View publication by year:
- CL-1993-01:
Noor van Leusen, László Kálmán
The Interpretation of Free Focus
1.Full Text.
- CL-1993-02:
Theo M.V. Janssen
An Algebraic View On Rosetta
1.Full Text.
- CL-1993-03:
Patrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent, Wilfried Meyer-Viol
Talking about Trees
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-01:
Marianne Kalsbeek
The Vanilla Meta-Interpreter for Definite Logic Programs and Ambivalent Syntax
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-02:
Sophie Fischer
A Note on the Complexity of Local Search Problems
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-03:
Johan van Benthem, Jan Bergstra
Logic of Transition Systems
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-04:
Karen L. Kwast, Sieger van Denneheuvel
The Meaning of Duplicates in the Relational Database Model
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-05:
Erik Aarts
Proving Theorems of the Lambek Calculus of Order 2 in Polynomial Time
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-06:
Krzysztof R. Apt
Declarative programming in Prolog
1.Full Text.
- CT-1993-07:
Janusz A. Pomykala
Approximation, Similarity and Rough Constructions, Part I. Elementary Introduction
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-01:
Martijn Spaan
Parallel Quantification
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-02:
Makoto Kanazawa
Dynamic Generalized Quantifiers and Monotonicity
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-03:
Nikolai Pankrat'ev
Completeness of the Lambek Calculus with respect to Relativized Relational Semantics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-04:
Jacques van Leeuwen
Identity, Quarrelling with an Unproblematic Notion
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-05:
Jaap van der Does
Sums and Quantifiers
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-06:
Paul Dekker
Updates in Dynamic Semantics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-07:
Wojciech Buszkowski
On the Equivalence of Lambek Categorial Grammars and Basic Categorial Grammars
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-08:
Zisheng Huang, Peter van Emde Boas
Information Acquisition from Multi-Agent resources; abstract
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-09:
Makoto Kanazawa
Completeness and Decidability of the Mixed Style of Inference with Composition
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-10:
Makoto Kanazawa
Weak vs. Strong Readings of Donkey Sentences and Monotonicity Inference in a Dynamic Setting
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-11:
Friederike Moltmann
Resumptive Quantifiers in Exception Sentences
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-12:
Jaap van der Does
On Complex Plural Noun Phrases
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-13:
Natasha Alechina
Binary Quantifiers and Relational Semantics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-14:
Mati Pentus
Lambek Calculus is L-complete
1.Full Text.
- LP-1993-15:
David Ian Beaver
What comes first in Dynamic Semantics
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-01:
Maciej Kandulski
Commutative Lambek Categorial Grammars
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-02:
Johan van Benthem, Natasha Alechina
Modal Quantification over Structured Domains
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-03:
Mati Pentus
The Conjoinablity Relation in Lambek Calculus and Linear Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-04:
Andreja Prijatelj
Bounded Contraction and Many-Valued Semantics
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-05:
Raymond Hoofman, Harold Schellinx
Models of the Untyped l-calculus in Semi Cartesian Closed Categories
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-06:
J. Zashev
Categorial Generalization of Algebraic Recursion Theory
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-07:
A.V. Chagrov, L.A. Chagrova
Algorithmic Problems Concerning First-Order Definability of Modal Formulas on the Class of All Finite Frames
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-08:
Raymond Hoofman, Ieke Moerdijk
Remarks on the Theory of Semi-Functors
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-09:
A.S. Troelstra
Natural Deduction for Intuitionistic Linear Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-10:
Vincent Danos, Jean-Baptiste Joinet, Harold Schellinx
The Structure of Exponentials: Uncovering the Dynamics of Linear Logic Proofs
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-11:
Lex Hendriks
Inventory of Fragments and Exact Models in Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-12:
V.Yu. Shavrukov
Remarks on Uniformly Finitely Precomplete Positive Equivalences
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-13:
V.Yu. Shavrukov
Undecidability in Diagonizable Algebras
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-14:
Dick de Jongh, Albert Visser
Embeddings of Heyting Algebras (superseded by ML-1995-06)
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-15:
G.K. Dzhaparidze
Effective Truth
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-16:
Maarten de Rijke
Correspondence Theory for Extended Modal Logics
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-17:
Alexander Chagrov, Michael Zakharyaschev
On the Independent Axiomatizability of Modal and Intermediate Logics
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-18:
Jaap van Oosten
Extensional Realizability
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-19:
Raymond Hoofman
Comparing Models of the Non-Extensional Typed l-Calculus
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-20:
L.A. Chagrova, Dick de Jongh
The Decidability of Dependency in Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-21:
Max I. Kanovich
The Relational Knowledge-Base Interpretation and Feasible Theorem Proving for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1993-22:
Andreja Prijatelj
Connectification for $n$-contraction
1.Full Text.
- X-1993-01:
- Paul Dekker Existential Disclosure (revised version of LP-1990-17)
- X-1993-02:
Maarten de Rijke
What is Modal Logic?
1.Full Text.
- X-1993-03:
Michiel Leezenberg
Gorani Influence on Central Kurdish: Substratum or Prestige Borrowing
1.Full Text.
- X-1993-04:
A.S. Troelstra (editor)
Metamathematical Investigation of Intuitionistic Arithmetic and Analysis, Corrections to the First Edition
1.Full Text.
- X-1993-05:
A.S. Troelstra (editor)
Metamathematical Investigation of Intuitionistic Arithmetic and Analysis, Second, corrected Edition
1.Full Text.
- X-1993-06:
Michael Zakharyashev
Canonical Formulas for K4. Part II: Cofinal Subframe Logics
1.Full Text.