Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.
- Past Events
- Calls for Paper
- Past Conferences
- MoL and PhD defenses
- Projects and Awards
- Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Open Positions at ILLC
- Open Positions, General
- Past appointments
- Miscellaneous
- Former Regular Events
Headlines Past Events
- 18 December 2002, Music & AI Colloquium, Taylan Cemgil
- 16-17 December 2002, Logic in Games and Multiagent Systems
- 13 December 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Albert Visser
- 13 December 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Ian Hodkinson
- 12 December 2002, DIP Colloquium, Katja Jasinskaja
- 11 December 2002, Logic Tea, Ron Rood, Vrije Universiteit
- 10 December 2002, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Sandro Etalle (Twente University)
- 6 December 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Claire Kouwenhoven, Jaap van Oosten
4 December 2002, Benelearn 2002: the
Twelfth Annual Dutch-Belgian Conference on Machine Learning, Utrecht, the Netherlands - 2 December 2002, Finite model property for guarded fragments, Ian Hodkinson
- 2-13 December 2002, Logic and Automated Reasoning Summer School
- 29 november 2002, Herfstsymposium 'Moderne Perspectieven op de Pioniers', Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
- 28 November 2002, GLLC
- 27-28 November 2002, Linguistic Corpora and Logic Based Grammar Formalisms
- 26 November 2002, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Marc Pauly
- 22 November 2002, Activating Epistemology, Vincent F. Hendericks
- 22 November 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann
- 20 November 2002, Logic Tea, Evan Goris, UvA
- 19 November 2002, Amsterdam-Utrecht Workshops
- 15 November 2002, DIP Colloquium, Hans-Martin Gärtner
- 15 November 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rosella Gennari
15 November 2002, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
(second session) - 12 November 2002, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Jesse Hughes
- 8 November 2002, DIP/LEGO Colloquium, Craige Roberts
- 8 November 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann
- 8 November 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rick Sommer
- 1 November 2002, DIP Colloquium, Gerhard Jäger
- 1 November 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann
- 31 October - 2 November 2002, Self-reference, PHILOG, Roskilde, Denmark
- 30 October 2002, Logic Tea, Catarina Dutilh-Novaes
- 29 October, ILLC Drinks
- 25 October 2002, LEGO Talks, Balder ten Cate
- 25 October 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Massimo Franceschet
- 25 October 2002, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
- 24 October 2002, Quantum computing and locally decodable codes, Ronald de Wolf
- 21-22 October 2002, BNAIC'02, Leuven (Belgium)
- 14-18 October 2002, OzsL Schoolweek, Amsterdam
14-18 October 2002, 9th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial
Reasoning (LPAR) 2002, Tbilisi, Georgia - 11 October 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Ameen Abu-Hanna
- 9 October 2002, Logic Tea, Sjoerd Druiven, ILLC
- 4 October 2002, DIP Colloquium, Willemijn Vermaat
- 27 September 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Menno van Zaanen
- 26 September 2002, Try Out, PILM Nancy, Theo Janssen, Joop Niekus
- 26 September 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Roy Bar-Haim
- 23-25 September 2002, 6th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Amsterdam
- 20 September 2002, DIP Colloquium, Martina Faller
- 20 September 2002, VvL themamiddag "Innovatie in het Logica Onderwijs, Zaal 031, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, Utrecht
- 12 September 2002, Annual ILLC Boat Trip
- Graduate course on the Theta System, Jan van Eijck, Tanya Reinhart
- 5-6 September 2002, Nederlands ICT-Kenniscongres, Nederlands Congres Centrum, Den Haag
- 4 September 2002, Logic Tea, Barteld Kooi
- 4 September 2002, GPiL Students Introduction Meeting
- 30 August 2002, Afscheidssymposium Jaco de Bakker, CWI, Turing Zaal Z011
- 26-29 August 2002, Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language, Pecs, Hungary
- 25-30 August 2002, Second International Summer School in Computational Logic, Basilicata, Italy
- 23 August 2002, PRIMES is in P, Troy Lee
- DIP Colloquium, canceled
- DIP Colloquium, canceled
- 9-11 August 2002, Colloquium Logicum, Münster (Germany)
- 5-16 August 2002, ESSLLI-2002 Student Session, Trento (Italy)
5-16 August 2002, ESSLLI 2002:
14th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Trento, Italy - 3-10 August 2002, Logic Colloquium '02 (ASL European Summer Meeting), Münster, Germany
