View publication by year:
- MoL-2008-01:
- Caroline Foster The Problem of the Perfect Agent: Investigations into Determinism
- MoL-2008-02:
- Silvia Gaio Gradability without Degrees
- MoL-2008-03:
- Szymon Klarman ABox Abduction in Description Logic
- MoL-2008-04:
- Martijn Pennings A Konolige bridge between default logic and autoepistemic logic
- MoL-2008-05:
- Luite Menno Pieter van Zelst Modeling Computer Viruses
- MoL-2008-06:
- Thomas Icard Models of the Polymodal Provability Logic
- MoL-2008-07:
- Loes Olde Loohuis Multi-Player Logics
- MoL-2008-08:
- Pietro Galliani Game values and equilibria for undetermined sentences of Dependence Logic
- MoL-2008-09:
- Sara Ramezani Khorshid Doost Nash Social Welfare in Multiagent Resource Allocation
- MoL-2008-10:
- Dewi S. Harten How to solve the conjunction fallacy? A discussion of alternative approaches
- MoL-2008-11:
- Rachel Sterken Concatenation as a basis for Q and the Intuitionistic variant of Nelson's Classic Result
- MoL-2008-12:
- Fan Yang Intuitionistic Subframe Formulas, NNIL-Formulas and n-universal Models
- PP-2008-01:
- Johan van Benthem An Interview on the Philosophy of Information
- PP-2008-02:
- Johan van Benthem Games that Make Sense: logic, language, and interaction
- PP-2008-03:
- Johan van Benthem In Praise of Strategies
- PP-2008-04:
- Johan van Benthem, Maricarmen Martinez The Stories of Logic and Information
- PP-2008-05:
- Johan van Benthem A Brief History of Natural Logic
- PP-2008-06:
- Johan van Benthem Logic, Rational Agency, and Intelligent Interaction
- PP-2008-07:
- Johan van Benthem The Many Faces of Interpolation
- PP-2008-08:
- Johan van Benthem 'Tell It Like It Is': information flow in logic
- PP-2008-09:
- Johan van Benthem Information Update as Social Choice
- PP-2008-10:
- Wouter Koolen Temporary Unavailability Logic and General Modification Logic
- PP-2008-11:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh The Kuznetsov-Gerciu and Rieger-Nishimura Logics: The Boundaries of the Finite Model Property
- PP-2008-12:
- Joel Uckelman, Ulle Endriss Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions with Logic-based Bidding Languages
- PP-2008-13:
- Brammert Ottens, Ulle Endriss Comparing Winner Determination Algorithms for Mixed Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions
- PP-2008-14:
- Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet Trajectories of Goods in Distributed Allocation
- PP-2008-15:
- Hylke Buisman, Gijs Kruitbosch, Nadya Peek, Ulle Endriss Simulation of Negotiation Policies in Distributed Multiagent Resource Allocation
- PP-2008-16:
- Johan van Benthem For Better of for Worse: Dynamic Logics of Preference
- PP-2008-17:
- Johan van Benthem, Cedric Dègremont Building bridges between dynamic and temporal doxastic logics
- PP-2008-18:
- Luca Motto Ros, Brian Semmes A New Proof of the Jayne-Rogers Theorem
- PP-2008-19:
- Johan van Benthem, Daisuke Ikegami Modal Fixed-Point Logic and Changing Models
- PP-2008-20:
- Henrik Schärfe, Sara L. Uckelman Jacob Lorhard's ontology: a 17th century hypertext on the reality and temporality of the world of intelligibles
- PP-2008-21:
- Rens Bod Getting Rid of Derivational Redundancy or How to Solve Kuhn's Problem
- PP-2008-22:
- Rens Bod Is the End of Supervised Parsing in Sight?
- PP-2008-23:
- Rens Bod From Exemplar to Grammar: Integrating Analogy and Probability in Language Learning
- PP-2008-24:
- Rens Bod The Data-Oriented Parsing Approach: Theory and Application
- PP-2008-25:
- Tikitu de Jager, Benedikt Löwe Nonmonotone game labellings
- PP-2008-26:
- Jeroen Groenendijk Inquisitive Semantics: Two Possibilities for Disjunction
- PP-2008-27:
- Samson Abramsky, Jouko Väänänen From IF to BI, A Tale of Dependence and Separation
- PP-2008-28:
- Joel Uckelman, Ulle Endriss Preference Modeling by Weighted Goals with Max Aggregation
- PP-2008-29:
- Sara Uckelman Three 13th-century views of quantified modal logic
- PP-2008-30:
- Johan van Benthem, Denis Bonnay Modal Logic and Invariance
- PP-2008-31:
- Benedikt Löwe, Eric Pacuit, Sanchit Saraf Analyzing stories as games with mistaken and changing beliefs
- PP-2008-32:
- Marta Bilkova, Dick de Jongh, Joost J. Joosten Interpretability in PRA
- PP-2008-33:
- Johan van Benthem Logical Pluralism Meets Logical Dynamics?
