View publication by year:
- MoL-2001-01:
- Levan Khavtasi Extending Focus Theories: Particles in Focus
- MoL-2001-02:
- Iouri Netchitailov An Extension of Game Logic with Parallel Operators
- MoL-2001-03:
- Marie Nilsenová Uncertainty in the Common Ground
- MoL-2001-04:
- Jason Mattausch On Optimization in Discourse Generation
- MoL-2001-05:
- Rasa Leijting - Paulékaité Intentional Identity and the Edelberg Asymmetry
- MoL-2001-06:
- Jon Ragetli Towards Concept-based Structuring of Electronic Information
- MoL-2001-07:
- Ben Rodenhäuser Updating Epistemic Uncertainty: an essay in the logic of information change
- MoL-2001-08:
- Alexander Bergo Text Categorization and Prototypes
- MoL-2001-09:
- Nick Arevadze Finite Projective Formulas
- MoL-2001-10:
- Marcello Vavassori Isn't my question a real question? A Pragmatic Approach to Polar Questions
- MoL-2001-11:
- David Gabelaia Modal definability in topology
- MoL-2001-12:
- Darrin Hindsill On the Turning Verbs into Nouns
- MoL-2001-13:
- Troy Lee Is Multiplication Harder than Addition? Arithmetical Definability over Finite Structures
- MoL-2001-14:
- Andreas P. Giannakoulopoulos Frog Leaps and Human Noises: An Optimality Theory Approach to Cultural Change
- MoL-2001-15:
- Mehmet Giritli From 3-SAT to \{2+p\},\{3\}-SAT
- PP-2001-01:
- Maarten Marx Complexity of Intuitionistic Predicate Logic with One Variable
- PP-2001-02:
- G. Goguadze, C. Piazza, Y. Venema Simulating polyadic modal logics by monadic ones
- PP-2001-03:
- Renate Bartsch Consciousness at the Cutting Edge between World and Brain: The Interaction between Perception, Imagination, Thought, and Language
- PP-2001-04:
- Maarten Marx Relation Algebra with Binders
- PP-2001-05:
- Michael Morreau The Good, the Bad and the Far-fetched
- PP-2001-06:
- Michael Morreau What Vague Objects are like
- PP-2001-07:
Renate Bartsch
Generating Polysemy: Metaphor and Metonymy
1.Full Text.
- PP-2001-08:
- C Areces, R. Bernardi Analyzing the Core of Categorial Grammar
- PP-2001-09:
- Lex Hendriks, Dick de Jongh Characterization of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs in Intermediate Logics
- PP-2001-10:
- Maarten Marx, Szabolcs Mikulas An Elementary Construction for a Non-elementary Procedure
- PP-2001-11:
- Paul Dekker Meaning and Use of Indefinite Expressions
- PP-2001-12:
- Paul Dekker Dynamics and Pragmatics of ``Peirce's Puzzle''
- PP-2001-13:
- Paul Dekker ``She'' 's Character
- PP-2001-14:
- Paul Dekker On If and Only
- PP-2001-15:
- Paul Dekker, Robert van Rooy Bi-Directional Optimality Theory: An Application of Game Theory
- PP-2001-16:
- J. Kamps, M. Marx Words with Attitude
- PP-2001-17:
- P. Blackburn, J. Kamps, M. Marx Situation Calculus as Hybrid Logic: First Steps
- PP-2001-18:
- M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, G. Bezhanishvili Reasoning About Space: The Modal Way
- PP-2001-19:
- C. Areces, P. Blackburn, M. Marx Repairing the Interpolation Theorem in Quantified Modal Logic
- PP-2001-21:
- Giovanna D'Agostino, Giacomo Lenzi Comparing Levels of Bisimulation Quantifiers Logic with the mu-calculus
- PP-2001-22:
- Giovanna Corsi A Unifying Completeness Theorem in Quantified Modal logic
- PP-2001-23:
- Marco Aiello, Johan van Benthem A Modal Walk Through Space
- X-2001-01:
- A.H. Budiyanto Introduction to Turing Nonrigidity