digital Humanities. This workshop has three aims: (i) to present computational methods that can be used by philosophers; (ii) to present research in which philosophical problems are studied by means of computational methods; (iii) to reflect on the relevance of research in the Digital Humanities for research in the humanities and philosophy.

    Attendance is free, but please register by sending an e-mail to . For more further information and abstracts:

  • 28 June 2013, Games and Cultural Heritage (NWO-CATCH event)

    Date: Friday 28 June 2013
    Speaker: Daniel Müllensiefen (Goldsmiths), Toine Pieters (Utrecht), Francesco Belotti (Genoa), Anna Aljanaki (Utrecht), and John Ashley Burgoyne (ILLC)
    Location: University Museum, Lange Nieuwstraat 106, Utrecht
    Costs: Free

    Within the Cultural Heritage domain, games are used in various ways. We are currently witnessing a large effort at international level towards the long-term preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage through many initiatives. While multimedia archives and the digitized artifacts and places offer easy access of cultural content to people regardless space and time constraints, it is through game mechanics that the large public is motivated to explore these resources.

    Serious Games (SG) enable visitors to explore a realistic and engaging virtual environment, and immersive gameplay can reawaken history and encourage virtual tourists to learn more. On the other hand, Games With A Purpose (GWAP) are games designed to collect annotation data or solve a problem. While playing the game, the users provide information about collections of images or music, that is otherwise laborious to obtain.

    For more information and a programme, see, or contact .

  • 28-29 June 2013, The Roles of Knowledge, Cambridge, U.K.

    Date: 28-29 June 2013
    Location: Cambridge, U.K.

    The word 'know' seems to find a comfortable and colloquial equivalent in every human language, which suggests that the concept expressed by this word plays important roles in human life and thought. In recent years, a number of philosophers have investigated the various roles or purposes of knowledge attributions in epistemic evaluation. This workshop seeks to advance the debate by bringing together scholars working in epistemology and related areas. We are interested in exploring any topics that are concerned with the roles of knowledge (or the word 'knowledge') in human life.

    For more information, see

  • 21 June, Colloquium on linguistic complexity

    Date & Time: Friday 21 June, 10:00-13:00
    Location: Room 6.05, P.C. Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam

    On the occasion of Michel DeGraff's visit to Amsterdam, we are planning an informal lunchtime colloquium on linguistic complexity.

    The colloquium will take the form of six very brief presentations (10 minutes each), followed by discussion. The programme is the following:
    Sterre Leufkens "Learnability: complexity + transparency"
    Jenny Audring "How complex is grammatical gender?"
    Jeannette Schaeffer "On the complexity and learnability of direct object scrambling"
    Judith Rispens "Complexity in bilingual acquisition: the role of phonotactic frequency of past tense forms"
    Jakub Szymanik "Computational Complexity in Semantics"
    Fred Weerman "The different faces of complexity"

    For more information, see Lunch will be provided courtesy of SMART. Please send a short message to and to let us know you're coming.

  • 15 June 2013, Arithmetic, Structures and the Rise of Modern Logic, Colloquium in honour of Dan Isaacson, Oxford, U.K.

    Date: 15 June 2013
    Location: Oxford, U.K.

    The Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford is pleased to announce a colloquium to mark the retirement of Dan Isaacson, celebrating his four decades working at Oxford.

    The one-day colloquium, 'Arithmetic, Structures and the Rise of Modern Logic', will be held on Saturday 15 June 2013 and will consist of papers by leading scholars in logic and the philosophy of mathematics. Lunch will be provided and registration is free. Attendees may also wish to attend the post-colloquium dinner, which will be very reasonably priced and held at a nearby college.

    For further details and registration, please see here:

  • 10-14 June 2013, 6th Young Set Theory Workshop (YSTW 2013), Santuario di Oropa, Italy

    Date: 10-14 June 2013
    Location: Santuario di Oropa, Italy

    The aims of the "Young Set Theory Workshops" are to bring together young researchers in the domain of set theory and give them the opportunity to learn from each other and from experts in a friendly environment. A long-term objective of this series of workshops is to create and maintain a network of young set theorists and senior researchers, so as to establish working contacts and help disseminate knowledge in the field.

    These aims are reflected by the format of this year workshop, with tutorials by James Cummings, Sy Friedman, Su Gao and John Steel, and talks by Tristan Bice, Scott Cramer, Luca Motto Ros, Victor Torres Perez, and Trevor Wilson, as well as open discussion sessions. Special registration fees are available to Ph.D. and master students, however the conference is open to all interested scholars.

    The official website of the conference is at

  • 7 June 2013, 4th meeting of the medieval philosophy network, London, U.K.

    Date: 7 June 2013
    Location: London, U.K.

    The 4th Meeting of the Medieval Philosophy Network will take place at the The Warburg Institute, University of London, on the 7th of June, 2013.

    For more information, see here or, or contact the organisers: Prof John Marenbon and Dr Anna Marmodoro.

  • 6 June 2013, Uncertainty & Surprise in the Exact Sciences, Gent, Belgium

    Date & Time: 6 June 2013, 13:30-18:00
    Location: Gent, Belgium

    There will be three speakers:
    Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen): "Model uncertainty and implicit complexity",
    Liesbeth de Mol (Ghent): "Unpredictability in computer-assisted mathematics", and
    Peter Streufert (University of Western Ontario, London): "Off-equilibrium beliefs in a game, and off-paradigm beliefs in a science".

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 4-27 June 2013, PhilMath Intersem 4, Paris, France

    Date: 4-27 June 2013
    Location: Paris, France

    PhilMath Intersem is a cooperation between the University of Notre Dame, the University of Paris 7-Diderot, the University of Lorraine, the École normale supérieure and the IHPST (Paris 1). The theme of this year's seminar is "Indirect Proof".

    For more information, see

  • 30 May 2013, Workshop on Argumentation in Mathematics, Groningen, The Netherlands

    Date & Time: 30 May 2013, 13:00-17:00
    Location: Groningen, The Netherlands

    On May 30th 2013, the Roots of Deduction project and the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen will host a small workshop on argumentation in mathematics.

    Speakers and titles are:
    * Andrew Aberdein (Philosophy, Florida Institute of Technology): "Types of dialogue in mathematics"
    * Erik Krabbe (Philosophy, Groningen): "Aristotle on squaring the circle"
    * Bart Verheij (Artificial Intelligence, Groningen): "Mathematical discovery as investigative argumentation"
    * Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Philosophy, Groningen): "A dialogical conception of indirect proofs"

    Details will be regularly updated here: The workshop is open to all, but please send us an email () to register.

  • 27-28 May 2013, Concept Acquisition and the Role of Language, Durham, U.K.

    Date: 27-28 May 2013
    Location: Durham, U.K.

    Historically, issues concerning concept acquisition have focused around the nativism/empiricism debate. The central concern was to give an account of how new concepts are formed, and what influence the external world has on such processes (if any). More recently however, a trend in the literature has focused on the way that the nature of concepts might change throughout development. This workshop looks to assess the recent literature on these questions with particular focus on the role of language acquisition in the developmental process.

    For more information, see or here, or contact or .

  • 23-25 May 2013, Workshop "Truth and Paradox", Munich, Germany

    Date: 23-25 May 2013
    Location: Munich, Germany

    Registration is free. Deadline for registration: May 3, 2013.

    For more information, see the Philevents page at

  • 20-21 May 2013, 60th Parallel Workshop on Constructivism and Proof Theory, Stockholm, Sweden

    Date: 20-21 May 2013
    Location: Stockholm, Sweden

    The workshop focusses on developments in general constructive methods and results in logic and mathematics.

    Invited speakers include Benno van den Berg, Douglas S. Bridges, Eyvind Briseid, Jan von Plato and Sam Sanders

    Those interested to attend, or to give a talk should contact Henrik Forssell () More information about the workshop is available on the workshop web page at

  • 13 May 2013, Pragmatics and the Philosophy of Language, Nottingham, U.K.

    Date: Monday 13 May 2013
    Location: Nottingham, U.K.

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham will host a half-day workshop on Pragmatics and the Philosophy of Language on May 13th.

    For more information, see here

  • 12-15 May 2013, Frege: Freunde und Feine, Wismar, Germany

    Date: 12-15 May 2013
    Location: Wismar, Germany

    Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege was born in 1848 in the Hanseatic city of Wismar. In celebration of his 165th anniversary, the Gottlob Frege Centre of the University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design Wismar will host a conference at his birthplace.

    The conference contributions centre on Gottlob Frege as a person, his scientific achievements and repercussions on contemporary philosophy, logics, and fundamental issues of mathematics. Contributions are allotted a time slot of at most 100 minutes, including discussion. Contributors may feel free to introduce a junior researcher who may present a rebuttal or a self-contained talk not exceeding 30 minutes within the same time slot.

    For more information, see the website at

  • 4-5 May 2013, Category-Theoretic Foundations of Mathematics, Irvine CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 4-5 May 2013
    Location: Irvine CA, U.S.A.

    The aim of this 2-day workshop is to provide a forum in which researchers from philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and allied disciplines can discuss the aims and significance of category-theoretic foundations of mathematics. The interdisciplinary character of this workshop provides a unique opportunity to discuss and deliberate upon what is specific to the success of category-theoretic foundations within the various disciplines.

    For more information, see:

  • 2 May 2013, Algebra and Logic, Berne, Switzerland

    Date: 2 May 2013
    Location: Berne, Switzerland

    Modern logic emerged in the mid-19th century century with the work of Boole and De Morgan. Since then, Algebra has played a very important role in the study of Logic. This one-day conference, organized by the Swiss Graduate Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (SGSLPS), aims to provide a wide audience with an overview of contemporary algebraic methods in Logic.

    Invited Speakers: Prof. Dr. George Metcalfe (University of Bern), Dr. Daniela Petrisan (University of Leicester) and Dr. Leonardo M Cabrer (University of Oxford)

    Please find a full program on All are welcome!

  • 27-29 April 2013, HOLIC 2013: History of Logic in China, Tianjin, China

    Date: 27-29 April 2013
    Location: Tianjin, China

    The Second International Conference on the History of Logic in China(HOLIC2013) will take place on 27-29 April, 2013, Tianjin. Besides the general academic exchange, one of the main purposes of this conference is to take the first steps in a larger project, that of producing the *Handbook of Logical Thought in China*, to be published by Springer-Verlag<>both online and in print in a few years. We aim to develop a coherent plan for the book during the conference, thorough discussion in area groups among potential authors and editors from both mainland China and outside.

    For more information, check the website:

  • 26 April 2013, Philosophy of Information: The Value of Information, Washington DC, U.S.A.

    Date: 26 April 2013
    Location: Washington DC, U.S.A.

    The overall objective of this workshop is to study some of the open questions within philosophy of information with an emphasis on the study of the value of information and the philosophy of information processing.

    Topics include the value of information, quantifying information, processing complementary and contradicting information and the inter-relationship between information, computation and complexity.

    For more information, see

  • 23-26 April 2013, Games, Interactive Rationality and Learning (GIRL 2013), Lund, Sweden

    Date: 23-26 April 2013
    Location: Lund, Sweden

    The 2nd Conference on Games, Interactive Rationality, and Learning, to be held April 23-26 in Kungshuset, Lund (Sweden), is coming soon!

    Everybody interested is welcome to attend, there are no registration fees, however, if you wish to participate to lunches and the conference dinner, we kindly ask you to register for meals (no later than April 15th).

    For more information, see

  • 23-26 April 2013, The 2013 Lund Conference on Games, Interactive Rationality, and Learning (G.I.R.L.13@LUND), Lund University, Sweden

    Date: 23-26 April 2013
    Location: Lund University, Sweden

    The 2013 Lund Conference on Games, Interactive Rationality, and Learning () intends to bring together researchers in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and economics sharing interest in agent-based modeling as a tool to investigate the emergence of rational behavior in groups of less-than-ideally rational agents, through learning, and interaction.

    For more information, see

  • Date: 20-21 April 2013
    Location: Urbana-Champaign IL (U.S.A.)

    The GSCL is a conference organized and run by graduate students in mathematical and philosophical logic. All talks besides that of the keynote lecture, are given by graduate students. Of course participation is open to everyone. Most talks are accessible to students familiar with the foundations of mathematical logic, and they range from expository talks to original results. Everyone should find several things of value to take away from the conference.

    For more information, please head to the conference web-page at or contact the conference organizers, Santiago Camacho and Allen Gehret, at

  • 18 April - 3 May 2013, Francqui lectures on Logic and Automata: Fundamentals and Perspectives, Mons, Belgium

    Date: 18 April - 3 May 2013
    Location: Mons, Belgium

    Professor Wolfgang Thomas holds the Francqui Chair 2012-2013 at the Department of Computer Science, University of Mons (Belgium). He will give a series of Francqui lectures on Logic and Automata: Fundamentals and Perspectives.

    Attendance is free, but registration is required before April 10, 2013. For more information, see

  • 18-20 April 2013, Algebra and Coalgebra meet Proof Theory (ALCOP 2013), Utrecht University

    Date: 18-20 April 2013
    Location: Utrecht University

    The fourth issue of the workshop Algebra and Coalgebra meet Proof Theory (ALCOP 2013), will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands on April 18 - 20, 2013.

    ALCOP brings together experts in algebraic logic, coalgebraic logic, and proof theory with the goal of sharing new results and developing mutually beneficial relationships between these fields.

    More details can be found on the workshop webpage:

  • 8-12 April 2013, Midlands Graduate School 2013 in the Foundations of Computing, University of Leicester, UK

    Date: 8-12 April 2013
    Location: University of Leicester, UK

    The School provides an intensive course of lectures on the Foundations
    of Computing. It is very well established, having run annually for
    10 years, and has always proved a popular and successful event.
    This year we have Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh, as guest lecturer.

    For more information, see

  • 3-5 April 2013, Simplicity: Ideals of Practice in Mathematics and the Arts, New York, U.S.A.

    Date: 3-5 April 2013
    Location: New York, U.S.A.

    Lectures by and conversations among twenty-five mathematicians, artists, art historians, philosophers, and architects together with screenings of artist's films by Andy Goldsworthy (New York premiere), David Hammons, Richard Serra, Andy Warhol, and William Wegman.

    To find "criteria of simplicity" was the goal of David Hilbert's recently discovered twenty-fourth problem on his renowned list of open problems given at the 1900 International Congress of Mathematics in Paris. At the same time, simplicity and economy of means are powerful impulses in the creation of artworks.

