Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.
- Past Events
- Calls for Paper
- Past Conferences
- MoL and PhD defenses
- Projects and Awards
- Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Open Positions at ILLC
- Open Positions, General
- Past appointments
- Miscellaneous
- Former Regular Events
Headlines Past Events
- 16 December 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alexandru Baltag
- 16 December 2016, Modeling Minds II: Levels of Explanation
- 16 December 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
- 15 December 2016, FNWI Christmas Drinks
- 15 December 2016, Provability and Modal Logic
- 14 December 2016, A|C seminar, Andrey Kudinov
- 12 December 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Johan van Benthem
- 9 December 2016, Brouwer symposium: L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later
- 9 December 2016, L.E.J. Brouwer Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 9 December 2016, SMART Lecture, Marc Leman
- 8 December 2016, DIP Colloquium, John Collins
- 3 - 4 December 2016, Workshop 'Intensionality and Truth'
- 2 December 2016, DIP Colloquium, Daniel Cohnitz
- 2 December 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Johan van Benthem
- 29 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Laura Rimell
- 26 November 2016, ILLC 25th anniversary symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 25 November 2016, Symposium Quantum Software in the Netherlands
- 24 November 2016, Public lecture Edward Tufte
- 22 November 2016, Logic Tea, Dieuwke Hupkes & Sara Veldhoen
- 19-20 November 2016, ICT maintenance weekend
- 18 November 2016, DIP Colloquium, Alessandra Marra
- 18 November 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
- 17 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Alessandro Lenci
- 17 - 19 November 2016, The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change
- 14 November 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Johan van Benthem
- 11 November 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fernando R. Velázquez Quesada
- 10 - 11 November 2016, The 28th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2016), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- 9 November 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Andrew Swan
- 8 November 2016, Logic Tea, Aysenur Bilgin
- 8 November 2016, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Zoi Terzopoulou
- 4 November 2016, COOL, Robert Paßmann
- 4 November 2016, 'Voor de Leeuwen'
- 4 November 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Giovanni Ciná
- 4 November 2016, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Anna Moskalenko
- 4 November 2016, Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
- 3 November 2016, CWI Lectures in honour of Adriaan van Wijngaarden
- 2 November 2016, BSc Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science @ ILLC
- 1 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Barend Beekhuizen
- 1 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Caroline Sporleder
- 1 November 2016, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET-open) workshop
- 1 November 2016, Rich Parsing Workshop
- 28 October 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
- 28 October 2016, DIP Colloquium, Sabine Iatridou
- 28 October 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Aybüke Ozgun
- 27 October 2016, Executive Board Q&A session at Science Park
- 27 October 2016, NWO lecture on NWO's new open access policy
- 27 October 2016, Symposium on Congenital Amusia
- 26 October 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Yde Venema
- 26 October 2016, Two lectures on Dutch open access negotiation with publishers
- 20 October 2016, CIRMMT Distinguished Lecture Series, Henkjan Honing
- 19 October 2016, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Fedor Pakhomov
- 17 October 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Ulle Endriss
- 14 October 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hans van Ditmarch
- 14 October 2016, DIP Colloquium, Elizabeth Coppock
- 14 October 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Malvin Gattinger
- 13 October 2016, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
- 11 October 2016, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ronald de Haan
- 5 October 2016, PhD day
- 1 October 2016, Open Day Amsterdam Science Park, Amsterdam Science Park, Amsterdam
- 30 September 2016, COOL, Melina Mendoza
- 30 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fengkui Ju
- 30 September 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
- 28 September 2016, A|C seminar, Grigory Olkhovikov
- 27 September 2016, Logic Tea, Bastiaan van der Weij
- 27 September 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Douwe Kiela
- 23 September 2016, DIP Colloquium, Wataru Uegaki
- 23 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Tao Gu
- 19 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Branden Fitelson
- 16 September 2016, COOL, Natalia Philippova
- 13 September 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Barbara Plank
- 12 September 2016, Vossius Seminar on the History of Informatics and Psychometrics
- 9 September 2016, DIP Colloquium, Michael Kremer
- 6 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Cancelled
- 2 September 2016, drinks with pizza, welcoming the new MoL students and PhD candidates
- 29 July 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
- 1 July 2016, Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
- 1 July 2016, Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
- 28-29 June 2016, Workshop "Reasoning in Conceptual Spaces"
- 27 June 2016, Opening Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences
- 24 June 2016, The Amsterdam Flux Festival
- 21 June 2016, Information Session on ERC Grants
- 22 June 2016, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Fabio Pasquali
- 22 June 2016, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Bruno Loff
- 21-23 June 2016, Tutorial "Definability and Complexity of Counting Logics"
- 17 June 2016, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2016, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
- 17 June 2016, CWI-DIAMANT Seminar Combinatorics and Optimization, Joe Halpern (Cornell University)
- 10 June 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Eric Pacuit
- 10 June 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group, Romke Rouw
- 10 June 2016, APES Symposium with Lisa Herzog (Frankfurt) and Harold Kincaid (Cape Town)
- 7 June 2016, The musical brain: Beat, rhythm, and timing
- 3 June 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Karin Kukkonen
- 3 June 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium, Antoinette Baujard, Markus Brill, Harrie de Swart
- 2 June 2016, Information meeting: European consortium grants
- 2 June 2016, BroadSem Kick-off Workshop
- 1-15 June 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Eric Pacuit
- 27 May 2016, DIP Colloquium, Lavinia Picollo & Thomas Schindler
- 27 May 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hein Duijf
- 26 May 2016, Cool Logic, Levin Hornischer and Stella Moon
- 24 May 2016, Training voor promovendi: Launch your Career
- 20 May 2016, Cool Logic, Dan Frumin and Guillaume Massas
- 20 May 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Benjamin Icard & Markus Pfundstein
- 19 May 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Jan van Eijck (CWI and ILLC)
- 19 May 2016, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Steve Homer
- 17 May 2016, Celebratory workshop on the occasion of Jouko Vaananen's retirement, Bungehuis room 0.04, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT, Amsterdam
- 13 May 2016, DIP Colloquium, Bjørn Jespersen
- 13 May 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Jubin Abutelab
- 13 May 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Guido Bacciagaluppi
- 13 May 2016, Studies of Mathematical and Logical Practice guest lecture, Anika Dreher
- 12 May 2016, Valedictory Lecture, Martin Stokhof
- 10 May 2016, Logic Tea, Robert White
- 4 May 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Tomáš Jakl (Charles University Prague, University of Birmingham)
- 29 April 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
- 29 April 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Rohit Parikh
- 28 April 2016, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, F.A. Muller
- 26 April 2016, Logic Tea, Philip Schulz
- 22 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Rohit Parikh
- 22 April 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Jon Williamson
- 22-25 April 2016, Celebratory events in honour of Albert Visser on the occasion of his retirement, Auditorium, University Hall, Utrecht University & Academiegebouw, Utrecht University
- 20 April 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Serafina Lapenta (University of Salerno)
- 15 April 2016, DIP Colloquium, Donka Farkas
- 15 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jeffrey M. Keisler
- 12 April 2016, Logic Tea, Luca Incurvati
- 8 April 2016, Cool Logic, Bonan Zhao
- 8 April 2016, Ace Venture Lab presentation
- 8 April 2016, ACLC Seminar, Naomi Feldman
- 8 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Elias Tsakas
- 7 April 2016, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, Paul Roth
- 5 April 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Iacer Calixto
- 1 April 2016, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting, ILLC Common room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam
- 1 April 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
- 1 April 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
- 1 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Nils Bulling
- 30 March 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Sam van Gool (City College of New York and ILLC)
- 29 March 2016, CLClab Seminar, Willemijn van Woerkom
- 24 March 2016, Spinoza Lecture, Jonathan Lear
- 22 March 2016, Cross-linguistic semantics (XLSX) colloquium, Matthias Passer (ACLC)
- 22 March 2016, Workshop on Logical Dynamics of Social Influence and Information Change
- 18 March 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Niels Taatgen
- 18 March 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Yves Bouchard
- 17 March 2016, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Matteo Acclavio
- 16 March 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Mohamed Khaled (Central European University, Budapest)
- 14 March 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Sonja Smets
- 11 March 2016, Cool Logic, Bastiaan van der Weij
- 11 March 2016, DIP Colloquium, Otávio Bueno
- 11 March 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan van Eijck
- 10 March 2016, Spinoza Lecture, Jonathan Lear
- 10 March 2016, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, Ida Stamhuis
- 9 March 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Almudena Colacito (ILLC)
- 4 March 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Chenwei Shi
- 1 March 2016, Logic Tea, Ellen Breitholtz
- 26 February 2016, Cool Logic, Jonathan Sippel
- 26 February 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Eugune S. Hunn
- 26 February 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group, Kjetil Vikene
- 26 February 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan Broersen
- 24 February 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Fateme Shirmohammadzade Maleki
- 19 February 2016, CLClab Seminar
- 19 February 2016, DIP Colloquium, Emanuel Rutten
- 18 February 18 2016, In pictures: from quantum foundations to natural language meaning (this talk requires no background in physics, nor in linguistics, nor in fancy math!), Bob Coecke
- 17 February 2016, Bèta Break
- 12 February 2016, Cool Logic, Lucy van Oostveen
- 12 February 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Rahim Ramezanian
- 9 February 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar
- 9 February 2016, FGw Information meeting ERC Advanced grant
- 9 February 2016, FGw Information meeting NWO Free Competition
- 5 February 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fan Yang
- 29 January 2016, Cool Logic, Bartosz Wcisło
- 29 January 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Debate on Defining Cognition
- 29 January 2016, Amsterdam Brain & Cognition (ABC) Lecture, Steve Fleming
- 27 January 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Silvio Ghilardi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- 22 January 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
- 21 January 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Theo Kuipers
- 15 January 2016, ILLC Midwinter Colloquium 2016, ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
Headlines Calls for Paper
- 16-18 December 2016, Workshop "Situations, Information, and Semantic Content", Muenchen, Germany (deadline: 29 May 2016)
- 12-14 December 2016, 5th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing (TPNC 2016), Sendai, Japan (deadline: 26 July 2016)
- 12 December 2016, Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex V), Osaka, Japan (deadline: Sunday 25 September 2016)
- 11-16 December 2016, The 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Japan (deadline: 26 August 2016)
- 11 December 2016, Sixth Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation (HyTra-6), Osaka, Japan (deadline: 25 September 2016)
- 9 December 2016, Cognitive Computation: Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches (CoCo @ NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spain
- CfP special issue of TPLP on "Parallel and Distributed Computation in (Constraint) Logic Programming" (deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2017)
- 5-7 December 2016, 20th International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2016), Nancy, France (deadline: 3 July 2016)
- 1-2 December 2016, Workshop "Argument Strength", Bochum, Germany (deadline: 1 August 2016)
- 28 November - 1 December 2016, 15th Conference of the Italian Association for AI (AI*IA 2016), Genova, Italy (deadline: 12 June 2016)
- 28 November - 1 December 2016, 23rd RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion (RCRA 2016), Genova, Italy (deadline: 8 September 2016)
- 28 - 29 November 2016, Workshop on Coalgebra, Horn Clause Logic Programming and Types, Edinburgh, Scotland (deadline: Saturday 15 October 2016)
- 23 - 25 November 2016, 5th Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Buenos Aires, Argentina (deadline: Sunday 25 September 2016)
- 12 - 13 November 2016, 17th Annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 17), Notre Dame IN, U.S.A. (deadline: Sunday 18 September 2016)
- 11-15 November 2016, 5th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Easter Island - Rapa Nui (deadline: 1 April 2016)
- 9-11 November 2016, 15th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2016), Larnaca, Cyprus (deadline: 23 July 2016)
- 3-5 November 2016, Eighth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW 8), Marseille, France (deadline: 15 May 2016)
- Call for Nominations: 2017 Covey Award in Computing and Philosophy (deadline: Tuesday 15 November 2016)
- 27-28 October 2016, Third Workshop on Logic, Reasoning, and Rationality (LRR 2016): Agency & Causation, Gent, Belgium (deadline: 17 June 2016)
- 24-31 October 2016, 13th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2016), Taipei, Taiwan (deadline: 16 May 2016)
- 22 - 23 October 2016, International Conference on Peirce's Logic and Philosophy, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang, China (deadline: Sunday 11 September 2016)
- 21 - 22 October 2016, Agent-based modelling across social science, economics, and philosophy, Bamberg, Germany (deadline: Wednesday 31 August 2016)
- 20-21 October 2016, International Workshop 'The Bounds of Logic Reloaded', Moscow, Russia (deadline: 1 June 2016)
- 17-19 October 2016, 23rd International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2016), Kungens Lyngby, Denmark (deadline: 20 June 2016)
- 12-14 October 2016, Foundations of Mathematical Structuralism, Munich, Germany (deadline: 30 June 2016)
- 11-13 October 2016, 4th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2016), Pilsen, Czech Republic (deadline: 17 May 2016)
- 5-6 October 2016, Workshop on Logical Constants, Munich, Germany (deadline: 25 July 2016)
- 4-6 October 2016, Interdisciplinary Workshop "Rational animals?", Bochum, Germany (deadline: 20 July 2016)
- CfP special issue of Topoi on "Inferences and Proofs" (deadline: Friday 31 March 2017)
- Cfp ERIS - War and Peace (deadline: Wednesday 2 November 2016)
- 26-30 September 2016, 39th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2016), Klagenfurt, Austria (deadline: 13 May 2016)
- 23-24 September 2016, Truth: Deflationism & Beyond, Alghero, Italy (deadline: 3 July 2016)
- 21-23 September 2016, 10th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2016), Nice, France (deadline: 22 May 2016)
- 20-21 September 2016, Sixth conference on Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM 2016), Tokyo, Japan (deadline: 31 August 2016)
- 19-21 September 2016, 10th Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP 2016), Aalborg, Denmark (deadline: 13 May 2016)
- 19-21 September 2016, Workshop "From Basic Cognition to Mathematical Practice", Seville, Spain (deadline: 27 May 2016)
- 19-23 September 2016, 5th Conference on Logic and Applications 2016 (LAP 2016), Dubrovnik, Croatia (deadline: 1 June 2016)
- 14-16 September 2016, Seventh International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification (GandALF 2016), Catania, Italy (deadline: 20 May 2016)
- 12-15 September 2016, Trends in Logic XVI: Consistency, Contradiction Paraconsistency and Reasoning - 40 years of CLE, Campinas, Brasil (deadline: 15 June 2016)
- 12-16 September 2016, Nineteenth International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2016), Brno, Czech Republic (deadline: 3 August 2016)
- 11-14 September 2016, 1st International Workshop on AI aspects of Reasoning, Information, and Memory (AIRIM’16), Gdansk, Poland (deadline: 9 May 2016)
- 10-12 September 2016, Colloquium Logicum 2016, Hamburg, Germany (deadline: 20 June 2016)
- 9-11 September 2016, 10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (deadline: 23 May 2016)
- 9 September 2016, Second Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2016), Sofia, Bulgaria (deadline: 31 May 2016)
- 7-9 September 2016, 7th Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2016 (SOPhiA 2016), Salzburg, Austria (deadline: 1 May 2016)
- 6-9 September 2016, Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata (HIGHLIGHTS 2016), Brussels, Belgium (deadline: 3 June 2016)
- 5-9 September 2016, Syntax Meets Semantics (SYSMICS 2016), Barcelona, Spain (deadline: 30 April 2016)
- 5-7 September 2016, 5th René Descartes Lectures & Workshop: Science, Values and Democracy, Tilburg, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 May 2016)
- 5-7 September 2016, 15th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2016), Obergurgl, Austria (deadline: 22 June 2016)
- 5-10 September 2016, Poznan Reasoning Week, Poznan, Poland (deadline: 30 June 2016)
- 5-7 September 2016, Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications VIII, Lodz, Poland (deadline: 30 June 2016)
- 5-9 September 2016, Entia et Nomina, Warsaw, Poland (deadline: 24 July 2016)
- 4-6 September 2016, The 26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2016), London, England (deadline: 24 July 2016)
- 2-3 September 2016, 17th International Workshop on Logic & Computational Complexity (LCC 2016), Marseille, France (deadline: 17 June 2016)
- 30 August - 2 September 2016, 11th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML 2016), Budapest, Hungary (deadline: 20 May 2016)
- 30 August 2016, 5th Workshop "What can FCA do for AI?" (FCA4AI 2016), Den Haag, The Netherlands (deadline: 5 June 2016)
- 29 August - 1 September 2016, 25th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2016), Marseille, France. (deadline: 8 April 2016)
- 29 August - 2 September 2016, 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), Den Haag, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 April 2016)
- 29 or 30 August 2016, The Third International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe at ECAI 2016), The Hague, Netherlands (deadline: 12 June 2016)
- 29-30 August 2016, Normative Multi-Agent Systems (NorMAS 2016), Den Haag, The Netherlands (deadline: 12 June 2016)
- 22-26 August 2016, 41st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2016), Krakow, Poland (deadline: 21 April 2016)
- 20-21 August 2016, The 21st Conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2016), Bolzano, Italy (deadline: 31 March 2016)
- 20-21 August 2016, 5th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention and General Intelligence (C3GI 2016), Bolen-Bolzano, Italy (deadline: 29 June 2016)
- 16-19 August 2016, 23nd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2016), Puebla, Mexico (deadline: 14 March 2016)
- 15-26 August 2016, 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2016), Bolzano, Italy (deadline: 1 June 2015)
- 15-26 August 2016, ESSLLI 2016 Student Session, Bolzano, Italy (deadline: 25 March 2016)
- 11-12 August 2016, Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2016), Berlin, Germany (deadline: 18 April 2016)
- 11 August 2016, 10th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2016), Berlin, Germany (deadline: 1 May 2016)
- 31 July - 6 August 2016, Logic Colloquium 2016 (LC 2016), Leeds, U.K. (deadline: 29 April 2016)
- 25-29 July 2016, Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Conference, Chisinau, Moldova (deadline: 5 May 2016)
- 25-29 July 2016, 5th International Workshop on Theorem proving components for Educational software (ThEdu 2016), Bialystock, Poland (deadline: 4 June 2016)
- Special issue of JANCL on Logic and Argumentation (deadline: 15 November 2016)
- 16-18 July 2016, 20th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2016 / JerSem), Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (deadline: 20 April 2016)
- 16-17 July 2016, 11th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy 2016), New York City, U.S.A. (deadline: 20 June 2016)
- 12 - 16 July 2016, Eleventh Panhellenic Logic Symposium (PLS11), Delphi, Greece (deadline: Wednesday 12 April 2017)
- 11-13 July 2016, Seventh International Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN 2016) (deadline: 7 March 2016)
- 11-15 July 2016, NASSLLI workshop on Statistical and Logical Models of Meaning (SaLMoM), Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (deadline: 1 April 2016)
- 10 July 2016, Fourth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science (NLCS'16), New York City, U.S.A. (deadline: 10 April 2016)
- 9 July 2016, Second Workshop on Bridging the gap between human and automated reasoning, New York NY, U.S.A. (deadline: 18 April 2016)
- 8-16 July 2016, North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI 2016), New Brunswick, New Jersey (deadline: 30 September 2015)
- 8-10 July 2016, 9th annual workshop on Decisions, Games and Logic (DGL 2016), Michigan, U.S.A. (deadline: 1 March 2016)
- 4 July 2016, 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (and Beyond) (QBF 2016), Bordeaux, France (deadline: 8 May 2016)
- 27 June - 1 July 2016, Computability in Europe 2016 (CiE 2016), Paris, France (deadline: 23 April 2016)
- 25 June 2016, Third Symposium for the History and Philosophy of Programming (HaPoP 2016), Paris, France (deadline: 14 April 2016)
- 22-26 June 2016, 1st International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2016), Porto, Portugal (deadline: 29 January 2016)
- 22-24 June 2016, 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2016), Manchester, UK (deadline: 31 January 2016)
- 19-24 June 2016, 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016), New York, U.S.A. (deadline: 5 February 2016)
- 15-17 June 2016, Thirteenth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2016), Faro, Portugal (deadline: 14 March 2016)
- 15-17 June 2016, 22nd International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA 2016), Zuerich, Switzerland (deadline: 1 May 2016)
- 12-17 June 2016, 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT 2016), San Diego, U.S.A. (deadline: 6 January 2016)
- 9-13 June 2016, 11th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2016), St. Petersburg, Russia (deadline: 11 December 2015)
- 9-10 June 2016, 16th Annual Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Physics Graduate Conference (LMP 2016), London, Ontario, Canada (deadline: 22 February 2016)
- 8-9 June 2016, 9th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2016), Heraklion, Greece (deadline: 25 March 2016)
- 6–10 June 2016, 13th International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2016), Glasgow, Scotland (deadline: 13 March 2016)
- 22-27 May 2016, 6th Summer School on Formal Techniques (SSFT16), Atherton CA, U.S.A. (deadline: 30 April 2016)
- CfP special issue of 'Philosophy & Technology' on Logic as Technology (deadline: 15 June 2016)
- 9-13 May 2016, 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), Singapore (deadline: 1 December 2015)
- 9-11 May 2016, PhDs in Logic VIII, Darmstadt, Germany (deadline: 7 February 2016)
- 9-13 May 2016, 21st Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (deadline: none)
- CfP special issue of JICPR on "Pluralism in Mathematics" (deadline: 15 July 2016)
- 22-25 April 2016, 29th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2016), Cape Town, South Africa (deadline: 7 February 2016)
- 3 April 2016, 3rd Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (HCVS 2016), Eindhoven, The Netherlands (deadline: 5 February 2016)
- 14-18 March 2016, 10th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2016), Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 26 October 2015)
- 4-7 March 2016, 17th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (deadline: 30 November 2015)
- 6-9 January 2016, 2015-16 ASL Winter Meeting, Seattle WA, U.S.A. (deadline: 11 September 2015)
- 4-7 January 2016, Logical Foundations of Computer Science 2016 (LFCS'16), Deerfield Beach FL, U.S.A. (deadline: 6 September 2015)
Headlines Past Conferences
- 16 - 18 December 2016, Workshop "Situations, Information, and Semantic Content", Munich, Germany
- 5-9 December 2016, Non-classical Logics and Their Applications: The 8th International Workshop on Logic and Cognition (WOLC2016), Canton China
- 2 December 2016, Workshop on proof theory and modal logic, Turin, Italy
- 1 - 2 December 2016, "Games, Logic, and Society": A 80th Birthday Celebration Honoring Rohit Parikh, New York NY, U.S.A.
- 19 November 2016, Christopher Strachey Symposium, Oxford, England
- 18 - 19 November 2016, Workshop 'The relevance of logic for human reasoning', Munich, Germany
- 12 November 2016, Workshop 'Real possibilities and branching time', Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 7-8 November 2016, Autumn School on Linear Logic, Lyon, France
- 7 - 10 November 2016, Linear Logic: interaction, proofs, and computation (LL2016), Lyon, France
- 29 October 2016, Dynamics in Logic IV
- 20-22 October 2016, Autumn School on Computational Social Choice and Fair Division, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 19-22 October 2016, BN Pair Meeting 2016 (in honour of the 60th birthdays of Alexandre Borovik & Ali Nesin), Istanbul, Turkey
- 19-21 October 2016, The 27th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2016), Bari, Italy
- 16 - 17 October 2016, 2016 Autumn School on Computational Logic, New York NY, U.S.A.
- 16-17 October 2016, 2016 Autumn School on Computational Logic, New York NY, U.S.A.
- 11 October 2016, KNAW Symposium on Go and Machine Intelligence
- 28-29 September 2016, GPU technology conference, Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 26-30 September 2016, Workshop on Set-theoretical aspects of the model theory of strong logics, Bellaterra, Spain
- Workshop on Future Directions in Computational Social Choice
- 21-22 September 2016, Bonn Set Theory Workshop 2016: "Generalised Baire spaces", Bonn, Germany
- 17 September 2016, Directions in Computability Theory: A meeting in memory of Barry Cooper, Leeds, England
- 6-8 September 2016, British Logic Colloquium (BLC 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland
- 5-9 September 2016, 12th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- 4-16 September 2016, International Rationality Summer Institute 2016 (IRSI), Aurich, Germany
- 30 August - 2 September 2016, Collective Intentionality X, The Hague, The Netherlands
- 24-27 August 2016, Conceptual Spaces at Work 2016, Huddinge, Weden
- 22-27 August 2016, The 7th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2016), Nancy, France
- 15-19 August 2016, DSALT: Distributional Semantics and Linguistic Theory, Bolzano, Italy
- 15-26 August 2016, DGfS Summer School "Mapping Meaning", Tübingen, Germany
- 14 August 2016, Composes end-of-project workshop, Bolzano, Italy
- 27-29 July 2016, Workshop "Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures", Leeds, England
- 25-30 July 2016, 18th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2016), Catania, Italy
- 24-30 July 2016, Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation, Goettingen, Germany
- 24-30 July 2016, Third Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, Munich
- 18-22 July 2016, Summer School on Computational Social Choice, Palacio Miramar, San Sebastian
- 18-23 July 2016, Summer School in Tame Geometry, Konstanz, Germany
- 18-29 July 2016, 1st Irvine Conference on Descriptive Inner Model Theory and HOD Mice, Irvine CA, U.S.A.
- 16-30 July 2016, 8th South-East Asian Summer School on Computational Logic, Rayong, Thailand
- 12-17 July 2016, Set Theoretic Pluralism Symposium (STP-2016), Aberdeen, Scotland
- 9-10 July 2016, 4th International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning (SR2016), New York NY, U.S.A.
- 6-9 July 2016, 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2016), Annecy, France
- 5-19 July 2016, EpiCenter Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
- 5-8 July 2016, 31st Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2016), New York NY, U.S.A.
- 5-9 September, 2016, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 4-5 July 2016, Ninth Workshop on Computability Theory (WCT 2016), Gent, Belgium
- 1 July 2016, 2nd International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2016), Coimbra, Portugal
- 30 June - 2 July 2016, AAL 2016: Australasian Association for Logic, Melbourne, Australia
- 28-30 June 2016, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD 2016), Phalaborwa, South Africa
- 27 June - 1 July 2016, Third IAOA Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology (ISAO 2016), Bolzano, Italy
- 24 June 2016, ABC Brain Day & Night 2016, De Brakke Grond, Nes 45, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 20-22 June 2016, Formal Epistemology Workshop 2016 (FEW 2016), Groningen, The Netherlands
- 17 June 2016, Workshop on Plural Foundations: Plural Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Leeds, England
- 16-17 June 2016, Workshop "Philosophical Methods", Essen, Germany
- 13-14 June 2016, Conference "Pictures and Propositions", London, England
- 12 - 26 June 2016, 4th Epicenter Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 10-11 June 2016, Intuitionism, Computation and Proof: Selected themes from the research of G. Kreisel, Paris, France
- 9-10 June 2016, Workshop at Kent: Type Theory and Philosophy, Canterbury, England
- 3-4 June 2016, Workshop on Proofs, Justifications and Certificates, Toulouse, France
- 30 May - 2 June 2016, Summer School on Blockchain Technologies: From Cryptographic E-cash to Modern Cryptocurrencies, Corfu, Greece
- 28-29 May 2016, 5th CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Intelligent Interaction, Stanford CA, U.S.A.
- 22 May 2016, Foundational Impact of Recursion Theory: A conference , Storrs CT, U.S.A.
- 20 May 2016, Workshop 'Informal Aspects of Uncertainty Evaluation', Cambridge, England
- 20-21 May 2016, "The Identity Theory of Truth", Cambridge, England
19-20 May 2016, International Workshop "Language and metalanguage, logic and meta-logic.
Revisiting Tarski's hierarchy", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium - 11-13 May 2016, The Art of Voice Synthesis
- 3 May 2016, Workshop "Philosophy of the Precautionary Principle", Tilburg, The Netherlands
- 20-22 April 2016, OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy (OZSW-GCTP2016): How Philosophy meets the World, University of Twente, Enschede
- 18-19 April 2016, REINS Workshop Responsible Intelligent Systems in Perspective; where Computer Science, Philosophy and Legal Theory meet, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 10-13 April 2016, What makes us musical animals, St Petersburg, Russia
- 7-9 April 2016, Workshop "Roots of Deduction", Groningen, The Netherlands
- 2-3 April 2016, 13th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'16), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- 4-11 March 2016, Interdisciplinary College 2016 Spring School, Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany
- 15-19 February 2016, Lorentz center workshop on Unified Correspondence, Lorentz center, Leiden
- 25-29 January 2016, 2016 Winter School on Quantum Security, Darmstadt, Germany
- 15 January 2016, Workshop "Backgrounded reports: commitment and negation in parenthetical reports and reportative evidentials", Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 9-10 January 2016, 98th Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, Doorn, The Netherlands
- 4-17 January 2016, 6th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Headlines MoL and PhD defenses
- 20 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Tom Hendriks
- 20 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Guillaume Massas
- 19 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Andrés Occhipinti Liberman
- 16 December 2016, Nonstandard Provability for Peano Arithmetic: A Modal Perspective, Paula Henk
- 13 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Olim Tuyt
- 16 November 2016, PhD defense, Florian Speelman
- 2 November 2016, PhD defense, Andreas van Cranenburgh
- 27 October 2016, PhD defense, Teresa Piovesan
- 7 October 2016, Master of Logic defense, Nigel Sequeira
- 29 September 2016, Master of Logic defense, Fernando Ortega Ruiz
- 26 September 2016, Master of Logic defense, Arianna Novaro
- 26 September 2016, Master of Logic defense, Sirin Botan
- 31 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Thomas Cattermole
- 30 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Iliana Gioulatou
- 30 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Benjamin Sparkes
- 26 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Almudena Colacito
- 26 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Kristina Gogoladze
- 25 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Thom van Gessel
- 25 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Daniil Frumin
- 24 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Anna Bellomo
- 15 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Tim Hoogeveen
- 8 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Tom Schoonen
- 7 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Leanne Streekstra
- 5 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Philip Willem Bernhard Michgelsen
- 4 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Sander in 't Veld
- 4 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Eli Drumm
- 29 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Onindo Khan
- 28 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Evan Marzion
- 24 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Christopher Badura
- 10 June 2016, PhD defense, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger
- 8 June 2016, PhD defense, Fleur L. Bouwer
- 7 June 2016, PhD defense, Johannes Marti
- 3 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Thomas Santoli
- 3 June 2016, PhD defense, Phong Le
- 13 May 2016, Master of Logic defense, Yfke Dulek
- 31 March 2016, Master of Logic defense, Stephen Pastan
- 22 March 2016, PhD defense, Zoé Christoff
- 11 March 2016, PhD defense, Ivano Ciardelli
- 1 March 2016, Master of Logic defense, Rick Bellaar
- 15 January 2016, Master of Logic defense, Sarah Hiller
- 8 January 2016, Master of Logic defense, Nikolas Nisidis
Headlines Projects and Awards
- NWO Top Grants for Benno van den Berg and Ulle Endriss
- Yfke Dulek wins the Ngi-NGN Informatie Scriptieprijs voor Informatica en Informatiekunde
- Three Vossius Research Fellowships awarded
- Mostafa Dehghani wins Best Paper Award at ICTIR2016
- ERC Starting Grant for Jakub Szymanik
- CogMIR Best Paper Award For Bastiaan van der Weij
- Best Paper Award at CoNLL for Sarah Hiller and Raquel Fernandez
- SIGIR2016 Doctoral Consortium Best Presentation Award
- Veni grants for Martha Lewis and Martin Lipman
- Christian Geist and Ulle Endriss win 2016 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize
- Amsterdam Data Science Research Assistant Grant for Desmond Elliott
- Best Paper Award at AAMAS-2016
- NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant for Desmond Elliott
- ILLC and IvI start project with SAP
- NWO Vici for Arianna Betti
- ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Franz Berto
- Fenrong Liu is awarded Changjiang Distinguished Professorship
- ILLC Alumnus Erik Rietveld member of Society of the Arts
- NWO Open Competition grant for "The Flow of Cognitive Goods"
Headlines Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Paris Institute for Advanced Study fellowships
- ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest on the Responsible Use of AI Technologies
- QUANTERA – Cofund Initiative in Quantum Technologies
- Call for Nominations: Fernando Gil International Prize in Philosophy of Science
- Call for Nominations: Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy
- The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Research Fellowship
- ERC Proof of Concept
- UvA FGw Aspasia Fund
- IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science: "What is the value of philosophy of science for history of science?"
- Jo Kolk Study fund
- ERC Individual Fellowships 2017
- KNAW Visiting Professors Programme
- Fulbright Scholarship Program
- KNAW Conference Grants Fund
- KNAW Academy Colloquia
- ERC Proof of Concept
- ERC Advanced grant
- ERC Consolidator Grant
- ERC Starting Grant
- NWO Mathematics Clusters
- NWO TOP Grants
- NWO Incentive Fund Open Access
- NWO Cooperation Taiwan (MOST)
- NWO Cooperation Germany - von Humboldt Stiftung (VHS)
- Cooperation China (NSFC)
- Access to the National Computer Facilities for Pilot projects
- NWO Research Talent
- NWO Incidental Financial Support
- NWO Free Competition
- NWO Vidi Grant
- Essay Competition for Junior Scholars (International Social Ontology Society, ISOS)
- Annals of Science Best Paper Prize 2016 (for doctoral students)
- Horizon 2020: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
- NWO Vici
- NWO Joint eScience and Data Science across Top Sectors
- ERC Advanced Grant
- NWO Free Competition (humanities)
- 2017 Essay Prize of the Metaphysics of Entanglement Project: "What is Structure?"
- Litwin Books Award for Ongoing Doctoral Dissertation Research in the Philosophy of Information
- NWO Onderzoeksbeurs "Wiskundeleraar in Onderzoek"
- Call for nominations: Oberwolfach Prize 2016 in Discrete Mathematics, Logic or Theoretical Computer Science,
- Call for a grant application workshop proposal as part of SMART Cognitive Science
- Call for Nominations: 2016 Sack Prize for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic
- Call for Nominations: 2016 Shoenfield Prizes for outstanding expository writing in logic
- NASSLLI2016: Student Scholarships and Presentations
- NWO Rubicon
- T-AP Digging into Data Challenge
- Marie Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) grant
- Paris Institute for Advanced Study Fellowships
- NWO Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vici
- NIAS: Theme-group Fellowships
- Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award 2016
- The Cooperation Flanders programme
- Robert J. Glushko Dissertation Prizes
- Cooperation Japan (JSPS) - Invitation fellowship
Headlines Open Positions at ILLC
- PhD position at ILLC
- PhD in Computational Social Choice
- Postdoc in Quantum Cryptography
- Postdoctoral researcher in Logic
- Assistant professor in Formal Modelling of Language and Cognition
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Logic
- PhD candidate in Logic and Analytic Philosophy
- PhD position or Postdoc position in Computational Linguistics and Dialogue Processing
- Five PhD positions at the Faculty of Humanities, UvA
- Postdoctoral researcher in Logic
- Two PhD positions at Faculty of Science
- Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation
- Two PhD positions in History of Humanities and Sciences
- Postdoctoral researcher in Formal Semantics
- Postdoctoral researcher in computational logic or experimental semantics
- PhD candidate in Logic
- PhD candidate in Formal Semantics
Headlines Open Positions, General
- Twelve PhD student position in situated cognition, Bochum/Osnabrueck (Germany)
- PhD student position in formal verification of sensor networks, Liverpool (England)
- PhD student position in dependence logic, Auckland (New Zealand)
- PhD positions in TCS at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Postdoc positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
- PhD position in SAT solving at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Postdoc position in Artificial Intelligence on Designing Responsible Agency, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- PhD and Postdoc Position in Normative and Value-based Reasoning, TU Delft
- Postdoc positions in SAT solving at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Lectureships and Senior Lectureships in Artificil Intelligence, London (England)
- PhD student position in parameterised complexity, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
- Postdoctoral position in logic, Barcelona (Spain)
- PhD student position in specification and verification of data-aware systems, Evry (France)
- PhD positions in Computer Science, Liverpool (England)
- Two PhD student positions and three postdoctoral positions in computational approaches to reference with memory-enhanced neural networks, Barcelona (Spain)
- College Lectureship and Fellowship in Mathematics (6y), Cambridge (England)
- Assistant / Associate Professorship in Algorithmics, Delft (The Netherlands)
- Ertegun Graduate Scholarship in the Humanities, Oxford (England)
- Tenure Track Assistant Professorship at New Mexico State University
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Philosophy (in particular logic), Astana (Kazakhstan)
- Assistant Professorship in Logic and Philosophy of Language (3y), Munich (Germany)
- Two research fellowships in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, Singapore (Singapore)
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Formal Verification of Safety Critical Software (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
- Assistant professorship in phiosophy of mind, Schenectady MY (U.S.A.)
- David MacKay Newton stipendiary research fellowship in mathematics and information theory, Cambridge (England)
- Assistant professor in Digital Humanities and Media Studies, University of Amsterdam
- Junior Research Fellowship in the Arts (3y), Cambridge (England)
- Postdoctoral position in mathematics and its applications, Lisbon (Portugal)
- Postdoctoral position in verification of linear dynamical systems, Oxford (England)
- Postdoc Theoretical Philosophy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- Assistant Research Professorship (9m, tenure-track) in Philosophical Logic, Storrs CT (U.S.A.)
- Junior Research Fellowships in Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge (England)
- Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellowship (tenure-track fellowships), Glasgow (Scotland)
- Postdoctoral position on "Ideological bias and ideological diversity in philosophy of science", Leuven (Belgium)
- Research and teaching assistant position (PhD or Postdoc level) in Formal Methods and Theoretical Computer Science, University Koblenz-Landau (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position on dependently typed lambda encodings, Iowa City IA (U.S.A.)
- Assistant Professorship in Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London (England)
- Postdoctoral fellowship on formal concepts, Oslo (Norway)
- Open position for Grote Chair of Philosophy of Mind and Logic, Londen (England)
- Three postdoctoral positions on formal epistemology, Prague (Czech Republic)
- Westerdijk fellowship for young female researchers in computing science, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- Two postdoctoral fellowships in philosophy of reasoning / physics, decision theory, epistemology, Munich (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position in information assurance, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- PhD position in Knowledge Representation, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- PhD position on 'Probabilistic Decision Support for Forensic Investigations' at Utrecht University
- 20 September 2016, PhD position Linguistics/Philosophy (Groningen)
- Postdoctoral position (research assistantship) in "The Evolution of Linguistic Complexity", Edinburgh (Scotland)
- Tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Fundamental Mathematics, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowships at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley CA (U.S.A.)
