News Archives 2008

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Past Events

  • 19 December 2008, ILLC Open House

    Date & Time: Friday 19 December 2008, 12:00-19:00
    Location: Felix Meritis, Keizersgracht 324, Amsterdam

    You are cordially invited to the ILLC Open House in Felix Meritis on 19 december 2008 from 12.00 until 19.00hrs.

    The purpose of this event, organized by the the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam, is fourfold:
    - an afternoon in which the ILLC presents itself to the outer world
    - the traditional annual ILLC Alumni Event
    - changing of ILLC director and
    - Christmas drinks

    In between lectures there will be cultural and musical performances by ILLC members.

    The full programme can be found on To register or for more information, please contact .

  • 17 December 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Canceled

    Date: Wednesday 17 December 2008
    Speaker: Canceled (was: Collin Bannard)

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 16 December 2008, NWO-Spinoza debate, Henkjan Honing

    Date: Tuesday 16 December 2008
    Speaker: Henkjan Honing
    Title: Zit muziek tussen je oren of in je hoofd?

    Wat is gewoon en wat is bijzonder aan muzikaliteit? Is het herkennen van ingewikkelde melodieën bijzonder, en het meeklappen op de maat van de muziek gewoon? Het zou wel eens precies andersom kunnen zijn.

    Elke derde dinsdag van de maand vindt in Paard van Troje het NWO-Spinozadebat plaats. Op 16 december verkent Henkjan Honing, universitair hoofddocent muziekcognitie, een aantal visies op het ontstaan van muziek en de actieve rol van luisteraar daarin. Van het ritmegevoel van pasgeboren baby's tot een op muziek dansende kaketoe en van het maatgevoel van kleuters tot de onvermoede muzikale expertise van gewone luisteraars.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 16 December 2008, Paard van Troje: NWO-Spinozadebat, Henkjan Honing

    Date: Tuesday 16 December 2008
    Speaker: Henkjan Honing
    Title: Dit is Muziek

    Elke derde dinsdag van de maand vindt in Paard van Troje het NWO-Spinozadebat plaats. Op deze avonden komt de absolute wetenschappelijke top van Nederland naar het Haagse poppodium om de fascinerende kanten van hun vakgebied uit te leggen. En dan niet met behulp van ellenlange formules, grafieken en tabellen maar in begrijpelijke taal.

    Of de avond interessant wordt hangt van het publiek af. Het is namelijk aan de bezoekers om te komen met prangende vragen die de aanzet zijn voor verdere discussie. Geen voorgekookt programma dus maar interactie met het publiek. Teleac registreert het debat en zendt het via internet en televisie uit.

    Op 16 december 2008 komt het volgende onderwerp aan bod: Dit is Muziek door Henkjan Honing (ILLC / UvA).

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 15 December 2008, Logic Tea, Amélie Gheerbrant (ILLC)

    Date & Time: 15 December 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Amélie Gheerbrant (ILLC)
    Title: Complete Axiomatizations of fragments of MSO on Finite Trees
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The relevant paper can be downloaded from For more information on this talk and future events please refer to the website at or contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 15 December 2008, From Perception to Symbols, Amitabha Mukerjee

    Date & Time: Monday 15 December 2008, 14:00-15:00
    Speaker: Amitabha Mukerjee (IIT Kanpur, India)
    Location: Room P.015A, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Life is... a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden; its wildness lies in wait.
    - G. K. Chesterton, The Paradoxes of Christianity

    While it is clear that there are a lot of regularities in the world, whether these can be handled by formal, symbolic processes is a question that is being widely debated today. In this work, we present computational evidence for the process by which symbols may arise from perceptual input (2D and 3D videos). Based on cognitive psychology models of pre-linguistic "perceptual schemas", we use unsupervised clustering on an intuitive feature space for object shapes, relative positions, and actions, we show how concepts corresponding to nouns, prepositions and verbs can be acquired. Finally, we show how these "prior" schemas can now be associated with linguistic commentary to pick out the words that best correspond to the concepts in the target language. These associations, with a semantic pole (the grounded perceptual schema) linked to a phonological pole (the word learned) constitute our elementary symbols. One of the primary differences with formal models of semantics is that the meaning associations for these symbols are plastic, and can be altered by subsequent experience. Issues regarding the composition of symbols indicate a preference for frequently occurring data, which is also typical of linguistic usage.

  • 11 December 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Martin Magnusson

    Date & Time: Thursday 11 December 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Martin Magnusson (Linköping)
    Title: Logical Agents for Language and Action -
    Creating Smarter Computer Game Characters
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 8 December 2008, Logic Tea, Jakub Szymanik (ILLC)

    Date & Time: Monday 8 December 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Jakub Szymanik (ILLC)
    Title: Automata, Quantifiers and Natural Language Comprehension
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 8 December 2008, Parallelle Werelden (NWO)

    Date: Monday 8 December 2008
    Location: Muziekgebouw 't IJ, Amsterdam

    De ontwikkelingen binnen de disciplines Astronomie, Informatica en Wiskunde lijken vaak parallel te verlopen. In de praktijk versterken ze elkaar tot op grote hoogte. NWO Exacte Wetenschappen nodigt u uit om tijdens het congres Parallelle Werelden op maandag 8 december 2008 in het Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ deze werelden te bezoeken.

    Parallelle Werelden wordt een unieke dag die u niet mag missen. Dit evenement is de plek om u te inspireren en te komen tot verrassende ontmoetingen met andere disciplines. Beleef op een bijzondere wijze de succesverhalen, de huidige ontwikkelingen en de plannen die binnen het NWO-gebied op stapel staan. Maak kennis met topwetenschappers uit de verschillende disciplines, de samenwerkingspartners en geïnteresseerden van overheid en bedrijfsleven en de medewerkers van het EW-bureau.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 5 December 2008, DIP Colloquium, Chung-Chieh Shan

    Date & Time: Friday 5 December 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Chung-Chieh Shan (Rutgers)
    Title: Theory of mind and bounded rationality without interpretive overhead
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4-6 December 2008, LINT Workshop - Logic for Interaction

    Date: 4-6 December 2008
    Location: Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    As part of the program of the ESF Eurocores LogICCC program "Logic for Interaction - LINT", a workshop is organized at ILLC in Amsterdam December 4-6, 2008.

    The program starts December 4 after lunch and ends December 6 lunch time. The workshop will have four tutorials. They will be given by Samson Abramsky on Game Semantics, Dietmar Berwanger on Imperfect Information Games, Denis Bonnay on Logic Constants and Jouko Väänänen on Dependence Logic. In addition there will be presentations by Fredrik Engström, Pietro Galliani, Juha Kontinen, Allen Mann, Bernd Puchala, and Nikos Tzevelekos. An Opening Talk on Logic for Interaction will be given by Johan van Benthem.

    The organizer of the workshop is Jouko Väänänen.
    Lecture halls are Thursday P015A, Friday P018, and Saturday P327.

    For more information, see

  • 2 December 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gideon Borensztajn

    Date & Time: Tuesday 2 December 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Gideon Borensztajn
    Title: The Hierarchical Prediction Network, or is the end of symbolic parsing in sight? ;-)
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 28 November 2008, DIP Colloquium, Emmanuel Chemla

    Date & Time: Friday 28 November 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Emmanuel Chemla (ENS Paris)
    Title: From free choice inferences to presuppositions
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 28 November 2008, ILPS Seminar, Dolf Trieschnigg

    Date & Time: Friday 28 November 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Dolf Trieschnigg
    Title: MeSH up: Effective Text Classification for Improved Document Retrieval
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 November 2008, Economics Colloquia, Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Thursday 27 November 2008, 12:30
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains
    Location: Room E.020, Roetersstraat 11, 1018 WB Amsterdam
  • 27 November 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Mikaël Cozic

    Date & Time: Thursday 27 November 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Mikaël Cozic (Paris)
    Title: Probabilistic Unawareness
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 26 November 2008, Logic, Language and Reasoning Seminar, Iris van Rooij (Radbout University Nijmegen)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 26 November 2008, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Iris van Rooij (Radbout University Nijmegen)
    Title: What Makes a Problem Hard (or Easy)? A Computational Perspective
    Location: Room 3.27, ILLC, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    There are many ways in which a problem can be hard or easy. In this talk I will focus on one such meaning: a problem is hard if solving it requires an excessive amount of time. NP-complete - or otherwise NP-hard - problems are traditionally considered to be hard in this sense. This notion of hardness has been playing an important role in debates in cognitive science over the last decades, among them debates on the modularity of mind and the heuristic nature of human rationality. In these debates often claims have been made (explicitly or implicitly) about what it is that makes a given problem hard. Reasons that are commonly listed include the following: (1) optimization is hard, (2) solving a problem exactly is hard, (3) problems with large search spaces are hard. On the other hand, there are also claims about what characterizes easy problems, including: (4) satisficing is relatively easy, (5) heuristics are relatively easy, and (6) approximation is relatively easy. In this talk I discuss the misleading nature of these claims. Drawing on insights from complexity theory, I propose an alternative way of addressing the question "What makes a problem hard (or easy)?", one that recognizes that the hardness or easiness of a problem often depends on a complex interplay of a problem's parameters.

    For more information, see

  • 25-26 November 2008, 2nd International Conference on Logical Models of Reasoning and Computation (LMRC), Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 25-26 November 2008
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    The "Moscow-Utrecht meeting" will cover a variety of topics in theoretical and applied logic. Speakers: Adian, De Jongh, Van Oostrom, Vaporis, Plisko, Shapirovsky, Beklemishev, Van Oosten, Broersen, Shatrov, Shehtman.

    The first edition has been held in Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow (May 5-8, 2008). For more information, see

  • 21 November 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Friday 21 November 2008, 16:30
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Strategy-Proofness of Voting Procedures when Preference and Ballot Language Differ
    Location: Room P.015A, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 21 November 2008, Intercity Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics, Henk Bos / Klaas Landsman

    Date & Time: Friday 21 November 2008, 14:00-16:30
    Speaker: Henk Bos / Klaas Landsman
    Title: Descartes' attempt, in the 'Regulae,' to base the certainty of algebra
    on mental vision
    Newton and Hilbert on the foundations of geometry:
    A case study in the philosophy of mathematics.
    Location: Room 4.26, Buys-Ballot Laboratory, Princetonplein 5, Utrecht.

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 November 2008, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Luigi Santocanale

    Date & Time: Wednesday 19 November 2008, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Luigi Santocanale
    Title: Modelling concurrency with distributive lattices: the finite labelling problem for event structures and Thiagarajan's conjecture
    Location: Room P.015A, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Yde Venema ().

  • 14 November 2008, ACLC Seminar, Stefan Frank

    Date & Time: Friday 14 November 2008, 15:30-16:45
    Speaker: Stefan Frank
    Title: The mental representation of sentences: Tree structures, state vectors, or both?
    Location: Room 420, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 November 2008, ILPS Seminar, Joris van Zundert/Karina van Dalen

    Date & Time: Friday 14 November 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Joris van Zundert/Karina van Dalen
    Title: eResearch at Huygens Institute - Stylometrics
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 November 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Vanessa Ferdinand

    Date & Time: Wednesday 12 November 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Vanessa Ferdinand
    Title: How learning biases and cultural transmission structure information: iterated learning in human subjects and bayesian agents
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 10 November 2008, Logic Tea, Corina Strössner

    Date & Time: Monday 10 November 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Corina Strössner (Universitaet des Saarlandes)
    Title: The Meaning of Being Normal
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade ().

  • 10-13 November 2008, 7th International Conference on Logic and Cognition (ICLC-2008), Guangzhou, China

    Date: 10-13 November 2008
    Location: Guangzhou, China
    Deadline: 10 October 2008

    The academic conference on Logic and Cognition is an annual meeting since the year 2001. It is a continuous effort to share insights on the interaction between different logics and cognition. The 7th international conference on Logic and Cognition sponsored by the Institute of Logic and Cognition (ILC) and the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) aims to bring together researchers from philosophy, psychology, and linguistics to discuss the issues of common interest, and to serve as a platform for future research. For more information, please check:

    For more information, please check: or contact Minghui Xiong () or Fenrong Liu ().

  • 7 November 2008, DIP Colloquium, Henk Verkuyl

    Date & Time: Friday 7 November 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Henk Verkuyl (UiLOTS, Utrecht)
    Title: Binary Tense. Why binary?
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 7 November 2008, ILPS Seminar, Loredana Afanasiev

    Date & Time: Friday 7 November 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Loredana Afanasiev
    Title: Surfacing the Deep Web
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 6 November 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Leon van der Torre

    Date & Time: Thursday 6 November 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Leon van der Torre (Luxembourg)
    Title: A normative framework for norm change
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 5 November 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, canceled

    Date: Wednesday 5 November 2008
    Speaker: canceled (was: Anouk Perquin)

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 31 October 2008, ILPS Seminar, Willem Robert van Hage

    Date & Time: Friday 31 October 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Willem Robert van Hage
    Title: Evaluation of the OAEI 2006 & 2007 food thesaurus alignment task
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 30 October 2008, PROSE Colloquium, Francien Dechesne

    Date & Time: Thursday 30 October 2008, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Francien Dechesne
    Title: Refinement of Kripke Models for Dynamics
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 27th October 2008, Logic Tea, Martin Bentzen

    Date & Time: Monday 27th October 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Martin Bentzen
    Title: Judging Free Agents - Towards a Formal Theory of Responsibility
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade ().

  • 24 October 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Mathijs de Weerdt

    Date & Time: Friday 24 October 2008, 16:00
    Speaker: Mathijs de Weerdt (Delft)
    Title: A Strategy-Proof Auction Mechanism without Money
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 24 October 2008, Intercity Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics, Anne Troelstra / H. Philipse

    Date & Time: Friday 24 October 2008, 14:00-16:30
    Speaker: Anne Troelstra / H. Philipse
    Title: Intuitionism / Platonism or psychologism in mathematics: A false dilemma? Frege, Husserl, and Wittgenstein on the philosophy of mathematics
    Location: Room 4.26, Buys-Ballot Laboratory, Princetonplein 5, Utrecht.

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 23-25 October 2008, The Making of the Humanities: First International Conference on the History of the Humanities, Amsterdam

    Date: 23-25 October 2008
    Location: Amsterdam

    This conference brings together scholars and historians of the various humanities disciplines to draw the outlines for a comparative history of the humanities. An edited book is planned, with the provisional title "Another History of Science: The Making of the Humanities".

    Organizers: Rens Bod, Jaap Maat and Thijs Weststeijn. For more information, see

  • 22 October 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Federico Sangati

    Date & Time: Wednesday 22 October 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Federico Sangati
    Title: Unsupervised Methods for Head Assignments
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    I will present several algorithms for assigning heads in phrase structure trees, based on different linguistic intuitions on the role of heads in natural language syntax. The starting point of the approach is the observation that a head-annotated treebank defines a unique lexicalized tree substitution grammar. This allows us to go back and forth between the two representations, and define objective functions for the unsupervised learning of head assignments in terms of features of the implicit lexicalized tree grammars. We evaluate algorithms based on the match with gold standard head-annotations, and the comparative parsing accuracy of the lexicalized grammars they give rise to.

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 20 October 2008, Logic Tea, Walter Carnielli

    Date & Time: Monday 20 October 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Walter Carnielli
    Title: Sewing Logics Together: the possible-translations semantics and new meanings for old logics
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade ()

  • 17 October 2008, DIP Colloquium,
    Guy Politzer
    Keith Stenning

    Date & Time: Friday 17 October 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Guy Politzer (Institut Nicod)
    Keith Stenning (Edinburgh)
    Title: Natural syllogisms / Causal cognition--some philosophical preliminaries
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 October 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Adrian Mathias

    Date & Time: Friday 17 October 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Adrian Mathias
    Location: <em>(changed)</em>
    Room P.019, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 October 2008, ILPS Seminar, Frank Nack

    Date & Time: Friday 17 October 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Frank Nack
    Title: From automatic creativity to nomadic communication
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 9 October 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Pelle Guldborg Hansen

    Date & Time: Thursday 9 October 2008, 10:00-12:00
    Speaker: Pelle Guldborg Hansen (Roskilde)
    Title: Learning and the problem of the emergence of convention: do stationarity assumptions imply a vicious circularity or a key to salvation?
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 3 October 2008, DIP Colloquium, Anastasia Giannakidou

    Date & Time: Friday 3 October 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Anastasia Giannakidou (Chicago)
    Title: Polarity phenomena in natural language: Variation, scalarity,
    and dependent reference
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 3 October 2008, ILPS Seminar, Maarten Clements

    Date & Time: Friday 3 October 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Maarten Clements
    Title: Personalised search in social content systems
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 1 October 2008, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Luca Alberucci and Alessandro Facchini

    Date & Time: Wednesday 1 October 2008, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Luca Alberucci and Alessandro Facchini
    Title: The Modal Mu-Calculus over Restricted Classes of Transition Systems
    Location: Room P019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Yde Venema ().

  • 26 September 2008, DIP Colloquium, Stephan van der Waart van Gulik

    Date & Time: Friday 26 September 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Stephan van der Waart van Gulik (Ghent)
    Title: Semantic transformers and their implementation in fuzzy logic
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 September 2008, ILPS Seminar, Bas Zoetekouw, Pedro Fonseca and Merlijn Sevenster

    Date & Time: Friday 26 September 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Bas Zoetekouw, Pedro Fonseca and Merlijn Sevenster
    Title: Experience Processing
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 September 2008, NAP-Dag 2008

    Date: Friday 26 September 2008
    Location: Room 420, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam

    NAP is the abbreviation of Nieuw Amsterdams Peil and this day is meant for junior researchers to present their (ongoing) research. The NAPdag will be a full day of presentations, including social events like having lunch and drinks afterwards.
    This edition of the NAPdag will be somewhat special: because of the growing collaboration between the two research institutes, there will be presentations of PhD's from the ACLC as well as from the ILLC.

    Attendance is free, but if you wish to join the (free) lunch, please send an email to the organizers before September 15th.

    For more information, see here or, or contact the organizers at .

  • 25 September 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Xavier Caicedo

    Date & Time: Thursday 25 September 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Xavier Caicedo
    Title: Quantifier laws of imperfect information logic
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 24 September 2008, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Xavier Caicedo

    Date & Time: Wednesday 24 September 2008, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Xavier Caicedo
    Title: Implicit operations in quasivarieties, the case of MV-algebras
    Location: Room P.015B, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, contact Yde Venema () or see

  • 24 September 2008, Belief Change and Information Security, Aaron Hunter

    Date & Time: Wednesday 24 September 2008, 14:30
    Speaker: Aaron Hunter
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss <>.

  • 23 September 2008, Movie: "Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem"

    Date & Time: Tuesday 23 September 2008, 17:00
    Location: P-2.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    A one-hour biographical documentary, "Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem" (directed by George Paul Csicsery) tells the story of an important American mathematician against a background of mathematical ideas. It features interviews with many famous logicians such as Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, Solomon Feferman, or Dana Scott.

    The movie is shown as part of the course "Core Logic".

    For more information about the movie, see For practical information contact Benedikt Löwe or Sara Uckelman.

  • 23 September 2008, Smart cards in public transport: the Mifare Classic Case, Bart Jacobs

    Date & Time: Tuesday 23 September 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Bart Jacobs (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
    Location: Lorentz Center Leiden

    The Mifare Classic chipcard has been dismantled. Between 1 and 2 billion copies have been sold worldwide. The card is mainly used for access to buildings and for public transport. The talk will give an overview of these developments and of the role of the Digital Security Group of the Radboud University Nijmegen. (This public lecture is part of the NIAS-Lorentz workshop Logic and information security, to be held from 22 to 26 Sept at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. The public lecture is open to all, and registration for this lecture is NOT required. Registration for the workshop is obligatory.

    For more information, see

  • 22 September 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Xavier Caicedo Ferrer

    Date & Time: Monday 22 September 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Xavier Caicedo Ferrer (Bogota)
    Title: A characterization of Lukasiewicz logic
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 September 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Dana Scott

    Date & Time: Friday 19 September 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Dana Scott
    Title: Discussing Higher-Order Modal Modeling
    Location: Room 611, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 September 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Krzysztof Apt

    Date & Time: Friday 19 September 2008, 16:00
    Speaker: Krzysztof Apt
    Title: A Distributed Platform for Mechanism Design
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 19 September 2008, ILPS Seminar, Anna Ritchie

    Date & Time: Friday 19 September 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Anna Ritchie
    Title: Citation Context Analysis for Information Retrieval
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 18 September 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Floris Roelofsen

    Date & Time: Thursday 18 September 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Floris Roelofsen
    Title: Anaphora Resolved. A unified theory of pronouns, NP anaphora, and VP ellipsis.
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    This talk presents one of the main ideas proposed in Floris Roelofsen's dissertation, which will be defended on the 9th of October. Anyone interested is invited to attend the defense.

    For more information and abstracts, see or

  • 18 September 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Bernhard von Stengel

    Date & Time: Thursday 18 September 2008, 12:00-13:00
    Speaker: Bernhard von Stengel (LSE, London)
    Title: Hard-to-Solve Bimatrix Games
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 18 September 2008, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Rob Goldblatt

    Date & Time: Thursday 18 September 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Rob Goldblatt
    Title: Lindenbaum's Lemma as an axiom for infinitary coalgebraic logic
    Location: P.114, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, contact Yde Venema:

  • 18 September 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Wiebe van der Hoek

    Date & Time: Thursday 18 September 2008, 11:00-12:00
    Speaker: Wiebe van der Hoek (Liverpool)
    Title: Cooperative Boolean Games
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 17 September 2008, Symposium on Beth's Life and Influence

    Date: 17 September 2008
    Location: Doelenzaal, University of Amsterdam, Singel 425, Amsterdam.
    Costs: Free, registration required

    Motto: 'My philosophical endeavor is directed to help create the conditions for a rational reflection on the most diverse domains of human activity' (E. W. Beth)

    Evert Willem Beth (1908-1964) was the founding father of scientific philosophy in the Netherlands, as well as the founder of institutionalized logic in Amsterdam. In celebration of the centenary of his birth, the E. W. Beth Foundation in Amsterdam organizes a Symposium on Beth's Life and Influence.

    For more information, see here or contact Ms. Pauline Mol at or Prof. Henk Visser at

  • 15 September 2008, Logic Tea, Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson

    Date & Time: Monday 15 September 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
    Title: A Procedural Interpretation of Split Negation
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 15-16 September 2008, E. W. Beth Centenary Conference

    Date: 15-16 September 2008
    Location: Trippenhuis, Royal Academy, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
    Costs: Free, registration required

    Evert Willem Beth (1908-1964) was the founding father of scientific philosophy in the Netherlands, as well as the founder of institutionalized logic in Amsterdam.

    In celebration of the centenary of his birth, the E.W. Beth Centenary Conference will focus on Beth's contributions to logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, history of logic and scientific philosophy, in relation to contemporary ideas.

    The scientific conference is devoted to four subjects, divided over four sessions:
    * Foundations and philosophy of mathematics
    * Philosophy and history of science
    * Pure and applied logic
    * Scientific philosophy

    For more information, see here or contact Ms. Pauline Mol at or Prof. Henk Visser at

  • 13-14 September 2008, Biosemantics: Workshop on the Status of Semantics in the Biolinguistic Approach to Language

    Date: 13-14 September 2008
    Location: Room 147, Lipsius building, Leiden University
    Costs: € 10,-

    This workshop addresses foundational aspects of semantics within a broadly biolinguistic approach to language, where explanatory accounts to the semantic component of the language faculty (in comparison tothe sensorimotor component, or syntax) are still lacking. The workshop's more specific focus is the question of how syntactic structures feed semantic interpretation. It is particularly devoted to the 'elements of truth', such as predication, categorization, and reference. Truth is the basic category and theoretical primitive around which most semantic theories have been built. But only very specific syntactic structures are evaluable for truth: not Noun Phrases, in particular. The origin of truth therefore throws up central questions in the pursuit of biolinguistics: the structure of the syntax-semantics interface and the mapping of syntactic to semantic categories, clause-structure, the theory of categories, the units of computation (phases), the truth-reference distinction, cross-linguistic variance in categorization, clause-structure, the growth of reference in acquisition, semantics and extra-linguistic domains, the neurological basis of the syntax-semantics interface, and the theory of predication. The conference is a part of the NWO-funded ILLC/UvA project on the 'Origins of truth'.

    For more information, see

  • 10 September 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Menno van Zaanen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 10 September 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Menno van Zaanen
    Title: Generic, Symbolic Sequence Classification
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    In the field of machine learning, many problems are treated as classification tasks. A classifier takes an event and assigns a (pre-defined) class to it. When events are sequences, the classification may be based on aspects of the structure of these events. For instance, the fact that certain symbols co-occur in a sequence may be an indication that these sequences belong to a certain class.

    In this talk, I will describe some research I have been doing in this field recently. This work is still in progress. I will show some results on the task of question classification (assign the type of answer to a question), and composer classification (given a musical piece, assign its composer).

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 10 September 2008, Symposium & Afscheidscollege Dirk Siersma

    Date & Time: Wednesday 10 September 2008, 10:30
    Location: Utrecht

    Symposium Meetkunde ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van Dirk Siersma


      Locatie: Faculty Club Helios
    Achter de Dom 7a
    10:30 - 11:00 Ontvangst met koffie en thee
    11:00 - 12:00 Mihai Tibar (Universite de Lille):
    Walk in the forest of Milnor fibrations
    13:15 - 14:15 Aad Goddijn(Freudenthal Instituut):
    "de hooge gekromde blauwe RUIMTE BEN IK"
    over de 4e dimensie bij Theo van Doesburg
    14:30 - 15:30 Duco van Straten (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz):
    The algebra and topology of line singularities
      Locatie: Aula Academiegebouw
    Domplein 29 te Utrecht
    16:15 Afscheidsrede Prof.dr.D.Siersma:
    "Leven met Wiskunde"

    For more information, mail F.Beukers at .

  • 5 September 2008, DIP Colloquium, Maria Bittner

    Date & Time: Friday 5 September 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Maria Bittner (Rutgers, NJ)
    Title: Grammatical centering: Tense, mood, and evidentiality
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 5 September 2008, ILPS Seminar, Manos Tsagkias

    Date & Time: Friday 5 September 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Manos Tsagkias
    Title: Using Term Clouds to Represent Segment-Level Semantic Content of Podcasts
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 August 2008, Annual Boat trip

    Date & Time: Friday 29 August 2008, 16:45
    Location: Plantage Muidergracht 24, downstairs in the hall

    We are happy to announce that the ILLC will (as usual) welcome its new Master students by having a boat trip in which you can see the city from another point of view, followed by an informal reception where there will be something to eat and to drink. This gathering will be a nice opportunity to meet with ILLC staff members and students.

    The boat leaves at 17.00 hrs sharp from the back of the Euclides building (Plantage Muidergracht 24), we request you to gather at the front desk at 16.45 from where we will walk to the landing place of the boat. The boat will return at 18.30. Reception is from 18.30 - 20.00 at the ILLC, third floor of Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24

    For more information, contact

  • 29-30 August 2008, Graduate Philosophy Conference on Normativity, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam.

    Date: 29-30 August 2008
    Location: Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam.
    Deadline: 15 June 2008

    It has been strongly argued that human rationality, language, and meaning are intrinsically normative, and that as such they cannot be described in purely naturalistic terms. But how are we conceive of normativity? Taking this question as our starting point, we are interested in bringing together young researchers who are working towards a model that helps explain the nature of norms underlying human cognition and (linguistic) behaviour.

    We are happy to announce that the conference's two confirmed keynote speakers are:
    - James O'Shea (University College Dublin)
    - Allan Gibbard (University of Michigan)

    We invite papers on a broad range on topics relating to this theme. Contributions may concern - but need not be limited to - the following questions:
    - What is normativity and what are its sources?
    - How do norms differ from causes?
    - How relevant is normativity in accounting for meaning in natural language?
    - What is the nature of norms in human reasoning and decision-making and how do they bind us?
    - How do social practices and individual factors determine or constrain norms underlying human reasoning?
    - What is the normative force of conventions in communication?

    For further information, you can visit the conference website at: or contact: .

  • 28 August 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Canceled

    Date: Thursday 28 August 2008
    Speaker: Canceled (was: Allan Gibbard)
  • 14 August 2008, Topological semantics for polymodal provability logic and infinitary combinatorics, Lev Beklemishev (Moskou, Münster)

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 August 2008, 15:00-16:00
    Speaker: Lev Beklemishev (Moskou, Münster)
    Location: Room P-0.14, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Lev Beklemishev will report on a work in progress (jointly with Thomas Icard) on the problem of finding a complete topological semantics of polymodal provability logic GLP (due to Giorgi Japaridze). They isolate the concept of a GLP-space that turns out to encompass some structures prominent in set theory and ininitary combinatorics. In particular, the most natural "ordinal GLP spaces" are tightly related to the so-called stationary reflection principles. The existence of a complete semantics for GLP, and the mere nontriviality of topologies involved, is then dependent on various (large cardinal) axioms outside ZFC.

    For more information, please contact

  • 13 August 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Reut Tsarfaty

    Date & Time: Wednesday 13 August 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Reut Tsarfaty
    Title: Relational-Realizational Parsing
    Location: P3.27

    State-of-the-art statistical parsing models applied to free word-order languages tend to underperform compared to, e.g., parsing English. Constituency-based models often fail to capture generalizations that cannot be stated in structural terms, and dependency-based models employ a ~single-head~ assumption that often breaks in the face of multiple exponence. In this paper we suggest that the position of a constituent is a form manifestation of its grammatical function, one among various possible means of realization. We develop the Relational-Realizational approach to parsing in which we untangle the projection of grammatical functions and their means of realization to allow for phrase-structure variability and morphological-syntactic interaction. We empirically demonstrate the application of our approach to parsing Modern Hebrew, obtaining 7% error reduction from previously reported results.

    For more information, see or

  • 4-15 August 2008, ESSLLI-2008:
    20th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 4-15 August 2008
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 2 July 2007

    The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation.

    The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students, researchers and IT professionals interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information. ESSLLI-2008 is organised under the auspices of the European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).

