Epistemology & Philosophy of Science (EPS)

Researchers in this unit focus on the use of computational models and analytic methods coming from logic, probability theory and game theory to address a number of topics in formal epistemology and in the methodology and philosophy of science broadly conceived.

Within epistemology, our team plays a leading role in the design and use of epistemic and doxastic logics, with highlights on dynamic interactive belief revision and applications of logic to opinion diffusion in social networks. The team’s study of rational agency draws connections to work on multi-agent systems in AI, as well as to investigations on the theory of mind in the cognitive sciences.

Within the methodology and philosophy of science, the team focuses on scientific explanation and methods applied to areas such as AI, Mathematics, Quantum Physics, Cognitive Science, Life Science and the Engineering Sciences. Core topics range from function modelling in the engineering sciences to models of responsible agency in philosophy of AI as well as a logic-based analysis of quantum information.

The unit is a key player in the newly developed area of computational philosophy, conceived in two manners: the application of data-driven, computational methods from AI in the investigation of the development of scientific ideas (concept drift), in particular ideas from logic and methodology, and methodological reflections on computational linguistics and natural language processing seeing as a new research domain in the philosophy of science.

Unit Leaders

Senior Staff


PhD Candidates

Guest Researchers

ILLC members connected to the unit by additional affiliation

For project grants associated with this project, see here.