- Postdoctoral position in proof theory, Vienna (Austria)
- Postdoctoral position (3 months) in proof complexity, Leeds (England)
- PhD student positions in mathematics (including logic), Helsinki (Finland)
- PhD student position in information assurance, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- Lecturer position in Algorithms and Complexity, Leeds (England)
- Stipendiary Lectureship in Philosophy, Oxford (England)
- Research Fellowship in Historical and Philosophical Studies, Cambridge (England)
- Postdoctoral research fellowship (5y; philosophy included among the eligible subjects), Oxford (England)
- Stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship (philosophy included as eligible subject), Cambridge (England)
- Associate Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Oslo (Norway)
- PhD student position in "The Language of Fiction and Imagination" (linguistics/philosophy), Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Two PhD student positions in theoretical philosophy, Groningen (The Netherlands)
- PhD or postdoctoral position in 'Automaticity in Thought and Action', Bochum (Germany)
- PhD student position in argument mining, Dundee (Scotland)
- PhD student position in supervision of autonomous software systems, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- PhD student position in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- PhD position on Learning Language through Dialogue
- Three PhD student positions and one postdoctoral position in history and philosophy of mathematics, Zuerich (Switzerland)
- Postdoctoral position in temporal issues (14m), Milan (Italy)
- Two Industrial PhD Student Positions in Formal Logic at the University of Barcelona
- Two PhD student positions in Science Studies and History of Science, Zuerich (Switzerland)
- Six-month teaching contract for logic in philosophy, Perth (Australia)
- Assistant Professorship (permanent) in mathematical logic, Krakow (Poland)
- Postdoctoral position in epistemology / decision theory, Hamburg (Germany)
- Weston Junior Research Fellowship in Philosophy, Oxford (England)
- Tenure track assistant/associate professor position in Theoretical Computer Science
- Postdoctoral position and two PhD student positions on Hilbert's 24th problem, Lisbon (Portugal)
- Junior and Senior Principal Investigator at QuSoft
- Postdoctoral position (3y) in philosophy of science, Rome (Italy)
- PhD student positions in Computer Science, Lucca (Italy)
- Lectureships in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (and other areas of computer science), Cardiff (Wales)
- Postdoctoral Associate position on information flow security, London (England)
- PhD Fellowships (4) at Stirling (SASP)
- 2 PostDocs at Stirling
- Lecturer/Associate Professor in Agent-based Systems, Southampton
- Postdoc Position on Fair Recommender Systems, Edinburgh
- Docent Logica & Argumentatieleer (0.4fte), Hyperion Lyceum, Amsterdam
- Assistant professor in Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Language (Internal job)
- Postdoc vacancy at LORIA - epistemic protocol synthesis
- PhD student position on formal methods for testing of networks of controllers, Grenoble (France)
- Research Assistant for Amsterdam Data Science Project on Multimodal Evidence of Concept Drift
- Associate Senior Lectureship (4y) in Computational Linguistics, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- PhD student position in knowledge-based systems, Lisbon (Portugal)
- Assistant Professor in Theoretical Philosophy (1.0 FTE)
- Postdoctoral position (2y) on meta-ontology, Uppsala (Sweden)
- Lectureship in mathematical logic or formal epistemology, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- PhD student position in deontic logic and medical ethics, Gent (Belgium)
- Intensive Research Program on Large Cardinals and Strong Logics: PhD student & postdoctoral grants, Barcelona (Spain)
- Research fellowship in machine learning, information theory or artificial intelligence, Canberra (Australia)
- Postdoctoral position in stochastic games, Bordeaux (France)
- PhD student position in Algorithms, Bergen (Norway)
- Assistant professor in Digital Humanities and Information Cultures
- Lecturer positions in Computer Science, Rochester NY (U.S.A.)
- Postdoctoral positions in mathematical logic, Lisbon (Portugal)
- PhD student position in "The Nature of Representation", Stockholm (Sweden)
- Postdoctoral position in non-monotonic logics and formal argumentation, Bochum (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position in Algorithms, Munich (Germany)
- Nine PhD student positions in mathematics, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- Postdoctoral position in philosophy of time, Milan (Italy)
- Grant opportunities for Master or PhD students in philosophy, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- Postdoctoral or PhD student position in Computation with Bounded Resources, Innsbruck (Austria)
- Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic, Salerno (Italy)
- PhD student position in theoretical computer science, Karlsruhe (Germany)
- Full professorship in philosophical anthropology, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
- PhD student position in computational linguistics, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- PhD student position in computer security, Rennes (France)
- Three PhD studentships in Computational Linguistics, London (U.K.)
- Lectureship in Mathematical Logic, Leeds (England)
- Two positions (one postdoc, one PhD student) in digital humanities, Graz (Austria)
- Full professorship in philosophical logic, Pisa (Italy)
- Postdoctoral position in "Recursion, Guarded Recursion and Computational Effects", Birmingham (England)
- PhD student position in philosophical logic or formal epistemology, Bochum (Germany)
- 3 PhD Positions at Aarhus University
- PhD student position in formal methods for software and systems modeling, Konstanz (Germany)
- Assistant Professorship in Philosophy of Science, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
- Master's Program in Logic at the University of Gothenburg
- Postdoctoral position (2+2y) in "Coordination, Collective Goal and Cooperation", Milan (Italy)
- PhD student position in semantics / pragmatics of disagreement,Barcelona (Spain)
- Postdoctoral position on epistemic logic and social epistemology (3y), Bayreuth (Germany)
- PhD student position in 'Making scientific inferences more objective', Tilburg (The Netherlands)
- Two PhD Positions in Logic, University of Bern
- David Tresman Caminer PhD-Studentship for the History of Computing (London, U.K.)
- Associate/Full Professor in Computational Linguistics, Stony Brook University
- Stockholm University: Assistant professor in Mathematical Logic
- VU Amsterdam: 4 PhD candidates-lecturers in PPE
- University of Strathclyde: Research Associate
- University of Strathclyde: PhD Position
- Postdoc research fellows, Basque Country, Spain
- University of Lublin: PhD position
- PhD Position in Logic, University of Bern
- PhD position in Logic, AI and philosophy, Utrecht (the Netherlands)
- Lecturer (Assistant Professor) Position in Computer Science, Liverpool
- Postdoc Position in Multi-agent Systems, EPFL, Lausanne
- PhD Positions in Artificial Intelligence, EPFL, Lausanne
Headlines Past appointments
Headlines Miscellaneous
- ILLC PhD council has a new website
- ILLC MasterClass Logica: change of dates
- REMINDER-Bicycle reclaim regarding bicycle clean-up Facility Services
- New book by Anne Troelstra
- Master in Pure and Applied Logic at Barcelona
- Data-Oriented Parsing demo now online
- Event Report: Industry Day on Computational Social Choice
- Open Letter on the ius promovendi by ILLC Researchers
- New Book: Handbook of Computational Social Choice
- 29 April 2016, ILLC drinks
- Fenrong Liu publishes an article in Guangming Daily
- New sourcebook on Formal Epistemology: ``Readings in Formal Epistemology: "Readings in Formal Epistemology"
- The Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences has officially opened
- 31 March - 9 June 2016, Several IXA workshops on valorisation
- Rens Bod delivered the Academy Lecture 2016 at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
- 18 March - 4 September 2016, UvA Special Collections Exhibition 'Out of the Box'
- M.Sc. Program in Cognitive Systems: Human-Computer Symbiosis
No Former Regular Events
Past Events
16 December 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alexandru Baltag
Speaker: Alexandru BaltagTitle: Knowing the AnswerLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
16 December 2016, Modeling Minds II: Levels of Explanation
Location: Radboud University Nijmegen, Spinozabuilding, Montessorilaan 3, room A.00.07In this workshop we aim to bring together philosophers, computational modelers, and cognitive (neuro)scientists to present and discuss different perspectives on levels of explanation. The goal is to build common ground on both the theoretical issues related to levels of explanation in cognitive science and how they inform and guide the daily practice of studying the mind and brain. There will be four invited talks and ample opportunity for discussion. Attendance is free of charge, registration is required. Lunch will be provided.
For more information, see or contact Iris van de Pol at i.p.a.vandepol at -
16 December 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
Location: AmsterdamSpeakers will be Sirin Botan (Amsterdam), René van den Brink (Amsterdam), Zoé Christoff (Liverpool), and Emily Tanimura (Paris).
For more information, see -
15 December 2016, FNWI Christmas Drinks
Location: Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Faculty of Science will organise Christmas drinks.
For more information, contact Pascale Nukoop at P.J.Nukoop at -
15 December 2016, Provability and Modal Logic
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam hosts a workshop on Provability and Modal Logic.
Experts in the field of provability logic and related areas wil give talks on topics related to arithmetic, proof theory, and modal logic.
Attendance is free, but registration is required. In order to register, please send a mail to paulahenk at before December the 9th.
For more information, see or contact Paula Henk at paulahenk at -
14 December 2016, A|C seminar, Andrey Kudinov
Speaker: Andrey Kudinov (HSE Moscow)Title: Modal logics of the real lineLocation: Room G2.02, Science Park 904, Amsterdam.Abstract:
The real line is probably the most well known and well studied topological space. There are 6 different combinations of languages of this kind (two unimodal and four bimodal). The first modality in bimodal and the modality in unimodal languages we will interpret either using closure or derivation topological operators. For the second modality in bimodal settings we use universal or difference modalities.
We will discuss logics of the real line that arise in all these languages.For more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen at f.m.lauridsen at -
12 December 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van BenthemTitle: Reasoning about QuantityLocation: AUC Common Room, Science Park 113For more information, see here or at or contact Dora Achourioti at t.achourioti at -
9 December 2016, Brouwer symposium: L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later
Location: Science Park, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThe Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG) invites you to the symposium L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later at the Science Park in Amsterdam on the 9th of December 2016, 9:45-16:45.
We have put together an interesting programme with highly renowned speakers, viz. Dirk van Dalen, Mark van Atten, Sergei Artemov, Alexander Dranishnikov, Saul Kripke, Yiannis Moschovakis, Michael Rathjen, and Raf Bocklandt.
You can find the complete programme and a registration form on our website: more information, see -
9 December 2016, L.E.J. Brouwer Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThe Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG) invites you to the symposium L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later at the Science Park in Amsterdam on the 9th of December 2016, 9:45-16:45.
We have put together an interesting programme with highly renowned speakers, viz. Dirk van Dalen, Mark van Atten, Sergei Artemov, Alexander Dranishnikov, Saul Kripke, Yiannis Moschovakis, Michael Rathjen, and Raf Bocklandt. Participation is free but registration is required.
For more information, see -
9 December 2016, SMART Lecture, Marc Leman
Speaker: Marc LemanTitle: Musicology as cognitive science: An interdisciplinary paradigm for humanities?Location: Room D0.08, OMHP, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Jakub Szymanik at jakub.szymanik at -
8 December 2016, DIP Colloquium, John Collins
Speaker: John Collins (University of East Anglia)Title: Three Grades of Variable Involvement in Natural LanguageLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
3 - 4 December 2016, Workshop 'Intensionality and Truth'
Location: Amsterdam University College, Science Park 113, room 1.02The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation will host a workshop on 'Intensionality and Truth', on the 3rd and 4th of December 2016.
The workshop aims at bringing together some of the various ways in which the notions of intensionality and truth have interacted in recent work. The following speakers have confirmed participation:
Albert Visser (Utrecht), Johannes Stern (Bristol), Carlo Nicolai (Munich), Hannes Leitgeb (Munich), Volker Halbach (Oxford), Martin Fischer (Munich), Catrin Campbell-Moore (Bristol), Theodora Achourioti (Amsterdam). Titles and schedule for the talks will be posted on the workshop website.
The workshop is supported by the Logic and Language research group of the ILLC. Attendance is free.For more information, see or contact Dora Achourioti at t.achourioti at -
2 December 2016, DIP Colloquium, Daniel Cohnitz
Speaker: Daniel Cohnitz (Utrecht University)Title: Meta-Internalism, Semantics, and OntologeseLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
2 December 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van BenthemLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at -
29 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Laura Rimell
Speaker: Laura Rimell (Cambridge)Title: Compositional Distributional Semantics for Relative ClausesLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
26 November 2016, ILLC 25th anniversary symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, The NetherlandsOn Saturday 26 November 2016 we will celebrate the fact that the ILLC was founded 25 years ago by organising a symposium and evening programme.
For more information, see
25 November 2016, Symposium Quantum Software in the Netherlands
Location: WCW Colloquiumzalen, Science Park 125, AmsterdamWith the recent breakthroughs in hardware development, for many it is no longer a question of if but when the quantum computer will come. But when it comes, what will humanity do with it? The scientific field of quantum software is working on answers to this question. Historically, the Netherlands play an important role in this multidisciplinary field. The symposium will showcase a sample of the diverse topics that quantum software researchers from academia and industry in the Netherlands are working on.
To register for the symposium, please send an email to susanne.van.dam at before November 18. This event is hosted and organized by QuSoft, a joint research institute for quantum software, founded by CWI, UvA and VU. By organizing this event, QuSoft aims to support and stimulate the development of the Dutch quantum software ecosystem.
For more information, see or contact Susanne van Dam at susanne.van.dam at -
24 November 2016, Public lecture Edward Tufte
The University of Twente will award an honorary doctorate to Edward Tufte, on the occasion of the 55th Dies Natalis of the university, November 25 2016. While Tufte is in Enschede he is willing to share his thoughts and visions on information design with us.
Edward Tufte has been an inspiring example for many active in information visualization, data visualization and geovisualization, and has stimulated cartographers and others to re-think design. In making his point Tufte is often using ’classic’ graphics and maps such as John Snow's cholera outbreak map, and Charles Joseph Minard's Carte Figurative (Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812). Tufte’s comments on Minard’s map challenged Menno-Jan Kraak, the honorary promotor, to write a book on mapping time using Minard’s map as a common thread throughout the book.
Tufte’s career not only inspired geodata visualizers at ITC, but also impersonates developments among the public administration scientists of BMS. This reflects the interests of both Faculties: High Tech (data analytics and visualization)and Human Touch (informed public decision-making).
Attendance is free of charge for the general public, but places are limited and registration is required.
For more information, see -
22 November 2016, Logic Tea, Dieuwke Hupkes & Sara Veldhoen
Speaker: Dieuwke Hupkes & Sara VeldhoenTitle: Diagnostic classifiers: revealing how neural networks process hierarchical structureLocation: Room 1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact[b] Sirin Botan (s.botan at, Bonan Zhao (bonan.zhao at, or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
For more information, see here . -
19-20 November 2016, ICT maintenance weekend
Dear colleagues.
The following weekend has now officially been appointed for major ICT maintenance:
- 19 & 20 november 2016
Further information will follow later on, but be aware all central systems and the network may be unavailable during this weekend.
Best wishes,
ILLC OfficeFor more information, contact illc at
18 November 2016, DIP Colloquium, Alessandra Marra
Speaker: Alessandra Marra (Tilburg University)Title: Objective Oughts and a Puzzle about FuturityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
18 November 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
Location: RotterdamSpeakers are Thomas Boyer-Kassem (Tilburg), Franz Dietrich (Paris), and Bauke Visser (Rotterdam).
For more information, see -
17 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Alessandro Lenci
Speaker: Alessandro Lenci (Pisa)Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
17 - 19 November 2016, The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change
Location: Nina van Leerzaal, Allard Pierson Museum, AmsterdamDeadline: Tuesday 1 November 2016This workshop is entirely devoted to the LogiCIC Research Project on “The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change”. In this interdisciplinary project we focus in particular on correlations that arise in situations in which the very act of learning new information may directly change the reality that is being learnt. We will combine insights and techniques from a range of research domains, including logic, game theory, philosophy of science, network theory, quantum theory, belief revision theory, truth approximation and formal learning theory.
For more information, see or contact Pam Rossel at pammierossel at -
14 November 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van BenthemTitle: Reasoning about QuantityLocation: AUC Common Room, Science Park 113For more information, see here or at or contact Dora Achourioti at t.achourioti at -
11 November 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fernando R. Velázquez Quesada
Speaker: Fernando R. Velázquez QuesadaLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
10 - 11 November 2016, The 28th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2016), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, the NetherlandsBNAIC is the Annual Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence. This year, the 28th edition of BNAIC is jointly organized by the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, under the auspices of the Benelux Association for Artificial Intelligence (BNVKI) and the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS). BNAIC 2016 will include invited speakers, research presentations, posters and demonstrations.
For more information, see -
9 November 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Andrew Swan
Speaker: Andrew Swan (ILLC)Title: Nominal Sets in Constructive Set TheoryLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Julia Ilin at ilin.juli at -
8 November 2016, Logic Tea, Aysenur Bilgin
Speaker: Aysenur BilginTitle: Computing With Words: A Fuzzy Logic PerspectiveLocation: Room 1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website
or contact
Sirin Botan (s.botan at, Bonan Zhao (bonan.zhao at, or Julian Schloder (j.j.schloder at more information, see here . -
8 November 2016, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Zoi Terzopoulou
Speaker: Zoi TerzopoulouTitle: Rethinking Neutrality in Judgment AggregationLocation: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
4 November 2016, COOL, Robert Paßmann
Speaker: Robert PaßmannTitle: One Axiom to Rule Them AllLocation: Room F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room), Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact COOL Logic Organisers at coollogic.uva at -
4 November 2016, 'Voor de Leeuwen'
Location: Basement, PC Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, AmsterdamTarget audience: FGw-researchers'Voor de Leeuwen' aims to provide a platform for all FGw-researchers to discuss research and grant opportunities, ideas and even failures in an open and informal setting.
For more information, see or contact Simon Speksnijder at subsidie-fgw at -
4 November 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Giovanni Ciná
Speaker: Giovanni Ciná (ILLC, Amsterdam)Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
4 November 2016, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Anna Moskalenko
Speaker: Anna MoskalenkoTitle: Searching for the "Least" and "Most" Dictatorial Voting RulesLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
4 November 2016, Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
Location: NWO Java building, Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 300, 2593 CE, The HagueNWO organises information meetings for researchers who want to apply for a Veni, Vidi of Vici grant. Practical information is given and selection committee members, NWO coordinators and researchers who have already acquired a Veni, Vidi or Vici share their experiences during a question and answer session. The meetings are in English. The next information meeting will be held on 4 November.
For more information, see -
3 November 2016, CWI Lectures in honour of Adriaan van Wijngaarden
Location: Amsterdam Science Park Congress CentreThis year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Adriaan van Wijngaarden (1916-1987), founder of computer science in the Netherlands and former director of CWI. 2016 is also the 70th founding anniversary of CWI.
We will celebrate these occasions with a special programme in honour of Adriaan van Wijngaarden and his legacy. Several internationally renowned speakers will explore the legacy of Van Wijngaarden in both mathematics and computer science.For more information, see -
2 November 2016, BSc Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science @ ILLC
Location: Room F1.21 (ILLC Common Room), Science Park 107, AmsterdamOn Wednesday 2 November 2016 at 17:00 a group of students from the UvA's Bachelor's programmes in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science will visit the ILLC. The event will include three short talks on relevant research at the ILLC: Christian Schaffner will speak about Cryptography and Quantum Computing, Raquel Fernández will speak about Computational Linguistics, and Ashley Burgoyne will speak about Computational Musicology. The scientific part of the event will take roughly one hour and will be followed by a small borrel. ILLC students and members of staff interested in some of these topics are very welcome to attend as well.
For more information, contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
1 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Barend Beekhuizen
Speaker: Barend Beekhuizen (Toronto)Title: Parallel corpora and semantic typologyLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
1 November 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Caroline Sporleder
Speaker: Caroline Sporleder (Göttingen)Title: Distinguishing Figurative and Literal Usages in DiscourseLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
1 November 2016, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET-open) workshop
Location: Science Park 904, AmsterdamFET-open are visionary projects, to develop a radically new technology. In FET-open a consortium of partners from different scientific disciplines are working together to achieve this. The choice of subject in a FET-open proposal is free, and therefore it is a very popular part of the EU program Horizon 2020.
However, a considerable number of proposals are not (fully) in line with the most important demands and conditions of the FET-open programme. The IXA UvA-HvA Grant Support team and the FNWI Projectmanagement team are therefore organizing this workshop, in which the FET-open conditions will be layed out clearly. The workshop will address the keyfactors for a successful FET-open proposal, experiences form evaluations, and furthermore the lay-out of a good project proposal.
For more information, see -
1 November 2016, Rich Parsing Workshop
Location: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamA workshop organized in conjunction with the PhD defense of Andreas van Cranenburgh, for the dissertation entitled "Rich Statistical Parsing and Literary Language." Rich statistical parsing refers here to the use of richer grammar formalisms or techniques.
For more information, see or contact Andreas van Cranenburgh at a.w.vancranenburgh at -
28 October 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
Title: Discussing "The evolution of popular music: USA 1960--2010"Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamWe will discuss a paper by Mauch et al. who used music information retrieval as well as text-mining techniques to investigate the evolution of American pop music.
For more information, see or contact Bastiaan van der Weij at b.j.vanderweij at -
28 October 2016, DIP Colloquium, Sabine Iatridou
Speaker: Sabine Iatridou (MIT)Title: Since since againLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe candidate will bring to the position a relevant and innovative research agenda in the area of Digital Humanities and will be able to teach within the programs of Media Studies. The candidate will be especially interested in the critical study, development and application of digital research methods, techniques and tools. In the study of information and media (broadly understood as books, artworks, audio-visual media and digital media), digital research materials are evolving in spectacular fashion, leading to new research affordances that require a critical approach to media as information, as well as to how digital media structure the reuse and interpretation of born-digital and historical data.
For more information, see here or at -
28 October 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Aybüke Ozgun
Speaker: Aybüke OzgunTitle: ustified Belief, Knowledge and the Topology of EvidenceLocation: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
27 October 2016, Executive Board Q&A session at Science Park
Location: Academische Kwartier, coffee bar, main hall Science Park 904Target audience: Students and staffStudents and staff are welcome to join this informal meeting with the Executive Board.
27 October 2016, NWO lecture on NWO's new open access policy
Location: HvA, Wibauthuis, room WBH 02A30, Wibautstraat 3, AmsterdamThe importance of and interest in open access is growing. It enables fast, efficient and accessible dissemination of academic knowledge. This lecture focuses on the vision and efforts of NWO in accelerating the transition to open access (including subsidies for flipping journals) will be discussed. The new NWO open access policy: what is it? How can researchers comply with this new policy and, last but not least, what’s in it for them?
For more information, see -
27 October 2016, Symposium on Congenital Amusia
Location: University library, Belle van Zuylenzaal, Singel 425, AmsterdamOn October 27, 2016 we will have a symposium on congenital amusia. Congenital amusia is a neuro-developmental disorder that is neither caused by insufficient exposure to music, nor by a hearing deficiency, brain damage or intellectual impairment. People with congenital amusia (amusics) face lifelong impairments in the musical domain (music often causes discomfort to them). They cannot detect a pitch difference between two adjacent tones if this difference is one semitone or less.
For more information, see or contact Jasmin Pfeifer (ACLC, University of Amsterdam & Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf) at J.Pfeifer at -
26 October 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Yde Venema
Speaker: Yde VenemaTitle: Some model theory for the modal mu-calculusLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Julia Ilin at ilin.juli at -
26 October 2016, Two lectures on Dutch open access negotiation with publishers
Location: UvA/FNWI, Science ParkDuring the international open access week, held from Monday 24 until Thursday 27 October, we will pay attention to the transition of traditional journals and publications to open access.
We have invited two members of the Dutch open access negotiation team, who negotiated (on behalf of the VSNU) about open access with Elsevier, ACS, Springer, Wiley, etc. They will share their views, elucidate their intentions and the decisions that have been made so far, such as the type of agreement (free, discount, or vouchers) and in some cases the selection of journal titles. The audience is invited to share their opinion and views on these topics.For more information, see -
20 October 2016, CIRMMT Distinguished Lecture Series, Henkjan Honing
Speaker: Henkjan HoningTitle: What makes us musical animalsLocation: Tanna Schulich Hall, Elizabeth Wirth Music Building, 527 Sherbrooke Street West, MontréalFor more information, see
19 October 2016, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Fedor Pakhomov
Speaker: Fedor PakhomovTitle: Transitive modal logics and second-order theoriesLocation: Zaal 012, Drift 23, UtrechtFor more information, see here or contact Benno van den Berg at bennovdberg at -
17 October 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Ulle Endriss
Speaker: Ulle EndrissTitle: Judgment AggregationLocation: AUC Common RoomAbstract: This lecture will be an introduction to the theory of judgment aggregation (JA). JA deals with the problem of combining the views of several individual agents regarding the truth of a number of propositions, expressed in the language of logic, into a single such view that appropriately reflects the stance of the group as a whole. Applications of JA range from aggregating the opinions of several judges in a court of law into a single legal opinion, all the way to aggregating information received from several autonomous software agents in the context of distributed computing systems.
For more information, see or contact Dora Achourioti at t.achourioti at -
14 October 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hans van Ditmarch
Speaker: Hans van Ditmarch (LORIA, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy)Title: Epistemic Gossip ProtocolsLocation: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
14 October 2016, DIP Colloquium, Elizabeth Coppock
Speaker: Elizabeth Coppock (Gothenburg)Title: 'The X' Files: Deriving familiarity conditions on definites from uniquenessLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
14 October 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Malvin Gattinger
Speaker: Malvin Gattinger (ILLC, Amsterdam)Title: Knowing Values and Public InspectionLocation: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
13 October 2016, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
Location: ILLC Common room (F1.21), Science Park 107, AmsterdamAs in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you about various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend.
For more information, contact illc at -
11 October 2016, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ronald de Haan
Speaker: Ronald de Haan (Vienna & ILLC)Title: The Complexity of Manipulating the Kemeny Judgment Aggregation ProcedureLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
5 October 2016, PhD day
Target audience: all ILLC PhD candidatesOn October 5, the PhD Council will hold another PhD day. At this event, the PhD candidates are informed about the current activities of the council and potential issues raised among the PhDs are discussed. At the same time, we will welcome the newcomers. All PhD candidates are invited. It will be followed by a lunch at Maslow.
For more information, contact Arnold Kochari at a.kochari at -
1 October 2016, Open Day Amsterdam Science Park, Amsterdam Science Park, Amsterdam
Location: Amsterdam Science Park, AmsterdamOn Saturday, 1 October 2016, from 12:00 to 17:00, the organisations based at Amsterdam Science Park will hold their annual Open Day featuring a mix of activities suitable for all ages.
For more information, see
30 September 2016, COOL, Melina Mendoza
Speaker: Melina MendozaTitle: Who is Sherlock Holmes?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamWho is Sherlock Holmes? Can we even talk about identifying him? The often quoted example by Frege about identity “The evening star is the morning star” has the particularity that it refers to something that is actual and exists in the real world. If venus was fictional, could we still refer to it in the same way? What is true in a fiction to begin with? It can be said that it depends on the fictional context, or as we will refer to it, the Canon.
For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at -
30 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fengkui Ju
Speaker: Fengkui Ju (Beijing Normal University)Title: Everything be in order until I get back!Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
30 September 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
Title: Music Cognition Reading Group: Melodic expectation and expressive timingLocation: Room F3.20, KdvI, Science Park 107, AmsterdamWe'll discuss a paper by Gingras et al. (2015), titled "Linking Melodic Expectation to Expressive Performance Timing and Perceived Musical Tension".
For more information, see -
28 September 2016, A|C seminar, Grigory Olkhovikov
Speaker: Grigory OlkhovikovTitle: On generalized Van-Benthem-type characterizationsLocation: Science Park 107, room F1.15.For more information, see or contact Julia Ilin at ilin.juli at -
27 September 2016, Logic Tea, Bastiaan van der Weij
Speaker: Bastiaan van der WeijTitle: A probabilistic model of the perception of rhythmic structure in musicLocation: Room 1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website
or contact
Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Bonan Zhao (bonan.zhao at, or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at more information, see here . -
27 September 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Douwe Kiela
Speaker: Douwe Kiela (Cambridge)Title: Grounding Semantics in Perceptual ModalitiesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
23 September 2016, DIP Colloquium, Wataru Uegaki
Speaker: Wataru Uegaki (Leiden University)Title: Comparing non-reductive theories of question-embeddingLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
23 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Tao Gu
Speaker: Tao GuTitle: “Knowing value” logic as a normal modal logicLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
19 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Branden Fitelson
Speaker: Branden Fitelson (Northeastern University, Boston)Title: Two New(ish) Triviality Results for Indicative ConditionalsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
16 September 2016, COOL, Natalia Philippova
Speaker: Natalia PhilippovaTitle: Sex and Syntax (Talking about the effect of language on thought in a post-Sapir-and-Whorf world)Location: tbcCool Logic has gone through some changes with a new name COOL.
COOL. is a biweekly student seminar organised by master's students, with talks given by master's students.For more information, see or contact Stella Moon, Alison Pasquariello, Valentin Vogelmann at coollogic.uva at -
13 September 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Barbara Plank
Speaker: Barbara Plank (Groningen)Location: Room TBA, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
12 September 2016, Vossius Seminar on the History of Informatics and Psychometrics
Title: Two lectures by Jos Baeten (ILLC & CWI) and Lisa Wijsen (Faculty of Social Sciences)Location: Belle van Zuylenzaal, University Library Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, AmsterdamThe forthcoming Vossius Seminar on 12 September will feature two talks by Jos Baeten and Lisa Wijsen.
For more information, see or contact Rens Bod at rens.bod at -
9 September 2016, DIP Colloquium, Michael Kremer
Speaker: Michael Kremer (University of Chicago)Title: Ryle's 'Intellectualist Legend' in Historical ContextLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
6 September 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Cancelled
Speaker: Hans van DitmarschTitle: Epistemic Gossip ProtocolsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
2 September 2016, drinks with pizza, welcoming the new MoL students and PhD candidates
Location: Tent outside PolderTarget audience: The ILLC communityFor more information, contact Tanja Kassenaar at t.kassenaar at -
29 July 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
Location: Seminar Room C-1.03, Tongersestraat 53, MaastrichtSpeakers: Péter Biró, Burak Can, Battal Dogan, Shashwat Khare, Jan Christoph Schlegel, Bertan Turhan, Utku Ünver.
Host: Burak Can (Maastricht University)For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
1 July 2016, Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
Location: NWO Java building, Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 300, 2593 CE, The HagueOn Friday 1 July NWO is organising an information meeting for researchers that want to apply for a Veni, Vidi or Vici grant. Practical information will be given and laureates, selection committee members and NWO coordinators will share their experiences. The morning programme is for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the afternoon programme is for the Natural Sciences, Engineering and Life Sciences. The meetings will be held in English.
For more information, see
1 July 2016, Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
Location: NWO Java building, Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 300, 2593 CE, The HagueNWO organises information meetings for researchers who want to apply for a Veni, Vidi of Vici grant. Practical information is given and selection committee members, NWO coordinators and researchers who have already acquired a Veni, Vidi or Vici share their experiences during a question and answer session. The meetings are in English. The next information meeting will be held on 1 July.
For more information, see
28-29 June 2016, Workshop "Reasoning in Conceptual Spaces"
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFunded by the Volkswagen foundation and hosted by the ILLC, talks (but not the closed group work-sessions) are open to interested researchers. Please e-mail frank.zenker at before 20 June if you'd like to attend any of the talks.
For more information and a programme, see
27 June 2016, Opening Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences
Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 - 231, 1012 EZ AmsterdamThe Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences will be officially opened on Monday 27 June, 15.00h-18.00h, at the place where G. Vossius held his inaugural lecture in 1632.
Speakers include Dymph van den Boom, Frank van Vree, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Haun Saussy, Joep Leerssen, Julia Kursell, Jeroen van Dongen and Rens Bod. The afternoon will be concluded with the presentation of the new journal "History of Humanities". All those interested are cordially invited to attend the opening. Full program follows soon.
Since places are allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis, please register as early as possible (no later than 15 May).
For more information, see
24 June 2016, The Amsterdam Flux Festival
Location: Science Park, AmsterdamThe Amsterdam Science Park community celebrates the summer this month, with the second edition of the Flux Festival. Coinciding with the traditional Midsummer's Day, the festival takes place on Friday, 24th June, and is open to everyone who works, studies or lives at the park. The event begins at 4pm and includes a beach volleyball tournament, sport clinics, DJs, live music, a barbecue and more. Read the latest news on the festival here, and see you there!
For more information, see
21 June 2016, Information Session on ERC Grants
Location: Jaarbeurs MeetUp, Beatrixgebouw, Utrecht, NetherlandsGrants from the European Research Council (ERC) support individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research. In particular, the ERC encourages proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches. ERC grants are awarded through open competition to projects headed by starting and established researchers - the sole criterion for selection is scientific excellence.
To gain an overall view of the rules and possibilities, we cordially invite you to an ERC information session. During this session, your National Contact Points will inform you of the possible type of grants, the rules for participation and the evaluation process. In addition a member of an evaluation panel will tell you about his/her experience with evaluating ERC proposals (TBC) and an ERC grant holder will share his tips and tricks.
For more information, see
22 June 2016, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Fabio Pasquali
Speaker: Fabio PasqualiTitle: Choice in triposesLocation: Room 610 of the Mathematics (Hans Freudenthal) building, Budapestlaan 6, UtrechtMaietti and Rosolini generalized the notion of exact completion of a category with finite limits to that of elementary quotient completion of hyperdoctrines. A hyperdoctrine will be denoted by (C,P) and can be thought of as a many-sorted logic P where sorts are objects of the category C. The elementary quotient completion of (C,P), denoted by (Cq,Pq), is a new hyperdoctrine whose base Cq is closed under effective quotients of equivalence relations expressed in the logic of Pq.
In this talk we focus on triposes, a special class of hyperdoctrines, introduced in by Hyland, Johnstone and Pitts with the purpose (among others) of freely creating an elementary topos out of any given tripos. This mentioned construction is known under the name of tripos-to-topos construction. We characterize when the tripos-to-topos construction factors through an elementary quotient completion. We will show that this happens if and only if the starting tripos validates a form of choice, which we call rule of epsilon choice as it is inspired by Hilbert's epsilon operator.
For abstracts and more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at
22 June 2016, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Bruno Loff
Speaker: Bruno Loff (Prague)Title: Some new results on the communication complexity of compositionLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information see here or contact rdewolf at
21-23 June 2016, Tutorial "Definability and Complexity of Counting Logics"
Speaker: Anuj Dawar (Cambridge)Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamAnuj Dawar, who is visiting from Cambridge, will give a three-part tutorial on 'Definability and Complexity of Counting Logics'.
Part 1 (21 June 13:00-15:00) covers first-order logic with counting, fixed-point logic with counting, relations to complexity, and definability of constraint satisfaction problems.
Literature: Albert Atserias, Andrei A. Bulatov, Anuj Dawar: Affine systems of equations and counting infinitary logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(18): 1666-1683 (2009)Part 2 (22 June 13:00-15:00) covers combinatorial optimization problems and their linear programming relaxations and issues of symmetry and definability.
Literature: Matthew Anderson, Anuj Dawar, Bjarki Holm, Solving Linear Programs without Breaking Abstractions, J. ACM 62(6): 48 (2015)Part 3 (23 June 11:00-14:00) covers the relationship between definability and circuit complexity for first-order logic, fixed-point logic and counting logics.
For more information, please contact bloewe at
Literature: Matthew Anderson, Anuj Dawar: On Symmetric Circuits and Fixed-Point Logics. STACS 2014: 41-52 -
17 June 2016, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2016, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
Location: Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.
All are welcome, including MoL students.
Note that this is different date than was communicated before, i.e., the 24th of June. That date clashed with other events. We therefore decided to move the ILLC colloquium to the 17th of June.
For more information, see
17 June 2016, CWI-DIAMANT Seminar Combinatorics and Optimization, Joe Halpern (Cornell University)
Speaker: Joe Halpern (Cornell University)Title: Decision theory with resource-bounded agentsLocation: CWI room L016, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see or here.
10 June 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Eric Pacuit
Speaker: Eric Pacuit (Maryland)Title: Interpreting mistakes in games: From beliefs about mistakes to mistaken beliefsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
10 June 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group, Romke Rouw
Speaker: Romke RouwTitle: Individual Differences in Sensations.Location: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamDr. Romke Rouw will give a talk on synesthesia titled Individual Differences in perception. For an extensive abstract, see:
For more information, see
10 June 2016, APES Symposium with Lisa Herzog (Frankfurt) and Harold Kincaid (Cape Town)
Location: Facultyroom 1.17, Oude Turfmarkt 147, AmsterdamFor more information see
7 June 2016, The musical brain: Beat, rhythm, and timing
Location: Doelenzaal (C0.07), Singel 425, AmsterdamCosts: FreeWhen we hear music, we often tap our feet, dance together or play and sing together. In order to do this, we need to be able to synchronize our behavior to the regular beat that is often present in music. This seems an easy task, but how do our brains accomplish this? Can everyone do this? And is this specific to humans?
This workshop on beat perception is organised on the occasion of the PhD defense of Fleur Bouwer on June 8. Distinguished international speakers will discuss several aspects of beat perception and prediction. Topics range from the role of the motor system in beat perception, to beat perception in non-human animals and timing and predictions in the human brain.