    Recognizing the aesthetic nature of Hilbert's question, this conference aims to focus on criteria of simplicity in mathematics that are informed by perspectives from art and architecture, the philosophy and history of mathematics, and current mathematical practice.

    For more information and to register, please visit the conference website at

  • 29 March - 7 April 2013, 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Date: 29 March - 7 April 2013
    Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    This is the fourth edition of a world event dedicated to universal logic. This event is a combination of a school and a congress. The school offers 21 tutorials on a wide range of subjects. The congress will follow with invited talks and contributed talks organized in many sessions including 13 workshops. This event is intended to be a major event in logic, providing a platform for future research guidelines.

    For more information, see

  • 28 March 2013, 13th Dies Natalis Faculty of Science, Room C0.05, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Date: Thursday 28 March 2013
    Location: Room C0.05, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Faculty of Science will be celebrating its 13th foundation year, Dies Natalis, on Thursday 28 March 2013. The programme, which is in Dutch and which includes a talk by Rens Bod, can be found at the URL below, where you can also register for attendance. Drinks afterwards in the central hall at Science Park 904.

    For more information, see

  • 15-22 March 2013, Interdisciplinary College 2013: "Wicked Problems, Complexity and Wisdom", Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany

    Date: 15-22 March 2013
    Location: Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany

    The Interdisciplinary College (IK) is an annual, intense one-week spring school which offers a dense state-of-the-art course program in neurobiology, neural computation, cognitive science/psychology, artificial intelligence, robotics and philosophy. It is aimed at students, postgraduates and researchers from academia and industry.

    By combining humanities, science and technology, the IK endeavours to intensify dialogue and connectedness between the various disciplines. Courses include up-to-date introductions to the main fields of the IK, as well as an in-depth treatment of focus topic, which is changing from year to year.

    The focus theme "Wicked Problems, Complexity & Wisdom" for the Interdisciplinary College IK2013 tries to collect and present actual work on wisdom, complex problem solving, system complexity, decision support, and complex planning both theoretical and practical. The main focus would be on how to model and to explain the human capacity to create and solve complex problems from different disciplinary perspectives.

    For more information, see

  • 14-15 March 2013, Logic, Knowledge, and Language - Paul Gochet Memorial Conference, Brussels, Belgium

    Date: 14-15 March 2013
    Location: Brussels, Belgium
    Costs: Free, but registration is required

    The impact of the development of formal logic on philosophy in the 20th Century is well-documented. More recently the rise of formal philosophy, and in particular the application of formal methods in epistemology and semantics has proved that logical and mathematical methods have a bright future in philosophy.

    With his work on Quine, P. Gochet played an important role in the former movement. Yet, he was also one of the first to recognize the importance of the interactive and dynamic turn in epistemology and formal semantics that characterize the latter movement.

    Speakers: Patrick Blackburn, Jaakko Hintikka (TBC), Philippe de Rouilhan, Dov Gabbay, Susan Haack, Gerhard Heinzmann, Hourya Sinaceur, Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, Johan van Benthem, Vincent Hendricks, Jacques Dubucs, Dagfinn Føllesdal, Alex Orenstein, Shahid Rahman.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • DIMACS Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology, New York, U.S.A.

    Date: April 29 - May 1, 2013
    Location: New York, U.S.A.

    Recent years have witnessed exciting developments in cryptology. There is a rapidly increasing amount of data available that are stored and processed in a distributed manner, for instance in the cloud or as part of a network of smaller, embedded devices. This growth of information technology and its ubiquity in everyday life gives rise to new and exciting challenges in cryptology. This has already led to no less exciting technical developments aimed at meeting these challenges. These developments span many different aspects of the field, ranging from new foundational concepts and hardness assumptions, new algorithms and protocols with surprising functionality and security properties, new hardware and software deployment methods, as well as new cryptanalytic and attack technology.

    The purpose of this 3-day workshop is to bring together leading researchers from all areas of cryptology, and provide a comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the-art in the field as well as an outlook of the challenges that lie ahead.

    For more information, see

  • 7-8 March 2013, Workshop on Modal Epistemology, Mainz, Germany

    Date: 7-8 March 2013
    Location: Mainz, Germany

    We seem to know a lot of modal facts. But how is modal knowledge possible? The Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz holds a workshop to discuss latest answers to and arguments in the vicinity of this question.

    Invited Speakers: Thomas Krödel (Berlin), Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld), Sonia Roca-Royes (Stirling), Daniele Sgaravatti (L'Aquila).
    Organization: Ralf Busse, Silvère Schutkowski

    For more information and registration, contact

  • 5 March 2013, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)

    Date: Tuesday 5 March 2013
    Location: CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    COIN — Coalgebra in the Netherlands is a bimonthly seminar, held alternately in Nijmegen and Amsterdam. The aim of COIN is to bring together coalgebra researchers at various locations in the Netherlands, and share current results and questions in the world of coalgebra. We welcome presentations on any subject related to coalgebra.

    The next COIN meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 5 March 2013, at CWI, in room L120. The schedule is as follows:
    13:30 - 14:15 Jean-Baptiste Jeannin
    14:15 - 15:00 Alexandra Silva
    15:15 - 16:00 Henning Basold

    For more information, see

  • 4-7 February 2013, Bilinear Pairings in Cryptography, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Date: 4-7 February 2013
    Location: Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel
    Costs: free

    The winter school will provide an in depth coverage of bilinear pairings and their role in cryptographic constructions. Among other things, we will study the basics of elliptic curves and elliptic curve cryptography, the basics of pairings, and the mathematics behind how pairings work and how to efficiently compute them. In addition, we will study the many applications of pairings to cryptography, including identity-based encryption (IBE) and variants, attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, broadcast encryption, anonymous credentials and non-interactive zero-knowledge. The school program includes approximately 20 hours of lectures and a social dinner.

    The target audience for the school is graduate students and postdocs in cryptography (we will assume background in cryptography, but not elliptic curves or bilinear maps). However, faculty, undergrads and professionals with the necessary background are all welcome. The winter school is open to participants from all over the world; all talks will be in English.

    For more information, see

  • 4-8 February 2013, Games Winter School 2013, Champery, Switzerland

    Date: 4-8 February 2013
    Location: Champery, Switzerland

    The GAMES Winter School 2013 will give young researchers the opportunity to learn about automata, game theory, logic, and their applications for synthesis and verification. It is supported by the ESF project "GAMES for Design and Verification".

    The school will consist of nine lectures. The lectures are intended to be accessible to a wide audience, but some familiarity with automata theory and logic is recommended. The GAMES winter School 2013 addresses primarily to PhD students and young researchers, but more senior participants are also very welcome.

    Registration is accessible through the web-page of the conference ( Registration deadline: November 15, 2012.

  • 22-26 July, 2013, SSTiC 2013, Tarragona, Spain

    Date: 22-26 July, 2013
    Location: Tarragona, Spain
    Costs: 580-630 euro

    SSTiC 2013 will be an open forum for the convergence of top class well recognized computer scientists and people at the beginning of their research career (typically PhD students) as well as consolidated researchers.

    SSTiC 2013 will cover the whole spectrum of computer science by means of more than 70 six-hour courses dealing with diverse topics at the frontiers of the field. By actively participating, lecturers and attendees will share the idea of scientific excellence as the main motto of their research work.

    For more information, see the conference website at

  • Undergraduate School on Experimental Quantum Information Processing 2013 (USEQIP 2013), Waterloo, Canada

    Date: May 27 - June 7 2013
    Location: Waterloo, Canada

    A summer school for undergraduate students, this is a two-week program on the theoretical and experimental study of quantum information aimed primarily at students completing their third undergraduate year. The lectures and experiments are geared toward students in engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science, though all interested students are invited to apply.

    The program has space for 20 students. Accommodations and meals are covered, and funding is available for travel expenses.

    Application deadline is March 4, 2013. For more information, see

  • 15 January 2013, Mini-workshop on realizability, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 15 January 2013
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Following the PhD thesis defense of Wouter Stekelenburg on Monday, January 14 (at 16:15), a mini-workshop on Realizability and related topics will be held on Tuesday, January 15 from 11:15 to 17:00 in room BBL 071 (Buys Ballot Lab, Princetonplein, close to the Math Building), Utrecht.

    Participants include: Giuseppe Rosolini (Genova), Thomas Streicher (Darmstadt), Ieke Moerdijk, Wouter Stekelenburg, Jaap van Oosten, Benno van den Berg,... Speakers include: Thomas Streicher, Benno van den Berg, Jaap van Oosten.

    More detailed information will follow shortly before the meeting.

MoL and PhD defenses

  • 18 December 2013, Master of Logic defense, Dieuwke Hupkes

    Date & Time: Wednesday 18 December 2013, 12:30
    Title: An empirical account of compositionality of translation through translation dataPlease enter title of thesis here
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Khalil Sima'an
    For more information, please contact
  • 12 December 2013, PhD defense, Virginie Fiutek

    Date & Time: Thursday 12 December 2013, 13:00
    Title: Playing with Knowledge and Belief
    Location: Aula, University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Frank Veltman
    Copromotor: Sonja Smets
  • 11 December 2013, PhD defense, Hannah Bosma

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 December 2013, 13:00
    Title: The Electronic Cry. Voice and Gender in Electroacoustic Music.
    Location: Aula, University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Rokus de Groot and Remko Scha

    The thesis investigates gender patterns in electrovocal music through a detailed study of several important compositions. It concludes that this supposedly avantgardistic genre is surprisingly in tune with conservative cliché's: most pieces feature the performance of a wordless, emotional, high-pitched soprano, whose voice is manipulated through the electronic equipment of an aloof male composer. But exceptions do occur, especially when the use of technology inspires a move away from the traditional musical composition – for instance by blurring the distinction between composer and performer, and by abolishing the written score.

    For more information, contact Hannah Bosma:

  • 2 October 2013, Master of Logic defense, Asgeir Matthiasson

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 October 2013, 13:00
    Title: A Chalet on Mount Everest: Interpretations of Wittgenstein's Remarks on Gödel
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
    For more information, please contact
  • 2 October 2013, Master of Logic defense, Sylvia Pauw

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 October 2013, 10 am
    Title: Synthesis, Judgment and the Categories of Quantity
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen
    For more information, please contact
  • 30 September 2013, Master of Logic defense, Maximilian Fillinger

    Date & Time: Monday 30 September 2013, 14:00
    Title: Reconstructing the Cryptanalytic Attack Behind the Flame Malware
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Christian Schaffner and Marc Stevens
    For more information, please contact
  • 27 September 2013, Master of Logic defense, Vlasta Sikimic

    Date & Time: Friday 27 September 2013, 14:00
    Title: Towards a Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Dynamics Logics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alessandra Palmigiano and Giuseppe Greco
    For more information, please contact
  • 26 September 2013, Master of Logic defense, YunQi Xue

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 September 2013, 11:00
    Title: Towards Closed-world Reasoning in Games - Ultimatum Game Revisited
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen
    For more information, please contact
  • 25 September 2013, Master of Logic defense, Femke Bekius

    Date & Time: Wednesday 25 September 2013, 14:00
    Title: The iterative Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problem
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ulle Endriss
    For more information, please contact
  • 13 September 2013, Master of Logic defense, Anthony Renard

    Date & Time: Friday 13 September 2013, 14:00
    Title: A final coalgebra theorem in the context of algebraic set theory
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Benno van den Berg
    For more information, please contact
  • 2 September 2013, Master of Logic defense, Nathaniel Forde

    Date & Time: Monday 2 September 2013, 10:00
    Title: Dependence in Logic and Probability
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof and Sonja Smets
    For more information, please contact
  • 30 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Alessandra Marra

    Date & Time: Friday 30 August 2013, 13:00
    Title: What should have been the case. A temporal update semantics for necessity deontic modals
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Frank Veltman
    For more information, please contact
  • 29 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Zhiguang Zhao

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 August 2013, 11:00
    Title: Algebraic Canonicity in Non-Classical Logics
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alessandra Palmigiano
    For more information, please contact
  • 28 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Elbert Jan Booij

    Date & Time: Wednesday 28 August 2013, 15:00
    Title: Kinds, Compositionality, and the Identification Problem
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park *904*, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Robert van Rooij
    For more information, please contact
  • 28 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Jose Pedro Correia

    Date & Time: Wednesday 28 August 2013, 10:00
    Title: The Bivalent Trap; Vagueness, Theories of Meaning and Identity
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Robert van Rooij and Michael Franke
    For more information, please contact
  • 27 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Hans Erik Bugge Grathwohl

    Date & Time: Tuesday 27 August 2013, 11:00
    Title: Programming with Classical Proofs
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Herman Geuvers and Inge Bethke
    For more information, please contact
  • 26 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Adam Crager

    Date & Time: Monday 26 August 2013, 15:00
    Title: The infinite in Aristotle's logical epistemology
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Robert van Rooij
    For more information, please contact
  • 21 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Ryan Nefdt

    Date & Time: Wednesday 21 August 2013, 17:30
    Title: Constituenless Compositionality: A Compositional Account of Dependency Grammar
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Henk Zeevat
    For more information, please contact
  • 21 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Aybuke Ozgun

    Date & Time: Wednesday 21 August 2013, 15:00
    Title: Topological Models for Belief and Belief Revision
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Sonja Smets and Nick Bezhanishvili
    For more information, please contact
  • 20 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Robert Carrington

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 August 2013, 15:00
    Title: Learning and Knowledge in Social Networks
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alexandru Baltag
    For more information, please contact
  • 20 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Giovanni Cina

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 August 2013, 13:00
    Title: On the connection between the categorical and the modal logic approaches to Quantum Mechanics
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alexandru Baltag
    For more information, please contact
  • 10 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Apostolos Tzimoulis

    Date & Time: Saturday 10 August 2013, 17:30
    Title: Determinacy and measurable cardinals in HOD
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Benedikt Lowe
    For more information, please contact
  • 10 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Hugo Nobrega

    Date & Time: Saturday August 10 2013, 15:30
    Title: Game charactarizations function classes and Weihrauch degrees
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Benedikt Lowe
    For more information, please contact
  • 10 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Tanmay Inamdar

    Date & Time: Saturday 10 August 2013, 13:30
    Title: On the Modal Logics of Some Set-Theoretic Constructions
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Benedikt Lowe
    For more information, please contact
  • 9 August 2013, Master of Logic defense, Georgios Sarailidis

    Date & Time: Friday 9 August 2013, 16:00
    Title: On the Power of Evolution
    Location: room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ronald de Wolf
    For more information, please contact
  • 31 July 2013, Master of Logic defense, Maurice Pico de los Cobos

    Date & Time: Wednesday 31 July 2013, 13:00-15:00
    Title: Completeness proofs via canonical models on increasingly generalized settings
    Location: Room F1.15 (ILLC seminar room), Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Dr. Alessandra Palmigiano
    Mentor: Dr. Maria Aloni

    For more information, see

  • 3 July 2013, Master of Logic defense, Radek Ocelak

    Date & Time: Wednesday 3 July 2013, 14:00
    Title: Carving up the rainbow: how to model linguistic catgorizatiion of color
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
    For more information, please contact
  • 28 June 2013, Master of Logic defense, Maria Velema

    Date & Time: Friday 28 June 2013, 14:00
    Title: Classical Encryption and Authentication under Quantum Attacks
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Christian Schaffner
    For more information, please contact
  • 25 June 2013, Master of Logic defense, Heleen Booy

    Date & Time: Tuesday 25 June 2013, 11:00
    Title: Philosophy in primary schools: developing teachers' manuals for different age groups.
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jan van Eijck
    For more information, please contact
  • 24 May 2013, Master of Logic defense, Gianluca Paolini

    Date & Time: Friday 24 May 2013, 14:00
    Title: Dependence Logic in Algebra and Model Theory
    Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jouko Väänänen
    For more information, please contact
  • 26 February 2013, Master of Logic defense, Cecilia Chavez Aguilera

    Date & Time: Tuesday 26 February 2013, 10:00
    Title: Non-Well Founded Set Semantics for Infinitary Belief Revision
    Location: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alexandru Baltag
    For more information, please contact

Projects and Awards

  • KNAW: Christiaan Huygens Science Award

    The Christiaan Huygens Science Award encourages innovative research in the disciplines in which Christiaan Huygens excelled. The award is presented in a different discipline each year. In 2013 the award is presented in the space studies.