- 25 July 2002, HyLo@LICS: 4th Workshop on Hybrid Logics, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 20 July - 1 August 2002, FLoC 2002: The Third Federated Logic Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 16 July 2002, lecture, Prashant Parikh
- 5 July 2002, Symposium on Relational Reasoning
- 29 June 2002, The Stanford Workshop on Mood and Modality
- 28 June 2002, DIP Colloquium, William Croft
- 28 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Michael Moortgat
- 28 June 2002, ILLC talks, Martin Otto
24-30 June, 2002,
North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
, Stanford, CA - 21 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Sjaak Verbeek
- 21 June 2002, Docentenbijeenkomst Logica voor informatici
- 20 June 2002, What is the world of mathematics?, Joachim Lambek
- 20 June 2002, Games in Logic, Language and Computation 6
- 17 June 2002, ILLC talks, Benedikt Loewe
- 14 June 2002, CABS-colloquium, Mathijs de Weerdt
- 14 June 2002, DIP Colloquium, Malte Zimmermann
- 14 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Lena Belitskaya and Samuel Driessen
- 7 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rob Mokken
- 7 June 2002, ILLC talks, Stefan Geschke
- 7 June 2002, ILLC talks, Wessel Kraaij
- 7 June 2002, ILLC talks, Khalil Sima'an
- 6 June 2002, Logic Tea, Paul Égré
- 5 June 2002, Information about the ABP-Pension Statement
- 31 May 2002, DIP Colloquium, Torsten Leuschner
- 31 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Antal van den Bosch
- 29 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Jerry Seligman
29 May - 4 June 2002, Course on Component-Based Design of Intelligent Multi-Agent
Systems, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - 27 May 2002, Dakje Is (^=), Jeremy Seligman
- 23 May 2002, Logic Tea, Frank Hindriks
- 17 May 2002, DIP Colloquium, Kristina Striegnitz
- 17 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Paola Merlo
- 14 May 2002, Workshop on analytic Philosophy of Action
- 3 May 2002, DIP Colloquium, Donka Farkas
- 3 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Lucian Galescu
- 2 May 2002, Logic Tea, Jan Willem Romeyn
- 2-4 May 2002, Dimensions in Epistemic Logic
- 27 April 2002, Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Per Martin-Löf
- 26 April 2002, CABS-colloquium, Nico Roos
- 26 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, CANCELED
- 24 April 2002, Dakje Is, Canceled
- 19 April 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Yde Venema
- 19 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Stefan Schlobach
12 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar (Double Session), Enrico Franconi /
Thom Frühwirth - 11 April 2002, Logic Tea, Balder ten Cate
10 April 2002, SIKS/Ontoweb Master Class, Peter Patel-Schneider
, Pat Hayes - 5 April 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Pieter Hofstra
- 4 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Maarten Marx
- 28 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Joao Marcos
- 26 March 2002, DIP Colloquium, Igor Boguslavsky
22 March 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Tim Fernando - 22 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Pieter Adriaans
- Computing with LLI Seminar, Canceled
- 15 March 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Lev Beklemishev
- 15 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rens Bod
- 15 March 2002, ILLC Double Talks, canceled
- 14 March 2002, Co-training in Text Classification, Stan Matwin
8 March 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Isabel Txurruka -
8 March 2002, Second Utrecht-Amsterdam Workshop,
Computational Tools for Linguistics - 1 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Detlef Prescher
- 28 February 2002, Constructivism, Anne Troelstra
- 26 february 2002, Gentzen in Gottingen, E.Menzler-Trott
22 February 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Jennifer Spenader - 22 February 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Thijs Westerveld
- 18 February 2002, First Seminar Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA)
- 15 February 2002, How Did Mathematical Ability Evolve, Keith Devlin
- 15 February 2002, Amsterdam Aachen Exchange on Logic and Games
- 15 February 2002, ILLC Double Talks, canceled
- 14 February 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Marco Aiello
13 February 2002, Farewell Meeting Kees Doets, Henk Barendregt, Dirk van Dalen, Krzysztof Apt, Johan van Benthem,
Theo Kuipers -
13 February 2002,
(Real) points for events, imperfect utility discrimination, etc.