For more information on the workshop, see
3 June 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Karin Kukkonen
Speaker: Karin KukkonenTitle: Probability Designs: Literature and Predictive ProcessingLocation: OMHP room F0.01, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
3 June 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium, Antoinette Baujard, Markus Brill, Harrie de Swart
Speaker: Antoinette Baujard, Markus Brill, Harrie de SwartLocation: Room C1-4, Theil Building, Campus Woudenstein, Erasmus University RotterdamThis edition of the Dutch Social Choice Colloquium will feature invited talks by Harrie de Swart (Rotterdam) Antoinette Baujard (Lyon) and Markus Brill (Oxford) on majority measures, evaluative voting and approval-based committee voting. All welcome.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
2 June 2016, Information meeting: European consortium grants
Location: OMHP Room C3.23C, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamThe Grant Team organises an information meeting on European consortium grants, ie. funding schemes for projects to be carried out by international consortia. Confirmed speakers are Wim Hupperetz, Julia Noordegraaf and Ronald Pfau; they will speak about (inter alia) the Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks, the Horizon2020 funding scheme (in particular Societal Challenge 6: 'Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies') and best practices regarding networking in 'Europe' and forming fruitful international connections. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday 2 June at 15.00-17.00, Oudemanhuispoort room C3.23. All are welcome; please send an e-mail to subsidie-fgw at if you are planning to attend.
For more information, see
2 June 2016, BroadSem Kick-off Workshop
Location: Nina van Leerzaal, Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 129, AmsterdamKick-off workshop for the ERC grant "BroadSem: Broad Coverage Semantic Parsing" on June 2 in central Amsterdam (Allard Pierson Museum). Besides semantic parsing, we will also look into related problems and methods in natural language understanding. We have a great set of guest speakers including Guillaume Bouchard (UCL), Mirella Lapata (Edinburgh), Dan Roth (UIUC) and Nathan Schneider (GWU). Free sign-up!
For more information, see
1-15 June 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Eric Pacuit
Speaker: Eric Pacuit (Maryland)Title: Lecture Series "Neighborhood Semantics for Modal Logic"Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
27 May 2016, DIP Colloquium, Lavinia Picollo & Thomas Schindler
Speaker: Lavinia Picollo (MCMP Munich) & Thomas Schindler (Cambridge)Title: The expressive function of truthLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
27 May 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hein Duijf
Speaker: Hein DuijfTitle: Cooperative Rationality: beyond team reasoningLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
26 May 2016, Cool Logic, Levin Hornischer and Stella Moon
Speaker: Levin Hornischer and Stella MoonTitle: Hamkins' proof that every function can be computableLocation: F1.15 Seminar Room, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD candidatesCool Logic has gone through some changes with a new name COOL.
COOL. is a biweekly student seminar organised by master's students, with talks given by master's students.For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at -
24 May 2016, Training voor promovendi: Launch your Career
Location: Science Park 107, AmsterdamAround 70% of all PhD students will pursue a career outside academia after their defense. The UvA wishes to prepare PhD students for a successfull career. This English training is intended to help in this regard.
There will be 4 meetings in total, on May 24th, June 7th, June 28th and July 12th
Registration for this training is open until 17 May 2016. For more information, see
20 May 2016, Cool Logic, Dan Frumin and Guillaume Massas
Speaker: Dan Frumin and Guillaume MassasTitle: The one and only diagonal argumentLocation: F1.15 ILLC seminar room, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD candidatesIn this talk we would like to present the Lawvere's fixed point theorem, which is a generalisation of the Cantor-Russell-Turing-Gödel argument in a sufficiently nice category. We will show how it implies straightforwardly Cantor's theorem and Russell's paradox, various versions of the Liar paradox. With a bit of work we will deduce Tarski's result about the undefinability of truth and Gödel's incompleteness theorem, as well as results from computability theory, such as the undecidability of the halting problem and the existence of fixed point combinators in λ-calculus.
For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
20 May 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Benjamin Icard & Markus Pfundstein
Speaker: Benjamin Icard (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris) & Markus PfundsteinTitle: The 'Surprise Deception Paradox': a conceptual and logical insight into veridical deception / A Framework for modelling knowledge about Wireless Sensor Networks using Dynamic Epistemic LogicLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
19 May 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Jan van Eijck (CWI and ILLC)
Speaker: Jan van Eijck (CWI and ILLC)Title: Logic and ActionLocation: AUC common room, Science Park 113, AmsterdamAbstract:
An action is something that takes place in the world, and that makes a
difference to what the world looks like. Thus, actions are maps from
states of the world to new states of the world. Actions can be of
various kinds. The action of spilling coffee changes the state of
your trousers. The action of telling a lie to your friend changes your
friend's state of mind (and maybe the state of your soul). The action
of multiplying two numbers changes the state of certain registers in
your computer. Despite the differences between these various kinds of
actions, we will see that they can all be covered under the same
logical umbrella.For more information, contact t.achourioti at
19 May 2016, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Steve Homer
Speaker: Steve Homer (Boston U)Title: Automatically Scalable ComputationLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamA system is proposed which speeds up some computations by taking advantage of current large, fast memory in order to efficiently store and recall relevant computational histories. The system automatically exploits predicted patterns in a computation in order to accelerate computation when it can. Our goal is to quantify the specific speed-ups that can be achieved and to provide lower bounds indicating the limits of our approach.
For more information, see here or contact Ronald de Wolf (rdewolf at
17 May 2016, Celebratory workshop on the occasion of Jouko Vaananen's retirement, Bungehuis room 0.04, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT, Amsterdam
Location: Bungehuis room 0.04, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT, AmsterdamIn December 2015 Jouko Väänänen formally retired from the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC). Despite the fact that Jouko will maintain his ties to the ILLC, we nevertheless take the opportunity to organise a small workshop in Jouko's honour.
For more information, see
13 May 2016, DIP Colloquium, Bjørn Jespersen
Speaker: Bjørn Jespersen (Barcelona)Title: A critique of act theories of propositions and predicationLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
13 May 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Jubin Abutelab
Speaker: Jubin AbutelabTitle: Neural Consequences of BilingualismLocation: OMHP room F0.01, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
13 May 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Guido Bacciagaluppi
Speaker: Guido Bacciagaluppi (Utrecht)Title: Von Neumann’s no-Hidden-Variables Theorem (and Hermann’s Critique)Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
13 May 2016, Studies of Mathematical and Logical Practice guest lecture, Anika Dreher
Speaker: Anika Dreher (Kiel)Title: Teachers' professional knowledge and noticing: The case of multiple representations in the mathematics classroomLocation: Room G2.13, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThis is a guest lecture given as part of the course "Studies of Mathematical and Logical Practice". For more information, see here or
12 May 2016, Valedictory Lecture, Martin Stokhof
Speaker: Martin StokhofTitle: "Iets met mensen": filosofische ervaringenLocation: Aula, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamOn Thursday, May 12th Professor Dr. Martin Stokhof will retire as professor of Philosophy of language, a position he has held since 1998. His valedictory lecture will take place in the Aula of the University and will start at 15:00 am (exactly). The aula will be open from 14.30.
Professors are invited to take part in the procession dressed in toga. From 14:30 you can use the entrance at Handboogstraat 6.
For more information, see or contact illc at
10 May 2016, Logic Tea, Robert White
Speaker: Robert WhiteTitle: Robot Ethical Training with Dynamic Ethical Preference LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Bonan Zhao (bonan.zhao at, or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
4 May 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Tomáš Jakl (Charles University Prague, University of Birmingham)
Speaker: Tomáš Jakl (Charles University Prague, University of Birmingham)Title: Bitopology and four-valued logicLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (F.M.Lauridsen at
29 April 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
Title: Neural networks for beat perception in musical rhythmLocation: Room A1.06, FNWI, Science Park 904, AmsterdamWe will discuss a paper by Ed Large, Jorge Herrera, and Marc Velasco: Neural networks for beat perception in musical rhythm ( This is a hypothesis and theory paper on the neural basis of rhythm perception.
For more information, see
29 April 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Rohit Parikh
Speaker: Rohit ParikhTitle: Influencing behavior by influencing beliefsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
28 April 2016, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, F.A. Muller
Speaker: F.A. Muller (Erasmus and Utrecht University)Title: Structural Explanation: What It Could BeLocation: Facultyroom 1.17, Oude Turfmarkt 147, AmsterdamFor more information see
26 April 2016, Logic Tea, Philip Schulz
Speaker: Philip SchulzTitle: Doing Bayesian InferenceLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
22 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Rohit Parikh
Speaker: Rohit ParikhTitle: An Epistemic Generalization of RationalizabilityLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
22 April 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Jon Williamson
Speaker: Jon WilliamsonTitle: Inductive Logic for Automated Decision MakingLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
22-25 April 2016, Celebratory events in honour of Albert Visser on the occasion of his retirement, Auditorium, University Hall, Utrecht University & Academiegebouw, Utrecht University
Location: Auditorium, University Hall, Utrecht University & Academiegebouw, Utrecht UniversityIn the spring of 2016 Prof. Albert Visser (Philosophy) will retire. He has been a professor in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics at Utrecht University for more than a decade. Since September 2015 he is also a Faculty Professor at the Faculty of Humanities. There will be two days of celebrations in honour of his long and distinguished career. Registration is now open.
There are two events. On 22 April there will be a workshop dedicated to his scientific work, with speakers from the various areas that Visser has contributed to. This event will take place in the Kanunnikenzaal of the University Hall (Academiegebouw).
On 25 April there will be an afternoon of celebratory speeches by colleagues (starting at 13:00), followed by Albert's retirement speech in the Auditorium of the University Hall and a reception. The valedictory lecture of Prof. Visser will be at 16:00.
For more information regarding 22 April, see
For information regarding 25 April and to register for the events, see
20 April 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Serafina Lapenta (University of Salerno)
Speaker: Serafina Lapenta (University of Salerno)Title: MV-algebras and the Pierce-Birkhoff conjectureLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (f.m.lauridsen at
15 April 2016, DIP Colloquium, Donka Farkas
Speaker: Donka Farkas (University of California, Santa Cruz)Title: The interpretation of declaratives and interrogatives: How semantics and conventions of use divide laborLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jeffrey M. Keisler
Speaker: Jeffrey M. Keisler (UMass Boston)Title: Observing, reporting and deciding in networks of agents.Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
12 April 2016, Logic Tea, Luca Incurvati
Speaker: Luca IncurvatiTitle: Is Negation in Denial?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
8 April 2016, Cool Logic, Bonan Zhao
Speaker: Bonan Zhao (ILLC)Title: Paradoxes in Chinese Logic: Name, Category, and ArgumentationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
8 April 2016, Ace Venture Lab presentation
Location: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamACE Venture Lab is an initiative by the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) to propel science and tech based startups to create new jobs and economic prosperity in the Amsterdam region. ACE is a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and the Amsterdam School of Arts (AHK). ACE stimulates entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behavior by students and performs research towards successful entrepreneurship.
On Friday 8 April 2016, a representative of Ace Ventures Lab will come to the ILLC to present their activities, in particular the Bootcamp - a fully sponsored intensive training program for researchers, senior scientists and MSc students.
For more information, see
8 April 2016, ACLC Seminar, Naomi Feldman
Speaker: Naomi FeldmanTitle: How phonetic learners should use their inputLocation: Rooim 4.04, PC Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, AmsterdamChildren have impressive statistical learning abilities. In phonetic category acquisition, for example, they are sensitive to the distributional properties of sounds in their input. However, knowing that children have statistical learning abilities is only a small part of understanding how they make use of their input during language acquisition. This work uses Bayesian models to examine three basic assumptions that go into statistical learning theories: the structure of learners' hypothesis space, the way in which input data are sampled, and the features of the input that learners attend to. Simulations show that although a naive view of statistical learning may not support robust phonetic category acquisition, there are several ways in which learners can potentially benefit by leveraging the rich statistical structure of their input.
For more information, see or
8 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Elias Tsakas
Speaker: Elias Tsakas (Maastricht)Title: Reasonable doubt revisitedLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
7 April 2016, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, Paul Roth
Speaker: Paul Roth (California-Santa Cruz)Title: Evaluating Narrative ExplanationsLocation: Facultyroom 1.17, Oude Turfmarkt 147, AmsterdamFor more information see or contact Federica Russo (f.russo at or Lukas Verburgt L.M.Verburgt at
Paul Roth's paper is available at
5 April 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Iacer Calixto
Speaker: Iacer Calixto (Dublin)Title: Incorporating Translational Evidence in Multilingual and Multimodal EmbeddingsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
1 April 2016, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting, ILLC Common room (F1.21), Science Park 107, Amsterdam
Location: ILLC Common room (F1.21), Science Park 107, AmsterdamAs in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you about various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards (also in the ILLC Common Room).
For more information, contact illc at
1 April 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
Title: Is birdsong like speech or like music?Location: Room F2.01, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamWe'll discuss a recent paper by Bregman et al. (2016): "Songbirds use spectral shape, not pitch, for sound pattern recognition". For a good introduction to the topic, see Shannon (in press): "Is Birdsong more like speech or music?".
For more information, see
1 April 2016, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
Speaker: Hannu Nurmi, Ali Ihsan Ozkes, Daniele PorelloLocation: Belle van Zuylenzaal (C1.13), University Library, Singel 425, AmsterdamThis edition of the Dutch Social Choice Colloquium will feature invited talks by Hannu Nurmi (Turku), Ali Ihsan Ozkes (Marseille), and Daniele Porello (Trento) on voting paradoxes, behavioural assumptions in models of strategic thinking, and a cognitively inspired approach to deliberation. All welcome.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
1 April 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Nils Bulling
Speaker: Nils Bulling (TU Delft)Title: Agents with Truly Perfect RecallLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
30 March 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Sam van Gool (City College of New York and ILLC)
Speaker: Sam van Gool (City College of New York and ILLC)Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (f.m.lauridsen at
29 March 2016, CLClab Seminar, Willemijn van Woerkom
Speaker: Willemijn van WoerkomTitle: Modelling the Visual Number Sense Using a Deep Generative Neural NetworkLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Willem ZuidemaThe title of my research, and my talk, is "Modelling the Visual Number Sense Using a Deep Generative Neural Network". For my research project I have replicated a study done in 2012 by Stoianov and Zorzi: "Emergence of a 'visual number sense' in hierarchical generative models"( The authors trained two stacked Restricted Boltzmann Machines on reproducing simple binary images containing varying numbers of rectangular objects. After training, this model was able to sustain numerosity estimation by linear classifiers fed with its output. I have not been able to replicate all their results, and offer the likely causes for this.
For more information, please contact rgalhama at -
24 March 2016, Spinoza Lecture, Jonathan Lear
Speaker: Jonathan LearTitle: The Unconscious and the Meaning of LifeLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamFor more information, see
22 March 2016, Cross-linguistic semantics (XLSX) colloquium, Matthias Passer (ACLC)
Speaker: Matthias Passer (ACLC)Title: The Semanticity of Nominal Classification Devices: Introducing a Quantificational AccountLocation: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamAbstract and directions are available from the new cross-linguistic semantics website at For more information, contact Maria Aloni at m.d.aloni at
22 March 2016, Workshop on Logical Dynamics of Social Influence and Information Change
Location: OMHP Room C1.23, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamCosts: freeThe workshop will address a number of new developments in which formal methods are used to model phenomena that play a central role in epistemic-social contexts. In particular we focus on modeling agents' epistemic and doxastic attitudes, the change of such attitudes as well as their communication-based interactions.
The following two themes will receive special attention: The first theme refers to the concept of social influence. In this context we use logic to model the spread of opinions, the exchange of information and the distribution of behavior in a social network. The second theme refers to the logical mechanism of information change as triggered by events, such as e.g. observations, communication as well as steps of logical inference.
The workshop is associated with the PhD defence of Zoé Christoff. Speakers will include Johan van Benthem, Jan van Eijck, Davide Grossi, Fenrong Liu, Olivier Roy, Frank Veltman and Zoé Christoff.
For more information, see
18 March 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Niels Taatgen
Speaker: Niels Taatgen (Groningen)Title: The Distracted MindLocation: OMHP room F0.01, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
18 March 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Yves Bouchard
Speaker: Yves Bouchard (Sherbrooke)Title: Logic and Epistemic Contexts.Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
17 March 2016, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Matteo Acclavio
Speaker: Matteo AcclavioTitle: A proof of coherence for symmetric monoidal categories using rewritingLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at
16 March 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Mohamed Khaled (Central European University, Budapest)
Speaker: Mohamed Khaled (Central European University, Budapest)Title: Investigations on Gödel's incompleteness properties for guarded fragment and other decidable versions of FOLLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (f.m.lauridsen at
14 March 2016, AUC Logic Lectures, Sonja Smets
Speaker: Sonja SmetsTitle: Quantum Logic in ActionLocation: AUC common room, Science Park 113, AmsterdamAbstract: In this presentation I address the old question on whether a logical understanding of Quantum Mechanics requires abandoning some of the principles of classical logic. My answer to this question is "no". The argument is based on insights from the recently-developed setting of Dynamic Quantum Logic in which we can explicitly refer to the operational meaning of quantum-mechanical concepts. I use this setting to show that the correct interpretation of quantum-logical connectives is dynamical, rather than purely propositional. This allows me to argue for the fact that there is no contradiction between classical logic and (the dynamic reinterpretation of) quantum logic. Overall, in this talk I show how logic can handle informational processes such as observations and measurements of quantum systems and I highlight the basic logical principles that are needed to reason about quantum physical processes.
For more information, contact t.achourioti at
11 March 2016, Cool Logic, Bastiaan van der Weij
Speaker: Bastiaan van der WeijTitle: Musical metre perception and predictive codingLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
11 March 2016, DIP Colloquium, Otávio Bueno
Speaker: Otávio Bueno (Miami)Title: Identity's Fundamentality, Once AgainLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 March 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan van Eijck
Speaker: Jan van Eijck (ILLC/CWI)Title: Modelling Legal RelationsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
10 March 2016, Spinoza Lecture, Jonathan Lear
Speaker: Jonathan LearTitle: Ironic AnthroposLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamFor more information, see
10 March 2016, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, Ida Stamhuis
Speaker: Ida Stamhuis (VU)Title: What Use is it in the Long Run to Resist Something that is Bound to Happen Anyway? Statistics at the Basis of 19th Century PoliticsLocation: Facultyroom 1.17, Oude Turfmarkt 147, AmsterdamFor more information see
9 March 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Almudena Colacito (ILLC)
Speaker: Almudena Colacito (ILLC)Title: Subminimal Logics of NegationLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (F.M.Lauridsen at
4 March 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Chenwei Shi
Speaker: Chenwei Shi (ILLC)Title: Beliefs Supported by ArgumentsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
1 March 2016, Logic Tea, Ellen Breitholtz
Speaker: Ellen BreitholtzTitle: Enthymemes in Dialogue - a micro-rhetorical perspective on conversationLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
26 February 2016, Cool Logic, Jonathan Sippel
Speaker: Jonathan SippelTitle: The Impossibility of Scientific theories (and how we know things all the same)Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
26 February 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Eugune S. Hunn
Speaker: Eugune S. Hunn (University of Washington)Title: Ethnobiological Classification and Nomenclature: Cognitive aspects of an anthropological research programLocation: OMHP Room F0.01, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor more information, see
26 February 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group, Kjetil Vikene
Speaker: Kjetil Vikene (University of Bergen)Title: Perception of complexity in musical rhythm in Parkinson's disease and healthy subjectsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
26 February 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan Broersen
Speaker: Jan Broersen (Utrecht)Title: Agents Necessitating Effects in Newtonian Time and Space: from Power and Opportunity to EffectivityLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
24 February 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Fateme Shirmohammadzade Maleki
Speaker: Fateme Shirmohammadzade Maleki (Shahid Beheshti University,
Tehran and ILLC)Title: Weak Subintuitionistic LogicLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (F.M.Lauridsen at
19 February 2016, CLClab Seminar
Title: Dehaene et al. (2015) The Neural Representation of Sequences: From Transition Probabilities to Algebraic Patterns and Linguistic TreesLocation: Postdoc Room (F2.02), Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or, or contact rgalhama at
19 February 2016, DIP Colloquium, Emanuel Rutten
Speaker: Emanuel Rutten (VU Amsterdam)Title: There are No Positive Universally Held Contingent PropertiesLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
18 February 18 2016, In pictures: from quantum foundations to natural language meaning (this talk requires no background in physics, nor in linguistics, nor in fancy math!), Bob Coecke
Speaker: Bob Coecke (Oxford)Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
17 February 2016, Bèta Break
Title: Bèta Break dedicated to L.E.J. BrouwerLocation: Central hall, Science Park 904, AmsterdamOn 17 February the Bèta Break will honour a hero issued from the UvA history: L.E.J. Brouwer, one of the most outstanding mathematicians in the Netherlands.
Brouwers ideas were the basis for topology and his ideas about the foundation of mathematics diametrically opposed to those of his established contemporaries.This contrarian attitude not only touched the area of the logics; also in his daily life he revolted by living 'avant la lettre' as a hippy in a cabin in Blaricum, which was an artistic village at the time.
His life and the influence of his mathematical work until today will be discussed with:
Prof. dr. Jan van Mill, topologist
Prof.dr. Dirk, van Dalen, biographer of Brouwer's life
Hans Ree, grandmaster in chess and columnist
Prof.dr. Wim Veldman, intuitionistFor more information, see or contact illc at
12 February 2016, Cool Logic, Lucy van Oostveen
Speaker: Lucy van OostveenTitle: Computational models of emotion regulationLocation: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD candidatesFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
12 February 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Rahim Ramezanian
Speaker: Rahim RamezanianTitle: Epistemic Protocols for Dynamic GossipLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
9 February 2016, Computational Linguistics Seminar
Title: Ding et al. (2015): Cortical tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures in connected speechLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
9 February 2016, FGw Information meeting ERC Advanced grant
Location: PC Hoofthuis room 5.19 , Spuistraat 134, AmsterdamOn 9 February we will start our support track for the ERC Advanced grant with an information meeting. The ERC advanced grant is open to all experienced researchers who are leaders in their field.
Please contact the Grant Team to register for this meeting at subsidie-fgw at For more information, see
9 February 2016, FGw Information meeting NWO Free Competition
Location: Bungehuis Room 0.04, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamNWO will soon open the call for the Vrije Competitie-grant ('Free competition'); the deadline for grant applications is (tentatively) scheduled for 1 April 2016. The grant team has scheduled an information meeting where members of the grant team will provide basic information on the grant and on setting the budget; we will invite a former laureate to talk about 'best practices' and a former comittee member to talk about his/her experiences reviewing grant applications.
Please send us an e-mail if you are planning to attend this meeting at subsidie-fgw at For more NWO-information on the Free Competition-grant, see (note that this information has not yet been brought up-to-date)
5 February 2016, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fan Yang
Speaker: Fan Yang (TU Delft)Title: Dependence Logic and Arrow’s TheoremLocation: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
29 January 2016, Cool Logic, Bartosz Wcisło
Speaker: Bartosz WcisłoTitle: Measuring the Content of TruthLocation: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD candidatesFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
29 January 2016, SMART Cognitive Science Debate on Defining Cognition
Location: OMHP Room F2.01C, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFriday, January 29th, there will be a SMART Cognitive Science debate on "Defining Cognition" with Jelle Zuidema, Fred Weerman, Jeannette Schaeffer, Rens Bod, Juilan Kiverstein and Patricia Pisters, followed by drinks and snacks.
For more information, see
29 January 2016, Amsterdam Brain & Cognition (ABC) Lecture, Steve Fleming
Speaker: Steve Fleming (UCL)Title: The reflective mind: computations supporting metacognitive awarenessLocation: Room 5.01, Diamantbeurs, Weesperplein 4, AmsterdamFor more information, see
27 January 2016, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Silvio Ghilardi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Speaker: Silvio Ghilardi (Università degli Studi di Milano)Title: Monadic second order logic as the model companion of temporal logiciLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen (F.M.Lauridsen at
22 January 2016, Music Cognition Reading Group
Title: Patel and IversenLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamIn this meeting will discuss the paper: The evolutionary neuroscience of musical beat perception: the Action Simulation for Auditory Prediction (ASAP) hypothesis.
For more information, see
21 January 2016, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Theo Kuipers
Speaker: Theo Kuipers (Groningen)Title: Concretizations of two-sided nomic truth approximation: quantification, refinement, and stratificationLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
15 January 2016, ILLC Midwinter Colloquium 2016, ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
Location: ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.
Note that it was previously announced that this event was going to take place on 8 January 2016.
For more information, see
Calls for Paper
16-18 December 2016, Workshop "Situations, Information, and Semantic Content", Muenchen, Germany
Location: Muenchen, GermanyDeadline: 29 May 2016The semantic content of natural language is multiply *situated*: Whether an utterance receives one interpretation or another depends on the *discourse situation* (in which the utterance takes place), on the *target situation* (which is described by the utterance), and on the interpreting agents' *informational situation* (which also contains the agents' background knowledge). Over the past decades, work on extralinguistic context-dependence has focused on discourse situations and target situations, and has paid less attention to the dependence of interpretation on the agents' informational situation. However, this kind of information-dependence plays a crucial role in the explanation of a number of semantic phenomena, including the behavior of epistemic/deontic modals and propositional attitude-sentences. Recent research in situated cognition has suggested an even more general scope of semantic information-dependence. The latter assumes that cognition (and therefore, *all* linguistic understanding) is fundamentally embedded in the situational context of the cognition.
This workshop aims to bring together linguists, philosophers, logicians, and cognitive and computer scientists to discuss the information-dependence of the semantic content of natural language. It covers all aspects of the interaction between situations, information, and semantic content - both theoretical and experimental.
For more information, see or email Kristina Liefke at SituatedContent2016 at
We invite submissions of extended abstracts for talks (for 30+10-minute presentations) or posters on any aspect of semantic information-dependence. Submission deadline: May 29, 2016
12-14 December 2016, 5th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing (TPNC 2016), Sendai, Japan
Location: Sendai, JapanDeadline: 26 July 2016TPNC is a conference series intending to cover the wide spectrum of computational principles, models and techniques inspired by information processing in nature. TPNC 2016 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology. The conference aims at attracting contributions to nature-inspired models of computation, synthesizing nature by means of computation, nature-inspired materials, and information processing in nature.
For more information, see or contact florentinalilica.voicu at
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Paper submission deadkube: July 26, 2016 (23:59h, CET).
12 December 2016, Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex V), Osaka, Japan
Location: Osaka, JapanDeadline: Sunday 25 September 2016The goal of COGALEX is to provide a forum for researchers in NLP, psychologists, computational lexicographers and users of lexical resources to share their knowledge and needs concerning the construction, organization and use of a lexicon by people (lexical access) and machines (NLP, IR, data-mining).
This workshop is about possible enhancements of lexical resources and electronic dictionaries, as well as on any aspect relevant to the achieve a better understanding of the mental lexicon and semantic memory. Chris Biemann, well known among other things for his work on graph-based NLP, has kindly accepted to give the invited talk. Like in the past (2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014), we will invite researchers to address various unsolved problems, by putting this time stronger emphasis though on distributional semantics (DS). Indeed, we would like to see work showing the relevance of DS as a cognitive model of the lexicon.
We solicit contributions including but not limited to the following topics: (computational, corpus) linguistics, neuro- or psycholinguistics (tip of the tongue problem, associations), network related sciences (sociology, economy, biology), mathematics (vector-based approaches, graph theory, small-world problem), etc. Submission deadline for papers: September 25.
We also plan to organize a 'friendly competition' for corpus-based models of lexical networks and navigation, using training and test data provided by the organizers. Deadline to express interest: September 26th.
For more information, see or contact Michael Zock at michael.zock at -
11-16 December 2016, The 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Japan
Location: Osaka, JapanDeadline: 26 August 2016The COLING conference has a history that dates back to the 1960s. It is held every two years and regularly attracts more than 700 delegates. The conference has developed into one of the premier Natural Language Processing (NLP) conferences worldwide and is a major international event for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of Computational Linguistics and NLP.
For more information, see
The COLING 2016 Demonstration Program Committee invites proposals for system demonstrations. The demonstration program is part of the main conference program and aims at showcasing working systems that apply a wide range of conference topics. The session will provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained from implementing NLP systems, and to obtain feedback from expert users. Paper submission deadline: August 26,2016.
Your are also invited to contribute submissions to any of the workshops at COLING.
11 December 2016, Sixth Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation (HyTra-6), Osaka, Japan
Location: Osaka, JapanDeadline: 25 September 2016Nowadays, there are more paradigms competing in machine translation including statistical (phrase-based, hierarchical and syntax-based), neural-based and rule-based. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages which make it worth the research on hybridization, integration and/or combination of approaches. Given that academic and industry perspectives may differ on the opinion of which are the most suitable paradigms, HyTra gives a strong relevance to the participation of both in the workshop. The fact that machine translation is a highly interdisciplinary field (including engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, translators, linguists?), specially in the research of hybridization, enriches the workshop in its discussions, proceedings, invited talks and, even, in one contributed volume published by Springer.
In this edition, HyTRA (in conjunction with COLING 2016) will specially focus on motivating the cooperation and interaction between the different human components, as well as to foster innovation and creativity in the Hybrid Machine Translation research community. That is why we encourage the participation of the different integrating fields (engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, translators, linguists either from academy or industry) to contribute to our special call of shared task proposals.
For more information, see or contact Patrik Lambert at patrik.lambert at
HyTra-6 intends to invite work contributions on integrating any type of data-driven and linguistic-based machine translation approaches. Additionally we sollicit proposals for shared tasks relevant to hybrid translation with the potential to be conducted in future editions of the HyTra workshop series. We particularly welcome proposals which motivate the MT industry to participate. Deadline for Paper submission:* September 25th, 2016.
9 December 2016, Cognitive Computation: Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches (CoCo @ NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spain
Location: Barcelona, SpainThe workshop brings together established leaders and promising young scientists in the fields of neural computation, logic and artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, natural language understanding, machine learning, cognitive science and computational neuroscience. Invited lectures by senior researchers will be complemented with presentations based on contributed papers reporting recent work (following an open call for papers) and a poster session, giving ample opportunity for participants to interact and discuss the complementary perspectives and emerging approaches.
The workshop targets a single broad theme of general interest to the vast majority of the NIPS community, namely translations between connectionist models and symbolic knowledge representation and reasoning for the purpose of achieving an effective integration of neural learning and cognitive reasoning, called neural-symbolic computing. The study of neural-symbolic computing is now an established topic of wider interest to NIPS with topics that are relevant to almost everyone studying neural information processing.
We invite submission of papers dealing with topics related to the research questions discussed in the workshop. The reported work can range from theoretical/foundational research to reports on applications and/or implemented systems. We explicitly also encourage the submission of more controversial papers which can serve as basis for open discussions during the event. Deadline for paper submission: October 10, 2016.
For more information, see or contact Tarek R. Besold at Tarek.Besold at -
CfP special issue of TPLP on "Parallel and Distributed Computation in (Constraint) Logic Programming"
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2017Since its inception, logic programming has been recognized as an ideal paradigm for addressing the needs of parallel computing. After over 30 years of research in these domains, the state of the art has reached a stage where technologies are highly complex and sophisticated, and applications are plentiful. Yet, the continuous development of novel architectures, the appearance of new domains and potential applications, and the developments in novel logic programming languages and paradigms are creating new research opportunities and fueling new ideas and developments. The goal of this special issue is to provide a multi-fold perspective of research at the junction between parallel and distributed computation and (constraint) logic programming.
For more information, see or contact Enrico Pontelli at epontell at -
5-7 December 2016, 20th International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2016), Nancy, France
Location: Nancy, FranceDeadline: 3 July 2016The scope of this conference is the use of type theoretic, proof theoretic and model theoretic methods for describing natural language syntax, semantics and pragmatics as well as the implementation of natural language processing software relying on logical formalisation. As 20 years ago LACL will also take place at Loria in Nancy.
For more information, see
Computer scientists, linguists, mathematicians and philosophers are invited to present their work on the use of logical methods in computational linguistics and natural language processing, in natural language analysis, generation or acquisition. Paper submission deadline (extended): July 3, 2016
1-2 December 2016, Workshop "Argument Strength", Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanyDeadline: 1 August 2016Arguments vary in strength. The strength of an argument is affected by e.g. the plausibility of its premises, the nature of the link between its premises and conclusion, and the prior acceptability of the conclusion. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts from the fields of artificial intelligence, philosophy, logic, and argumentation theory to discuss questions related to the strength of arguments.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit an abstract (500-1000 words) related to the above or any other questions on the topic of argument strength to argumentstrength2016 at by August 1, 2016.
28 November - 1 December 2016, 15th Conference of the Italian Association for AI (AI*IA 2016), Genova, Italy
Location: Genova, ItalyDeadline: 12 June 2016AI*IA 2016 covers broadly the many aspects of theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence. A series of workshops dedicated to specific topics will complement the main conference program.
The conference is organized by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIIA), which is a non-profit scientific society founded in 1988 devoted to the promotion of Artificial Intelligence. The society aims to increase the public awareness of AI, encourage the teaching of it and promote research in the field.
For more information see
Contributions are invited on original, and unpublished research on all aspects of artificial intelligence. Abstract submission deadline is 12 June 2016.
28 November - 1 December 2016, 23rd RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion (RCRA 2016), Genova, Italy
Location: Genova, ItalyDeadline: 8 September 2016Many problems in Artificial Intelligence show an exponential explosion of the search space. Although stemming from different research areas in AI, such problems are often addressed with algorithms that have a common goal: the effective exploration of huge state spaces. Many algorithms developed in one research area are applicable to other problems, or can be hybridized with techniques in other areas. Artificial Intelligence tools often exploit or hybridize techniques developed by other research communities, such as Operations Research. In recent years, research in Artificial Intelligence has more and more focused on experimental evaluation of algorithms, the development of suitable methodologies for experimentation and analysis, the study of languages and the implementation of systems for the definition and solution of problems.
Scope of the workshop is fostering the cross-fertilization of ideas stemming from different areas, proposing benchmarks for new challenging problems, comparing models and algorithms from an experimental viewpoint, and, in general, comparing different approaches with respect to efficiency, problem modeling, and ease of development.
For more information, see or contact the workshop co-chairs can be contacted by sending an email to rcra2016 at
Authors are invited to submit either original (full or short) papers, or papers that appear on conference proceedings. Publications showing negative results are welcome, provided that the approach was original and very promising in principle, the experimentation was well-conducted, the results obtained were unforeseeable and gave important hints in the comprehension of the target problem, helping other researchers to avoid unsuccessful paths. Paper submission deadline: September 8th, 2016.
28 - 29 November 2016, Workshop on Coalgebra, Horn Clause Logic Programming and Types, Edinburgh, Scotland
Location: Edinburgh, ScotlandDeadline: Saturday 15 October 2016The workshop marks the end of the EPSRC Grant Coalgebraic Logic Programming for Type Inference, by K. Komendantskaya and J. Power and will consist of two parts:
Part 1 - Semantics: Lawvere theories and Coalgebra in Logic and Functional Programming
Part 2 - Programming languages: Horn Clause Logic for Type Inference in Functional Languages and BeyondWe invite all colleagues working in related areas to present and share their results. We envisage a friendly meeting with many stimulating discussions, and therefore welcome presentations of already published research as well as novel results. Authors of original contributions will be invited to submit their papers to EPTCS post-proceedings. We especially encourage early career researchers to present and participate. Extended Abstract Submission deadline: 15 October, 2016.
For more information, see -
23 - 25 November 2016, 5th Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Location: Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDeadline: Sunday 25 September 2016The fifth edition in this series of workshops organized by the Buenos Aires Logic Group aims to discuss different topics in Philosophical Logic, such as paradoxes, theories of truth and non-classical logics.
Confirmed invited speakers: Roy Cook (University of Minnesota), Hitoshi Omori (Kyoto University), Dave Ripley (University of Connecticut) and Zach Weber (University of Otago).
The Buenos Aires Logic Group (BALG) invites researchers and scholars in philosophical logic to submit a paper for the workshop. Deadline for reception of submissions: September 25.
For more information, see or contact l_rosenblatt at -
12 - 13 November 2016, 17th Annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 17), Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.
Location: Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.Deadline: Sunday 18 September 2016As usual, the plan is for a full day of talks and discussions on Saturday and a half day on Sunday. Also as usual, there will be a workshop lunch and a workshop dinner on Saturday, with all participants invited to attend as guests of the university.
We're pleased to announce that we will be having featured talks by Pr. Lydia Patton (Philosophy, Virginia Tech U) and Pr. Michael Rathjen (Mathematics, U of Leeds). Pr. Rathjen will be speaking on ?On Feferman?s Second Conjecture". Pr. Patton will be giving a talk titled "Fishbones, Wheels, Eyes, and Butterflies: Is There a Unified Account of Mathematical and Physical Modeling??.
If you're interested in giving a talk, please email a pdf of your talk or a substantial summary to Paddy (pblanche at, Tim (tbays at, Curtis ( cfranks at and me (mdetlef1 at We would like to have all proposals for talks by September 18th so that we can set the program by late September. Talks should be 35--40 minutes in length, with 15--20 minutes left for discussion.
For more information, see or contact lroberts at -
11-15 November 2016, 5th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Easter Island - Rapa Nui
Location: Easter Island - Rapa NuiDeadline: 1 April 2016This will be the 5th world congress organized about the square of opposition after very successful previous editions in Montreux, Switzerland 2007, Corté, Corsica 2010, Beirut, Lebanon 2012, Vatican, 2014. This is an interdisciplinary event gathering logicians, philosophers, mathematicians, semioticians, theologians, cognitivists, artists and computer scientists.
To submit a contribution send a one page abstract before April 1st, 2016. All talks related to the square of oppostion are welcome, as well as Diagrammatic and Artistic works related to the square of oppposition.
.For more information, see or contact rapanui2016 at
9-11 November 2016, 15th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2016), Larnaca, Cyprus
Location: Larnaca, CyprusDeadline: 23 July 2016The European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (or, Journées Européennes sur la Logique en Intelligence Artificielle - JELIA) began back in 1988, as a workshop, in response to the need for a European forum for the discussion of emerging work in this field. Since then, JELIA has been organised biennially, with proceedings published in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. The increasing interest in this forum, its international level with growing participation from researchers outside Europe, and the overall technical quality, has turned JELIA into a major biennial forum for the discussion of logic-based approaches to artificial intelligence.
The aim of JELIA 2016 is to bring together active researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in all areas related to the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence. There are two categories for submissions: Regular papers and System descriptions. This year's conference will include a Special Track on "Logic in AI and Cognition", focusing on the use of logics that seek to describe (not prescribe) human cognition, and that can be used for the design of systems that learn, reason, and interact with humans in a natural manner. Abstract submission deadline: June 23, 2016.