    The ESSLLI 2008 Program Committee invites proposals for foundational, introductory, and advanced courses, and for workshops for the 20th annual Summer School on a wide range of timely topics that have demonstrated their relevance in the fields of language & computation, language & logic, or logic & computation. Submissions should be submitted before July 2nd, 2007 at

    For more information, see or the ESSLLI website at

    For more information, see here .
  • 31 July 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Nadya Peek

    Date & Time: Thursday 31 July 2008, 16:00
    Speaker: Nadya Peek
    Title: Automatic Analysis of Voting Procedures
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 3-5 July 2008, Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT 2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 3-5 July 2008
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 March 2008

    This is the eighth in a series of conferences on the applications of logical methods to foundational issues in the theory of individual and interactive decision-making, with a focus on papers which bring together the work and problems of several fields, such as game and decision theory, logic, computer science and artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive psychology, mathematics and mind sciences.

    For more information, see

  • 2 July 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Hervé Moulin

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 July 2008, 14:00
    Speaker: Hervé Moulin
    Title: Sharing the Cost of a Capacity Network
    Location: Room P.014 (<em>changed again</em>), Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 30 June - 2 July 2008, DGL08: Second Workshop in Decisions, Games and Logic, ILLC, Amsterdam

    Date: 30 June - 2 July 2008
    Location: ILLC, Amsterdam
    Deadline: 18 April 2008

    Formal approaches to rational individual and interactive decision making is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of research. The workshop series in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL) started in 2007 and aims at fostering interactions between graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers from economics, logic and philosophy. Three invited speakers deliver lectures on decision theory, game theory and logic and the connections of these fields. Graduate students and young researchers present their work in both formal and informal sessions.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 27 June 2008, CSCA Symposium Distributed Processing Models

    Date: Friday 27 June 2008
    Location: Tinbergenzaal KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam

    On June 27 2008, the Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam of the University of Amsterdam will organize a symposium chaired by visiting professor McClelland in which a number of prominent European researchers will give presentations on their work within the general area of connectionist modeling. Speakers will include Eric Postma, Axel Cleeremans, Mike Page, Bob French and Jaap Murre. At the end of the symposium, professor McClelland will comment on the various lectures. The symposium will an excellent overview of the current status of connectionist modeling.

    For more information, please contact

  • 26 June 2008, ILPS Seminar, Timm Kapferer/Jana Besser

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 June 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Timm Kapferer/Jana Besser
    Title: Metadata standards for sharing of web lectures/User goals and strategies in podcast search
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 June 2008, EG-liaison training for Marie Curie grant application

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 June 2008, 9:30-17:00
    Location: NH Hotel Zoetermeer
    Costs: € 125,-

    On Thursday 26 June 2008 the EG lisaison will organize a training for scientists who are about to submit an application for a Marie Curie grant. This training aims to teach you how to look at your proposal from a pragmatic perspective. Emphasis will lie on how the evaluator looks at your proposal so this can be taken into account when you write your own proposal.

    For more information, see

  • 21 June 2008, Exhibition 'Do not Erase ... wait for Meaning'

    Date & Time: Saturday 21 June 2008, 20:00-22:00
    Speaker: Officially opened by Martin Stokhof
    Location: Arti et Amicitiae, Rokin 112, Amsterdam

    Do not Erase. . . wait for Meaning is an <InstallationPackage> by TineWilde offering a new perspective on the art of installation as a result of a trans-disciplinary PhD research project carried out at the University of Amsterdam.

    Tine Wilde investigates facts and values concerning social practices and cultural attitudes, worked out in what she calls an InstallationPackage. An InstallationPackage consists of one or more installations exploring a particular concept from different perspectives. In this exhibition the point of departure is the philosopher's room, in which the concept reflexive dynamics is central. On the one hand this reflexive dynamics points to the dynamic relation between the various parts of the room. On the other it refers to an emotional space that gives the viewer the opportunity to take a reflexive distance by means of a subtle play of colours. In this way, the installation becomes a poem with proportion.

    The exhibition will be officially opened by Martin Stokhof at the opening reception on Saturday 21 June 2008, 8-10 pm: the exhibition will run from Sunday 22 June until Sunday 13 July 2008. For more information, see

  • 20 June 2008, ILPS Seminar, Emiel Krahmer

    Date & Time: Friday 20 June 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Emiel Krahmer
    Title: Detecting Semantic Overlap and Using it for Sentence Fusion
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 13 June 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Friday 13 June 2008, 16:00
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Tree-Based Cake-Cutting Procedures
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 13 June 2008, DIP Colloquium, Nathan Klinedinst

    Date & Time: Friday 13 June 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Nathan Klinedinst (UCL London)
    Title: Presupposition projection -- again
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 13 June 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Bart Kastermans

    Date & Time: Friday 13 June 2008, 14:30-15:30
    Speaker: Bart Kastermans (Wisconsin)
    Title: Stability and Posets
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 13 June 2008, ILPS Seminar, Canceled

    Date: Friday 13 June 2008
    Speaker: Canceled (was: Timm Kaperer)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 June 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Eryk Kopczynski

    Date & Time: Thursday 12 June 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Eryk Kopczynski (Warsaw)
    Title: Half-positional Determinacy of Infinite Games
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 11 June 2008, Logic Tea, Michael Franke

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 June 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Michael Franke
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Note: this lecture was originally scheduled for 14 May 2008.
    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 9 June 2008, A concept-knowledge theory of design reasoning : some formal models, Akin Osman Kazakci

    Date & Time: Monday 9 June 2008, 15:00
    Speaker: Akin Osman Kazakci
    Location: Room P.016, ILLC, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Design is about building a definition for an object that is yet to exist. The construction of such a definition requires a particular type of reasoning process which is different from usual ones such as search, optimization or theorem proving. In this talk, we will present a theory of design reasoning called Concept-Knowledge (CK) theory. CK theory captures some of the fundelmental properties of design reasoning based on the distinction and interaction between two spaces; a knowledge space K, containing, propositions whose logical status are known by a designer, and a concept space, which contains propositions that are undecidable in K space. The undecidability of concepts is a source for creativity and it allows new types of definitions for unprecedented objects.

    CK theory is currently a very active research topic in a variety of context such as organization theory and design education. On the other hand more recent efforts explore logical and mathematical models of the theory. During the talk, after presenting the theory informally, we will discuss three of such models: 1) The relationship between ZF set theory, Cohen's notion of Forcing and CK type design reasoning (Hatchuel, Weil, 2007) 2) A model of CK theory based on NAL (non-axiomatic logic), a syllogistic term logic (Kazakci, Hatchuel and Weil, 2008) 3) A model of CK theory based on Intuionistic Logic (Kazakci, Upcoming)

    For more information, please contact

  • 7 June 2008, Good Vibrations at Cheltenham Science Festival

    Date & Time: Saturday 7 June 2008, 20:30-21:30
    Location: Cheltenham Town Hall, Cheltenham, UK

    Saturday June 7 Martin Coath (Plymouth University; FameLab finalist) and Henkjan Honing (University of Amsterdam; Nominee for the Academic Year Prize) will combine forces in interactively demonstrating to a general audience how we hear and interpret sound and music, using recent results from the European EmCAP project on music cognition.

    For more information, see

  • 6 June 2008, ILLC Beth Lecture, Dov Samet

    Date & Time: Friday 6 June 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Dov Samet
    Title: The thought of the thought of the thought...

    The talk will present and explain basic notions of interactive epistemology that were developed by game theorists, logicians and computer scientists.

    For more information, please contact .

  • 5-6 June 2008, 3rd MARA Get-Together: Workshop on Multiagent Resource Allocation, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Date: 5-6 June 2008
    Location: Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    In June 2008 the ILLC will host the 3rd MARA Get-Together, an informal workshop on Multiagent Resource Allocation. Everyone, in particular ILLC staff and students, is very welcome to attend. There is no registration fee, but for organisational reasons we need to know who's coming. If you wish to attend, please let Ulle Endriss know before 28 May 2008.

    For more information, see

  • 4 June 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stefan Frank

    Date & Time: Wednesday 4 June 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Stefan Frank
    Title: Resolving ambiguous pronouns: a psycholinguistic model
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 3 June 2008, Truth values, neither-true-nor-false, and supervaluations, Nuel Belnap

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 June 2008, 12:00 - 13:00
    Speaker: Nuel Belnap
    Location: Room 032, Ruppertgebouw, Leuvenlaan, entrance 'educatorium', Utrecht (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    The first part of this essay defends reliance on truth values against those who, on nominalistic grounds, would uniformly substitute a truth predicate. I rehearse some practical advantages of working with truth values in logic. In the second part I look at several cases in which logics involve, as part of their semantics, quantification over a silent parameter, such as modal logic's quantification over worlds. In many cases, this facility produces truth values for sentences which seem neither true nor false by ``supervaluation,'' that is, by ``quantifying out'' the extra, silent argument. Logics that generate truth values for the neither-true-nor-false in this way exhibit striking differences. I consider the following: open sentences in first order logic, vague sentences, ambiguous sentences, paradoxical sentences, and future-tensed sentences in indeterministic tense logic.

  • 30 May 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stéphane Airiau

    Date & Time: Friday 30 May 2008, 16:15
    Speaker: Stéphane Airiau
    Title: Forming Fair and Efficient Coalitions when Valuation Functions Depend on the Coalition Structure
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 30 May 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Kohei Kishida

    Date & Time: Friday 30 May 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Kohei Kishida (Pittsburgh)
    Location: Room 267, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station, stop 'AZU').

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 30 May 2008, DIP Colloquium, Paula Menéndez-Benito

    Date & Time: Friday 30 May 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Paula Menéndez-Benito (UMass. Amherst)
    Title: Modal Indefinites
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 May 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Sakaé Fuchino

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 May 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Sakaé Fuchino
    Title: Axiomatization of generic extensions by homogeneous partial orderings
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 May 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Andrés Perea

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 May 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Andrés Perea (Maastricht)
    Title: An algorithm for proper
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 27 May 2008, Krzysztof Apt CWI fellow: Game Theory Day at CWI

    Date: Tuesday 27 May 2008

    Our part time professor Krzysztof Apt is appointed CWI Fellow on 1 April 2008. This title is given to outstanding members of CWI's research staff and offers them full freedom in research.

    At CWI Apt is member of the research group Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization. In 2006 he was appointed member of the Academia Europæa. He is founder and past Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions in Computational Logic. Apt published four books and numerous journal articles, in computer science, mathematical logic and, more recently, game theory.

    In honour of his appointment, and to mark the growing interaction between economics and computer science, CWI organizes a symposium on game theory on 27 May 2008. Invited distinguished speakers on this Game Theory Day at CWI are Christos Papadimitriou (University of California, Berkeley) and our Beth Chair holder Dov Samet (Tel Aviv University).

    For more information, see

  • 23 May 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Mirna Dzamonja

    Date & Time: Friday 23 May 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Mirna Dzamonja (Norwich)
    Title: Combinatorics of trees
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 23 May 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Tejaswini Deoskar

    Date & Time: Friday 23 May 2008, 14:00
    Speaker: Tejaswini Deoskar
    Title: Unsupervised re-estimation of probabilistic lexicons for treebank PCFGs
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 23 May 2008, ILPS Seminar, Sophia Katrenko

    Date & Time: Friday 23 May 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Sophia Katrenko
    Title: Local alignment kernel in the context of NLP
    Location: Room F.013, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 22 May 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Dov Samet

    Date & Time: Thursday 22 May 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Dov Samet (Tel Aviv)
    Title: Epistemic Game Theory
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 22 May 2008, Workshop "Writing Competitive ITN Proposals in the People Programme"

    Date & Time: Thursday 22 May 2008, 9:00-16:30
    Location: Room TBA, Roeterseiland complex, Roetersstraat 15, Amsterdam.
    Costs: € 120,-

    Bureau Kennistransfer of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and International Office of VU University Amsterdam organize a workshop "Writing Competitive ITN Proposals in the People Programme" for everybody involved in the Initial Training Network (ITN) proposal preparation process.

    This workshop is all about making your Marie Curie ITN proposal the best competitive proposal. Competition for the ITN proposals is fierce, and it is not enough to provide good science! The training will be given by Lotte Jaspers (Yellow Research) and Alie Kwint, a highly experienced Marie Curie advisor. We will focus on the selection criteria Science, Training, Implementation and Impact.

    The full text of this announcement and a registration form can be found at here. A program is available as a PDF document.

  • 21 May 2008, Logic Tea, Salvador Mascarenas

    Date & Time: Wednesday 21 May 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Salvador Mascarenas
    Title: Inquisitive Semantics and Logic
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 21 May 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Michiel van Lambalgen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 21 May 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Michiel van Lambalgen
    Title: Computational semantics, brain and behaviour
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 20 May 2008, ACG Colloquium, Raul Andres Leal

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 May 2008, 13:30
    Speaker: Raul Andres Leal
    Title: Two Modal Logics for Coalgebras
    Location: Room M280, CWI, Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam
  • 19 May 2008, Logic, Language, and Reasoning Seminar, Nina Gierasimczuk and Jakub Szymanik

    Date & Time: Monday 19 May 2008, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Nina Gierasimczuk and Jakub Szymanik
    Title: Experimenting with some non-Fregean quantifier combinations in natural language
    Location: Room P.3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    We discuss the thesis formulated by Hintikka (1973) that there exist natural language sentences which require non-linear (non-Fregean) quantification to express their meaning. Our basic assumption is that a criterion for an adequacy of a meaning representation is its compatibility with sentence truth-conditions. Among others, it can be established by observing linguistic behavior of language users. We investigate sentences with non-Fregean combinations of quantifiers similar to Hintikka's examples and propose a novel alternative reading expressible by linear formulae. The interpretation seems intuitively very solid. Moreover, our empirical research shows that people tend to interpret Hintikka's like sentences in a way consistent with it. We will survey discussion on Hintikka's Thesis and present our experiments and results.

    For more information, see

  • 16 May 2008, DIP Colloquium, Stelios Virvidakis

    Date & Time: Friday 16 May 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Stelios Virvidakis (Athens)
    Title: Varieties of Quietism
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 May 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Cristina Barés Gómez

    Date & Time: Wednesday 14 May 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Cristina Barés Gómez (Sevilla)
    Title: Meaning in the automatic interpretation process of ancient Northwest
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 9 May 2008, DIP Colloquium, Andrea Gualmini

    Date & Time: Friday 9 May 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Andrea Gualmini (UIL Utrecht)
    Title: Scope Ambiguities in Child Language: Resolution and Dissolution
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 9 May 2008, ILPS Seminar, Julia Luxenburger

    Date & Time: Friday 9 May 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Julia Luxenburger
    Title: Task-aware Search Personalization
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 May - 12 June 2008, Course on "The Epistemic Foundations of Game Theory", Professor Dov Samet

    Date & Time: Thursdays, 8 May - 12 June 2008, 15:00
    Speaker: Professor Dov Samet
    Location: Room P.015B, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    We would like to inform all ILLC members that our current Beth Chair, Professor Dov Samet, will be teaching a short course on "The Epistemic Foundations of Game Theory".

    The course will be concerned with the definition and analysis of the notions of knowledge and belief in game theory focusing on the models used in game theory to describe knowledge and probabilistic belief. MSc students can obtain 3 ECTS credits for following this course. The course will start on May 8, 2008.

    For more information, see

  • 7 May 2008, Logic Tea, Canceled

    Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008
    Speaker: Canceled (was: Salvador Mascarenas)

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 25 April 2008, DIP Colloquium, Hans-Martin Gärtner

    Date & Time: Friday 25 April 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Hans-Martin Gärtner (ZAS Berlin)
    Title: Low risk quantifiers
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 25 April 2008, Leve de Wiskunde

    Date & Time: Friday 25 April 2008, 10:30-16:00
    Location: Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Elk jaar organiseren het Korteweg-de Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde (KdVI) en het Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) van de Universiteit van Amsterdam voor het congres Leve de Wiskunde!. Wetenschappers met passie (waaronder Henkjan Honing) voor het vak vertellen over hun onderzoek in de wiskunde en logica. Op vrijdag 25 april 2008 zijn docenten wiskunde, 6-vwo scholieren en andere belangstellenden van harte welkom.

    Voor meer informatie en aanmelden, zie

  • 23 April 2008, Van moleculen tot mensen. Over de toekomst van de cognitiewetenschappen in Nederland

    Date & Time: Wednesday 23 April 2008, 15:00-17:30
    Location: Science center NEMO, Oosterdok 2, Amsterdam (next to Central Station)

    (Dutch only)
    De KNAW organiseert deze bijeenkomst op woensdag 23 april 2008 naar aanleiding van de aanbieding van het eerste exemplaar van het gelijknamige KNAW-advies door KNAW-President Frits van Oostrom aan minister van OCW dr. Ronald Plasterk en van de keynote speech van prof. dr. Daniel Dennett over de multidisciplinariteit van de cognitiewetenschappen.

    Voor meer informatie en aanmelden:

  • 22 April 2008, DGFIL

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 April 2008, 17:00-
    Title: Discussion of Elizabeth Bates' "Modularity, Domain Specificity and the Development of Language"
    Location: available at Cafe Scheltema, Amsterdam

    The Drinking Group on Fundamental Issues in Linguistics (DGFIL) is aimed to facilitate informal discussion of fundational issues in linguistics between linguists with different views and approaches. Different topics are covered in series: the last one was about language evolution, and the ongoing one is on the modular status of language within cognition, as well as potential modules within language.

    The current meeting is on Elizabeth Bates' "Modularity, Domain Specificity and the Development of Language". available at For more information, please contact

  • 18 April 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Patrick Dehornoy

    Date & Time: Friday 18 April 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Patrick Dehornoy
    Title: Recent progress on the Continuum Hypothesis, after H. Woodin
    Location: Room 267, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station, stop 'AZU').

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 April 2008, ILPS Seminar, Lonneke van der Plas

    Date & Time: Friday 14 April 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Lonneke van der Plas
    Title: Automatic acquisition of lexico-semantic information for question answering
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 18 April 2008, Logic Tea, Michael Morreau, University of Maryland

    Date: Friday 18 April 2008
    Speaker: Michael Morreau, University of Maryland
    Title: Comparative Similarity 17.00-18.00
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    A comparative conception of similarity lies at the foundation of much philosophy. Which of several future persons is you? According to closest-continuer theory, whichever resembles you more closely, overall. Would the match have lit, if struck? Possible-worlds theorists say this depends on what happened in those worlds in which the match was struck, but which are otherwise, overall, most like the actual world.

    I take up the question of how a relation of overall comparative similarity might emerge from a multitude of similarities and differences in various respects. The surprising answer is that, basically, it cannot. Kenneth Arrow's celebrated theorem of social choice shows that the only way to combine several dimensions of comparative similarity into a single overall comparison is for one of the dimensions to be a dictator. This plays havoc with philosophy founded on comparative similarity.

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade (

  • 16 April 2008, Logic Tea, Catarina Dutilh Novaes

    Date & Time: Wednesday 16 April 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Catarina Dutilh Novaes
    Title: Controversies on the notion of Formal/Logical consequence
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 11 April 2008, ILLC/ACLC joint workshop

    Date: Friday 11 April 2008
    Location: Aula Allard Pierson museum, Oude Turfmarkt 127, Amsterdam

    On Friday, April 11 from 14.00 - 17.00, ACLC and ILLC will organize a small joint workshop, the fourth in a row. This time the topic is "Future collaboration". The four collaborative projects that started recently will present themselves, and there will be a general discussion.

    Afterwards, from 17.00 - 18.15 a drink will be organized (in the Café Atrium, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237).

    For more information and a programme, see

  • 4 April 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Michiel van Lambalgen

    Date & Time: Friday 4 April 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Michiel van Lambalgen
    Title: Lawlessness, randomness and the axiom of choice
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 April 2008, DIP Colloquium, Arjen Zondervan

    Date & Time: Friday 4 April 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Arjen Zondervan (UIL Utrecht)
    Title: Experiments on the role of the Question Under Discussion for ambiguity resolution and implicature computation in adults
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 April 2008, ILPS Seminar, Frank van Gils

    Date & Time: Friday 4 April 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Frank van Gils
    Title: PodVinder: Spoken Document Retrieval for Dutch Pod- and Vodcasts
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 3-4 April 2008, "Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning" (Symposium at AISB 2008), Aberdeen, Scotland

    Date: 3-4 April 2008
    Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
    Deadline: 9 January 2008

    In the past years, logicians have become more and more interested in the phenomenon of interaction. The area "logic and games" deals with the transition from the static logical paradigm of formal proof and derivation to the dynamic world of intelligent interaction and its logical models. A number of conferences and workshops have been dealing with logic in game and decision theory and dynamic logics with announcement and action operations. Fruitful technical advances have led to deep insights into the nature of communicative interaction and behaviour by logicians.

    While these interactive aspects are relatively new to logicians, on a rather different level, modelling intelligent interaction has been an aspect of the practical work of computer game designers, researchers in artificial intelligence, robotics, and human-machine interaction for a long time. The practical aspects of simulating interaction and behaviour reach out to a wide interdisciplinary field including psychology and cognitive science.

    So far, there are only a few cross-links between these two communities. Our symposium will explore the possibilities of joining the theoretical approach to interaction and communication with the practical approach to simulating behaviour. We would like to include purely logical aspects, cognitive and psychological aspects (including empirical testing of formal models), and pragmatic aspects.

    This symposium is sponsored by the ILLC GLoRiClass project.

    For more information, see or

  • 2 April 2008, Logic Tea, Edgar Andrade

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 April 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Edgar Andrade
    Title: On some formalisations of Aristotelian Logic
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 2 April 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Michael Klein

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 April 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Michael Klein (Radboud University Nijmegen)
    Title: Computational Modelling of Meaning Processing in the Brain
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 31 March 2008, PROSE Colloquium, Rob van Glabbeek

    Date & Time: Monday 31 March 2008, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Rob van Glabbeek (NICTA)
    Title: Characterizing Testing Preorders for Finite Probabilistic Processes
    Location: Room 6.29, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 28 March 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Michael Rathjen

    Date & Time: Friday 28 March 2008, 14:00-15:00
    Speaker: Michael Rathjen
    Title: "Models" for intuitionistic set theories
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 28 March 2008, ILPS Seminar, Frans Wiering

    Date & Time: Friday 28 March 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Frans Wiering
    Title: WITCHCRAFT: melody retrieval in Dutch folksongs
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 28 March 2008, DIP Colloquium, Postponed

    Date: Friday 28 March 2008
    Speaker: Postponed (was: Nathan Klinedinst)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 March 2008, PROSE Colloquium, Paul van Tilburg

    Date & Time: Thursday 27 March 2008, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Paul van Tilburg
    Title: Finite Equational Bases for Fragments of CCS with Restriction and Relabelling
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 26 March 2008, Logic Tea, Rosja Mastop

    Date & Time: Wednesday 26 March 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Rosja Mastop (Utrecht)
    Title: Doing away with the force-content distinction
    Location: Room I.001, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170 (ground floor)

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 25-27 March 2008, Workshop on "Modal Fixpoint Logics", Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 25-27 March 2008
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 February 2008

    Modal fixpoint logics constitute a research field of considerable interest, not only because of their many applications, but also because of their rich logical/mathematical theory. Systems such as LTL, PDL, CTL, and the modal mu-calculus, originate from computer science, and are for instance applied in the theory of program specification and verification. The richness of their theory stems from the deep connections with various fields in logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science, such as lattices and universal (co-)algebra, modal logic, automata, and game theory.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from various backgrounds, in particular, computer scientists and pure logicians, who share an interest in the area. The invited talks together will represent an overview of the richness of the theory of modal fixpoint logics.

    For more information, see

  • 14 March 2008, DIP Colloquium, Nausicaa Pouscoulous

    Date & Time: Friday 14 March 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Nausicaa Pouscoulous (MPI Leipzig)
    Title: Pragmatic Inferences in Young Children
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 March 2008, ILPS Seminar, Robin Aly

    Date & Time: Friday 14 March 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Robin Aly
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 March 2008, ILPS Seminar, Christof Monz

    Date & Time: Friday 14 March 2008, 10:45-11:30
    Speaker: Christof Monz
    Title: How wide is your World Wide Web?
    Location: Room F.013, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 March 2008, MiniSalt

    Date: Friday 14 March 2008
    Location: Utrecht

    Quite a few researchers from Utrecht and Amsterdam will present their work at Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) this year. There will be a joint try-out session this Friday March 14th.

    For more information, see and

  • 13 March 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Theo Offerman

    Date & Time: Thursday 13 March 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Theo Offerman
    Title: Noisy Signaling: Theory and Experiment
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 7 March 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Nicolas Maudet

    Date & Time: Friday 7 March 2008, 16:15
    Speaker: Nicolas Maudet
    Title: Communication Complexity of Distributed Resource Allocation Processes
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 6 March 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Werner Raub

    Date & Time: Thursday 6 March 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Werner Raub (Utrecht University)
    Title: Trust in social and economic exchange: game-theoretic models and empirical evidence
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 4 March 2008, DIP Colloquium, Raj Singh

    Date & Time: Tuesday 4 March 2008, 13:30-15:00
    Speaker: Raj Singh (MIT)
    Title: Economy and Intermediate Accommodation
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 February 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Dag Westerstahl

    Date & Time: Friday 29 February 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Dag Westerstahl
    Title: Quantifiers, freezing, possessives, and compositionality
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 February 2008, DIP Colloquium, Bart Geurts

    Date & Time: Friday 29 February 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Bart Geurts (Nijmegen)
    Title: Piggyback pronouns
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 February 2008, ILPS Seminar, MM's G-log Gang

    Date & Time: Friday 29 February 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: MM's G-log Gang
    Title: G-Logs
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    Marc Makkes' talk on 'Detecting and normalizing named entities in Dutch reactions to news' which would have taken place before 'G-Logs' was canceled.

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 February 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Joakim Nivre (Växjö University and Uppsala University)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 February 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Joakim Nivre (Växjö University and Uppsala University)
    Title: Inductive Dependency Parsing of Natural Language Text
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see here or, or contact

  • 26-28 February 2008, GLLC 15 : The Dynamics of Preferences and Intentions, Various Locations, Universiteit van Amsterdam

    Date: 26-28 February 2008
    Location: Various Locations, Universiteit van Amsterdam

    After having focused for years on issues related to knowledge, beliefs and action in rational decision making, many logicians have recently taken the natural next step to the study of preferences and intentions, including the dynamics of how they change. By doing so logic approaches other well-established areas of research, ranging from Bayesian epistemology to action, decision and game theory.

    This 15th edition of the well-known series of workshops Games, Logic, Language, and Computation will bring together logicians, philosophers, computer scientists, and economists to share their expertise, find unifying themes and methods, and create a new interdisciplinary research network.

    The workshop will be hosted by the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam, on the 26, 27 and 28 of Februay 2008. The workshop will also coincide with the PhD defenses of Fenrong Liu (Beijing) and Olivier Roy (Quebec), on February 26.

    For more information, see:

  • 22 February 2008, DIP Colloquium, Wang Lu

    Date & Time: Friday 22 February 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Wang Lu (Beijjing)
    Title: Wittgenstein's 'Way of Thinking'
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 22 February 2008, Beat Induction: Finding the Meter, Patrick de Kok, Gijs Kruitbosch and Nadya Peek

    Date & Time: Friday 22 February 2008, 15:00
    Speaker: Patrick de Kok, Gijs Kruitbosch and Nadya Peek
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or contact Leigh Smith ().

  • 21 February 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Marco Dall'Aglio

    Date & Time: Thursday 21 February 2008, 11:00
    Speaker: Marco Dall'Aglio
    Title: A Model of Cooperation in Fair Division
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 21 February 2008, KNAW 'Magie van de Wetenschap', Henkjan Honing

    Date: Thursday 21 February 2008
    Speaker: Henkjan Honing
    Title: Ritmegevoel: aangeboren, aangeleerd of afgeleerd?

    In de reeks 'Magie van wetenschap' i.h.k.v. tweehonderd jaar Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (KNAW), geeft Henkjan Honing op 21 februari a.s. een lunchlezing voor een breed publiek over Wetenschap en Kunst.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 21-25 February 2008, 9th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland

    Date: 21-25 February 2008
    Location: Szklarska Poreba, Poland
    Deadline: 1 January 2008

    This is to announce the ninth installment of the workshop that takes linguists and experimental philosophers to the ski slopes. It will be held February 21-25 2008, on the mountaintop Szrenica, Poland (the same location as every year).

    The workshop aims to bring together linguists, philosophers, logicians, and all others interested in the semantics and pragmatics of natural language. This year the theme is Complexity and Language - as usual this 'hot topic' should not exclude submissions on other subjects, but talks relating typical Szklarska Poreba concerns to complexity are especially welcome. We prefer new and original ideas, even if the material is not fully ripe and the presentation still tentative.

    The possibility exists to hire cross-country skis, however we need to know in advance who would be interested and (crucially) how big their feet are.

    For more information, see or here.

  • 20 February 2008, Logic Tea, Gideon Borensztajn

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 February 2008, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Gideon Borensztajn
    Title: Do children's grammars grow more abstract with age?
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Joel Uckelmann () or Edgar Andrade ().

  • 20 February 2008, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Jacqueline van Kampen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 February 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Jacqueline van Kampen
    Title: (Modeling) the steps of early syntax acquisition
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 15 February 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Samson Abramsky

    Date & Time: Friday 15 February 2008, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Samson Abramsky
    Title: Full Completeness
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 February 2008, DIP Colloquium, Øystein Nilsen & Jakub Dotlačil

    Date & Time: Friday 15 February 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Øystein Nilsen & Jakub Dotlačil (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics)
    Title: Reciprocals, the strongest meaning hypothesis, and the excluded
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 February 2008, ILPS Seminar, Wouter Weerkamp

    Date & Time: Friday 15 February 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Wouter Weerkamp
    Title: More ways to look at things
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 February 2008, Colloquium muziekwetenschap, Michiel Schuijer

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 February 2008, 15:30
    Speaker: Michiel Schuijer
    Title: De open harmonieleer en de kunst van het tellen
    Location: Zaal 301, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, Amsterdam

    (dutch only)
    Deze lezing gaat over de vraag hoeveel verschillende akkoorden denkbaar zijn in een universum van 12 tonen. Niet dat deze vraag nog op een antwoord wacht. Tussen 1850 en nu hebben onderzoekers degelijke protocollen bedacht voor het classificeren en tellen van deze akkoorden. Maar hun antwoorden lopen uiteen, afhankelijk van de intu~ties over akkoordverwantschap die eraan ten grondslag liggen.