Uwe Lueck -
8 February 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Paul Boersma - 8 February 2002, Computing with LLI seminar, Johan van Benthem
- Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, canceled
1 February 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic,
Troy Lee -
1 February 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Maarten de Rijke
and others -
25 January 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Tanya Reinhart -
25 January 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar,
Guus Schreiber - 18 January 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Verónica Becher
- 11 January 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Aart Middeldorp
- 11 January 2002, ILLC Double Talks, Maarten de Rijke, Henk Zeevat
11 January 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Kerstin Fischer
Headlines Calls for Paper
No Past Conferences
Headlines MoL and PhD defenses
- 20 December 2002, Master of Logic defense, Fabrice Nauze
- 12 December 2002, Master of Logic defense, Rajvinder Singh
- 2 December 2002, PhD defense, Rosella Gennari
- 28 November 2002, Master of Logic defense, Luciano Buratto
- 26 November 2002, PhD defense, Mirna Bognar
- 19 November 2002, Master of Logic defense, Marian Counihan
- 31 October 2002, Master of Logic defense, Mathieu Vidal
- 31 October 2002, Master of Logic defense, Bernadette Hernandez
- 9 October 2002, PhD defense, Wim van Dam
- 13 September 2002, PhD defense, Yuri Engelhardt
- 12 August 2002, Master of Logic defense, Seth Cable
- 6 August 2002, Master of Logic defense, John Duda
- 22 July 2002, Master of Logic defense, Willem Conradie
- 19 June 2002, PhD defense, Raffaella Bernardi
- 22 February 2002, PhD defense, Marco Aiello
- 25 January 2002, PhD defense, Nikos Massios
Headlines Projects and Awards
Headlines Funding, Grants and Competitions
Headlines Open Positions at ILLC
Headlines Open Positions, General
- Postdoc-fellowships Universiteit van Padua
Postdoc position, Faculty of Philosophy, University of
Groningen - Positions at Mitteleuropa Foundation
- Post-Doctoral Fellowships at EPDI
- Position in Computational Linguistics
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sydney for
"Logics of Knowledge and Belief" - Open Position at Auckland University
- Constraints
- Three Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Model Checking
Headlines Past appointments
- ILLC welcomes 15 new international Logic students
- New Program Manager at GPiL: Peter Paul de Witte
- New PhD student at ILLC: Troy Lee
- New PhD student at ILLC: Darrin Hindsill
- New PhD student at ILLC: Nick Bezhanishvili
- New secretary at ILLC-office Plantage Muidergracht: Tanja Kassenaar
- New PhD students at ILLC: Merlijn Sevenster and Sjoerd Druiven
- New PhD student: Clemens Kupke
Headlines Miscellaneous
- ASL Newsletter November 2002 available
- Information about newsletter for PHILOG
- ASL Newsletter September 2002 available
- ASL Newsletter April 2002 available
The course schedule for the 3rd trimester of the academic year
2001-2002 is available. -
Exemption Form for Formal Educational Requirements available
online for foreign PhD students - 3rd Trimester 2002, Introduction to the Proof Theory course
- ASL Newsletter January 2002 available
The course schedule for the 2nd trimester of the academic year
2001-2002 is available. -
10 January - 28 February 2002, Reasoning About Uncertainty II,
Professor Joe Halpern
No Former Regular Events
Past Events
18 December 2002, Music & AI Colloquium, Taylan Cemgil
Speaker: Taylan Cemgil (Nijmegen)Title: Probabilistic Methods for Music TranscriptionLocation: Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, room B235, AmsterdamAutomatic music transcription refers to extraction of a human readable and interpretable description from a recording of a musical performance. Traditional music notation is such a description that lists the pitch levels (notes) and corresponding timestamps. Such a representation would be useful in several applications such as interactive music performance, information retrieval (Music-IR) and content description of musical material in large music databases. In this talk, I will focus on a subproblem in music-ir, where I assume that exact timing information of notes is available, for example as a stream of MIDI events from a digital keyboard. I will present a probabilistic generative model for timing deviations in expressive music performance. The structure of the proposed model will turn out to be a switching state space model (switching Kalman filter). The switch variables correspond to discrete note locations as in a musical score. The continuous hidden variables denote the tempo.