    Submission deadline nominations: Saturday 1 February 2014. For more information, see

  • Ronald de Wolf awarded ERC Consolidator Grant

    Ronald de Wolf has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project 'QPROGRESS: Progress in quantum computing: Algorithms, communication, and applications'. The project will be carried out at the CWI.

    For more information, see

  • Mathematical, Foundational and Computational Aspects of the Higher Infinite (Cambridge, August to December 2015)

    The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences has installed a four-month long research programme entitled "Mathematical, Foundational and Computational Aspects of the Higher Infinite" (HIF) to be held from 19 August 2015 to 18 December 2015. The programme is organised by Joan Bagaria (Barcelona), Mirna Dzamonja (Norwich) and Benedikt Löwe (Principal Organiser).

    For more information, see

  • Creative Mind Prize 2014

    The Creative Mind Prize 2014 will be presented to a young academic with an original and exciting research proposal that centres around the aspects of creativity and the workings of the human brain.

    Deadline: Wednesday 1 January 2014. For more information, see

  • NWO Veni 2013 Grant to Nina Gierasimczuk

    Nina Gierasimczuk has received a Veni 2013 grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for her research project 'Learning from each other'..

    One downside of being a member of a group is that personal opinions are suppressed by conformity. This project will investigate the complex balance between the advantages and disadvantages of being in a group with a particular focus on learning.

    For more information, see or

  • Beth Dissertation Award 2013

    The Beth Dissertation Award 2013 has been awarded to Wesley H. Holliday (Stanford University) and Ekaterina Lebedeva (University of Lorraine) .

    For more information, see

  • AILA Best Thesis Award for Fabio Zanasi

    Fabio Zanasi's Master of Logic thesis, supervised by Yde Venema and Alessandro Facchini and defended in August 2012, has been recognised by the Italian Association for Logic and its Applications (AILA) as one of the best Master's theses of the year in the field of logic by an Italian student.

    For more information, see

  • Ivan Titov receives Google NLU Focused Award

    Dr Ivan Titov has received a Google Focused Research Award in the area of natural language understanding. The awards are for research in areas of study that are of key interest to Google as well as the research community. The award (140,000 USD) will support the project "Learning to Reason by Exploiting Grounded Text Collections".

    For more information, see

  • Prof. Henkjan Honing new member of the KHMW

    Prof. Henkjan Honing of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam was elected to become a member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences (KHMW).

    Henkjan Honing was chosen for this honorary membership for his achievements in the fields of cognitive and computational musicology. He was welcomed as a new member during the general KHMW meeting on May 25, 2013.

    For more information, see and

  • Prof. Rens Bod new member of the KHMW

    Prof. Rens Bod of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam was elected to become a member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences (KHMW).

    Rens Bod was chosen for this honorary membership for his achievements in the fields of digital humanities and history of the humanities. He was welcomed as a new member during the general KHMW meeting on May 25, 2013.

    For more information, see and

  • NWO VIDI award to Alessandra Palmigiano

    Alessandra Palmigiano's research project 'A mosaic of them all': logics for multi-agent interaction via duality and correspondence has been granted in the last Vidi round. The project adds 800.000 euros to a conglomeration of grants worth 1.400.000 euros in total, which will create 3-5 PhD positions and 1 Postdoc position. The project will be based at the TU Delft, and will start on 15 December 2013.

    For more information, see here or contact .

  • KNAW: Descartes-Huygens Prize

    The French and Dutch governments established the Descartes-Huygens Prize in 1995 to draw the attention of the public and researchers to Franco-Dutch relations in science and scholarship.

    The prize is awarded on a rotating basis to researchers in the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences, and the life sciences. By agreement, the Netherlands selects the French candidate for the prize, and France selects the Dutch candidate.

    Submission deadline: Monday 1 July 2013. For more information, see

  • KNAW: Academy Merian Prize

    The Academy Merian Prize was established to draw attention to female researchers and to encourage more women in the Netherlands to pursue careers in science and scholarship. The prize is made possible by the SNS REAAL Fund.

    Established in 2009, the Academy Merian Prize is awarded to a woman who will inspire others to embark on a career in science or scholarship. The biennial prize is conferred on an outstanding female researcher working alternately in the social sciences or humanities (2009) and in science (2011).

    The deadline for submitting nominations is 15 May 2013. For more information, see

  • VICI Grant Awarded to Khalil Sima`an

    The ILLC is very proud to announce that Khalil Sima'an has been awarded a Vici grant by NWO for his project proposal "Machine Translators: Teaching Computers to Translate Using Their Own Words". Khalil Sima'an has been granted 1,5 million euro for this project, which will have a duration of five years. During this period, the project will provide funding for 3 PhD students (4 years) and 2 postdocs (3 years). Sima'an and his team plan to develop new statistical models that learn from data how to automatically produce meaning preserving translations.

    Vici is targeted at outstanding senior researchers who have successfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to act as coaches for young researchers. Unlike previous editions where the competition was contained within research fields, in the Vici round of 2013 applications from all research fields were assessed in a single, nationwide competition. In total, 32 Vici grants were awarded from among 218 submissions that participated in the 2013 competition.

    See also for more information, or contact Khalil Sima´an at .

  • Phong Le wins STIL Thesis Prize

    Phong Le, supervised by Jelle Zuidema, has won the STIL Thesis Prize for his MSc AI thesis entitled "Learning Compositional Semantics".

    STIL (Stichting Toepassing Inductieve Leertechnieken) is an association with as its goal the stimulation of research on the aplications of machine learning techniques. From 2009, STIL sponsors a prize for an MA thesis that describes high quality research in computational linguistics or its applications.

    The prize will be awarded by a member of the STIL board during CLIN 23 in Enschede.

    For more information, see

Funding, Grants and Competitions

  • Call for Nominations: IFAAMAS-13 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award

    Nominations are invited for the 2013 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award sponsored by IFAAMAS, the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and to be presented at AAMAS-2014.

    Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 in the area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems. This award includes a certificate and a 1500EUR payment.

    The dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor and submitted on or before February 28, 2014. For more information, see the IFAAMAS and AAMAS-2014 websites at and

  • Call for Nominations: Covey Award and Herbert A. Simon Award in Computing and Philosophy

    Administered by the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, the Covey Award recognizes senior scholars with a substantial record of innovative research in the field of computing and philosophy broadly conceived, while the Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy recognizes scholars at an early stage of their academic career who are likely to reshape debates at the nexus of Computing and Philosophy by their original research.

    Nominations may be proposed either by academic institutions or by colleagues with some expertise in computing and philosophy. To nominate, please send names and website URLs (or CVs) to by 15 January 2014.

    For more information, please see

  • Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award 2014

    The Ackermann Award is the EACSL Outstanding Dissertation Award for Logic in Computer Science. PhD dissertations in topics specified by the EACSL and LICS conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between 1.1.2012 and 31.12.2013 are eligible for nomination for the award. The 2014 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s) at the annual conference of the EACSL (this year as the CSL/LICS joint conference), 14-18 July 2014, in Vienna (Austria).

    The deadline for submission is 28 February 2014 (Note: this is earlier than in previous years). Nominations can be submitted from 1 January 2014 on and should be sent to the chair of the Jury, Anuj Dawar, by e-mail. For more information, see

  • Visitor grants for visiting PhD students in logic, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

    The Research Council of the State of Rio de Janeiro FAPERJ is offering grants for PhD students from outside of Brazil to spend 4 to 12 months in Rio de Janeiro during their doctoral studies. For 2014 students should apply before March 13 and will have notification by April 10. Grants are about 1.000 euros per month + travel + one time 1.000 euros for settling.

    In Rio de Janeiro there are a variety of logicians, having many interests ranging from philosophical logic to applications of logic to engineering. Have a look at the website

  • The Annual Info-Metrics Prize in Memory of Halbert L. White Jr.

    The Info-Metrics Institute is pleased to announce the creation of the Halbert L. White, Jr. prize in memory of one of the Institute's founding Board members who passed away on March 31, 2012.

    The prize is intended to reward outstanding academic research by an early career scholar in the field of info-metrics and carries an award of $2000 to be conferred either to an individual or shared among joint recipients. A maximum of one prize will be awarded each year; with recipients to be announced no later than August 31st. The award ceremony will occur at the first Info-Metrics meeting (conference or workshop) following the announcement of the award recipient.

    The annual Info-Metrics prize will be given for the best recent published work, in any academic discipline, that is deemed likely to bring important advances to multiple academic disciplines in the area of info-metrics (the science and practice of inference and quantitative information processing). The first prize will be given in 2014.

    All topics within the field of info-metrics are eligible, regardless of discipline. The deadline for nomination is June 30 2014. Self-nomination is not allowed. For more information, see

  • Call for Nominations for EATCS Fellows 2014

    The EATCS Fellows Program is established by the Association to recognize outstanding EATCS Members for their scientific achievements in the field of Theoretical Computer Science. The Fellow status is conferred by the EATCS Fellows-Selection Committee upon a person having a track record of intellectual and organizational leadership within the EATCS community. Fellows are expected to be 'model citizens' of the TCS community, helping to develop the standing of TCS beyond the frontiers of the community.

    To be considered, nominations for 2014 must be received by December 31, 2013. For more information, see

  • Call for Proposals IERTNiL (Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic)

    The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chennai, India), the Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften of the Universitaet Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) have started a research training network in logic with the name IERTNiL.

    IERTNiL will fund visits of Indian students and researchers in Europe and visits of European students and researchers in India, as well as workshops coorganized by Indian and European researchers. The funds of IERTNiL are modest (about 3000 EUR = 2.5 lakh INR per deadline) and are open to all researchers in logic from India and Europe independent of their affiliations. We expect to fund three to six applications with amounts between 500 and 1500 EUR.

    The first deadline for applications is Sunday, 1 December 2013. We are accepting applications for Research Visits, Training Visits, Training Courses and Workshops. For more details on the application process, please check our website at

  • PhD Studentships at the University of Bath

    There are three-year PhD Studentships available from October 2014 at the University of Bath, in the Research team "Mathematical Foundations of Computation" (Proofs, Categories, Semantics, Geometry and Computer Algebra).

    The best applicants who are nationals from outside the European Union will be considered for some of ten "50th Anniversary Excellence Studentships for Overseas Research Students". The scholarships cover the full overseas fee, a stipend and a training support grant for three years. Application deadline: 12 December 2013.

    For more information, see here or the research-group homepage at To apply, including information on prerequisites, see

  • Grant scheme on "Science Beyond Scientism"

    The Abraham Kuyper Center for Science and Religion under the direction of René van Woudenberg welcomes proposals to investigate scientism and its manifestations in research into free will, moral belief formation and moral character, rational decision-making, and religious belief. The research project Science beyond Scientism is embedded in the research of the Theoretical Philosophy section of the Department of Philosophy at VU University Amsterdam. VU University Amsterdam is an accredited research university with excellent library and other research facilities.

    Applicants may request up to 35,000 euros for projects not to exceed one year in duration and to be conducted in a period somewhere between January 2014 and December 2015. Application deadline: December 15, 2013.

    For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. R. van Woudenberg at .

  • NWO: Rubicon

    Rubicon aims to encourage talented researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes run by KNAW and NWO to dedicate themselves to a career in postdoctoral research.

    Deadline: Thursday 28 November 2013. For more information, see

  • NWO: Cooperation China (NSFC)

    The 2013 call for proposals for collaborative projects between European and Chinese researchers addresses the research topics The Green Economy and Understanding Population Change. This is part of the long-term international research cooperation between the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

    Deadline: Tuesday 3 December 2013. For more information, see

  • VSB fonds: bursaries for research and study abroad

    [Dutch only]
    Met een VSBfonds Beurs kunnen studenten na afronding van hun opleiding aan een Nederlandse hogeschool of universiteit in het buitenland verder studeren of onderzoek doen.

    Deadline: Saturday 1 March 2014. For more information, see

  • Fulbright Center: bursaries for PhD students

    [Dutch only]
    Jaarlijks stelt het Fulbright Center een aantal beurzen beschikbaar voor promovendi verbonden aan Nederlandse universiteiten of onderzoeksinstituten. De beurs is bedoeld voor het doen van onderzoek of het volgen van gespecialiseerde cursussen aan een Amerikaanse universiteit voor een periode van minimaal drie en maximaal zes maanden. De beurs bedraagt $ 1.000 per maand. De toekenning vindt plaats op grond van een advies van NWO. Het bestuur van het Fulbright Center kent de beurs toe.

    Deadline: Sunday 1 December 2013. For more information, see

  • Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics, Helsinki (Finland)

    The University of Helsinki invites applications for Doctoral Student Positions in the Doctoral Programme for Mathematics and Statistics for a 1-4 year period starting from 1.1.2014.