    Om die intu~ties gaat het hier - en om de beweegredenen van vooral de muzikaal bezielde onderzoekers: wat heeft een componist of harmonieleraar gemotiveerd om een volledige catalogus aan te leggen van akkoorden tot en met 12 tonen? Vanuit deze invalshoek zullen de akkoordcatalogi van Ernst Bacon (1917), Bruno Weigl (1922), Fritz Heinrich Klein (1925) en anderen bestudeerd en met elkaar vergeleken worden.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 14 February 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Gerhard Jäger

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 February 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Gerhard Jäger (Bielefeld)
    Title: Semantic rationalizability
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 13 February 2008, Gloriclass Halftime Event

    Date & Time: Wednesday 13 February 2008, 9:30-17:30
    Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, Amsterdam

    The Marie Curie Research Training Site GLoRiClass took up its work in February 2006. Now it's coming up to the half-way point. So we shall have a public event to mark this: the GLoRiClass Half Time Event.

    On February 13, 2008, we will celebrate this event. The location, in Amsterdam, will be announced shortly.

    For more information, see

  • 11 February 2008, Logic, Language, and Reasoning Seminar, Johan van Benthem

    Date & Time: Monday 11 February 2008, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Johan van Benthem
    Title: Logic and Psychology: Do the Facts Matter?
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Is logic about real human reasoning, or about the pure mathematics of valid consequence relations? Frege's famous 'anti-psychologism' drew a sharp distinction, right at a time when modern pyschology started developing exciting ideas about informal and mathematical reasoning. I will argue that such 'barrier theses' are otiose - and that, fortunately, they do not work, since there is an interesting reality of contacts between logic and empirical cognitive science. My examples come mainly from 'natural logic', while I survey some other contacts.

    For more information, see

  • 8 February 2008, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Jérôme Lang

    Date & Time: Friday 8 February 2008, 16:00
    Speaker: Jérôme Lang (Toulouse)
    Title: Sequential Voting in Multi-issue Domains
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 7 February 2008, GLoRiClass Seminar, Jérôme Lang

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 February 2008, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Jérôme Lang (Toulouse)
    Title: From belief change to preference change
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 2 February 2008, Lezingencyclus Mondriaanhuis, Remko Scha

    Date & Time: Saturday 2 February 2008, 20:00
    Speaker: Remko Scha
    Title: Abstractie en toevalskunst
    Location: Mondriaanhuis, Kortegracht 11, Amersfoort
  • 1 February 2008, ILPS Seminar, Suzan Verberne

    Date & Time: Friday 1 February 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Suzan Verberne
    Title: Improving why-QA: re-ranking answers using syntactic features
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 25 January 2008, Opening of exhibition "Installation Wiederholte Spiegelungen/Repeated Reflections" by Tine Wilde

    Date & Time: Friday 25 January 2008, 17:00-19:00
    Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, Amsterdam in the foyer of the Doelenzaal

    The exhibition will be officially opened by the director of the UB, Nol Verhagen, and will remain open until February 10th, 2008.

    For more information, see

  • 18 January 2008, DIP Colloquium, Veneeta Dayal

    Date & Time: Friday 18 January 2008, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Veneeta Dayal (Rutgers)
    Title: Supplemental and Numeral Any
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 18 January 2008, ILPS Seminar, Driek Heesakkers

    Date & Time: Friday 18 January 2008, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Driek Heesakkers
    Title: Harvesting video material from different sources: OAI repositories and the Triple L project
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 January 2008, Lezingencyclus Mondriaanhuis, Ali Enayat

    Date & Time: Saturday 12 January 2008, 20:00
    Speaker: Ali Enayat
    Title: A Mathematician~s Ruminations on Abstraction and Beauty
    Location: Mondriaanhuis, Kortegracht 11, Amersfoort
  • 11 January 2008, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Ali Enayat

    Date & Time: Friday 11 January 2008, 10:00-11:00
    Speaker: Ali Enayat
    Title: Nonstandard Omega-standard Models of Finite Set Theory
    Location: Room 267, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station, stop 'AZU').

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 11 January 2008, Symposium on Logic and Physics, Utrecht, Utrecht

    Date: 11 January 2008
    Location: Utrecht

    The topic of this symposium is situated at the current interface between Logic and the Foundations of Physics. The aim is to look at already-established, as well as new connections between the two fields, within the context of recent work on logics of space, time, action and information flow, with an eye towards a wider philosophical perspective.

    Due to the interdisciplinary nature, the symposium is intended to be of interest to logicians, physicists, philosophers of physics as well as to computer scientists.

    For more information and the on-line programme see

Calls for Paper

  • 11-12 December 2008, Trends in Logic VI: Logic and the foundations of physics, Brussels, Belgium

    Date: 11-12 December 2008
    Location: Brussels, Belgium
    Deadline: 15 September 2008

    The main goal of this conference is to present current trends situated at the interface of Logic and the Foundations of Physics. The conference will bring together researchers from both fields, giving them a forum to present new developments, exchange ideas, explore and establish new connections between logic and physics. On the one hand, we are interested in technical contributions on the use of new methods and techniques coming from logic, computation and information theory to axiomatize and model physical theories and to reason about their concepts, phenomena and/or applications. On the other hand, we are interested in contributions coming from the foundations and philosophy of physics dealing with the general conceptual framework and with questions of interpretation. In particular, we solicit contributions that merge new developments in logic and physics, focusing for instance on how the use of techniques from logic can be combined with insights in physics to yield a new perspective on the main foundational issues and open problems in modern physics.

    For more information, see

    We invite contributions on the subjects of this conference. Please send your submission in PDF format, not exceeding 2 pages, by September 15, 2008.

  • 9-11 December 2008, FSTTCS (Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science) 2008, Bangalore, India

    Date: 9-11 December 2008
    Location: Bangalore, India
    Deadline: 7 July 2008

    FSTTCS (Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science) is an annual international conference held in India. This year, it will be held in Bangalore, India, from December 9 to December 11, 2008. In the more than 25 years of existence, it has had a long tradition of excellent invited talks and high quality submissions. As an added attraction, this year's conference is colocated with APLAS 2008 (Sixth Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems).

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is July 7th, 2008..

  • 9-13 December 2008, The 18th Workshop on Logic-based methods in programming environments (WLPE 2008), Udine (Italy)

    Date: 9-13 December 2008
    Location: Udine (Italy)
    Deadline: 15 September 2008

    The 18th Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments will take place in Udine (Italy), as a satellite workshop of ICLP 2008, the 24th International Conference on Logic Programming. This workshop will continue the series of successful international workshops on logic programming environments held since 1989. The workshop aims at providing an informal meeting for researchers working on logic-based methods and tools which support program development and analysis. This year, we plan to continue and consolidate the shift in focus from environmental tools for logic programming to logic-based environmental tools for programming in general, so that this workshop can be possibly interesting for a wider scientific community. In addition to papers describing more conceptual and theoretical work, the call for papers will solicit papers describing the implementation of, and the experience with, such tools.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 15 September 2008.

  • 5-7 December 2008, 4th Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference (AP-CAP 2008), Bangalore, India

    Date: 5-7 December 2008
    Location: Bangalore, India
    Deadline: 15 September 2008

    AP-CAP 2008 is part of the series of conferences organised by the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP, This is the first time this conference is being held in India. As with the other CAP conferences, AP-CAP 2008 will deal with all aspects of the "computational turn" that is occurring through the interaction of the disciplines of philosophy and computing. However, there are also some specific themes which would be the focus of this meet. The themes are:

    (*) Contemporary issues in philosophy of information and computation
    (*) Computation, algorithm and mathematics
    (*) Computation and algorithms in Indian mathematics and linguistics
    (*) Indian logic and its relationship with computation/computer science
    (*) Culture and information technologies

    For more information, see or contact Prof. Sundar Sarukkai at .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submission of abstracts (no more than 1,000 words) is September 15, 2008.

  • 23-27 November 2008, 15th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR 2008), Doha (Qatar)

    Date: 23-27 November 2008
    Location: Doha (Qatar)
    Deadline: 26 May 2008

    The series of International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) is a forum where, year after year, some of the most renowned researchers in the areas of automated reasoning, computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to present cutting-edge results, to discuss advances in these fields, and to exchange ideas in a scientifically emerging part of the world. The 2008 edition will be held in Doha, Qatar, on the premises of the Qatar campus of Carnegie Mellon University.

    For more information, see

    Submission of papers for presentation at the conference is now invited. Submission deadline is 6 June 2008.

  • CfP Special Issue "Information and Computation" on "Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications"

    Deadline: 31 May 2009

    Constructive modal logics and type theories are of increasing foundational and practical relevance in computer science. Applications are in type disciplines for programming languages, and meta-logics for reasoning about a variety of computational phenomena. Theoretical and methodological issues center around the question of how the proof-theoretic strengths of constructive logics can best be combined with the model-theoretic strengths of modal logics. Practical issues center around the question of which modal connectives with associated laws or proof rules capture computational phenomena accurately and at the right level of abstraction and how to implement these efficiently.

    There have been a series of LICS-affiliated workshops devoted to the theme. The first one was held as part of FLoC1999, Trento, Italy, the second was part of FLoC2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, the third was associated with LiCS2005, Chicago, USA and the last one was associated with LICS 2008 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Two special issues of journals on the theme have already appeared, in 2001 and 2004. We are hereby soliciting papers for a further special volume of Information and Computation, devoted to Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications. We hope to cover the novel applications presented in the last two workshops, especially applications to computer security, automated deduction and computational linguistics, but also to include work not presented at the workshops.

    Papers (preferably under 20 pages long) should be submitted by 31st May 2009. For more information, see here or contact one of the editors (Valeria de Paiva or Brigitte Pientka ).

  • 14-16 November 2008, Arché/CSMN Graduate Conference, Oslo, Norway

    Date: 14-16 November 2008
    Location: Oslo, Norway
    Deadline: 1 September 2008

    Arché, the Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology, and CSMN, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, are pleased to announce the fifth in a series of graduate conferences aimed at showcasing international graduate work in contemporary analytic philosophy, especially in the areas of Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, and Metaphysics.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submissions: September 1., 2008

  • Special issue of "IEEE Transactions on Systems Man And Cybernetics" on "Game Theory"

    Deadline: 15 December 2008

    Game theory is a formal framework with a set of mathematical tools to study the complex interactions among interdependent rational players. For more than half a century, computational game theory has led to revolutionary changes in economics, and has found important applications in politics, sociology, psychology, communication, transportation, biology.

    Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT) is a solid basis for understanding learning and constructing new learning algorithms. The Replicator Equations will appear to be an interesting model to study learning in various settings. This model consists of a system of differential equations describing how a population (or a probability distribution) of strategies evolves over time, and plays a central role in biological and economical models. Thus, EGT is an integral part of AI.

    The aim of this issue is to bring together the state-of-the-art research contributions that address the fundamentals and sound theoretical models of game theory and the major opportunities and challenges of applying game theory to solving real problems in industry, biology, medicine, communications, and other disciplines.

    For more information, see

    We seek original completed and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/magazine. Deadline for manuscript submission: Dec. 15, 2008.

  • 5-7 November 2008, Logic Now and Then, Brussels, Belgium

    Date: 5-7 November 2008
    Location: Brussels, Belgium
    Costs: 35 EUR (early)/50 EUR (late)
    Deadline: 1 September 2008

    The Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics and Phonology (CRISSP) in Brussels is pleased to announce the first Brussels Conference on Natural Logic. The theme of this year's conference is Logic Now and Then.

    For more information, see

    For this conference we welcome papers that bring history and modern logic together against the background of natural language, or submissions on the methodological or philosophical aspects of the relation between logic and language or language use, but papers that are specifically historical or specifically systematic are also welcome. Submission deadline: September 1, 2008

  • 26-30 October 2008, 19th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA-2008), Salvador, Brazil

    Date: 26-30 October 2008
    Location: Salvador, Brazil
    Deadline: 17 March 2008

    SBIA is the leading conference in Brazil for presentation of research and applications in Artificial Intelligence. Since 1995, SBIA has become an international conference, with papers written in English, international program committee and keynote speakers, and proceedings published in the LNAI series of Springer-Verlag. Since 1996, SBIA is a biennial event.

    As has occurred since 2002, the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA) and the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (SBRN) will be collocated, this time also with the Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Robotics (JRI)

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 17 March 2008.
  • 26-27 October 2008, NatuReS 2008 (Nature Inspired Reasoning for the Semantic Web), Karlsruhe (Germany)

    Date: 26-27 October 2008
    Location: Karlsruhe (Germany)
    Deadline: 25 July 2008

    This workshop will be held as part of the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008). The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the Semantic Web community with more Nature inspired communities, such as the people interested in Computational Intelligence (CI), Neural Networks and to discuss current trends in Semantic Web.

    For more information, see

    We encourage the submission of papers investigating the use of nature inspired techniques to address knowledge representation and reasoning problems. Submission deadline is 25 July 2008.

  • 21-24 October 2008, Foundations of the Formal Sciences VII (FotFS VII): Bringing Together Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

    Date: 21-24 October 2008
    Speaker: S. Fuller (Warwick), Ch. Greiffenhagen (Manchester), H. Kalthoff (Friedrichshafen), J. McAllister (Leiden), R. Tobies (Braunschweig)
    Location: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
    Deadline: 15 July 2008

    Both philosophy and sociology of science aim at understanding the workings of scientific endeavour. Despite their different emphasis and possibly methodology, they deal with the same subject matter. And yet, they seem to be worlds apart. The study of sociology of science is strongly influenced by the continental tradition, whereas the philosophy of science has been the near exclusive playground for analytic approaches. There is also the central issue of the so-called "science wars": the question of the the proper relationship between humanities and natural sciences. In the early days, the sociology of science explicitly set its task as being complementary to that of philosophy, but current sociology of science focuses on social organization, epistemic content and cultural aspects of science, breaking down the barrier respected by their ancestors, resulting in an approach seemingly incompatible and openly at odds with that of philosophy of science.

    The good news is that, in the course of the last few decades, steps have been taken towards a (partial) reconciliation. We see our conference FotFS VII as part of this process, bringing sociological aspects into philosophy of science and philosophical aspects into sociology of science, by bringing together researchers from both areas.

    For more information, see The conference is co-located with the workshop PhiMSAMP-4 (25-26 october 2008).

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submission: 15 July 2008

  • 20 October 2008, Game Theory in Communication Networks (GameComm 2008), Athens, Greece

    Date: 20 October 2008
    Location: Athens, Greece
    Deadline: 10 June 2008

    The Workshop on Game theory in Communication networks (GameComm) is a one-day meeting held in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS'08,

    The distributed nature of wireline and wireless communication networks gives rise to many challenges related to their analysis, control, and management. The selfish nature of users, development of decentralized control mechanisms, and fair allocation of system resources are among major issues in networks research. Consequently, game theoretic methods are increasingly utilized to gain a deeper understanding of these complex problems and systems. Specifically, game theoretic models have been used in the context of Internet pricing, flow and congestion control, routing, power control, and recently security, among many other topics. The application of game theory to communication networks has attracted researchers from a variety of disciplines, including computer science, operations research, control theory, and economics.

    This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are interested in all aspects of the application game theory to the analysis and design of communication networks. The goal is to display the state-of-the-art in this evolving field, as well as stir discussion and outline possible directions for further progress.

    For more information, see

    The GameComm 2008 workshop solicits technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research on all aspects of game theoretical analysis as it applies to communication networks. Submission deadline: June 10, 2008. Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Telecommunication Systems Journal dedicated to GameComm 2008.

  • 9-10 October 2008, Formal Modeling in Social Epistemology, Tilburg, Netherlands

    Date: 9-10 October 2008
    Location: Tilburg, Netherlands
    Deadline: 15 August 2008

    Social epistemology is a relatively new and booming field of research. It studies the social dimension of the pursuit of acquiring true beliefs and requires philosophical as well as sociological and economical expertise. The insights gained in social epistemology are not only of theoretical interest -- they also improve our understanding of social and political processes as the field includes the analysis of group deliberation and group decision making. Surprisingly, little work has yet been done on the epistemic properties of group deliberation, belief aggregation and decision-making procedures. This workshop aims at closing this gap with the help of formal models that ideally combine representational adequacy with instructive analytical results. To this end, we welcome contributions from all relevant fields of research.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of extended abstracts of up to 1500 words through our automatic submission system by 1 August 2008. Decisions will be made by 15 August 2008.

  • 3-4 October 2008, Philosophy's Relevance in Information Science, Conference, Paderborn, Germany

    Date: 3-4 October 2008
    Location: Paderborn, Germany
    Deadline: 15 August 2008

    The conference aims to present the multilayered reciprocal effects between philosophical basic reflection and applied research in the context of Philosophy and Information Science. It adresses a larger public and offers a forum of discussion between experts from different specialist areas.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is August 15, 2008.

  • 28 September - 1 October 2008, JELIA 2008 (11th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence), , Dresden, Germany

    Date: 28 September - 1 October 2008
    Location: Dresden, Germany
    Deadline: 2 June 2008

    The JELIA conference series is the main European forum devoted to logics in Artificial Intelligence (AI). As the latest edition of this biannual series, JELIA 2008 aims at bringing together researchers interested in all aspects of logics in AI, including their theory, applications of both theoretical and practical nature, and systems. As its predecessors, JELIA 2008 strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilisation of ideas between researchers from various disciplines, between researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.

    Further information about JELIA 2008 is available at

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in all areas related to the use of Logics in AI. Deadline for submission: 2nd June 2008

  • 19-21 September 2008, Diagrams 2008: 5th International Conference on the Theory and
    Application of Diagrams, Herrsching, Germany

    Date: 19-21 September 2008
    Location: Herrsching, Germany
    Deadline: 20 March 2008

    Diagrams is an international and interdisciplinary conference series, covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of diagrams.

    Recent technological advances have enabled the large-scale adoption of diagrams in a diverse range of areas. Increasingly sophisticated visual representations are emerging and, to enable effective communication, insight is required into how diagrams are used and when they are appropriate for use. The pervasive, everyday use of diagrams for communicating information and ideas serves to illustrate the importance of providing a sound understanding of the role that diagrams can, and do, play. Research in the field of diagrams aims to improve our understanding of the role of diagrams, sketches and other visualisations in communication, computation, cognition, creative thought, and problem solving. These concerns have triggered a surge of interest in the study of diagrams.

    The study of diagrammatic communication as a whole must be pursued as an interdisciplinary endeavour. Diagrams 2008 is the fifth event in this conference series, which was launched in Edinburgh during September 2000. Diagrams attracts a large number of researchers from virtually all related fields, placing the conference as a major international event in the area.

    For more information, see

    Diagrams 2008 will consist of sessions including presentations of refereed papers, posters and tutorial sessions. We invite submissions of long and short research papers, posters and tutorial proposals that focus on any aspect of diagrams research. Submission deadline for abstracts is 20th March 2008.

  • 18-19 September 2008, 1st International Workshop on Language Diversity and the Acquisition of Linguistic Semantic Knowledge, Wroclaw, Poland

    Date: 18-19 September 2008
    Location: Wroclaw, Poland
    Deadline: 27 March 2008

    The proportion of Web pages written in English keeps decreasing, but a majority of text-handling tools and techniques have been developed for English and tested on English resources. Many languages have been reasonably well served by the existing systems, but large typological differences (complex morphology, rich inflection, freer-order syntax, not to mention cultural biases) tend to make those tools and resources less than fully adequate. This may be particularly true of deeper processing, including the acquisition of natural language semantics from text.

    The workshop seeks to explore methodologies developed from scratch for a variety of languages, and perhaps their reapplication to the processing of English texts. We target the problem of automatic extraction of some form of natural language semantics from corpora and application of the knowledge extracted in that way in systems that deal with natural language.

    The workshop is affiliated with the 6th International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions on topics in the general spirit of the workshop. Work on any language is welcome; we particularly encourage submissions related to "less privileged" languages. The workshop will be held in English. To suit the host conference, papers on applications of the semantic knowledge extracted from text will also be considered; such applications include machine translation, parsing, sentiment analysis, information retrieval, information extraction, and text mining. Submission deadline is March 27, 2008.

  • 15-20 September 2008, Computer Science Logic 2008 (CSL 2008), Bertinoro (Bologna), Italy

    Date: 15-20 September 2008
    Location: Bertinoro (Bologna), Italy
    Deadline: 28 March 2008

    Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is March 28, 2008.

  • 15 September 2008 (submission deadline), Special Issue of the Mathematical Logic Quarterly on "Logic and Complexity within Computational Social Choice"

    Date: 15 September 2008 (submission deadline)
    Deadline: 15 September 2008

    The focus of this special issue is on logic and complexity within computational social choice. For example, while it is known from (classical) social choice theory that essentially all natural voting systems are manipulable in principle, recent research results have shown that computational complexity can be used to protect, to some extent, certain election systems against attempts of changing an election's outcome, i.e., these systems can be shown to be resistant to (various types of) manipulation, procedural control, or bribery. As two examples regarding the use of logic within computational social choice, we mention the logic-based specification and verification of social procedures and the compact representation of preferences via logic-based languages.

    Original research papers (and also survey papers) related to any aspects of applying logic or computational complexity to issues arising in computational social choice are sought.

    For more information, see

  • 10-14 September 2008, "Logic of change, change of logic", Prague, Czech Republic

    Date: 10-14 September 2008
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 15 May 2008

    Tools from logic and mathematics have played a central role in models of human beliefs, of human desires and preferences and indeed the actions which are based on them. However, beliefs, preferences and perhaps even desires change. Thus the development, which has been greatly accelerated in recent times, of extensions of the logical and mathematical techniques to account for the problems of change. However, as different paradigms (AGM theory and dynamic logic in the 'logic' camp, Bayesian update and Jeffrey conditionalisation in the probability camp, to take just a few examples of theories of belief change) jostle to impose themselves, it is perhaps the moment to take a step back and ask: what do we want from a theory of change?

    This question-as philosophical and methodological as it is technical-is at the heart of this colloquium / workshop. The aim is to bring together specialists working on the problem of attitude change, from a wide range of paradigms, to present and discuss their views on the objectives of theories of change. The ambition is to identify the main issues for theories of change, and clarify the major positions one could hold concerning the project of understanding or modelling attitude change.

    For more information, see the conference website at or contact .

    Philosophical and methodological contributions, and technical contributions with methodological or philosophical reflections are welcome. Deadline for submissions (extended): 15 May 2008.

  • 8-12 September 2008, Eleventh International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue (TSD 2008), Brno, Czech Republic

    Date: 8-12 September 2008
    Location: Brno, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 15 March 2008

    The TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in both spoken and written language processing from the former East Block countries and their Western colleagues. The Proceedings of TSD will be published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.

    For more information, see or contact Dana Hlavackova at .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is March 15, 2008.

  • 8-11 September 2008, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2008, Siena, Italy

    Date: 8-11 September 2008
    Location: Siena, Italy
    Deadline: 30 April 2008

    Mathematical Fuzzy Logic is a subdiscipline of Mathematical Logic which studies the notion of comparative truth. The assumption that "truth comes in degrees" has revealed very useful in many, both theoretical and applied, areas of Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy.

    Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees is the first official meeting of the recently founded EUSFLAT Working Group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic. The main goal of this meeting is to foster collaboration between researchers in the area of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

    For further information please visit the official web page of the conference: All correspondence should be directed to .

    If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit a 1-2 page abstract at The deadline for contributions is 30 April 2008.

  • 8-11 September 2008, Games 2008, Warsaw, Poland

    Date: 8-11 September 2008
    Location: Warsaw, Poland
    Deadline: 30 June 2008

    Games 2008 is the Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification. As in previous years, GAMES 2008 will be an informal workshop, without proceedings, with a programme consisting of invited tutorials (90 min), contributed talks (30 min) and short presentations (15 min). Contributed talks and short presentations will be selected by the programme committee on the basis of submitted abstracts.

    For more information, see

    Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract of up to two pages to by 30th June 2008. Submissions can contain work published elsewhere.

  • 4-6 September 2008, British Logic Colloquium 2008, Nottingham

    Date: 4-6 September 2008
    Location: Nottingham
    Deadline: 31 July 2008

    The British Logic Colloquium 2008 will be held on September 4-6, 2008 on the Jubilee Campus of the University of Nottingham.

    See for more details. There is a limited number of grants available for students who wish to attend. Deadline for grant applications is the 1st of July.

    Contributed Talks: We invite contributed talks on any aspect of logic. Please send submissions to the organiser. Deadline: 31 July 2008.

  • 25 - 27 August 2008, The 4rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08) and the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'08), Jinan, China

    Date: 25 - 27 August 2008
    Location: Jinan, China
    Deadline: 10 April 2008

    The joint ICNC'08-FSKD'08 will be held in Jinan, China. Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province, which is known for the home of Confucius, the Taishan Mountain, and the Baotu Spring.

    ICNC'08-FSKD'08 aims to provide an international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of intelligent methods inspired from nature, including biological, ecological, and physical systems, with applications to data mining, manufacturing, design, and more. It is an exciting and emerging interdisciplinary area in which a wide range of techniques and methods are being studied for dealing with large, complex, and dynamic problems. Previously, the joint conferences in 2005,2006 and 2007 each attracted over 3000 submissions from more than 30 countries.

    For more information, see

    Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts written in English. All accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by the IEEE and will be indexed by both EI and ISTP. Further- more, extended versions of selected papers will be published in a special issue of Soft Computing: An International Journal (SCI indexed). Deadline for submissions is (extended to) 10 April 2008.

  • 25-28 August 2008, Unconventional Computation (UC 2008), Vienna, Austria

    Date: 25-28 August 2008
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    Deadline: 14 April 2008

    The series of International Conferences UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTATION (UC) is devoted to all aspects of unconventional computation, theory as well as experiments and applications. Typical, but not exclusive, topics are: natural computing including quantum, cellular, molecular, neural and evolutionary computing; chaos and dynamical systems based computing; and various proposals for computations that go beyond the Turing model.

    For more information, see

    Original papers are solicited in all such areas of unconventional computation. Submissions Due: April 14th, 2008

  • 21-26 August 2008, 6th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 6), Krakow, Poland

    Date: 21-26 August 2008
    Location: Krakow, Poland
    Deadline: 29 February 2008

    Organized every three years since 1993 by the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, ESAP, these meetings aim at establishing contacts and encouraging collaboration among European analytic philosophers. The forthcoming Congress is locally organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University and the Polish Association of Logic and Philosophy of Science. Its site, Krakow, is widely regarded to be one of the most important European must see places with a unique atmosphere.

    For more information and a registration form, please visit the official website of the Congress at

    Registered participants are invited to contribute papers to the Congress. A one-page abstract, written according to the guidelines specified on the website, must be uploaded to the registration form by February 29th 2008.

  • 21-24 August 2008, CCA 2008: Computability and Complexity in Analysis, Hagen, Germany

    Date: 21-24 August 2008
    Location: Hagen, Germany
    Deadline: 26 May 2008

    The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. Despite remarkable progress in recent years many important fundamental problems have not yet been studied, and presumably numerous unexpected and surprising results are waiting to be detected. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit a PDF version of an extended abstract (typically 10-12 pages). Submission deadline: May 26, 2008.

  • 11- 15 August 2008, Workshop on Logic and Intelligent Interaction, ESSLLI Workshop at Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 11- 15 August 2008
    Location: ESSLLI Workshop at Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 8 March 2008

    There is a fast-growing interest in logics that deal with intelligent interaction in communities of agents. There is also a fast-growing jungle of formal systems. The workshop is dedicated to promising recent convergences, trying to foster a common sense of what is going on.

    For more information, see

    Researchers from various fields including logic, game theory, artificial intelligence, philosophy, linguistics, and cognitive science are invited to submit a paper describing original or recently published work. Deadline for submissions is March 8, 2008.

  • 10-11 August 2008, IJCAR'08 Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning First Call for Papers

    Date: 10-11 August 2008
    Deadline: 27 May 2008

    The first Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning will be held in August 2008, in Sydney, Australia. PAAR will be associated with the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR-2008).

    Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 27th, 2008. For more information, see

  • 10-15 August 2008, International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2008), Sydney, Australia

    Date: 10-15 August 2008
    Location: Sydney, Australia
    Deadline: 17 December 2007

    IJCAR 2008 is the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, and is a merger of leading events CADE, FroCoS, FTP and TABLEAUX. IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all aspects of automated reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications. The IJCAR technical program will consist of presentations of high-quality original research papers, system descriptions and invited talks. There will be two days of workshops and tutorials, 10th and 11th August, and the conference 12th to 15th August.

    For more information, see

    IJCAR 2008 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research papers and descriptions of working automated deduction systems are solicited (deadline for paper registration: 22nd February 2008), as well as workshop and tutorial proposals (deadline for proposal submissions: 17th December 2007).

  • 6-10 August 2008, BLAST 2008 (Boolean Algebra, Lattice Theory, Algebra, Set Theory, Topology), Denver CO, USA

    Date: 6-10 August 2008
    Location: Denver CO, USA
    Deadline: 10 June 2008

    BLAST is a new conference series focusing on Boolean algebras, Lattices, Algebraic logic and universal algebra, Set theory, and set-theoretic and point-free Topology. The 2008 conference is the first in a series that will rotate among universities of the region.

    The conference will include tutorials, as well as a mini-course in Forbidden Configurations in Lattices.

    We would very much appreciate a (non-committing) reply to indicating your level of interest in the conference at the moment. This will be very useful in our planning for local accommodation, transportation and classroom reservations. Please reply by March 30.

    For more information, see

    To apply to give a contributed talk, please email a title and abstract to the organizers at by June 10th (extended deadline). After June 10th, contributed talks may still be accepted, depending on available space.
  • 4-18 August 2008, ESSLLI 2008 Student Session, Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 4-18 August 2008
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 22 February 2008

    The aim of the Student Session is to give an opportunity to students at all levels (Bachelor-, Master- and PhD-students) to present and discuss their work in progress with a possibility to get feedback from senior researchers.

    The programme committee invites submissions of papers for oral and poster presentation and for appearance in the proceedings. We welcome submissions with topics within the areas of Logic, Language and Computation. Each year, 18 papers are selected for oral presentation and a number of others for poster presentation. Submission Deadline (extended) is 22 February 2008.