Given the model, we can formulate two well known music recognition problems, namely tempo tracking and automatic transcription (rhythm quantization) as filtering and maximum a posteriori (MAP) state estimation tasks. Unfortunately, exact computation of posterior features such as the MAP state is intractable in this model class, so we resort to Monte Carlo methods for integration and optimization. I have compared Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (such as Gibbs sampling, simulated annealing and iterative improvement) and sequential Monte Carlo methods (particle filters). Simulation results suggest better results with sequential methods. The methods can be applied in both online and batch scenarios (such as tempo tracking and transcription) and are thus potentially useful in a number of music applications such as adaptive automatic accompaniment, score typesetting and music information retrieval.
16-17 December 2002, Logic in Games and Multiagent Systems
Location: Liverpool (UK)Deadline: 25 October 2002The symposium aims at bringing together researchers working at the intersection of logic, game theory and multiagent systems, in order to identify the key issues, problems, and techniques in the application of logic to games and multiagent systems. Conferences with a related subject area are LOFT, TARK, and LGS.
For more information, see
13 December 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Albert Visser
Speaker: Albert VisserTitle: Faith in FalsityLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
13 December 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Ian Hodkinson
Speaker: Ian Hodkinson
(IC London)Title: Monodic fragments of first-order temporal logicsLocation: Room G.018, Roeterseiland Complex, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 December 2002, DIP Colloquium, Katja Jasinskaja
Speaker: Katja Jasinskaja (University of Tübingen)Title: On Part-Whole Relations between Abstract ObjectsLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 December 2002, Logic Tea, Ron Rood, Vrije Universiteit
Speaker: Ron Rood, Vrije UniversiteitTitle: Language, logic, and knowledge in mathematicsLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamThe abstract of this talk can be found here or on The Logic Tea homepage at For further information please contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
10 December 2002, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Sandro Etalle (Twente University)
Speaker: Sandro Etalle (Twente University)Title: A constraint based system for the verification of security
protocols.Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
6 December 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Claire Kouwenhoven, Jaap van Oosten
Speaker: Claire Kouwenhoven, Jaap van Oosten (Utrecht)Title: Presentation of the paper <I>Primes is in P</I> by Agrawal, Kayal,
SaxenaLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
4 December 2002, Benelearn 2002: the
Twelfth Annual Dutch-Belgian Conference on Machine Learning, Utrecht, the NetherlandsLocation: Utrecht, the NetherlandsDeadline: 27 September 2002Benelearn is the annual machine learning conference of Belgium and The Netherlands. It serves as a forum for researchers in this field to exchange ideas and present recent work.
For more information, see
2 December 2002, Finite model property for guarded fragments, Ian Hodkinson
Speaker: Ian HodkinsonLocation: P.016, Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamAbstract:
Guarded fragments are in some sense `modal-style' fragments of first-order logic. Introduced by Andréka, van Benthem and Németi in 1997, they have become very popular. They share nice properties with modal logic, such as decidability with reasonable complexity. The finite model property for the basic guarded fragment was established by Erich Grädel in 1999. Since then, several more results for stronger fragments have been proved. The proofs use a combinatorial theorem of Herwig, and recently this theorem has been strengthened in joint work with Martin Otto, permitting a simpler proof that the loosely guarded and packed (or clique-guarded) fragments have the finite model property. I will outline some of the ideas and history of this area of research.For more information, contact Yde Venema (yde at
2-13 December 2002, Logic and Automated Reasoning Summer School
Location: The Australian National
University, Canberra, AustraliaThe Logic and Automated Reasoning Summer School comprises a blend of practical and theoretical short courses on aspects of pure and applied logic taught by international and Australian experts. The school provides a unique learning experience for all participants, backed up with state-of-the-art computational science facilities at the ANU.