    The Doctoral Programme for Mathematics and Statistics offers PhD thesis topics and high-quality supervision in several areas of mathematics. These areas include analysis, inverse problems, mathematical biology, mathematical physics, mathematical logic and statistics. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics employes roughly 170 researchers with a remarkable scientific track record. The department hosts two Centres of Excellence granted by the Academy of Finland and two Academy Professors. Furthermore, the faculty holds two Advanced Grants and two Starting Grants of the European Research Council.

    The duties of a doctoral student are to work on his or her own doctoral thesis and to complete his or her postgraduate studies. The duties also include teaching and other tasks.

    Only applications received at the latest on October 31, 2013, will be considered. For more information, see or, or contact Prof. Jouko Vaananen () or Prof. Samuli Siltanen ().

  • Fulbright Center Amsterdam: graduate study scholarships

    The Fulbright Center Amsterdam invites applications for its scholarships for graduage study, These enable Dutch students to travel to te US for graduate studies.

    Deadline: 25 October 2013. For more information, see

  • NWO: Incentive Fund Open Access - publications

    With the Incentive Fund Open Access Publications, NWO encourages the publication of research results/

    For more information, see

  • KNAW: Visiting Professors Programme

    The Visiting Professors Programme enables outstanding foreign researchers to spend time working in the Netherlands. The programme acts as an incentive for Dutch science and scholarship.

    Deadline for applications: Friday 1 November 2013. For more information, see

  • Teorema Essay Prize for Young Scholars, Topic: Self-knowledge

    The Spanish Philosophy journal Teorema is pleased to announce an essay competition for young scholars, on the topic of 'Self-knowledge'. The winner will receive E1500 and the essay will be published and acknowledged as winner in the journal.

    Applicants must be under 35 on the closing date of the competition. Entries must be in English or Spanish, and not exceed 8000 words in length, notes and references included. Closing date: 1st October, 2013.

    For more information, see

  • Enlighten Your Research Global competition

    The brand new Enlighten Your Research Global (EYR-Global) program is an international competition that invites researchers and their collaborators to submit proposals that highlight how access to world-class research networks would significantly improve their research and discovery process.

    Modern science is generating large amounts of data and timely data transfers are a crucial aspect for the emerging international scientific collaborations. High-speed networks are an important enabler for the sharing of these large amounts of data. In order to help researchers with their international collaborations and to further promote the benefits of international-scale networking to researchers, five leading National Research and Education Networks (NREN~s), including SURFnet, are working together to offer the wnning proposals access to the high performance network infrastructures operated by the participating NRENs and their partners, as well as ongoing support and advice on devising the best end-to-end network connectivity plan to support the proposed research.

    Submission deadline for draft proposals: Monday June 24, 2013. For more information, see

  • ESF: Open Call for COST Proposals

    COST invites researchers throughout Europe to submit proposals for research networks and use this unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and to embark on new European perspectives. A continuous Open Call for Proposals is used to attract the best proposals for new COST Actions.

    Deadline: Friday 27 September 2013. For more information, see

  • Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2013

    Do you have an innovative and useful idea? Does your idea have commercial or societal impact? Then submit your idea and win € 5.000,-!

    The jury consisting of representatives from industry and the Amsterdam universities, will select five finalists from the submitted ideas. The ideas will be judged on Innovation, Feasibility and Fulfilment of a market need.

    Submission deadline: Friday 19 April 2013. For more information, see

  • NWO Call for TOP Grant proposals and Research Program Ideas

    Researchers can submit proposals for the new TOP grants at NWO Physical Sciences. The TOP grant at NWO Physical Sciences is open for curiosity driven research with an innovative, groundbreaking and challenging character. It enables a junior scientist to employ one PhD or postdoc, and it enables senior scientists to employ two or three PhDs or postdocs. Proposals must have a significant impact in one or more of the fields of astronomy, mathematics or computer science.

    Researchers within the physical sciences can also submit ideas for new research programmes. The ideas should address radical innovative and ambitious research as well as on cooperation within the discipline or sub-discipline. There will be scope for monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research.

    The TOP Grants and Call for Ideas together substitute earlier funding for curiosity driven research, e.g. the Free Competition Scheme (Vrije competitie). Deadline for submissions is 21 March (for TOP Grant proposals) or 15 March (for Research Programme ideas).

    For more information, see and

  • Litwin Award for Doctoral Dissertation in the Philosophy of Information

    Litwin Books, LLC offers a yearly award of $1,000 for Ongoing Doctoral Dissertation Research in the Philosophy of Information.

    The award shall consist of $1,000, given annually to a graduate student who is working on a dissertation on the philosophy of information (broadly construed). The purpose of this award is to encourage and support scholarship in the philosophy of information.

    Nominations should be submitted via email by June 1. For more details please see

  • ERCIM: Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme

    The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world. Topics cover most disciplines in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Applied Mathematics. Fellows are hosted in leading European Research Institutes.

    Deadline: Tuesday 30 April 2013. For more information, see

  • Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award 2013

    Eligible for the 2013 Ackermann Award (the EACSL outstanding dissertation award for logic in computer science) are PhD dissertations in topics specified by the EACSL and LICS conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between 1.1.2011 and 31.12.2012. The Award The 2013 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s) at the annual conference of the EACSL (CSL'13), 2-5 September 2013, in Torino (Italy).

    The deadline for submission is 15 April 2013. Nominations can be submitted from 1 January 2013 on and should be sent to the chair of the Jury, Anuj Dawar, by e-mail. For more information, see

Open Positions at ILLC

  • Two PhD candidates in formal semantics and pragmatics

    The ILLC has two PhD positions available as part of the larger ERC interdisciplinary ESSENCE project on the grounding of a shared semantics, which is one of the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks. Prof. Dr. Robert van Rooij is the principle investigator of this project in Amsterdam, and will also be the supervisor of both PhD candidates. One successful candidate is expected to work on (the evolution of) Categorization, the other on Pragmatics (in particular on social constraints on succesful communication).

    Application deadline: 15 December 2013. For more information, see here.

  • PhD candidate in Logic, Language and Computation

    The ILLC has a PhD position available at the Faculty of Humanities, starting 1 September 2014. It is the intention to embed this position in the newly founded Joint Research Center in Logic, a collaboration project between the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Tsinghua University in Beijing.

    Application deadline: 13 January 2014. For more information, see here.

  • Postdoctoral researcher in Logic and Theoretical Philosophy

    The ILLC is looking for a postdoctoral researcher for two years. This position is part of the larger LogiCIC project on 'The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change', under the ERC starting grant awarded to Dr. Sonja Smets. The postdoctoral position will be awarded for a period of 25 months.

    We are looking for a candidate with a strong interest in Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic and Dynamic Logic) and at least one of the following areas of research: Belief Revision Theory, Learning Theory, Truth Approximation Theory (in Philosophy of Science). The task of the postdoctoral researcher will be to study the issues of approximation, verisimilitude and convergence to truth in a logical framework.

    Application deadline: 15 november 2013. The preferred starting date is 1 January 2014. For more information, see here.

  • Assistant Professor (80%, 4y) in Philosophical Logic

    The UvA Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy, is looking for an Assistant Professor in Philosophical Logic. The ideal candidate for this position will have a broad philosophical background, outlook and interests and solid experience with teaching logic to philosophy undergraduates.

    We welcome applications from candidates with research expertise in e.g. philosophy of logic, philosophy of language and semantics, metaphysics, or the history of any of these fields, as well as interests in the interplay of logic with other research areas (including the philosophy of science and cognitive science). The research of the candidate will be embedded in the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), and must fit its research profile.

    The selected candidate is expected to give the Bachelor course Logical Analysis ('Logische Analyse') and the thesis course for BA students specializing in logic in the Summer semester of 2014. Starting from the Academic Year 2015-16 s(he) is also expected to (co-)teach introductory courses for the Bachelor in Philosophy.

    Application deadline: 15 october 2013. For more information, see here.

  • Research Assistantship (80%, 1y) in Philosophy and Digital Humanities

    The Axiom Group investigates the dynamics of scientific concepts such as truth, explanation, (logical) form and organism in historical texts from 18th-20th century Europe. These concepts are central to axiomatic and semantics and relevant to logic, mathematics and biology. As of 1 September 2013, the Axiom Group will be based at the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam/Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC). We also belong to and collaborate closely with The Network Institute at the VU University Amsterdam, an interdisciplinary institute connecting mathematics & informatics with social sciences and humanities.

    The Axiom Group has a vacancy for a Research Assistant (postmaster level) f/m for 0.8 fte for a fixed period of 12 months. The ideal candidate is a born organiser: a flexible, accurate, highly team-oriented person, capable of working independently, of quickly adjusting to changes of plan, with outstanding social and communicative skills. The RA supports the internal and the external workings of the Axiom group by monitoring and taking care of the more practical and collaborative aspects of its internal workings, as well as of its external, digital presence in the internet.

    Application deadline: 19 august 2013. For more information, see here.

  • Assistant Professor (UD) Position in Logic

    The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation is a research institute at the University of Amsterdam in which researchers from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities collaborate. Its central research area is the study of fundamental principles of encoding, transmission and comprehension of information.

    The ILLC is looking for excellent candidates for an Assistant Professorship (universitair docent) in mathematical logic, with a preference for candidates with a proven track record in modal logic or related areas of nonclassical logic. The vacancy is in the institute's Logic and Computation group, which is renowned for its work in mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence.

    Application deadline: 10 September 2013. For more information, see

    For more information, see here .
  • PhD candidate in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

    The ILLC LaCo group is looking for a PhD candidate in statistical natural language processing and machine learning. This position is part of a project entitled 'Learning to Reason by Exploiting Grounded Text Collections', headed by Dr Ivan Titov.

    The project is supported by a Google Focused Research award and the University of Amsterdam, and close collaboration with Google is anticipated. The principle goal of the project is to model semantic content of a document specifically to draw inferences about the entities and their relations, explicit or implied, in the text (as needed for question answering or other applications requiring text comprehension). This will be accomplished by learning latent semantic representations, in part, relying on text collections with entities linked to existing knowledge bases such as Freebase, but also on other types of supervision.

    Application deadline: 15 July 2013. For more information, see here

  • ILLC: 2 PhD fellowships

    The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) currently has two PhD fellowships available at the Faculty of Science starting on 1st September 2013. Applications are now invited from excellent candidates wishing to conduct research in an area in which members of ILLC scientific staff affiliated with the Faculty of Science are active.

    Application deadline: 12 May 2013. For more information, see here

  • Assistant Professor (UD) position at ILLC

    The ILLC is strengthening its position as a leading institution in the study of logic, language and computation, by opening a vacancy for an Assistant Professor position in any of its three research groups: Logic and Language, Logic and Computation, and Language and Computation

    For more information, see here.

  • PhD student position in Cognitive Modelling available at ILLC (Faculty of Humanities)

    The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) currently has a PhD fellowship available, appointment starting on 1 April 2013. Applications are now invited from excellent candidates wishing to conduct interdisciplinary research in the Brain & Cognition priority area of UvA.

    The PhD candidate will be appointed at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. The appointment is for 4 years for 0,8 fte under the terms of employment currently valid for the Faculty. Initially a contract will be given for 16 months, with an extension for the following 32 months on the basis of a positive evaluation.

    The closing date for application is 15 February 2013. Vacancy number: 13-017. For more information, see here or contact Dr Jakub Szymanik at .

Open Positions, General

  • PhD student position in epistemology, Cambridge (U.K.) & Groningen (The Netherlands)

    Trusting Banks is a collaborative research project in applied ethics and epistemology between the Universities of Cambridge and Groningen, sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The project is led by Prof Alex Oliver (Cambridge) and Prof Boudewijn de Bruin (Groningen) and includes two postdoctoral researchers (Dr Anthony Booth and one vacancy) and two PhD students (Marco Meyer and the present vacancy).

    The PhD studentship extends from 1 October 2014 to 31 July 2018. The successful candidate will spend three years pursuing research for the Cambridge PhD in Philosophy, and they will be expected to work away in Groningen in their second year. After completion of the Cambridge PhD at the end of the third year, they will spend their fourth year in Groningen pursuing research leading to a second PhD in Philosophy or Economics from the University of Groningen.

    The studentship will be awarded on a competitive basis, and is open to students of any nationality.

    Reference: GV02400. Further information about the project, funding, requirements and the application process are available on the following webpage: The deadline for on-line applications is Friday, 10 January 2014. Interviews will be held in mid-late February 2014.

  • PostDoc and PhD student positions in the philosophy of causation, Geneva (Switzerland)

    Applications are invited for a full-time 4-year postdoc position, as well as a 3-year PhD position, in the context of an interdisciplinary project on Boolean causal data analysis hosted at the Department of Philosophy of the University

    The project, which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, focuses on philosophical and methodological questions in the area of Boolean data analysis, which is currently dominated by the method of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). In particular, the project aims to explore the theoretical foundations of Boolean data analysis and to bring Coincidence Analysis (CNA)---a close relative of QCA---from the methodological drawing board to effective, flexible, and computer-assisted applicability in real-life contexts of causal discovery.

    The deadline for receipt of applications is January 25, 2014. For more information, see Informal inquiries should be directed by e-mail only to Prof. Michael Baumgartner ().

  • Funded PhD Positions at the University of Liverpool

    The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool offers a number of PhD positions in the research fields pursued in the department. We have up to 15 positions available in EEECS, starting in the academic year 2014/15.

    The deadline for this application round is Friday, February 28. While applications will be possible until all positions are filled, your chances will be increased by applying before this deadline.

    Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

    For candidates interested in logic, they are encouraged to consult the webpages of and contact
    - Davide Grossi (argumentation, modal logic)
    - Andre Hernich (database theory, querying, ontological reasoning)
    - Professor Michael Fisher (temporal logic)
    - Professor Wolter (description logics, modal logic)
    - Professor van der Hoek (modal logic, epistemic logic, logic and games)

  • Research fellowship in Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations, Leeds (U.K.)

    The School of Mathematics of the University of Leeds is advertising a Research Fellowship in Pure Mathematics to work on homotopy type theory and univalent foundations.

    The position is for 30 months and it is available from March 1st, 2014. The deadline for applications is January 6th, 2014.

    Further information, including details on salary and the application procedure, is available from the University of Leeds job search website at (the reference number for the position is MAPMA0063). Or contact Dr Nicola Gambino at .

