View publication by year:
- CT-1995-01:
Marianne Kalsbeek, Yuejun Jiang
A Vademecum of Ambivalent Logic
1.Full Text.
- CT-1995-02:
- Leen Torenvliet, Marten Trautwein A Note on the Complexity of Restricted Attribute-Value Grammars
- CT-1995-03:
- Krzysztof Apt, Ingrid Luitjes Verification of Logic Programs with Delay Declarations
- CT-1995-04:
- Paul Vitányi Randomness
- CT-1995-05:
Joeri Engelfriet
Minimal Temporal Epistemic Logic
1.Full Text.
- CT-1995-06:
Krzysztof Apt, Rachel Ben-Eliyahu
Meta-variables in Logic Programming, or the Praise of Ambivalent Syntax
1.Full Text.
- CT-1995-07:
- Frans Voorbraak Combining Unreliable Pieces of Evidence
- LP-1995-01:
Marten Trautwein
Assessing Complexity Results in Feature Theories
1.Full Text.
- LP-1995-02:
S.T. Baban, S. Husein
Programmable Grammar of the Kurdish Language
1.Full Text.
- LP-1995-03:
Kazimierz Swirydowicz
There exist exactly two Maximal Strictly Relevant Extensions of the Relevant Logic $R^\ast$
1.Full Text.
- LP-1995-04:
- Jaap van der Does, Henk Verkuyl Quantification and Predication
- LP-1995-05:
Nata~a Rakic
Past, Present, Future and Special Relativity
1.Full Text.
- LP-1995-06:
- David Beaver An Infinite Number of Monkeys
- LP-1995-07:
Paul Dekker
The Values of Variables in Dynamic Semantics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1995-08:
Jaap van der Does, Jan van Eijck
Basic Quantifier Theory
1.Full Text.
- LP-1995-09:
- Jeroen Groenendijk, Marin Stokhof, Frank Veltman Coreference and Modality
- LP-1995-10:
- Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof, Frank Veltman Coreference and Contextually Restricted Quantification
- ML-1995-01:
Michiel van Lambalgen
Randomness and Infinity
1.Full Text.
- ML-1995-02:
- Johan van Benthem, Giovanna D'Agostino, Angelo Montanari, Alberto Policriti Modal Deduction in Second-Order Logic and Set Theory
- ML-1995-03:
- Vladimir Kanovei, Michiel van Lambalgen On a Spector Ultrapower of the Solovay Model
- ML-1995-04:
Hajnal Andréka, Johan van Benthem, István Németi
Back and Forth between Modal Logic and Classical Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1995-05:
- Natasha Alechina, Michiel van Lambalgen Generalized Quantification as Substructural Logic
- ML-1995-06:
Dick de Jongh, Albert Visser
Embeddings of Heyting Algebras (revised version of ML-1993-14)
1.Full Text.
- ML-1995-07:
Johan van Benthem
Modal Foundations of Predicate Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1995-08:
- Eric Rosen Modal Logic over Finite Structures
- ML-1995-09:
- Hiroakira Ono Decidability and Finite Model Property of Substructural Logics
- ML-1995-10:
Alexei P. Kopylov
The Undecidability of Second Order Linear Affine Logic
1.Full Text.
- X-1995-01:
- Sophie Fischer, Leen Torenvliet The Malleability of $TSP_{2Opt}$