For more information, see here or the website at, or contact the Convenor, Dr John Slaney, at lss-admin at
29 november 2002, Herfstsymposium 'Moderne Perspectieven op de Pioniers', Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamAlgemene Wetenschapsfilosofie en Filosofie van de Exacte Wetenschappen, Moderne Perspectieven op de PioniersDe Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetenschapsfilosofie, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logica, Evert Willem Beth Stichting en Stichting Wiener Kreis Archief organizeren een gezamenlijk herfstsymposium over Wetenschapsfilosofie en Logica: Moderne Perspectieven op de Pioniers.
Sprekers: Dirk van Dalen (Utrecht) over Brouwers anti-realisme en het wiskundig universum, Shahid Rahman (Lille) met 'Some reflections on the Vienna Circle program', Henk Visser (Maastricht) over Beth als wetenschapsfilosoof, en Michel ter Hark (Groningen) over Popper en de vroege cognitieve psychologie en pedagogie. Aan het eind volgt een discussie over de moderne relevantie van de pioniers voor het huidige interface van wetenschapsfilosofie en logica.
Voor meer information, see here or
28 November 2002, GLLC
Title: Seventh Workshop on Games in Logic, Language and ComputationLocation: Room P.017, Euclides building, Roeterseilandcomplex, AmsterdamThe informal workshop series "Games in Logic, Language and Computation" focuses on the application of game theory in linguistics, logic and computer science, as well as on the (logical) foundations of game theory. The seventh edition of the workshop on Games in Logic, Language and Computation (GLLC7) will be held on Thursday November 28, 2002.
For more information on the workshop, including schedule, abstracts and travel information, see
27-28 November 2002, Linguistic Corpora and Logic Based Grammar Formalisms
Location: Utrecht (27/11: Drift 21, Room 0.05 "Sweelinckzaal";
28/11: Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, Room: 0.23 "Curatorenkamer")The workshop brings together a number of research groups working on annotated corpora and their linguistic exploitation. The common emphasis is on semantically relevant, 'deep' annotation (in the form of dependency structures, type structures, ...) in addition to purely syntactic information. The annotation approach taken in the CGN (Spoken Dutch Corpus) project is compared with that of the visiting groups.
The workshop is supported by CoLogNet and LOT/OTS.For more information, see
26 November 2002, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Marc Pauly
Speaker: Marc Pauly (Liverpool)Title: Towards the Formal Verification of Social MechanismsLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
For more information, see here . -
22 November 2002, Activating Epistemology, Vincent F. Hendericks
Speaker: Vincent F. HendericksLocation: Room P.016, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or Vincent Hendericks' page at
22 November 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann
Speaker: Andreas Weiermann (University of Münster)Title: Refining independence results for PA via analytic number theory
(third session)Location: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).Andreas Weiermann starts a mini-course of three lectures, which will take place on Friday afternoons, on November 1, November 8, and November 22.
For abstracts and more information, see
20 November 2002, Logic Tea, Evan Goris, UvA
Speaker: Evan Goris, UvATitle: Extending ILM by means of a $\Sigma_1$ predicateLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information please contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
19 November 2002, Amsterdam-Utrecht Workshops
Title: Meaning and IntonationLocation: Sweelinckzaal, Drift 21, UtrechtOn Tuesday November 19, 2002, there will be an Amsterdam-Utrecht workshop entitled "Meaning and Intonation". Everyone is welcome.
For more information, see here or
15 November 2002, DIP Colloquium, Hans-Martin Gärtner
Speaker: Hans-Martin Gärtner (ZAS, Berlin)Title: On the force of v2-declaratives and modal subordinationLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 November 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rosella Gennari
Speaker: Rosella Gennari
(Amsterdam)Title: Constraint Propagation and Diamond SatisfactionLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 November 2002, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
(second session)Location: MünsterIn 2002/2003 a joint Compact Seminar on Provability Algebras is organized by L. Beklemishev and W. Pohlers. Altogether, four sessions, alternating in Utrecht (Department of Philosophy) and in Münster (Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundations Research), will take place.