3-5 November 2016, Eighth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW 8), Marseille, France
Location: Marseille, FranceDeadline: 15 May 2016The Eighth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop is the eighth edition of a yearly conference in Philosophy of Mathematics organized by a group of French and International researchers, both philosophers and mathematicians, and sponsored by a Research Group on Philosophy of mathematics (GDR 3719 ) funded by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). This research group has the objective of promoting and federating French researches in philosophy of mathematics.
The forthcoming workshop will be held at the Center for Comparative Epistemology and Ergology (CEPERC) at the University of Aix-Marseille. It will consist, as the previous workshops, in a three-day meeting, and will feature both invited and contributed talks.
For more information, see or contact fpmw8-2016 at
Submissions of papers in any topic of philosophy of mathematics are welcome. The languages of the workshop are French and English. Younger scholars and graduate students working on their dissertations are encouraged to submit, as the workshop will provide them with an opportunity to discuss their work with internationally renowned experts in the field. Deadline for submission: May 15, 2016.
Call for Nominations: 2017 Covey Award in Computing and Philosophy
Deadline: Tuesday 15 November 2016The Executive Board of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy seeks nominations for the Covey Award to be presented at IACAP 2017, Stanford University, June 26-28.
The Covey Award recognizes senior scholars with a substantial record of innovative research in the field of computing and philosophy broadly conceived. Covey Award candidates may be proposed either by their home institution or by fellow scholars of computing and philosophy who are well-versed in the candidate's work. Submission: November 15th, 2017
For more information, see or contact berkich at -
27-28 October 2016, Third Workshop on Logic, Reasoning, and Rationality (LRR 2016): Agency & Causation, Gent, Belgium
Location: Gent, BelgiumDeadline: 17 June 2016The aim of this workshop is to further stimulate the synergy between, on the one hand, ongoing work that concerns the logic and philosophy of human (intentional) agency, and on the other, conceptual and formal work on causation and causal reasoning. Although this means the workshop covers a very broad range of possible topics, we particularly welcome talks in which both (intentional) agency and causation, and their logical and conceptual interrelations, get a fair share.
Keynote speakers: Jan Broersen (University of Utrecht, Netherlands), Agnes Moors (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), Elisabeth Pacherie (Institut Jean Nicod, France)
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit an original, previously unpublished abstract of 300 to 500 words, on any of the workshop topics. Abstract submission deadline: Friday 17th June 2016.
24-31 October 2016, 13th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2016), Taipei, Taiwan
Location: Taipei, TaiwanDeadline: 16 May 2016Established in 2004, the ICTAC conference series aims at bringing together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present research and to exchange ideas and experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects of computing and in the exploitation of theory through methods and tools for system development. ICTAC also aims to promote cooperation in research and education between participants and their institutions, from developing and industrial countries.
Topics of interest include theories of computation and programming, foundations of software engineering and formal techniques in software design and verification, as well as tools that support formal techniques for system modeling, design and verification.
For more information, see
We call for submissions, related to the above areas and topics, according to the following three categories:
* Regular papers, with original research contributions;
* Short papers, on recent work or proposals of emerging challenges;
* Tool papers, on tools that support formal techniques for software modeling, system design and verification.
Final paper submission deadline: 16 May, 2016. -
22 - 23 October 2016, International Conference on Peirce's Logic and Philosophy, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang, China
Location: Guiyang, ChinaDeadline: Sunday 11 September 2016The conference promotes the study of C. S. Peirce's logic and philosophy in China by international and Chinese scholars.
Contributions are invited, but not limited, on the following topics: - Peirce's logic - Peirce's philosophy - Pragmati(ci)sm - Pragmatist philosophy of science - History of Modern Logic - Philosophy of Logic - Mathematical Logic - Modal Logic - Diagrammatic Logic. Send your extended abstracts by 11 September.
For more information, see -
21 - 22 October 2016, Agent-based modelling across social science, economics, and philosophy, Bamberg, Germany
Location: Bamberg, GermanyDeadline: Wednesday 31 August 2016Agent-based models (ABM) are a recent tool in philosophy and the social sciences. To date, ABMs have been applied to a wide variety of topics ranging from simulating ecological systems to highly idealized models of opinion dynamics or emerging social norms. This workshop aims to bring together different approaches to ABM in philosophy and the social sciences. The objective is to represent the wide spectrum of applications of ABM and encourage exchange between various approaches. A further objective is to foster discussion about the nature of ABMs and the opportunities and potential pitfalls of their use in these disciplines.
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadlie for submission: August 31st.
For more information, see -
20-21 October 2016, International Workshop 'The Bounds of Logic Reloaded', Moscow, Russia
Location: Moscow, RussiaDeadline: 1 June 2016The conference features talks by invited speakers Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Groningen) and Stephen Read (St Andrews).
It will also include submitted talks on the following topics: - the bounds of logic and the bounds of rationality
- criteria of formality, logical hylomorphism, the invariance under isomorphism as a criterion of formality
- psychologism and anti-psychologism
- limits of classical logic, logical monism and logical pluralism, universal logic
- logic as a theory of agency, ideal and non-ideal logical agents
- logic as metaphysics, the connection between epistemic logic and epistemology
- Wittgenstein and the limits of logic
- logical form and linguistic form, the problem of ontological commitmentFor more information, see or contact Anastasiya Yastrebtseva ( ayastrebtseva at or Vitaliy Dolgorukov (v.dolgorukov at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Authors are asked to submit an abstract up to 1000 words. Submission deadline is 1 June 2016.
17-19 October 2016, 23rd International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2016), Kungens Lyngby, Denmark
Location: Kungens Lyngby, DenmarkDeadline: 20 June 2016TIME 2016 aims to bring together researchers interested in reasoning about temporal aspects of information in any area of Computer Science. The symposium, currently in its 23rd edition, has a wide remit and intends to cater to both theoretical aspects and well-founded applications. One of the key aspects of the symposium is its interdisciplinarity, with attendees from distinct areas such as artificial intelligence, database management, logic and verification, and beyond.
For more information, see or email the organizers at time2016 at
Submissions of high-quality papers describing research results are solicited. Submitted papers should contain original, previously unpublished content, should be written in English, and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The symposium will encompass three tracks on temporal representation and reasoning in (1) Artificial Intelligence, (2) Databases and (3) Logic and Verification. Full papers due: June 20th, 2016.
12-14 October 2016, Foundations of Mathematical Structuralism, Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyDeadline: 30 June 2016The orthodox approach to foundations interprets mathematics in the universe of sets. More recently, however, there have been developments that offer alternatives, such as combining category-theoretic structural methods with type theory to produce a foundation that accounts for the structural aspects of mathematical practice. We are now at a point where the notion of mathematical structure can be elucidated more clearly and its role in the foundations of mathematics can be explored more fruitfully.
The main objective of the conference is to reevaluate the different perspectives on mathematical structuralism in the foundations of mathematics and in mathematical practice.
We invite the submission of abstracts on topics related to mathematical structuralism for presentation at the conference. We will select up to five submissions for presentation at the conference. Submission deadline: 30 June, 2016.
For more information, see or contact mathematicalstructuralism2016 at -
11-13 October 2016, 4th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2016), Pilsen, Czech Republic
Location: Pilsen, Czech RepublicDeadline: 17 May 2016SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large, well-known conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and people will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2016, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.
For more information, see or contact florentinalilica.voicu at
The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Paper submission deadline: May 17, 2016 (23:59 CET)
5-6 October 2016, Workshop on Logical Constants, Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyDeadline: 25 July 2016The two traditions defining contemporary thought on the topic of logicality are the proof theoretic and the semantic traditions. The difference is not merely the different mathematical tools they employ in studying logical consequence: there are deep philosophical questions involved, having to do with the relation between language, meaning and truth. The aim of this workshop is to promote a dialogue between people working in these two traditions, for the benefit of both, and with the hope of gaining a wide perspective on the issues concerned with logicality.
For more information, see here.
We invite contributions, suitable for a 45 minute talk addressing one or more of the conference questions or related issues. We encourage submissions from early-career researchers and PhD students. Deadline for submissions: July 25th, 2016.
4-6 October 2016, Interdisciplinary Workshop "Rational animals?", Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanyDeadline: 20 July 2016Ruhr-University Bochum is hosting the interdisciplinary workshop "Rational animals? Comparing human and animal minds from an interdisciplinary perspective". The workshop will offer three keynote lectures and will be organized in four symposia, each tackling one core aspect of comparative cognition research from both philosophical and empirical perspective.
The four symposia are
a) cultural evolution & social learning,
b) causal understanding and means-end reasoning,
c) theory of mind, and
d) the anthropological difference.For more information, see
In addition to the invited symposia and keynote lectures we reserved a limited number of slots for paper presentations and a poster session for which we invite submissions on any topic related to animal rationality (empirical or philosophical). The new deadline for submissions is July 20th 2016.
CfP special issue of Topoi on "Inferences and Proofs"
Deadline: Friday 31 March 2017Since its birth, logic has been concerned with the study of correct reasonings or, more specifically, of proofs. A proof should have the epistemic power to provide us with justification for the judgement or assertion which it ends with. This power is, from a different point of view, the power to compel one to accept the conclusion of the proof. Which forms of reasoning can be said to have such power? And above all, how can they exert an epistemic power of compulsion?
According to Descartes, a correct reasoning is nothing but a chain of valid inferences. The epistemic power of proofs should therefore depend on the epistemic power of valid inferences. The problem then becomes: what is a (valid) inference? And why do valid inferences have an epistemic force? These questions, far from being psychological in nature, rather involve epistemology, logic and mathematics.
TOPOI invites submissions to the special issue "Inferences and proofs", edited by Gabriella Crocco and Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona. Main areas of interest: Dag Prawitz's proof-theoretic semantics and recent theory of grounds, Per Martin-Löf intuitionistic type theory, Category theory, Contextual approaches to epistemic issues, and Kurt Gödel's notion of absolute proof.
For more information, see or contact Gabriella Crocco at gabriella.crocco at -
Cfp ERIS - War and Peace
Deadline: Wednesday 2 November 2016Eris: VU journal for humanities is seeking papers for its first issue. We are looking for articles, essays and book reviews concerning ‘War and Peace’. All contributions from humanity students and employees are considered for publication. Articles should be between 2000 and 5000 words in English or Dutch. Creative interpretations of the theme ‘War and Peace’ are encouraged.
For more information, see or contact Max van den Broek at vdbroekmax at -
26-30 September 2016, 39th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2016), Klagenfurt, Austria
Location: Klagenfurt, AustriaDeadline: 13 May 2016KI 2016 is the 39th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results of intelligent system technology. The technical program of KI 2016 will comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety of workshops and tutorials.
KI 2016 is co-located with Informatik 2016 (Annual Conference of the German Informatics Society) and MATES 2016 (The 14th German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies).
For more information, see
The conference invites original research papers from all areas of AI research, both full technical papers and short technical communications. We especially welcome application papers that provide novel insights on the interplay of AI and the real world, as well as papers that bring useful computational technologies from other areas of computer science into AI. Paper submission deadline: May 13, 2016.
KI 2016 also invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. There is no restriction regarding topics, as long as there is a clear relevance to KI. Proposal submission deadline: January 29, 2016.
23-24 September 2016, Truth: Deflationism & Beyond, Alghero, Italy
Location: Alghero, ItalyDeadline: 3 July 2016The last thirty years have witnessed a veritable explosion of the philosophical debate on truth. The touchpaper which lit the fuse for this was undoubtedly the Deflationist Renaissance (half a century after the seminal work of Ramsey) that took place starting from the Seventies. By arguing on the merits and shortcomings of deflationism, philosophers have come to broaden and deepen the discussion on truth even beyond the boundaries of deflationism itself.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers working on truth, both advocates and critics of deflationary conceptions, in order to take stock of deflationism about truth and of its implications in fields such as metaphysics, logics, epistemology, meta-ethics.
For more information, see here or contact Marco Marongiu at mmarongiu at
We invite submissions of abstracts aiming at evaluating in some respect deflationary conceptions of truth. 7 slots are open for submitted papers. Submissions must be received by July 3rd, 2016.
21-23 September 2016, 10th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2016), Nice, France
Location: Nice, FranceDeadline: 22 May 2016The conference will bring together researchers who are working with imperfect information in fields such as artificial intelligence, databases, data mining, information retrieval, and risk analysis with the aim of fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization of ideas from different communities.
For more information, see
We solicit papers on the management of large amounts or complex kinds of uncertain, incomplete, or inconsistent information. We are particularly interested in papers that focus on bridging gaps, for instance between different communities, between numerical and symbolic approaches, or between theory and practice. SUM 2016 solicits long papers (technical papers reporting original research or survey papers), short papers (papers reporting promising work-in-progress, system descriptions, position papers on controversial issues, or survey papers providing a synthesis of some current research trends). and extended abstracts of recently published work in a relevant journal or top-tier conference. Deadline for submissions: May 22, 2016 (extended)
20-21 September 2016, Sixth conference on Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM 2016), Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo, JapanDeadline: 31 August 2016Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM) aims to develop computability theory and logical foundations of Mathematics. The scope involves the topics Computability Theory, Reverse Mathematics, Nonstandard Analysis, Proof Theory, Set Theory, Philosophy of Mathematics, Constructive Mathematics, Theory of Randomness and Computational Complexity Theory.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline for presentations: August 31, 2016.
19-21 September 2016, 10th Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP 2016), Aalborg, Denmark
Location: Aalborg, DenmarkDeadline: 13 May 2016The 10th Workshop on Reachability Problems is aimed at gathering together scholars from diverse disciplines interested in reachability problems that appear in algebraic structures, computational models, hybrid systems, logic and verification.
Invited Speakers: Alain Finkel (ENS de Cachan, France), Axel Legay (INRIA, Rennes Cedex, France) and Jaco van de Pol (Twente, the Netherlands).
In addition to regular papers that will appear in our LNCS proceedings, we invite researchers to apply to give a presentation at RP'16 without an accompanying paper. Such presentations can be based on work that has appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another conference, or which has not yet been submitted. Deadline for abstract submission: August 1st, 2016.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12 pages. Simultaneous submission to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed. Submission deadline: 13 May 2016.
19-21 September 2016, Workshop "From Basic Cognition to Mathematical Practice", Seville, Spain
Location: Seville, SpainDeadline: 27 May 2016This workshop will address the question, what brings us from basic cognition to the practice of mathematics, gathering together scholars from different disciplines with the aim to develop common points of view. The focus will be, primarily, on what separates mathematics properly speaking from basic cognition, and which cognitive ingredients may act as *bridges* between both.
The invited speakers are: Valeria Giardino (CNRS/Archives Poincaré Nancy), Rafael Núñez (UC San Diego), and Dirk Schlimm (McGill Univ.).
For more information, see here.
Contributed papers will be welcome on topics relevant to the workshop. Proposals should be of a max. length of 500 words. The call for papers is open until May 27.
19-23 September 2016, 5th Conference on Logic and Applications 2016 (LAP 2016), Dubrovnik, Croatia
Location: Dubrovnik, CroatiaDeadline: 1 June 2016The conference brings together researchers from various fields of logic with applications in computer science. In addition to contributed lectures, student sessions will be organized.
For more information, see>
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstract submission deadline: June 1, 2016
14-16 September 2016, Seventh International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification (GandALF 2016), Catania, Italy
Location: Catania, ItalyDeadline: 20 May 2016The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers from academia and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification. The symposium covers an ample spectrum of themes, ranging from theory to applications, and encourages cross-fertilization.
Invited speakers include Luca Bertolussi (Trieste, Italy), Joanna Golinska-Pilarek (Warsaw, Poland) and Arnaud Sangnier (Paris Diderot, France)
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on all relevant topics in these areas. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. Abstract submission deadline: May 20
12-15 September 2016, Trends in Logic XVI: Consistency, Contradiction Paraconsistency and Reasoning - 40 years of CLE, Campinas, Brasil
Location: Campinas, BrasilDeadline: 15 June 2016The conference is centered around the areas of logic, epistemology, philosophy and history of science, while bringing together scholars in the fields of philosophy, logic, mathematics, and computer science and other disciplines who have contributed significantly to what Studia Logica is today and to what CLE has achieved in its four decades of existence. It intends to celebrate CLE's strong influence in Brazil and Latin America and the tradition of investigating formal methods inspired in, and devoted to, philosophical views, as well as philosophical problems approached by means of formal methods.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 15 June 2016.
12-16 September 2016, Nineteenth International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2016), Brno, Czech Republic
Location: Brno, Czech RepublicDeadline: 3 August 2016The TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in both spoken and written language processing from all over the world. Topics of the conference will include Corpora and Language Resources, Speech Recognition, Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech , Speech and Spoken Language Generation, Semantic Processing of Text and Speech, Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing, Machine Translation, Automatic Dialogue Systems, and Multimodal Techniques and Modelling. Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.
The TSD 2016 conference will be accompanied by a one-day satellite workshop "Community-based Building of Language Resources" (CBBLR). The main topic of the workshop is directed at building new language resources, especially for languages with no or too little existing language resources.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submission of full papers for the conference: March 15, 2016.
Authors are also invited to submit papers for the CBBLR workshop. Workshop submission deadline: August 3, 2016. -
11-14 September 2016, 1st International Workshop on AI aspects of Reasoning, Information, and Memory (AIRIM’16), Gdansk, Poland
Location: Gdansk, PolandDeadline: 9 May 2016There is general realization that computational models of languages and reasoning can be improved by integration of heterogeneous resources of information, e.g., multidimensional diagrams, images, language, syntax, semantics, quantitative data, memory. While the event targets promotion of integrated computational approaches, we invite contributions from any individual areas related to information, language, memory, reasoning.
For more information, see
We welcome submissions of papers on the workshop topics, without limiting to them, across approaches, methods, theories, and applications. Paper submission (strict deadline): May 09 2016 23:59:59 pm HST.
10-12 September 2016, Colloquium Logicum 2016, Hamburg, Germany
Location: Hamburg, GermanyDeadline: 20 June 2016The Colloquium Logicum is the biannual meeting of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung in den exakten Wissenschaftgen (DVMLG).
This year, the Colloquium takes place in Hamburg, Germany and is organized by Alexander Block, Yurii Khomskii and Benedikt Löwe. The conference will cover the whole range of mathematical logic and the foundations of the exact sciences, in particular, logic in philosophy, computer science and artificial intelligence.
For more information, see or contact us by email at cl2016.math at
The programme committee invites the submission of abstracts of papers of all fields of research covered by the DVMLG: mathematical logic and the foundations of the exact sciences (including logic in philosophy, computer science and artificial intelligence). The submission deadline is Monday, 20 June, 2016.
9-11 September 2016, 10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland, UKDeadline: 23 May 2016The International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) is a major forum for discussion and dissemination of new results concerning rule-based systems, and their applications in reasoning about web data.
For more information, see
The RR conference welcomes original research from all areas of Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. There are two submission formats: Full papers (presenting original and significant research results) and Technical Communications (promising but possibly preliminary work, position papers, system descriptions, and applications descriptions). Deadline for title and abstract submission (extended): May 16, 2015.
9 September 2016, Second Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2016), Sofia, Bulgaria
Location: Sofia, BulgariaDeadline: 31 May 2016CLIB covers a broad spectrum of areas related to natural language processing and computational linguistics, with a special focus on Bulgarian (including multilingual work).
This year, our invited speaker will be Dr. Preslav Nakov from the Qatar Computing Research Institute. He will give a lecture on: Exposing Paid Opinion Manipulation Trolls in News Community Forums
For more information, see or email clib2016 at
CLIB 2016 invites contributions on original research on NLP. There will be two categories of research papers: oral and poster presentations. Paper submission deadline: 31 May 2016.
7-9 September 2016, 7th Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2016 (SOPhiA 2016), Salzburg, Austria
Location: Salzburg, AustriaDeadline: 1 May 2016SOPhiA 2016 is a public confererence organised by the University of Salzburg's Department of Philosophy (Humanities), where philosophy students (pre-doc) can give presentations and discuss problems of all areas of philosophy. A thematical focus is not intended. The presentations should rather set themselves apart by a methodical limitation to the tradition of Analytic Philosophy by usage of clear language and comprehensible arguments.
The conference is meant to be a unified effort of the conference attendees to clearly formulate some of the problems of philosophy and to provide a critical assessment of them. No individual philosopher is expected to construct "a whole building of philosophy" all by herself; rather, the conference hosts expect everyone, as Carnap proposes, to bring the undertaking forward "at his specific place within" philosophy.
For more information see or contact organization at
Students and doctoral candidates (pre-doc) in philosophy are encouraged to submit an abstract (in English or German) prepared for double-blind review. Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2016.
6-9 September 2016, Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata (HIGHLIGHTS 2016), Brussels, Belgium
Location: Brussels, BelgiumDeadline: 3 June 2016HIGHLIGHTS 2016 is the fourth conference on Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata which aims at integrating the community working in these fields. Papers from these areas are dispersed across many conferences, which makes them difficult to follow. A visit to Highlights conference should offer a wide picture of the latest research in the field and a chance to meet everybody in the community, not just those who happen to publish in one particular proceedings volume.
The conference itself is three days long (Sept. 7-9) and it is preceeded by the Highlights tutorial day (Sept. 6). Representative areas include, but are not restricted to: logic and finite model theory, automata theory, games for logic and verification. The contributed talks are around ten minutes. Ideally, they let participants learn something new, and enable them to understand the objective/problem/question and the result, and to get an idea of the technique.
Detailed information about Highlights 2016 are available at
The Programme Committee encourages researchers to attend and present their best work, be it already published or not, at the Highlights conference. The submission deadline is June 3, 2016. As you submit a proposal for a presentation, not a paper, submissions should have a single author, who is the speaker (the abstract, of 1-2 pages, may include a list of coauthors).
5-9 September 2016, Syntax Meets Semantics (SYSMICS 2016), Barcelona, Spain
Location: Barcelona, SpainDeadline: 30 April 2016Substructural logics are formal reasoning systems that refine classical logic by weakening structural rules in a Gentzen-style sequent calculus. Intuitionistic, many-valued, linear logics, are typical examples. Traditionally, substructural logics have been investigated using proof theoretic and algebraic methods. In recent years, combined approaches have started to emerge. The programme of the SYSMICS conference will focus on interactions between syntactic and semantic methods in substructural logics. This open conference is the first of a series of meetings planned in the SYSMICS RISE project during 2016-2019.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Contributed talks can be on any topic related to substructural logic. The Programme Committee accepts submissions of abstracts ranging from 2 to 4 pages. Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2016.
5-7 September 2016, 5th René Descartes Lectures & Workshop: Science, Values and Democracy, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Location: Tilburg, The NetherlandsDeadline: 15 May 2016Every other year, a distinguished philosopher visits Tilburg University and the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science to present the René Descartes Lectures. This year's René Descartes Lecturer is Professor Heather Douglas (University of Waterloo). Professor Douglas will deliver three lectures on the topic 'Science, Values and Democracy', each of which will be commented on by two renowned scholars. Parallel to the lectures, we host a workshop on the same topic.
The lectures will explore the relationships among science, values, and expertise in modern democratic societies. Science, although the best way to gain rich empirical knowledge, cannot be considered value-free. As such, scientists' role in public discourse and in advisory roles is more complex than simply giving us 'the facts.' In democratic societies, we must confront questions of how to make science advising appropriately accountable in our political systems, while protecting scientists from pressures which would damage the integrity of their advice. In the public discourse, citizens have more roles to play than simply being passive receivers of scientific information. This means we need to articulate these roles and create avenues for exercising them. Because of the need for values in science and because this opens science to new modes of engagement and criticism, we need to think through our institutional structures to ensure that the normative demands of good science and good governance can both be met.
For more information visit
For this workshop, we invite submissions in the form of extended abstracts (up to 1000 words) by 15 May 2016.
5-7 September 2016, 15th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2016), Obergurgl, Austria
Location: Obergurgl, AustriaDeadline: 22 June 2016The Workshop on Termination (WST) traditionally brings together, in an informal setting, researchers interested in all aspects of termination, whether this interest be practical or theoretical, primary or derived. The workshop also provides a ground for cross-fertilization of ideas from term rewriting and from the different programming language communities. The friendly atmosphere enables fruitful exchanges leading to joint research and subsequent publications. The event is held as part of CLA 2016
For more information, see
The 15th International Workshop on Termination welcomes contributions on all aspects of termination and termination analysis. Contributions from the imperative, constraint, functional, and logic programming communities, and papers investigating applications of complexity or termination (for example in program transformation or theorem proving) are particularly welcome. Deadline for submission: June 22, 2016
5-10 September 2016, Poznan Reasoning Week, Poznan, Poland
Location: Poznan, PolandDeadline: 30 June 2016In recent years we are witnessing a cognitive turn in logic. It results in inclusion of some areas of cognitive science, psychology and computer science into its hard core. Consequently, logic becomes capable of modelling actual cognitive activity of real life agents. This turn does not create a rival for the mathematical logic: it forms a next step in the development of logic. It also reminds that for many centuries logic stood in a close and natural relationship to the science of actual reasoning processes.
Poznan Reasoning Week, consisting of three conferences, aims at bringing together experts from various fields, whose research focus on reasoning processes and their modelling from three perspectives:
1. the interplay of logic and cognition (Logic and Cognition 2016);
2. formal modelling of reasoning and argumentation (14th ArgDiap);
3. natural question processing (QuestPro 2016).For more information, see
We invite you to submit proposals for contributed talks and posters. Submission deadline: 30.06.2016.
5-7 September 2016, Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications VIII, Lodz, Poland
Location: Lodz, PolandDeadline: 30 June 2016The conference is aimed to serve as a forum for the effective exchange of novel results and the survey of works in the widely understood non-classical logics and their applications.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is . Paper submission deadline (extended): 30 June 2016.
5-9 September 2016, Entia et Nomina, Warsaw, Poland
Title: Workshop "Entia et Nomina 2016"Location: Warsaw, PolandTarget audience: Logicians, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Cognitive Scientists, Computer ScientistsDeadline: 24 July 2016The "Entia et Nomina" series features English language workshops for young researchers in formally oriented philosophy, in particular in logic, philosophy of science, formal epistemology and philosophy of language. The aim of the workshop is to foster cooperation among young philosophers with a formal bent from various research groups. The sixth workshop in the series will take place from 5 to 9 September in Warsaw, Poland.
For more information, see or here, or contact mtgodziszewski at
Authors of contributed papers are requested to submit extended abstracts by July, the 30th (extended deadline). Authors of accepted papers will have 40 minutes to present their work. Each paper will be followed by a 10 minute commentary prepared beforehand by another participant. Applications can be made also for the role of commentator only, in which case a short CV is requested.
4-6 September 2016, The 26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2016), London, England
Location: London, EnglandDeadline: 24 July 2016Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield of machine learning, which uses logic programming as a uniform representation technique for examples, background knowledge and hypotheses. Due to its strong representation formalism, based on first-order logic, ILP provides an excellent means for multi-relational learning and data mining. The ILP conference series, started in 1991, is the premier international forum for learning from structured relational data. Originally focusing on the induction of logic programs, over the years it has expanded its research horizon significantly and welcomes contributions to all aspects of learning in logic, multi-relational data mining, statistical relational learning, graph and tree mining, learning in other (non-propositional) logic-based knowledge representation frameworks, exploring intersections to statistical learning and other probabilistic approaches.
For more information, see
Submissions are still open for short papers and papers relevant to the conference topics that have been recently published/accepted for publication by a first-class conference. Submission deadline: 24 July 2016.
2-3 September 2016, 17th International Workshop on Logic & Computational Complexity (LCC 2016), Marseille, France
Location: Marseille, FranceDeadline: 17 June 2016LCC meetings are aimed at the foundational interconnections between logic and computational complexity, as present, for example, in: implicit computational complexity (descriptive and type-theoretic methods); deductive formalisms as they relate to complexity (e.g. ramification, weak comprehension, bounded arithmetic, linear logic and resource logics); complexity aspects of finite model theory and databases; complexity-mindful program derivation and verification; computational complexity at higher type; and proof complexity.
The programme will consist of invited lectures as well as contributed talks selected by the Programme Committee. Invited speakers: Anupam Das (Lyon), Hugo Férée (Darmstadt), Yevgeny Kazakov (Ulm) and Emanuel Kieronski (Wroclaw).
For more information, see
We welcome submissions of abstracts based on work submitted or published elsewhere, provided that all pertinent information is disclosed at submission time. There will be no formal reviewing as is usually understood in peer-reviewed conferences with published proceedings. The Programme Committee will check relevance and may provide additional feedback. Submission deadline: June 17th, 2016
30 August - 2 September 2016, 11th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML 2016), Budapest, Hungary
Location: Budapest, HungaryDeadline: 20 May 2016Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on the conferences. Information about the AiML series can be obtained at AiML-2016 is the 11th conference in the series.
For more information, see Further enquiries should be directed to the PC co-chairs, sent to aiml16 at
Other than full papers (whose submission deadline has closed), AiML-2016 also invites submissions for short presentations, on all aspects of modal logic, intended for presentation at the conference but not for the published proceedings. These submissions may describe preliminary results, work in progress etc., and will be subject to light reviewing. Short presentations submission deadline: 20 May 2016.
30 August 2016, 5th Workshop "What can FCA do for AI?" (FCA4AI 2016), Den Haag, The Netherlands
Location: Den Haag, The NetherlandsDeadline: 5 June 2016Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematically well-founded theory aimed at data analysis and classification. FCA allows one to build a concept lattice and a system of dependencies (implications) which can be used for many AI needs, e.g. knowledge processing involving learning, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, ontology engineering, and as well as information retrieval and text processing. Thus, there exist many ``natural links'' between FCA and AI.
Accordingly, in this workshop, we will be interested in two main issues:
- How can FCA support AI activities such as knowledge processing, learning, natural language processing and information retrieval.
- How can FCA be extended in order to help AI researchers to solve new and complex problems in their domain.For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline: June 5, 2016.
29 August - 1 September 2016, 25th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2016), Marseille, France.
Location: Marseille, France.Deadline: 8 April 2016Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science.
Three affiliated workshops will be held as co-located events in the days following the conference: LCC'16: Logic and Computational Complexity 2016 (September 2 and 3)
PLRR: Parametricity, Logical Relations and Realizability (September 2)
QSLC: Quantitative Semantics of Logic and Computation (September 2 and 3)For more information see
Authors are invited to submit papers of no more than 15 pages in LIPIcs style (including references) presenting work not previously published, fitting the scope of the conference. Abstract submission deadline: April 8, 2016.
29 August - 2 September 2016, 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), Den Haag, The Netherlands
Location: Den Haag, The NetherlandsDeadline: 15 April 2016The biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is Europe’s premier venue for presenting scientific results in AI. Supported by the European Coordinating Committee for AI (ECCAI), the ECAI conference provides an opportunity for researchers to present and hear about the very best research in contemporary AI. As well as a full programme of technical papers, ECAI 2016 will feature several other events. Special topic for ECAI 2016 is 'Artificial Intelligence for Human Values'.
For more information, see or email contact at
The Programme Committee invites the submission of papers for the technical programme of ECAI 2016. High-quality original submissions are welcome from all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Submission Deadline: 15 April 2016.
29 or 30 August 2016, The Third International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe at ECAI 2016), The Hague, Netherlands
Location: The Hague, NetherlandsDeadline: 12 June 2016Classical reasoning is not flexible enough when directly applied to the formalization of certain nuances of human quotidian decision making. These involve different types of inference to reason with uncertainty, exceptions, similarity, vagueness, incomplete or contradictory information and many others.
It turns out that everyday reasoning usually shows two salient intertwined aspects, the ampliative aspect (augmenting reasoning by allowing more conclusions) and the defeasible aspect (curtailing reasoning by disregarding or disallowing some conclusions). Several efforts have been put into the study and definition of formalisms within which these aspects could adequately be captured at different levels, but despite the progress that has been achieved, a large avenue remains open for exploration.
DARe aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from core areas of artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, philosophy and related disciplines to discuss these kinds of problems and relevant results in a multi-disciplinary forum. The goal of the workshop is to present latest research developments, to discuss current directions in the field, and to collect first-hand feedback from the community.
For more information, see or send enquiries to at
DARe welcomes contributions on all aspects of defeasible and ampliative reasoning. We invite submissions of papers presenting original research results or position statements. The selection of accepted contributions will be based on relevance, significance and the work's potential to foster discussions and cross-pollination. Therefore submissions of ongoing work are also strongly encouraged. Submission deadline: 12 June 2016.
29-30 August 2016, Normative Multi-Agent Systems (NorMAS 2016), Den Haag, The Netherlands
Location: Den Haag, The NetherlandsDeadline: 12 June 2016Normative systems are complex systems which use normative concepts in order to describe or specify their behaviour. A normative multi-agent system combines models for normative systems (dealing for example with conventions, or obligations) with models for multi-agent systems (dealing with coordination between individual agents). Norms have been proposed in multi-agent systems and computer science to deal with issues of coordination, security, electronic commerce, electronic institutions and agent organization.
Due to the lack of a unified theory, many researchers are presently developing their own ad hoc concepts and applications. The aim of this workshop is to stimulate interdisciplinary research on normative concepts and their applications.
For more information, please contact the organizers, or refer to the homepage at
Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished, research papers written in English. The NorMAS community is multi-disciplinary, and we welcome work from different scientific backgrounds: theoretical work, implementation- oriented work and empirical work. Papers should contain some form of evaluation appropriate to the type of research. Paper submission until: June 12th, 2016.
22-26 August 2016, 41st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2016), Krakow, Poland
Location: Krakow, PolandDeadline: 21 April 2016MFCS is a well-established venue for presenting high-quality research from various branches of theoretical computer science. The conference provides a platform for researchers interested in different aspects of theoretical computer science to interact, exchange ideas, and present their work.
The conference will have invited talks from Shai Ben-David (Waterloo, Canada), Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Warsaw, Poland), Patricia Bouyer-Decitre (LSV, CNRS & ENS Cachan, France), Tobias Friedrich (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany) and Virginia Vassilevska Williams (Stanford, USA). EATCS sponsors a best paper award and a best student paper award.
For more information, see
We invite submission of papers describing high-quality original research in all areas of theoretical computer science. Papers should not exceed 12 pages in LIPIcs style (excluding the references and an optional appendix). Abstract submission deadline: April 21st, 2016.
20-21 August 2016, The 21st Conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2016), Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolzano, ItalyDeadline: 31 March 2016FG-2016 is the 20th conference on Formal Grammar, to be held in conjunction with the 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, which takes place in 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. FG provides a forum for the presentation of new and original research on formal grammar, mathematical linguistics and the application of formal and mathematical methods to the study of natural language.
For more information, see
We invite electronic submissions of original, 16-page papers (including references and possible technical appendices). The submission deadline is March 31, 2016. Papers should report original work which was not presented in other conferences. However, simultaneous submission is allowed, provided that the authors indicate other conferences to which the work was submitted in a footnote. Note that accepted papers can only be presented in one of the venues.
20-21 August 2016, 5th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention and General Intelligence (C3GI 2016), Bolen-Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolen-Bolzano, ItalyDeadline: 29 June 2016The targeted audience for this ESSLLI-2016 workshop are researchers associated with fields working in the development of computational models for creativity, concept formation, concept discovery, idea generation, and their overall relation to general intelligence, as well as researchers coming from application areas, like computer-aided innovation (CAI). Also, in 2016 especially researchers working on logical methods related to creativity, concept formation, and conceptual change are invited to submit original research contributions or opinion papers to the workshop.
For more information, see
We invite papers that make a scientific contribution to the fields of computational creativity, idea generation and/or artificial general intelligence. Paper submission deadline (extended): UTC 23:59, June 29, 2016
16-19 August 2016, 23nd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2016), Puebla, Mexico
Location: Puebla, MexicoDeadline: 14 March 2016WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The twenty-third WoLLIC will be held at the Department of Computer Science, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México, from August 16th to 19th, 2016.
It is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), and the Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).
For more information, see
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by Mar 14, 2016, and the full paper by Mar 21, 2016 (firm date).
15-26 August 2016, 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2016), Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolzano, ItalyDeadline: 1 June 2015The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is an annual event under the auspices of the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) and brings together logicians, linguists, computer scientists, and philosophers to study language, logic, and information, and their interconnections. ESSLLIs attract around 500 participants from all over the world.
There will be 45 courses at foundational, introductory, and advanced levels, as well as 3 workshops, invited lectures and a student session to foster interdisciplinary discussion of current research. Moreover, the school features 3 satellite events: the COMPOSES workshop, the 21st Conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2016), and the Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI) Workshop.
Deadline for registration: 31 July 2016 (early registration: 31 May 2016). For more information, see
Proposals for courses and workshops at ESSLLI 2016 are invited in all areas of Logic, Linguistics and Computing Sciences. Cross-disciplinary and innovative topics are particularly encouraged. Each course and workshop will consist of five 90 minute sessions, offered daily (Monday-Friday) in a single week. Proposals for two-week courses should be structured and submitted as two independent one-week courses. Proposal submission deadline: 1 June 2015.
15-26 August 2016, ESSLLI 2016 Student Session, Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolzano, ItalyDeadline: 25 March 2016The ESSLLI 2016 Student Session will be held during ESSLLI 2016 at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, between the dates of August 15-26, 2016. The Student Session is a forum for PhD and Master students to present their research at the interfaces of logic, language, and computation.
We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from students in any area at the intersection of Logic & Language, Language & Computation, or Logic & Computation. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters . This is an excellent opportunity to receive valuable feedback from expert readers and to present your work to a diverse audience.
Note that there are two separate kinds of submissions, one for oral presentations and one for posters. This means that papers are directly submitted either as oral presentations or as poster presentations. Reviewing and ranking will be done separately. We particularly encourage submissions for posters, as they offer an excellent opportunity to present smaller research projects and research in progress.
Submission deadline: March 10, 2016. Detailed guidelines regarding submission can be found on the Student Session website: Please direct inquiries about submission procedures or other matters relating to the Student Session to marisa.koellner at and rziai at
11-12 August 2016, Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2016), Berlin, Germany
Location: Berlin, GermanyDeadline: 18 April 2016We are pleased to announce that SIGLEX and SIGSEM, special interest groups of the ACL, are organizing the fifth joint conference on lexical and computational semantics: *SEM (pronounced "starsem"). This time *SEM will be colocated with ACL-2016 in Berlin, Germany.