    For more information, see

  • 4-8 August 2008, Workshop Dynamics in Logic @ ESSLLI 2008 Hamburg, Hamburg

    Date: 4-8 August 2008
    Location: Hamburg
    Deadline: 8 March 2008

    The workshop is on approaches with explicit dynamic operators in the language, i.e., as in dynamic epistemics, temporal epistemics and approaches to belief revision with explicit dynamic operators in the logical language. Tradional and independently well-established approaches to dynamics such as PDL and the many variants and extensions of dynamic logic in general, mu-calculus, and pi-calculus, are also in the focus of the workshop. New frontiers for dynamics in logic include: description logics and decidable fragments of FOL, semantic-web approaches, BDI-type logics, deontic logics, relations between knowability, ability, and the dynamics of knowledge, and cognitively motivated approaches. The workshop also welcomes work on information change as the result of deliberation, i.e., on the dynamics of reasoning.

    For more information, see

    Submission deadline: March 8
  • 28-30 July 2008, First Formal Epistemology Festival: Conditionals and Ranking Functions, Konstanz, Germany

    Date: 28-30 July 2008
    Location: Konstanz, Germany
    Deadline: 29 February 2008

    This is the first of a series of small and thematically focused events in formal epistemology organized by Eric Swanson (Michigan), Jonathan Weisberg (Toronto), and Franz Huber (Caltech and Konstanz).

    The background for the first Formal Epistemology Festival is the 40th anniversary of Robert Stalnaker's "A Theory of Conditionals" and the 20th anniversary of Wolfgang Spohn's "Ordinal Conditional Functions. A Dynamic Theory of Epistemic States".

    For more information, see here

    We are now inviting submissions of papers of at least 5000 words on Conditionals and Ranking Functions. Please send a pdf prepared for blind reviewing to: . Deadline for submissions: February 29, 2008.

  • 23-24 July 2008, Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition (PsychoCompLA-2008), Washington DC Call for Abstracts

    Date: 23-24 July 2008
    Location: Washington DC Call for Abstracts
    Deadline: 15 July 2008

    The workshop will present research and foster discussion centered around psychologically-motivated computational models of language acquisition. In recent decades there has been a thriving research agenda that applies computational learning techniques to emerging natural language technologies and many meetings, conferences and workshops in which to present such research. However, there have been only a few (but growing number of) venues in which psychocomputational models of how humans acquire their native language(s) are the primary focus.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is June 15, 2008

  • 16-18 July 2008, 10th International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS 2008), Prince Edward Island, Canada

    Date: 16-18 July 2008
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Deadline: 20 April 2008

    DCFS 2008 - Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems will be held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, July 16-18, 2008.

    For more information, see

    Deadline for paper submission is (extended to) April 20, 2008.
  • 15-18 July 2008, Ninth Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer Science (DEON'08), Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    Date: 15-18 July 2008
    Location: Luxembourg
    Deadline: 11 January 2008

    The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, organisation theory and law. In addition to these general themes, DEON2008 will encourage a special focus on the topic "Security and Trust".

    Early registration deadline is June 10th. For further information, see the DEON'08 website at

    Authors are invited to submit an original, previously unpublished, research paper pertaining to any of the topics of interest to DEON2008. The deadline for submission is 11 January 2008.

  • 13-18 July 2008, WCP4, The Fourth World Congress of Paraconsistency, Melbourne, Australia

    Date: 13-18 July 2008
    Location: Melbourne, Australia
    Deadline: 15 December 2007

    The conference will focus on all areas related to paraconsistency, especially
    * Systems of paraconsistent logic
    * Inconsistent mathematics
    * Paraconsistency and information processing
    * Paraconsistency and the philosophy of mathematics
    * Paraconsistency and the philosophy of science
    * Paraconsistency and the philosophy of logic

    For more information, see or subscribe to the announcement mailing list wcp4-info by sending the message 'subscribe wp4-info' to .

    We invite submission of an abstract of no more than one page (250 words) by December 15. Email your submission to . Text or PDF are preferred formats for submission, MS Word is acceptable.

  • 10-13 July 2008, Music and Language II, Tufts University, Boston, USA

    Date: 10-13 July 2008
    Location: Tufts University, Boston, USA
    Deadline: 1 December 2007

    This conference follows the successful conference on Music and Language held at Cambridge University in summer 2007. The conference will be held at Tufts University Perry and Marty Granoff Music Center. We will be honoring Ray Jackendoff and Fred Lerdahl on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of their seminal work, "A Generative Theory of Tonal Music".

    For more information, see

    We invite participants and presenters from all fields (music, psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, anthropology, etc.). Paper and poster submissions will be due by December 1, 2007. Further details about the conference and the paper/poster submission form will be available shortly on our website at:

  • 7-9 July 2008, 8th Conference on Real Numbers and Computers (RNC8), Santiago de Compostela, Spain

    Date: 7-9 July 2008
    Location: Santiago de Compostela, Spain
    Deadline: 8 February 2008

    The aim of the symposia on "Real Numbers and Computers" is to bring together specialists from various research areas, all concerned with problems related to computations based on real numbers. These computations may use any number system implemented by a software package or in hardware, including floating and fixed point, integers, rational or p-adic numbers, serial or on-line computations, continued fractions, fixed or multiple precision, interval and stochastic arithmetic.

    For more information, see

    Original research results and insightful analyses of current concerns are solicited for submission. Survey and tutorial articles may be suitable for submission if clearly identified as such. Deadline for submission of manuscripts is February 8, 2008. The journal Information & Computation will publish a special issue following RNC8.

  • 6-13 July 2008, 35th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'08), Reykjavik, Iceland

    Date: 6-13 July 2008
    Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
    Deadline: 10 February 2008

    The 35th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, the main conference and annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), will take place from the 6th to the 13th of July 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland.

    For further information see:

    Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their papers for presentation and/or proposals for workshops on topics related to the conference tracks, namely: Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games (track A); Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming (track B); and Security and Cryptography Foundations (special track C). Submission deadline is February 10th, 2008 for papers, and October 31st, 2007 for workshop proposals.

  • 3-8 July 2008, Logic Colloquium '08 (2008 ASL European Summer Meeting), Bern, Switserland

    Date: 3-8 July 2008
    Location: Bern, Switserland
    Deadline: 18 April 2008

    The Logic Colloquium is the annual European conference on logic, organised under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL). It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the new developments in the area of logic. The conference attracts researchers from logic, with an emphasis on mathematical logic, but also including researchers from computer science logic and philosophical logic. The leading researchers on logic participate in the conference, as invited speaker, tutorial speaker or as participant. It also attracts students (master and Ph.D. students) in logic from all over the world and in that way it also serves for students as an introduction into the research field of logic.

    For more information, see

    Abstracts - hard copy or email - should be received before the deadline (extended) of April 18, 2008.
  • 2-4 July 2008, 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), Gothenburg, Sweden

    Date: 2-4 July 2008
    Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
    Deadline: 18 February 2008

    The Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) is a biennial international conference, which alternates with the Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS), intended as a forum for researchers in the area of design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee invites submissions of papers presenting original research on algorithms and data structures in all areas. Deadline for submission: February 17, 2008.

  • 1-4 July 2008, 15th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2008), Edinburgh, Scotland

    Date: 1-4 July 2008
    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
    Deadline: 24 February 2008

    WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers.

    For more information, see

    Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by February 24.

  • 27-28 June 2008, Graduate Conference "Philosophy of Probability", London, U.K.

    Date: 27-28 June 2008
    Location: London, U.K.
    Deadline: 28 March 2008

    The Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science announces a Graduate Conference in the Philosophy of Probability to be held at the London School of Economics. Keynote speaker will be Professor Donald Gillies (UCL).

    For more information, see

    Submissions are invited from graduate students. Papers may be on any topic within the philosophy of probability, including but not restricted to interpretations of probability in the social and natural sciences. Abstracts should be received by no later than Friday 28th March 2008.

  • 26-28 June 2008, European Society for Philosophy and Psychology 16th Annual Meeting (ESPP 2008), Utrecht

    Date: 26-28 June 2008
    Location: Utrecht
    Deadline: 29 February 2008

    The aim of the Society is to promote interaction between philosophers, psychologists, and linguists on issues of common concern. Previous topics covered at ESPP include spatial concepts, emotion, perception, simulation theory, attention, reference, problems of consciousness, early numerical cognition, infants' understanding of intentionality, memory and time, motor imagery, causal understanding, counterfactuals, the semantics/pragmatics distinction, reasoning, vagueness, mental causation, action and agency, thought without language, externalism, connectionism, hypnosis, and the interpretation of neuropsychological results.

    The European Society for Philosophy and Psychology invites submitted papers, posters and symposia for their annual meeting. Deadline: 29 February 2008.

    For more information, see the conference website at

  • 26-28 June, 2008, 10th Scienctific Conference << Modern Logic: Issues in the Theory, History and Application in Science>>, St Petersburg, Russia

    Date: 26-28 June, 2008
    Location: St Petersburg, Russia
    Costs: 100 euro
    Deadline: 5 April 2008

    The 10th Scientific Conference, organised by St Petersburg State University, the St Petersburg Philosophical Society and the St Petersburg Association of the Logicians, will take place 26-28 June 2008. A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest includes: History of Logic, Non-classical Logics, Theory of Logical Inference, Logical Semantics, Logic and Philosophy, Logic and Theory of Argumentation, and Logic and Computer Science

    For more information, see here or contact

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in all areas related to the Logics. the deadline for sending the abstract is 5th of April 2008.

  • 24-27 June 2008, Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2008), Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 24-27 June 2008
    Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 14 January 2008

    The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic broadly construed. LICS 2008 will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 24 - 27, 2008.

    For more information, see

    Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their papers for presentation on topics relating logic - broadly construed - to computer science or related fields. Submission deadline (revised) for abstracts is January 14, 2008.

  • 23 June 2008, Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications (IMLA'08), Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 23 June 2008
    Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 25 April 2008

    Constructive modal logics and type theories are of increasing foundational and practical relevance in computer science. Applications are in type disciplines for programming languages, and meta-logics for reasoning about a variety of computational phenomena.

    Theoretical and methodological issues center around the question of how the proof-theoretic strengths of constructive logics can best be combined with the model-theoretic strengths of modal logics. Practical issues center around the question which modal connectives with associated laws or proof rules capture computational phenomena accurately and at the right level of abstraction.

    This LICS'08 affiliated workshop will bring together designers, implementers, and users to discuss all aspects of intuitionistic modal logics and type theories.

    For more information, see

    We solicit submissions on work in progress and on more mature results.Deadline for abstract submission: April 25, 2008.

  • 18-21 June 2008, 7th Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS-2008), Vancouver BC, Canada

    Date: 18-21 June 2008
    Location: Vancouver BC, Canada
    Deadline: 15 December 2007

    The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS) will hold its seventh international congress in Vancouver, Canada, June 18-21, 2008. The conference is open to scholarly work on the history of philosophy of science from any disciplinary perspective.

    For more information, see

    Submissions of abstracts of papers of approximately 25-30 minutes' reading length, and of symposia of three to four thematically related papers will be considered for the program. All submissions must be received by 15 December 2007.

  • 15-20 June 2008, Computability in Europe (CiE 2008), Athens, Greece

    Date: 15-20 June 2008
    Location: Athens, Greece
    Deadline: 14 January 2008

    This is the fourth in a series of conferences organised by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European network of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings took place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006) and Siena (2007).

    CiE 2008 aims at bridging the gap from the logical methods of mathematical and meta-mathematical flavour to the applied and industrial questions that are involved in devising and choosing the right algorithms and analysing their effectiveness and efficiency.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers (European and non-European) in computability related areas to submit their papers (in PDF-format, max 10 pages) for presentation at CiE 2008. The committee particularly invites papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community. Submission date of papers (extended): January 14, 2008.

  • 7-12 June 2008, 3rd International Computer Science Symposium (CSR 2008), Moscow, Russia

    Date: 7-12 June 2008
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Deadline: 9 December 2007

    CSR 2008 is the third conference in a series of regular events started with CSR 2006 in St.Petersburg (see LNCS 3967) and CSR 2007 in Ekaterinburg (see LNCS 4649). It intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in computer science. CSR 2008 consists of two tracks: Theory Track and Applications and Technology Track.

    For more information, see or email: .

    Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or a full paper of at most 10 pages. Papers must present original (and not previously published) research. Deadline: December 9, 2007.

  • 6-7 June 2008, Russian-Indian Workshop on Algebra, Combinatorics and Complexity, Moscow, Russia

    Date: 6-7 June 2008
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Costs: 30 Euros
    Deadline: 22 March 2008

    A representative international conference on algebra will be held at Moscow State University from May 28 to June 3, 2008, that is, shortly before CSR 2008. This creates a very convenient opportunity to bring together researchers interested in various aspects of the interaction between algebra, combinatorics and complexity. As such, WACC 2008 takes the form of a satellite workshop to CSR 2008. Invited Speakers include Eric Allender and Boris Plotkin.

    For more information, see

  • 5-6 June 2008, Formal Ontologies Meets Industry 2008 (FOMI 2008), Torino, Italy

    Date: 5-6 June 2008
    Location: Torino, Italy
    Deadline: 18 January 2008

    FOMI is an international forum where academic researchers and industrial practitioners meet to analyze and discuss issues related to methods, theories, tools and applications based on formal ontologies.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of papers in any of the topics of interest to the workshop. Submission deadline (extended) is January 18, 2008.

  • 3-7 June 2008, 17th European Symposium for Medieval Logic and Semantics (XVII ESMLS): "Rise and Development of Supposition Theory", Leiden, The Netherlands

    Date: 3-7 June 2008
    Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 October 2007

    After L.M. de Rijk's monumental Logica Modernorum of 1962 and 1967, many important texts and interpretations have been brought forward. It is time to look with fresh eyes at the rise and development of supposition theory, especially its early phase.

    For more information, see here or contact: .

    Call for Papers: You are kindly invited to consider your participation to the symposium, be it as speaker or non-speaker. I kindly invite all participants to send me no later than October 1st 2007 the title of their paper.

  • 1-7 June 2008, Ultramath 2008 ("Applications of Ultrafilters and Ultraproducts in Mathematics"), Pisa, Italy

    Date: 1-7 June 2008
    Location: Pisa, Italy
    Deadline: 31 March 2008

    The international Congress "ULTRAMATH 2008" aims to present recent results in the whole spectrum of mathematics which are grounded on the use of ultrafilters and ultraproducts. Its main goals are:
    - Disseminate information about the various techniques related to the use of ultrafilters and ultraproducts, and their potential to attack open problems.
    - Bring together researchers with different backgrounds, and encourage their collaborations and interactions, especially on topics connecting different areas of mathematics.

    For more information, visit the web site below:

    Participants are invited to submit abstracts. The submission deadline is Monday, March 31.

  • 29-31 May 2008, NITIM PhD Network Doctoral Consortium "Networks and Open Innovation", Leiden, the Netherlands

    Date: 29-31 May 2008
    Location: Leiden, the Netherlands
    Costs: € 350,-
    Deadline: 30 April 2008

    This networking event is jointly organized by CEMS and a benelux section of IEEE, and is aimed at ph.d. students already working on a specific research topic but not yet close to defending their thesis, to bring together PhD candidates and faculty in order to facilitate focused and in-depth discussion.

    For more information, see

    Submissions to the PhD consortium are invited from PhD candidates whose research is relevant to the subject areas of Networks, Information Technology and Innovation Management (NITIM). The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2008.
  • 26 May 2008, Bessensap

    Date: Monday 26 May 2008
    Location: Nemo, Amsterdam
    Deadline: 26 February 2008

    The Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) organizes, in collaboration with the Dutch Society for scientific Journalists (VWN) and the Science Center (NEMO), on Monday 26th of May this year, for the 8yh time 'Bessensap'. An event that tries to bring researchers and journalists, editors and other people from the press closer together.

    For more information, see

    There is a call for Presentations to which researchers can reply until the 26th of February.
  • 19-21 May 2008, ManyVal 2008: Applications of Topological Dualities to Measure Theory in Algebraic Many-Valued Logic, Milan, Italy

    Date: 19-21 May 2008
    Location: Milan, Italy
    Deadline: 3 February 2008

    ManyVal is a prospective series of international workshops on the logical and algebraic aspects of many-valued reasoning. The aim of the workshops is to gather both established and young researchers sharing an interest for a specific topic. Accordingly, each edition has a sharp focus. The attendance is limited to approximately thirty participants in order to facilitate close and informal interaction. There are no parallel sessions.

    ManyVal'08 will focus on:
    States of MV-algebras and generalizations
    Topological dualities in algebraic logic
    Measure theory on dual spaces of algebras of logics
    Subjective probability and many-valued reasoning.

    For more information, see

    People willing to give a talk at the conference should submit an extended abstract (max. 3 pages) by February 3, 2008.

  • 13-16 May 2008, 21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'08), Dresden, Germany

    Date: 13-16 May 2008
    Location: Dresden, Germany
    Deadline: 15 February 2008

    The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. The workshop is a gathering forum to meet, discuss and exchange experiences among all those, both in academia and industry, who are interested in description logics and their applications.

    For more information, see

    We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics. Paper submission deadline: 15 February 2008.

  • 12-18 May 2008, 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2008), Estoril, Portugal

    Date: 12-18 May 2008
    Location: Estoril, Portugal
    Deadline: 5 November 2007

    AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The aim of the conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally respected archival forum for research in all aspects of the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.

    For more information, see

    AAMAS-2008 encourages the submission of theoretical, experimental, methodological, engineering and application papers across a broad range of agent topics. A list of topics is available at the conference website. Deadline for submissions is October 23, 2007.

  • 11-17 May 2008, Three logic events in Brazil (CLE30, XV EBL, XIV SLALM), Paraty, Brazil

    Date: 11-17 May 2008
    Location: Paraty, Brazil
    Deadline: 15 January 2008

    Three simultaneous events be held between 11-17 May 2008 in Paraty, Brazil: * CLE 30 - 30th Anniversary of the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE), UNICAMP
    * XV EBL - 15th Brazilian Logic Conference
    * XIV SLALM - 14th Latin-American Symposium on Mathematical Logic

    The topics include Philosophical and Mathematical Logic and applications with emphasis on Model Theory and Proof Theory, Set Theory, Non-Classical Logics and applications, History and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of the Formal Sciences and Foundations of Mathematics. A "Logic School" intended for students (but open to anyone interested) is planned to be held in the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) between 7 - 9 May, 2008.

    For more information, see

    Contributions are invited on all topics of the events. Deadline for submission: January 15th, 2008.
  • 2-4 May 2008, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe (SPE), Paris

    Date: 2-4 May 2008
    Speaker: Herman Cappelen (Arché), Thomas Hofweber (UNC), Robert May (UC Davis), Friederike Moltmann (Université Paris 1), Stephen Neale (CUNY), Zoltán Szabó (Yale)
    Location: Paris
    Deadline: 15 February 2008

    The purpose of the colloquium is to enhance the dialogue between linguists and philosophers and to provide a new forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and the various related areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of mind). The colloquium is to take place every year, alternating between Paris, St Andrews, Barcelona, and Oslo.

    For more information, see:

    We invite submissions to any of the interface areas of linguistics, semantics and philosophy for 40 minute talks. Deadline for submission: February 15, 2008.

  • 26 April 2008, The 16th Annual Harvard-MIT Graduate Student Philosophy Conference

    Date: Saturday 26 April 2008
    Deadline: 18 January 2008

    The Harvard-MIT Gradute Philosophy Conference is an annual philosophy conference for graduate students organized by graduate students at Harvard and MIT. For the 2008 edition, the conference will be a one day event on April 23rd. The conference venues will be Emerson Hall, at Harvard, and the Stata Center, at MIT. This year's Keynote Speaker will be Professor Thomas Scanlon (Harvard University).

    For more information, see or contact .

    We seek submissions from graduate students in any area of philosophy. Submissions due: Friday, January 18, 2008.

  • 26-27 April 2008, Epistemic Agency Conference, Geneva, Switzerland

    Date: 26-27 April 2008
    Location: Geneva, Switzerland
    Deadline: 1 March 2008

    Recent work in the philosophy of knowledge has lead to a rediscovery -or a rethinking--- of the relationships between knowledge and action. What is the role of knowledge in the explanation of action and in practical reasoning? To what extent do knowers have to be agents and can knowledge be defined in relation to what the knower does? Are beliefs and judgements in some sense actions? Are there connexions between epistemic reasons and practical reasons, and if there are, what are they? Is there a difference between knowledge and the activity of inquiry? These are, in a sense, traditional questions, which have also a long record within the pragmatist tradition, from Peirce and Ramsey to Isaac Levi, and which can be examined from many angles, from epistemology to philosophy of mind and issues about practical reasoning or meta-ethics. The aim of this conference, which is to examine these issues from a number of aspects, starting from the question: can there be epistemic agency ?

    More details at:

    Papers are invited on any of the topics of the conference, as well as on the epistemology of John Greco. Submission deadline is March 1st, 2008.

  • 25-29 April 2008, Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMS 2008), Xi'an, China

    Date: 25-29 April 2008
    Location: Xi'an, China
    Deadline: 10 November 2007

    The three main themes of the conference TAMC08 (the 5th in an annual series) will continue to be Computability, Complexity, and Algorithms. It aims to bring together researchers with an interest in theoretical computer science, algorithmic mathematics, and applications to the physical sciences.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is Nov. 10, 2007.

  • 10-12 April 2008, Sydney-Tilburg Conference on "Reduction and the Special Sciences", Tilburg

    Date: 10-12 April 2008
    Deadline: 15 November 2007

    Science presents us with a variety of accounts of the world. While some of these accounts posit a deeper theoretical structure and fundamental entities, others do not. But which of these accounts is the right one? How should science conceptualize the world? And what is the relation between the various accounts?

    Opinions on these issues diverge wildly in philosophy of science. At one extreme are reductionists who argue that higher-level theories should, in principle, be incorporated in or eliminated by the basic level theory. Higher-level theories do not ultimately exhibit conceptual integrity or provide genuine explanations. At the other extreme are pluralists who take higher levels of description and explanation seriously and argue for their independence and indispensability. Our goal in this conference is to bring together representatives from as many viewpoints as possible in order to advance our understanding of this problem. We invite case studies from the natural, social and behavioural sciences as well as discussions of philosophical models of intertheoretic relations.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of papers of up to 3000 words by 15 November 2007. Decisions will be made by 15 January 2008.

  • Special Issue of Dialectica "The Metaphysics of Vectors"

    Deadline: 1 October 2008

    Philosophical theorizing about the nature of properties has usually focussed on examples that are all-or-nothing (red, square), and scalar valued (mass, temperature). Properties with more complex values, such as vectorial properties (velocity, field strength) have not received much attention. To redress this imbalance, dialectica invites submissions for publication in a special issue on the metaphysics of vectors in the first half of 2009. Guest editors: Philipp Keller, Stephan Leuenberger.

    Please send a pdf prepared for blind reviewing to and . Deadline for Submissions: October 1, 2008 (Notification of Acceptance: January 1, 2009, Final version due: March 1, 2009).

  • 7-11 April 2008, 8th Latin American Theoretical Informatics (LATIN 2008), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Date: 7-11 April 2008
    Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Deadline: 21 September 2007

    LATIN was launched in 1992 to foster the interaction between the Latin-American community and computer scientists around the world. LATIN'08 will be the eighth of a series.

    For more information, see

    We seek papers presenting original research on theoretical computer science. Submission deadline is September 21, 2007.

  • 7-9 April 2008, VAGUENESS and LANGUAGE USE, Paris, ENS & Institut Jean-Nicod

    Date: 7-9 April 2008
    Location: Paris, ENS & Institut Jean-Nicod
    Target audience: linguists and philosophers, see CFP
    Costs: no conference fees
    Deadline: 15 January 2008
    Promotor: Paul Egré (IJN) & Nathan Klinedinst (UCL/IJN)

    Vagueness is a pervasive phenomenon in natural language, which appears to be instantiated in nearly all lexical categories (including adjectives, nouns, verbs, and quantifiers). In recent years, progress has been made, both in philosophy and in linguistics, to characterize the sources as well as the varieties of vagueness. At the foundational level, a central debate concerns the epistemic vs. semantic nature of the vagueness phenomenon, and the proper understanding of the relation between the notions of vagueness, ambiguity, context-dependence, and imprecision. In linguistic theory, some significant advances have been made on the semantics of gradable adjectives and on the role and behavior of vagueness related adverbs (such as "clearly", "approximately", and "definitely").

    These advances raise the question of how empirical studies of language may bear on the debate about the nature of vagueness, and whether they can help to adjudicate between competing accounts (epistemic vs. semantic theories, contextualist vs. non-contextualist accounts). In addition to that, a number of issues remain open for investigation: is vagueness manifested and resolved in the same way across lexical categories (nouns vs. adjectives, logical vs. non-logical expressions)? How is the vagueness of lexical items blocked or inherited in larger semantic units (e.g. in comparative constructions), and what can this tell us about its nature? How do various theories explain the fact that we use vague terms successfully to communicate meaning in spite of their vagueness? The aim of this conference will be to bring together linguists and philosophers, with contributions on both the foundational and the empirical aspects of the phenomenon of vagueness in natural language.

    For Conference Description and details of the CFP, see: or contact .

    Deadline for submission: January 15, 2008.
  • 18-20 March 2008, An International Conference ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY AND ASIAN THOUGHT, Kyoto University, Japan

    Date: 18-20 March 2008
    Location: Kyoto University, Japan
    Deadline: 31 January 2008

    In recent years, fresh encounters have taken place between analytic philosophy and Asian thought. Contemporary analytic and logical tools have been applied to interpret Asian philosophies, while the rich variety of traditional ideas in the latter gives new perspectives in analytic philosophy. This conference is organized to enhance this trend, as well as to assess its status quo. Any tradition of Asian philosophy is included, though the emphasis of the conference is likely to be in areas related to Buddhism, such as Zen and other Mahayana schools, and Japanese philosophy such as Kyoto.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of papers at most two pages by 31 January 2008.
  • 13-19 March 2008, 2nd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2008), Tarragona, Spain

    Date: 13-19 March 2008
    Location: Tarragona, Spain
    Deadline: 23 November 2007

    LATA is a yearly conference in Computer Science and it intends to become a major yearly conference in theoretical computer science and its applications. As linked to the International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications that is being developed at the host institute since 2001, it will reserve significant room for young computer scientists at the beginning of their career. LATA will aim at attracting scholars from both classical theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, systems biology, language technology, artificial intelligence, etc.).

    Deadline submission of papers (extended): 23-11-2007. For more information, see or email

  • 2-7 March 2008, 13th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, Palmse, Estonia

    Date: 2-7 March 2008
    Location: Palmse, Estonia
    Deadline: 18 January 2008

    EWSCS is a series of regional-scope international winter schools held annually in Estonia. EWSCS are organized by Institute of Cybernetics (IoC), a research institute of Tallinn University of Technology. EWSCS '08 is the thirteenth event of the series.

    The main objective of EWSCS is to expose Estonian, Baltic, and Nordic graduate students in computer science (but also interested students from elsewhere) to frontline research topics usually not covered within the regular curricula. The subject of the schools is general computer science, with a bias towards theory, this comprising both algorithms, complexity and models of computation, and semantics, logic and programming theory. The working language of the schools is English.

    The deadline for applications (and submission of abstracts for the student session) is 18 January 2008.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 15-17 February 2008, Conference "Because", Geneva, Switzerland

    Date: 15-17 February 2008
    Location: Geneva, Switzerland
    Deadline: 1 December 2007

    The Department of Philosophy of the University of Geneva and the Genevan centre of metaphysics EIDOS organize a conference entitled "Because", which will take place from the 15th to the 17th of February 2008 in Geneva. This three-day conference will be devoted to the topic of non-causal explanatory links.

    For more information, see or contact Fabrice Correia at .

    We welcome submissions on the topic of the conference for 60 minute talks followed by a 30 minute discussion. The language of the conference is English. Submission deadline is December 1st, 2007.

  • 13-15 February 2008, Graduate Conference in Philosophy and Rudolf Carnap Lectures, Bochum, Germany

    Date: 13-15 February 2008
    Location: Bochum, Germany
    Deadline: 6 January 2008

    Keynote Speaker: Prof. Alva Noe (Univ. of California/Berkeley). Registration is open until the 31st of January 2008. Selected Graduate Papers from the areas philosophy of mind or epistemology will be presented and discussed at the Graduate Conference.

    For more information, see

    Submissions for the graduate conference should be sent electronically before January 6th , 2008.
  • 22-25 January 2008, Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia

    Date: 22-25 January 2008
    Location: University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
    Deadline: 15 August 2007

    The 14th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS) will be held at the University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, during January 22-25, 2008. Wollongong is about an hour south of Sydney by train. CATS is one of the two premier annual conferences in theoretical computer science in the Asia-Pacific.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers that present original and unpublished research on topics including (but not limited to) the following areas: Algorithms and Data Structures, Complexity Theory, Graph Theory, Graph Algorithms and Combinatorics, Semantics of Programming Languages, Algorithms on Strings, Optimisation, Formal Program Specification and Transformation, Computational Algebra and Geometry, Computational Biology, Logic and Type systems, and New Paradigms of Computation.

    The deadline for submission of papers will be sometime in August 2007. Submissions should be made electronically via . Submitted papers will be thoroughly refereed and accepted papers will appear in the electronic proceedings at

  • 19-20 January 2008, Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, Cambridge, U.K.

    Date: 19-20 January 2008
    Location: Cambridge, U.K.
    Deadline: 19 October 2007

    The Philosophy Faculty of Cambridge University is pleased to announce its first graduate conference on the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. The conference will be held in The Fisher Building of St. John's College, Cambridge (CB2 1TP).

    The conference website is: If you have any further questions, please contact the conference organizers, Tim Button and Luca Incurvati, at: .

    We invite papers from graduate students, or those who have recently completed their PhD, on any topic in the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, broadly construed. Papers will have respondents, and will be followed by open discussion. The deadline for receipt of submissions is 19th October 2007.

  • 2-4 January 2008, 10th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    Date: 2-4 January 2008
    Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Deadline: 1 October 2007

    The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM) is a biennial meeting that fosters interactions between mathematics, theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence. This is the tenth Symposium in the series, which is sponsored by Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. We seek submissions of recent results with a particular emphasis on the foundations of AI and mathematical methods used in AI. Papers describing applications are also encouraged, but the focus should be on principled lessons learned from the development of the application. Traditionally, the Symposium attracts participants from a variety of disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for scientific exchange. The three-day Symposium includes invited speakers, presentations of technical papers, and special topic sessions (including sessions on "Logic in AI" and "Computation and Social Choice").

