View publication by year:
- MoL-2015-01:
- Jouke E. Witteveen Structural Parameterized Complexity
- MoL-2015-02:
- Ignas Vyšniauskas $\pi_{dist}$: Towards a Typed $\pi$-calculus for Distributed Programming Languages
- MoL-2015-03:
- Maša Močnik Slovenian Perfective and Imperfective Explicit Performative Utterances
- MoL-2015-04:
- Sanne Kosterman Learning in Games through Social Networks
- MoL-2015-05:
- Roosmarijn Goldbach Modelling Democratic Deliberation
- MoL-2015-06:
- Johannes Emerich Applying Types as Abstract Interpretation to a Language with Dynamic Dispatch
- MoL-2015-07:
- Babette Paping A game theoretic approach to cost allocation in the Dutch electricity grid
- MoL-2015-08:
- Jonathan Mallinson Modelling Syntactic and Semantic Tasks with Linguistically Enriched Recursive Neural Networks
- MoL-2015-09:
- Tingxiang Zou Filtered Order-partial Combinatory Algebras and Classical Realizability
- MoL-2015-10:
- Bill Noble All together now... This time with meaning: A hierarchical lexicon for semantic coordination
- MoL-2015-11:
- Moritz Bäumel 'On Certainty' and Formal Epistemology
- MoL-2015-12:
- Frank Feys Fourier Analysis for Social Choice
- MoL-2015-13:
- Lorenzo Galeotti Computable Analysis Over the Generalized Baire Space
- MoL-2015-14:
- Iris van de Pol How Difficult is it to Think that you Think that I Think that...? A DEL-based Computational-level Model of Theory of Mind and its Complexity
- MoL-2015-15:
- Fangzhou Zhai Toward Probabilistic Natural Logic for Syllogistic Reasoning
- MoL-2015-16:
- Pietro Pasotti Chisholm's Paradox in Action Deontic Logics
- MoL-2015-17:
- Kees van Berkel Kant's Logic in the Critique of Practical Reason
- MoL-2015-18:
- Frederik Möllerström Lauridsen One-Step Algebras and Frames for Modal and Intuitionistic Logics
- MoL-2015-19:
- Wouter P.J. Kroese When an Algorithm Cannot Help You Find a Wife: Modeling Two-Sided Matching Markets Using Stochastic Matching
- MoL-2015-20:
- Hanna Sofie van Lee The Reliability of Scientific Communities: a Logical Analysis
- MoL-2015-21:
- Konstantinos Gkikas Stable Beliefs and Conditional Probability Spaces
- MoL-2015-22:
- Michiel den Haan The Logic of Framing: The Framing Effect as a Non-Monotonic Decision Process of Path Dependence
- MoL-2015-23:
- Eileen Wagner Superplural Logic
- MoL-2015-24:
- Md. Shahidul Islam Limits of Argumentation: A Wittgensteinian Approach
- MoL-2015-25:
- Joost Vecht Categorical Structuralism and the Foundations of Mathematics
- MoL-2015-26:
- Suzanne van Wijk Coalitions in Epistemic Planning
- MoL-2015-27:
- Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval Learning Deductive Reasoning
- MoL-2015-28:
- Francesco Gavazzo Investigations into Linear Logic with Fixed-Point Operators
- MoL-2015-29:
- Maaike Annebeth Zwart Sheaf Models for Intuitionistic Non-Standard Arithmetic
- MoL-2015-30:
- Ko-Hung Kuan Coherence Preservation: A Threat to Probabilistic Measures of Coherence
- MoL-2015-31:
- Francesca Zaffora Blando From von Mises' Impossibility of a Gambling System to Probabilistic Martingales
- MoL-2015-32:
- Aldo Iván Ramírez Abarca Topological Models for Group Knowledge and Belief
- PP-2015-01:
- Johan van Benthem Talking about Knowledge
- PP-2015-02:
- Johan van Benthem, Fenrong Liu Deontic Logic and Preference Change
- PP-2015-03:
- Johan van Benthem Natural Language and Logic of Agency
- PP-2015-04:
- Hajnal Andréka, Johan van Benthem, Nick Bezhanishvili, István Németi Changing a Semantics: Opportunism or Courage?
- PP-2015-05:
- Johan van Benthem, Sonja Smets Dynamic Logics of Belief Change
- PP-2015-06:
- Johan van Benthem Those Who Must Do It: the Agency of Language
- PP-2015-07:
- Johan van Benthem, Fenrong Liu Where is Logic Going?
- PP-2015-08:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Julia Ilin Cofinal stable logics
- PP-2015-09:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Sumit Sourabh Sahlqvist preservation for topological fixed-point logic
- PP-2015-10:
- Johan van Benthem Oscillations, Logic, and Dynamical Systems
- PP-2015-11:
- Johan van Benthem Logic and Philosophy, a Sea of Stories
- PP-2015-12:
- Alexander C. Block, Benedikt Löwe Modal Logics and Multiverses
- PP-2015-13:
- Alexandru Baltag, Nina Gierasimczuk, Sonja Smets On the Solvability of Inductive Problems: A Study in Epistemic Topology
- PP-2015-14:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia, Silvio Ghilardi, Mamuka Jibladze Admissible bases via stable canonical rules
- PP-2015-15:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Joel Lucero-Bryan, Jan van Mill S4.3 and hereditarily extremally disconnected spaces
- PP-2015-16:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Nick Galatos, Luca Spada Canonical formulas for k-potent commutative, integral residuated lattices
- PP-2015-17:
- Johan van Benthem, Nick Bezhanishvili, Sebastian Enqvist, Junhua Yu Instantial neighbourhood logic
- PP-2015-18:
- Alexandru Baltag, Nick Bezhanishvili, Sonja Smets The topological theory of belief
- PP-2015-19:
- Johan van Benthem Minimal Deontic Logics
- PP-2015-20:
- Johan van Benthem Possible Worlds Semantics for Classical Logic
- PP-2015-21:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Silvio Ghilardi, Frederik Möllerström Lauridsen One-step Heyting algebras and hypersequent calculi with the bounded proof property
- PP-2015-22:
- Alexandru Baltag, Zoé Christoff, Rasmus K. Rendsvig, Sonja Smets Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Diffusion and Prediction in Social Networks
- PP-2015-23:
- Ulle Endriss, Ronald de Haan Complexity of the Winner Determination Problem in Judgment Aggregation: Kemeny, Slater, Tideman, Young
- PP-2015-24:
- Giovanni Ciná, Ulle Endriss A Syntactic Proof of Arrow's Theorem in a Modal Logic of Social Choice Functions
- PP-2015-25:
- Sharon Gieske, Elise van der Pol, Ulle Endriss Empirical Evaluation of Collective Rationality for Quota Rules in Judgment Aggregation
- PP-2016-40:
- Johan van Benthem Feeling the Rythms of a Field
- X-2015-01:
- Frederik Möllerström Lauridsen Bitopological Vietoris spaces and positive modal logic