*SEM brings together researchers interested in the semantics of natural languages and its computational modeling. The conference embraces symbolic and probabilistic approaches, and everything in between; theoretical contributions as well as practical applications are welcome. The long-term goal of *SEM is to provide a stable forum for the growing number of NLP researchers working on all aspects of semantics.
For more information, see
We solicit both long and short papers. Submissions to *SEM-2016 must describe unpublished work and be written in English. *SEM papers due: 18th of April 2016
11 August 2016, 10th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2016), Berlin, Germany
Location: Berlin, GermanyDeadline: 1 May 2016The LaTeCH workshop series aims to provide a forum for researchers who are working on developing novel information technology for improved information access to data from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Heritage. Since the formation of SIGHUM (ACL Special Interest Group on Language Technologies for the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities), the LaTeCH workshop is also the venue for the SIGHUM annual research and business meeting. LaTeCH 2016 is to be held in conjunction with ACL 2016.
In the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Heritage communities there is increasing interest in and demand for NLP methods for semantic annotation, intelligent linking, discovery, querying, cleaning, and visualization of both primary and secondary data. These domains of application entail new challenges for NLP research. For this reason, it is of mutual benefit that NLP experts, data specialists, and digital humanities researchers working in and across these domains get involved in the Computational Linguistics community and present their fundamental or applied research results.
For more information, see or contact the Co-Chair, Nils Reiter at nils.reiter at
Authors are invited to submit papers on original, unpublished work in the topic areas of the workshop. In addition to long papers presenting completed work, we also invite short papers and system descriptions (demos). Short & long paper submission deadline: May 1st, 2016.
31 July - 6 August 2016, Logic Colloquium 2016 (LC 2016), Leeds, U.K.
Location: Leeds, U.K.Deadline: 29 April 2016The Logic Colloquium 2016, organized under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic, will feature 12 plenary speakers, as well as 2 tutorials and 6 special sessions. The twenty-seventh annual Gödel Lecture will be delivered by S. Todorcevic.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is April 29th, 2016.
25-29 July 2016, Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Conference, Chisinau, Moldova
Location: Chisinau, MoldovaDeadline: 5 May 2016The 2016 edition of the annual Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Conference is aimed at bringing together the researchers from East and West Europe, as well as researchers worldwide, and add synergy to their endeavors to lay down the mathematical foundations for computer science, also known as Informatics. Round tables are planned to ensure an open debate on the state of the art and new directions of research and cooperation, as well as on the action items required for the renaissance of research on this domain in East Europe.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is May 5, 2016.
25-29 July 2016, 5th International Workshop on Theorem proving components for Educational software (ThEdu 2016), Bialystock, Poland
Location: Bialystock, PolandDeadline: 4 June 2016This workshop intends to gather the research communities for computer Theorem Proving (TP), Automated Theorem Proving (ATP), Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP), as well as Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) and Dynamic Geometry Systems (DGS). The goal of this union is to combine and focus systems of these areas to enhance existing educational software as well as studying the design of the next generation of mechanised mathematics assistants (MMA).
The workshop provides a meeting place for educators and developers of educational mathematics software and experts in TP. The discussions shall clarify the requirements of education, identify advantages and promises of TP for learning and motivate development of such a novel kind of educational mathematical tools.
For more information, see
We welcome submission of extended abstracts and demonstration proposals presenting original unpublished work which is not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Deadline for extended abstracts and proposals: 4. June 2016.
Special issue of JANCL on Logic and Argumentation
Deadline: 15 November 2016The interplay of logic and argumentation has a long history, from (at least) Aristotle to very recent knowledge representation and reasoning and formalization of argumentation in artificial intelligence. This is a highly interdisciplinary research field, involving researchers from several fields including logic, philosophy, computer science, artificial intelligence, and law.
In order to facilitate further cross-fertilization, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics invites contributions to a special issue on Logic and Argumentation. We welcome submissions of original research in either area, and particularly encourage submissions in the intersection between the two. The special issue is a follow-up to the First Chinese Conference on Logic and Argumentation that took place at Zhejiang University in May 2016.
Manuscript submission deadline: 15 November, 2016. For more information, see here or
16-18 July 2016, 20th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2016 / JerSem), Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Location: Rutgers University, New Jersey, USADeadline: 20 April 2016JerSem will be the 20th edition of the SemDial workshop series, which aims to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. In 2016 the workshop will be hosted by the Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science, at its downtown New Brunswick Campus, approximately one hour from New York City. The workshop is timed to immediately follow IJCAI 2016 in New York City, and will be collocated at Rutgers with NASSLLI, the North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information.
The workshop will feature a special session on Questions Under Discussion, focusing on the role of discourse purposes in utterance interpretation and dialogue structure, and their reflection in utterance form.
For more information, see
We invite submissions on all topics related to the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue. Full paper submission deadline: 20 April 2016. JerSem will also provide authors with an opportunity to submit 2-page late-breaking abstracts describing system demonstrations and poster presentations, with an anticipated deadline in early June.
16-17 July 2016, 11th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy 2016), New York City, U.S.A.
Location: New York City, U.S.A.Deadline: 20 June 2016AI research continues to face huge challenges in developping truly intelligent systems. Recent developments in neural-symbolic integration bring an opportunity to integrate well-founded symbolic artificial intelligence with robust neural computing machinery to help tackle some of these challenges. The workshops in the NeSy series are intended to create an atmosphere of exchange of ideas, providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of the key topics related to neural-symbolic integration.
Keynote speakers are Leon Bottou (Facebook AI Research, U.S.A.) and Gary Marcus (New York University & Geometric Intelligence Inc., U.S.A.). NeSy'16 is part of HLAI 2016, the Joint Multi-Conference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence 2016.
For more information, see or contact TarekRichard.Besold at
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit original papers that have not been submitted for review or published elsewhere. Deadline for paper submission: May 25, 2016. Additionally, for the first time presentations based on extended abstracts will be considered. These shall allow to report on latest results which had not been available at the time of paper submission, and have a deadline for submission of June 20, 2016.
12 - 16 July 2016, Eleventh Panhellenic Logic Symposium (PLS11), Delphi, Greece
Location: Delphi, GreeceDeadline: Wednesday 12 April 2017The Panhellenic Logic Symposium is a biennial scientific event that was established in 1997. It aims to promote interaction and cross-fertilization among different areas of logic. Originally conceived as a way of bringing together the many logicians of Hellenic descent throughout the world, the PLS has evolved into an international forum for the communication of state-of-the-art advances in logic. The scientific program of PLS11 will consist of hour-long invited talks, tutorials and presentations of accepted contributed papers and posters. The symposium is open to researchers worldwide who work in logic broadly conceived.
Original papers that fall within the scope of the symposium are solicited. Prospective speakers of twenty-minute presentations are invited to submit a paper, in English, not exceeding six pages. If possible, each submitted paper should be classified in one of the following areas: Ancient Logic, Computability Theory, History and Philosophy of Logic, Logic in Computer Science, Model Theory, Nonclassical and Modal Logics, Proof Theory, or Set Theory. Paper submission deadline: Wednesday, April 12, 2017.
Graduate students and young researchers are invited to submit a short abstract on work in progress but not yet ready for a regular contributed talk. Authors of accepted abstracts will have an opportunity to present their results in poster form in a special poster session. Interested students should submit abstracts of no more than one page in PDF form by Friday June 2.
For more information, see or contact pls11 at -
11-13 July 2016, Seventh International Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN 2016)
Deadline: 7 March 2016The workshop series, Computational Models of Narrative (CMN) is dedicated to advancing the computationally grounded scientific study of narrative. Narrative provides a model for organizing and communicating experience, knowledge, and culture. This interdisciplinary workshop aims to provide an appropriate venue for papers addressing fundamental topics and questions regarding narrative.
The workshop will have a special focus on how the computational modeling, analysis, or generation of narrative has affected approaches in the humanities for studying and generating narrative in or across textual, aural, or visual media.
CMN 2016 is a satellite workshop symposium of The Digital Humanities 2016 (DH 2016)
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Long, short and position papers are solicited. Submission deadline is March 7, 2016.
11-15 July 2016, NASSLLI workshop on Statistical and Logical Models of Meaning (SaLMoM), Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Location: Rutgers University, New Jersey, USADeadline: 1 April 2016Mathematical models of natural language semantics oscillate between the two opposing approaches of word-based statistical and sentence-based compositional. Word-based models rely on the ideas of Harris and Firth that words occurring in similar contexts have similar meanings. Compositional models, in the sense of Montague 1970, systematically associate the steps of a syntactic derivation with semantic operations acting on the interpretations of the constituents. This workshop is an attempt to bring together active researchers of these seemingly separate approaches to address problems of both theoretical and practical nature.
One major goal is to introduce the statistical researchers to the advanced type-logical techniques that have been developed to handle challenging grammatical phenomena; the second one is to help the researchers of the logical field to enhance their systems with vector representations. The overall goal is to help both groups collaborate to develop systems where both word vectors and complex grammatical structures can be reasoned about in a compositional and computationally tractable way.
For more information, see
We invite submissions in the form of 2-page abstracts on topics relating statistical and logical models of natural language. This can be a summary of an already published paper or a new contribution. Submissions will be evaluated as to their potential for establishing meaningful links between the logical and statistical approaches. Deadline: April 1st 2016. Submission webpage:
10 July 2016, Fourth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science (NLCS'16), New York City, U.S.A.
Location: New York City, U.S.A.Deadline: 10 April 2016Formal tools coming from logic and category theory are important in both natural language semantics and in computational semantics. Moreover, work on these tools borrows heavily from all areas of theoretical computer science. In the other direction, applications having to do with natural language has inspired developments on the formal side. The workshop invites papers on both topics.
NLCS'16 is affiliated with Logic in Computer Science 2016.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is April 10, 2016.
9 July 2016, Second Workshop on Bridging the gap between human and automated reasoning, New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Deadline: 18 April 2016Human reasoning or the psychology of deduction is well researched in cognitive psychology and in cognitive science. Automated deduction, on the other hand, is mainly focusing on the automated proof search in logical calculi. Recently a coupling of the areas of cognitive science and automated reasoning is addressed in several approaches. For example there is increasing interest in modeling human rea- soning within automated reasoning systems including modeling with answer set programming, deontic logic or abductive logic programming. There are also various approaches within AI research.
This workshop is intended to get an overview of existing approaches and make a step towards a cooperation between computational logic and cognitive science. The workshop will be held in conjunction with IJCAI-16 and is supported by IFIP TC12.
For more information, see
Papers, including the description of work in progress are welcome. Full Paper submission deadline: April 18th, 2016.
8-16 July 2016, North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI 2016), New Brunswick, New Jersey
Location: New Brunswick, New JerseyDeadline: 30 September 2015The North American Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI) is a summer school that meets approximately every other summer. It is geared towards gradaute students and advanced undergraduate students in fields such as Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Linguistics, and Philosophy. Instructors are senior researchers who have helped to found and advance the research in these fields, as well as junior researchers helping to expand upon previous work and shape new directions of these fields. One of the strongest aspects of NASSLLI is an excitement about interdisciplinary research that brings people across these fields together.
NASSLLI 2016 will consist of a series of courses and workshops, among which are five featured courses taught by Johan van Benthem, Maria Bittner, Reinhard Muskens, Uli Sattler, and Brian Skyrms. In addition, there will be intensive training on a small set of foundational topics the weekend prior to the start of courses.
Early bird registration deadline: April 15th, 2016. For more information, see
We invite proposals for courses and workshops that fall into the areas of logic, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, philosophy and artificial intelligence, and interdisciplinary overlap among them. Examples of possible topics include logics for communication, computational semantics, modal logics, game theory and decision theory, dynamic semantics, machine learning, Bayesian cognitive modeling, probabilistic models of language and communication, and automated theorem proving. By default, courses and workshops meet for 90 minutes on each of five days. Classes may be co-taught by up to two people. Deadline for proposals: September 30, 2015.
8-10 July 2016, 9th annual workshop on Decisions, Games and Logic (DGL 2016), Michigan, U.S.A.
Location: Michigan, U.S.A.Deadline: 1 March 2016The DGL workshop series started in 2007 and aims to bring together graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers from economics, logic, and philosophy working on formal approaches to rational individual and group decision making. This is the first DGL to be held in North America.
For more information, see
We invite submissions from graduate students, post-docs and other early career researchers in decision theory, game theory, logic, and formal philosophy more generally, including philosophy of science and epistemology. Both full and poster presentations are solicited. Co-authored papers and interdisciplinary work are highly encouraged. Submission deadline is 1 March 2016.
4 July 2016, 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (and Beyond) (QBF 2016), Bordeaux, France
Location: Bordeaux, FranceDeadline: 8 May 2016Quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) are an extension of propositional logic which allows for explicit quantification over propositional variables. The decision problem of QBF is PSPACE-complete compared to NP-completeness of the decision problem of propositional logic (SAT). Many problems from application domains such as model checking, formal verification or synthesis are PSPACE-complete, and hence could be encoded in QBF. Considerable progress has been made in the theory and practice of QBF solving throughout the past years.
The goal of the International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (and Beyond) is to bring together researchers working on theoretical and practical aspects of QBF solving and related formalisms involving quantifiers. The workshop addresses theoreticians and practitioners in order to reflect on the state of the art in research and to consolidate on immediate and long-term challenges. As the efforts of extending languages with quantifiers have not only been made for propositional logic in terms of QBFs, but in many other formalism like Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) and Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), QBF 2016 also targets researchers working in these related fields in order to exchange experiences and ideas.
For more information, see
We solicit paper submissions in the following categories: talk-only papers (presenting work that has been published already, novel unpublished work, or work in progress), full papers (describing novel, unpublished work, including work in progress) and short tutorial presentations (on topics related to the workshop). Deadline for submissions: 8 May 2016.
27 June - 1 July 2016, Computability in Europe 2016 (CiE 2016), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 23 April 2016CiE 2016 is the twelfth conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world.
CiE 2016's Motto is: "Pursuit of the Universal". The year 2016 brings the eightieth anniversary of the publication of Alan Turing's seminal paper featuring the Universal Turing Machine. Just as the semantics of the machine gave rise to Incomputability, and pointed to future directions in proof theory, AI, generalised computability, the underlying role of typed information and natural language, and the computability and definability underpinning bioinformatics: so our conference subtitle honours Turing's role in anticipating the quest for universal computational frameworks across a wide spectrum of scientific and humanist disciplines.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers (European and non-European) to submit their papers in all areas related to computability for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the proceedings. Papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community are particularly welcome. Submission deadline: 15 December 2015.
In addition to the formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings volume, we invite researchers to present informal presentations. For this, please send us a brief description of your talk (between one paragraph and two pages) by the deadline April 23, 2016, via EasyChair, selecting the category "Informal Presentation".
25 June 2016, Third Symposium for the History and Philosophy of Programming (HaPoP 2016), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 14 April 2016One major challenge throughout the history of programming is the development of an interface between humans, software and hardware. It has been the task of the so-called operating system to: maintain a file system; regulate access to resources; synchronize operations; etc. Today, Operating Systems are usually equipped with Graphical User interfaces (GUI) designed to give the 'user' a 'friendly' experience thus hiding – and sometimes even rendering inaccessible – much of the underlying structure and features of the computing machinery. The aim of the current symposium is to offer an opportunity for historical and philosophical reflection on operating systems and the programs they coordinate.
Our approach is interdisciplinarity and openness towards different fields relevant to HaPoC. We were and are strongly convinced that such trans- and interdisciplinarity is necessary if one wants to reflect on a discipline such as computer science with its multidimensional nature. The current symposium will be organized in a similar manner and invites researchers coming from a diversity of backgrounds, including historians, philosophers, logicians and computer scientists who want to engage with topics relevant to the history and philosophy of programming and more specifically that of operating systems.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites researchers working in a field relevant to the main topics of the symposium to submit an abstract. Abstract should be submitted at the latest by (extended deadline) April 14, 2016.
22-26 June 2016, 1st International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2016), Porto, Portugal
Location: Porto, PortugalDeadline: 29 January 2016FSCD covers all aspects of formal structures for computation and deduction from theoretical foundations to applications. Building on two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), FSCD embraces their core topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics, proof theory and new emerging models of computation such as quantum computing and homotopy type theory. The name of the new conference comes from an unpublished but important book by Gerard Huet that strongly influenced many researchers in the area.
For more information, see and or email fscd2016 at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submissions can be made in two categories: regular research papers and system descriptions. Submission deadline (title and abstract): 29 January 2016.
22-24 June 2016, 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2016), Manchester, UK
Location: Manchester, UKDeadline: 31 January 2016Since 1995, the NLDB conference aims at bringing together researchers, industrials and potential users interested in various applications of Natural Language in the Database and Information Systems field.
For more information see
NLDB 2016 invites researchers from academia and industry to submit papers for oral or poster presentations on recent, unpublished research that addresses theoretical aspects, algorithms, applications, architectures for applied and integrated NLP, resources for applied NLP, and other aspects of NLP, as well as review and discussion papers. Submission deadline is 31 January 2016.
19-24 June 2016, 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016), New York, U.S.A.
Location: New York, U.S.A.Deadline: 5 February 2016ICML is the leading international machine learning conference and is supported by the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS). The conference will consist of one day of tutorials, followed by three days of main conference sessions, followed by two days of workshops.
For more information, see
We invite submissions of papers on all topics related to machine learning for the conference proceedings, and proposals for tutorials and workshops. This year, ICML will adopt a single reviewing cycle, with a single paper deadline on February 5th.
15-17 June 2016, Thirteenth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2016), Faro, Portugal
Location: Faro, PortugalDeadline: 14 March 2016The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. The classical approach in these areas is to consider algorithms as operating on finite strings of symbols from a finite alphabet. Most mathematical models in physics and engineering, however, are based on the real number concept. Thus, a computability theory and a complexity theory over the real numbers and over more general continuous data structures is needed.
Despite remarkable progress in recent years many important fundamental problems have not yet been studied, and presumably numerous unexpected and surprising results are waiting to be detected. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit 1-2 pages abstracts in PDF format (including references) by March 14, 2016.
15-17 June 2016, 22nd International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA 2016), Zuerich, Switzerland
Location: Zuerich, SwitzerlandDeadline: 1 May 2016The aim of the AUTOMATA series is:
- To establish and maintain a permanent, international, multidisciplinary forum for the collaboration of researchers in the field of Cellular Automata (CA) and Discrete Complex Systems (DCS)
- To provide a platform for presenting and discussing new ideas and results.
- To support the development of theory and applications of CA and DCS (e.g. parallel computing, physics, biology, social sciences, and others) as long as fundamental aspects and their relations are concerned.
- To identify and study within an inter- and multidisciplinary context, the important fundamental aspects, concepts, notions and problems concerning CA and DCS.
For more information, see
Papers presenting original and unpublished research on all fundamental aspects of cellular automata and related discrete complex systems are sought. There are two categories of submission : full papers (submission now closed) and exploratory papers (submission deadline: May 1, 2016). The later submission deadline for exploratory papers allows quick reporting of recent discoveries, work -in-progress and/or partial results.
12-17 June 2016, 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT 2016), San Diego, U.S.A.
Location: San Diego, U.S.A.Deadline: 6 January 2016The conference covers a broad spectrum of disciplines working towards enabling intelligent systems to interact with humans using natural language, to understanding computational and other linguistic properties of language, and to enhancing human-human communication through services such as speech recognition, automatic translation, information retrieval, text summarization, and information extraction
For more information see
The conference invites the submission of long and short papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research in all aspects of automated language processing and creation of language resources. The short paper format may also be appropriate for a small, focused contribution, a work in progress, a negative result, an opinion piece or an interesting application nugget. Deadline for both Long and Short paper submission: Jan 6, 2016.
9-13 June 2016, 11th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2016), St. Petersburg, Russia
Location: St. Petersburg, RussiaDeadline: 11 December 2015CSR is an annual conference that intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in computer science.
Distinguished opening lecture: Herbert Edelsbrunner (IST, Austria) Invited Speakers include Christos H. Papadimitriou (Berkeley, USA), Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University, Israel), Virginia Vassilevska Williams (Stanford, USA) and Vladimir Kolmogorov (IST, Austria).
Further information and contacts:
Email: csr2016info at are invited to submit an extended abstract or a full paper of at most 12 page. Proofs and other material omitted due to space constraints are to be put into a clearly marked appendix to be read at discretion of the referees. Papers must present original (and not previously published) research. Submission deadline: December 11, 2015
9-10 June 2016, 16th Annual Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Physics Graduate Conference (LMP 2016), London, Ontario, Canada
Location: London, Ontario, CanadaDeadline: 22 February 2016The LMP Graduate Student Conference is a graduate student conference in philosophy at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. LMP will bring together philosophers of logic, mathematics, and physics for two days of presentations and discussions with some of the leaders in these fields. James Ladyman (University of Bristol) will be giving the keynote address.
For more information, see Please send questions to the LMP Conference Committee at uwolmp at
Graduate students who have not yet defended their PhD thesis are invited to submit papers on any topic in philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of physics. Submission deadline is February 22nd, 2016. Papers in philosophy of physics will also be considered for the 13th Annual Clifton Memorial book prize.
8-9 June 2016, 9th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2016), Heraklion, Greece
Location: Heraklion, GreeceDeadline: 25 March 2016Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is a series of international scientific meetings oriented to theoretical computer science researchers with special interest in models, verification, tools, and programming primitives for complex interactions.
The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied aspects of interactions and the synchronization mechanisms used among components of concurrent/distributed systems, related to several areas of computer science in the broad spectrum ranging from formal specification and analysis to studies inspired by emerging computational models.
For more information, see
We solicit contributions relevant to Interaction and Concurrency. Both full and short papers are sollicited, as well as announcements of previously-published or unpublished works. Paper selection will use an innovative mechanism which utilizes both reviewers and an an interactive discussion amongst authors and PC members. Deadline for abstract submission: March 25, 2016.
6–10 June 2016, 13th International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2016), Glasgow, Scotland
Location: Glasgow, ScotlandDeadline: 13 March 2016QPL is a workshop that brings together researchers working on mathematical foundations of quantum physics, quantum computing, and related areas, with a focus on structural perspectives and the use of logical tools, ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages, semantical methods, and other computer science techniques applied to the study of physical behaviour in general.
For more information see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 13 March 2016.
22-27 May 2016, 6th Summer School on Formal Techniques (SSFT16), Atherton CA, U.S.A.
Location: Atherton CA, U.S.A.Deadline: 30 April 2016Techniques based on formal logic, such as model checking, satisfiability, static analysis, and automated theorem proving, are finding a broad range of applications in modeling, analysis, verification, and synthesis. This school, the sixth in the series, will focus on the principles and practice of formal techniques, with a strong emphasis on the hands-on use and development of this technology. It primarily targets graduate students and young researchers who are interested in studying and using formal techniques in their research. A prior background in formal methods is helpful but not required. Participants at the school will have a seriously fun time experimenting with the tools and techniques presented in the lectures during laboratory sessions.
The main lectures in the summer school will be preceded by a background course on logic taught by Natarajan Shankar (SRI)and Stephane Graham-Lengrand (Ecole Polytechnique) on "Speaking Logic".
Applicants are urged to submit their applications before April 30, 2016, since there are only a limited number of spaces available. Non-US applicants requiring US visas are requested to apply early. For more information, see
CfP special issue of 'Philosophy & Technology' on Logic as Technology
Deadline: 15 June 2016This special issue initiates Philosophy and Technology's new subject area on logic and technology by proposing to explore how our thinking about logic can be shaped by our thinking about technology. This includes, first and foremost, the suggestion that we can see logic as a technology itself. A general header under which we can study logics as technologies starts from the insight that logical systems and theories are (pick your preferred term) developed, engineered or designed, and are often so with a particular application in mind. Many of their properties are best seen as the result of design or modelling decisions.
We welcome papers that explore the potential connections between logic and technology, and further develop fruitful ways of technological thinking about logic. Deadline for submission (extended): 15 June 2016.
For more information, see here or contact Patrick Allo at patrick.allo at
9-13 May 2016, 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), Singapore
Location: SingaporeDeadline: 1 December 2015AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 by merging three highly respected meetings: the International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS); the International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL); and the International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA). The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally respected archival forum for scientific research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems.
For more information, see
AAMAS 2016, the fifteenth conference in the AAMAS series, seeks the submission of analytical, empirical, methodological, technological, and perspective papers. Authors are requested to pay particular attention to discussing how their work relates to the state of the art in autonomous agents and multiagent systems research. In addition to submissions in the main track, AAMAS 2016 will be soliciting submissions to four special tracks (Innovative Applications, Robotics, Embodied Virtual Agents and Human-Agent Interaction, and Blue Sky Ideas) and a JAAMAS track. Deadline for submissions: November 13th, 2015.
The AAMAS 2016 Organizing Committee also invites proposals for the Tutorial and Workshop Programs, both to be held on 9-10 May, immediately before the technical conference. Tutorials will be a half or full day long. Workshops can vary in length, but most will be one full day in duration. Deadline for tutorial and workshop proposal submissions: December 1 and October 16 2015, respectively.
9-11 May 2016, PhDs in Logic VIII, Darmstadt, Germany
Location: Darmstadt, GermanyDeadline: 7 February 2016PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference organised by local graduate students. This conference has an interdisciplinary character, welcoming contributions to various topics in Mathematical Logic, Philosophical Logic, and Logic in Computer Science; its aim is to bring together graduate students and researchers as well as to foster contact between graduate students.
The program will involve five tutorials by established researchers in different fields as well as short presentations by PhD students on their research.
Registration is open until April 30 2016. For more information, see
We invite abstracts by PhD students on their research in any general field of Logic: Mathematical Logic, Philosophical Logic, Logic in Computer Science. The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the Scientific Committee: the chosen abstracts will be presented by their authors during the conference in a 20 minute presentation. Please submit your blinded abstract by February 7th 2016.
9-13 May 2016, 21st Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
Location: Szklarska Poreba, PolandDeadline: noneWe are pleased to announce that the 21st Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics will be held in Szklarska Poreba from May 9 to May 13, 2016. Traditionally, the organizers of the conference are Chair of Logic, University of Wroclaw, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Opole University and Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia at Katowice. The meeting takes place in Szklarska Poreba, in the lovely Sudety Mountains on the Polish-Czech border. The event is being held under the patronage of the Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science.
The invited speakers of the upcoming meeting are: Henrich Wansing, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Jan Wolenski, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów .
The detailed information regarding conference registration, submission of abstracts, and accommodation will be available in the forthcoming announcements and on the conference's website at www dot klmn dot uni dot wroc dot pl slash conference dot html. For more information, please contact marcisel at uni dot wroc dot pl.
Contributions related to logic, logical philosophy, pragmatics, foundations of mathematics and related areas are welcome. papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 4 April 2016.
CfP special issue of JICPR on "Pluralism in Mathematics"
Deadline: 15 July 2016Professors Mihir Kumar Chakraborty and Michele Friend are co-editing a special issue of the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (JICPR). This will be the first collection of edited papers on the subject of mathematical pluralism in the world.
"Pluralism" is an attitude. It means having a principled tolerance towards whatever it is one is pluralist about. The tolerance can be principled in different ways. One is that the pluralist might think that he or she can learn more, and not be led too far astray, by seriously employing or entertaining several: methodologies, theories, types of theory etc. A second reason is that on present evidence there is no good enough reason to be monist about: methodology, theory, type of theory, foundations and so on. A third reason is that one observes pluralism in the successful practice of mathematics. Finally, there are external reasons that also give rise to plurality: these stem from the society and culture in which mathematics is born. The traditions of Arabic, Chinese and Indian mathematics were different from the Greek.
This volume will track both kinds of plurality, internal as well as external and project pluralism in mathematics through representative articles. We shall accept papers on these, or related, themes. If you are not sure that your topic falls within "mathematical pluralism", you may send in an abstract for evaluation of relevance to Michele at or mihirc4 at by 20 May. Regardless of whether you have sent in an abstract, papers are due 15 July 2016.
For more information, see here or
22-25 April 2016, 29th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2016), Cape Town, South Africa
Location: Cape Town, South AfricaDeadline: 7 February 2016The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences.
This year the DL workshop is co-located with KR 2016 and will share a joint session with the International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2016).
For more information, see
We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics, Paper registration deadline: February 7, 2016.
3 April 2016, 3rd Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (HCVS 2016), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Location: Eindhoven, The NetherlandsDeadline: 5 February 2016This workshop aims to bring together researchers working in the two communities of Constraint/Logic Programming (e.g., ICLP and CP) and Program Verification (e.g., CAV, TACAS, and VMCAI) on the topic of Horn clause based analysis, verification and synthesis.
Most Program Verification and Synthesis problems of interest can be modeled directly using Horn clauses and many recent advances in the CLP and CAV communities have centered around efficiently solving problems presented as Horn clauses. Horn clauses for verification and synthesis have been advocated by these two communities in different times and from different perspectives and this workshop is organized to stimulate interaction and a fruitful exchange and integration of experiences.
For more information see
We solicit regular papers describing theory and implementation of Horn-clause based analysis and tool descriptions. We also solicit extended abstracts describing work-in-progress, as well as presentations covering previously published results that are of interest to the workshop. Paper submission deadline is 5 February 2016.
14-18 March 2016, 10th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2016), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 26 October 2015LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its applications. Following the tradition of the diverse PhD training events in the field developed at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona since 2002, LATA 2016 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.
For more information, see or contact florentinalilica.voicu at
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Paper submission deadline (extended): October 26, 2015 (23:59 CET).
4-7 March 2016, 17th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
Location: Szklarska Poreba, PolandDeadline: 30 November 2015Linguists, logicians, philosophers, psychologists, and interested researchers from other areas are cordially invited to join the 17th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics to be held on the top of the Szrenica mountain in the Giant Mountains on the border of Poland and the Czech Republic on March 4-7, 2016.
The main theme of this year’s convention is "Conceptual Semantics meets Compositional Semantics". Confirmed invited speakers are Simon Dobnik (University of Gothenburg), Lotte Hogeweg (University of Amsterdam), Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Galit Sassoon (Bar-Ilan University) and Joost Zwarts (Utrecht University).
For more information see
We invite submission of blind abstracts of no longer than 250 words, to be sent by November 30, 2015.
6-9 January 2016, 2015-16 ASL Winter Meeting, Seattle WA, U.S.A.
Location: Seattle WA, U.S.A.Deadline: 11 September 2015The 2015-16 Winter Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic will take place in conjunction with the Joint Mathematics Meetings. The invited speakers include: D. Bartosova, N. Dobrinen, L. van den Dries, J. Freitag, C. Jockusch, B. Khoussainov, and J. Zapletal.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstracts must be received by the deadline of September 11, 2015.
4-7 January 2016, Logical Foundations of Computer Science 2016 (LFCS'16), Deerfield Beach FL, U.S.A.
Location: Deerfield Beach FL, U.S.A.Deadline: 6 September 2015The LFCS series provides an outlet for the fast-growing body of work in the logical foundations of computer science, e.g., areas of fundamental theoretical logic related to computer science. The LFCS series began with Logic at Botik, Pereslavl-Zalessky, 1989 and was co-organized by Albert R. Meyer (MIT) and Michael Taitslin (Tver), after which organization passed to Anil Nerode.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submissions deadline: midnight September 6, 2015, any time zone.
Past Conferences
16 - 18 December 2016, Workshop "Situations, Information, and Semantic Content", Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyThe semantic content of natural language is multiply *situated*: Whether an utterance receives one interpretation or another depends on the *discourse situation* (in which the utterance takes place), on the *target situation* (which is described by the utterance), and on the interpreting agents' *informational situation* (which also contains the agents' background knowledge). Over the past decades, work on extralinguistic context-dependence has focused on discourse situations and target situations, and has paid less attention to the dependence of interpretation on the agents' informational situation. However, this kind of information-dependence plays a crucial role in the explanation of a number of semantic phenomena, including the behavior of epistemic/deontic modals and propositional attitude-sentences. This workshop aims to bring together linguists, philosophers, logicians, and cognitive and computer scientists to discuss the information-dependence of the semantic content of natural language. It covers all aspects of the interaction between situations, information, and semantic content, both theoretical and experimental.
For more information, see or contact Kristina Liefke at SituatedContent2016 at -
5-9 December 2016, Non-classical Logics and Their Applications: The 8th International Workshop on Logic and Cognition (WOLC2016), Canton China
Location: Canton ChinaWOLC'2016 is the 15th anniversary of the international conference on logic and cognition that was launched in canton in 2001. It is sponsored and organized by the Institute of Logic and Cognition, which is one of the key research institutes of humanities and social sciences in Universities affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Education. The 8th conference will be held in Guangzhou in December 2016. The topic of the conference is non-classical logics and their applications. Non-classical logics are the subject of a wide research area with a strong interdisciplinary vocation towards theoretical computer science and linguistics, but which has recently expanded its scope towards economics and the social and cognitive sciences. This conference will focus on the state-of-the-art of nonclassical logics, both concerning their theory and their applications.
For more information, see or email linzhe8 at
2 December 2016, Workshop on proof theory and modal logic, Turin, Italy
Location: Turin, ItalyOrganized by the center for Logic, Language, and Cognition at the University of Turin.
For more information, see or contact Paolo Maffezioli at paolo.maffezioli at -
1 - 2 December 2016, "Games, Logic, and Society": A 80th Birthday Celebration Honoring Rohit Parikh, New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Thursday will feature a Computer Science Colloquium, and talks by Jan van Eijck (Amsterdam) and Stephen Neale, (Graduate Center CUNY), followed by a wine and cheese reception and then a conference dinner at Vatan Indian Vegetarian.
Friday will feature talks by Sergei Artemov, Alessandra Carbone, Samir Chopra, Melvin Fitting, Konstantinos Georgatos, Larry Moss, Eric Pacuit, Laxmi Parida and Rohit Parikh.
For more information, see or contact Evangelia Antonako at evangelia.antonakos at -
19 November 2016, Christopher Strachey Symposium, Oxford, England
Location: Oxford, EnglandThis November marks 100 years since the birth of Christopher Strachey. We are holding a symposium to celebrate his life and research in Oxford on Saturday 19th November. There will also be an exhibition of material from the Strachey archive on Friday 18th November, followed by a banquet dinner at Hertford College on the evening of Friday 18th November.
For more information and to register for attendance, please go to
18 - 19 November 2016, Workshop 'The relevance of logic for human reasoning', Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyMuch has been discussed lately about the relevance of formal logic (including probability theory) to the normativity of reasoning, as well as to the psychology of reasoning. Is it correct to diagnose human ratiocinative/argumentative performance as rational or irrational on the basis of claims about logical validity or consistency? Does the fact that we sometimes fail to comply to certain logical standards in an apparently rational way show that logic is irrelevant to the norms of thought? Following Harman (1986), one might reach the conclusion that logic is not specially relevant to reasoning after all. Or, maybe, logic is specially relevant to human reasoning -- but not in the way we initially thought. Relatedly, logic and probability theory are extensively used by psychologists to model and make predictions about inferential performances. The workshop is intended to foster investigation about these and related topics.
For more information, see or contact andreas.kapsner at -
12 November 2016, Workshop 'Real possibilities and branching time', Utrecht, The Netherlands
Location: Utrecht, The NetherlandsThis workshop will focus on various logical aspects of branching time structures as a means to represent real possibilities. The workshop takes place on the occasion of the defense of Antje Rumberg's dissertation ,,Transitions toward a Semantics for Real Possibility".
For more information, see here or contact antje.rumberg at -
7-8 November 2016, Autumn School on Linear Logic, Lyon, France
Location: Lyon, FranceThe goal of the school is to give a structured introduction to the main concepts and results in linear logic. It will assume as prerequisites only basic knowledge of classical logic and of formal proof systems (sequent calculus or natural deduction). Its aim is to allow the attendees to understand for example: motivations and origins of linear logic; linear logic connectives; sequent calculus; proof-nets; semantics; relationships with intuitionistic and classical logic...
This school is mainly directed towards master's students, with a background in logic and philosophy, computer science or mathematics. It is also opened to PhD students and researchers who would like to learn about linear logic. The school is part of a more general four-day event, 'Linear Logic: interaction, proofs and computation' which will also include a workshop 'Linear logic and philosophy' (8 nov, afternoon, at University Lyon 3) and a workshop 'Linear logic, mathematics and computer science' (9-10 nov, at ENS Lyon).
The lectures will be given in english. More detailed information about the programme and the lecturers will be given on the web site. Deadline for registration: sept 30, 2016. For more information, see
7 - 10 November 2016, Linear Logic: interaction, proofs, and computation (LL2016), Lyon, France
Location: Lyon, FranceLinear logic was introduced 30 years ago and has rapidly become a pivot point between mathematical logic and computer science. The present event aims to gather mathematicians, computer scientists and philosophers in order to foster interaction in research on linear logic.
Linear Logic 2016 will be a four-day meeting in Lyon, including three events:
- Autumn school on linear logic (Nov 7-8)
- Workshop 'Linear logic and philosophy' (Nov 8, afternoon)
- Workshop 'Linear logic, mathematics and computer science' (Nov 9-10).For more information, see -
29 October 2016, Dynamics in Logic IV
Location: Delft, The NetherlandsCosts: freeThis workshop brings together researchers active in logic and information dynamics. The upcoming installment will focus on novel formal approaches for information and its dynamics, such as topological, coalgebraic and proof-theoretic approaches. Workshop attendance is free of cost and everyone is welcome!
This is a satellite event of Lorentz Workshop: Logics, Decision and Interactions.
For more information, see or contact Fan Yang at fan.yang.c at -
20-22 October 2016, Autumn School on Computational Social Choice and Fair Division, St. Petersburg, Russia
Location: St. Petersburg, RussiaThe Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making at HSE St. Petersburg will organise an autumn school on computational social choice and fair division. Lectures will be given by Hervé Moulin (Glasgow and HSE), Anna Bogomolnaia (Glasgow and HSE), Felix Brandt (Munich), William Thomson (Rochester), and Clemens Puppe (Karlsruhe). Participation is free, but registration is required.