    For more information, see

    Paper Submission Deadline: Monday 1 October 2007.

Past Conferences

  • 28 November 2008, Opening Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior with symposium Cognitive Neuroscience

    Date: Friday 28 November 2008
    Location: Nijmegen

    On November 28 2008 the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour will organize a symposium on the occasion of the opening with internationally-renowned speakers from world-class research institutes.

    For more information, see

  • 19 November 2008, 17th Meeting on "Set Theory and its neighbours", Bristol, U.K.

    Date: 19 November 2008
    Location: Bristol, U.K.

    On Wednesday 19th November there will be the 17th meeting in the series "Set Theory and its Neighbours" in the Mathematics Dept. at the University of Bristol. The theme will be "Set Theory and Its Neighbours: Set Theory, Games, and Bounded Arithmetic".

    Further information and a program can be found at

  • 31 October-2 November 2008, Workshop "philosophy of logical consequence", Uppsala, Sweden

    Date: 31 October-2 November 2008
    Location: Uppsala, Sweden

    There is a traditional picture of logic that may be spelled out as follows: Logic is concerned with the principles for correct reasoning and valid arguments; its principles are universal, necessary, apriori and formal; logically valid arguments are necessarily truth-preserving and have a fundamental epistemic significance; and finally, logic is in some sense a normative discipline.

    This traditional picture gives rise to many questions. The notions of universality, logical necessity,apriority, and formality are difficult to analyze. In what sense, if any, is logic normative? Is there a principled way of distinguishing between logical and non-logical concepts? While continuing to face these foundational questions, logic has developed into an advanced mathematical discipline - mathematical logic - where the informal notions of logical proof, validity and logical consequence are given mathematical explications.

    For more information, see

  • 31 October - 2 November 2008, "What is computation? (How) does nature compute?", 2008 Midwest NKS Conference, Bloomington, USA

    Date: 31 October - 2 November 2008
    Location: Bloomington, USA

    In 1964, in one of the six Messenger lectures he delivered at Cornell University, Richard Feynman said: "It always bothers me that, according to the laws as we understand them today, it takes a computing machine an infinite number of logical operations to figure out what goes on in no matter how tiny a region of space, and no matter how tiny a region of time ... So I have often made the hypothesis that ultimately physics will not require a mathematical statement, that in the end the machinery will be revealed, and the laws will turn out to be simple, like the chequer board with all its apparent complexities."

    The topic of the conference has been chosen with this quote in mind. The conference will host a most distinguished group of scientists supporting different views of a computable universe, from those supporting the thesis that Nature performs (only) digital computation and does it up to a maximal level, to those supporting the thesis of nature as a quantum computer. Some strongly suggest however that the true nature of Nature can be only explained by the study of randomness. Randomness however preserves its mysterious reputation, for some of these authors it seems that randomness can be generated deterministically in the classical sense, while others claim the existence of "true" randomness from the principles underlying quantum mechanics necessarily to explain the complexity seen around. This event will become the place of confluence in which all these views will be presented, discussed and analyzed by the guests and the conference participants themselves. After presenting their views during the first three days of the conference, the keynote speakers will then participate in a round table discussion on the topic.

    For more information, see

  • 24 October 2008, 2nd London-Paris-Tilburg Workshop in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg, The Netherlands

    Date: 24 October 2008
    Location: Tilburg, The Netherlands

    This is the second in a series of workshops, which are jointly organized by Roman Frigg (LSE), Jacques Dubucs (IHPST, Paris) and Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg). There will be two or three workshops per year and their objective is that both members of faculty and research students from all institutions involved as well as guests from outside get together to discuss their recent research. The workshops are open to all and there is no registration fee.

    For more information, including the program and abstracts of all talks, visit

  • 8-11 October 2008, Workshop "Advances in Constructive Topology and Logical Foundations", Padua, Italy

    Date: 8-11 October 2008
    Location: Padua, Italy

    The workshop is held in honor of the 60th birthday of Giovanni Sambin. The list of speakers includes outstanding scholars such as Per Martin-Löf and many followers of Giovanni Sambin.

    For more information, see

  • 27 September 2008, Music, Science and the Brain, University of Plymouth

    Date: Saturday 27 September 2008
    Location: University of Plymouth

    'Music, Science and the Brain' symposium marks end of the EU-FP6 project named EmCAP. EmCAP (Emergent Cognition through Active Perception) is a research project in the field of Music Cognition funded by the European Commission (FP6-IST, contract 013123) that involves a consortium by Dr Sue Denham and Dr Eduardo Miranda (University of Plymouth), Dr Henkjan Honing (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation), Prof Istvan Winkler (Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and Prof Gustavo Deco and Prof Xavier Serra (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Music Technology Group & Computational Neuroscience Group).

    For more information on conference, see For more information on EmCAP, see

  • 22-26 September 2008, Logic and information security, Lorentz Center, Leiden

    Date: 22-26 September 2008
    Location: Lorentz Center, Leiden

    The interdisciplinary workshop 'Logic and information security' focuses on the logical analysis of protocols for secure communication, including additional communicative aspects susceptible to attack. Disciplines and subdisciplines involved are: modal logic, combinatorial mathematics, information science, computer science, cryptography, computer security, philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics.

    For more information, see

  • 22-26 September 2008, Logic and Information Security

    Date: 22-26 September 2008
    Location: Lorentz Center, Leiden

    The interdisciplinary workshop 'Logic and information security' focuses on the logical analysis of protocols for secure communication, including additional communicative aspects susceptible to attack. Disciplines and subdisciplines involved are: modal logic, combinatorial mathematics, information science, computer science, cryptography, computer security, philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics. Areas of interest are combinatorial mathematics for bit exchange, information-based analysis with or without modal logic, zero-knowledge protocols and oblivious transfer (and in particular epistemic logical analyses of such phenomena), and model checking protocols - both temporal epistemic and dynamic epistemic model checking as more real-time protocol verification (often with first-order logics and systems based on term or equational rewriting).

    For more information, see

  • 19-21 September 2008, Mathematical Methods in Philosophy, Bristol, U.K.

    Date: 19-21 September 2008
    Location: Bristol, U.K.

    This is the fourth in a series of meetings exploring mathematical methods in epistemology, semantics, theories of truth, and philosophy of mathematics in a British Academy funded research project.

    For more information, see or contact Philip Welch at .

  • 10-12 September 2008, Colloquium Logicum 2008, Darmstadt, Germany

    Date: 10-12 September 2008
    Location: Darmstadt, Germany

    The biennial meeting of the German Society for Mathematical Logic (DVMLG), Colloquium Logicum 2008, will be held at the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, September 10-12, 2008. The Herbrand Centenary Lecture will be held by Georg Kreisel (F.R.S., Salzburg).

    Deadline for registration is the 30th of June. For further details about the meeting, registration, etc. see the meeting's homepage at:

  • 5 September 2008, Symposium: 90th Birthday of Dick de Bruin

    Date & Time: 5 September 2008, 13:30-17:30
    Location: Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

    (dutch only)
    Op 9 juli 2008 heeft N.G. (Dick) de Bruijn, wiskundige, KNAW-lid en erelid van het Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap, de leeftijd van 90 jaar bereikt. We vieren deze heuglijke gebeurtenis met een symposium ter ere van hem en zijn bijdragen aan vele uiteenlopende takken van de wiskunde en informatica.

    Het symposium zal plaatsvinden op vrijdagmiddag 5 september, van 13:30 tot 17:30 uur, met aansluitend een receptie. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in De Zwarte Doos, op het terrein van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

    Nadere informatie over het programma en een routebeschrijving zijn te vinden op de website van het symposium:

  • 3-5 September 2008, Phlox Launch Workshop: "Philosophy and Logic of Explanation", Berlin, Germany

    Date: 3-5 September 2008
    Location: Berlin, Germany

    At the end of last year the research group Phlox (Philosophy and Logic of Explanation) was born at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In order to celebrate this event we are organizing a launch workshop on current issues in metaphysics and the philosophy of language.

    with all relevant information concerning the workshop at In case you would like to attend or have any questions concerning the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: j We do not arrange accommodation for non-speakers but would be happy to assist you in arranging your own (Berlin is a cheap place to stay and always worth a visit, especially in beautiful late summer).

    For more information, see or or contact .

  • 27-31 August 2008, Logical Pluralism, University of Tartu, Estonia

    Date: 27-31 August 2008
    Location: University of Tartu, Estonia

    Rudolf Carnap's Principle of Tolerance is an early formulation of the idea of Logical Pluralism: "In Logic, there are no morals. Everyone is at liberty to build his own logic, i.e. his own form of language as he wishes". But is the logical validity of an argument just a matter of language choice? And if so, is this really a pluralism about logic, not rather a pluralism about languages?

    Contemporary Logical Pluralism also insists that there is more than one correct logic. Classical, intuitionist, and relevent logic, as well as a number of other logics, all correctly govern our reasoning within a given language, but apply to different cases. Can we make sense of genuinely different, but equally good logical consequence relations?

    Registration deadline for this conference is July 1st, 2008. To register, please send an email to . For more information, see

  • 25 August - 6 September 2008, 10th Asian Logic Conference (ALC10) and Set Theory Satellite Workshop, Kobe & Kyoto, Japan

    Date: 25 August - 6 September 2008
    Location: Kobe & Kyoto, Japan

    There will be two conferences related to set theory in Japan this summer. One is the ALC 10 (Asian Logic Conference) in Kobe (Sept. 1 - 6); the other is a workshop on Combinatorial and Descriptive Set Theory in Kyoto (Aug. 25 - 29).

    Activities in set theory at the ALC include one 4-hour tutorial (Greg Hjorth), one plenary lecture (Justin Moore), and a special session with eight speakers. The set theory workshop in Kyoto will feature two minicourses (Simon Thomas and Menachem Kojman). Several speakers have already been invited, and we hope there will be many more talks, in particular by junior participants.

    The Asian Logic Conference has occurred every three years in Asia-Pacific region since 1981, Singapore. The purpose of the conference is to facilitate interaction between researchers interested in mathematical logic, logic in computer science, and philosophical logic. It aims at promoting activities in mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific so that logicians both from within Asia and elsewhere would get together and exchange information and ideas.

    For more information, see (ALC) and (Workshop).

  • 24 August - 6 September 2008, ICCL Summer School 2008: Computational Logic and Cognitive Science, Dresden, Germany

    Date: 24 August - 6 September 2008
    Location: Dresden, Germany
    Costs: € 200,-

    The summer academy will focus on the long-lasting controversy of the relationship between modern formal logic (including its use for automated reasoning and computation) and, on the other hand, the rationality and common sense underlying human reasoning. Traditionally, a huge gap is perceived between the symbolic representation of knowledge used in modern logic and the sub-symbolic representation considered dominant in human reasoning. Psychological experiments of the past even suggested that people often don't reason logically and, in general, that logic seems to play only a minor role in human reasoning. However, recently, new ways of explaining human reasoning seem to revive its relatedness to logic. For this reason this summer academy attempts to bring together researchers from both sides for an exchange of views.

    Deadline for registration: April 1, 2008 (after April 1, registration will be possible only for as long as there are vacant places). For more information, see

  • 18-22 August 2008, Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable (EMU 2008), New York, U.S.A.

    Date: 18-22 August 2008
    Location: New York, U.S.A.

    Although classical computable model theory is most naturally concerned with countable domains, several methods---some old, some new---extend its basic concepts to uncountable structures. The purpose of this workshop is to study these various extensions of effectivity to the uncountable, bringing together experts in such topics as sigma-definable structures, alpha-recursion theory, ordinal computability, Blum-Shub-Smale machines, infinite time Turing machines and locally computable structures, among others. The workshop will both provide tutorial-type introductions to each approach and aim ultimately at the exploration of their connections.

    For more information, see

  • 24 July 2008, Rules and Exemplars in Computational Language Acquisition, Washington D.C.

    Date: 24 July 2008
    Location: Washington D.C.

    This workshop aims to discuss differences and convergences across a number of representative models of language acquisition, in the context of recent results in human language learning. In particular, we want to contribute to a better understanding of the interplay between prior knowledge and linguistic experience (rules and exemplars) in modeling the acquisition process of complex linguistic phenomena.

    Organizer: Rens Bod. For more information, see

  • 17-18 July 2008, PohlersFest 2008, Muenster, Germany

    Date: 17-18 July 2008
    Location: Muenster, Germany

    On the occasion of Wolfram Pohlers' retirement the Institute for Mathematical Logic in Münster will sponsor a colloquium and a workshop to take place July 17-18, 2008.

    Cf. for further details.

  • 14-18 July 2008, 5th European Congress of Mathematics, RAI Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 14-18 July 2008
    Location: RAI Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    On Monday the program will start with an Opening Ceremony, followed by the Prize Giving Ceremony and a Plenary lecture. In the afternoon there will be parallel Invited lectures and Prize lectures, followed by a Plenary lecture. In the evening we scheduled a special program, the Brouwer medal ceremony, organized by KWG.

    On the other days the conference offers Plenary, Science, Invited and Prize lectures, four sessions of mini-symposia, and an industrial round table meeting on Tuesday. On Thursday, KWG organizes the so-called Beeger lecture. During the conference, participants will get the occasion to present posters about their research.

    For more information, see

  • 13-14 July 2008, Symposium to celebrate Alan Bundy's 60th birthday, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Date: 13-14 July 2008
    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

    We are holding a symposium to celebrate Alan Bundy's 60th birthday, to be held on July 13th and 14th this summer.

    The broad range of Alan's research interests will be reflected in the invited talks by top international researchers who have worked closely with Alan over the years: Jörg Siekmann, Fausto Giunchiglia, Frank van Harmelen, Luigia Aiello, Chris Mellish, Dave Robertson, Stan Wainer and Alan Smaill. There will be public lectures on the Future of AI and many opportunities for informal conversation as well as round table discussions. This will also be the first event showcasing the new University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum.

    Further information and registration is available online at Any questions concerning the event can be sent to Sofi Freijeiro-Mato ().

  • 7-11 July 2008, Set Theory, Topology, and Banach Spaces, Kielce, Poland

    Date: 7-11 July 2008
    Location: Kielce, Poland

    The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists working in set theory, topology and functional analysis, as well as all researchers and graduate students who want to learn or already work on the interactions between these areas.

    Invited Speakers: Bohuslav Balcar, István Juhász and Witold Marciszewski.

    For more information, see the conference website at or contact .

  • 6 July 2008, Erudition and Empiricism: The Intertwining of the Humanities and the Sciences in Early Modern Europe, Oxford, UK

    Date: 6 July 2008
    Location: Oxford, UK

    This symposium aims to explore the impact of the humanities in Early Modern Europe (in particular philology, grammar, logic and history) and to understand the mutual interaction between the humanities and the natural sciences. Such a comparative approach has rarely been investigated.

    Questions that will be addressed are: What were the major discoveries and inventions in the humanities? What was the role of the humanities in the development of the natural sciences and the scientific revolution? Was there a (historical) revolution in the humanities? The papers of this panel show how closely intertwined the practices of the humanities and natural sciences were, and how the same scholar could combine both practices in the same piece of work. The papers highlight through a rich set of examples one of the most intriguing features of the early modern sciences: the interlocking of philological learning and observational skills -- the connection between erudition and empiricism.

    Organizers: Rens Bod and Jaap Maat. For more information, see

  • 23 June - 15 August 2008, Summer Internship in Language and Speech Processing, Baltimore MD, U.S.A.

    Date: 23 June - 15 August 2008
    Location: Baltimore MD, U.S.A.

    The Center for Language and Speech Processing at the Johns Hopkins University is seeking outstanding members of the current junior class to participate in a summer workshop on language engineering from June 23 to August 15, 2008.

    The eight-week workshop provides a vigorously stimulating and enriching intellectual environment and we hope it will encourage students to eventually pursue graduate study in the field of human language technologies.

    Applications must be received by Wednesday, March 5, 2008. For more information, see

  • 19-22 June 2008, 12th Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei, Taiwan

    Date: 19-22 June 2008
    Location: Taipei, Taiwan

    ASSC 12 is a meeting that promotes interdisciplinary discussions and debates about current empirical issues in the study of consciousness, from the perspectives of neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, computer science and cognitive ethology.

    For more information, see or contact

  • 9-27 June 2008, Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 9-27 June 2008
    Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    In the summer of 2008, the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University will hold a three-week summer school in logic and formal epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and other sciences. The goals are to introduce students to cross-disciplinary fields of research at an early stage in their career, and to forge lasting links between the various disciplines.

    This year's topics are "Causal and Statistical Inference", "Semantics and Discourse Representation", and "Logic and Formal Verification"

    Deadline for applications: March 15, 2008. For more information, see Inquiries may be directed to Jeremy Avigad ().

  • 29 May - 1 June 2008, 2008 International Workshop on Truth Values, Dresden, Germany

    Date: 29 May - 1 June 2008
    Location: Dresden, Germany

    The purpose of the 2008 International Workshop on Truth Values is to present and discuss work on various interrelated aspects of truth-values: philosophical, logical and algebraic among them. The topics of the workshop include:

    - the philosophical elucidation and theoretical explication of the notion of a truth value;
    - general formal tools for a uniform treatment of various logical, mathematical and philosophical aspects of truth values and valuational systems within a joint theoretical framework;
    - the interpretation of logical calculi as valuational systems, the development of general methods of formalizing (in axiomatic, sequent, tableau etc. style) logical theories on the basis of a given system of truth values and the examination of their syntactic and semantic properties;
    - the investigation of topical problems of many-valued logics, such as Suszko's Thesis, truth value gaps, logical and semantical paradoxes etc.;
    - possible applications of generalized truth values and generalized truth value functions in various areas of philosophical and mathematical interest.

    For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see

  • 28-29 May 2008, ABCDmu-Calculus (AutoMathA Brainstorming and Cooperation Days on Mu-Calculus), Lausanne, Switzerland

    Date: 28-29 May 2008
    Location: Lausanne, Switzerland

    As a mathematical framework to reason about fixpoints in modal logic, the modal \mu-calculus constitutes a meta formal system for many logics used in computer science. It is indeed weaker than second order logics, but sustains enough expressibility for many applications, in particular in program synthesis and verification. It is strongly connected with the theory of automata, since modal \mu-calculus is in fact equivalent to alternating tree automata. Modal \mu-calculus forms a research field of considerable interest, because of the richness of its powerful, although simple, mathematical theory which establishes deep connections with logic, algebra, automata, and game theory.

    If the connection with the theory of automata and games, has been intensively studied, many questions remain open. For instance the precise complexity - or even the understanding - of modal \mu-calculus formulas is in many cases a total mystery. Not to mention that most decidability questions related to alternating tree automata are unanswered yet. The aim of this scientific meeting is to bring together researchers from various countries and background to work together for 2 days on \mu-calculus and automata.

    Registration deadline: May 20, 2008 Further information about ABCD on Mu-Calculus can be obtained at E-mail enquiries about this mini-workshop should be directed to

  • 19-20 May 2008, Reliable Knowledge & Social Epistemology - The Philosophy of Alvin Goldman

    Date: 19-20 May 2008
    Location: Düsseldorf, Germany

    The workshop celebrates Goldman's groundbreaking contributions to contemporary epistemology.

    Attendance is free and open to all. If you plan to attend, please contact us at by April 20, 2008. For more information, see

  • 5-9 May 2008, EASSS'08: 10th European Agent Systems Summer School, Lisbon, Portugal

    Date: 5-9 May 2008
    Location: Lisbon, Portugal

    As its very successful predecessors, EASSS'08 aims to offer a valuable forum for knowledge exchange between various research groups in this field for the benefit of students and researchers at both beginner and advanced level. EASSS consists of a mixture of introductory and advanced courses delivered by internationally leading experts in multi-agent systems, and it covers the full range of theoretical and practical aspects of multi-agent systems.

    For more information, see

  • 1-4 April 2008, AISB Convention: "Communication, Interaction and Social Intelligence", Aberdeen, Scotland

    Date: 1-4 April 2008
    Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

    The AISB convention is an annual event organised as a number of collocated symposia loosely organised around a theme, and interspersed with invited plenary talks and poster sessions. The theme for the 2008 convention is "Communication, Interaction and Social Intelligence". This is a return to the same broad area as the highly successful AISB 2005 convention on "Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents".

    Early Registration Deadline: 4 March. For more information and a list of symposia, see

  • 14 March 2008, NVTI Theory Day on Theoretical Computer Science, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 14 March 2008
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Friday March 14, 2008 we will have the next national Dutch NVTI Theory day. NVTI is the "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica". The symposium will be held in Hoog Brabant at Utrecht Central station.

    We are proud that we can announce the following scientific speakers from The Netherlands and abroad:
    Christos Papadimitriou (Berkeley)
    Colin Stirling (University of Edinburgh)
    Marielle Stoelinga (University of Twente)
    Ronald de Wolf (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica)

    For more information and abstracts, see or contact Jaco van de Pol. at .

  • 13-14 March 2008, The simulating brain: An interdisciplinary workshop on the role of simulation in cognition.

    Date: 13-14 March 2008
    Location: FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging in Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    Simulation is proposed as a mechanism for a vast spectrum of cognitions, ranging from learning motoric skills to understanding other's intentions and emotions. Within cognitive neuroscience, simulation-based accounts of cognitive abilities have become hugely popular following the discovery of mirror neurons in the mid-nineties. These neurons are activated both by the observation and production of a particular action, suggesting that the observer implicitly simulates the action with his/her own motor system in order to understand it.

    In this symposium we will investigate how far we can take the simulation account for understanding the mind. To this end, several leading figures from complementary fields of cognitive science will address issues like: 'What do we simulate when we observe others?' 'Do we simulate to understand or to predict?' 'How do we understand actions that we cannot simulate?'

    For more information, see

  • 25-28 February 2008, ICFCA'08: International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Montreal QC (Canada)

    Date: 25-28 February 2008
    Location: Montreal QC (Canada)

    Formal Concept Analysis emerged in the 1980's from attempts to restructure lattice theory to promote better communication between lattice theorists and potential users of lattice theory. Since then Formal Concept Analysis has developed into a growing research field in its own right with a thriving theoretical community and an increasing number of applications in information and knowledge processing including vizualisation, data mining and analysis, and knowledge management.

    For more information, see

  • 1-3 February 2008, Very Informal Gathering of logicians (VIG) 2008, Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 1-3 February 2008
    Location: Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    There will be a Very Informal Gathering of logicians at UCLA, starting the afternoon of Friday, February 1, 2008, and ending at noon on Sunday, February 3, 2008. This is the fourteenth in a series of occasional meetings, which started in 1975-76 and are characterized by few formal talks (in all areas of logic) and plenty of time for informal contact. The invited speakers are Jeremy Avigad, Deirdre Haskell, Marcus Kracht, Justin Moore, Chris Pollett, Jan Reimann, and Christian Rosendal.

    The meeting is open to all, and modest Travel Awards are available for graduate students in logic. Further information can be found on the UCLA Logic Center website,

  • 14-26 January 2008, Second Indian Winter School in Logic, Kanpur, India

    Date: 14-26 January 2008
    Location: Kanpur, India

    The Indian winter school on Logic is a biennial event. The first school was held during January 3-18, 2006, at IIT Bombay. The objective is to place before students and researchers of the country, some basics as well as active research areas in Logic.

    The plan this time is to concentrate on a few themes: Algebraic Logic, Beyond Probabilistic Uncertainty, Logic and Games, Logic, Bisimulation and Markov Processes, Philosophical Logic, Probabilistic Logic, Set Theory and Spatial Reasoning. Each theme may have more than one speaker involved, and will range from an introduction to the state-of-the-art for some topic(s) under it. In addition, there will be time for tutorials/discussion hours. Some special lectures may be accommodated as well.

    There are no registration fees for the school, and local hospitality will be provided to all. Students who are ASL members, may apply for (limited) ASL travel funds directly to the ASL office (deadline: October 14, 2007). For more information, see or contact the co-ordinators at or .

MoL and PhD defenses

  • 12 November 2008, PhD defense, Tine Wilde

    Date & Time: Wednesday 12 November 2008, 10:00
    Title: Remodel[l]ing reality
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Martin Stokhof

    Preceding the defense, at 10 am (sharp) the promotion-performance 'Living Picture' will be held in the Aula.

    For more information, see

  • 7 November 2008, Master of Logic defense, Sara Ramezani Khorshid Doost

    Date & Time: Friday 7 November 2008, 14:00
    Title: Nash Social Welfare in Multiagent Resource Allocation
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ulle Endriss

    For more information, please contact

  • 17 October 2008, Master of Logic defense, Rachel Sterken

    Date & Time: Friday 17 October 2008, 13:30
    Title: Concatenation as a basis for Q and the Intuitionistic Variant of Nelson's Classic Result
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Albert Visser and Benedikt Löwe

    For more information, please contact

  • 17 October 2008, PhD defense, Marian Counihan

    Date & Time: 17 October 2008, 12:00
    Title: Looking for logic in all the wrong places: an investigation of language, literacy and logic in reasoning
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231. Amsterdam
    Promotor: Michiel van Lambalgen
    Copromotor: Martin Stokhof

    For more information, please contact

  • 9 October 2008, PhD defense, Floris Roelofsen

    Date & Time: Thursday 9 October 2008, 12:00
    Title: Anaphora Resolved
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof.dr. J.A.G. Groenendijk
  • 18 September 2008, PhD defense, Falk Unger

    Date & Time: Thursday 18 September 2008, 10:00
    Title: Noise in Quantum and Classical Computation & Non-locality
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. Harry Buhrman

    For more information, see A preliminary version of the dissertation may be found at

  • 12 September 2008, Master of Logic defense, Pietro Galliani

    Date & Time: Friday 12 September 2008, 14:00
    Title: Game values and equilibria for undetermined sentences of Dependence Logic
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jouko Väänänen

    For more information, please contact

  • 5 September 2008, Master of Logic defense, Loes Olde Loohuis

    Date & Time: Friday 5 September 2008, 14:00
    Title: Multi-Player Logics
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Yde Venema

    For more information, please contact

  • 4 September 2008, PhD defense, Fabrice Nauze

    Date & Time: Thursday 4 September 2008, 10:00
    Title: Modality in Typological Perspective
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Frank Veltman
    Copromotor: Kees Hengeveld
  • 26 August 2008, Master of Logic defense, Simon Pauw

    Date & Time: Tuesday 26 August 2008, 11:00
    Title: A BiOT account of Grice
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Paul Dekker

    For more information, please contact

  • 25 August 2008, Master of Logic defense, Martijn Pennings

    Date & Time: Monday 25 August 2008, 15:00-17:00
    Title: A Konolige bridge between default logic and autoepistemic logic
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Frank Veltman and Sujata Ghosh

    For more information, please contact

  • 25 August 2008, Master of Logic defense, Fan Yang

    Date & Time: Monday 25 August 2008, 13:00-15:00
    Title: Subframe formulas, NNIL formulas and n-universal models
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Dick de Jongh
    Mentor: Dick de Jongh

    For more information, see

  • 15 August 2008, Master of Logic defense, Thomas Icard

    Date & Time: Friday 15 August 2008, 11:00
    Title: Topological Interpretations of the Polymodal Provability Logic
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Lev Beklemishev and Dick de Jongh

    For more information, please contact

  • 2 July 2008, Master of Logic defense, Luite van Zelst

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 July 2008, 17:00
    Title: Modeling Computer Viruses
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alban Ponse

    For more information, please contact

  • 27 June 2008, Master of Logic defense, Szymon Klarman

    Date & Time: Friday 27 June 2008, 11:00
    Title: ABox Abduction in Description Logic
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ulle Endriss

    For more information, please contact

  • 25 June 2008, Master of Logic defense, Dewi Harten

    Date & Time: Wednesday 25 June 2008, 15:00
    Title: How to solve the conjunction fallacy?
    Location: Room P-014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Reinhard Blutner

    For more information, please contact

  • 25 June 2008, PhD defense, Erik Rietveld

    Date & Time: Wednesday 25 June 2008, 12:00
    Title: Unreflective Action: A Philosophical Contribution to Integrative Neuroscience
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: prof. dr. M.J.B. Stokhof and prof. dr. K.R. Ridderinkhof

    For more information, see here or, or e-mail Erik Rietveld at

  • 24 June 2008, Master of Logic defense, Silvia Gaio

    Date & Time: Tuesday June 24, 2008, 10:00
    Title: Gradability without Degrees
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Frank Veltman and Robert van Rooij

    For more information, please contact

  • 14 April 2008, Master of Logic defense, Caroline Foster

    Date & Time: Monday 14 April 2008, 14:00
    Title: The Problem of the Perfect Agent: Investigations into Determinism
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Benedikt Löwe and Sara Uckelman

    For more information, please contact

  • 27 February 2008, PhD defense, Stephanie Wehner

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 February 2008, 14:00
    Title: Cryptography in a quantum world
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. dr. Harry Buhrman

    For more information, see

  • 26 February 2008, PhD defense, Fenrong Liu

    Date & Time: Tuesday 26 February 2008, 12:00
    Title: Changing for the Better: Preference Dynamics and Agent Diversity
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Johan van Benthem

    For more information, contact Fenrong Liu ()

  • 26 February 2008, PhD defense, Olivier Roy

    Date & Time: Tuesday 26 February 2008, 10:00
    Title: Thinking before Acting: Intentions, Logic, Rational Choice
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Johan van Benthem
    Copromotor: Martin van Hees

    For more information, contact Olivier Roy ()

Projects and Awards

  • The Women in FNWI network announces best publication award 2008

    In 2007, female scientists in the UvA Science Faculty have initiated a Women in FNWI (WiF) Network. The main objectives of this network are to serve as a platform for women in the FNWI to regularly meet each other in an informal setting, and to identify realistic ways to increase the proportion of female academic staff within the FNWI over the next decade.

    For more information, see

    Or see here.

  • Johan van Benthem has been awarded with the Weilun visiting professorship of Humanities at Tsinghua University

    Johan van Benthem was awarded the Weilun Visiting Professorship of Humanities at Tsinghua University in October. An honorary title presented to him by the Vice-President of the University.