Graded provability algebras (GPA) are modal algebras developed to provide an abstract algebraic approach to proof-theoretic analysis. This subject brings together traditional methods of proof theory and methods developed in provability logic.
For more information, see here, or contact Lev Beklimishev at lev at
12 November 2002, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Jesse Hughes
Speaker: Jesse Hughes (KUN)Title: The Coinductive Approach to Verifying Cryptographic ProtocolsLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
For more information, see here . -
8 November 2002, DIP/LEGO Colloquium, Craige Roberts
Speaker: Craige Roberts (Ohio State University)Title: Questions and Information StructureLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
8 November 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann
Speaker: Andreas Weiermann (University of Münster)Title: Refining independence results for PA via analytic number theory
(second session)Location: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).Andreas Weiermann starts a mini-course of three lectures, which will take place on Friday afternoons, on November 1, November 8, and November 22.
For abstracts and more information, see
8 November 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rick Sommer
Speaker: Rick Sommer
(EPGY Stanford)Title: Theorem-Proving Environment for Undergraduate MathematicsLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
1 November 2002, DIP Colloquium, Gerhard Jäger
Speaker: Gerhard Jäger (Berlin/Potsdam)Title: Learning, evolution, and functional optimality theoryLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
1 November 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann
Speaker: Andreas Weiermann (University of Münster)Title: Refining independence results for PA via analytic number theory
(first session)Location: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).Andreas Weiermann starts a mini-course of three lectures, which will take place on Friday afternoons, on November 1, November 8, and November 22.
For abstracts and more information, see
31 October - 2 November 2002, Self-reference, PHILOG, Roskilde, Denmark
Location: PHILOG, Roskilde, DenmarkCosts: Free registrationPHILOG - The Danish Network for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications, is organizing a conference on self-reference. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, and computer science to present theories of and related to self-reference - especially pertaining to theories that explain and resolve the above paradoxes and thereby advance new theories for the involved fields.
All lectures will be of such a nature that they can be followed by students and scholars of philosophy, computer science, linguistics etc. without deep professional training in epistemic logic but provided with general knowledge of foundational issues.
For more information, see here or the PHILOG website at
30 October 2002, Logic Tea, Catarina Dutilh-Novaes
Speaker: Catarina Dutilh-Novaes (Leyden University)Title: Medieval Obligations as Logical GamesLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information you can also contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
29 October, ILLC Drinks
Location: 3rd Floor, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamTuesday 29 October the ILLC has the honour to host a so-called site visit by the dean and directors of the Faculty of Science. The major part of this visit is devoted to a discussion of various scientific and administrative issues. At the end of the afsternoon there will be a reception, for which you are all kindly invited. Drinks and snacks will be served at the third floor of the Euclides building (Plantage Muidergracht 24) from 17.30-18.00.
25 October 2002, LEGO Talks, Balder ten Cate
Speaker: Balder ten CateTitle: Interpolation in Hybrid LogicLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamComing Friday, October 25, LEGO will feature Balder ten Cate with a try-out talk for a conference in London (KCL)
For more information, see here.
25 October 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Massimo Franceschet
Speaker: Massimo Franceschet
(Amsterdam)Title: Model checking methods and tools for hybrid logicsLocation: Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
25 October 2002, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
Location: UtrechtIn 2002/2003 a joint Compact Seminar on Provability Algebras is organized by L. Beklemishev and W. Pohlers. Altogether, four sessions, alternating in Utrecht (Department of Philosophy) and in Münster (Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundations Research), will take place.
Graded provability algebras (GPA) are modal algebras developed to provide an abstract algebraic approach to proof-theoretic analysis. This subject brings together traditional methods of proof theory and methods developed in provability logic.
For more information, see here, or contact Lev Beklimishev at lev at
24 October 2002, Quantum computing and locally decodable codes, Ronald de Wolf
Speaker: Ronald de Wolf (CWI)Location: CWI portacabins downstairs seminar room (C001)A locally decodable code is an error-correcting code (encoding an n-bit x in m-bit codeword C(x)) that allows one to recover any bit x_i from a corrupted version of C(x) while querying only a few positions in the corrupted codeword. We use a quantum argument to prove that 2-query LDCs need exponential length. Previously this was known only for linear codes (Goldreich et al 02).