Registration for the school is open until July 31, 2016. For more information, see
19-22 October 2016, BN Pair Meeting 2016 (in honour of the 60th birthdays of Alexandre Borovik & Ali Nesin), Istanbul, Turkey
Location: Istanbul, TurkeyStudent support is available from the Association for Symbolic Logic for ASL student members upon application. Deadline for application: July 18th.
For more information, see
19-21 October 2016, The 27th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2016), Bari, Italy
Location: Bari, ItalyALT-2016 is a conference on the theoretical foundations of machine learning. The conference will be co-located with the 19th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2016).
The invited speakers are Avrim Blum, Kristian Kersting, John Shawe-Taylor, Gábor Lugosi, and Gianluca Bontempi.
Early registration deadline: Sep 8, 2016. For more information, see
16 - 17 October 2016, 2016 Autumn School on Computational Logic, New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Researchers interested in research in computational logic are invited to attend the 2016 Autumn School. The 2-day school is suited for those who wish to learn advanced topics in computational logic and logic programming.
For more information, see or contact gvidal at -
16-17 October 2016, 2016 Autumn School on Computational Logic, New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Researchers interested in research in computational logic are invited to attend the 2016 Autumn School. The 2-day school is suited for those who wish to learn advanced topics in computational logic and logic programming. It will consist of four half-day tutorials.
A number of scholarships for students that cover local expenses for the duration of the school are available. Deadline for application: July 24.
For more information, see
11 October 2016, KNAW Symposium on Go and Machine Intelligence
Location: KNAW, Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV AmsterdamKNAW is organising a symposium on the AlphaGo computer that beat the strongest human Go-player by 4-1 earlier this year.
Note that only the first lecture in this workshop will be in English. The others in Dutch.For more information, see -
28-29 September 2016, GPU technology conference, Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsGPU computing touches some of today's hottest topics—from artificial intelligence and self-driving cars to supercomputing and virtual reality. This is a unique opportunity to learn from fellow experts, share your work, and explore how GPU technology can take your business, research or application to the next level.
For more information, see
26-30 September 2016, Workshop on Set-theoretical aspects of the model theory of strong logics, Bellaterra, Spain
Location: Bellaterra, SpainThe workshop is one of two main events of the research program on Large Cardinals and Strong Logics that will take place at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. The workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to learn about the recent exciting results on the connections between the theory of large cardinals and the model theory of strong logics and to serve as a springboard for future research. The Scientific Committee includes: J. Bagaria, M. Magidor, and J. Väänänen.
For more information, see
Workshop on Future Directions in Computational Social Choice
Location: Budapest, HungaryThis workshop is organised by COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice as the final event of this European research network. It will showcase some of the results obtained during the four years in which the Action has been active and it will offer a glimpse at future research directions in the field. The programme will consist of invited talks, an open poster session, and a rump session. Everybody is welcome and registration is free of charge. Please register by 7 November 2016.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
21-22 September 2016, Bonn Set Theory Workshop 2016: "Generalised Baire spaces", Bonn, Germany
Location: Bonn, GermanyThis workshop is the third in a series of workshops on generalized descriptive set theory (Amsterdam 2014, Hamburg 2015). It will feature two tutorials and two longer research talks by senior speakers and research talks by junior speakers. Moreover, we want to motivate participants to stay in Bonn on the day after the workshop, on which we will provide opportunities for research collaboration.
Confirmed senior speakers: David Asperó (Norwich), Sy David Friedman (Vienna), Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam, Hamburg) and Luca Motto Ros (Turin)
The registration deadline is the 31st of May 2016. There is still some funding available to support travel and accommodation. For more information, see
17 September 2016, Directions in Computability Theory: A meeting in memory of Barry Cooper, Leeds, England
Location: Leeds, EnglandA meeting in memory of Barry Cooper, who died last autumn, will be held In the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, on Saturday September 17th 2016. All friends and former students of Barry's, as well as anyone interested in Mathematical Logic, is welcome to attend. The focus will be on Computability Theory, particularly with reference to Barry's work.
Barry was a central figure in the study of Computability Theory in the UK, and had a large number of research students and postdoctoral assistants. He was a founding member and president of the Association Computability in Europe (CiE). In recent years, he also achieved a high profile because of his work in promoting awareness of the Alan Turing Centenary.
The meeting will consist of 4 talks followed by a dinner in the evening, together with a jazz performance. (Barry was a founder and keen member of the Leeds Jazz Club).
Information on registration and further details of the meeting can be found at the webpage:
6-8 September 2016, British Logic Colloquium (BLC 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland
Location: Edinburgh, ScotlandThis is the annual meeting of the British Logic Colloquium. The scope of the event includes mathematical and philosophical logic as well as logic in computer science and applications of logic. The event will be preceded by the BLC PhD day, on 6th, and followed by a symposium in celebration of Gordon Plotkin's 70th Birthday (GDP70) on 9th September.
We anticipate that our programme will include contributed talks on a range of topics including proof theory, set theory, model theory, computability and complexity, logical aspects of computer science, and philosophy of mathematics. We especially encourage students and early-career researchers to present their work.
For more information, see
5-9 September 2016, 12th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland, UKOver the years, the Semantic Web vision has been driving many community efforts which have invested a lot of resources in developing vocabularies and ontologies for annotating their resources semantically. Besides ontologies, rules have long been a central part of the Semantic Web framework and are available as one of its fundamental representation tools, with logic serving as a unifying foundation. Linked data is a related research area which studies how one can make RDF data available on the Web, and interconnect it with other data with the aim of increasing its value for everybody.
Many advanced capabilities required by Semantic Web and Linked Data application scenarios call for Reasoning. Thus, a perspective centered on the reasoning techniques complementing other research efforts in this area is desirable. This Summer School series is devoted to this perspective, and will give insight into the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Ontologies, Rules, and Logic.
The Reasoning Web Summer School 2016 is primarily intended for advanced undergraduate students, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and young researchers from industry. The Summer School will also be open to a limited number of senior researchers from other areas wishing to learn about Semantic Web, Linked Data and related issues. The number of participants is limited. Application deadline: TBA.
For more information, see
4-16 September 2016, International Rationality Summer Institute 2016 (IRSI), Aurich, Germany
Location: Aurich, GermanyRationality is a key concept in psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience. A divide and conquer approach between these disciplines, however, has prevented them from benefitting from one another's progress. Typically, philosophers characterize what it means to be rational, psychologists empirically investigate where people's thinking conforms with and deviates from those norms of rationality, and cognitive neuroscientists investigate the neural correlates of rational thinking and decision-making.
The aim of the “International Rationality Summer Institute (IRSI)” is to overcome this division of labor and to provide a framework in which students can learn the state of research in the neighboring disciplines and discuss recent developments in the diverse areas of rationality research.
Application deadline is April 15, 2016. For more information, see
30 August - 2 September 2016, Collective Intentionality X, The Hague, The Netherlands
Location: The Hague, The NetherlandsThe International Social Ontology Society (ISOS) announces the program of its tenth conference. Collective Intentionality X is an interdisciplinary conference concerning collective intentionality in particular and social ontology more generally.
Keynote lectures and special symposia:
- Michael Bratman (Stanford University): Acting and Thinking Together
- Gunnar Björnsson (Umeâ University): Shared Responsibility<
- Toni Erskine (University of New South Wales): 'Coalitions of the Willing' and the Shared Responsibility to Protect
- Johanna Seibt (Aarhus University): Social Robotics - New Forms of Sociality, New Types of Responsibility?
- Henry Shue (Oxford): Rules and Exceptions in War
- Christopher Kutz (Berkeley), Michael Skerker (United States Naval Academy), Seumas Miller (Charles Sturt University): Special Panel on Collective Responsibility, War and TerrorismFor more information, see
24-27 August 2016, Conceptual Spaces at Work 2016, Huddinge, Weden
Location: Huddinge, WedenThis three-day meeeting focuses on *concepts and their applications* using the theory of Conceptual Spaces (CS), as introduced by Peter Gärdenfors (2000). It provides a geometric model for the representation of human conceptual knowledge that bridges the symbolic and the sub-conceptual levels of representation. The event is preceded by a one day workshop on 'Reasoning in CS; on 24 Aug 2016.
Attendance is free, however registration is required by 31 July 2016.
For more information, see the conference website on or the workshop website at
22-27 August 2016, The 7th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2016), Nancy, France
Location: Nancy, FranceITP is the premier international conference for researchers from all areas of interactive theorem proving and its applications. The program committee accepted 27 regular papers and 5 rough diamonds this year. There will be invited talks by Viktor Kuncak (EPFL), Grant Olney Passmore (Aesthetic Integration and University of Cambridge) and Nikhil Swamy (Microsoft Research).
The following affiliated events will take place after the main conference:
- Coq Workshop 2016
- Isabelle Workshop 2016
- Mathematical Components, an IntroductionUp-to-date information and online registration can be found at
15-19 August 2016, DSALT: Distributional Semantics and Linguistic Theory, Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolzano, ItalyFor more information, see
15-26 August 2016, DGfS Summer School "Mapping Meaning", Tübingen, Germany
Location: Tübingen, GermanyThe traditional linguistic research asks what the meaning of linguistic expressions is. Newer approaches, however, draw attention to the question of how the meaning of natural language arises. The DGfS Summer School Mapping Meaning: Theory – Cognition – Variation would like to follow this new perspective by focusing on the dynamics and adaptivity of linguistic meaning. Taking up these key issues of the Collaborative Research Center 833 in Tübingen, the summer school aims at providing an inspiring forum for discussing the meaning constitution of natural language from theoretically and methodologically different points of view.
The Summer School is co-organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), the Collaborative Research Center 833 (SFB 833), the Research Training Group 1808 (GRK 1808) and the Forum Scientiarum in Tübingen.
Minimum Education Level: Advanced students (Ph.D. or M.A. level, advanced B.A. student)
Description:Renowned researchers from Germany, Europe and the United States will offer a total of 18 courses. The language of instruction will be English. The courses are assigned to three thematic areas – Theory, Cognition, and Variation.For more information, see
14 August 2016, Composes end-of-project workshop, Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolzano, ItalyThe end-of-project workshop of the Composes project will take place on Sunday August 14th 2016 in Bolzano (Italy), as a satellite event of ESSLLI 2016. The workshop will be an occasion to discuss some exciting topics in computational semantics, with some great invited speakers/panelists leading the discussion. We foresee a mixture of position statements by the invitees and audience participation in the form of open debates.
Speakers/Panelists: Nicholas Asher, Marco Baroni, Stephen Clark, Emmanuel Dupoux, Katrin Erk, Adele Goldberg, Alessandro Lenci, Hinrich Schütze and Jason Weston
Please visit the workshop website for information about (free) registration and for updates:
27-29 July 2016, Workshop "Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures", Leeds, England
Location: Leeds, EnglandA workshop on the model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures will be held at the University of Leeds (UK), from 27th to 29th July 2016. Some of the themes that will be touched on during the workshop are:
- asymptotic classes of finite structures, measurable structures, and generalisations;
- connections to homogeneous structures;
- finite and infinite permutation groups;
- zero-one laws.
For more information, see
25-30 July 2016, 18th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2016), Catania, Italy
Location: Catania, ItalySince 1999, the annual European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS) has provided a forum for knowledge exchange between various research groups in the field of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, with the aim of benefiting mainly graduate students and researchers at both beginner and advanced level.
The 18th European Agent Systems Summer School will be held at the University of Catania, Catania, Italy, from the 25th to 30th of July 2016. As was the case with its highly successful earlier editions, EASSS-2016 will offer a rich programme of both introductory and advanced courses on a broad range of topics in the area of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems. The courses are aimed at PhD students, advanced Master's students, and other young researchers, and will be taught by leading researchers in the field.
Early registration deadline (extended): 10 June 2016. For more information, see or email easss2016 at
24-30 July 2016, Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation, Goettingen, Germany
Location: Goettingen, GermanyThe Georg-August-Universität Göttingen organizes a "Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation". This summer school offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to experience compelling lectures on Logic and Computation.
Encouraged by previous years of success, in particular the edition 2015 which is been a great success, we offer students from all over the world the possibility to sign up this 1-week (3 ECTS) Summer School course covering topics such as: From Hilbert to Gentzen and beyond, Proof mining, lambda-calculus, and Computational contents of proofs.
Application deadline for financial support: April 30, 2016. For more information, see
24-30 July 2016, Third Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, Munich
Location: MunichTarget audience: excellent female students who want to specialize in mathematical philosophySince women are significantly underrepresented in philosophy generally and in formal philosophy in particular, this summer school is aimed at encouraging women to engage with mathematical methods and apply them to philosophical problems.
This year the focus of the summer school will be to provide an infrastructure for developing expertise in formal approaches used in (1) philosophy of physics, (2) philosophy of biology and social science, and (3) epistemic logic and philosophy of cognition. The summer school will offer the opportunity for study in an informal setting, lively debate, and for the development of a network with students and professors interested in the application of formal methods in philosophy of science. Finally, being located at the MCMP, the summer school will also provide a stimulating and interdisciplinary environment for meeting like-minded philosophers.
The deadline for applications is March 1, 2016. For more information, see
18-22 July 2016, Summer School on Computational Social Choice, Palacio Miramar, San Sebastian
Location: Palacio Miramar, San SebastianThis summer school will provide an in-depth introduction to computational social choice, covering the topic from the perspectives of economics, mathematics, and computer science. Tutorials will be delivered by Katarína Cechlárová (Košice), Edith Elkind (Oxford), Umberto Grandi (Toulouse), Nicolas Maudet (Paris), Reshef Meir (Technion), Friedrich Pukelsheim (Augsburg), and William S. Zwicker (Union College). In addition, participants will have the opportunity to present their own work in a poster session.
The summer school is organised by COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice ( The application deadline is Tuesday, 5 April 2016. The registration fee is EUR 60, which thanks to the generous support of the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation will be waived upon request. Participants need to finance accommodation and travel themselves, but there is the possibility to apply for a scholarship that will cover most of these expenses.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
18-23 July 2016, Summer School in Tame Geometry, Konstanz, Germany
Location: Konstanz, GermanyThe summer school offers an introduction to three levels of tame geometry: real algebraic geometry, o-minimality, and tame expansions of o-minimal structures. Specific topics will be covered throughout such as polynomial optimization, definable groups, and the Pila-Wilkie theorem with Diophantine applications. Tutotials and survey lectures will be given by renowned experts, whereas problem and poster sessions will be held to foster interaction between students and speakers.
Funding is available for students and early postdocs.
For more information, see or contact tame-geometry at
18-29 July 2016, 1st Irvine Conference on Descriptive Inner Model Theory and HOD Mice, Irvine CA, U.S.A.
Location: Irvine CA, U.S.A.This workshop is a sequel to a series of conferences and workshops on descriptive inner model theory. The main purpose of the workshop is to disseminate and communicate results and recent development in descriptive inner model theory and related subjects. The workshop consists of single talks by experts in the field on their recent work as well as lectures aimed at advanced graduate students interested in inner model theory and related fields.
Following past workshops, the first week of the workshop meets M--F; each day consists of 4 lectures (each is 75 minutes long), 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Between the lectures, we will leave plenty of time for discussions, lunch, and informal seminars. The second week will be more informal; as in the past, the topics and speakers for the second week will be decided during the first week of the meeting.
For more information, see
16-30 July 2016, 8th South-East Asian Summer School on Computational Logic, Rayong, Thailand
Location: Rayong, ThailandThis summer school is a platform for knowledge transfer within a very rapid increasing research community in the field of "Computational Logic". We will offer introductory courses covering the fundamentals of reasoning, courses at advanced levels, as well as applied courses and workshops dedicated to specialized topics and the state of the art.
A limited number of scholarships for bachelor, master and phd students will be available! The deadline for the application for the scholarships is 31.05.2016.
You can find more information about the summer school at
12-17 July 2016, Set Theoretic Pluralism Symposium (STP-2016), Aberdeen, Scotland
Location: Aberdeen, ScotlandThe Set Theoretic Pluralism (STP) network will be running its first symposium in July 2016. We would like to invite researchers from all relevant disciplines to attend the symposium, including set theory, philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics, philosophy of language, and epistemology.
The STP network draws together experts in mathematics and philosophy to grapple with the increasingly popular idea that mathematical reality may be best understood as fractured and indeterminate. The speakers at the first STP symposium will be Joan Bagaria (ICREA, Barcelona), Joel David Hamkins (CUNY), Juliette Kennedy (Helskinki), Öystein Linnebo (Oslo), Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki), Robbie William (Leeds), Crispin Wright (NYU/Stirling), Justin Clarke-Doane (Columbia), Jonas Reitz (CUNY), Toby Meadows (Aberdeen), John Baldwin (University of Illinois, Chicago), Fenner Tanswell (University of St Andrews), and Colin Rittberg (Vrije Universiteit Brussel).
Participation is free, but registration is required. Details are available on the symposium website at
9-10 July 2016, 4th International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning (SR2016), New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Strategic reasoning is a key topic in the multi-agent systems research area. The literature in this field is extensive and includes a variety of logics used for reasoning about the strategic abilities of the agents in the system. Results stemming from this research have been used in a wide range of applications, including robotic teams endowed with adaptive strategies, and automatic players capable of beating expert human adversaries. A common feature in all these domains is the requirement for sound theoretical foundations and tools accounting for the strategies that agents may adopt in the presence of adversaries.
The SR international workshop series aims to bring together researchers working on different aspects of strategic reasoning in computer science, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. SR 2016 is to be held as Satellite Workshop of LICS 2016
For more information, see or>.
6-9 July 2016, 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2016), Annecy, France
Location: Annecy, FranceOntology, originally a fundamental part of philosophical enquiry, is concerned with the analysis and categorization of what exists. In recent years, a complementary focus of ontological inquiry has gained significant momentum, fueled by the advent of complex information systems which rely on robust and coherent formal representations of their subject matter. The systematic study of such representations, their axiomatics, their corresponding reasoning techniques, and their relations to cognition and reality are at the center of the modern discipline of formal ontology.
The FOIS conference is designed to provide a meeting point for researchers from all disciplines with an interest in formal ontology. The conference encourages submission of high quality articles on both theoretical issues and concrete applications at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and computer science, as well as in the applications of ontological analysis to conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, information-systems development, library and information science, scientific research, and semantic technologies in general.
For more information, see
5-19 July 2016, EpiCenter Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Location: Maastricht University, the NetherlandsThe EpiCenter, our research center on Epistemic Game Theory at Maastricht University, offers this two-week intensive course as an introduction to the blooming field of Epistemic Game Theory. This field studies how people reason in game theoretic situations before they eventually make a choice.
The registration deadline is May 31, 2016. For more information, see
5-8 July 2016, 31st Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2016), New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic, broadly construed. LICS 2016 will be hosted at Columbia University in New York City.
Affiliated Workshops:
Logic Mentoring Workshop
LSB: 6th Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology
NLCS: 4th Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science.
SR: 4th International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning.
LOLA: Syntax and Semantics of Low-Level Languages.Early Registration Deadline: June 3, 2016. For more information, see
5-9 September, 2016, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles, Tbilisi, Georgia
Location: Tbilisi, GeorgiaCosts: 200 euro registrationA recent approach to proof theory uses techniques form modal logic to compute the consistency strength of formal theories. As a result one obtains, among other benefits, semi-finitary consistency proofs in the spirit of the extended Hilbert?s programme.
This approach requires techniques from many disciplines; the aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in relevant fields in order to discuss recent advances and foster new collaborations.
For more information, see
4-5 July 2016, Ninth Workshop on Computability Theory (WCT 2016), Gent, Belgium
Location: Gent, BelgiumThe workshop is a satellite of Computability in Europe 2016, which will be held in Paris from June 27 to July 1, 2016.
For more information, see the workshop's website at
1 July 2016, 2nd International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2016), Coimbra, Portugal
Location: Coimbra, PortugalNon-classical logics -- such as modal logics, conditional logics, intuitionistic logic, description logics, temporal logics, linear logic, dynamic logic, fuzzy logic, paraconsistent logic, relevance logic -- have many applications in AI, Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Mathematics. Hence, the automation of proof search in these logics is a crucial task. The ARQNL workshop aims at fostering the development of proof calculi, automated theorem proving systems and model finders for all sorts of quantified non-classical logics.
The workshop will provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss recent developments in this area. The contributions may range from theory to system descriptions and implementations. Contributions may also outline relevant applications and describe example problems and benchmarks. We welcome contributions from computer scientists, linguists, philosophers, and mathematicians.
For more information, see
30 June - 2 July 2016, AAL 2016: Australasian Association for Logic, Melbourne, Australia
Location: Melbourne, AustraliaThe Australasian Association for Logic will hold its 2016 conference in Melbourne from June 30 to July 2. The keynote speaker is Dr. Sara L. Uckelman of Durham University. The conference venue is La Trobe City Campus, located in the middle of Melbourne's CBD. All are welcome to attend the conference, although there is a registration fee.
For more information and a programme, see or contact the conference organizers at aalmelb2016 at
28-30 June 2016, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD 2016), Phalaborwa, South Africa
Location: Phalaborwa, South AfricaMathematical Fuzzy Logic is a subdiscipline of Mathematical Logic which studies the notion of comparative truth. The assumption that 'truth comes in degrees' has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy. This conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic and has evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas.
The featured topics for this meeting are the following: algebraic semantics and abstract algebraic logic, applications and foundational issues, first, higher-order and modal formalisms, geometric and game theoretic aspects, and proof theory and computational complexity. The invited speakers include: L. Cabrer, M. Gehrke, H. Hosni, P. Jipsen, and N. Preining.
For more information, see
27 June - 1 July 2016, Third IAOA Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology (ISAO 2016), Bolzano, Italy
Location: Bolzano, ItalyWorld-class experts in different disciplines (Ontology Engineering, Conceptual Modeling, Knowledge Representation, Logic and Philosophy) will meet for a week with students, researchers and practitioners and present courses in complementary aspects of Applied Ontology. The summer school will be a full immersion experience in ontology, where lecturers engage in open discussions with each other as well as interact with the participants.
The school will take place in Bozen-Bolzano, the beautiful capital city of South Tyrol, Italy, and is open to students, researchers and practitioners. The event will have a limited number of participants to ensure the quality of the interactions and the immersion experience.
For more information, see or contact ISAO2016 at
24 June 2016, ABC Brain Day & Night 2016, De Brakke Grond, Nes 45, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: De Brakke Grond, Nes 45, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsOn June 24th the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition center organizes the ABC Brain Day (& Night), the yearly conference where ABC members present their research.
For more information, see
20-22 June 2016, Formal Epistemology Workshop 2016 (FEW 2016), Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsKeynote speakers are Richard Pettigrew (University of Bristol), Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam) and Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon University). The full program and further information can be found at
*Participation is free, but registration until Mai 31 is required. To register please write an email to 2016few at
The Formal Epistemology Workshop 2016 is followed by a workshop on chance. For further information on this second event please visit
17 June 2016, Workshop on Plural Foundations: Plural Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Leeds, England
Location: Leeds, EnglandThe Plural Foundations conference will showcase and explore the uses of logics of plural quantification in the philosophical foundations of mathematics.
Speakers: Neil Barton (Kurt Gödel Research Center) Francesca Boccuni (San Raffaele, Milan) Berta Grimau (Glasgow) and Øystein Linnebo (Oslo).
For more information and registration, see Note that there are a limited number of places available at this workshop. Please direct any further enquiries to Simon Hewitt at s.hewitt at
16-17 June 2016, Workshop "Philosophical Methods", Essen, Germany
Location: Essen, GermanyThe topic of the workshop is intended to be construed fairly broadly, with an eye on questions regarding conceptual clarification. We are especially interested in debates concerning:
(*) a priori methods and a posteriori methods in philosophy
(*) conceptual analysis and Carnap's conception of explication
(*) formal methods in philosophyAttendence is free of charge, but please register by June 10, 2016. For details see
13-14 June 2016, Conference "Pictures and Propositions", London, England
Location: London, EnglandThe London Aesthetics Forum (Institute of Philosophy), with generous funding from the British Society of Aesthetics, announces a conference on Pictures and Propositions. The event is free and open to all but registration is required.
This conference brings philosophers from art and aesthetics working on pictorial representation together with philosophers of mind and language working on the nature of content. We believe that each party is well positioned to offer new insights to the other.
For more information, see Please direct inquires to Alex Grzankowski: ag890 at
12 - 26 June 2016, 4th Epicenter Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Location: Maastricht, The NetherlandsCosts: 80 eurosEpistemic game theory is a modern and blooming approach to game theory where thereasoning of people is at center stage. More precisely, it investigates the beliefs that people form - about the opponents' choices, but also about the opponents' beliefs - before they make a decision. This course offers a deep introduction into the beautiful world of epistemic game theory, and is open to advanced bachelor students, master students, PhD students and researchers all over the world.
The registration deadline is May 15, 2017.
For more information, see or contact course at -
10-11 June 2016, Intuitionism, Computation and Proof: Selected themes from the research of G. Kreisel, Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceThis workshop will critically explore Georg Kreisel's seminal contributions to logic and the philosophy of mathematics, by bringing together a number of experts to discuss developments initiated or significantly advanced by Kreisel's work in different areas. The discussion will revolve around three main topics: the "unwinding program" in proof theory, new insights about intuitionism and finitism in the foundations of mathematics, and Church's thesis and informal rigor in computability and philosophy of mathematics.
For more information, see the conference webpage at To enquire about the workshop, please contact the organizers at marianna.antonutti at and mattia.petrolo at
9-10 June 2016, Workshop at Kent: Type Theory and Philosophy, Canterbury, England
Location: Canterbury, EnglandThis is a workshop to be held in Canterbury which explores how type theory might play the kinds of role in philosophy taken at present by standard calculi such as first-order logic, set theory and modal logic. The event will consist of tutorials and talks and is open to anyone who would like to find out more about type theory.
For more details see
3-4 June 2016, Workshop on Proofs, Justifications and Certificates, Toulouse, France
Location: Toulouse, FranceThe workshop aims to bring together researchers working in (1) Provability Logic, (2) Realizability, (3) Proof certificates and (4) Justification Logic. The aim is to foster collaboration and share ideas between the four fields, and all presentations will be accessible to researchers and students working in any of them.
There will be one session devoted to each field, each with two invited speakers. In order to generate a constructive exchange, aside from one hour of speaking time, each presentation will include an additional half hour devoted to questions and discussion.
The workshop is open to all and no registration is needed. For more information, see the workshop webpage at or direct inquiries to David Fernández Duque at david.fernandez at
30 May - 2 June 2016, Summer School on Blockchain Technologies: From Cryptographic E-cash to Modern Cryptocurrencies, Corfu, Greece
Location: Corfu, GreeceThe rise of Bitcoin and other so-called "cryptocurrencies" has renewed interest in electronic payment systems and raised many research questions, which range from understanding, formalizing, and analyzing the protocols that support the underlying blockchain technology to designing new cryptocurrencies with better security guarantees. There have been a number of relevant papers that have appeared in recent cryptography and security conferences, but the space of research problems is enormous and -- especially with the introduction of more robust blockchain platforms like Ethereum -- is still growing.
This summer school aims to bring together the communities working on cryptocurrencies, cryptographic electronic cash, and distributed consensus. The target audience is anyone (students, researchers, developers, professionals) with an interest in cryptography/security. It is helpful for participants to have a basic knowledge of cryptography but we will make sure to provide an overview of all the necessary cryptographic building blocks; similarly, we expect that the school will be able to educate and motivate even those participants who already work within these research areas.
For more information, see
28-29 May 2016, 5th CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Intelligent Interaction, Stanford CA, U.S.A.
Location: Stanford CA, U.S.A.This event continues a long-standing tradition at Stanford of annual workshops in logic, broadly conceived, aimed at fostering discussion across disciplines and universities, with the added goal of involving both junior and senior participants. The content of the workshop is drawn from the disciplines of logic, philosophy, mathematics, computer science, cognitive science, linguistics and economics, with an emphasis on exploring interdisciplinary contacts.
For more information, see here.
22 May 2016, Foundational Impact of Recursion Theory: A conference , Storrs CT, U.S.A.
Location: Storrs CT, U.S.A.In honor of Steve Simpson's 70th birthday, a one-day conference will be held at the University of Connecticut, Storrs on May 22, 2016, the day before the Association of Symbolic Logic meeting at the same location. The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers working in all aspects and foundational applications of recursion theory.
There is no registration fee, but we ask participants to register online by May 1, 2016. There will be a conference dinner following the conference; the cost will be announced.
Complete information is available on the conference webpage, or from any of the organizers: Jeff Hirst (hirstjl at, Alberto Marcone (alberto.marcone at, and Carl Mummert (mummertc at
20 May 2016, Workshop 'Informal Aspects of Uncertainty Evaluation', Cambridge, England
Location: Cambridge, EnglandPhilosophers of science have studied scientific uncertainty from the viewpoint of formal probabilistic frameworks, such as classical probability theory and Bayesianism. It is not always clear how to apply such formal tools to cases of uncertainty evaluation encountered in scientific practice. This one-day workshop will be dedicated to a critical examination of informal practices of uncertainty evaluation in metrology, climate science, particle physics and computer science, with the aim of clarifying whether and why certain kinds of uncertainty resist formalization. This workshop will also serve as the concluding event of the Economies of Uncertainty project, funded by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme.
Speakers will be: Fabien Grégis (Paris 7), Phil Maguire (NUI Maynooth), Luca Mari (LIUC Italy), Wendy Parker (Durham), Lenny Smith (LSE and Oxford), Kent Staley (Saint Louis) and Eran Tal (Cambridge).
For additional details on this event, please visit the workshop website: Attendance is free to all members of the academic community and no registration is required. However, if you plan to attend please email the organizer, Dr. Eran Tal (et382 at by Friday, May 13th 2016 so as to allow for a sufficient supply of food.
20-21 May 2016, "The Identity Theory of Truth", Cambridge, England
Location: Cambridge, EnglandThe purpose of this conference is to bring together new research on the identity theory of truth. To a first approximation, the identity theory states that a proposition is true just in case it is identical with a fact. The identity theory is often seen as an alternative to both correspondence and minimalist theories of truth. The topic has many important connections to work in metaphysics, the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of language. And it plays an important role on in the history of philosophy: versions of the theory can be detected in the works of Bradley, Frege, Moore, Russell, and Wittgenstein, amongst others.
For more information, see
19-20 May 2016, International Workshop "Language and metalanguage, logic and meta-logic.
Revisiting Tarski's hierarchy", Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumLocation: Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumThe goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language and philosophy of mathematics to investigate the problem of the separation between object-language and metalanguage.
Ever since the work of Alfred Tarski we have known that trivializing paradoxes arise when one designs a precise language that is able to express at the same time the object theory and the metatheory of a certain domain. As a solution, Tarski suggested a strict hierarchy of languages in which every language can only talk about the language immediately below it in the hierarchy. Although this works as a technical solution, it is rather artificial and remote from our intuitions about natural language.
Since Tarski's results, logic, philosophy of language and mathematics have changed quite a bit. Nowadays we have a multitude of non-classical logical systems that can prevent the paradoxes from popping up or from destroying all meaning. There are well-established mathematical tools to carefully deal with the possibility of reasoning about the metatheory of a foundational theory ('forcing' in set theory, category theory, consistency strength). Ways of dealing sensibly with non-stratified full comprehension in mathematics have been proposed. Sophisticated grounding and revision techniques for self-referential truth have been developed. Formal tools have been devised to better understand natural language. People are trying to emancipate themselves from the norm that urges us to use a classical metatheory. Given all these new developments, we think now is a good time to reopen the philosophical debate on the distinction between object-language and metalanguage.
For more information, see
11-13 May 2016, The Art of Voice Synthesis
Location: University of Amsterdam, Orgelpark and STEIM, AmsterdamSynthetic speech is part of modern everyday life. Artificial voices do not only occur in multifaceted technological uses, but they also feed back into researching the natural human voice. Moreover, artists, musicians and composers find a source of inspiration in the artificial sound of such voices. Our conference inquires both the richness of the human voice and the limits and surplus of its theoretical modelling and mechanical and digital imitation. We are specifically interested in modelling and synthesizing so-called "extended vocal techniques" - all sounds the human voice can produce, exceeding conventional singing and speaking. The conference will cover the history of the artificial voice, extended vocal techniques, aspects of theoretical modelling and technical realization, and the role of the artificial voice in contemporary music. Academics, scientists and artists will come together to exchange ideas and insights in three days of presentations, meetings, workshops and a concert. With a group of international experts we will place the artificial voice in a broad perspective of historical, technical, socio-cultural, artistic and musical investigation.
For more information, see
3 May 2016, Workshop "Philosophy of the Precautionary Principle", Tilburg, The Netherlands
Location: Tilburg, The NetherlandsSpeakers:
Martin Peterson (Texas A&M University, USA): 'When To Use the Precautionary Principle and When Not To Use It. A Geometric Analysis.'
Thomas Boyer-Kassem (Tilburg University, The Netherlands): 'On the coherence of the Precautionary Principle as a decision rule'
Neelke Doorn (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands): 'How safe is safe enough: The place of irreversibility in decision making about risks'Participation in the workshop and refreshments are free. Advance registration by email to tilps at< is appreciated. There will be a social dinner after the workshop. For more information, see here or contact t.c.e.boyer at
20-22 April 2016, OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy (OZSW-GCTP2016): How Philosophy meets the World, University of Twente, Enschede
Speaker: Jan Broersen, Sonja Smets, Frederica Russo, a.o.Location: University of Twente, EnschedeThe Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW) and the University of Twente invite anyone interested to the yearly "OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy" (OZSW-GCTP2016): "How Philosophy Meets the World", to take place from 20 to 22 April 2016. At the conference, PhD & Research Master students will present their current research.
Keynote speakers are Jan Broersen (Utrecht University), Federica Russo (University of Amsterdam), Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam), Johnny Søraker (University of Twente), Krist Vaessen (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Pieter Vermaas (Delft University of Technology).
Further information, the program, and a registration form can be found on the OZSW website:
18-19 April 2016, REINS Workshop Responsible Intelligent Systems in Perspective; where Computer Science, Philosophy and Legal Theory meet, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Location: Utrecht, The NetherlandsOur tendency to delegate responsibilities to machines (self-driving cars, algorithmic trading, military drones, autonomous surveillance systems, etc.) leads to pressing questions that call for answers from an interdisciplinary perspective. Computer scientists can contribute by studying how to design responsible AI, but they first need to know exactly what is meant by that. Philosophers may be able to tell them what responsibility is, but may find it hard to operationalise their insights in such fundamental topics as action, freedom, ethics, norms, and reasons. And that is where legal theorists may be of help, as they are used to think about the relation between abstract notions like fairness, justice, duty, excuse, complicity, causality and their concrete reflections in the rules of law.
On April 18-19 2016, we organise an interdisciplinary workshop where we bring together researchers from Philosophy, Computer Science and Legal Theory to exchange views on the subject of responsible intelligent systems.
Attendance is free and open to all academics. To enable us to estimate how much coffee and sandwiches we have to order, we would be happy if you let us know if you plan to come by sending an email to H.W.A.Duijf at with the subject 'Attendance REINS workshop'. Please mention your name and affiliation so that we can make a name tag for you to wear at the workshop.
For more information, see
10-13 April 2016, What makes us musical animals, St Petersburg, Russia
Location: St Petersburg, RussiaHenkjan Honing will give two lectures in Russia on 13 April 2016 in St Petersburg and 10 April 2016 in Moscow with the title "What makes us musical animals".
For more information, see
7-9 April 2016, Workshop "Roots of Deduction", Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsOver the past five years the VISI research project 'Roots of Deduction', directed by Catarina Dutilh Novaes, has investigated the historical, cognitive and philosophical roots of deduction. The main focus of the project has been a particular multi-agent dialogical account of deduction, the 'built-in opponent' conception of deduction. This has been used in the project to inform analyses of ancient Greek conceptions of logic and deduction; to help us to understand mathematical cognition and cognitive biases; and to shed light on classical and contemporary problems in the philosophy of logic.
The closing workshop of the project is taking place on April 7-9 (starting right after lunch, ending just before lunch) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Groningen.
All welcome, but if you wish to attend the workshop, please drop us a note, as we only have a limited number of spots. For more information, see
2-3 April 2016, 13th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'16), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Location: Eindhoven, The NetherlandsIn more than a decade of research, it has been established that a wide variety of state-based dynamical systems can be treated uniformly as coalgebras. Coalgebra has developed into a field of its own interest presenting a deep mathematical foundation, a growing field of applications, and interactions with various other fields. The aim of the CMCS workshops is to bring together researchers with a common interest in the theory of coalgebras, their logics, and their applications. As the workshop serie strives to maintain breadth in its scope, participation by researchers in neighbouring areas is strongly encouraged.
Keynote speaker: Jiri Adamek (Braunschweig, Germany). Invited speakers: Andreas Abel (Gothenburg, Sweden) and Filippo Bonchi (CNRS/ENS Lyon, France). There will be a special session on weighted automata, with invited tutorials by Borja Balle (Lancaster, UK) and Alexandra Silva (UC London, UK). CMCS'16 is co-located with ETAPS 2016.
For more information, including the full programme of the workshop, see
4-11 March 2016, Interdisciplinary College 2016 Spring School, Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany
Location: Günne at Lake Möhne, GermanyThe Interdisciplinary College (IK) is an intense annual one-week spring school, offering a dense state-of-the-art program in neurobiology, neural computation, cognitive science and psychology, artificial intelligence, robotics and philosophy. It provides a unique training opportunity for students, postgraduates and researchers, from academia and industry. The courses and discussions combine perspectives from the sciences and technology with those from philosophy and the humanities, to promote dialogue and connectedness between the various disciplines. In 2016, the focal topic of the school is "Transitions and Transformations in Cognition, Biology and Interactive Systems".