    For more information, please contact

  • Johan van Benthem has been endowed with The Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professorship in Philosophy at Stanford University

    Endowed professorships are living memorials to the donor's belief in intellectual values and social responsibility as well as the chairholder's commitment to increasing knowledge and understanding. The donor, the person in whose honor the donor may choose to name the chair, each successive holder, and the university all share in the prestige that surrounds each endowment. At Stanford, the roster of endowed chairholders stands as an honor roll of the university's most distinguished faculty members. The list of donors is an honor roll of Stanford's most far-sighted and generous friends - friends who have made enduring contributions to the university's excellence and independence.

    For more information, see

  • Lorenz Demey winner of ANTW-Selexyz Essay price

    Lorenz Demey, one of our MSc Logic student, has won the ANTW-Selexyz Essay prize for his essay titled: "Een geunificeerde theorie van bepaalde en onbepaalde beschrijvingen" (In Dutch only, I'm afraid).

    The ANTW is the Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, or the General Dutch Journal for Philosophy.

    We congratulate Lorenz with his award.

    For more information, please contact

  • Katrin Schultz wins LOT publieksprijs

    Katrin Schulz has won the LOT publieksprijs for her dissertation ``Minimal Models in Semantics and Pragmatics. Free Choice, Exhaustivity and Conditionals''. The price was handed out at the Taalgala 2008, held on November 14 in Utrecht.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • VENI award for Davide Grossi

    We are very happy that this year again we will have a VENI award winner at ILLC. Davide Grossi, now in Luxembourg, has chosen the ILLC to carry out his research on "Norm Implementation via Mechanisms". He will start January 1, 2009.

    For more information, see

  • Rubicon grant to Erik Rietveld

    Erik Rietveld, former PhD student of ILLC, is awarded an NWO Rubicon-grant for a two year stay as a fellow in Philosophy at Harvard University. The title of his research project is 'Unreflective Action'. Congratulations!

    For more information:

  • NWO Rubicon awarded to Erik Rietveld for Harvard visit

    NWO has awarded a Rubicon grant to Erik Rietveld. The grant allows him to work for two years to as a researcher at Harvard University's Department of Philosophy.

    His project starts from the observation that in many situations in our daily lives we act adequately, yet unreflectively. With certainty and fluency we descend stairs, maintain an appropriate distance from the other people in an elevator, and without deliberation we stop the pedestrian next to us, who, while about to cross the street, does not notice an oncoming car. Often we just act, and normally this immediate action is appropriate. The overall aim of his research project at Harvard University is to contribute to a better understanding of such adequate unreflective action. He approaches this phenomenon primarily from a philosophical perspective, but one that is open to interaction with affective science and neuroscience. According to him, such an integrative approach is important because it is only through integration of the findings of various disciplines that we can achieve an understanding of this complex phenomenon.

    For more info, see or .

  • ILLC very successful in the Eurocores program LogICCC

    ILLC has been very successful in the Eurocores program LogICCC ( Nine projects were selected in the first round of this program, and ILLC is a partner in four of these. Each will bring ILLC a PhD student or postdoc.

    For more information, see here

  • Barbara Plank wins the IBM & KRDB Best Thesis Award 2008

    Barbara Plank (thesis main supervisor: Khalil Sima'an) wins the IBM & KRDB Best Thesis Award 2008 for the best thesis on "Language and Communication Technologies" for the MSc thesis carried out within the European Masters Program in LCT jointly supervised at the UvA and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and entitled "Sub-domain driven parsing".

    For more information, see

  • Gideon Borensztajn awarded CogSci'2008 prize

    Gideon Borensztajn is a graduate of the master Cognitive science. He has won the prestigious international CogSci prize for the best paper on Applied Cognitive Modeling.

    Together with co-authors dr. Jelle Zuidema and professor Rens Bod Borensztajn wrote the paper: "Children's grammars grow more abstract with age - Evidence from an automatic procedure for identifying the productive units of language." The prize will be handed out in July 2008 during the Cognitive Science Conference 2008 in Washington D.C. It is a very competitive prize and from 1000 submissions only 4 papers were selected for an award.

    Gideon Borensztajn obtained his 'cum laude' masters degree in Cognitive science at the end of December 2006 and now works as a PhD student at the Institute of Language Logic and Computation (ILLC). His research is aimed at the integration of cognitive science and computational linguistics. Borensztajn is part of the VICI project of Professor Rens Bod and apart from Professor Rens Bod he is supervised by dr Jelle Zuidema.

    For more information, see and The award-winning paper may itself be found at

  • Nina Gierasimczuk wins Polish Award for Young Researchers

    Nina Gierasimczuk, PhD student at ILLC, has won the "Foundation for Polish Science Award for Young Researchers START 2008". This stipend is awarded "to the most promising young researchers (up to the age of 30) whose achievements have been already recognised." Congratulations!

    For more information, please contact

  • Elsevier Foundation Award for "Computability in Europe" conference series

    The Elsevier Foundation announced that they are funding a programme called "Increasing representation of female researchers in the computability community". The CiE conference series, coordinated by Benedikt Löwe, receives an Elsevier grant in order to play an important role in giving female researchers the opportunity to present results and serve as plenary speakers and role models. CiE-CS will use the grant to establish mentoring and childcare programs at the conference.

    For more information, see

  • The Music Cognition Group nominated for 'The Academic Year Award'.

    The Music Cognition Group has been nominated for the second and final round of the Academische Jaarprijs [Academic Year Award], an initiative of the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad and two scientific organizations (NWO and KNAW) to promote the popularization of science. The UvA-team will participate with the project proposal 'Zonder luisteraar geen muziek' ['No Music without a listener']. They wish to express their thanks to everybody who has helped them in the first round.

    For more information, see and

  • NWO project to Frank Veltman and Robert van Rooij

    Frank Veltman and Robert van Rooij are awarded an NWO Open Competition project called 'Vagueness - and how to be precise enough'. The subsidy will be for one postdoc and one PhD student.

    For more information, please contact

  • PhD project awarded to ILLC-ACLC

    In the framework of 'Dynamisering van het onderzoek' the FGW awarded a project (1 PhD student) to a joint venture of Kees Hengeveld, Hedde Zeijlstra (both ACLC), Maria Aloni, Jeroen Groenendijk and Frank Veltman. The title is: 'Crosslinguistic semantics'

Funding, Grants and Competitions

  • The ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme

    The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) offers fellowships for young promoted researchers who would like to do research at two ERCIM affiliated institutes.

    Deadline: 30 april.
    For more information, see

  • British Academy Visiting Fellowships

    The Academy's Visiting Fellowship scheme, launched in 2005, enables early-career scholars from overseas to apply directly to the Academy, in conjunction with their UK hosts, for research visits to the UK of two to six months. The main purpose of the visit should be to enable the visitor to pursue research.

    Deadline for applications: 12 January 2009. For more information, see

  • Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award (EACSL outstanding dissertation award for logic in computer science)

    Eligible for the 2009 Ackermann Award are PhD dissertations in topics specified by the EACSL and LICS conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between 1.1.2007 and 31.12. 2008. The 2009 Ackermann Award will be presented to the recipients at the annual conference of the EACSL (CSL'09).

    The deadline for submission is 15.3.2009. For more information, see

  • Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

    The Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme aims at strengthening research partnerships through short period staff exchanges and networking activities between European research organisations and organisations from countries with which the Community has an S&T agreement or are in the process of negotiating one, and countries covered by the European Neighbourhood policy.

    Deadline for proposals: 27 March 2009. For more information, see

  • Grant Update 12 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 12th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • Marie Curie Co-Funding of Regional, National and International Programmes

    The COFUND action supports existing or new regional and national fellowship programmes (to open up to and provide for trans-national mobility), as well as international programmes. COFUND will support fellowship programmes for the most promising experienced researchers, helping them in their career development. The programmes must run an open, merit-based competition for the applying researchers, founded on international peer-review. The freedom of the fellows to choose a research topic and the appropriate research organisation fitting their individual needs is a key element for the COFUND action.

    Deadline for applications: 19 February 2009 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time. For more information, see

  • ERC Calls for Proposals

    The European Research Council is a European funding body. ERC Grants aim to support single research leaders ('Principal Investigators') heading a research team to conduct a frontier research project on the condition that he/she is engaged by a legally established host organisation. The ERC now calls for proposals for Advanced Investigators grants. The ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (ERC Advanced Grant) funding scheme targets researchers who have already established themselves as independent research leaders in their own right.

    Deadline for submissions is March 25th, April 15th or May 6th, depending on the subject area of the research proposal. For more information, see

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletters 'R&D in Europa'

    The september and november editions of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" ((dutch only) are available from the SenterNovem website, at and respectively.

  • International Cooperation with Mediterranean Countries

    Subsidies are available for cooperation with mediterranean countries. Subsidies are intended for coordination and support.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Update 11 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 11th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • Grant Update 10 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 10th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • Newton Fellowship for research in the natural or social sciences, engineering or humanities

    The Newton International Fellowship scheme will select the very best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world, and offer support for two years at UK research institutions.

    Submission period: from 15 October 2008 to 12 January 2009. For more information, see

  • Marie Curie Action: Researcher's night

    The Researchers NIGHT action will be on Friday, 26, September, and will be the next occasion for a European wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers. The aim of this action is to bring the researchers closer to the large public, with a view to enhancing their important role in society and in particular within the citizens' daily life.

    Proposals are requested for events to be part of the 'Researchers Night' action. Deadline for proposals is 14 January 2009 at 17.00.00 Brussels local time.

    For more information, see

  • Marie Curie re-integration grants

    There are two types of Reintegration Grants , the first being the European Reintegration Grant. Researchers who are from EU Member States or Associated States and who have been Marie Curie fellows for at least 2 years can apply for this award. This fellowship seeks to assist the fellow with professional reintegration after the initial Marie Curie fellowship, preferably (but not necessarily) in his or her country or region of origin.

    The second type is the International Reintegration Grant. European researchers who have carried out research outside Europe for at least 5 years (with or without a Marie Curie fellowship) who wish to return to Europe can apply.

    The program is open for continuous submission with 'cut-off dates' for evaluation of proposals received until then on 2 April 2009 and 8 October 2009, for both dates at 17.00.00 Brussels local time. For more information, see

  • NWO programme: Mozaïek

    Ethnic minorities are currently under-represented in Dutch academic research. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science are keen to promote diversity and are concerned about the present loss of talent to the academic world. The Mozaïek (Mosaic) programme, started in 2004, aims at helping representatives of ethnic minorities into the world of science.

    The deadline for submitting brief research proposals is 8 January 2009. For more information, see

  • Subsidies from De Bussy Foundation

    De Bussy Foundation offers financial support for the publication and/or translation of dissertations in the area of philosophy.

    Deadlines: 1 March 2009 and 1 October 2009. For more information, please contact
    De Bussy Stichting
    Veenweg 62, 7416 BD Deventer
    tel. 0570 608811

  • Information Day Vernieuwingsimpuls

    (In Dutch only)
    NWO will organise 4 information days about changes in the Vernieuwingsimpuls.

    Donderdag 6 november 9.00 - 12.00
    Donderdag 6 november 13.30 - 16.00
    Vrijdag 28 november 9.00 - 12.00
    Vrijdag 28 november 13.30 - 16.00

    For more information, see or

  • Annual research prizes of the Von Humboldt Stiftung (VHS)

    The Von Humboldt Stiftung (VHS) in Bonn has made two annual research prizes available for senior researchers to work at a German research centre for at least 4 months and at most 12. NWO offers the same for German researchers to work in The Netherlands.

    For more information, see

  • Call for Workshop proposals Lorentz Center

    The Lorentz Center of the University of Leiden calls for proposals of Workshops. Deadlines are: 15 January, 15 May, 15 September.

    For more information, see

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    The august edition of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" ((dutch only) is available from the SenterNovem website, at

  • Australian Academy of Science Travel Grants

    Fellowships are awarded to distinguished overseas scientists to visit Australia for public lecture/seminar tours and to visit scientific centres in Australia. Fellows are expected to increase public awareness of science and scientific issues and accordingly will be outstanding lecturers to the general lay public.

    Closing date for applications: 30 September 2008. For more information, see

  • ESF Research Networking Programmes - 2008 Call for Proposals

    An ESF Research Networking Programme is a networking activity bringing together nationally funded research activities for four to five years, to address a major scientific issue or a science-driven topic of research infrastructure, at the European level with the aim of advancing the frontiers of science.

    Deadline: 23 October 2008. For more information, see

  • European Research Council Starting Grants

    The European Research Council has grants available for starting scientists in different fields with the following condition that the scientist has been promoted at least three years and at most eight years ago.

    Deadline for applications: 29 October 2008. For more information, see and

  • New scheme KNAW congressubsidie

    The KNAW has developed a new funding scheme for conferences organized after May 1, 2009. In the new scheme there are three deadlines a year: January 1, May 1 and September 1. One can apply for funding for conferences with a maximum budget of 170.000 EURO.

    For more information, see (Dutch only).

  • Grant Update 9 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 9th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    The june edition of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" ((dutch only) is available from the SenterNovem website, at

  • The British Council offers small subsidies for exchange purposes

    The British Council offers small subsidies for the exchange of British and foreign researchers. In particular researchers who have just been promoted or are about to promote are considered.

    Deadline for submission: 2 Juli 2008 For more information, see

  • NWO Humanities Investment Subsidies programme

    The Investment Subsidy Medium within the Division for Hunanities was revised at the start of 2006. Two types of applications can now be submitted for the programme Investment Subsidy Medium Social Sciences: applications for a Start Subsidy (maximum € 35,000) and applications for an Investment Subsidy Medium (between € 300,000 and € 900,000).

    Deadline for submission: 3 September 2008. For more information, see

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    The april edition of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" ((dutch only) is available from the SenterNovem website, at

  • Grant Update 8 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 8th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • Brain & Cognition: Joint-Forces Network Grants

    As part of the NWO programme Brain & Cognition, applications can be made for the so called Joint-Forces Network Grants till next September 2. This call for Joint-Forces Network Grants offers scientists the possibility to apply for small grants (up to 10 k€) which allow the organization of exploratory workshops. These workshops will have to stimulate the formation of national and international networks.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Update 7 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 7th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • ESF call for proposals for research conferences 2010

    The European Science Foundation invites individual scientists to submit proposals for high-level research conferences to take place in 2010 within the framework of its Research Conferences Scheme.

    For more information, see

  • Microsoft Research: European PhD scholarships

    Microsoft Research calls for applications by European Universities for Microsoft's European PhD scholarships. The scholarships are intended for exceptional students in computing and those working at the intersection of computing and the sciences.

    For more information, see

  • 19 april 2008, HERA matchmaking event

    Date: Saturday 19 april 2008
    Location: Paris

    HERA ("Humanities in the European Research Area") is a partnership between fifteen Humanities Research Councils across Europe and the European Science Foundation, with the objective of firmly establishing the humanities in the European Research Area and in the 6/7th Framework Programmes

    The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, coordinator of HERA, is happy to draw your attention to two large-scale transnational research programmes in the Humanities which will be launched in 2009. With respect to this a Matchmaking Event will take place, in Paris on Saturday, 19 April 2008.

    200 travel grants (€ 500,--) are available for attending the event. Deadline: 28 February 2008, 12.00 AM CET.

    For more information, see

  • 7 April 2008, James S McDonnell Foundation research grants for Cognition

    Date: Monday 7 April 2008

    The James S McDonnell Foundation offers research grants in the area of Cognition. The maximal amount is 600.000 dollar for 6 years. Projects can be related to any of the following topics:
    - Characterizing the cognitive operation involved in performing a task
    - Studying how the brain extracts and uses relevant information from complicated environments
    - Examining how manipulations or perturbations at one spatial or temporal scale are meaningful at finer or coarser levels of organization
    - Re-examining common wisdom assumptions
    - Evaluating the usefulness of methodologies or improving the usefulness of methodologies commonly used in mind/brain research
    - Applying approaches and knowledge from cognitive psychology or cognitive science to important problems in education, training or rehabilitation
    - Taking a comparative, evolutionary approach to characterizing the uniqueness of the human brain and of human cognition.

    Deadline: 7 april 2008. For more information, see

  • ESF workshops

    Each year, ESF supports approximately 50 Exploratory Workshops across all scientific domains. The focus of the scheme is on projects aiming to open up new directions in research or to explore emerging research fields with potential impact on new developments in science.

    The ESF is now calling for proposals for the year 2009. Proposals should demonstrate the potential for initiating follow-up research activities and/or developing future collaborative actions. Interdisciplinary topics are encouraged. Workshops should have a maximum number of 30 participants (including speakers and convenors and duration of 1-3 days.

    Deadline: 29 april For more information, see

  • Marie Curie: call for proposals

    The 'Marie Curie Actions' have long been one of the most popular and appreciated features of the Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. They have developed significantly in orientation over time, from a pure mobility fellowships programme to a programme dedicated to stimulating researchers' career development. The 'Marie Curie Actions' have been particularly successful in responding to the needs of Europe's scientific community in terms of training, mobility and career development. This has been demonstrated by a demand in terms of highly ranked applications that in most actions extensively surpassed the available financial support.

    In the Seventh Framework Programme, the 'Marie Curie Actions' have been regrouped and reinforced in the 'People' Specific Programme. Entirely dedicated to human resources in research, this Specific Programme has a significant overall budget of more than € 4,7 billion over a seven year period until 2013, which represents a 50% average annual increase over FP6.

    Three Marie Curie Action calls have been published, with submission deadlines of 19th August 2008:
    Intra-European Fellowships: This action aims at supporting experienced researchers at various stages of their career, helping them in acquiring new research skills (multi or interdisciplinary) or to undertake intersectoral experiences.
    International Incoming Fellowships: This action aims at encouraging top class researchers from third countries to work on research projects in Europe, with a view to developing mutually beneficial research co-operations between Europe and third countries.
    International Outgoing Fellowships: This action aims at encouraging top class researchers from third countries to work on research projects in Europe, with a view to developing mutually beneficial research co-operations between Europe and third countries.

    For more information, see Informatie:

  • Grant Update 6 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 6th issue of 2008 is now available from the ILLC website at

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    The february edition of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" ((dutch only) is available from the ILLC website, at

  • Grant Update 5 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 5th issue is now available from the ILLC website: issue 5 (2008).

  • NWO programme: Rubicon

    The aim of the Rubicon programme is to encourage talented researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes run by KNAW and NWO to dedicate themselves to a career in postdoctoral research. Rubicon offers researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands (maximum of two years).

    The Rubicon programme also offers talented researchers from abroad the opportunity to obtain grants to spend one year conducting research in the Netherlands.

    The first 2008 round of applications for the Rubicon programme closes on April 1st. For more information, see

  • Candidate proposal for AVT dissertation prize

    The Dutch Association for Linguistics (AVT) asks for candidate proposals for the AVT/AN~LA-dissertation prize 2008. The condition is that it is a dissertation on (applied) linguistics defended in the year 2007.

    Deadline: 1st of March, 2008 For more information, see Or contact Elma Blom, secretary for AVT at

  • Fyssen Award in Music & Cognition

    The aim of Fyssen Foundation is to "encourage all forms of scientific inquiry into cognitive mechanisms, including thought and reasoning, which underlie animal and human behavior ; their biological and cultural bases, and phylogenetic and ontogenetic development". For this purpose, an international prize is awarded annually to a scientist who has conducted distinguished research in the areas supported by the Foundation such as ethology, paleontology, archaeology, anthropology, psychology, epistemology, logic and the neurosciences.

    Topic for this year's International Prize is Music and Cognition. Closing date for nomination of candidates: October 31, 2008.

    For more information, see

  • Call for nominations: Game theory and computer science Prize

    At the recent game theory conference in Jerusalem in honor of Ehud Kalai, a new Prize in Game Theory and Computer Science was announced by the Society in recognition of Ehud's role in promoting this exciting new area of research. The prize will be awarded at each of the next three World Congresses to the person (or persons) who have published the best paper at the interface of game theory and computer science in recent years. The amount of the Prize will be $2000 plus travel expenses to attend the Congress.

    The Society invites nominations for the prize, which will be awarded for the first time at the upcoming World Congress at Northwestern University (July 13-17, 2008). Nominations should be emailed to the Society's Secretary-Treasurer, Eric van Damme (at ), by 15 February 2008.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Update 4 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 4th issue is now available from the ILLC website: issue 4 (2008).

  • ERC: Alain Bensoussan fellowships

    The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) is looking for candidates for its Alain Bensoussan fellowships. The Fellowship Programme enables bright young scientists from all over the world to work on a challenging problem as fellows of leading European research centers.

    Deadline for applications: 30 april. For more information, see

  • Association for Symbolic Logic: Call for Nominations for Sacks prize

    The Association for Symbolic Logic is seeking nominations for the Sacks Prize. The Sacks Prize consists of a cash award plus five years free membership in the ASL, and is awarded for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic.

    Deadline for nominations: 30 september 2008. For more informatie:

  • 24 January 2008, Information Meeting Advanced Investigator Grants ("European Vici's")

    Date: Thursday 24 January 2008
    Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, Amsterdam

    On the 24th of January 2008 at 15:00 Bureau Kennistransfer UvA organizes an information meeting on FP7 Advanced Investigator Grants. The meeting will be in English.
    Speaker: Andreja Zulim, ERC-expert of the Dutch National Contact Point.
    Registration: Bureau Kennistransfer UvA:
    Advanced Investigator Grants- in short

    • WHO: active researchers with min. 10 jaar trackrecord (nationality or age is not important)
    • WERE: EU-member states or associated states
    • Budget : Max. € 500,000 per year; max. 5 year; max. € 2 500.000 per project;
    • WHAT: all area's of sciences
    • HOW MUCH: approximately 300 grants will be granted;
    • "EXCELLENCE" is the only evaluation criterium!

    Physical Sciences & Engineering: 28 February 2008;
    Social Sciences & Humanities: 18 maart 2008;
    Life Sciences: 22 april 2008.

    For more information, see Carolien Zijderveld, tel: 020 525 6931/5417, e-mail: .

  • Grant applications NWO & British Council

    Institutions that would like to organise a seminar/workshop for UK and NL participants on a particular topic are invited to submit their application. Topics can be in all fields of academic research, including the humanities and social sciences. A contribution can be made towards covering international travel and accommodation costs. Participants should be a mix of UK and NL postdoctorate researchers at the beginning of their academic careers.

    Application deadlines for 2008 are 14 March and 15 August. For more information, see

  • EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    (dutch only)
    R&D in Europa verschijnt maandelijks via de e-mail met actualiteiten over het Europese kaderprogramma. Ieder kwartaal geeft EG-Liaison daarnaast een gratis magazine uit met achtergrondinformatie over Europese technologieprogramma's, projectbeschrijvingen en interviews.

    De meest recente nieuwsbrief staat op de ILLC website, op

  • 'Grant Update' bulletins

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The two most recent issues are available from the ILLC website: issue 1/2 (2007) and issue 3 (2007).

  • Call for proposals for Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window

    The Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency of the European Commision invites proposals for the implementation of the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window in the academic year 2008-2009. This Community Action programme is intended to promote cooperation between higher education institutions and the exchange of students, researchers and academic staff from EU Member States and Third-Countries.

    Deadline: february 15th, 2008. For more information, see or

  • Possible grants from the Japanese International Information Science Foundation

    The International Information Science Foundation (IISF) in Japan is supporting the travel expenses of outstanding young (<=40 years) computer scientists who wish to visit Japan for research purposes.

    There are two application periods, with deadlines of february 29th and june 30th. For more information, see

  • Call for nominations for the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics

    The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics is seeking nominations for the Cor Baayen Award. This award, with a cheque for 5000 Euro, is granted each year to a most promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics. The award was created in 1995 to honour the first ERCIM President.

    Deadline for nominations: 15 april 2008. For more information, see

  • ERCIM fellowships

    The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) is offering fellowships for young postdoctoral researchers who would like to work for 18 months in two institutes that are ERCIM members.

    Deadline for applications: 30 april 2008. For more information, see

  • Call for nominations for two International Reading Association awards

    The International Reading Association is inviting nominations for the following awards:
    - Albert J Harris award; for 'a recently-published journal article or monograph that makes an outstanding contribution to the prevention and/or assessment of reading or learning disabilities'. - Dina Feitelson research award; for 'an outstanding empirical study on one or more aspects of literacy acquisition'.

    Deadline: 1 september 2008. For more information, see

Open Positions at ILLC

  • Postdoctoral position in logic and theoretical computer science (Algebra and Co-algebra), Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

    At the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam, there is a vacancy for a post-doctoral researcher in the field of Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. This position will form part of the NWO-funded VICI project "Algebra and Coalgebra: the mathematical environment of modal logic", directed by Dr. Yde Venema.

    The successful candidate is expected to do research related to the theory of modal logic. The investigations will preferably be in the following area: modal fixpoint logics, coalgebra and automata theory, but other proposals linking modal logic and (co)algebra will be considered as well. The position may include minor teaching duties in logic-related courses.

    Applications should be sent by email to Dr. Y. Venema before December 12, 2008. For more information, see here, or contact Yde Venema at .

  • Postdoctoral research fellow on the project `On vagueness -- or how to be precise enough'

    The Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, the Netherlands has an opening starting flexibly between September 1st, 2008 and January 1st, 2009 for a Postdoctoral research fellow in the project 'On vagueness -- or how to be precise enough'.

    The main goal of the project is to develop a formal framework within which the characteristic semantic and pragmatic properties of vague expressions can be systematically explored. One such property is context dependence. A second phenomenon that we intend to study concerns the level of granularity used to interpret precise terms. The focus of the exact research agenda will be determined together with the successful candidate. It can range from logic (providing a syllogistic-like system for a vague word like 'tall') to linguistics.

    Please send your applications electronically to or . For more information, see here.

  • Job opening PhD student for the interdisciplinary VAAG-project

    The Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, the Netherlands has an opening starting flexibly between September 1st, 2008 and January 1st, 2009 for a PhD-student. The position is in the interdisciplinary VAAG-project which involves philosophers, linguists, cognitive scientists, and psychologists from various european countries. The Amsterdam part of the VAAG-project is coordinated by Robert van Rooij and Frank Veltman. The advertised position is for a three-year PhD project.

    For more information, see here or contact .

  • Postdoc Position in Computational Social Choice

    The ILLC is seeking to hire a postdoctoral research fellow (three years) in computational social choice, an active research area at the intersection of logic, computer science, and mathematical economics.

    For more information, see here or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • Vacancy at ILLC: assistant professor in Logic

    ILLC invites applications for a tenure track position (0.5 fte) at the assistant professor level. Candidates should have both a specialist and a broad knowledge of logic and be able to connect logical and philosophical analysis.

    The focus in teaching will be on giving and co-ordinating logic courses in the bachelor of Philosophy. As for research, the work of the candidate should contribute to the research programme Logic & Language, one of the three research programmes in ILLC.

    The closing date for application is June 21, 2008. For more information, see here or contact

  • PhD Position in Computational Social Choice at ILLC

    The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam is looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work on problems in computational social choice and the logic-based modelling of mechanisms for collective decision making. The appointment will be for a period of four years and should lead to a dissertation. The position is part of the new NWO Vidi project on "Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains" led by Dr. Ulle Endriss.

    We will start reviewing application on 1 June 2008 and hope to make a decision soon after that, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. For more information, see here or contact Ulle Endriss at .

  • PhD position at ACLC/ILLC in "Crosslinguistic semantics"

    The Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, and the Institute for Language, Logic and Computation, have formed a research group on Crosslinguistic Semantics within which researchers from both institutes join forces in developing semantic models on the basis of data from a wide variety of languages. Researchers at ACLC and ILLC are in an excellent position to address this complex topic by combining two perspectives: (i) the documentation of crosslinguistic semantic variation through typological research; (ii) the modelling of semantic variation in explicit formalizations. The topic that the research group focuses on primarily in this enterprise is that of Mood and Modality.

    The ACLC/ILLC invite applications for 1 PhD position in this field of research. The PhD student will be appointed for a period of three years (full time), beginning September 1st 2008, at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam.

    Submissions should be sent before April 12th 2008. For more information, see here or contact Prof.dr. P.C. (Kees) Hengeveld ( or Prof.dr. J.A.G. (Jeroen) Groenendijk ().

  • Postdoc (3 years) - Statistical Natural Language Processing

    The VIDI project "Priors for the Estimation of Probabilistic Grammars from Incomplete Natural Language Data" is looking for a candidate
    - who is passionate about empirical research, statistical learning methods and NLP/CL,
    - with a cooperative yet independent personality,
    - for a 3 year postdoc position working with a young and creative group of researchers.
    Minor teaching and supervision duties are expected.

    Example topics within the scope of the project:
    1. Statistical (data-driven) adaptation of a parser from one domain of language use to another,
    2. Statistical unsupervised induction of parsers from raw corpora (including parallel corpora),
    3. Statistical machine translation with syntactic and semantic structure.
    Candidates are encouraged to suggest similar topics of their own for this position.

    Deadline of application: January 13. For more information, see

Open Positions, General

  • Faculty position in Computer Sciences, Lausanne (Switzerland)

    The School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL invites applications for faculty positions in computer science. We are primarily seeking candidates for tenure-track assistant professor positions, but suitably qualified candidates for senior positions will also be considered.

    Successful candidates will develop an independent and creative research program, participate in both undergraduate and graduate teaching, and supervise PhD students. Candidates from all areas of computer science will be considered, but preference will be given to candidates with interests in algorithms, bioinformatics, graphics, machine learning, and design methodologies for integrated systems.

    Screening will start on January 1, 2009. For more information, see or contact Professor Willy Zwaenepoel at .

  • PhD grants in "transdisciplinary mind and brain research", Berlin, Germany

    The Berlin School of Mind and Brain offers a three-year doctoral program. Teaching takes place in English and covers all fields relevant to mind/brain-related research. The focus is on the interface of humanities and behavioral sciences with neurosciences. Main research topics are 'conscious and unconscious perception', 'decision-making', 'language', 'brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny', and 'mental disorders and brain dysfunction'. Students will be supervised by two professors, one from the 'mind sciences' and one from the 'brain sciences'.

    Apply by 15 January 2009 for funded three-year doctoral program in transdisciplinary mind and brain research. Applications especially invited for Brain disorders and mental dysfunction brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny. Further research topics: Conscious and unconscious perception, Language, Decision-making.

    For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position (1 or 2 y) in algorithmic game theory, Evanston IL (U.S.A.)