  • Part-time temporary position as lecturer Formal Methods, Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies is looking for a new lecturer for the discipline group Theoretical Philosophy. This group focuses on classical philosophical questions linked to questions about the fundamentals of science.

    The position is from 1 february 2014 to 1 september 2015, and includes teaching courses for the Bachelor- and Master-programme's on Artifical Intelligence.

    Applications must be received before 6 January, 2014. For more information, see here or contact Prof. Albert Visser at

  • PhD student position in Theoretical Computer Science, Stockholm (Sweden)

    The Theoretical Computer Science group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a PhD position in Theoretical Computer Science (Algorithms & Complexity).

    We are seeking a PhD student in Theoretical Computer Science for the research project ?Trading Time for Approximation in Optimization? in the areas of approximation algorithms and exact algorithms.

    The application deadline is January 31, 2014. See for the full, formal announcement with more information and instructions for how to apply. Informal enquiries about this position are welcome and may be sent to Per Austrin ().

  • Research Staff Position in Algorithms, Yorktown Heights NY (U.S.A.)

    IBM invites applications for a permanent research staff position in the Algorithms Group at the IBM T.J Watson Research Center.

    We do basic research in optimization, approximation, online and streaming algorithms and other areas of theoretical computer science and apply our theoretical ideas to industrial problems. Applicants must have a Ph.D. (or obtain the degree by the time of employment) in Computer Science or in a closely related field.

    Applicants should send materials electronically to , including a cover email, CV, research statement, list of references, and copies of up to three publications. The application deadline is Feb 15, 2014. For more information, see the webpage of the Research Center at

  • Three permanent lectureships in philosophy (one in logic & metaphysics), London (U.K.)

    Birkbeck, University of London intends to appoint three permanent Lectureships in Philosophy from September 2014. The Areas of Specialization for these lectureships will be as follows: 1) Logic and Metaphysics; 2) History of Philosophy, including Ancient; 3) Open. An official call for applications will be made early in January 2014, with a deadline for applications on 3 February. Interviews will be held between 5 March and 10 March 2014.

    For further information about the Birkbeck Philosophy department, go to For preliminary enquiries about these posts, contact Hallvard Lillehammer (Assistant Dean) at .

  • Seven postdoctoral fellowships in all subjects for female researchers, Berlin (Germany)

    The International Post-Doc Initiative (IPODI) of the Technische Universität Berlin will award 7 two-year fellowships to international female researchers in its first internationally open call. IPODI is part of an initiative (Wissenschaftlerinnen an die Spitze) that aims at increasing the number of women in leadership positions. IPODI addresses outstanding female researchers regardless of their nationality or age and is open to applications from all fields of research represented at the TU Berlin.

    The first call for applications is open until January 15, 2014. Further calls will follow in 2014 and 2015. For more information, see

  • Two postdoctoral positions in information security, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

    The University of Luxembourg seeks to hire one doctoral and two post-doctoral researchers at its Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). The successful candidates will participate in the activities of the SaToSS research group led by Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw.

    The SaToSS group is working on formalizing and applying formal reasoning to real-world security problems and trust issues. The doctoral position and the first post-doctoral position are within the national project Attack-Defense Trees: Theory Meets Practice (ADT2P). The second post-doctoral position is partially funded by the EU project Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security (TREsPASS), which focuses on modeling and analysis of socio-technical aspects of security.

    Deadline for applications: January 19, 2014. For more information about these vacancies please check and, or contact: Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw() or Dr. Barbara Kordy ()

  • Permanent senior lectureship and temporary senior lectureship in Philosophy of Science, Gothenburg (Sweden)

    The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, announces one permanent and one temporary (6 months) position as Senior lecturer in Theory of science.

    Application deadline is 13 February, 2014. For further information, please see: and

  • Two part-time (30 hours/week) postdoctoral jobs in Epistemology / Philosophy of Language

    Location: Graz, Austria

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Graz has two open positions for a University Assistant with doctorate (30 hours a week; Fixed-term employment for the period of 2 years; Envisaged Job Starting Date 17 February 2014).

    AOS categories: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind AOC: History of Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Logic.

    Application deadline: December 18, 2013 Reference Number: 'MB/20/99 ex 2013/14' and 'MB/21/99 ex 2013/14'. For more information, see or, or contact Evelin Maierhuber, or Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marian David, .

  • Lectureship in Philosophy, Cambridge (U.K.)

    The Faculty of Philosophy is seeking to appoint a University Lecturer in Philosophy. The successful candidate will be outstanding in teaching and research and must be able to take up their appointment on 1st September 2014. The post is based in central Cambridge, and is permanent, subject to the satisfactory completion of a review of the initial probationary period of office.

    The successful candidate will contribute to the Faculty's research and teaching at graduate and undergraduate levels. No particular area of research in philosophy is specified for this job, but an ability to teach in one (or ideally more) of the following areas (listed here in alphabetical order) would be very welcome: aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy (from 1600), formal and philosophical logic, philosophy of science, and political philosophy.

    Vacancy Reference No: GV02340. Applications must be submitted by 15.00 hours GMT on Friday January 10 2014, using the Faculty's online Job Applications system.

  • PhD studies in theoretical computer science, Birmingham, U.K.

    The Birmingham CS theory group invites applications for PhD study at the University of Birmingham. We are a group of (mostly) theoretical computer scientists who explore fundamental concepts in computation and programming language semantics. This often involves profound and surprising connections between different areas of computer science and mathematics. From category theory to lambda-calculus and computational effects, from topology to constructive mathematics, from game semantics to program compilation, this is a diverse field of research that continues to provide new insight and underlying structure.

    See our webpage, with links to individual researchers, here: Information about PhD applications may be found here:

  • Postdoctoral (or more senior) research positions in theoretical computer science, Princeton NJ (U.S.A.)

    The Department of Computer Science at Princeton University is seeking applications for postdoctoral or more senior research positions in theoretical computer science. We have 1 and 2 year positions. In the past, we have arranged a 2-year stay in the Princeton area jointly with the Institute for Advanced Study or other local institutions - such candidates must also separately apply to these other institutions.

    Candidates should have a PhD in Computer Science or a related field by August 2014. To ensure full consideration, we encourage candidates to complete their applications, (including letters of recommendation) by December 10, 2013. Applicants should submit a CV and research statement, and contact information for three references. Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and affirmative action regulations.

    Apply to: 'Postdoctoral Research Associate - req #1300791'. For more information, see

  • Tenure-track position in philosophy of science or logic, Salzburg (Austria)

    The Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Salzburg seeks applications for a tenure-track position in philosophy of science or logic. The appointment will be made within the Austrian A2 salary scheme. The starting date is 1 October 2014.

    The Department of Philosophy in Salzburg is known for its analytic and formal approach to philosophy. The logic and philosophy of science unit is led by the newly-appointed Professor Charlotte Werndl (formerly at London School of Economics). The Department is expanding and two additional full professors and several Assistant professors (tenure-track positions) and doctoral students will be hired in the next months and years.

    Applications should be sent by 27 December 2013. For the full (official) announcement from the University of Salzburg see:

  • Doctoral student funding in philosophy, Edinburgh (Scotland)

    Philosophy at Edinburgh boasts a large postgraduate program with over 60 currently enrolled PhD students and over 40 MSc students, and welcomes PhD applications for 2013/2014 in the following six key areas, where we have particular research strengths: ancient philosophy, early modern philosophy, epistemology, ethics, logic and language, mind and cognition, and philosophy of science.

    For general info about our PhD program and links to applying online, please see A list of funding opportunities with respective deadlines (10th December and 3rd February) can be found at

    Please note: one Career Development Studentship this year is allocated to a research project in the area of Philosophy of Science. For info, please contact Dr Michela Massimi, Philosophy Graduate Director.

  • PhD positions in Nottingham (UK)

    There are 10 fully funded PhD positions at the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham. The research area is open, so applications in the area of logic and multi-agent systems will be welcome. If you are interested in doing a PhD in this area, please contact Natasha Alechina . The positions start on 1 October 2014 and are funded for 3 years. The closing date for applications is 10 January 2014.

    For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral fellowships in mathematics of information, Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)

    Caltech's Center for the Mathematics of Information announces openings in the CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, starting in fall 2014. The CMI is dedicated to fundamental mathematical research with an eye to the roles of information and computation throughout science and engineering. Areas of interest include algorithms, complexity, algorithmic game theory, applied combinatorics, applied probability, statistics, machine learning, information and coding theory, control, optimization, networked systems, geometry processing, multi-resolution methods, and molecular programming.

    All candidate materials are due by Friday, December 20, 2013 and reference letters are due by Monday, December 23, 2013. For more information, see

  • PhD scholarships in philosophy, Bristol (U.K.)

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Bristol invites applications for funded PhD research in all areas of philosophy through the South, West and Wales Consortium Doctoral Training Programme for the Arts and Humanities:

    The consortium as a whole will have an Open Day on 22 January 2014 at the Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol. The deadline for registration for this Open Day is 13th January 2014.

    For more information about the department and its staff see Full details of the South, West and Wales Consortium Doctoral Training Programme can be found at the consortium website:

  • Two PhD student or postdoctoral positions in stochastic model checking, Twente (The Netherlands)

    *The Formal Methods & Tool Group at the University of Twente has two PhD or Postdoc positions available in stochastic model checking: one in the ArRangeer project, on "smart railroad maintenance via stochastic model checking, and one in the TREsPass project, on "Quantitative security analysis via stochastic model checking"

    Applications must be received before 1 December, 2013. For more information, see (for the ArRangeer position) or (for the TREsPASS position).

  • Associate Professorship in Philosophy (analytic philosophy informed by the social and/or natural sciences), London (U.K.)

    The London School of Economics and Political Science - Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method is looking to recruit an Associate Professor in Philosophy.

    We welcome applications from candidates with research specialisations in any area of philosophy, though their interests should fit with the type of analytic philosophy informed by the social and/or natural sciences for which the Department is noted. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute actively to the teaching portfolio of the BSc and MSc programmes provided by the Department, to carry out research leading to publication in top journals, attract external funding, and take on regular academic administration duties.

    The post will start on 1 September 2014. The (strict) closing date for the receipt of applications is 13 December 2013 (midnight, UK time). For more information, see

  • Two postdoctoral positions in the history of geometry, Berlin (Germany)

    The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Research Group on Modern Geometry and the Concept of Space (Director: Vincenzo De Risi ) seeks two Post-doctoral Fellows for positions from one to six months beginning at any time in 2014. The Research Group is also accepting proposals for non-funded visiting positions.

    Research projects should concern the history of geometry, the history of mathematical epistemology or the history of the concept of space from the Ancient to the Early Modern Age. Possible topics include: The history of elementary geometry and Euclid?s Elements in Antiquity and the Renaissance. The philosophy of mathematics from Antiquity to the 18th century. The conception of space from Descartes to Kant. The beginnings of projective geometry. Optics and the theory of vision.

    Applications must be received before 6 January, 2014. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position (2y) in semantics, logic and type systems, Lyon (France)

    MILYON (the Laboratoire d'Excellence "Mathématiques et Informatique à Lyon") offers four post-doctoral positions in mathematics and two in computer science for the academic year 2014-2015, to be held at the Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées or at the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon), or at the Institut Camille Jordan (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).

    These are research-only appointments (without teaching). They are typically for two years, with possible renewal for a third year subject to review. The salary will be 2100 euros per month, with benefits including health insurance and social coverage. Funds will also be provided for traveling and inviting collaborators.

    Applications must be complete (including all reference letters) by: Wednesday, January 15th, 2014, at 17:00 (Lyon local time). For more information, see

  • Lectureship in Theories of Knowledge and Philosophy of Language, Sydney (Australia)

    The School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry (SOPHI) at the University of Sydney is currently seeking a Lecturer in Philosophy (Theories of Knowledge, Philosophy of Language).

    SOPHI is one of four schools in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, made up of the departments of Archaeology, Classics and Ancient History, Gender and Cultural Studies, History and Philosophy. The School brings together an exciting group of academics and students who participate in a wide array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. It is home to some of the leading researchers and teachers in Australia and the world, as well as regularly hosting prominent visitors and international colloquia.

    The School invites applications for the position of Lecturer (equivalent to a U.S. Assistant Professor) in theories of knowledge or philosophy of language. The successful applicant will possess a PhD in philosophy, be a skillful teacher and have demonstrated research expertise in one or both of the advertised areas through high-quality publications. The appointee will be responsible for teaching introductory units of study, as well as specialised higher-level courses, and supervising doctoral and other postgraduate research in the relevant specialist field.

    The position is continuing, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period for new appointees. The expected commencement date is mid 2014.

    Reference number 2333/1013. Applications must be received before 2 December, 2013. For more information, see

  • PhD Position in Logic, Rational Choice or Meta-ethics at the University of Bayreuth

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Bayreuth invites applications for one PhD position (3 years, E13 TV Z, 0.5 FTE) starting from 01 April 2014 or soon after. The successful applicant will conduct his or her doctoral research under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Roy. The applicant will be required to undertake a small amount of teaching in accord with the Bavarian Higher Education Law (BayHSchG).

    We encourage applications in the following areas:
    - Philosophical Logic (especially epistemic logic or deontic logic)
    - Rational Choice Theory (especially foundations of decision and game theory)
    - Philosophy of Action and Meta-Ethics (especially theories of rationality and normativity)

    Applications should be submitted by 15 January 2014. For more information, see or contact prof. Roy at .

  • Assistant Professorship in the History of Philosophy of Science, Waterloo (Canada)

    The University of Waterloo, Department Of Philosophy is accepting applications for a tenure track position in the History of Philosophy at the rank of Assistant Professor . The Department is especially interested in candidates whose research is in the history and philosophy of science, broadly construed (including technology and mathematics). The Department also has undergraduate teaching needs in ancient philosophy.

    The successful candidate will have a completed PhD in Philosophy by the time of appointment, some teaching experience, and evidence of an actively developing research program . The position will commence on July 1, 2014. Duties include research, undergraduate and graduate teaching and graduate supervision, and service. Closing date for applications is Nov. 20, 2013.

    For more information, see Further enquiries can be directed to the Department Chair, David DeVidi, at .

  • PhD student position and postdoctoral position in computational logic, Innsbruck (Austria)

    Within the FWF project "Automated Complexity Analysis via Transformations (ACAT)" a PhD position (3 years) and a postdoctoral research position (2 years) are available. Both positions are potentially extendable.