Our proof shows that a 2-query LDC can be decoded with only 1 quantum query, and then proves an exponential lower bound for such 1-query locally quantum-decodable codes. We also show that q quantum queries allow more succinct LDCs than the best known LDCs with q classical queries. Finally, we give new classical lower bounds and quantum upper bounds for the setting of private information retrieval. In particular, we exhibit a quantum 2-server PIR scheme with O(n^{0.3}) qubits of communication, beating the O(n^{1/3})communication of the best known classical 2-server PIR. This is joint work with Iordanis Kerenidis (UC Berkeley).
The paper is available at For more information, see
21-22 October 2002, BNAIC'02, Leuven (Belgium)
Location: Leuven (Belgium)Deadline: 31 May 2002The 14th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'02) is organised by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Université Libre de Bruxelles in collaboration with PharmaDM and under the auspices of BNVKI/AIABN (the Belgian- Dutch Association for Artificial Intelligence), SIKS (School for Information and Knowledge Systems), and SNN (the Foundation for Neural Networks).
BNAIC'02 will be held on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 in the Faculty Club, Groot Begijnhof, Leuven, Belgium. It will be collocated with a study day on bio-informatics, to be held on Wednesday 23 October. This collocation aims to promote interaction between researchers in AI and bio-informatics. BNAIC-papers addressing bio-informatics topics will be offered a poster at the bio-informatics event.
A call for papers is out now. Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2002
For more information, see
14-18 October 2002, OzsL Schoolweek, Amsterdam
Location: AmsterdamThe OzsL Schoolweek/Accolade 2002 takes place from October 14--18 in Amsterdam. This years' Schoolweek offers four excellent master's courses. Experts in the field present exiting material, both foundational and applied. The level varies from introductions to advanced courses. The Accolade conferences bring together the Dutch logic community and provide an up-to-date overview of the projects carried out within the school.
For more information, see, or contact the OzsL Buro at ozsl at
For more information, see here . -
14-18 October 2002, 9th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial
Reasoning (LPAR) 2002, Tbilisi, GeorgiaLocation: Tbilisi, GeorgiaDeadline: 10 June 2002For more information and a CFP, see
11 October 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Ameen Abu-Hanna
Speaker: Ameen Abu-Hanna
(AMC Amsterdam)Title: When Logic, Machine Learning, and Statistics meet MedicineLocation: Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
9 October 2002, Logic Tea, Sjoerd Druiven, ILLC
Speaker: Sjoerd Druiven, ILLCTitle: Knowledge Development in Games of Imperfect InformationLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information you can also contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
4 October 2002, DIP Colloquium, Willemijn Vermaat
Speaker: Willemijn Vermaat (Utrecht)Title: A computational perspective on displacement phenomenaLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
27 September 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Menno van Zaanen
Speaker: Menno van Zaanen
(Amsterdam)Title: Alignment-Based Learning of MusicLocation: Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26 September 2002, Try Out, PILM Nancy, Theo Janssen, Joop Niekus
Speaker: Theo Janssen Joop NiekusLocation: room G 202, Nwe prinsengracht 130, RoeterseilandTheo Janssen and Joop Niekus like to invite you to come to see the tryout of their talks for the International Symposium on Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics:
Joop Niekus: Individual Choice Sequences in the Work of L.E.J. Brouwer
Theo Janssen: Basic properties of IF Logic
For abstracts and more information, see here.
26 September 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Roy Bar-Haim
Speaker: Roy Bar-Haim
(Technion, Haifa)Title: Corpus-Based Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of HebrewLocation: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
23-25 September 2002, 6th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Amsterdam
Location: AmsterdamDeadline: 19 April 2002ICGI-2002 is the sixth in a series of successful biennial international conferences on the area of grammatical inference. Grammatical inference has been extensively addressed by researchers in information theory, automata theory, language acquisition, computational linguistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational learning theory and neural networks. This colloquium aims at bringing together researchers in these fields. Previous editions of this meeting were held in Essex, U.K.; Alicante, Spain; Montpellier, France; Ames, Iowa, USA; and Lisbon, Portugal.