    The Northwestern Computer Science Economics group and the Theory group are seeking a one- or two-year postdoctoral research fellow in the area of algorithmic game theory, mechanism design, microeconomics, algorithms, and/or complexity theory, starting Fall 2009. The ideal candidate would have substantial experience in some of the above areas, as well as an independent research agenda.

    Applications received by December 31st will receive full consideration. For more information, see or contact

  • Postdoctoral fellowship in Algorithms and Randomness, Georgia Tech (U.S.A.)

    The Georgia Tech Algorithms and Randomness Center is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to participate in ongoing investigations. Candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Operations Research or a related field are encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will work on algorithms and models for problems and phenomena from within computer science as well as the natural sciences, and will collaborate closely with the faculty associated with the center. Candidates should have substantial experience with algorithms and complexity, as well as probability.

    The position is for one year and renewable for a second year. The start date is flexible between July 1 and September 1, 2009. There is no teaching requirement, but the postdoc is encouraged to lead a research seminar.

    Interested candidates should send a CV and research statement to and request 3 letters of recommendation be sent to the same address. Applications should be received by January 5, 2009 for full consideration.

  • PhD student position in the study of networks at University of New Mexico

    Ph.D. Research Assistantships, starting in Fall 2009, are available in the study of social, biological, and technological networks in the Computer Science Department at the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, U.S.A).

    Cristopher Moore's research group uses both rigorous mathematical techniques and data-driven techniques from machine learning, statistical inference, and statistical physics to study networks.

    If you would like to know more about our group, see or contact Cris Moore at .

  • Assistant Professorship in Pure Mathematics (Logic), New York NY (U.S.A.)

    The Mathematics Department of the College of Staten Island, a senior college of The City University of New York (CUNY), invites applications for a tenure-track position in pure mathematics, to begin September 2009 at the rank of Assistant Professor. Postdoctoral experience is desirable. Candidates working in the areas of algebra, geometry, mathematical logic, number theory, probability theory or topology are especially encouraged to apply. Responsibilities will include teaching, college service and the advancement of an active, productive research program.

    The position is open until filled with review of applications to begin January 10, 2009. For more information, see and, or contact Professor Joel David Hamkins at .

  • Scholarships for PhD students in computer science, Oxford (U.K.)

    The Oxford University Computing Laboratory invites applications for full and partial scholarships for D.Phil. (Doctor of Philosophy) study to commence in October 2009. The scholarships available for full-time D.Phil. study include EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA), Clarendon scholarships and departmental awards.

    Scholarship applications must be received by 23 January 2009 at the latest to be considered for 2009 start. For more details and application details see or email .

  • Junior Professorship (W1) in Algorithm Engineering, Jena (Germany)

    The Institute of Informatics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany, announces a new faculty position, open to all qualified applicants: Assistant Professor (W1) for Algorithm Engineering.

    The position is supported by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. A successful candidate will become part of the Jena research focus on data-driven algorithmics. Our group has a strong interest in research concerning algorithms for NP-hard problems (particularly, but not exclusively, parameterized algorithmics). Activities in cooperation with the Jena research teams could target applications in such areas as computational biology, computational geometry, algorithmic graph theory, or computational social choice. A successful candidate is expected to take part in university-wide projects as well as to successfully apply for external research funding.

    The deadline for submission is January 25, 2009. For more information, see

  • Ontology Research Position at St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

    A position for ontology research and development in conjunction with semantic web technologies and languages is open at St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Canada, in a multi-year University/Industry/Health Authority collaborative project entitled 'Building Decision Support Through Dynamic Workflow Systems for Health Care'.

    Applications should be sent be sent by January 7, 2009. For more information, check out and/or contact Wendy MacCaull at .

  • Post doc position in verification at St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

    A two-year postdoctoral position for research in verification is available at St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Canada, in a collaborative university/industry multi-year project in modeling and reasoning about dynamically changing processes. The project involves modeling and verifying intelligent and adaptive workflow processes with particular reference to distributed processes that require run time monitoring and, by their nature, are highly variable. Motivating applications will be taken from the health care field.

    Application material should be sent by January 1, 2009. For more information, check out and/or contact Wendy MacCaull at .

  • Two postdoctoral positions in multi-agents, Southampton (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for two Research Fellows in the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group, in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. The research positions will be associated with the Intelligent Decentralised Energy Systems ( and the Aladdin ( projects.

    These are both large, collaborative projects concerned with the decentralized control and operation of complex, dynamic systems. Specifically, the projects aim to study and apply multi-agent system techniques to the design, management, evolution and control of such systems. The posts will be based in the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia research group ( and will work with Professor Nick Jennings and Dr Alex Rogers. The successful candidate will join an internationally renowned team applying techniques from game theory, mechanism design, and multi-agent systems to a range of complex real- world problems. The Energy Systems post is for three years and the Aladdin post is for two years.

    For more information, see Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Nick Jennings () or Dr Alex Rogers (). The closing date for applications is 22 December 2008 at 12.00 noon. Please quote reference number 2933-08-E on all correspondence.

  • Faculty Position in Intelligent System, Burlington VT (U.S.A.)

    As part of its continued growth and investment in excellence, the University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (UVM CEMS) is hiring up to five tenure-track faculty in Complex Systems during the 2009-10 academic year, with a key hire in Intelligent Systems being made in the UVM CEMS Department of Computer Science at the Assistant Professor level.

    Complete applications received by January 16, 2009 will be fully considered. For more information, go to and search for job requisition number #032529. For more information about the Department, the College, and the University please see or email to .

  • CMI Postdoctoral Fellowships Program (Mathematics of Information), Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)

    Caltech's Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI) announces openings in the CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, starting in fall 2009. The CMI is dedicated to fundamental mathematical research with an eye to the roles of information and computation throughout science and engineering. Areas of interest include algorithms, complexity, applied combinatorics, applied probability, statistics, information and coding theory, geometry processing, multiresolution methods, control and optimization.

    Please apply and have three reference letters sent directly as instructed at All candidate materials are due by Friday, December 12th, 2008 and reference letters are due by Monday, December 15th, 2008.

  • PhD scholarships: Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin (Germany)

    The Berlin School of Mind and Brain offers a three-year doctoral program. Teaching takes place in English and covers all fields relevant to mind/brain-related research. The focus is on the interface of humanities and behavioral sciences with neurosciences. Main research topics are 'conscious and unconscious perception', 'decision-making', 'language', 'brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny', and 'mental disorders and brain dysfunction'. Students will be supervised by two professors, one from the 'mind sciences' and one from the 'brain sciences'.

    Students can apply to the doctoral program while completing their Master's course. Deadline: 15 January 2009. For more information, see or contact the school at .

  • Postdoctoral research fellow in machine learning / information theory / artificial intelligence, Canberra, Australia

    The Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering at the Australian National University is seeking an outstanding Research Fellow with excellent mathematical background and research expertise in Machine Learning, (Algorithmic) Information Theory, (Bayesian) Statistics, Artificial Intelligence or related area. Possible backgrounds are a PhD, or near completion of a PhD, in mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, or related. The new employee will interact with Dr. Marcus Hutter and other people in the RSISE at the ANU. The initial appointment will be for 2-3 years.

    Closing Date: 16 January 2009. Information for applicants:

  • Ph.D Student at the SSE group of the Institute of Informatics (IvI, UvA)

    The Section Software Engineering (SSE, former Programming Research Group) headed by Prof.Dr. Jan Bergstra, is part of the Computing, System architecture and Programming Laboratory. Its research comprises the design and systematic use of algebraic methods in specification languages and program transformations. Current research in our Programming Methods project is focused on program and thread algebra, an algebraic approach to program syntax and semantics. The research aims at making contributions for practitioners - programmers, implementers, standardisers, lecturers, and students - who need for their work a complete, correct and at the same time graspable language definition.

    The SSE group of the Institute of Informatics has a vacancy for a Ph.D Student (full-time) with a thorough theoretical background and an interest in Formal Methods. Closing date is 29 November 2008. For more information, see or contact Dr. Inge Bethke at (please refer to the vacancy number 08-1074).

  • Postdoc / PhD positions in Formal Methods at the Open University in Milton Keynes (UK)

    Several three-year Postdoc and PhD positions are available at the Open University (UK) in Milton Keynes (near London) from 1st February 2009. The positions are part of an Integrated Project on "Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems (Secure Change)" funded by the European Union, within the programme "Future and Emerging Technologies" (FET) of the 7th Framework Programme (subject to contract).

    Each position will focus on one of the following two topics:
    * Requirements engineering techniques for security requirements of long-living evolvable systems; or
    * Model-based security analysis techniques and tools for long-living evolvable systems based on UML.

    Reactions received before Dec 8, 2008 will be considered fully. For more information, see or contact Dr. Jan Jurjens at

  • Postdoc positions at Feinberg Graduate School

    Location: Weizmann Institute, Israel

    The Feinberg Graduate School of the Weizmann Institute calls for applications for postdoc fellowships in the the following disciplines: life sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, mathematical sciences, computer sciences, science teaching. A fellowship is awarded for the duration of 1 or 2 years. Applications can be made twice a year. First upcoming deadline: 01-01-09

    For more information, see

  • Tenure-stream position (rank open) in philosophy (preference logic), Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)

    One tenure-stream appointment, rank open, pending budgetary approval. Starting date open to negotiation. The area is open, but with a preference for logic.

    We will continue to review applications until the position is filled. For more information, see or contact the Logic Search committee at .

  • Assistant Professorship in Philosophy (Logic), Edinburg, Texas (U.S.A.)

    The Department of History and Philosophy at the University of Texas - Pan American (UTPA) is seeking an assistant tenure-track professor to begin Fall 2009. AOS: Logic or Core Analytic with an advanced competence in Logic. AOC: Open.

    Candidate will oversee our growing roster of logic courses. Ph.D. in Philosophy is required prior to start date. To be considered for Assistant Professor the candidate must possess a demonstrated potential for teaching excellence and for research and publication.

    Review of applications will begin November 15, 2008 and will continue until filled. For more information, see (vacancy F08-09-23).

  • Visiting Fellowships at the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science

    The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invites candidates for three- to nine-months visiting fellowships in the academic year 2009/10 intended for advanced Ph.D. students or faculty. Candidates should work in one of the areas the Center covers and have a commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative work.

    The deadline for applications is December 15, 2008. For more information, see

  • PhD Position in Reasoning with Preferences in Cork

    A PhD position will be available from 1st January 2009 in a research project on AI methods for reasoning with preferences, at Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C), University College Cork (UCC), Ireland.

    For more information, please see here or contact

  • Tenure-track assistant professorship in Foundations of Mathematics, Boulder CO (U.S.A.)

    The mathematics department, University of Colorado, Boulder, is conducting a search for a tenure-track assistant professor position in foundations, to begin in fall of 2009. We will start looking at applications in December and will continue until the position is filled.

    For more information, see or the ad at

  • Tenure track position (Assistant Professor) in Philosophy at Stanford University (USA)

    Commencing Autumn Quarter, 2009. Four courses/year, all levels (quarter system); graduate and undergraduate advising; usual non-teaching duties.

    -AOS: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology, or Philosophy of Mind.
    -AOC: Open, but we are especially interested in candidates who have strong secondary competence or specialization in an additional one of the above four areas.
    -Ph.D. prior to appointment.

    Applicants should send a cover letter and dossier, including three letters of recommendation and a writing sample to:
      Search Committee, Philosophy Department,
      Stanford University,
      Stanford, CA 94305-2155
    Deadline for applications: November 14, 2008. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

    For more information, please contact .

  • Three types of logic positions at UIUC, Urbana-Champaign IL (U.S.A.)

    At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign there are faculty openings in the Department of Mathematics for which logic has a high priority. Strong applicants in model theory and set theory are especially encouraged to apply.

    Openings include
    (1) Associate Professor (potentially with tenure): this newly created search is limited to logic; the application deadline is Dec. 15, 2008.
    (2) Assistant Professor (tenure-track): this is a general search in mathematics, but logic has priority; the application deadline is Nov. 14, 2008.
    (3) J.L Doob 3-year postdoctoral positions: the application deadline is Dec. 5, 2008.

    For more information, see

  • Postdoc Position at Padova University

    The constraint reasoning group of the University of Padova (Italy), led by prof. Francesca Rossi, is looking for a motivated Postdoc fellow to work on constraint issues related to "Modelling and solving soft constraint problems with incompleteness, imprecision, and instability".

    For more information, see here or contact Francesca Rossi ().

  • Faculty Positions at EPFL (tenure-track assistant professors) in computer science, Lausanne (Switzerland)

    The School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL invites applications for faculty positions in computer science. We are primarily seeking candidates for tenure-track assistant professor positions, but suitably qualified candidates for senior positions will also be considered. Candidates from all areas of computer science will be considered, but preference will be given to candidates with interests in algorithms, bioinformatics, graphics, machine learning, and design methodologies for integrated systems.

    Screening will start on January 1, 2009. For more information, see or contact Professor Willy Zwaenepoel at .

  • Several postdoctoral positions in all areas of mathematics (2y+1y), ETH, Zürich (Switzerland)

    The Department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich invites applications for several postdoctoral positions in all areas of mathematics, beginning on September 1, 2009. The positions are awarded for a period of two years with the possibility of extending for an additional year.

    To be assured of full consideration, applications should be received by November 30, 2008. For more information, see

  • Five post-doctoral research positions (area open; 1.5y + 3.5y), Konstanz (Germany)

    The Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between excellent researchers in Germany and abroad and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third party funding. The Zukunftskolleg offers 5 research positions for the development and implementation of individual research projects/research groups. Each position can, in principle, be divided into two half-time positions. The initial appointments will commence on April 1st, 2009 and end on September 30th, 2010. An extension for an additional 3.5 years is foreseen, provided that external third party funding has been granted.

    The prerequisites for acceptance are a doctoral degree and outstanding scientific qualification as documented by research activities and publications. International experience in teaching or research and a strong interest in interdisciplinary topics are desirable.

    Application deadline: November 30th, 2008. For more information, see and

  • Maitre de Conference (tenured faculty position) in Logic (Set Theory), Paris (France)

    It is very likely that a position of Maître de Conférences (junior position with tenure) in Set theory and functional analysis at the University Paris 7 will be advertised in the spring 2009, for a starting date of September 2009. Candidates must be able to to teach in French and possess a PhD or equivalent degree. The successful candidate will work in the Équipe de logique mathématique

    There is more information about the forthcoming position at the website of our equipe at People who wish to apply for this position must be registered on the "Liste de qualifications aux fonctions de Maitre de Conferences (annee 2009) en Mathematiques". To obtain this qualification is a bureaucratic procedure which must be started before October 14, 2008.

  • Three PhD student positions in "Knowledge and Data"

    Location: Bolzano (Italy)

    The Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) offers an opening for 14 positions for its PhD program, 7 of which with a three-year studentship. 3 of the 7 PhD positions with studentship are offered by the KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data

    The research activities in the KRDB research centre require good knowledge of Logic and of Foundations of Databases, and some knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and of Knowledge Representation. Good knowledge of English is also preferred. For more information, see the KRDB website at

    The deadline for the formal application is Oct. 20, 2008. Information about how to apply for the PhD program and the studentship can be found in the university PhD web page and in the faculty PhD web page (follow link "Public Competition Announcement for PhD courses - 24th cycle")

  • PhD student / postdoctoral position in "Theory of Artificial Intelligence", Bremen (Germany)

    There is a position is available at Faculty 3 (Mathematics and Computer Science) of the University of Bremen, for a Doctoral Research Assistant / Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Science (TVL 13, 35,000 to 50,000 Euro p.a. pre-tax), with the new group for the theory of artificial intelligence and teach courses in computer science (theoretical computer science and AI). The focus of the new group will be on description logic, modal logic, and related areas. Candidates with a background in knowledge representation and/or logic in computer science will be given preference.

    The position is available from November 2008 (or later) and is initally limited to three years. Extension is possible. The application deadline is October 13, 2008, but the application process will continue until a suitable candidate is found. For more information, see or contact Prof. Carsten Lutz at (position reference nr: A 161/08).

  • Three PhD student positions in "Philosophy and Computer Simulations", Stuttgart (Germany)

    The University of Stuttgart is establishing an interdisciplinary research group in Philosophy and Computer Simulations embedded in the university-wide cluster of excellence "Simulation Technology" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Three PhD positions are offered to philosophers with knowledge in formal languages or to mathematicians/computer scientists with knowledge in Philosophy (more PhD positions in Philosophy will be offered later this year).

    Applications must be received before 15 October 2008. For more information, see or contact

  • PhD student position in "Multi-core Model Checking", Enschede (The Netherlands)

    The research group Formal Methods and Tools at the University of Twente (Enschede - The Netherlands) is looking for a PhD researcher (4 years), on Multi-core Model Checking (MCMC) (vacancy number 08/076). We seek an enthusiastic PhD student with an MSc degree in Computer Science (or an equivalent qualification). The candidate should have a thorough theoretical background (esp. model checking algorithms), and a demonstrable interest in performance-aware programming. Experience in parallel or distributed computing is considered an advantage.

    Please send your application by E-mail, as soon as possible but no later than October 21. For more information, see or the FMT group site, or contact Prof. Jaco van de Pol () or Dr. Michael Weber ().

    For more information, see here .
  • PhD Student Position in Algorithms, Bergen (Norway)

    At the Department of Informatics of the University of Bergen, Norway, a 3-year position as Research Fellow is available in the field of algorithms, in particular graph algorithms and parameterized algorithms, within the project "Paralgo - Parameterized Algorithms". The position is financed by The Research Council of Norway from December 2008 until December 2011.

    Closing date for applications: 15 October 2008.. Quote reference number: 2008/10649. For more information, see or contact Professor Pinar Heggernes at .

  • Fall 2009 Semester on "Mathematical Logic: Set Theory and Model Theory" at the Mittag-Leffler Institute

    Location: Djursholm, Sweden

    The Institut Mittag-Leffler is a Nordic research institute for mathematics, under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, created by Gösta and Signe Mittag-Leffler who donated their house, library and fortune to the Academy. The Institute runs year-long research programs in specialized areas of mathematics.

    For more information, see, or for postdoctoral fellowship grants,, or contact Erik Palmgren at .

  • Tenured position in mathematical logic (preference: model theory or descriptive set theory), Chicago IL (U.S.A.)

    The Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago is advertising for a tenured position in mathematical logic, with preference for candidates in model theory or descriptive set theory.

    For application details see: Applications must be received before 11 November 2008.

  • Eight postdoctoral positions (2+2y) in computer science, Tallinn (Estonia)

    EXCS (Estonian eXcellence in Computer Science) is a new Estonian centre of excellence (CoE) 2008-2015 that has just been awarded 66.4 MEEK (ca 4.25 MEUR) of ERDF funds. The CoE unites computer scientists from the Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Univ of Techn, Cybernetica AS and the University of Tartu.

    Within this CoE we are currently seeking up to eight postdoctoral fellows to join our working groups, which are:
    * Programming Languages and Systems
    * Information Security and Cryptology
    * Software Engineering
    * Scientific and Engineering Computing
    * Bioinformatics
    * Human Language Technology

    The contracts are initially for two years, renewable for further two years. The preferred start date is 1 January 2009, but can be negotiated. Application deadline: 30 September 2008.

    For more information, see or contact the project leader Dr Tarmo Uustalu at or the project co-leader Dr Peeter Laud at .

  • Pre- or post-doctoral research position in "Learning Science", Luxembourg

    The University of Luxembourg is looking within its Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education for Scientific Collaborator(s) in the field of the Learning Sciences, specializing in discourse/interactional linguistics and/or science education/learning and/or multi-media/IT and learning with a strong focus on the multilingual/multi-modal dimensions of knowledge construction.

    The project "Competences for organising discourse-in-interaction & science learning" (CODI-SCILE-A) specifically focuses on scientific knowledge construction by children (age 4 - 8) as discourse-in-interaction practices, features and formats with regard to the multi-modal, multi-medial and multi-lingual quality of resources deployed and taken up by the learners. The successful candidate(s) will join the project CODI-SCILE-A which runs from November 2008 to October 2011.

    Applications must be received by October 1st, 2008. For further information, see or, or contact Prof. Dr. Charles Max at or Ass.-Prof. Dr. Gudrun Ziegler at .

  • Two postdoctoral research fellowships in "Foundations of Logical Consequence", St. Andrews (Scotland)


    Arché, the Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology, seeks to appoint two Postdoctoral Research Fellows to work within the scope of the AHRC funded project Foundations of Logical Consequence for a three and a half-year term with a probationary period of one year. The appointees will take up their posts on the 1st of January 2009, or as soon as possible thereafter.

    Closing date: 26 September 2008. Ref. nr: JC028/08. For further details please visit the Foundations of Logical Consequence website: or contact the Principal Investigator, Professor Stephen Read ().

  • Two PhD student positions in "Foundations of Logical Consequence", St. Andrews (Scotland)

    The Arché Research Centre is offering two three-year PhD studentships for uptake from January 2009. The studentships are intended to support doctoral research within the scope of the Foundations of Logical Consequence Research Project. These studentships provide full coverage of tuition fees for EU students. They provide, in addition, a yearly maintenance grant of up to £12500 for students from within the UK. These studentships are not open to applicants from outside the EU. Applicants must apply for admission to the St Andrews Philosophy Graduate Programme through the Postgraduate Admissions Office by 30 September 2008. For instructions on how to apply see

    Closing date for receipt of applications: 30 September 2008. For more information, see here or or contact the Principal Investigator, Professor Stephen Read ().

  • PhD student position in Formal Epistemology, Constance (Germany)

    The Formal Epistemology Research Group invites applications for a TVöD  13 (50%) position for a PhD student in Philosophy. Starting date and duration (up to 4  years) are flexible. Salary according to TVöD depends on experience, but is approximately  USD 25.000.- per year. The dissertation topic should cover the project Belief and Its Revision.

    Applications including a CV, a writing sample of at least 5.000 words,  and at least two letters of recommendation should be submitted by September 30, 2008 . For more information, see

  • 5-year research position in mathematical logic, Lisbon (Portugal)

    The Centre for Mathematics and Fundamental Applications (CMAF) at the University of Lisbon invites applications for one 5-year research position in Mathematical Logic.

    The successful applicant is expected to collaborate with the local team. Although there are no teaching duties associated with this position, the candidate may be asked to collaborate in post- graduate training.

    Deadline September 10, 2008. For details see

  • PhD Position in Agent Technology at Utrecht University

    The Intelligent Systems group of Utrecht University has acquired funding from The Dutch Research Council NWO for a four-year PhD project titled "Agents Interacting in Dialogues with Argumentation".

    Deadline: 12 September 2008

    For more information, see or contact Prof.Dr. H. (Henry) Prakken, email .

  • Full Professorship in Mathematical Computer Science, Aarhus (Denmark)

    A full professorship in the area of Mathematical Computer Science is available at the Department of Computer Science (, starting November 1, 2008. The professorship is intended for an applicant with documented research at the highest international level in Mathematical Computer Science. Applicants with research experience within both the quantitative mathematical foundations of computer science (theory of computation) and within computational mathematics will be preferred. The professor must be committed to teaching at all levels in the university curriculum.

    Deadline: August 12, 2008, at 12,00 noon. See full announcement at:

  • Lectureship in Mathematical Logic, Leeds (U.K.)

    Lecturer in Mathematical Logic

    The School of Mathematics at the University of Leed is looking for a Lecturer in Mathematical logic. The successful applicant will play a full role in the School, contributing to the research activity, undergraduate and graduate teaching and administrative duties as directed.

    The starting date for this post is January 1, 2009, but a later date may be negotiated. University Grade 8 (33,779 - 40,335 p.a.)

    Job ref 318036. Closing date 1 September 2008. For more information, see or contact Dr David Salinger (Head of Department) at . Further details of the School's activities can be found at

  • 3-year postdoc position in logic, Ghent (Belgium)

    There is a three years postdoc position available at the department of pure mathematics in Ghent. The candidate should have research experience related to the existing expertise in the department. So in particular candidates with research expertise in logic (e.g. proof theory, independence results, phase transitions, subrecursive hierarchies, etc.) are welcome.

    The corresponding website is: This announcement is written in Dutch but knowledge of Dutch is not required for the position. (An English translation of the announcement can be provided on request.) The deadline for application is July 31st in 2008.

  • Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Logic, Philosophy Department, Calgary, Canada

    The Department of Philosophy at the University of Calgary invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2009. A PhD or equivalent is required. The Department is seeking candidates who are able to teach a range of courses in logic, from elementary formal logic to the advanced levels, including the meta-theory of first-order logic, undecidability, incompleteness, and non-classical logics. The area of specialization for this position is Logic or a related field of study.

    The Selection Committee will begin to assess applications after november 21, 2008. For more information, see

  • A postdoc and two PhD positions in Philosophy - Groningen

    Job opportunity Postdoctoral Fellow and scholarships for 2 PhD Candidates - Philosophy, Groningen. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

    Deadline for applications: 15 September 2008. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral fellowship in MML, Monash University (Australia)

    David Dowe <> is looking for a postdoctoral fellow for collaborative work on (Bayesian) Minimum Message Length (MML) and/or Kolmogorov complexity.

    The relevant researcher should have between two and eight years of post-doctoral experience as of September 2008. A successful applicant will be appointed as Research Fellow (Level B) beginning January 2009, with a salary per annum up to Aus$82,951 (including superannuation) and Aus$50,000 additional research support for 5 years.

    More specific and detailed information is at The stated University deadline is Tuesday 5 August 2008, but Monash's Faculty of I.T. will have a much earlier internal deadline of approx. Mon. 21st July - so aim for that.

  • Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in Logic / Foundations of Mathematics / Universal Algebra, Bern (Switzerland)

    The Faculty of Science at the University of Bern, Switzerland, invites applications for the position of an Assistant Professor Tenure Track in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics. The starting date of the position is September 1st, 2009 or by mutual agreement.

    We are looking for candidates with internationally recognized contributions to Logic or Foundations of Mathematics or Universal Algebra who will build up a research group of their own. We prefer candidates who complement the research profile of our faculty

    Applications must be received before 12 September 2008. For more information, see or or contact Prof. F. Kutzschebauch at .

  • Open Position in Computational Social Choice at University of Munich

    The Computer Science Department at the University of Munich is seeking to hire a PhD Student or postdoctoral research fellow (three years) in computational social choice, an active research area at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and economics.

    For more information, see here

  • Postdocs at Carnegie Mellon University in Lab for Multi-Agent Technology

    The Lab for Multi-Agent Technology at CMU has 2 postdoc positions open:
    1. Area: distributed interaction in mobile sensor networks
    2. Area: negotiation; game theoretic interactions and/or argumentation based negotiation.

    The successful candidate will have a PhD in Computer Science or related discipline and will work with Dr. Katia Sycara and her research group. Salary: negotiable depending on experience. Start date: Fall 2008 or other mutually agreeable date

    Please send you CV to Katia Sycara, e-mail: . For more information, see the website at or contact Katia Sycara.

  • PhD student and postdoc positions on "Cognitive Interaction Technology", Bielefeld (Germany)

    In the Center of Excellence "Cognitive Interaction Technology" at Bielefeld University a new research group ãSociable AgentsÒ has been established. The group explores how embodied agents, i.e. robots or 3D virtual characters, can learn to better interact with people by taking social aspects of communication into account. In this context, we are inviting applications for the following positions, all available immediately:

    - 1 researcher (TV-L E13) for the duration until Oct. 2012 (ref. 1002) Candidates are expected to develop cognitive architectures for embodied agents that integrate models of multimodal dialogue with the sensorimotor grounding of social resonance. The researcher will be responsible for the realization and maintenance of technical prototype platforms. Teaching at undergraduate and graduate level is expected.

    - 2 Ph.D. scholarships for the duration of 3 years (ref. 1003) Candidates are expected to conduct technical and empirical research on machine capabilities for developing communicative skills through social learning, and for promoting and capitalizing on the evolvement of familiarity and companionship in long-term interaction, respectively.

    For more information, see or contact: Stefan Kopp (Tel: +49 521 1062921, ). We will consider applications until all positions have been filled. Applications arriving no later than 25.7.2008 will receive full consideration.

  • Lectureship in Pure Mathematics (Logic priority), Norwich (East Anglia)

    There is a Lecturer position in Pure Mathematics at the University of East Anglia, Norwich and logic is one of the priorities.

    Details can be seen at The deadline for applications is July 2nd 2008; the short list will be made on 3 July and the interviews will take place on 18 July.

  • Postdoctoral or PhD student position in philosophy (logic & cognition), Duesseldorf (Germany)

    The project "Probability Logic and Non-Monotonic Reasoning from an Evolutionary Perspective" (head: Gerhard Schurz) is part of the EuroCores project "The Logic of Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning in Uncertain Environments". Within this project the position of a (DFG-financed) postdoc research assistant for three years at the University of Duesseldorf is open for applications. Alternative possibilities are a transformable PhD position or a split into two half-time positions. The research work to be done, together with the project head, comprises:
    (1.1) the comparative investigation of existing systems of probability-logical / non-monotonic reasoning;
    (1.2) continuation of existing psychological experiments on uncertain conditional reasoning,
    (2.1) evolutionary explanation of characteristic aspects of human reasoning with uncertain conditionals, and
    (2.2) computer-programmed prediction games for the purpose of testing the predictive abilities of probabilistic / non-monotonic reasoning systems.

    Applications must be received before 31 July 2008. Start optional Sept 1st, 2008 or later ( Oct 1st, 2008). For more information, see Or contact Professor Schurz at .

  • PhD student position, postdoc position in "Methods for Discrete Structures", Berlin (Germany)

    The Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) "Methods for Discrete Structures" funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) at the three Berlin Universities will in 2008 offer one Ph.D. Scholarship and one Post-Doc position Ph.D. Scholarships are at least 1.100 EUR (tax-free) per month - according to DFG rules; the post-doc position is BAT IIa.

    The program is a joint initiative of scientists at the three major Berlin universities, Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), and Technische Universität Berlin (TU). The scientific program treats combinatorics and discrete mathematics broadly - with an emphasis on methods.

    Deadline: June 30, 2008. For more information, see or contact Prof. Günter M. Ziegler, Coordinator at .

  • Eight PhD student grants "Adaptivity in Hybrid Cognitive Systems", Osnabrück (Germany)

    The Cognitive Science Research Training Group "Adaptivity in Hybrid Cognitive Systems" of the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück, invites applications for 8 Research Grants for PhD Students from all Cognitive Science areas. Scholarships are € 1000 per month for a maximum of three years, to start at November 1st, 2008.