    The project is hosted at the Computational Logic group of the Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria. Candidates for the postdoctoral position are required to hold a PhD degree. A strong background in key areas of the ACAT project is an asset: program transformation, program analysis, runtime complexity analysis, etc. Candidates are expected to contribute to research within the project. Knowledge of German is not required. We follow the renumeration scheme of FWF, see

    Applications may be sent no later than November 30, 2013. Further information is available from the project website at, or by emailing .

  • Postdoctoral positions in algorithms, Jerusalem / Tel Aviv (Israel)

    The Israeli Center of Research Excellence in Algorithms is seeking excellent candidates for the I-CORE in Algorithms postdoctoral program. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): all variety of algorithms, cryptography, security and privacy, algorithmic game theory, quantum computing, networking and distributed computing, databases, machine learning and computer vision.

    The institutes participating in the center are:
    - The Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University
    - The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
    - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science.

    Applications must be received before 15 December, 2013. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in verification, Paris (France)

    A PhD position is available in the "Verification" team in LIAFA, Paris. The subject of the thesis is about Software verification. The PhD student is expected to investigate and develop novel techniques, algorithms and tools for the analysis of software.

    The position is available immediately. Candidates must have a master in computer science. The candidate must send a CV, university grades, recommendation letters, and a motivation letter to Tayssir TOUILI ()

    For more information, see the LIAFA site at or the webpage of Tayssir TOUILI at

  • PhD scholarships in Neurophilosophy, Munich (Germany)

    The Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN) at LMU Munich invites applications for several PhD scholarships in Neurophilosophy. The GSN is the teaching entity for the Munich Center of Neurosciences - Brain & Mind (MCN). Through creating an interdisciplinary network of research the GSN provides a stimulating environment for students and faculty to produce novel formulations of current concepts and theories. Successful applicants will be affiliated with the Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences at the GSN.

    In each application round we encourage applications in focus areas in order to build small research groups. In the 2013/14 round the focus areas are 'reasoning and decision making' and 'human agency'.

    The application period will open on December 1st and will close on February 1st. For more information, see

  • PhD position in TCS at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

    The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a PhD position in theoretical computer science.

    The PhD student will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom ( Much of the activities of this group revolve around the themes of proof complexity and SAT solving. However, these areas have also turned out to have deep, and sometimes surprising, connections to other topics such as, e.g., circuit complexity, communication complexity, and hardness of approximation, and therefore research in these or other related areas is also of interest.

    The research project is financed by a Breakthrough Research Grant from the Swedish Research Council and a Starting Independent Researcher Grant from the European Research Council. In addition to the project leader, the group currently consists of one postdoc and two PhD students. Travel funding is included, and the group also receives short-term and long-term visitors on a regular basis.

    This is a four-year full-time employed position, but PhD positions usually (but not necessarily) include 20% teaching, in which case they are prolonged for one more year. The successful candidate is expected to start in August-September 2014, although this is to some extent negotiable.

    The application deadline is December 15, 2013. See for the full, formal announcement with more information and instructions for how to apply. Informal enquiries about this position are welcome and may be sent to Jakob Nordstrom.

  • Postdoc positions in TCS at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

    The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science.

    The postdoctoral researchers will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom ( Much of the activities of this group revolve around the themes of proof complexity and SAT solving. However, these areas have also turned out to have deep, and sometimes surprising, connections to other topics such as, e.g., circuit complexity, communication complexity, and hardness of approximation, and therefore researchers in these or other related areas are more than welcome to apply.

    The research project is financed by a Breakthrough Research Grant from the Swedish Research Council and a Starting Independent Researcher Grant from the European Research Council. In addition to the project leader, the group currently consists of one postdoc and two PhD students. Travel funding is included, and the group also receives short-term and long-term visitors on a regular basis.

    These are full-time employed positions for one year with a possible one-year extension. The successful candidates are expected to start in August-September 2014, although this is to some extent negotiable.

    The application deadline is December 15, 2013. More information and instructions how to apply can be found at . Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to Jakob Nordstrom.

  • Temporary Lectureship in Logic, Epistemology or Metaphysics of Mind, London (U.K.)

    We seek to appoint a Lecturer in Philosophy with outstanding teaching and research potential. The successful candidate will have expertise within two or more of Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics of Mind. The post is tenable for seven months from 1 January 2014.

    You will be able to offer research supervision up to doctoral level in your area of specialization, and also to contribute teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses. It is expected that you have a PhD in a relevant subject area or be very close to completion. It is desirable that you have a track record in research, and some experience of teaching at first-degree level. Effective communication skills are essential, as are willingness and competence in carrying out the duties of the Department.

    The closing date for completed applications is 15 November 2013. For full details, or to apply, please visit and search for Reference Number 11158, or e-mail , citing the reference number in the subject header. Informal inquiries about this post may be directed to the Acting Assistant Dean of the Department of Philosophy, Professor Hallvard Lillehammer, .

  • Fellowships (junior postdoctoral & senior) in "explanatory power", Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

    The project 'A Study in Explanatory Power' at the University Duisburg-Essen (Germany) is pleased to announce its fellowship program. Starting in 2014, usually one, possibly up to two fellowships will be awarded every year. Proposals on any topic in the epistemology of explanations and understanding, broadly construed, are welcome. The topic may be explored from a philosophy of science perspective, but researchers with a background in metaphysics or the philosophy of language are equally welcome.

    Fellows are usually granted for a period of at least 4 weeks and up to 3 months. Shorter as well as longer stays are negotiable.

    The deadline for applications is January 15th 2014 (for applications for the period between 4/2014 and 3/2015). For further information, please visit:

  • Tenure-track Assistant Professorship or Tenured Associate Professorship in Mathematical Logic, Vienna (Austria)

    A position is available for a tenure-track Assistant Professor or a tenured Associate Professor in Mathematical Logic at the Kurt Gödel Research Center of the University of Vienna, Austria. Applicants should show an outstanding record in research, teaching and acquisition of research funding, as well as the potential for enhancing the scientific profile of the University of Vienna.

    The application period ends on January 31st, 2014. For more information, see, or contact the Gödel Center director, Sy-David Friedman, at <>.

  • Research scientist position in narrative understanding/generation, Raleigh NC (U.S.A.)

    The Liquid Narrative group at NC State University invites applications for an open Research Scientist position in the Department of Computer Science, in the broad area of narrative processing, with specific interests in narrative understanding, modeling and generation. The research group working on this project includes Professors R. Michael Young and David Roberts. We expect the position to start as soon as a qualified candidate is identified but may consider hiring later in the academic year depending upon candidate and project constraints. The grant support will be for an initial year and renewable on an annual basis given adequate progress.

    We seek candidates who have research experience in computational models of narrative, planning, machine learning, computational linguistics, intelligent data analytics, video game AI or other areas of artificial intelligence; and a foundation in theoretical models as well as experience in the implementation of these algorithms in significant research systems. Experience with manuscript/grant preparation is also of benefit. Prior pre- or post-doctoral experience in industry or in academic research projects is a strong plus. Project management skills, especially within a research environment, is an advantage.

    The goals of the multi-year project are to build a large-scale infrastructure for narrative processing. The long-term work will involve developing computational tools for extracting narrative structure from a range of media (e.g., game logs, film/video, text-based news reports), modeling the space of narratives that account for the media content and supporting generation and interaction tools that allow human users to understand and interact with that narrative space. First year efforts in this project look to build key infrastructure as well as to focus on a pipeline from game play logs to both multi-media summarization and prediction of narrative progression. The Research Scientist may also contribute to efforts to design and build an instrumented multi-player game and/or a general cinematic storytelling tool, both using 3D commercial game engines.

    Interested candidates should view the official HR posting and submit applications through the NC State UNiversity HR web pages at:

  • PhD and Postdoc Positions in Multiagent Systems, NTU Singapore

    Applications are invited for Research Fellow positions and fully funded PhD studentships in the School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The successful candidates will conduct fundamental research in multiagent systems, game theory, ageless computing, human behavior modeling, optimization, and real-world complex applications in security, healthcare, transportation, networks, and e-commerce.

    Informal enquiries may be made to Dr. Bo An () or Prof. Miao Chunyan ().

  • PhD student or postdoctoral position in the intersection between philosophy and psychology, Munich (Germany)

    Deadline: until filled

    Dr.Dr. Niki Pfeifer (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich) offers under the usual equal opportunity conditions one doctoral researcher position OR one early postdoctoral researcher position (i.e., if the PhD is obtained after January 1, 2013) to work in the intersection of philosophy and psychology (65%, TV-L 13, 1 year, extension possibilities will depend on performance and funding situation). Moreover, one student assistant position is vacant

    The ideal candidate will be an empirically oriented analytical philosopher or an experimental psychologist interested in epistemological problems. The (post)doctoral researcher will focus on empirical work (developing the research hypotheses, designing the experiments and running the data analysis) in the field of reasoning under uncertainty, focusing on conditionals. One student assistant will support the (post)doctoral researcher with the construction of the experimental material, collection of the data and preparation of the data for analysis. Working language is English or German.

    Deadline for applications: open, until filled (filled positions will be announced on the project website). For more information, see the project website at or contact Dr. Niki Pfeifer at .

  • Postdoctoral fellowships in the Arts and Humanities, Beirut (Lebanon)

    The American University of Beirut invites applications for the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Arts and Humanities, for the academic year 2014-2015. The normal duration of appointment will be one year, although some fellows may be considered for a second year at the conclusion of their first semester. Appointees will be attached to a relevant department and will be expected to remain in residence for the duration of the academic year.

    The competition is open to recent recipients of the PhD whose research and teaching interests involve one or more of the following disciplines: Arabic language; Arabic literature; archaeology; art history; English language; English literature; fine arts (visual arts, theatre, and music); history; and philosophy. AUB is particularly interested in innovative work that explores humanistic study from multiple perspectives and pushes disciplinary boundaries.

    Application review will begin on November 1, 2013 and continue until the positions are filled. For more information, see

  • Assistant Professorship in philosophy of knowledge, language and mind, Columbia SC (U.S.A.)

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track, position at the rank of Assistant Professor, in the area of knowledge, language, and mind. AOS: Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, or related areas of philosophy of language or epistemology. AOC: Open. The successful applicant will be expected to make a significant contribution to the department's PhD program.

    For full consideration, complete applications must be received by November 1. For more information, see or contact Michael Stoeltzner .

  • University of Wolverhampton: Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher 12 (EXPERT)

    Applications are invited for an Early Stage Researcher pre-doctoral position in hybrid language translation technologies. The position is fixed term until September 2016 and is part of the new EU Framework 7 Marie-Curie Network EXPERT, concerned with the exploitation of empirical approaches to machine translation, including statistical machine translation and example-based machine translation. The EXPERT project brings together researchers from six European universities (University of Wolverhampton (UoW), University of Sheffield (USFD), Universidad de Malaga (UMA), Universitaet des Saarlandes (USAAR), Dublin City University (DCU) and Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)) and five translation services and technology providers (Pangeanic, Hermes and Translated, Celer Soluciones and WordFast).

    For more information, see

  • University of Padua: 1 or 2 year fellowships (PISCOPIA- Marie Curie fellowship programme)

    14 post-doc positions (+5 reintegration grants) will be available at the University of Padua under the PISCOPIA - Marie Curie fellowship programme.

    The research group of Francesca Rossi is listed under the PE6_7 area (artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems), and it includes research on preference reasoning and aggregation, voting theory, computational social choice, and constraint reasoning. Members of the research group are Umberto Grandi (post-doc), Andrea Loreggia (PhD student), Cristina Cornelio (PhD student), and Maria Silvia Pini (assistant professor). Details can be found at the web site or visiting the personal webpages of the members.

    If you are interested in applying for this fellowship, to be carried on in the context of this research group, feel free to send an email to Francesca Rossi (). She will be happy to discuss with you themes for possible research projects to be carried out during the fellowship and to provide guidance in preparing your application.

    Deadline: Friday 22 November 2013. For more information, see

  • Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fewllowship in philosophy (2y), Edmonton AB (Canada)

    The Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta, invites applications for an Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship, tenable for 2 years, any time after April 1, 2014. AOS: open. Citizenship: open. Ph.D. must be completed prior to commencing fellowship (but applicant must be no more than 2 years post-doctorate at the time of application submission). $46,000 per annum plus benefits and one time $4000 research/travel grant. Research position, but some additionally remunerated teaching possible if desired.

    Deadline for receipt of applications: November 18, 2013. For more information, see or, or contact .

  • Postdoctoral grant in logic & argumentation, Coimbra (Portugal)

    Applications are now open for a postdoctoral research grant at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Core research into the topic "The ties between logic and argumentation" under the research group Teaching Logic and Argumention.

    Closing Date: 11/10/2013. For further information please go to: or contact Prof. Henrique Jales Ribeiro at

  • PhD student position in cognition, communication and learning, Lund (Sweden)

    Lund University has an open PhD position in Cognition Science. The position is placed within the Linnaeus project "Cognition, Communication and Learning".

    Deadline for applications: October 14th. For more information, see or the project website at

  • Research Fellowship in historical and philosophical sciences at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (U.K.)

    Emmanuel College invites applications for three Research Fellowships in any subject, and for one Alan Wilson Research Fellowship in the biological or medical sciences; all four Fellowships are for a three-year fixed term, and will commence on 1 October 2014. Applicants must show promise of being able to pursue research at the highest international level, and should not have completed more than eight years of post-graduate study and research by October 1, 2014.

    The application process for the Fellowships is published online at from 2 September 2013 and applications must be received fully completed (including references) by 5 pm on 3 October 2013. In case of difficulties, please e-mail .

  • PhD student position in theoretical philosophy, Lund (Sweden)

    Lund University has an open PhD position in Theoretical Philosophy. The position is placed within the project "Knowledge in a Digital World: Trust, Credibility and Relevance on the Web", funded by the Swedish Research Council. The project comprises studies of searching, using, communicating and evaluating information on the web.

    Deadline for applications: October 14th. For more information, see or the project website at

  • Postdoc position in Artificial intelligence, New Orleans (USA)

    The Department of Computer Science of Tulane University in New Orleans, USA would like to fill a postdoc position in the field of Artificial intelligence and in particular in preferences, constraints, multi-agent systems, temporal reasoning and computational social choice.

    The Tulane Computer Science has four faculties, each of which is working on applying computer science to related areas of research. These include structural computational biology, computational geometry, artificial intelligence and computational social choice, and the application of mathematics and logic to computer science.

    For more information, see or contact Prof. K. Brent Venable at .

  • Master in Pure and Applied Logic, Barcelona (Spain)

    The biannual two-year 'Master in Pure and Applied Logic' programme for 2014-2016, jointly organized by the University of Barcelona and Polytechnical University of Catalunya, is open for (pre) registration.

