View publication by year:
- MoL-2014-01:
- Maria Dimarogkona The Problem of Existence in Western Philosophy: Aristotle - Thomas Aquinas
- MoL-2014-02:
- Alexander C. Block Operations on a Wadge-Type Hierarchy of Ordinal-Valued Functions
- MoL-2014-03:
- Rachel Boddy Epistemic Issues and Group Knowledge
- MoL-2014-04:
- Andreea Achimescu Games and Logics for Informational Cascades
- MoL-2014-05:
- Sebastian Speitel Limning the True and Ultimate Structure of Reality
- MoL-2014-06:
- Ciyang Qing Quantiative Social-Cognitive Experimental Pragmatics
- MoL-2014-07:
- Nadine Theiler A Multitude of Answers: Embedded Questions in Typed Inquisitive Semantics
- MoL-2014-08:
- Seyed Mohammad Yarandi Proper Names and Propositional Attitudes
- MoL-2014-09:
- Julian J. Schlöder Uptake, Clarification and Argumentation
- MoL-2014-10:
- Julia Ilin An Outline of Algebraic Set Theory with a View Towards Cohen's Model Falsifying the Continuum Hypothesis
- MoL-2014-11:
- Guus Willem Eelink Davidson on belief, truth, and the sceptic
- MoL-2014-12:
- Simon Docherty A Model Of Type Theory In Cubical Sets With Connections
- MoL-2014-13:
- Michele Herbstritt Why can't we be surprised whether it rains in Amsterdam? A semantics for factive verbs and embedded questions
- MoL-2014-14:
- Sarah McWhirter An Automata-Theoretic Perspective on Polyadic Quantification in Natural Language
- MoL-2014-15:
- Nikhil Maddirala Philosophy of logical practice: a case study in formal semantics
- MoL-2014-16:
- Malvin Gattinger Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Guessing Games and Cryptographic Protocols
- MoL-2014-17:
- Sanne Brinkhorst On Evolution of Compositionality
- MoL-2014-18:
- Justin Kruger Actions in Social Choice
- MoL-2014-19:
- Jessica Olsen Would You Believe That? The Prerogative of Assent and Utility of Disagreement
- MoL-2014-20:
- Laura Mojica Anxiety: A Grammatical Investigation
- MoL-2014-21:
- Lara Elise van Weegen Informational cascades under variable reliability assessments: A formal and empirical investigation
- MoL-2014-22:
- Gijs Wijnholds Categorical Foundations for Extended Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning
- MoL-2014-23:
- Yuning Feng Constructing Variants of the Category of Partial Equivalence Relations
- PP-2014-01:
- Paula Henk Kripke Models Built from Models of Arithmetic
- PP-2014-02:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Dion Coumans, Sam van Gool, Dick de Jongh Duality and universal models for the meet-implication fragment of IPC
- PP-2014-03:
- Alexandru Baltag, Nick Bezhanishvili, Sonja Smets The Topology of Full and Weak Belief
- PP-2014-04:
- Bernhard Fisseni, Benedikt Löwe Event mappings for comparing formal frameworks for narratives
- PP-2014-05:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Silvio Ghilardi Multiple-conclusion Rules, Hypersequents Syntax and Step Frames
- PP-2014-06:
- Dick de Jongh, Zhiguang Zhao Positive Formulas in Intuitionistic and Minimal Logic
- PP-2014-07:
- Tanmay Inamdar, Benedikt Löwe The Modal Logic of Inner Models
- PP-2014-08:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Rosalie Iemhoff Stable canonical rules
- PP-2014-09:
- Zoé Christoff, Jens Ulrik Hansen Dynamic Social Networks Logic
- PP-2014-10:
- Hajnal Andreka, Johan van Benthem, Nick Bezhanishvili, István Németi Changing a semantics: opportunism or courage?
- PP-2014-11:
- Justin Kruger, Ulle Endriss, Raquel Fernandez, Ciyang Qing Axiomatic Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation
- PP-2014-12:
- Ciyang Qing, Ulle Endriss, Raquel Fernandez, Justin Kruger Empirical Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation
- PP-2014-13:
- Ulle Endriss, Ronald de Haan, Sefan Szeider Parameterized Complexity Results for Agenda Safety in Judgment Aggregation
- PP-2014-14:
- Ulle Endriss, Umberto Grandi Collective Rationality in Graph Aggregation
- PP-2014-15:
- Olivier Cailloux, Ulle Endriss Eliciting a Suitable Voting Rule via Examples
- PP-2014-16:
- Vahid Hashemi, Ulle Endriss Measuring Diversity of Preferences in a Group
- PP-2014-17:
- Ulle Endriss Social Choice Theory as a Foundation for Multiagent Systems
- PP-2014-18:
- Aline Honingh, John Ashley Burgoyne, Peter van Kranenburg, Anja Volk Strengthening Interdisciplinarity in MIR: Four Examples of Using MIR Tools for Musicology
- PP-2014-19:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh Stable formulas in intuitionistic logic
- PP-2014-20:
- Alexandru Baltag, Nina Gierasimczuk, Sonja Smets Truth-Tracking by Belief Revision
- PP-2014-21:
- Luca Incurvati, Benedikt Löwe Restrictiveness relative to notions of interpretations
- PP-2014-22:
- Benedikt Löwe, Sourav Tarafder Generalized algebra-valued models of set theory
- PP-2014-23:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Sumit Sourabh, Yde Venema Subordinations, closed relations, and compact Hausdorff spaces
- X-2014-01:
- Shengyang Zhong Geometry in Quantum Kripke Frames
- X-2014-02:
- Shengyang Zhong Definability in Quantum Kripke Frames