    The application deadline is July 18th, 2008. For details about the individual dissertation projects as well as prerequisites and application procedure, pls. refer to or contact Dr. Peter Bosch at .

  • PhD fellowship: Gröbner Bases & Automated Reasoning, Linz (Austria)

    The Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) at Johannes Kepler University, Linz / Hagenberg, Austria is offering excellent students with a master's in mathematics or computer science PhD fellowships for 3 years  (1600 Euro per month) at the cutting edge of Groebner Bases theory / algorithmics and automated reasoning.

    Deadline for application: June 15, 2008. For more details and applications forms etc. see or contact Bruno Buchberger at

  • PhD student position Theoretical Philosophy, Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Utrecht is looking for a researcher in either one of the following two fields:
    1. application of formal methods in the philosophy of science (including logical and statistical methods);
    2. epistemology, preferably with an interest in scientific, mathematical, or formal knowledge.

    The PhD student position is intended for doing research leading to a doctorate thesis. Apart from that, the position involves some teaching and management tasks, including help with applications for funding and with organizing workshops or conferences. For more information concerning the section Theoretical Philosophy please visit the section's website.

    Applications must be received before June 16, 2008. For more information, see or contact Dr. Thomas Mueller at or by telephone: +31 (0)30 253 2097. Reference number of this vacancy is 68846.

  • 2y postdoctoral research fellowship "Foundations for Agent Systems", Canberra (Australia)

    Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Coomputer Sciences Laboratory at ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, to work on a project entitled "Foundations and Architectures for Agent Systems", which is funded by the Australian Research Council. Applicants should have research expertise in at least one of agents, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computational logic, or a cognate discipline, and preferably have strong mathematical skills.

    Details at Closing Date: 6 June 2008.

  • Lectureship in Human-Computer Interaction, London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer in UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC), UCL.  The post is available from 15th September 2008 for 12 months to cover maternity leave, with a possible extension to 15 months subject to funding.  Salary is in the range £33,561 - £44,194 (inclusive of London Allowance).

    UCLIC is a Centre of Excellence in Human Computer Interaction, working collaboratively with industry and the research community and drawing on the best scientific traditions in computer science and psychology.  We offer an advanced Masters course in HCI with Ergonomics which regularly recruits 30-40 high calibre students.  We are seeking to appoint someone with knowledge of cognition and HCI, and with enthusiasm for teaching MSc students and psychology undergraduates.

    The closing date for applications is Friday, 20th June 2008. For more information, see or contact Prof Ann Blandford at

  • Associate Professorship in Ethics and Technology, Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

    The Section of Philosophy and Ethics of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology seeks a candidate for the following position: An Associate Professor (1.0 fte) in Ethics and Technology.

    Applications should be received by June 15, 2008. In all communications, please include the job vacancy code (V39.442). For more information, see

  • PhD scholarship in Multi-Agent Systems (CS), Montpellier (France)

    Title: Towards an agent oriented programming language
    Laboratory : LIRMM (
    Research Team : Kayou (
    Supervisors : Dr. Abdelkader GOUAICH (), Prof. Stefano A. CERRI ()
    Duration: 3 years

    To candidate, send an email to or with your CV. Deadline for completing official application files is May 30, 2008. For more information, see here or

  • Three PhD student positions in theoretical CS, Stockholm (Sweden)

    We are announcing three graduate student postions at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockolm, Sweden in the following areas:
    - Approximation of NP-hard optimization problems.
    - Cryptographic protocols.
    - Formal methods.

    Deadline for applications is May 16. For more information on the theory group and the positions please consult our home page at Royal Institute of Technology. It is located at

  • Associate / Full Professorship ICT, Faroe Islands

    The University of the Faroe Islands invites applications for two professorships in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The level of appointment will be as a professor or associate professor, depending on the qualifications of the applicants.

    The funding for the professorship is expected to be available from 1 August 2008. The closing date is 30 April 2008. For more information, see the full announcement on

  • Three PhD student positions in Computer Science, Liverpool (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for PhD positions at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Liverpool, UK. The Department has funds to support three PhD studentships to begin on or around September 2008.

    Two of these posts are EPSRC Doctoral Training Account studentships, and are only available to students who are resident in the UK; the other studentship (funded by the Department) is available to any candidate who is a citizen of an EU country. The two that are available just for UK residents would support a student for up to four years (with an aim to finish in about three and a half years). The third one has funds for just three years; an extension may be possible but is not guaranteed.

    Applications must be received by the 31st May 2008. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in Natural Language Generation, Nancy (France)

    The Research Group in Computational Linguistics, Talaris/inria Nancy Grand Est invites applications for a three-year-funded PhD studentship in Computational Linguistics. The successful candidate is expected to carry out research in the domain of natural language generation. We are looking for candidates with a good honours degree in Computational Linguistics, Computer Science or Information Sciences, with programming skills and some experience in Natural Language Processing.

    Required skills:
    - Master's degree in Computational Linguistics or Computer Science
    - experience in Natural Language Processing
    - good command of the English language
    Desirable skills:
    - experience in natural language generation
    - familiarity with Haskell and/or Prolog

    Applications must be received before 15 May 2008. For more information, see Or contact Claire Gardent at .

  • Assistant Professorship (tenure track) in Philosophy of Science and Technology, Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

    The Section of Philosophy and Ethics of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology seeks candidates for the following three positions:
    An Assistant Professor (1.0 fte, tenure track) in Philosophy of Science and Technology (V39.447)
    An Assistant Professor (1.0 fte, tenure track) in Ethics and Technology (V39.441)
    An Assistant Professor (1.0 fte, tenure track) in Ethics and Medical Technology (V39. 448)

    Applications should be received by April 26th 2008. Please include the job vacancy code! Interviews will take place in May/June 2008. For more information, see

  • Five research fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg Konstanz, Konstanz (Germany)

    The Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between excellent researchers in Germany and abroad and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third party funding. The Zukunftskolleg offers 5 research positions for the development and implementation of individual research projects/research groups. Each position can, in principle, be divided into two half-time positions. The initial appointments will commence on October 1, 2008 and end on March 31, 2010. An extension for an additional 3.5 years is foreseen, provided that external third party funding has been granted.

    The prerequisites for acceptance are a doctoral degree and outstanding scientific qualification as documented by research activities and publications. International experience in teaching or research and a strong interest in interdisciplinary topics are desirable.

    Application deadline: May 31, 2008. For more information, see and

  • Postdoctoral position on "Continuous time models of computations", Nancy (France)

    A postdoc position is available in Nancy, France on the topic of "Continuous time models of computations". Requirements include an excellent PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics and experience in any of the fields of Models of computations, Computability theory, Complexity theory, Theory of Verification, Control Theory and/or Dynamical Systems.

    Candidates should contact Olivier Bournez by email: For more information, see Olivier Bournez' page at

  • Assistant/Associate Professor Position in Logic, Technical University of Denmark

    Applications are invited for a position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Algorithms and Logic at the DTU Informatics department (IMM). The position is announced to be either for an assistant or associate professor within either "logic and logic-based AI" or "algorithms and data structures".

    Applications must be received no later than April 23, 2008. For more information, see the full announcement here:

  • Postdoc semantics/pragmatics (3 years), Nijmegen

    Location: Radboud University Nijmegen

    As a postdoc, you will develop an optimality theoretic/ game theoretic model of the interpretation of local pronouns. This postdoc project is part of the Nijmegen based research programme 'Between me and you: local pronouns in language', funded by NWO. Considering your colleagues' results in this programme, you will successively analyse and model the relation between the descriptive and interactive functions of language, between anaphoricity and deixis, and between person and modality. You will work closely together with your colleagues in the project team. You will report on your research through presentations and a series of articles.

    Starting date: September 1st, 2008. Closing date for applications: May 1st, 2008. For more information, see

  • Junior Professorships (W1) in "Philosophy of Simulation", Stuttgart (Germany)

    The excellence initiative of the German state and federal governments has recently approved the funding of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 310 Simulation Technology (SimTech) at Universität Stuttgart. In this context, the newly established Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology (SRC SimTech) is asking for applications for junior professorships associated with the research areas (RA) of the cluster "Philosophy of Simulation" (RA G) at the Institute of Philosophy.

    The Junior Professor (W1) is expected to work on philosophical questions related to a simulation-based world. This includes appropriate strategies for experimentation, for the architecture of modelling parts of the world, for dealing with uncertainties, product development as well as acting in virtual environments. Furthermore, the growing virtualisation of our life should be reflected on the basis of culture-theoretical aspects. The successful applicant should be familiar with simulation methods and should have a focus on philosophy of technology and assessment of engineering results. An additional qualification in mathematics, a natural or an engineering science is welcome. The Junior Professor is expected to lead a small research group of initially two PhD students that will be financed by SRC SimTech.

    Applications must be received before April 30, 2008. For more information, see

  • Open position temporary lecturer

    Location: University of Groningen (RUG)

    The department of Humanities Computing (Alfa-Informatica) at the university of Groningen is seeking a temporary Lecturer (Universitair Docent). This is a full-time position for two years.

    Deadline for applications: March 15, 2008. For more information, see

  • Professorship in Theoretical Computer Science, Tartu (Estonia)

    The Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Tartu University (located in Tartu, Estonia) is looking for a (full) professor in theoretical computer science. Application deadline: March 3rd. Expected start date: September 1st (negotiable).

    The official announcement can be found at ("Required language skills" is probably negotiable, too). For more information, contact Peeter Laud (senior researcher of cryptography, Inst. of CS, Tartu U)

  • M.A. Programme in Reasoning

    Location: Canterbury, U.K.

    The University of Kent, Canterbury UK, has an interdisciplinary Masters Programme in Reasoning which offers modules from Philosophy, Psychology, Computing, Statistics and Law.

    For more information, see or contact Dr David Corfield at .

  • Five PhD studentships in Theoretical Computer Science, Kent (U.K.), Deadline:

    Funding is available for the following five PhD studentships within the TCS group at the University of Kent:

    Dr Eerke Boiten (), Reasoning about Scratch Cards
    Dr Olaf Chitil (), Tracing Functional Programs with Hat
    Dr Stefan Kahrs (), The Essence of Transfinite Reductions
    Dr Andy King (), Finding Security Bugs in x86 code
    Prof Simon Thompson (), Refactoring Proofs

    Applicants should contact the project supervisor directly for further details. For more information, see here.

  • Assistant Professorship in Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zuerich (Switzerland)

    Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zurich ETH Zurich invites applications by candidates with internationally recognized research credentials for an Assistant Professor of Theoretical Computer Science within the Department of Computer Science (Informatics). Duties of the new professor include research and teaching in Theoretical Computer Science and its applications. The successful candidate should preferably have an expertise in an area that complements those currently present at ETH Zurich, like e.g. formal methods, semantics, alternative computing paradigms, or computer algebra. Assistant professors have the opportunity >of performing independent research in an attractive environment and with their own research group. All professors are expected to participate in teaching introductory computer science courses.

    This assistant professorship has been established to promote the careers of younger scientists. Initial appointment is for four years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional two-year period.

    For further information, candidates may contact the Head of the Department, Prof. J. Gutknecht (). Deadline for applications: 30.04.2008.

  • Lectureship in Philosophy (Cognitive Science / Wittgenstein), Norwich (U.K.)

    The School of Philosophy (rated 5 in RAE 2001) is seeking a full time indefinite Lecturer at Grade A or B from 1 September 2008. The areas of research specialism are open but it is desirable that your research interests should complement or strengthen the School's existing research strengths in Philosophy and the Arts, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, and Philosophy in the Wittgensteinian tradition. You should also have broad teaching strengths, including at least one of the following areas: Social and Political Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Continental Philosophy, Twentieth Century and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy.

    Closing Date: 15 February 2008. Further particulars and application forms are available from:

  • University Lectureship in Philosophy of Science, Cambridge (U.K.)

    We intend to appoint a University Lecturer in philosophy of science. Responsibilities include contributing to all aspects of undergraduate teaching and supervising graduate students, in addition to taking a prominent part in leading research in the field in the Department and taking on administrative responsibilities.

    Closing date for applications: 29 February 2008. For more information, see Informal enquiries may also be made to the Administrator (). Quote Reference: JN02937.

  • W3 Professorship in Mathematical Logic, Freiburg (Germany)

    The Institute of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Freiburg seeks to appoint a suitable candidate to the post of Professor (W3) of Mathematical Logic (in succession to Prof. Dr. J. Flum) by October 1, 2009.

    The postholder is to represent the field of Mathematical Logic in research and teaching. It is hoped that he or she will work in close collaboration with other research groups of the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Computer Science. Furthermore he or she will be expected to undertake an appropriate share of the teaching obligations of the Institute of Mathematics as well as of the academic self-governance. Candidates should possess the German Habilitation in mathematics or an equivalent research qualification.

    Applications must be received before March 15, 2008. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in algorithmic mechanism design (1y), CWI, Amsterdam (Netherlands)

    The Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization group (PNA1) at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open position for a postdoc for a period of one year in the area of (preferably algorithmic) mechanism design.

    The position has to be filled by the end of this year. Research will take place in the NWO funded project ``Distributed Implementations of Adaptive Collective Decision Making'' (DIACoDeM). The project employs three postdocs from three groups at CWI: PNA1, Coordination Languages (SEN3) and Computational Intelligence and Multi-agent Games (SEN4).

    Applications must be received before March 15, 2008. For more information, see or contact Prof. Krzysztof R. Apt at .

  • Tenure-track position in algorithmic game theory, CWI, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

    CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Algorithmic Game Theory within the group PNA1 `Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization'.

    The applicant should be an independent researcher with a demonstrated record of international top-quality fundamental research in algorithmic game theory, and have the intention and ability to search for project funding, and to eventually build up a research group.

    For further information, please see

  • Eight PhD Studentships at the Arché Research Centre, University of St Andrews

    The Arché Research Centre at the University of St Andrews is offering up to eight PhD studentships for uptake from September 2008. These studentships are intended to support doctoral work within contemporary epistemology, philosophy of language and philosophical methodology, though applications will be considered from well qualified candidates with research interests in any area within the Centre's broad remit. The deadline for the receipt of applications is Wednesday 20 February 2008.

    For more information, see

  • Research Associate in Computational Intelligence

    Location: Bremen, Germany

    The International University in Germany invites applications for a Research Associate (doctoral candidate or post-doctoral) position in Computational Intelligence.

    The position is available from April 1st, 2008. For more information, see

  • PhD student position (3y) in algorithms, Bristol (U.K.)

    The Algorithms Group of the Department of Computer Science at Bristol University has a fully funded 3 year Ph.D. studentship, under the supervision of Dr. Raphael Clifford. The studentship is funded by an EPSRC funded project, "Pattern Matching Algorithms for Massive Datasets".

    Closing date: 8 February 2008. For more information, see or the project description at, or contact Dr. Clifford directly at .

  • Tenure-track assistant professorship in medieval philosophy/logic, Christopher Newport University, Newport News VA (U.S.A.)

    CNU invites applications for a tenure-track position in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies beginning the 2008-2009 academic year. AOS: Medieval Philosophy. AOC: history of philosophy, logic and critical thinking.

    Review of applications will begin on 1/15/08. Applications received after 1/15/08 will be accepted but considered only if needed. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in coalgebraic logic (3y), Imperial College, London (U.K.)

    A three year postdoctoral position is available from March 1, 2008 (or as soon as possible thereafter) to work on an EPSRC-funded project in the area of coalgebras and modal logic.

    Coalgebraic semantics allows the representation of a large class of structurally different modal logics in a uniform semantic framework where the particular type of observations that determines a specific model class is parameterized by an endofunctor. The aim of the project is to study fixpoint logics and logics axiomatized with nested modalities in this setting.

    Closing Date: 15 January 2008. More information on the project and the position advert can be found at or email Dirk Pattinson () regarding further queries.

  • Rosalind Frankling Fellowships (tenure-track for female researchers), Groningen (The Netherlands)

    The University of Groningen invites applications from female academics to fill tenure track positions now available in its prestigious Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme. The programme aims to raise the presence of women at the highest levels of the institution. We are looking for ambitious, creative women who aim for a career towards full professorship in a European top research university.

    Five fellowships are available to ambitious, creative and talented women in any of the disciplines: mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, pharmacy, environmental studies, computing science, artificial intelligence. Successful candidates will be expected to establish an independent, externally funded research program in collaboration with colleagues at our university and elsewhere.

    Please visit our website for full details: The deadline for application is January 15th, 2008.

  • PhD student positions in algorithmics, Saarbruecken (Germany)

    The Algorithms and Complexity Research Group of the Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science is looking for outstanding applications for a Ph.D position or postdoctoral fellowship, from all areas of algorithmics, complexity theory and discrete mathematics. We are explicitly looking for people interested in algorithm engineering and the design and implementation of algorithm libraries.

    Deadline for postdoc positions is 31 January 2008. For more information, see or contact Christina Fries at .

  • Five postdoctoral fellowships in the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz (Germany)

    The Zukunftskolleg is a central scientific institution of the University of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists in natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences and is an integral component of the institutional strategy "Modell Konstanz - towards a culture of creativity". The Zukunftskolleg forms a platform for interdisciplinary exchange between excellent researchers in Germany and abroad and provides young scientists resources for procuring external funding; any support is temporary.

    5 post-doctoral fellowships for the development and implementation of individual research projects are to be filled. In principle, each position can be divided into two half-time positions. The initial appointments begin May 1, 2008 and end October 31, 2009.

    Application deadline: January 31, 2008. Information about the fellowships and additional opportunities for participation in the Zukunftskolleg can be found on our website:

  • 50 PhD scholarships in Informatics, Edinburgh (Scotland)

    FIFTY research scholarships are available for UK students, EU students and students worldwide. Many of these are full scholarships, paying your tuition fees and a stipend of 12940 pounds to cover living expenses in your first year, rising in second and third years. The rest pay your fees and/or a contribution towards living expenses. Payment of fees for non-EU students is subject to successful competition for an Overseas Research Student award. PhD students are encouraged to make contributions to teaching, for example by leading tutorial groups, and for this you can expect to earn an additional 500-1000 pounds per year.

    Your application form should be returned by mid-March. Earlier applications have access to a wider range of sources of financial aid. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in Markov chain algorithms (2y), Liverpool (U.K.)

    A postdoctoral researcher is sought to join an EPSRC funded project, "Markov Chain Algorithms for Sampling Stable Matchings, Tilings, and Euler tours". Applicants should have knowledge of algorithms, discrete mathematics, and/or probability theory, in particular, randomised algorithms and combinatorics. Programming skills would be advantageous. The post is available for 2 years.

    Closing date (extended): 10 July 2008. Ref: R-567080/WWW. Further details/application procedures at

  • Postdoctoral position in computational linguistics, Nancy (France)

    The Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research and its Applications (Nancy, France) has a position for a Postdoctoral fellow to work on the development of a surface realiser for French. Applicants must havestrong hands-on experience in Natural Language Processing and a particular interest in NL generation. A good knowledge of Haskell is a necessity.

    The official closing date is February 15, 2007, but applications will be processed until the position is filled. Further particulars and details of how to apply are available at, or contact Claire Gardent at .

Past appointments

  • Bas Terwijn

    On August 1, 2008 Bas Terwijn returned to Amsterdam to join the ILLC staff. He got his PhD in 1998, here at ILLC, with a thesis on recursion theory. Since then he has been working at various places all over the world, most recently in Vienna. His expertise lies in the area where logic and computer science overlap. Bas is going to teach in the BSc Computer Science, the BSc Mathematics and the MSc Logic, and his research will form part of the Logic & Computation Programme.

    He is in room P 3.12 at Euclides, phone +31 (0)20-525 6011
    e-mail: (or )

  • Stéphane Airiau

    Stéphane joined the ILLC May 1, 2008 as a postdoc, he is working with Ulle Endriss on resource allocation problems in the Vidi project "Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains". He obtained his undergraduate degree in Toulouse, and he is now back in Europe after the completion of his PhD last year at the University of Tulsa (Oklahoma) and a six-month visit at RMIT university in Melbourne. Stéphane comes from the multiagent systems community and his interests include learning agents, cooperation and fairness in multiagent systems.

    He is in room P 3.11 at Euclides, phone: +31 (0)20-525 5356
    e-mail: (or )

  • Beth Chair 2008: Dov Samet

    Dov Samet will stay in Amsterdam during the period 1 March - 31 August. The first 4 months he will be at ILLC, followed by two months at CWI. This semester he will give an E.W. Beth Research Seminar titled 'The epistemic foundations of game theory'. Also, he will give talks on his current research at the Tinbergen Institute and CWI. On Friday June 6, he will give an ILLC lecture for the entire ILLC community, the details of which will be announced shortly.

    Dov Samet holds the Louise Lea Flack Chair in Game Theory and Interactive Decisions at the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University. He is the past Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Game Theory. Also, he is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and has been a member of the council of the Game Theory Society. He has published extensively on non-cooperative and cooperative game theory and in particular on the epistemic foundations of game theory.


  • Call for nominations Cor Baayen award

    The Cor Baayen Award is awarded each year to a promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics. The award was created in 1995 to honour the first ERCIM President.

    The award consists of a cheque for 5000 Euro together with an award certificate. The selected fellow will be invited to the ERCIM meetings in autumn. A short article on the winner, together with the list of all candidates nominated, will be published in ERCIM News.

    Nominations must be submitted by 15 April 2009.
    For more information, see

  • Jeroen Groenendijk on shortlist "Lecturer of the year 2008"

    ILLC professor (and future director) Jeroen Groenendijk is on the shortlist for the "Docent van het Jaar 2008 (Lecturer of the year 2008)" award.

    The Lecturer of the Year prize is awarded by students to an excellent UvA lecturer. The winner is not chosen on the basis of popularity, but on the basis of teaching excellence.

    On the basis of students' nominations, each student association nominated one candidate for consideration. The jury, made up of one student per faculty, then selected nominees for the shortlist. On Thursday 11 December, the semi-finals evening will be held at the Comedy Theater in which the nominees will be promoted in a playful manner by each student association. After the semi-finalist evening, the jury will select the Lecturer of the Year 2008. Their choice will be announced at the Dies Natalis (the University's birthday) on Thursday 8 January 2009.

    For more information, see

  • PhD student position in logics for multi-agent systems, Bergen (Norway)

    At Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway, there is an open position for a PhD student in the area of logics for multi-agent systems. The position is full-time for four years. Salary starts at NOK 353 200 gross per year (appr. EUR 43 000 per year).

    Closing date for applications is 1 November 2008. For more information, see or contact Dr. Thomas Ågotnes, , +47 55587229.

  • B. Löwe Vice President of German Logic society

    At their general members meeting last Thursday (11 September 2008), the society DVMLG ("Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagen der Exakten Wissenschaften") elected Benedikt Löwe as "Stellvertretender Vorsitzender" (Vice President). The DVMLG is the sister society of the Dutch VvL and is the professional representation of logicians in Germany. It has a long tradition of good cooperation with the Netherlands.

    For more information, see

  • New books in the Library

    The following new books are available in the Library at the Euclides building:

    • Hazewinkel (ed), Automata and algebras in categories, 1989
    • Maddux, Relation algebras, 2006
    • Oosten, Realizability: an introduction to its categorical side, 2008
    • Yager et al. (eds), Classical works of the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions, 2008

    For more information, please contact

  • Book Announcement: Second-Order Quantifier Elimination

    Second-Order Quantifier Elimination: Foundations, Computational Aspects and Applications
    by Dov M. Gabbay, Renate A. Schmidt, and Andrzej Szalas
    Studies in Logic: Mathematical Logic and Foundations, Vol. 12
    College Publications 2008, 308 pages
    ISBN 978-1-904987-56-7

    Further information can be found at

  • New Book in the Library of Euclides

    There is a new book in the Library of Euclides:
      Johnstone, Stone spaces, Cambridge, 2002.

    For more information, see

  • Jeroen Groenendijk naar NYU

    (dutch only)
    In het kader van het Visiting Guest- Faculty Programme van de UvA en NYU, is Jeroen Groenendijk tot Visiting Guest Professsor benoemd. Het primaire doel van zijn verblijf in New York is om op basis van bestaande contacten en inhoudelijke overlap te komen tot een concreet samenwerkingsverband tussen 'Logic and Language' van het ILLC enerzijds en het NYU Linguistics Department anderzijds. Het secundaire doel is het streven om tot een samenwerkingsverband te komen tussen het ILLC als geheel en departments in de NYU waarmee contacten en inhoudelijke verbanden bestaan.

    Voor meer informatie, zie here of de FGW Nieuwbrief op, pagina 12.

  • New book in Euclides Library

    The following new book is now available in the Euclides Library:

    Sörensen, Urzyczyn, Lectures on the Curry-Howard isomorphism (Studies in Logic), 2006

    For more information, see Paul van Ulsen,

  • Battle of the Universities: did the University of Amsterdam win?

    With their project "Zonder luisteraar geen muziek" (No music without a listener), the Music cognition team headed by Henkjan Honing was in the running for the "Academische Jaarprijs 2007/8". So did they win?

    For a jury response and other information:

  • New book in Euclides Library

    There is a new book available in the Euclides Library:
    Melvin Fitting, Incompleteness in the land of sets, 2007

    For more information, please contact

  • New Books in the Library of Euclides

    • Smith, 'An introduction to Gödel's theorems', 2007
    • Apt, Wallace, 'Constraint logic programming using Eclipse', 2007
    • Chiswell, Hodges, 'Mathematical logic', 2007
    • Priest, Beall, et al, 'The law of non-contradiction', 2004
    • Bollig, 'Formal models of communicating systems', 2006
    • Van Ditmarsch, et al, 'Dynamic epistemic logic', 2007
    • Galatos et al, 'Residuated lattices: an algebraic glimpse at substructural logic', 2007

    For more information, please contact

  • Will Henkjan Honing and his team win the "Battle of the Universities"?

    With their project "Zonder luisteraar geen muziek" (No music without a listener), the Music cognition team headed by Henkjan Honing is in the running for the "Academische Jaarprijs 2007/8".

    This prize is an initiative of the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, NWO, KNAW and Shell to promote the dissemination and popularization of science. The Music Cognition team has been selected to represent the UvA.

    From the Music cognition website: "The aim of the UvA-project is to show that we all have a talent for music. While some people might think they have no sense for rhythm or claim not to be able to sing a melody in tune, most of us do appreciate music and are perfectly capable of distinguishing between one performance or another. In other words, we will stress the musical competence of the average listener (as opposed to musical competence associated with musicianship)."

    In total 11 universities will defend their plans June 11 in the Leidse Schouwburg. In the evening the two winners will present their plans to the audience and it will become clear who is first and who is second. The evening session is open to public (but it is unclear yet how to register).

    We wish Henkjan and his team all the luck!

    For more information:

  • "De Fascinatie" (UvATV), Henkjan Honing

    Speaker: Henkjan Honing

    The AVC/IC department of the UvA has created a film in their series "De Fascinatie" on the music cognition research that is taking place at the ILLC.

    For more information, see

  • 4 april 2008, New Optional Course Music Cognition by dr. H.J. Honing

    Date & Time: Friday 4 april 2008, 10:00-12:00

    In the second semester the new optional course Music Cognition will be organized by the IIS. The course is meant for research master Cognitive Science students and students from related master programs. The lecturer is dr. H.J. Honing. (see:

    Time & date:
    Fri. 4-4-2008 thru 23-5-2008 from 10.00 am to 12.00 am.
    Fri. 30-5-2008 from 14.00 to 17.00 pm.
    Location: Amsterdam (precize locations will be announced in due time on

    For more information, see

  • Postdoc and Programmer Positions - Model Checking Knowledge and Probability

    Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Programmer positions are available at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales.

    The positions are associated to an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant funded project "Model Checking Logics of Knowledge and Probability in Pursuit-Evasion Games". The research will involve the development of model checking techniques for the logic of knowledge, probability and time, and their evaluation in the partner's application: pursuit-evasion games motivated from search and rescue mission planning problems.

    Applications close : 28 March 2008. For more information, see

  • Women in the FNWI Network

    A network for women in the UvA Science Faculty (WiF) has been launched in 2007. At the most basic level, this network will serve as a platform for women in the faculty to regularly meet each other in an informal setting. However the primary function of WiF will be to support women's careers at the UvA, including proactively working with the FNWI and university boards to increase the proportion of female academic staff over the next decade. The target goal will be achieving the EU25 average in this time.

    Several new initiatives are currently underway. Please see the related links to find out more about WiF in general, our Annual Meeting, the Best Publication Prize, our new Mentoring System, and for further contact information.

    For more information, see

  • New Books in the Library of Euclides

    • Semilattice structures, Ivan Chajda, Radomír Halas, Jan Kühr. (Research and Exposition in Mathematics, 30) -- Heldermann, 2007.
    • Semisupervised Learning for Computational Linguistics, Steven Abney, 2007.

    For more information, please contact

  • New book "Logic at the Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary View" (ed. Johan van Benthem e.a.)

    Logic at the Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary View, Amitabha Gupta, Rohit Parikh & Johan van Benthem, eds., Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2007. P. i - viii + 421.

    This book emanated from the 'First Indian Conference on Logic and its Relations with other Disciplines,' held at IIT Bombay in January 2005 by the Mumbai Logic Circle, where Indian logicians from many disciplines and many locations met with prominent international colleagues.

    For more information, see

  • 24 January 2008, Radioprogramma "Hoe?Zo!", Jelle Zuidema

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 January 2008, 21:00-22:00
    Speaker: Jelle Zuidema

    (dutch only)
    Naar aanleiding van de december 2007-editie van de rubriek Onderzoek uitgelicht is computationeel taalkundige dr. Jelle Zuidema op donderdag 24 januari tussen 21:00 en 22:00 uur te gast bij het radioprogramma "Hoe?Zo!" op radio 5.

    Voor meer informatie, zie of de Hoe?Zo! website op

  • Free admission ticket available to the National Mobility Event

    If anybody is interested in the "Nationaal Mobility Event" meeting to be held on thursday 31 January 2008 in the WTC in Rotterdam a free admission ticket (valued at Euro 195.--) has been collected in a lottery by someone definitely not interested in going there. The ticket however seems to be transferable.....

    Contact Peter van Emde Boas () if you are interested. The prospective visitor needs to register before 23 January.