For more information, see
15-19 February 2016, Lorentz center workshop on Unified Correspondence, Lorentz center, Leiden
Location: Lorentz center, LeidenUnified correspondence is a very recent approach to the the well known Sahlqvist theory in modal logic, which has imported techniques from duality, algebra and formal topology and exported the state of the art of Sahlqvist theory to a wide range of logics. This wealth of new techniques, results and insights is now ready to be put to use in the mathematical environments of logical systems which are suitable to address formalization problems in the target application areas of linguistics and management science. The aim of this workshop is therefore to foster new scientific collaborations among mathematical logicians using correspondence theoretic tools on the one hand and, on the other, researchers in linguistics and management science interested in applying logical methods.
Participation in Lorentz workshops is by invitation only, and the number of participants at any given workshop is limited to 55 per any given day. If you are interested in participating, please contact the workshop coordinator Aimeé Reinards, reinards at
For more information, see or here.
25-29 January 2016, 2016 Winter School on Quantum Security, Darmstadt, Germany
Location: Darmstadt, GermanyCosts: only travel and accommodationThe first CROSSING Winter School on Quantum Security will take place in Darmstadt, Germany, from January 25th to January 29th, 2016. The school is aimed mainly at young students and security researchers with interest in quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum complexity theory.
As quantum computing slowly but steadily makes its way from the realm of science fiction to the realm of feasibility, modern cryptographic technologies face the danger of becoming obsolete, exposing critical infrastructures to unforeseen consequences. Good practice in security requires worst-case scenarios to be considered well before they manifest in order to prevent them. For this reason, in the last few years we have witnessed a growing interest in quantum security from academia, private companies, and governmental agencies. There is unfortunately often a missing link between understanding the quantum theory and designing quantum-proof security solutions. The aim of this winter school is to give an opportunity to fill this gap for many researchers worldwide.
The school will focus on the connection between quantum information theory and cryptography, with the participation of renowned international speakers. Addressed topics will include: quantum computing and quantum algorithms, quantum information and code theory, quantum complexity theory and query complexity, provable security and reductions for post-quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution, and other quantum cryptographic protocols.
For more information, see
15 January 2016, Workshop "Backgrounded reports: commitment and negation in parenthetical reports and reportative evidentials", Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Speaker: Regine Eckardt, Martina Faller, Julie Hunter, Todor Koev, Corien Bary & Emar MaierLocation: Radboud University, Nijmegen, the NetherlandsThere are various forms of reported speech in which the aspect of reporting is somehow backgrounded, or not-at-issue. and the content of the report itself, i.e., the complement or quoted phrase, serves as the main point. In this workshop we want to bring together the more or less disjoint strands of research on the different classes of backgrounded reporting to explore the possibilities of a unified approach of all these phenomena that takes into account the relevant facts about commitment, denial, and projection.
For more information, see
9-10 January 2016, 98th Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, Doorn, The Netherlands
Location: Doorn, The NetherlandsWe are happy to announce the 98th Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, which will take place during the weekend of 9 and 10 January 2016 in Doorn, the Netherlands. As usual, we invite talks on every aspect of category theory or its applications in mathematics.
To have a clear estimate of the number of participants, we ask participants to register preferably before December 21. For more information, see
4-17 January 2016, 6th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Location: Tel-Aviv, IsraelThe 6th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography has as a theme "Cryptography in the Cloud - Verifiable Computation and Special Encryption". The school program includes approximately 21 hours of lectures and a half-day excursion. The target audience for the school is graduate students and postdocs in cryptography (we will assume that participants have taken at least one university-level course in cryptography). However, all faculty, undergrads and professionals with the necessary background are welcome.
The winter school is open to participants from all over the world; all talks will be in English. Participation is free, but registration is required. Registration includes school participation, lunch, refreshments and the excursion (Accommodation is not included).
For more information, see
MoL and PhD defenses
20 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Tom Hendriks
Title: Beyond the Regular: A Formalization of Non-Isochronous Metrical StructureLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Henkjan Honing and Bastiaan van der WeijFor more information, contact Fenneke Kortenbach at f.kortenbach at -
20 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Guillaume Massas
Title: TBALocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Nick BezhanishviliFor more information, contact Fenneke Kortenbach at f.kortenbach at -
19 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Andrés Occhipinti Liberman
Title: Dynamic Evidence Logics with Relational EvidenceLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Alexandru Baltag -
16 December 2016, Nonstandard Provability for Peano Arithmetic: A Modal Perspective, Paula Henk
Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamSupervisor: Albert Visser, Dick de Jongh, Voldya ShavrukovPromotor: Frank VeltmanFor more information, contact Paula Henk at paulahenk at -
13 December 2016, Master of Logic defense, Olim Tuyt
Title: Canonical Rules on Neighbourhood FramesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Nick Bezhanishvili and Sebastian Enqvist -
16 November 2016, PhD defense, Florian Speelman
Title: Position-based quantum cryptography and catalytic computationLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Harry BuhrmanThis research has been done at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, the national research centre for mathematics and informatics in the Netherlands.
For more information, see or contact Florian Speelman at f.speelman at -
2 November 2016, PhD defense, Andreas van Cranenburgh
Title: Rich Statistical Parsing and Literary LanguageLocation: Aula, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Rens BodCopromotor: Ivan TitovFor more information, see or contact Andreas van Cranenburgh at a.w.vancranenburgh at -
27 October 2016, PhD defense, Teresa Piovesan
Title: Quantum entanglement: insights via graph parameters and conic optimizationLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Harry Buhrman, Monique LaurentIn this PhD thesis we study the effects of quantum entanglement, one of quantum mechanics most peculiar features, in nonlocal games and communication problems in zero-error information theory. This reseach has been done at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, the national research centre for mathematics and informatics in the Netherlands.
For more information, see or contact Teresa Piovesan at piovesan at -
7 October 2016, Master of Logic defense, Nigel Sequeira
Title: Knowing How To Do SemanticsLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin Stokhof -
29 September 2016, Master of Logic defense, Fernando Ortega Ruiz
Title: The paradoxial reading of The TractatusLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin StokhofFor more information, contact Tanja Kassenaar at t.kassenaar at -
26 September 2016, Master of Logic defense, Arianna Novaro
Title: Judgment Aggregation in Dynamic Logic of Propositional AssignmentsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Umberto Grandi, Ulle EndrissFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
26 September 2016, Master of Logic defense, Sirin Botan
Title: Propositional Opinion Diffusion with ConstraintsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Umberto Grandi, Ulle EndrissFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
31 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Thomas Cattermole
Title: Paraconsistency and Identity - a Pragmatic ApproachLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Robert van RooijFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
30 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Iliana Gioulatou
Title: HyperintensionalityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Franz Berto and Luca IncurvatiFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
30 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Benjamin Sparkes
Title: Inquisitive Conditional-Doxastic LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Floris Roelofsen and Ivano CiardelliFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
26 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Almudena Colacito
Title: Minimal and Subminimal Logic of NegationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Dick de Jongh en Marta BílkováFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
26 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Kristina Gogoladze
Title: Evidence-Based Belief Revision for Non-Omniscient AgentsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Alexandru BaltagFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
25 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Thom van Gessel
Title: Action Models in Inquisitive LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Floris Roelofsen and Ivano CiardelliFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at
25 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Daniil Frumin
Title: Weak factorisation systems in the effective toposLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den BergFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
24 August 2016, Master of Logic defense, Anna Bellomo
Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Arianna Betti and Luca IncurvatiFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
15 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Tim Hoogeveen
Title: Valid Inference under uncertaintyLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Robert van RooijFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
8 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Tom Schoonen
Title: Thinking the Impossible: Arguments for Impossible Worlds in SemanticsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Franz Berto and Paul DekkerFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
7 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Leanne Streekstra
Title: On the stability of flexible permission structuresLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Rene van den Brink en Jakub SzymanikFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
5 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Philip Willem Bernhard Michgelsen
Title: Genetic Algorithmic Optimisation for School Allocation MechanismsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Jan van EijckFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
4 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Sander in 't Veld
Title: Temporal Logics, Automata and the Modal μ-CalculusLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Yde Venema & Sebastian EnqvistFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
4 July 2016, Master of Logic defense, Eli Drumm
Title: Readtable-Marco Transducer-Chain ParsingLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Leen Torenvliet and Bruno LoffFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
29 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Onindo Khan
Title: A Formalisation of Kant’s Theory of SpaceLocation: Room B0.207, Science Park *904*, AmsterdamSupervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen and Riccardo PinosioFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
28 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Evan Marzion
Title: Closed Sets of Higher Order FunctionsLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Piet RodenburgFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
24 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Christopher Badura
Title: Truth in Fiction via Non-Standard Belief RevisionLocation: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Francesco BertoFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
10 June 2016, PhD defense, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger
Title: Aligning the Foundations of Hierarchical Statistical Machine TranslationLocation: Aula - Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, 1012 WN AmsterdamPromotor: Prof. dr. Khalil Sima'anThe work done in the thesis research focuses on the improvement of hierarchical statistical machine translation. To do so it uses reordering labels, which are based on the hierarchical translation equivalence structure that is derived from word alignment.
Your attendance at the defense is much appreciated.
The thesis abstract and a PDF of the full thesis can be found at, as well as on the ILLC Dissertations page at
8 June 2016, PhD defense, Fleur L. Bouwer
Title: What do we need to hear a beat? The influence of attention, musical abilities, and accents on the perception of metrical rhythmLocation: Aula, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof. Dr. Henkjan HoningCopromotor: Dr. Jessica GrahnBeat perception is the process that allows us to make music together. Fleur Bouwer examined this human ability, by exploring the effects of attention, musical abilities, and accents on the perception of a regular beat in music.
On the occasion of the PhD defense on June 8, a workshop with presentations from international speakers on the topics of beat perception and prediction will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th of June.
For more information on both the defense and the workshop, see
7 June 2016, PhD defense, Johannes Marti
Title: Interpretation of Linguistic Behavior with Possible World ModelsLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Martin Stokhof and Frank VeltmanFor more information, please contact johannes.marti at -
3 June 2016, Master of Logic defense, Thomas Santoli
Title: Logics for Compact Hausdorff Spaces via De Vries DualityLocation: Room Bo.2o7, Science Park *904*, AmsterdamSupervisor: Nick Bezhanishvili and Yde VenemaFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
3 June 2016, PhD defense, Phong Le
Title: Learning Vector Representations for Sentences - The Recursive Deep Learning ApproachLocation: Aula der Universiteit, Singel 411, 1012 XM AmsterdamPromotor: Rens BodCopromotor: Willem ZuidemaFor more information, please contact Phong Le (p.le at
13 May 2016, Master of Logic defense, Yfke Dulek
Title: Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized CircuitsLocation: Room L0.17, CWI, Science Park 105, AmsterdamSupervisor: Christian SchaffnerFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
31 March 2016, Master of Logic defense, Stephen Pastan
Title: Another Approach to Truthmaker SemanticsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Floris Roelofsen, Franz BertoFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
22 March 2016, PhD defense, Zoé Christoff
Title: Dynamic Logics of Networks: Information Flow and the Spread of Opinion Dynamic Logics of Networks - Information Flow and the Spread of OpinionLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Johan van BenthemCopromotor: Sonja SmetsThe abstract of the thesis is available on:
And the full text here:
For more information on the defence and the workshop held on the same day, see
11 March 2016, PhD defense, Ivano Ciardelli
Title: Questions in LogicLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Jeroen GroenendijkCopromotor: Floris RoelofsenFor more information, please contact i.a.ciardelli at
1 March 2016, Master of Logic defense, Rick Bellaar
Title: Understanding Schizophrenia: A Wittgensteinian Response to Double BookkeepingLocation: Room G3.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Dr. J. KiversteinFor more information, please contact f.kortenbach at -
15 January 2016, Master of Logic defense, Sarah Hiller
Title: Corrective Feedback in First Language AcquisitionLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Raquel Fernandez Rovira -
8 January 2016, Master of Logic defense, Nikolas Nisidis
Title: A decompositional analysis of discourse relationsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Henk ZeevatFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at
Projects and Awards
NWO Top Grants for Benno van den Berg and Ulle Endriss
We are pleased to announce that both Benno van den Berg and Ulle Endriss have been awarded an NWO Top grant. Van den Berg's project is entitled The Computational Content of Homotopy Type Theory and Endriss's project is entitled Customisable Collective Choice.
Yfke Dulek wins the Ngi-NGN Informatie Scriptieprijs voor Informatica en Informatiekunde
We are pleased to announce that Yfke Dulek (CWI/ILLC) has been awarded a Ngi-NGN Informatie Scriptieprijs voor Informatica en Informatiekunde, for the MoL thesis, entitled 'Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized Circuits' she wrote under supervision of Christian Schaffner, with whom she is now working on a PhD project in a collaboration between CWI and ILLC.
This Young Talent award is awarded by the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Dutch Society of Sciences).For more information, see -
Three Vossius Research Fellowships awarded
The Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences has awarded the first three Vossius Research Fellowships. The recipients are Camille Paloque-Berges (CNAM, Paris), Cesare Pastorino (TU Berlin), and Lukas Verburgt (U. of Amsterdam).
For more information, see or contact Rens Bod at rens.bod at -
Mostafa Dehghani wins Best Paper Award at ICTIR2016
Mostafa Dehghani, from ILLC received the Best Paper Award of The ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR2016). The prize is received for the paper entitled "On Horizontal and Vertical Separation in Hierarchical Text Classification" (co-authored by Hosein Azarbonyad, Jaap Kamp, and Maarten Marx).
For more information, see here or at or contact Mostafa Dehghani at dehghani at -
ERC Starting Grant for Jakub Szymanik
We are very pleased to announce that the European Research Council (ERC) has just awarded a Starting Grant to seven researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), including Jakub Szymanik at ILLC (Faculty of Humanities), for his project CoSaQ: Cognitive Semantics and Quantities. A Starting Grant is a personal grant of about 1.5 million euros and provides research support to talented researchers for a period of five years.
CogMIR Best Paper Award For Bastiaan van der Weij
For his presentation on "a probabilistic model of meter perception", Bastiaan van der Weij was awarded the best paper award at the sixth edition of the annual Cognitive Music Information Retrieval Seminar (CogMIR) at Columbia University in New York, a award that is sponsored by Shazam. More information can be found on the CogMIR website. A video recording of the talk will be published on the CogMIR website in the near future.
For more information, see -
Best Paper Award at CoNLL for Sarah Hiller and Raquel Fernandez
Sarah Hiller and Raquel Fernández have received the Best Paper Award at this year's Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2016) for their work on corrective feedback in first language acquisition.
For more information, please contact raquel.fernandez at uva.nlOr see here.
SIGIR2016 Doctoral Consortium Best Presentation Award
Mostafa Dehghani, from ILLC received the Best Presentation Award at International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2016) Doctoral Consortium. The prize is received for the presentation of the paper entitled "Significant Words Representations of Entities".
For more information, see or contact dehghani at -
Veni grants for Martha Lewis and Martin Lipman
We are very pleased that two young researchers have been awarded VENI grants to carry out their projects at ILLC:
Dr Martha Lewis: Metaphorical Meanings for Artificial Agents (Faculty of Science)
Dr Martin Lipman: Een gefragmenteerde wereld: Een nieuwe filosofie-aanpak van perspectivische feiten (Faculty of Humanities)For more information, see
Christian Geist and Ulle Endriss win 2016 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize
Christian Geist and Ulle Endriss will receive the 2016 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize for their paper "Automated Search for Impossibility Theorems in Social Choice Theory: Ranking Sets of Objects", published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) in 2011. The paper is based on Christian's Master of Logic thesis, which he defended at the ILLC in 2010. This prize is awarded annually to an outstanding paper published in the journal in the preceding five calendar years. Funding for the award is provided by the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). The prize will be formally announced during an awards ceremony at IJCAI in New York City this July.
For further information, see here.
Amsterdam Data Science Research Assistant Grant for Desmond Elliott
Desmond Elliott (ILLC) and Laura Hollink (CWI) have been awarded an Amsterdam Data Science Research Assistant Grant for 12 months to work on Multimodal Evidence of Concept Drift.
Amsterdam Data Science (ADS) is a collaborative initiative of the UvA, CWI, HvA and VU involving over 250 scientific researchers. ADS provides a network to connect expert researchers from business, humanities, informatics, life sciences and social sciences and actively promotes collaboration across disciplines, research institutes and industry within the Amsterdam region and beyond.
For more information about Amsterdam Data Science, see
Best Paper Award at AAMAS-2016
During the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2016), held in Singapore in early May, a paper coauthored by Ulle Endriss (ILLC) was honoured with the Best Paper Award.
For more information, see here.
NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant for Desmond Elliott
Desmond Elliott has been awarded a Tesla K40 as an unrestricted gift from the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program. The hardware will be used to support ongoing research on multilingual multimodal machine learning.
For more information about the NVIDIA Academic Research Programs, see
ILLC and IvI start project with SAP
ILLC and IvI have started a project with SAP focussing on text analysis and machine learning. Two PhD students have been appointed on this project. At ILLC Serhii Havrylov will start the PhD project under the supervision of Ivan Titov.
For more information, see
NWO Vici for Arianna Betti
NWO has awarded 32 scientists a Vici grant of 1.5 million Euros, including ILLC staff member prof. Dr. Arianna Betti for the project 'Ideas at scale - Towards a computational history of ideas (e-Ideas)'. The funding will enable the laureates to do research for the next five years and to build up their own research group. Vici is one of the largest grants for individual scientists in the Netherlands and is part of NWO's Talent Scheme.
For more information, see
ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Franz Berto
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded a Consolidator Grant to five researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), including ILLC staff member Prof.dr. Franz Berto (for the project LoC, "The Logic of Conceivability: Modelling Rational Imagination with Non-Normal Modal Logics"). An ERC Consolidator Grant is a prestigious personal grant of about two million euros and provides research support to talented researchers for a period of five years.
For more information, see
or contact F.Berto at For more information, see here . -
Fenrong Liu is awarded Changjiang Distinguished Professorship
Fenrong Liu, Professor at Tsinghua University and holder of the Amsterdam-China Visiting Chair, has been awarded a Changjiang Distinguished Professorship by the Ministry of Education in China. The highly competitive national Changjiang Program, founded in 1998, is considered to be China's most prestigious scholarly honor.
Fenrong Liu is the first logician to receive this award, in recognition of her academic contributions.Fenrong Liu obtained her Ph. D. at the ILLC, University of Amsterdam in 2008, and became a full professor at Tsinghua University in 2011. She is currently a Co-Director of the Tsinghua-UvA Joint Research Center for Logic.
For more information, see
ILLC Alumnus Erik Rietveld member of Society of the Arts
The Society of Arts has selected thirteen new members. Amongst the nwe members are ILLC Alumnus and Vidi Laureaat Erik Rietveld together with his brother Ronald, for their work at the crossroads of architecture, art and science.
For more information, see and
NWO Open Competition grant for "The Flow of Cognitive Goods"
Rens Bod (ILLC) and Jeroen van Dongen (Institute of Physics) received an NWO Open Competition grant to carry out their project "The Flow of Cognitive Goods: Towards a Post-Disciplinary History of Knowledge". The project will fund two PhD positions and one Postdoc position (738.000 Euro). It will investigate the long-term exchanges of ideas and methods across disciplines using both digital humanities techniques (analyzing cross-citations from 46 million publications) and historical methods (primary and secondary sources).
For more information, see Rens Bod <rens.bod at>
Funding, Grants and Competitions
Paris Institute for Advanced Study fellowships
Deadline: Wednesday 1 March 2017The Paris Institute for Advanced Study welcomes applications from high level international scholars and scientists in the fields of the humanities, the social sciences and related fields for periods of five or nine months, during the academic year 2017-2018.
For more information, see -
ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest on the Responsible Use of AI Technologies
Deadline: Wednesday 1 March 2017The ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence is inviting contributions by students to an essay contest reagarding the following questions: What do you see as the 1-2 most pressing ethical, social or regulatory issues with respect to AI technologies? What position or steps can governments, industries or organizations take to address these issues or shape the discussions on them?
For more information, see -
QUANTERA – Cofund Initiative in Quantum Technologies
Deadline: Thursday 1 June 2017QuantERA is a network of 31 agencies from 26 countries, coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland, supporting research in Quantum Technologies. With a budget of over EUR 34 M, including co-funding from the European Commission, QuantERA will support international research projects in the field of Quantum Technologies.
QuantERA answers the growing need for collaborative endeavours and common funding scheme in the field of quantum technology research, which due to its highly interdisciplinary nature cannot be confined to an individual institution or state. Through coordination of national and regional research funding programmes QuantERA avoids the problem of fragmentation of national efforts, encouraging transnational collaborations and leveraging Europe’s competitive advantage in the field of quantum technology. Join call for proposals for international research groups operating in QuantERA partner countries will become the first step to further integration.
Launch of the call for proposals will be complemented by a range of additional activities aimed at stimulating cooperation within the research community, creating and maintaining links between academia and industry, building a toolkit on responsible research and innovation in QT, exchanging best practices, and engaging in a dialogue with policy makers about the design of future funding instruments. Altogether it will help in taking further steps on the road to unlocking the widely recognized industrial potential of Quantum Technologies in response to current societal needs and for the benefit of the public at large.
Call announcement: January 2017
Pre-proposal deadline: March 2017
Full proposal deadline: June 2017For more information, see -
Call for Nominations: Fernando Gil International Prize in Philosophy of Science
Deadline: Thursday 15 December 2016The creation of the Fernando Gil International Prize in Philosophy of Science was announced by the Portuguese government at the time of his death, to honor his memory and work (1937-2006). The Prize is awarded biannually and intends to acknowledge a work of outstanding excellence in the domain of the Philosophy of Science, either regarding general epistemological problems or particular scientific areas. The amount to be paid to the laureate will be €75 000.
Nominations for the Fernando Gil International Prize 2017 in Philosophy of Science should be sent to premio-filosofia at and must include the required elements. Only original and recent works by a single author, of any nationality or professional affiliation, published during the five previous years (2012-2016) are considered for the prize. The call for nominations opens on 1st September to 15th December 2016. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
For more information, see or contact premio-filosofia at -
Call for Nominations: Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy
Deadline: Tuesday 22 November 2016The Executive Board of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy now seeks nominations for the Simon Award to be presented at IACAP 2017, Stanford University, June 26-28.
The Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy recognizes scholars at an early stage of their academic career who are likely to reshape debates at the nexus of Computing and Philosophy by their original research.
Nominations for the Simon Award may be proposed either by academic institutions or by colleagues with some expertise in computing and philosophy. To nominate, please send names and website URLs (or CVs) to: Don Berkich <berkich at> by 22 November 2016.
For more information, see -
The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Research Fellowship
Deadline: Thursday 1 December 2016The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation has established a postdoctoral fellowship to enable new and recent Ph.D.’s from the University of Chicago to spend up to three years at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. The fellowship recognizes early-career scholars of exceptional promise and provides time and resources in support of their research efforts.
For more information, see -
ERC Proof of Concept
Deadline: Thursday 19 January 2017Frontier research often generates unexpected or new opportunities for commercial or societal application. The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim to maximise the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research. Cut-off date: Thursday 19 January 2017.
For more information, see -
UvA FGw Aspasia Fund
Deadline: Thursday 12 January 2017The UvA FGw Aspasia Fund aims to support women in their career development within the Faculty of Humanities at the UvA and to expand their opportunities to conduct research. Two to three female academics can be awarded a temporary release from teaching duties to enable them to prepare applications for senior personal grants.
For more information, see -
IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science: "What is the value of philosophy of science for history of science?"
Deadline: Wednesday 30 November 2016The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST) invites submissions for the first IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science. This prize competition, planned to continue on a biennial basis, seeks to encourage fresh methodological thinking on the history and philosophy of science as an integrated discipline.
Entries in the form of an essay of 5,000-10,000 words in English are invited, addressing this year's prize question: "What is the value of philosophy of science for history of science?" All entries should contain original work that has not previously been published. For entries written originally in another language, an English translation should be submitted with an indication of the translator. The deadline for submission is 30 November 2016.
For more information, see or contact hc372 at -
Jo Kolk Study fund
Deadline: Tuesday 15 November 2016The Jo Kolk study fund offers opportunities for women currently doing a Master's or PhD degree.
Application deadline: 15 November 2016For more information, see or contact JoKolkStudiefonds at -
ERC Individual Fellowships 2017
The goal of the Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility.
Individual Fellowships provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research and innovation in a European context (EU Member States and Associated Countries) or outside Europe. The scheme particularly supports the return and reintegration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked here. It also develops or helps to restart the careers of individual researchers that show great potential, considering their experience.
Application deadline: 14 September 2017 17:00:00For more information, see -
KNAW Visiting Professors Programme
The Visiting Professors Programme enables outstanding foreign researchers to spend time working in the Netherlands. The programme acts as an incentive for Dutch science and scholarship.
Application deadline: 1 November 2016For more information, see or contact Awards and Funding Department at prijzensubsidies at -
Fulbright Scholarship Program
The Fulbright Scholarship Program gives Dutch students, PhD students and researchers an opportunity to study, carry out research or teach in the United States.
Application deadline: 1 December 2016For more information, see -
KNAW Conference Grants Fund
The Conference Grants Fund assists the organisers of international scientific/scholarly conferences in the Netherlands.
Closing dates for applications are:
- 1 May (for conferences that take place after 1 August)
- 1 November (for conferences that take place after 1 February the following year)
For more information, see or contact Rachel Basaur at rachel.basaur at -
KNAW Academy Colloquia
Deadline: Wednesday 1 March 2017Academy Colloquia are small, exclusive expert meetings, hosted and funded by the Academy. They are held at the Academy’s Trippenhuis Building in Amsterdam. The aim is to bring together a select international group of no more than fifty top researchers to discuss a subject in which key innovations are expected.
Applications will be accepted starting in December 2016. The deadline for an Academy Colloquium to be organised in 2018 is 1 March 2017.For more information, see or contact M. Wagenaar-Koot at martine.wagenaar at -
ERC Proof of Concept
Deadline: Tuesday 4 October 2016If, as a receiver of an ERC grant, you are interested in exploring the innovation potential of your work, the ERC is here to help.
ERC Proof of Concept Grants are designed to support ERC grantees with the commercial or societal application of the results of their funded research.
Application deadline: 04 October 2016 17:00:00For more information, see -
ERC Advanced grant
Deadline: Thursday 31 August 2017If, as an established leading principal investigator, you are interested in the opportunity for long-term funding, the ERC is here to help. ERC Advanced Grants are designed to allow outstanding research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects in Europe. The scheme targets researchers who have already established themselves as top independent research leaders.
Application deadline: 31 August 2017For more information, see -
ERC Consolidator Grant
If, as a young principal investigator<a class="glossary-icon" title="The Principal Investigator (PI) is the lead scientist or engineer for a particularly well-defined science (or other research) project, such as a laboratory study or clinical trial.
The Principal Investigator is an individual who assembles a team to carry out an ERC-funded project under his/her scientific guidance. The rights and obligations of Principal Investigators are detailed in Section I Article II.3 of ECGA Annex II – General Conditions." href="">[img][/img]</a>, you need support to consolidate your independence, the ERC is here to help. ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to back up researchers who want to establish their research teams and continue developing a successful career in Europe. The scheme also strengthens independent and excellent new individual research teams that have been recently created.
Application deadline: 9 February 2017For more information, see -
ERC Starting Grant
ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal
Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own
independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal
Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.Application deadline: 18 October 2016 17:00:00
For more information, see -
NWO Mathematics Clusters
Deadline: Thursday 15 September 2016Only a professor in the field of one of the mathematical disciplines can apply. An application must be linked to one or more of the four mathematics clusters in the Netherlands: DIAMANT, NDNS+, GQT or STAR. Each application consists of one tenure track and one PhD-position.
Application deadline: 15 September 2016For more information, see or contact Mw. dr. ir. P.W. de Bont at p.debont at -
NWO TOP Grants
TOP Grants offers outstanding research groups the possibility to strengthen or renew lines of research. They can pursue a new line of research or continue existing research in new partnerships.
Application deadline: Continuous applicationFor more information, see -
NWO Incentive Fund Open Access
The aim of this fund is to increase awareness of Open Access and to encourage the Open Access publication of NWO results.
Application deadline: Continuous applicationFor more information, see or contact Mw. H. Dekker at h.dekker at -
NWO Cooperation Taiwan (MOST)
NWO has a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST; former NSC). The Cooperation Taiwan (MOST) programme is for Dutch researchers who want to cooperate with colleagues in Taiwan. It offers the opportunity of a short stay in Taiwan or a joint seminar in Taiwan or the Netherlands.
Application deadline: Continuous applicationFor more information, see or contact Mw. W.F. Geldof at w.geldof at -
NWO Cooperation Germany - von Humboldt Stiftung (VHS)
Each year NWO makes two prizes available to senior German researchers who are nominated by Dutch researchers. The Von Humboldt Stiftung (VHS) in Bonn makes two prizes available for senior Dutch researchers.
Application deadline: Continuous applicationFor more information, see or contact Mw. W.F. Geldof at w.geldof at -
Cooperation China (NSFC)
NWO has a cooperation agreement with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in Beijing. The programme aims to promote contact between Dutch and Chinese researchers in the natural sciences (i.e. all sciences except the social sciences and the humanities) and execute joint research projects.
Application deadline: Continuous applicationFor more information, see or contact Mw. W.F. Geldof at w.geldof at -
Access to the National Computer Facilities for Pilot projects
Supercomputers are used for technical scientific research. In the Netherlands, two different systems are available for national use. These are the Cartesius supercomputer, and the Lisa system. The granting scheme Access to the National Computational facilities grants access to these systems, to researchers, research groups and research institutes.
Application deadline: Continuous application
For more information, see or contact Dhr. J. van Wijk at rekentijd at -
NWO Research Talent
Research Talent is a responsive mode funding scheme, which offers talented and ambitious young researchers a platform to pursue a scientific career and carry out high-quality PhD research. This ambition, amongst others, is reflected in the choice of study, followed courses and academic activities that the student engaged in. To this aim a full professors within social and behavioural sciences, and who is also the intended promoter, can submit an application for a grant for these upcoming researchers.
Application deadline: 27 September 2016 14:00For more information, see or contact Dhr. drs. J.S. Voskuilen at magwot at -
NWO Incidental Financial Support
NWO’s tasks are to advance the quality, level of innovation and coordination of scientific research. One way to assist in those tasks is improving and strengthening contacts of Dutch researchers with foreign top-experts. In order to do that, the Board of the Division for Physical Sciences started the Incidental Financial Support programme in 2000. This programme enables the invitation of foreign top-experts who make a substantive contribution to a scientific meeting in The Netherlands.
Incidental financial support from the Division for Physical Sciences is primarily intended to strengthen the forum position of the exact sciences by increasing the interaction between Dutch scientists and foreign top-experts.
Application deadline: Continuous application
For more information, see or contact Mw. dr. Katrien Uytterhoeven at incidentelesteun at -
NWO Free Competition
All NWO Divisions offer Free Competition funding. Within the Free Competition Humanities, researchers can apply for funding for curiosity-driven research that does not fall under the thematic funding programmes. Researchers are therefore free to choose the subject of their project, as long as it fits within the humanities.
Application deadline: Continuous application (but no applications between 13 and 23 November, due to new software implementations).
For more information, see -
NWO Vidi Grant
Deadline: Thursday 6 October 2016The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi is a grant for experienced researchers. Vidi gives researchers who have already spent several years doing postdoctoral research the opportunity to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to appoint one or more researchers. Vidi is part of the Talent Scheme.
Application deadline: 6 October 2016 14:00 -
Essay Competition for Junior Scholars (International Social Ontology Society, ISOS)
For the first time, the International Social Ontology Society (ISOS) tenders an essay prize in social ontology for early career scholars (who are either PhD-candidates or have received their PhD no longer than five years prior to the closing date of the competition). The author of the winning essay will receive € 500,- with their submission being published the Journal of Social Ontology (
Submissions may address any issue, problem or debate within the field of social ontology. They may deal with, e.g., social facts, social action, group agency, collective intentional states, or social kinds.
Submissions will be subject to blind review, following the guidelines of the Journal of Social Ontology. The essays should be submitted through the journal's editorial management system and labelled as entries to the competition. In order to facilitate a fair review process, authors are asked to state their affiliation, (expected) date of receipt of their PhD and the names of their committee members in the information they provide with their submission.
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 31st October 2016. The winning essay published in the Journal of Social Ontology as soon as possible thereafter.For further inquiries regarding the essay competition, please contact David P. Schweikard (david.schweikard at
Annals of Science Best Paper Prize 2016 (for doctoral students)
Submissions are being accepted for the Annals of Science best paper prize 2016. This prize is awarded annually to the author of an original, unpublished essay in the history of science or technology, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The prize, which is supported by Taylor & Francis, is intended for those who are currently doctoral students, or have been awarded their doctorate within the past four years.
The winning essay will be published in the Journal, and the author will be awarded US$1000 and a free subscription to Annals of Science. Papers should be submitted by 30th September 2016, with the winner being notified by 31st December 2016.
For more information, see or contact Oliver Hill-Andrews (Editorial Assistant) at at
Horizon 2020: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
The goal of Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility.
Deadline: 14 September 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels time). For more information, see
NWO Vici
Vici is a funding instrument from the Talent Scheme. It gives senior researchers the opportunity to build up their own research group, often in anticipation of a tenured professorship. The research group must become structurally embedded in the research institution.
Application deadline: 25 August 2016 14:00. For more information, see
NWO Joint eScience and Data Science across Top Sectors
The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Physical Sciences (NWO), and Dutch Digital Delta invite technology-oriented researchers to apply for funding and support for researching disruptive eScience technologies and Big Data.
Application deadline: 30 August 2016 14:00. For more information, see
ERC Advanced Grant
If, as an established leading principal investigator, you are interested in the opportunity for long-term funding, the ERC is here to help. ERC Advanced Grants are designed to allow outstanding research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects in Europe.
The scheme targets researchers who have already established themselves as top independent research leaders.
Application Deadline: 1 September 2016. For more information, see
NWO Free Competition (humanities)
Within the Free Competition Humanities, researchers can apply for funding for curiosity-driven research that does not fall under the thematic funding programmes. Researchers are therefore free to choose the subject of their project, as long as it fits within the humanities.
Application deadline: 6 September 2016 14:00. For more information, see
2017 Essay Prize of the Metaphysics of Entanglement Project: "What is Structure?"
The Metaphysics of Entanglement Project is pleased to announce their 2017 Essay Prize. The winner of the Prize will receive £250. We solicit philosophically informed papers addressing the nature of structure in contemporary analytic philosophy.
Submissions are invited from postgraduate students and from early career researchers (understood as being within 8 years of receipt of PhD, though exceptions will be considered?please email for advice in the latter case). The closing date for receipt of entries is 16 of December 2016.
For more information, see or contact quantum at -
Litwin Books Award for Ongoing Doctoral Dissertation Research in the Philosophy of Information
The purpose of this award is to encourage and support scholarship in the philosophy of information. The award shall consist of $1,000, given annually to a graduate student who is working on a dissertation on the philosophy of information (broadly construed). As we see it, the range of philosophical questions relating to information is broad, and approachable through a variety of philosophical traditions (philosophy of mind, logic, philosophy of information so-called, philosophy of science, etc.).
The scholarship recipient must be an active doctoral student whose primary area of research is directly philosophical, whether the institutional setting is philosophy or another discipline; that is to say, the mode of dissertation research must be philosophical as opposed to empirical or literary study. The recipient must have completed all course work and have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution. Recipients may receive the award not more than once.
Nominations should be submitted via email by June 1. For more information, see
NWO Onderzoeksbeurs "Wiskundeleraar in Onderzoek"
[Dutch only]
Het programma STEM Teacher Academy heeft via het NWO Gebiedsbestuur Exacte Wetenschappen onderzoeksbeurzen voor enthousiaste wiskundedocenten beschikbaar gesteld. Deze financiering is alleen voor wiskundeleraren aan Nederlandse middelbare scholen die graag hun kennis willen opfrissen. Dit kan door middel van één dag per week (voor 6 tot 12 maanden) onderzoek uit te voeren bij een wiskunde-instituut met betrekking tot fundamenteel, toegepast of didactisch onderzoek.
Deadline: 4 oktober 2016 14:00
Voor meer informatie, zie
Call for nominations: Oberwolfach Prize 2016 in Discrete Mathematics, Logic or Theoretical Computer Science,
The Oberwolfach Foundation awards in cooperation with the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach a prize for excellent achievements in *Discrete Mathematics*. This also includes Logic and Theoretical Computer Science.
The prize amounts to Euro 10.000. Candidates should be mathematicians with Ph.D./Dr. degree received not more than 10 years ago and must be nominated. Proposals should contain a description of the scientific achievements, curriculum vitae and publication list of the candidate.
We request all senior scientists in Discrete Mathematics, Logic or Theoretical Computer Science to make proposals before September 1st, 2016. For more information, see
Call for a grant application workshop proposal as part of SMART Cognitive Science
SMART Cognitive Science invites proposals for a € 2500 grant to organize a workshop specifically designed to allow participants to focus on an interdisciplinary theme that will subsequently lead to a national or international grant application or a volume intersecting between the humanities and cognitive sciences. Every researcher of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam can submit a workshop proposal. We invite proposals in all areas of the humanities and cognitive sciences, but cross-disciplinary and innovative topics are particularly encouraged.
Deadline for submissions: April 29th. For more information, see
Call for Nominations: 2016 Sack Prize for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic
The ASL invites nominations for the 2016 Sacks Prize for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic. The Sacks Prize was established to honor Professor Gerald Sacks of MIT and Harvard for his unique contribution to mathematical logic, particularly as adviser to a large number of excellent Ph.D. students. The Sacks Prize will consist of a cash award plus five years free membership in the ASL.
Students who defend their dissertations (equivalent to the American doctoral dissertation) between October 1, 2015, and September 30, 2016, are eligible for the Prize this year. Nominations must be received by September 30, 2016. This is an international prize, with no restriction on the nationality of the candidate or the university where the doctorate is granted.