    The Barcelona Logic Master caters in the most central aspects of advanced logic. Professors related to the Barcelona Master in Pure and Applied Logic come from various prominent Universities and Research Institutes in the area of Barcelona.

    Interested students can find more information at Questions, also questions related to scholarships, housing etc., can be sent to Ramon Jansana .

  • Assistant & Associate Professorships in modelling of systems using language-based techniques and tools, Kungens Lyngby (Denmark)

    DTU Applied Mathematics and Computer Science has a new opening for associate and/or assistant professors with a focus on the modelling, analysis and realisation of systems using language-based techniques and tools - in particular, static analysis (including abstract interpretation and type systems) and (qualitative and quantitative) model checking.

    The successful candidate(s) will be part of an international research team focusing on a broad portfolio of research projects using formal methods for modeling and analysis of systems (MT-LAB, IDEA4CPS, TREsPASS, FutureID, SESAMO, PaPP).

    The date for applications is on October 1st and full details about the call and how to apply are available at and more information about the Language Based Technology research team is available at

  • Lectureship in Philosophy (Epistemology), Cape Town (South Africa)

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town is seeking to make an appointment at Lecturer level (US equivalent of Assistant Professor). The successful candidate must have a PhD in Philosophy (by the time she or he commences duties). Our priority would be to appoint a candidate with expertise in epistemology but we would be keen to consider excellent candidates with expertise in metaphysics or the philosophy of mind.

    The successful candidate will be expected to undertake research and to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate (Honours/Masters) courses, provide supervision for postgraduate (Masters and Doctoral) dissertations, participate in departmental academic activities, and take some administrative responsibility. The usual teaching load is one undergraduate course per semester, one postgraduate course per year in addition to supervision of postgraduate students. It is hoped that the successful candidate for this permanent post will commence duties in July 2014.

    Reference number for this position: SR544/13. Closing date for applications: 4 October 2013. For more information, see or

  • Temporary Lectureship in Philosophy (Epistemology), London (U.K.)

    Heythrop College seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Philosophy on a one-year full-time contract starting in September 2013. The post holder will teach Epistemology, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind. The ability to teach the Philosophy of Language is also desirable. Closing date: Tuesday 10th September 2013.

    Details of the post and how to apply can be found at Alternately, information can be obtained from the Human Resources Manager, Ms Shadé Olutobi (). Informal enquires about this post can be made to the Head of the Philosophy Department, Dr Peter Gallagher ().

  • PhD student position in philosophy of language, Preston (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for a full-time PhD studentship on 'Materialism in the Philosophy of Language' at the University of Central Lancashire, in the School of Language, Literature and International Studies. The studentship is tenable for up to 3 years [subject to satisfactory progress] and will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates plus a maintenance grant of € 13,726 (2013/14 rate). International applicants may apply but will be expected to pay the difference between the UK/EU and International Fee Rate. The successful applicant will start on 1 January 2014.

    Closing date: 1 November, 2013. Reference RS/13/15. For more information, see:

  • PhD student or postdoctoral position on reasoning under uncertainty, Munich (Germany)

    Dr.Dr. Niki Pfeifer (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich) offers under the usual equal opportunity conditions one doctoral researcher position OR one early postdoctoral researcher position (i.e., if the PhD is obtained after January 1, 2013) to work in the intersection of philosophy and psychology (65%, TV-L 13, 1 year, extension possibilities will depend on performance and funding situation). Moreover, one student assistant position is vacant. The (post)doctoral researcher will focus on empirical work (developing the research hypotheses, designing the experiments and running the data analysis) in the field of reasoning under uncertainty, focusing on conditionals. One student assistant will support the (post)doctoral researcher with the construction of the experimental material, collection of the data and preparation of the data for analysis.

    Working language is English or German. The ideal candidate will be an empirically oriented analytical philosopher or an experimental psychologist interested in epistemological problems.

    Deadline for applications: open, until filled. For selection criteria and further details see the project website:

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Reverse Mathematics, Singapore (Singapore)

    Applicants are invited to apply at the National University of Singapore for a Research Fellow in Reverse Mathematics and Recursion Theory with applications in Set Theory and Inductive Inference.

    Sanjay Jain, Dilip Raghavan, Frank Stephan and Yue Yang work jointly in a research project on "Reverse Mathematics and Recursion Theory" and seek the help from a research fellows in their research areas to support the research. Requirements are a PhD degree in a relevant area of Mathematical logic or Theoretical Computer Science, basic understanding of recursion theory and set theory (specific knowledge of reverse mathematics, cardinal invariants or inductive inference is welcome), and a good publication record. The appointment is available immediately and will last for one year.

    Interested applicants should send a CV, including a list of publications and a list of references, by email to Frank Stephan (email: , homepage: The position will remain open until filled.

  • Two PhD scholarships in philosophy, Oslo (Norway)

    Two Doctoral Research Fellowships in Philosophy are available at the University of Oslo. The area is open but there is a preference for candidates in fields where the Department has a particular research strength, such as ancient philosophy (comprising late antiquity). modern philosophy 1600-1800, and projects within the remit of the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature and closely related areas.

    See for details. The deadline is 1 September.

  • ISRF Independent Scholar Research Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Social Science

    The Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) wishes to support independent-minded researchers to do interdisciplinary work which is unlikely to be funded by existing funding bodies. It is interested in original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions, to real world social problems.

    The foundation intends to award on a competitive basis, to candidates of sufficient merit, up to two Independent Scholar Fellowship grants to support original interdisciplinary research, across the range of the social sciences, to be held from a start date no later than the end of December 2014. The award is intended to enable the buy-out from current occupation of an independent scholar to pursue his/her research full- or part-time (or for support if unwaged) for a period of up to 12 months (not to support newly qualified scholars entering the post-doctoral stage).

    Closing date for applications is 4pm on September 13th 2013. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in philosophy of mind, Berlin (Germany)

    The Institute of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, together with the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, are offering a Postdoctoral Position in 'Philosophy of Mind'. The successful candidate is expected to pursue a project at the interface between philosophy and neuroscience.

    Area of specialization: Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy and Neuroscience. Area of competence: Philosophy of Science, Neuroscience and/or Psychology. A focus on one of the school's research topics 'perception, attention, consciousness', 'decision-making', 'language' or 'social cognition' is desirable. An excellent command of both German and English is a prerequisite for this position.

    Deadline: 24 August 2013. For more information, see

  • Fixed-term Lectureship in Philosophy, Canterbury (U.K.)

    We are advertising a one year fixed term philosophy lectureship, to commence in September 2013. We have a number of teaching needs next year, exact teaching requirements to be determined: Aesthetics, Intro to Pol Phil, Logic, some Hume&Kant (epis and met), Intro to Existentialism.

    Closing date: 4th August. Interviews: 19th August. For more information, see or contact: David Corfield at .

  • Postdoctoral position in computational logic, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

    The Individual and Collective Reasoning Group of Prof. Leon van der Torre at the University of Luxembourg is seeking outstanding postdocs to strengthen its team.

    Candidates should have a PhD in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, Mathematics or similar, and a strong background in logic and knowledge representation.

    Applications should reach us asap, but not later than August 7. For more information, see

  • Two postdoctoral positions in theoretical philosophy (18m & 2y), Konstanz (Germany)

    At the Department of Philosophy (Theoretical Philosophy) of the University of Konstanz there are currently vacancies for two full-time Post-Doc Positions (Salary Scale 13 TV-L). Both positions are situated within grant projects moving to Konstanz per 1 October 2013 and are available from that date. In principle each position can also be divided into two half-time positions.

    The first position is part of the research project 'What is really possible? Philosophical explorations in branching-history based real modality', which is a five-year project on the notion of possibility and its repercussions in logic and in philosophy of science, funded by a VIDI grant of the Dutch National Research Organization (NWO). See the website for more information:

    The second position is part of the research project 'Indeterminism Ltd.: An intervention on the free will debate', which is a five-year project on the notions of indeterminism, intervention, and free will, funded by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council. See the website for more information:

    Both projects are well under way (see the websites for details); applicants should be willing to make a contribution to ongoing work. The deadline for applications is 30 August 2013. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in foundations of individual choice, Tilburg (The Netherlands)

    The Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) at Tilburg University invites applications for a four-year PhD position (full time) in philosophy of science, commencing 1 November 2013. The successful candidate is expected to work on a topic in the foundations of individual choice.

    The deadline for applications is 31 August 2013. For more information, see Informal enquiries may be directed to Prof. Dr. Alan Thomas () and Prof. Dr. Harry Bunt (head of department, ).

  • Research & Teaching Associate in Philosophy of Science (1y), Cambridge (U.K.)

    The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at University of Cambridge invites applications for a 1-year teaching and research associate in the philosophy of science. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute fully to the lecturing, supervising, examination and administration of courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in the Department. The position will start as soon as possible and not after 1 January 2014, and will be supported by a 6-month probation period.

    Quote Reference: JN30852. Closing Date: 30 August 2013 For more information, see

  • Junior Research Fellowship at Jesus College, Cambridge (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for three Research Fellowships, one to be held in Sciences, including scientific studies in the fields of Geography, Archaeology and Anthropology, and two in the Arts and Social Sciences. The Fellowships are fixed-term three year Research Fellowships normally commencing on 1 October 2014.

    The Fellowships are intended for researchers early in their careers. Successful candidates are expected to be either graduate students, probably in the latter stages of their research leading to a PhD Degree, or post-doctoral researchers who have recently been awarded their PhD Degree.

    The application process is available online at from 5 August 2013. Applications must be received by 1pm on Wednesday 4 September 2013. For more information, see

  • Three PhD studentships in Computer Science, Leicester (U.K.)

    The department of computer science at the university of Leicester (UK) is offering 3 Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) positions. These are 4 year PhD studentships with some teaching obligations. Studentships are funded (at the European level) and include a stipend.

    Deadline for applications: 29 July 2013. Further details are available at:

  • Postdoc in Linguistics at Gothenburg

    The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at Gothenburg is announcing a two-year postdoc in Linguistics. Applicants must have a PhD in hand at the time of application. Please note the short deadline: 31 July 2013.

    irst day of employment: As soon as possible. For more information, see

  • PhD position in corpus-based machine translation and its integration into human translation workflows, Saarland (Germany)

    Applications are invited for a three-year Early Stage Researcher pre-doctoral position in corpus-based approaches to machine translation. The position is part of the new EU Framework 7 Marie Curie Network EXPERT, concerned with the exploitation of empirical approaches to machine translation, including statistical machine translation and example-based machine translation.

    Closing date: 31 August 2013. For more information, see

  • PhD position on scientific reasoning, Tilburg (The Netherlands)

    The Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) at Tilburg University invites applications for a four-year PhD position (full time), commencing 1 November 2013. The successful candidate is expected to work on a topic in philosophy of science that relates to scientific reasoning.

    The deadline for applications is 31 August 2013. For more information, see Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Jan Sprenger () and Prof. Dr. Harry Bunt ().

  • 3y postdoctoral position on the metaphysics of causation, Geneva (Switzerland)

    The University of Geneva's Department of Philosophy seeks a postdoc to work on a SNF-funded project on the metaphysics of causation. The project will be part of an international Sinergia network titled "Grounding - Metaphysics, Science, and Logic" involving three groups: Prof. Fabrice Correia (University of Neuchâtel), Prof. Marcel Weber (University of Geneva) and Prof. Benjamin Schnieder (University of Hamburg). Funds for traveling and for organizing workshops will be available.

    The post should be taken up by Oct 1, 2013. For more information, see or contact Prof. Marcel Weber ().

  • Postdoctoral position in formal modelling of the problem domain, Toulouse (France)

    A post-doctoral position is available at Toulouse, France, jointly proposed by Onera/DTIM and IRIT. The objective is to enrich existing formally-grounded requirement modelling approaches in order to allow to reason about the problem domain.

    Over the last few years, Onera has been developing a core language for requirements modelling, called Khi, which allows to describe the behavioural goals of the system on the one hand, and the different agents of the system, with their behaviour, on the other hand. The aim of this postdoctoral position is to devise an extension of Khi allowing to reason about both the expected behaviour of the system and the main concepts that form the domain, as well as a method, possibly supported by a software prototype, allowing to design and validate models of the above-mentioned Khi extension. The underlying formal semantics will build on USL on the one hand, and on a formal framework well- suited for domain modelling (e.g., first-order logic, relation algebra, description logics or algebraic specification) on the other hand.

    Applications must be received before (extended deadline) 9 January, 2014. Further details are available on the following link:

  • Postdoctoral position in ceteris paribus conditions, Cologne (Germany)

    The University of Cologne seeks applications for a 2-year Postdoctoral Researcher position in the research group "Explanation and Causation".

    The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the project "Ceteris-paribus conditions and macro-Iaws", which is part of the research The position is open for candidates with a PhD in philosophy (preferably philosophy of science).

    Applications must be received before 10 August, 2013. For more information, see Information about the research group's activities can be found at:

  • Postdoctoral position in formal understanding of creativity, Barcelona (Spain)

    The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) will offer a 2.5-year post-doctoral research position to work on COINVENT, a high-profile international research project to be funded under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme.

    The COINVENT project, led by Dr. Marco Schorlemmer and Prof. Enric Plaza, aims at advancing in the formal understanding of creativity by developing a computationally feasible, cognitively-inspired formal model of concept invention, drawing from interdisciplinary research results from cognitive science, artificial intelligence, formal methods and computational creativity, and validating it for mathematical reasoning and melodic harmonisation.

    Closing Date for application: 15th September 2013. For more information, see or contact Dr. Marco Schorlemmer ().

  • Eight PhD student positions in Logic and Epistemology, Rome (Italy)

    8 PhD Position in Logic and Epistemology (Philosophy, History of Philosophy) are available at the Department of Philosophy of the Sapienza University of Rome.

    Deadline for applications: 29 July 2013. More information at and

  • Researcher positions (1 to 3 years) in all subjects, Helsinki (Finland)

    The Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies invites applications for 8-12 university researchers / research directors for fixed terms ranging from one to three years, to begin on 1 September 2014. The director of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies will determine the number and length of the appointments on the basis of the applicants' research proposals and the financial situation of the Collegium.

    Successful applicants will have research experience in the human and social sciences as well as evidence of their ability to work in an international research environment of a high standard. When selecting the appointees, scholarly work outside Finland and evidence of international cooperation shall be given particular consideration. An appointee to the position of research director shall hold equivalent qualifications as an appointee to a professorship.

