View publication by year:
- CT-1992-01:
Erik de Haas, Peter van Emde Boas
Object Oriented Application Flow Graphs and their Semantics (superseded by X-1992-05)
1.Full Text.
- CT-1992-02:
Karen L. Kwast, Sieger van Denneheuvel
Weak Equivalence: Theory and Applications
1.Full Text.
- CT-1992-03:
Krzysztof R. Apt, Kees Doets
A new Definition of SLDNF-resolution
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-01:
Víctor Sánchez Valencia
Lambek Grammar: an Information-based Categorial Grammar
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-02:
Patrick Blackburn
Modal Logic and Attribute Value Structures
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-03:
Szabolcs Mikulás
The Completeness of the Lambek Calculus with respect to Relational Semantics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-04:
Paul Dekker
An Update Semantics for Dynamic Predicate Logic
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-05:
David I. Beaver
The Kinematics of Presupposition
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-06:
Patrick Blackburn, Edith Spaan
A Modal Perspective on the Computational Complexity of Attribute Value Grammar
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-07:
Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof
A Note on Interrogatives and Adverbs of Quantification
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-08:
Maarten de Rijke
A System of Dynamic Modal Logic
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-09:
Johan van Benthem
Quantifiers in the world of Types
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-10:
Maarten de Rijke
Meeting Some Neighbours (a dynamic modal logic meets theories of change and knowledge representation)
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-11:
Johan van Benthem
A Note on Dynamic Arrow Logic
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-12:
Heinrich Wansing
Sequent Caluli for Normal Modal Propositional Logics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-13:
Dag Westerstæhl
Iterated Quantifiers
1.Full Text.
- LP-1992-14:
Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof
Interrogatives and Adverbs of Quantification
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-01:
A.S. Troelstra
Comparing the Theory of Representations and Constructive Mathematics
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-02:
Dmitrij P. Skvortsov, Valentin B. Shehtman
Maximal Kripke-type Semantics for Modal and Superintuitionistic Predicate Logics
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-03:
Zoran Markovic
On the Structure of Kripke Models of Heyting Arithmetic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-04:
Dimiter Vakarelov
A Modal Theory of Arrows, Arrow Logics I
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-05:
Domenico Zambella
Shavrukov's Theorem on the Subalgebras of Diagonalizable Algebras for Theories containing ID0 + EXP
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-06:
D.M. Gabbay, Valentin B. Shehtman
Undecidability of Modal and Intermediate First-Order Logics with Two Individual Variables
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-07:
Harold Schellinx
How to Broaden your Horizon
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-08:
Raymond Hoofman
Information Systems as Coalgebras
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-09:
A.S. Troelstra
1.Full Text.
- ML-1992-10:
V.Yu. Shavrukov
A Smart Child of Peano's
1.Full Text.
- X-1992-01:
Heinrich Wansing
The Logic of Information Structures
1.Full Text.
- X-1992-02:
Konstantin N. Ignatiev
The Closed Fragment of Dzhaparidze's Polymodal Logic and the Logic of S1 conservativity
1.Full Text.
- X-1992-03:
Willem Groeneveld
Dynamic Semantics and Circular Propositions (revised version of LP-1991-03)
1.Full Text.
- X-1992-04:
Johan van Benthem
Modeling the Kinematics of Meaning
1.Full Text.
- X-1992-05:
Erik de Haas, Peter van Emde Boas
Object Oriented Application Flow Graphs and their Semantics (revised version of CT-1992-01)
1.Full Text.
- X-1992-06:
- Annual Report 1991