For general information about the Prize, visit For more details of the application process, see
Call for Nominations: 2016 Shoenfield Prizes for outstanding expository writing in logic
The ASL invites nominations for the Shoenfield Prizes for outstanding expository writing in the field of logic. There are two Shoenfield prizes, one for books and one for expository articles, each to be awarded simultaneously every three years; the Shoenfield Prizes were first awarded in 2007. Any book first published in the past 9 years may be considered for the book award. Any article published in the past 6 years may be considered for the article award.
The Shoenfield prizes were established by the ASL to honor the late Joseph R. Shoenfield for his many outstanding contributions to logic and to the ASL. Generations of logicians have especially valued Shoenfield's expository gifts, and his writings provide models of lucidity and elegance. The fund on which the Prize is based is administered by the ASL and the award is made by the Association upon the recommendation of the ASL Committee on Prizes and Awards.
Nominations should be submitted to Simon Thomas (sthomas at, Chair of the ASL Committee on Prizes and Awards. The deadline for nominations for the 2016 Prizes is November 1, 2016. For more information, see
NASSLLI2016: Student Scholarships and Presentations
The North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI) brings together top-tier faculty in Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, and Philosophy to introduce students to topics and issues that represent various combinations of these disciplines.
The organizers of NASSLLI 2016 are excited to announce TWO opportunities for students attending NASSLLI 2016:
(1) Student Scholarships
(2) Presentations in the Student SessionSubmission Deadline: Sunday, March 20, 2016. For more information, see
NWO Rubicon
Rubicon aims to encourage talented researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes run by KNAW and NWO to dedicate themselves to a career in postdoctoral research.
Rubicon offers talented researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands, as international research experience is likely to be an advantage at a later stage in the applicant's academic career. For certain typically Dutch topics, there is also a limited opportunity to apply for a research period at an excellent Dutch research institute. However, preference will be given to researchers who apply for a grant to spend time outside the Netherlands.
Deadline for applications: Thursday 31 March 2016. For more information, see
T-AP Digging into Data Challenge
The Trans-Atlantic Platform will be launching its first international funding opportunity: the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge. The T-AP Digging into Data Challenge will launch in March 2016. The Challenge will support research projects that explore and apply new “big data” sources and methodologies to address questions in the social sciences and humanities.
For more information, see and The full RFP with the details on how to apply will be posted on March 1st.
Marie Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) grant
The RISE scheme will promote international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa).
The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes.
Deadline for applications: Thursday 28 April 2016. For more information, see
Paris Institute for Advanced Study Fellowships
The Paris Institute for Advanced Study welcomes applications from high level international scholars and scientists in the fields of the humanities, the social sciences and related fields for periods of five or nine months, during the academic year 2017-2018. The Paris IAS will host around twenty guest researchers, allowing them to work freely on the project of their choice. The researchers will benefit from the scientific environment of the Institute and have the opportunity to create contacts with researchers in the academic institutions of Greater Paris.
Deadline for applications: 1 March 2016. For more information, see
NWO Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vici
The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vici is a grant for senior researchers. It is a funding instrument from the Talent Scheme, and gives senior researchers the opportunity to build up their own research group, often in anticipation of a tenured professorship.
Deadline for applications: Thursday 24 March 2016. For more information, see
NIAS: Theme-group Fellowships
Theme Groups bring together scholars of different backgrounds with specific expertise to work together on a daily basis, to advance knowledge on a particular theme. A NIAS research theme group is a group composed of maximum five scholars, half of them from the Netherlands, the other half from other countries. They become Fellows at NIAS for one semester of five months. Researchers work both individually and as a team on a clearly defined research topic with the aim of producing a concrete result such as a book, scientific paper or conference.
Deadline for submitting a Theme Group Proposal for the research year 2017/18: 15 April 2016. For more information, see
Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award 2016
The Ackermann Award is the EACSL Outstanding Dissertation Award for Logic in Computer Science. PhD dissertations in topics specified by the EACSL and LICS conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between 1.1.2014 and 31.12.2015 are eligible for nomination for the award. The 2016 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s) at the annual conference of the EACSL, 29 August - 2 September 2016, in Marseille (France).
The deadline for submission is 15 April 2016. Nominations can be submitted from 1 January 2016 and should be sent to the chair of the Jury, Anuj Dawar, by e-mail. For more information, see
The Cooperation Flanders programme
The Cooperation Flanders programme funds and encourages joint research by Flemish and Dutch researchers in the humanities. Many scientific questions cross boundaries and so national borders should not hinder researchers. The research programme funds projects that are jointly realised by two researchers at a time: one Dutch and one Flemish researcher.
2016 Application deadlline: Friday 1 April 2016. For more information, see
Robert J. Glushko Dissertation Prizes
The Cognitive Science Society and the Glushko-Samuelson Foundation will award up to five outstanding dissertation prizes in cognitive science. The goals of these prizes are to increase the prominence of cognitive science, and encourage students to engage in interdisciplinary efforts to understand minds and intelligent systems. The hope is that the prizes will recognize and honor young researchers conducting ground-breaking research in cognitive science.
Application deadline: Saturday 30 January 2016, For more information, see
Cooperation Japan (JSPS) - Invitation fellowship
NWO has a cooperation agreement with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The programme Cooperation Japan (JSPS) is for Dutch researchers who want to cooperate with colleagues in Japan. It offers the possibility of a JSPS Invitation fellowship in Japan.
For more information, see
Open Positions at ILLC
PhD position at ILLC
Deadline: Wednesday 15 February 2017The ILLC currently has one PhD position available at the Faculty of Science, starting on 1 September 2017. Applications are now invited from excellent candidates wishing to conduct research in an area within ILLC that fits naturally in the Faculty of Science.
Interested parties may contact Dr. Raquel Fernández (director of the ILLC PhD Programme) or Prof. Frank Veltman (chair of the selection committee).
For more information, see here or at -
PhD in Computational Social Choice
Deadline: Wednesday 1 February 2017The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam invites applications for a PhD position in the Computational Social Choice Group led by Ulle Endriss. The position is part of a larger research project, the Customisable Collective Choice (C3) Project, which will eventually employ two PhD candidates and one postdoctoral researcher. The aim of the C3 project is to develop the scientific foundations required to build tools that can help people to better understand the methods they use to make decisions together and to support them in designing decision making methods that are customised to their specific needs.
For more information, see here or at or contact Dr. Ulle Endriss at U.Endriss at -
Postdoc in Quantum Cryptography
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2017The Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the area of quantum cryptography. The successful applicant will join the group of Christian Schaffner. The aim of the project is to develop new quantum-cryptographic protocols (beyond the task of key distribution) and explore their limitations. An example of an active research is position-based quantum cryptography. Another aspect is to investigate the security of classical cryptographic schemes against quantum adversaries (post-quantum cryptography).
For more information, see here or at or contact Dr. Christian Schaffner at C.Schaffner at -
Postdoctoral researcher in Logic
Deadline: Wednesday 7 December 2016The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) is looking for an exceptional postdoctoral researcher in the area of Logic and Semantics within the project 'Cognitive Semantics and Quantities [CoSaQ]. Founding Logical Semantics on Cognitively Plausible Representations’. This is a 5-year project (2017-2021) funded by the European Research Council, and led by Principal Investigator (PI) Jakub Szymanik.
The postdoctoral researcher will work within the subproject 'Founding Logical Semantics on Cognitively Plausible Representations', lasting for the first three years of the project (2017-2019), and will be employed full-time. This subproject will lay the logical, computational, and conceptual foundations for the cognitive models to be developed and tested within the other subprojects. The main task of the Postdoc will be to incorporate psychologically and cognitively plausible representations and verification mechanisms into a new logico-computational model of quantifier meaning. As no such model yet exist, its development will be an important contribution to formal semantics.For more information, see here or at -
Assistant professor in Formal Modelling of Language and Cognition
Deadline: Friday 4 November 2016Applications are invited for Assistant professor in Formal Modelling of Language and Cognition at the Faculty of Science. The vacancy is for a temporary position for four years with a probation time of 2 months.
Application deadline: Friday 4 November 2016For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Sonja Smets at S.J.L.Smets at -
Postdoctoral Researcher in Logic
Deadline: Sunday 2 October 2016Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Logic at the Faculty of Humanities.
Application deadline: Sunday 2 October 2016For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Franz Berto at f.berto at -
PhD candidate in Logic and Analytic Philosophy
Deadline: Sunday 2 October 2016Applications are invited for PhD candidate in Logic and Analytic Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities.
Application deadline: Sunday 2 October 2016For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Franz Berto at f.berto at -
PhD position or Postdoc position in Computational Linguistics and Dialogue Processing
The Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam invites applications for a research position at either the PhD candidate or the postdoc level in the recently established Dialogue Modelling Group led by Raquel Fernández. The mission of the group is to understand dialogical interaction by developing empirically-motivated formal and computational models that can be applied to various dialogue processing tasks and to human-machine interaction.
Application deadline: 15 September 2016
Five PhD positions at the Faculty of Humanities, UvA
Applications are invited for five PhD fellowships at the Faculty of Humanities, tenable from 1 November 2016 (4 years, 0.8 FTE). The PhD candidates at the Faculty of Humanities, UvA will be appointed within one of the five Research Schools of the Faculty of Humanities, or within the ILLC. The appointment will be for 4 years for 0.8 FTE under the terms of employment currently valid for the Faculty.
Application deadline: 15 August 2016. For more information, see here.
Postdoctoral researcher in Logic
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will join the research group of Prof. Sonja Smets. Preference will be given to a candidate who is active in one of the following areas:
- Logic and its applications to formal epistemology or multi-agent systems. In particular we are interested in the use of logical methods to study the dynamics of information. Topics of interest can relate to belief revision theory, social network theory, epistemic game theory, truth approximation or formal learning theory.
- Logic and its applications in the area of quantum mechanics or quantum information theory. In particular we are interested in quantum logic and its use in quantum information theory (e.g. logics used for the formal verification of quantum information protocols).
Deadline for applications: 15 June 2016. For more information, see here
Two PhD positions at Faculty of Science
The ILLC currently has two PhD positions available at the Faculty of Science, starting on 1 September 2016. Applications are now invited from excellent candidates wishing to conduct research in an area within ILLC that fits naturally in the Faculty of Science. Closing date for applications: 15 May 2016.
For more information, see here or contact the Chair of the Selection Committee, Professor Robert van Rooij, at R.A.M.vanRooij at
Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation
The SLPL Lab, led by Professor Khalil Sima'an, is part of the Language and Computation Programme at the ILLC. The SLPL Lab is seeking to attract a postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation for a fixed term of two years. SLPL currently has 7 PhD candidates, 3 postdoctoral researchers and two research assistants working on five ongoing externally funded projects, including a Vici, H2020 QT21, ITN EXPERT, an Open Competition and an STW project.
Prospective candidates should hold a PhD degree in statistical natural language processing or a related research area with experience in statistical machine translation, as well as proven experience in and affinity with programming and empirical experimentation with text (parallel) corpora. While this is primarily a research position, the successful candidate will be expected to also make a minor contribution to teaching.
Application deadline: 15 May 2016. For more information, see here.
Two PhD positions in History of Humanities and Sciences
The two PhD candidates will respectively work at the Faculty of Humanities (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation) and the Faculty of Science (Institute of Physics (IOP). Both institutes are located at the Amsterdam Science Park. The positions will reinforce the newly founded Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences, and are funded by the NWO Humanities open competition programme 'The Flow of Cognitive Goods: Towards a Post-Disciplinary History of Knowledge'. This programme is led by Prof. Rens Bod (ILLC) and Prof. Jeroen van Dongen (IOP).
Application deadline: 1 April 2016. For more information, see here.
Postdoctoral researcher in Formal Semantics
The Inquisitive Semantics group, part of the Logic and Language research program,research program, is looking for a Postdoctoral researcher with an interest in developing a fully compositional dynamic inquisitive semantics, and to apply this framework to a number of linguistic phenomena.
Application deadline: 15 March 2016. For more information, see here
Postdoctoral researcher in computational logic or experimental semantics
The Inquisitive Semantics group, part of the Logic and Language research program, is looking for one or two Postdoctoral researchers with an interest in building new bridges between inquisitive semantics and neighbouring fields, in particular computer science and psycholinguistics.
Application deadline: 15 March 2016. For more information, see here
PhD candidate in Logic
The Inquisitive Semantics group, part of the Logic and Language research programme, is looking for a PhD candidate with an interest in carrying out a thorough investigation of first-order inquisitive logic, with an eye towards applications in linguistics and computer science. The ILLC provides an excellent environment for research in this area with world-class faculty in logic and formal semantics.
Application deadline: 15 March 2016. For more information, see here
PhD candidate in Formal Semantics
The Inquisitive Semantics group, part of the Logic and Language research programme, is looking for a PhD candidate with an interest in developing new logical tools within the inquisitive semantics framework for the analysis of quantification in natural language
Application deadline: 15 March 2016. For more information, see here
Open Positions, General
Twelve PhD student position in situated cognition, Bochum/Osnabrueck (Germany)
Deadline: Tuesday 14 February 2017The interdisciplinary Research Training Group 'Situated Cognition', invites applications for 12 Ph.D. positions (salary scale TV-L E 13, 65%; including social benefits) for a three-year structured PhD program. The program and all positions will commence June 1st, 2017. The RTG is based at the Department of Philosophy II and the Faculty of Psychology at Ruhr-University Bochum as well as at the Institute of Cognitive Science and the Department of Philosophy at Osnabrück University.
All PhD positions are essentially interdisciplinary with an emphasis on one of the subjects involved, i.e. philosophical theory formation, experimental psychology or neuroscience. Applicants have to apply for one of the suggested projects (max. two with indication of preference). In addition, applicants are encouraged to submit their own original project proposal in one of the theoretical areas, as long as the proposal fits the RTG's guiding idea.
For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Albert Newen, Speaker RTG at RTG-SituatedCognition at -
PhD student position in formal verification of sensor networks, Liverpool (England)
Deadline: Friday 10 February 2017The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool offers a PhD position, commencing in October 2017, and associated with the Science of Sensor Systems Software research programme. This position is available to both UK and EU students, and we are looking for outstanding candidates with either a first class degree or a distinction at masters level in Computer Science or Mathematical Logic, together with the desire to undertake PhD study on the formal verification for wireless sensor networks.
For more information, see -
PhD student position in dependence logic, Auckland (New Zealand)
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2017The Department of Computer Science of the University of Auckland is currently looking for a PhD student to undertake research on dependence logic. Dependence logic is a novel logical formalism that has intriguing connections to computer science, statistics, linguistics, game theory, social choice theory, philosophy, and physics. We are seeking a PhD student to join a 3-year project that examines new variants of dependence logic, including approximate and probabilistic variants, and their applications to reasoning in database theory and statistics. The student will be supervised by Miika Hannula and Sebastian Link.
We expect the applicant to have:
- A strong background in logic and computational complexity,
- A master's degree in mathematics, computer science, or other relevant discipline,
- A good command of spoken and written English.
Good programming skills and a background in statistics would be ideal, but are not necessarily expected attributes.For more information, see here or contact m.hannula at -
PhD positions in TCS at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2017The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for up to four PhD positions in theoretical computer science.
The PhD positions are in the area of computational complexity theory, focusing on questions at the intersection of approximation algorithms, subexponential algorithms, and proof complexity. Examples of topics of particular interest are the use of linear and semidefinite programming to solve hard combinatorial problems, or of proof complexity to prove that the problems are beyond the reach of such methods. Exciting recent developments have identified the so-called sums of squares hierarchy as a unifying theme for these questions, and one aim of our research is to build and expand on this theme. However, we will also freely explore whatever other methods turn out to be helpful for attacking these and other topics of interest in algorithms and complexity theory. The overarching goal is to understand fundamental properties of efficient computation by proving mathematical theorems about the power and limitations of different computational models.
This research project is led by Johan Håstad, Per Austrin, and Jakob Nordström, and is financed by grants from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the European Research Council, and the Swedish Research Council.
In addition to the PIs and the announced PhD positions, the research project will also involve 2-3 existing PhD students and 3-4 postdocs. Thus, this will be a unique opportunity to explore new connections between different subareas of complexity theory within a vibrant and growing research environment.
For more information, see or contact APC project co-PIs at apc at -
Postdoc positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2017The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for up to four postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science.[b][b]The postdoc positions are in the area of computational complexity theory, focusing on questions at the intersection of approximation algorithms, subexponential algorithms, and proof complexity. Examples of topics of particular interest are the use of linear and semidefinite programming to solve hard combinatorial problems, or of proof complexity to prove that the problems are beyond the reach of such methods. [b][b]This research project is led by Johan Hastad, Per Austrin, and Jakob Nordstrom, and is financed by grants from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the European Research Council, and the Swedish Research Council. In addition to the PIs, the research project is planned to involve a total of 4-5 postdocs and 5-7 PhD students. Thus, this will be a unique opportunity to explore new connections between different subareas of complexity theory within a vibrant and growing research environment.[b][b]These postdoc positions are full-time employed positions for one year with a possible one-year extension. The expected starting date is in August-September 2017, although this is to some extent negotiable.[b][b]The application deadline is January 15, 2017. See for the full announcement with more information and instructions for how to apply. Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to apc at .
For more information, see or contact APC co-PIs at apc at -
PhD position in SAT solving at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2017The TCS Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a PhD position in computer science focused on SAT solving.
The PhD student will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom. Much of the activities of this research group revolve around the themes of efficient algorithms for satisfiability in propositional logic (SAT solving) and lower bounds on the efficiency of methods for reasoning about SAT (proof complexity). On the practical side, one problem of interest is to gain a better understanding of, and improve, the performance of current state-of-the-art SAT solvers --- in particular, solvers using conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL). We are even more interested in exploring new techniques that hold out the theoretical possibility of exponential improvements over CDCL, but seem hard to implement efficiently in practice, e.g., algebraic methods such as Groebner bases or geometric methods such as pseudo-Boolean solving (basically 0/1 integer linear programming).
This is a four-year full-time employed position, but PhD positions usually (though not necessarily) include 20% teaching, in which case they are prolonged for one more year. The successful candidate is expected to start at the latest in August-September 2017, although this is to some extent negotiable. The position is fully funded and comes with a competitive salary.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jakobn at -
Postdoc position in Artificial Intelligence on Designing Responsible Agency, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Deadline: Sunday 1 January 2017We invite applications for a postdoctoral research position in the REINS project. With the project well underway, our aim is now to focus more on concrete architectures and systems for responsible decision making and responsibility checking (which are different, but closely connected). We are looking for a researcher with a background in artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and/or decision making that is enthusiastic about the idea of applying these theories to the problem of making intelligent systems behave responsibly. Areas of interest to the REINS project that are relevant for this position are: prioritized rule based reasoning mechanisms, agent programming languages, non- monotonic logics and argumentation, symbolic and neural-symbolic learning and reasoning.
For more information, see or contact Jan Broersen at J.M.Broersen at -
PhD and Postdoc Position in Normative and Value-based Reasoning, TU Delft
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2017Applications are invited for one PhD and one postdoc position (PhD: 4 years, postdoc: 2 years), attached to the NWO Vidi grant of Birna van Riemsdijk. The project, Computational Reasoning for Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners (CoreSAEP). has the overall aim to develop a reasoning framework that combines logic and quantitative techniques for Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners that adapt their behavior to norms and values of people.
For more information, see -
Postdoc positions in SAT solving at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2017The TCS Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoc position in computer science focused on SAT solving.
The postdoctoral researcher will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom. Much of the activities of this research group revolve around the themes of efficient algorithms for satisfiability in propositional logic (SAT solving) and lower bounds on the efficiency of methods for reasoning about SAT (proof complexity). On the practical side, one problem of interest is to gain a better understanding of, and improve, the performance of current state-of-the-art SAT solvers --- in particular, solvers using conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL). We are even more interested in exploring new techniques that hold out the theoretical possibility of exponential improvements over CDCL, but seem hard to implement efficiently in practice, e.g., algebraic methods such as Groebner bases or geometric methods such as pseudo-Boolean solving.
This postdoc position is a full-time employed position for one year with a possible one-year extension. The expected starting date is in August-September 2017, although this is to some extent negotiable.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jakobn at -
Lectureships and Senior Lectureships in Artificil Intelligence, London (England)
Deadline: Monday 16 January 2017The Department of Computing at Imperial College London invites applications for full-time faculty members at the Lecturer/Senior Lecturer level (comparable to American tenure-track Assistant Professorships) who can contribute to research and teaching, in particular in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This includes (but is not limited to): autonomous systems; knowledge representation and reasoning; planning; machine learning for speech, audio and text; optimization and data mining.
Notwithstanding the above focus, exceptional candidates from any area of Computer Science are also encouraged to apply.
For more information, see -
PhD student position in parameterised complexity, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Deadline: Wednesday 1 February 2017Dr. ir. Johan Kwisthout is currently hiring a PhD candidate on the NWO TOP project "Parameterized complexity of approximate Bayesian inferences" and welcomes candidates with a MSc degree in CS/math/AI or related field, strong formal and analytical skills, and fascination for both the foundations of (tractable) computations as well as how they might be realized in the brain. Students with a background in parameterized complexity and/or Bayesian networks are particularly invited to apply.
For more information, see or contact Dr. ir. Johan Kwisthout at j.kwisthout at -
Postdoctoral position in logic, Barcelona (Spain)
Deadline: Sunday 8 January 2017The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) opens a call for two postdoctoral positions in the areas:
1. Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry and/or Logic.
2. Analysis, Dynamical Systems, and/or Probability Theory.Succesful applicants will join the BGSMath research group of their choice in one of the five BGSMath institutions in Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalaunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra or Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.
In brief: Two year contracts, anual gross salary of E26.250, plus E2000 mobility (to be provided by the research group). Requirements: To hold a Ph.D. degree at the time of application and at least two years of doctoral or postdoctoral experience outside of Catalonia. Deadline: January 8th
For more information, see -
PhD student position in specification and verification of data-aware systems, Evry (France)
Deadline: Monday 9 January 2017A PhD position is available within the JCJC project SVeDaS - Specification and Verification of Data-aware Systems, funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The PhD position is a fixed-term contract over 3 years, the time normally allocated to a PhD in France. The PhD student will be part of the Laboratoire IBISC (Informatique, Biologie Integrative et Systemes Complexes) of the Universite de Saclay.
The JCJC project SVeDaS, led by Dr Francesco Belardinelli, is designed to advance the state-of-the-art in the modelling, analysis and deployment of data-aware systems by using a novel, compositional, agent-based approach to their specification and verification. The PhD candidate is required to have a very strong background in computer science, logics and formal methods, and must be capable of programming in the most popular programming languages, including C, C++, Java.
For more information, see here or at or contact Dr Francesco Belardinelli at belardinelli at -
PhD positions in Computer Science, Liverpool (England)
Deadline: Friday 2 December 2016PhD Positions at the University of Liverpool
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Liverpool offers a number of PhD positions in the research fields pursued in the department. We have four fully-funded positions available for home and EU students in EEECS for starting in 2017.
Our research is centred around the following themes:
agent logics algorithmic game theory algorithms and data structures approximation algorithms argumentation and dialogue auctions and mechanism design automata and game theory automated reasoning autonomous agents bioinformatics, computational biology and medicine coalition games computational complexity and computability theory computational economics control theory data mining database theory deep learning distributed and parallel computing equilibrium computation graph algorithms judgement aggregation machine learning Markov chains and decision processes multi agent systems natural language processing network and congestion games network communication ontologies randomised algorithms and data structures reinforcement learning robotics scheduling and energy optimisation synthesis stochastic games temporal logics voting theory
To learn more about our exciting research environment, staff, and students, we encourage you to study the pages of our research groups on Algorithms and Optimisation, Argumentation, Automata, Computability and Complexity Theory, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Economics and Computation, Knowledge Representation, Networks and Distributed Computing, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, and Verification, and to contact prospective supervisors to discuss a research topic before you apply.
You can apply through
The deadline for this application round is Friday, December 2nd. While applications will be possible until all positions are filled, your chances will be increased by applying before this deadline.
Please do not hesitate to ask (sven.schewe at or d.wojtczak at if you have any questions.
Applications must be received before 2 December, 2016
For more information, see here or at, or contact sven.schewe at -
Two PhD student positions and three postdoctoral positions in computational approaches to reference with memory-enhanced neural networks, Barcelona (Spain)
Deadline: Thursday 15 December 2016Applications are welcome for 2 PhD student and 3 post-doc positions on computational approaches to reference with memory-enhanced neural networks. The positions are for at most 4 years, and will be funded by a 5-year European Research Council Starting Grant awarded to the project AMORE: A distributional MOdel of Reference to Entities.
We seek outstanding researchers with a genuine interest in how human language, communication, and cognition work, with any of the following backgrounds: Machine learning, Computer Vision, or Computational semantics. Advanced programming and mathematical skills are required for 2 of the 3 post-doc positions, at least basic skills for the other one. Experience and interest in dataset construction, especially via crowdsourcing, is a plus. For PhD positions, experience on specific project topics is not required. All researchers are expected to have excellent analysis and abstraction skills, and an interest in working in an interdisciplinary environment.
PhD positions start October 2017; earlier starting date possible, as a research assistant. Post-doc positions available starting February 1st 2017, and open until filled.
For more information, see or contact Gemma Boleda at gemma.boleda at -
College Lectureship and Fellowship in Mathematics (6y), Cambridge (England)
Deadline: Monday 21 November 2016Murray Edwards College invites applications for a fixed-term (six years) College Lectureship in Mathematics from 1 September 2017. The person appointed will be elected to an Official Fellowship for this period. This post will be held in association with a Senior Research Associate post in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. The post is for six years in the first instance due to available funding, but there may be the possibility for renewal.
The post holder will be expected to supervise for six hours a week for the 20 teaching weeks of the academic year. In addition, they will direct studies for students taking Mathematics in Murray Edwards College, for which there is separate remuneration. Within the Department, the post holder will give one complete lecture course per year and will also be involved in examining. They will also be expected to continue their own research.
For more information, see or contact Dr Juliet Foster at jlf1000 at -
Assistant / Associate Professorship in Algorithmics, Delft (The Netherlands)
Deadline: Thursday 1 December 2016Delft University of Technology is recruiting an Assistant or Associate Professor of Algorithmics. The research group's focus is on algorithms for automated planning, their applications and algorithms for intelligent agents in general.
For more information, see -
Ertegun Graduate Scholarship in the Humanities, Oxford (England)
Deadline: Friday 6 January 2017The Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme funds full-time graduate degrees in various subjects in the Humanities. Established in 2012, the programme is supported by the generosity of Mica Ertegun.
The scholarship will cover 100% of University and college fees and a grant for living costs (of at least £14,296). Awards are made for the full duration of your fee liability for the agreed course. Ertegun Scholars also benefit from exclusive use of Ertegun House; a fully modernized, non-residential building, built in 1808, located at the heart of Oxford's academic community, that provides an environment for study and camaraderie that is unique at Oxford and unparalleled in the world.
Tenure Track Assistant Professorship at New Mexico State University
Deadline: Thursday 15 December 2016The Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Mexico State University invites applicants for a tenure-track faculty appointment at the Assistant Professor level beginning August 2017. The position will support current research and teaching needs in the department in one of the following areas: Algebra, Foundations, or Discrete Mathematics.
The details of the position are at and any questions can be directed to John Harding jharding at or Guram Bezhanishvili gbezhani at -
Assistant/Associate Professor in Philosophy (in particular logic), Astana (Kazakhstan)
Location: Astana, KazakhstanDeadline: Sunday 27 November 2016The Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan invites applications for a faculty position (Assistant or Associate Professor) in Philosophy. Responsibilities include, but are not limited, to teaching classes, curriculum and program development, and research. The position is available from August 2017. Contracts are for a period of three year and are renewable upon positive review.
We are looking for someone who specializes in one of the following areas: Philosophy of Science (incl. philosophy of a special science), Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind. Applicants should have competence in General Philosophy of Science. An ability to teach introductory and intermediate logic, philosophy of physics, philosophy of economics, or philosophy of biomedical science would be an advantage. Women and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. All classes are taught in English.
For more information, see here or at or contact Dr. Mihnea Capraru at mihnea.capraru at -
Assistant Professorship in Logic and Philosophy of Language (3y), Munich (Germany)
Deadline: Thursday 1 December 2016Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is seeking applications for one Assistant Professorship position in Logic and Philosophy of Language at the Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language (Professor Hannes Leitgeb) and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of Religion. The position, which is to start on April 1st 2017, is for three years with the possibility of extension.
The appointee will be expected (i) to do philosophical research, especially in logic and philosophy of language, (ii) to teach five hours a week in areas relevant to the chair, and (iii) to participate in the administrative work of the MCMP.
For more information, see or contact office.leitgeb at -
Two research fellowships in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, Singapore (Singapore)
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2017Two Research Fellow Positions in Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science in Singapore
The researchers Frank Stephan, Yang Yue and Sanjay Jain want to hire on their grant "Effective representations of algebraic structures" two research fellows in the areas of Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. The expected starting date is 1 April 2017. The duration of the job is approximately 2.5 years and can not run longer than the duration of the grant (which terminates 31 January 2020).
Job Description: Mathematical research in the areas of recursion theory, inductive inference, model theory and effective algebra; the applicant is expected do research and write papers inline with the research programme approved by the MOE for these positions. The applicant should also be able to present the results found at scientific conferences. Prior publications and a PhD in mathematical logic or theoretical computer science are expected.
For more information, see or contact fstephan at -
Postdoctoral Researcher in Formal Verification of Safety Critical Software (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Deadline: Wednesday 30 November 2016As a postdoctoral researcher you will work on the project SOVEREIGN: A Framework for Modular Formal Verification of Safety Critical Software. The goal of this project is to develop a platform for the verification of safety critical software that would allow for the verification process to be scalable, compositional, incremental and effective.
Candidate is expected to have a PhD (or be near completion) in Computer Science or a closely related field with a strong background in one or more of the following: semantics of computation, programming languages, theorem proving, verification and model checking.For more information, see or contact Prof.Dr Herman Geuvers at h.geuvers at -
Assistant professorship in phiosophy of mind, Schenectady MY (U.S.A.)
Deadline: Thursday 15 December 2016The Department of Philosophy at Union College has a Job Opening for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning September 2017. Areas of expertise: Either Asian Philosophy and Religion or Philosophy of Mind.
The ideal applicant will have a Ph.D. in philosophy, but advanced ABDs in philosophy will be considered. Advanced appointments may be considered for suitable candidates.
The successful applicant will be expected to teach in her/his area of expertise and of teaching competence at all undergraduate levels, from introductory to advanced. Teaching competence must include logic. The successful applicant will be expected to teach courses cross-listed with either courses in the Asian Studies or the Neuroscience Programs. Teaching load is 2 courses per term; Union College's academic year consists of three 10-week trimesters. Review of applications will begin on December 15.
For more information, see or contact Felmon Davis at davisf at -
David MacKay Newton stipendiary research fellowship in mathematics and information theory, Cambridge (England)
Deadline: Monday 21 November 2016In memory of Professor Sir David MacKay FRS (1967-2016), Darwin College, Cambridge is seeking to elect a stipendiary Research Fellow. The Fellowship is available for research in any area drawing on mathematics and information theory, particularly those including applications in sustainability, policy or technology that follow on from David MacKay's work. The Fellowship is intended for an outstanding researcher who is completing, or who has recently completed, their PhD Degree. No candidate should have completed in total more than seven years of research since the start of their doctorate by 1 October 2017. The closing date for applications is 21 November 2016.
For more information, see or contact jb323 at -
Assistant professor in Digital Humanities and Media Studies, University of Amsterdam
Deadline: Friday 11 November 2016The candidate will bring to the position a relevant and innovative research agenda in the area of Digital Humanities and will be able to teach within the programs of Media Studies. The candidate will be especially interested in the critical study, development and application of digital research methods, techniques and tools. In the study of information and media (broadly understood as books, artworks, audio-visual media and digital media), digital research materials are evolving in spectacular fashion, leading to new research affordances that require a critical approach to media as information, as well as to how digital media structure the reuse and interpretation of born-digital and historical data.
For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Richard Rogers at at -
Junior Research Fellowship in the Arts (3y), Cambridge (England)
Deadline: Monday 5 December 2016Clare College invites applications for one of two stipendiary Junior Research Fellowships. The Fellowships in Arts will be tenable for three years from 1 October 2017. The Fellowships are intended for researchers in any Arts discipline who are in the early stages of their careers. It is expected that the candidates will be either graduate students, in the latter stages of their research leading to a PhD, or post-doctoral researchers who have been awarded their PhD within the last year.
It is anticipated that the successful candidate will carry out full-time research for 37.5 hours per week. Research Fellows may be invited to undertake a small amount of undergraduate teaching during term. They will not be permitted to undertake other paid work or to hold other offices and awards except by permission of the College Council.
The competition closes at 13:00 GMT on Monday 5 December 2016.
For more information, see or contact JRFadministrator at -
Postdoctoral position in mathematics and its applications, Lisbon (Portugal)
Deadline: Monday 14 November 2016The Centre for Mathematics and Applications (CMA) -- Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal -- invites applications for one post-doctoral position in all its research areas, including "Algebra and Logic", "Analysis", "Operations Research" and "Statistics and Risk Management".
Deadline: November 14th. Expected starting date: January 1st 2017 (negotiable). Applicants are advised to start by looking for a scientific contact point among CMA's members, who will help the preparation of a joint scientific plan.
For more information, see or contact Administrative Office at vs.martins at -
Postdoctoral position in verification of linear dynamical systems, Oxford (England)
Deadline: Thursday 10 November 2016A vacancy has arisen for a full-time researcher on the topic of Verification of Linear Dynamical Systems, led by Professor James Worrell at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. This is a fixed-term position for 2 years, starting Jan 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The overall aim of the project is to solve fundamental computational problems in the verification of discrete and continuous linear dynamical systems, including Markov chains, probabilistic automata, linear recurrence sequences, linear while loops, and linear differential equations. The project aims to build on recent progress in the area, developing decision procedures to solve reachability, termination, and synthesis problems. The methodology will combine a range of computational techniques, including quantifier elimination and lattice reduction, as well as results from number theory (particularly Diophantine approximation).
For more information, see -
Postdoc Theoretical Philosophy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Deadline: Wednesday 30 November 2016Applications are invited for a postdoc position Theoretical Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Application deadline: 30 November 2016For more information, see or contact Prof. Jan Willem Romeijn at j.w.romeijn at -
Assistant Research Professorship (9m, tenure-track) in Philosophical Logic, Storrs CT (U.S.A.)
Location: University of Connecticut, USADeadline: Sunday 16 October 2016The Philosophy Department of the University of Connecticut (UConn) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Storrs campus. Area of specialization: Philosophical Logic with preferred additional areas of specialization in Formal Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, or Philosophy of Language. Competence in the History of Philosophy in one or more of these areas is desirable.
This is a full-time, 9-month, tenure-track position with an anticipated start date of August 23, 2024. The ideal candidate will contribute to UConn's Logic Group and ECOM (Expression, Communication, and the Origins of Meaning). The teaching load is 2 courses per semester or a total of 4 courses each academic year. The successful candidate's academic appointment will be at the Storrs campus. Faculty may also be asked to teach at one of UConn's regional campuses as part of their ordinary workload. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
For more information, see or contact Keith Simmons at keith.simmons at -
Junior Research Fellowships in Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge (England)
Deadline: Tuesday 8 November 2016Research Fellowships, University of Cambridge, Magdalene College
Salary: £21,377 p.a. Closes: 8th November 2016
The Governing Body of Magdalene College expects to elect two stipendiary (Junior) Research Fellows with tenure for three years from 1 October 2017. (The Nevile Fellowship, endowed through the generosity of Trinity College, Cambridge, will be in the Sciences; the Lumley Fellowship, endowed through the generosity of H R L Lumley, will be in the Humanities). Applications are invited from graduates, from any university. Candidates should normally have completed two or three years of research and may have written a PhD dissertation. The current gross stipend (2016-17) for a Research Fellow is £21,377 p.a. (subject to annual cost of living award). A reduced scale of stipend will apply to Research Fellows who are full-time students.
The deadline for applications is noon GMT on Tuesday 8 November 2016.
For additional information and further details on how to apply please visit the Magdalene College website at
Magdalene College is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Magdalene College is a Registered Charity - Number 1137542
Applications must be received before 8 November, 2016
For more information, see -
Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellowship (tenure-track fellowships), Glasgow (Scotland)
Deadline: Sunday 13 November 2016The Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellowship Scheme will appoint up to 20 new, early career, academic staff members in areas of strategic priority. The scheme will help us to achieve our vision of becoming a leading international technological university. Fellowships will be for a period of 5 years - normally at Lecturer level - with the expectation that you'll have met the criteria for promotion to Senior Lecturer (or above) during the 5 year period. The closing date for applications is 13 November 2016.
For more information, see -
Postdoctoral position on "Ideological bias and ideological diversity in philosophy of science", Leuven (Belgium)
Deadline: Friday 6 January 2017The Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy at KU Leuven (Belgium) invites applications for one full-time postdoctoral position as part of a research project on "Ideological Bias and Ideological Diversity in Philosophy of Science" which is funded by a KU Leuven C1 grant (PI: Andreas De Block, co-supervisor: Lorenz Demey).
DURATION: 24 months (with an assessment after the first year) Starting date: ASAP
For more information, see or contact Andreas De Block at andreas.deblock at -
Research and teaching assistant position (PhD or Postdoc level) in Formal Methods and Theoretical Computer Science, University Koblenz-Landau (Germany)
Deadline: Friday 21 October 2016The department for Computer Science of the University Koblenz-Landau (Campus Koblenz) invites applications for the position of a research and teaching assistant (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterin, 1,0 EGr. 13 TV-L) at PhD or Postdoc level, in the research group ``Formal methods and theoretical computer science''(Prof. Dr. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans).
The position is available for 3 years; the teaching obligations are of 8h/week during the semesters. In addition to the teaching obligations there is the possibility of pursuing a PhD.
Applicants should have a MSc degree (or comparable University degree) in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline.Code number of position: 118/2016. Application letters (including a CV) must be sent by e-mail as a single .pdf file with specific reference to the position (118/2016) to Prof. Dr. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (E-Mail: sofronie at To receive full consideration, applications should be received by October 21, 2016. Applications sent after this date will also be considered until the position is filled.