    Applications must be received before 4 September, 2013. For more information, see or email .

  • Professorship in Philosophy of Science, Shanghai (China)

    New York University Shanghai invites applications for a tenured or tenure track appointment with area of specialization in the philosophy of science or the history and philosophy of science. Candidates should hold the Ph.D. at the time of application. To ensure full consideration, applications should be submitted by October 1, 2013; applications received after that date may be reviewed until the position is filled. The expected starting date is August 1, 2014.

    The terms of employment in NYU Shanghai are comparable to U.S. institutions. Faculty may also spend time at NYU New York and other sites of the global network, engaging in both research and teaching opportunities. Tenure/tenure-track faculty will also be affiliated with the New York University Department of Philosophy and/or with other suitable academic units at NYU New York.

    For more information, see or, or e-mail

  • Postdoctoral research fellowship in philosophy of science, Johannesburg (South Africa)

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Johannesburg seeks to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to build on its growing strengths in the philosophy of science, broadly construed. The Fellow will pursue his or her own research under the supervision of Alex Broadbent (joining two existing Fellows in the philosophy of science).

    Relevant research interests fall within the philosophy of science broadly construed, to include the philosophy of epidemiology and medicine, as well as relevant topics in metaphysics and epistemology, notably causation. Applications are also welcome from those with an interest in relevant jurisprudential or political issues, for example the use of scientific or statistical evidence in legal or policy contexts. Any other interesting application will also be considered.

    Deadline: 15 July 2013. More details:

  • Two postdoctoral positions in "Ontology after Quine", Hamburg (Germany)

    The University of Hamburg offers two postdoctoral research positions in association with a new Emmy Noether Research Group, which is based in the Department of Philosophy and led by Richard Woodward.

    The Research Group, which is generously funded through the DFG's Emmy Noether Scheme, will run for an initial period of five years. Its official title translates as "Ontology after Quine: Fictionalism and Fundamentality" and, as its name suggests, the Group's initial research project will focus on issues in metametaphysics and metaontology, set against the historical backdrop of the Quine-Carnap debate about the respectability of ontological inquiry. The remit of the project is thus broad, incorporating not only issues in first- and second-order metaphysics and ontology, but also connected issues in metaphilosophy and the philosophies of logic and language.

    The present research positions are for 3 years, with possible renewal for a further year depending on available funds. The preferred starting date is October 1st 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. The exact starting date is negotiable. Mastery of the German language is not a necessary condition of appointment; mastery of the English language is.

    The application deadline is July 31st, 2013. For more information, see or contact Richard Woodward at .

  • Alan Musgrave Master's Scholarship in Philosophy 2014, Otago (New Zealand)

    Applications are invited for the Alan Musgrave Master?s Scholarship in Philosophy 2014. The scholarship was established to provide support for high calibre international students to study towards a Master's degree in Philosophy at the University of Otago.

    Applications are open to international students, who do not qualify for domestic tuition fee rates, intending to enrol full-time, either in a one-year BA (Hons) in Philosophy, followed by a Master's degree by thesis in Philosophy, or in a Master's degree by thesis in Philosophy. Applicants should have the equivalent of a BA in Philosophy, and demonstrate an appropriate standard of English.

    The scholarship consists of a full rebate of tuition fees plus NZ $15,000 per annum to be paid as a monthly stipend. The tenure of the scholarship is for two years in the case of a BA (Hons) plus Master's thesis, or one year in the case of a Master's thesis.

    Applications close on 1 September 2013. For more information about the scholarship, details on how to apply, and an application form, visit:

  • Ikerbasque Research Professorships in Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Logic, Basque Country

    Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science has launched its annual call for attracting 10 senior researchers to the Research Institutions in the Basque Country. One of these Research Institues is ILCLI, the Institute of Logic, Cognition, Language and Information.

    ILCLI's Special Philosophical Interest are Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Practical Rationality, Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Logic, Applied Logic, and Foundations of Formal Sciences.

    The applicants must have their PhD completed before 1/1/2005. Deadline: July 15th 2013 at 12:00pm, CET. For more information, see or

  • Postdoctoral position (1y) in Logics and Formal Methods, Clausthal (Germany)

    The Department of Informatics at Clausthal University of Technology is seeking to hire a postdoctoral research fellow or PhD student. The position is associated with a DFG/FNR-funded project on Game Logics and Formal Methods for Multi-Agent Systems.

    The position is associated with the Computational Intelligence Group chaired by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix at the Department of Informatics at Clausthal University of Technology. The position does not include any teaching duties. The appointment is full-time for a period of 1 year and to be filled as soon as possible.

    The deadline for applications is Monday, 15th July 2013. A PDF version of the full announcement can be found here: For further information please feel free to contact Dr. Nils Bulling () and to visit the website of the research group at

  • PhD Studentship in compositional distributional semantics, London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for a PhD Studentship starting in September 2013 to undertake research in the emerging field of compositional distributional semantics. Application deadline: 30th June.

    The student will be based in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science ( at Queen Mary, University of London, and will be a member of both the Theoretical Computer Science and Cognitive Science Groups which have world-leading reputations for fundamental theoretical work and artificial intelligence, with practical impact in creating robust reliable software and analysing social media.

    This studentship, funded by a Queen Mary EPSRC Doctoral Training Account and an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship is for 3.5 years and will cover student fees and a tax-free stipend starting at £15,590 per annum. Applicants must be EU nationals or UK residents. Candidates should have a first class honours degree or equivalent, or a strong Masters Degree, in Computer Science or a related field, preferably with some experience in linear algebra, programming, and/or computational linguistics, and logic.

    Full details of the topic and studentship conditions and application procedure can be found at Please contact Dr Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh () or Dr Matthew Purver () if you would like to know more, or have any queries about how to apply.

  • PhD student position in Philosophy, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

    The PhD student will work in the research project 'Science Beyond Scientism' which investigates how scientism influences our thinking about rationality, free will, morality and religious belief and explores the way in which science can be taken seriously without succumbing to scientism. A description of the project, as well as of the PhD project can be found at

    The initial appointment will be for a period of one year. After satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, it can be extended for a total duration of four years. Interviews are scheduled for Tuesday July 16, 2013. The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and amounts € 2.062,- gross per month in the first year up to € 2.664,- in the fourth year (salary scale 85) based on a full-time employment.

    Written applications should be sent before July 4, 2013. Vacancy number 13184. For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. R. van Woudenberg at .

  • PhD student position in philosophy of science and/or epistemology, Vienna (Austria)

    A four-year full-time PhD studentship in Philosophy of Science and/or Epistemology is available at the University of Vienna starting October 1st 2013. There is also a teaching component of one two-hour (per week) seminar (usually in the area of the PhD).

    The deadline is July 4th, and shortlisted applicants will be interviewed in person or over Skype around mid-July. The interview will consist of a 10 minute presentation by the applicant on their PhD project, and 20 minutes of questions by the committee. Note that the successful applicant need not be able to speak German until three years into the job.

    For more information, see (identification number of advertisement: 4101) or contact Prof. Martin Kusch at .

  • Research fellowship (postdoctoral) in "Epistemic Innocence of Imperfect Conditions", Birmingham (U.K.)

    This post arises from an AHRC Fellowship awarded to Professor Lisa Bortolott for a project entitled 'The Epistemic Innocence of Imperfect Cognitions'. The project aims to develop the notion of epistemic innocence and to investigate whether delusional beliefs, distorted memories and confabulatory explanations can ever have epistemic benefits which outweigh their epistemic faults.

    Qualifications: PhD relevant to research area (Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy of Psychiatry). The post is fixed term for 12 months, starting 2 September 2013, and part time at 30% FTE.

    More information on the project can be found at and

    Applications must be received before 11 July, 2013. For more information, see or (PDF), or contact Prof. Lisa Bortolotti at .

  • PhD student position in "Computationally realistic architectures for a Bayesian brain", Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

    This PhD project aims to advance our understanding of the computational foundations of probabilistic inference and learning in the brain.

    According to current theory, even only approximately computing probabilistic inferences is computationally intractable for situations of real-world complexity. This is in marked contrast to the efficiency of inference and learning as done by the brain in practice. The objective of the project is to resolve this paradox by developing a new theory that explains the efficiency of inference and learning as done by the brain in practice. Using an innovative approach that combines formal modeling, parameterized complexity analysis and computer simulation, we aim to identify parameters of a computational architecture that can make a probabilistic brain computationally efficient. The project will furthermore involve conceptual (philosophical) analysis to derive the implications of this new theory for current debates in the philosophy of cognitive science.

    Applications must be received before 14 July, 2013. For more details about the position and its conditions, see:

  • Assistant Professorship in Social Network Analysis, Zuerich (Switzerland)

    The Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich invites applications for a tenure track assistant professorship in Social Network Analysis. The position is part of the interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies Section and open to applications from all scientific disciplines.

    The new professor will be expected to teach undergraduate level courses (in German or English) and graduate level courses (in English) within the scope of the required electives in the humanities and social sciences. The initial appointment is for four years with the possibility of renewal for an additional two-year period and promotion to a permanent position.

    The closing date for applications is 30 September 2013. For more information, see

  • King George VI Postdoctoral Fellowship, Windsor (U.K.)

    Cumberland Lodge, the independent education and conference centre in Windsor Great Park, seeks to appoint a King George VI Postdoctoral Fellow from 1st October 2013.

    This two-year fellowship is open to candidates from any academic discipline who have recently completed, or are very close to completing, a doctorate. The fellowship provides an exciting and unique opportunity for a scholar to gain experience in planning and running academic and cross-sector conferences and other events. The fellow will also play a full part in the residential life of Cumberland Lodge, which has the feel of both a college and a country house conference centre.

    The closing date for applications is Friday 28th June 2013. Interviews will take place on Thursday 11th July, for which standard class travel expenses within the UK will be paid. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral researcher in logic, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

    The University of Luxembourg seeks to hire an outstanding postdoctoral researcher at its Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, who will be embedded in the Individual and Collective Reasoning Group of Prof. Leon van der Torre.

    This position is part of the FWO-FNR research project on "Specification logics and Inference tools for verification and Enforcement of Policies (SIEP)", which is done in cooperation with the group of Prof. Marc Denecker in Leuven. It is situated at the crossing of knowledge representation (in first order and modal logic), constraint solving, datalog, and answer set programming. The goal is to develop extensions of FO logics and corresponding inference tools with an eye on applications in the area of access and privacy policies.

    Deadline for applications: June 20th, 2013. REF : SnT-RA-SIEP-0513 3-year project. For inquiries please contact Prof. Leon van der Torre () or see

  • Postdoctoral position in philosophy, Bergen (Norway)

    At the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bergen there is one Post Doctoral fellowship vacant for three years. The starting date for the fellowship is January 1, 2014, but a later appointment may be possible. It may also be possible to increase the appointment period by an additional fourth year if the person hired is interested in combining the fellowship with 25 % time for teaching and supervision during the fellowship period. An agreement concerning the actual work load must be made with the department at the time of employment.

    Application deadline: 29. June 2013. Reference no.: 13/5466. For more information, see

  • Faculty position in philosophy of science / analytic ontology, Leuven (Belgium)

    There is a full-time academic vacancy in the Institute of Philosophy at KU Leuven in the areas of philosophy of science / analytic ontology. We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent research record and with educational competence within the field of philosophy of science and/or analytic ontology.

    You can apply for this job no later than September 30, 2013. More information can be found on the website:

  • British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships in Philosophy, Oxford (U.K.)

    Each year, the Oxford Philosophy Faculty welcomes interest from suitably qualified applicants in the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme. The scheme is designed to "enable outstanding early career researchers to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in a university environment, which will develop their curriculum vitae and improve their prospects of obtaining permanent lecturing posts by the end of the Fellowship".

    The next deadline, for outline applications for award in 2013, is 10 October 2012. For more information, see

  • Two postdoctoral positions in computer security (logic background required), Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

    The University of Luxembourg seeks to hire two outstanding post-doctoral researchers at its Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). One of the positions is within the ApSIA research group led by Prof. Dr. P.Y. Ryan and the second within the SaToSS research group led by Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw.

    The post-docs will be working on formalizing and applying formal reasoning to real-world security problems and trust issues. The research topics will include: security protocols, security modeling, formal methods for security, socio-technical aspects of security, risk management, privacy, verification, etc. The positions will be partially funded by the national research project STAST: Socio-Technical Analysis of Security and Trust, which aims to develop strategies and tools to detect and prevent attacks involving human, physical and digital elements.

    Deadline for applications: 30 May, 2013. For more information, see

  • PhD scholarship in philosophy (epistemology), Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    On his budget of a Distinguished Professor at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Prof. dr. Herman Philipse will appoint one full-time PhD student from 1 October 2013.

    Candidates are asked to apply on the basis of their own research proposal, which should be situated within one of the following sub-disciplines of (analytic) philosophy: epistemology, the philosophy of biology, and meta-ethics. During the first year, relevant literature will be studied and the research proposal will be further developed. During the remaining 3 years, a dissertation and two articles for an A or B journal will be written. Some teaching will be involved (not more than one seminar a year), and the PhD student will be the convenor of the Dutch Research Seminar for Analytic Philosophy, which meets once a month in Utrecht. At least once a month there will be a tutorial with the supervisor (Prof. Philipse).

    Deadline for receipt of applications: June 2nd, 2013 For more information, go to the website of Utrecht University at or contact Professor Herman Philipse <>.

  • PhD scholarships in mathematics, Barcelona (Spain)

    The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics announces the first call of PhD scholarships to develop a doctorate in Mathematics in one of its research groups starting in Fall 2013.

    The scholarship is for one year extendible to three years with a gross salary of 14400E (first year) and 15600E (next two years) plus travel allowances. Candidates should have obtained (or be about to obtain) a Diploma or M.Sc. degree in mathematics or closely related fields with results signicantly above average, and intend to to work for a Ph.D. degree with a research groups of the BGSMath.

    Deadline for applications is June 20 2013. For more information, see

  • Full Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Vienna (Austria)

    The Faculty of Philosophy and Education of the University of Vienna announces the position of a Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy (full time, permanent position under private law).

    The successful candidate will possess a solid record of teaching and scholarship in one or more of the following areas: Medieval Philosophy or Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology. It is desired that he or she is able to engage with different philosophical traditions. In addition to maintaining an active research agenda, the successful candidate will contribute to the department's teaching program on all levels (Bachelor, Master, Teacher Training, PhD). T