- PP-2008-34:
- Johan van Benthem, Cédric Dégrémont Multi-agent Belief Dynamics: Bridges between Dynamic Doxastic and Doxastic Temporal Logics
- PP-2008-35:
- Johan van Benthem, Jelle Gerbrandy, Tomohiro Hoshi, Eric Pacuit Merging Frameworks for Interaction
- PP-2008-36:
- Johan van Benthem Merging Observation and Access in Dynamic Logic
- PP-2008-37:
- Johan van Benthem The Information in Intuitionistic Logic
- PP-2008-38:
- Floris Roelofsen, Maria Aloni Perspectives on Concealed Questions
- PP-2008-39:
- Cédric Dégremont, Lena Kurzen Modal Logics for Reasoning about Preferences and Cooperation: Expressive Power and Complexity
- PP-2008-40:
- Lena Kurzen A Logic for Cooperation, Actions and Preferences
- PP-2008-41:
- Joost J. Joosten, Grant Olney Passmore Does SAT exhibit fractal behavior?
- PP-2008-42:
- Paul Dekker A Guide to Dynamic Semantics
- PP-2008-43:
- Jakub Szymanik The Computational Complexity of Quantified Reciprocals
- PP-2008-44:
- Amélie Gheerbrant, Balder ten Cate Complete Axiomatizations of $MSO$, $FO(TC^1)$, $FO(LFP^1)$ on Finite Trees
- PP-2008-45:
- Sujata Ghosh, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada Expressing Belief Flow in Assertion Networks
- PP-2008-46:
- Nina Gierasimczuk Identification through Inductive Verification. Application to Monotone Quantifiers
- PP-2008-47:
- Michael Franke, Tikitu de Jager Now that you mention it: Awareness dynamics in discourse and decisions
- PP-2008-48:
- Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada Inference and Update
- PP-2008-49:
- Jakub Szymanik, Marcin Zajenkowski Comprehension of Simple Quantifiers. Empirical Evaluation of a Computational Model
- PP-2008-50:
- Sara L. Uckelman, Jaap Maat, Katherina Rybalko The art of doubting in Obligationes Parisienses
- PP-2008-51:
- Sara L. Uckelman Logic and the condemnations of 1277
- PP-2008-52:
- Sujata Ghosh, Benedikt Löwe, Sanchit Saraf Pointer Semantics with Forward Propagation
- PP-2008-53:
- Vanessa Ferdinand, Willem Zuidema An experiment in iterated function learning
- PP-2008-54:
- Vanessa Ferdinand, Willem Zuidema Language adapting to the brain: a study of a Bayesian iterated learning model
- PP-2008-55:
- Pietro Galliani Probabilistic Dependence Logic
- PP-2008-56:
- Willem Zuidema, Bart de Boer Evolutionary Explanations for Natural Language - Criteria from Evolutionary Biology
- X-2008-01:
- Johan van Benthem Een Postzegel vol Logica
- X-2008-02:
- Johan van Benthem Philosophy of Mathematics: Five Candid Answers
- X-2008-03:
- ILLC Latin Reading Group (transl.) Parisian Obligations
- X-2008-04:
- Jacob Lorhard, transl. by Sara Uckelman Diagraph of Metaphysic or Ontology
- X-2008-05:
- Rens Bod Constructions at Work or at Rest?
- X-2008-06:
- Rens Bod De Unificatie van Menselijke Cognitie
- X-2008-07:
- Benedikt Löwe Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning: Introductory Remarks
- X-2008-08:
- Irma Cornelisse, Patrick Mast, Ricus Smid, Djura Smits Obligationes: Making an interactive website around a medieval game.
- X-2008-09:
- Johan van Benthem Constanten, of Variabelen, van het Logische Denken
- X-2008-10:
- Pieter Adriaans, Johan van Benthem Introduction: Information is what information does
- X-2008-11:
- Johan van Benthem Logic and Philosophy in the Century That Was
- X-2008-12:
- Ulle Endriss, Paul W. Goldberg Computational Social Choice 2008