Submission of manuscripts: April 19, 2002
Notification of acceptance: May 27th, 2002
Final version of manuscript: June 28th, 2002
For more information, see
20 September 2002, DIP Colloquium, Martina Faller
Speaker: Martina Faller (MPI, Nijmegen)Title: Pragmatic aspects of evidentialityLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
20 September 2002, VvL themamiddag "Innovatie in het Logica Onderwijs, Zaal 031, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, Utrecht
Location: Zaal 031, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, UtrechtDe Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen (VvL) nodigt u hierbij uit voor een VvL themamiddag over Innovatie in het Logica Onderwijs. Deze gebeurtenis vindt plaats op vrijdag 20 september 2002 in zaal 031, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, Utrecht. (Let op: gewijzigde locatie!) Kromme Nieuwegracht 80 bevindt zich vlak bij de Dom, op tien minuten loopafstand van Utrecht CS.
Voorlopig programma:
12.00-14.00 Broodjeslunch annex VvL ledenvergadering.
14.00-14.30 Jan van Eijck en Jan Jaspars, `Denkende Machines'.
14.30-15.00 Elias Thijsse, 'Het Voor en Tegen van Logica Onderwijssoftware'.
15.00-15.15 pauze
15.15-15.45 Nico Roos, `The Epistemic Model Checker' (met demo).
15.45-16.15 Michael Moortgat en Willemijn Vermaat, `Software voor Taalkunde Onderwijs' (met demo).
16.15 Gelegenheid voor andere demonstraties.
Hierna afsluiting met een borrel.Alle belangstellenden zijn van harte welkom. De toegang is gratis. De broodjeslunch wordt u aangeboden door de VvL. In verband met de catering is de lunch echter alleen beschikbaar voor wie zich minstens een week tevoren heeft opgegeven door middel van een email aan ondergetekende, op email adres jve at
De voorlopige agenda De voorlopige agenda voor de ledenvergadering is als volgt:
* Opening
* Kort verslag van de stand van zaken door het bestuur
* Kasoverzicht
* Voorstel voor bestuurswijziging
* VvL voorstel voor nieuwe activiteiten, met voorlopig keuze uitL:
-Logica en spel
-Argumentatie en AI
-Robots en redeneren
* Wat verder ter tafel komt.Belangstellenden voor het geven van een demo: neem even contact op.
12 September 2002, Annual ILLC Boat Trip
Location: Plantage Muidergracht 24 (gather at front desk)To welcome our new international Logic students, ILLC organizes its annual boat trip on Thursday September 12. The boat leaves from the back side of the Euclides Building, and will return there a few hours later. Drinks and snacks are served on board.
Graduate course on the Theta System, Jan van Eijck, Tanya Reinhart
Speaker: Jan van Eijck Tanya ReinhartLocation: Room 131, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, UtrechtThe theoretical framework of this course is the Theta System, as developed by Reinhart the last few years. The Theta system (what has been labelled in Chomsky's Principles and Parameters framework 'Theta theory') is a system enabling the interface between the systems of concepts and the computational system syntax (and, via the syntactic representations, with the semantic inference systems).
The first part (block) of the course is designed as intensive introduction to the basics of the system as explained below. In the second part we hope to go in depth into some new problems that are not satisfactorily solved yet. Along with theoretical research, a further goal of the course is implementation of the system using parsing tools developed by Van Eijck.
For more information, see here or contact Jan van Eijck (jve at or Tanya Reinhart (tanya.reinhart at
5-6 September 2002, Nederlands ICT-Kenniscongres, Nederlands Congres Centrum, Den Haag
Location: Nederlands Congres Centrum, Den HaagDit evenement geeft d.m.v. lezingen en demonstraties een overzicht van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de ICT wereld. Onderzoek op het gebied van de ICT en innovatieve toepassing van de onderzoeksresultaten staan tijdens het congres centraal.
For more information, see
4 September 2002, Logic Tea, Barteld Kooi
Speaker: Barteld Kooi (Groningen)Title: Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic LogicLocation: Room t.b.a., Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
4 September 2002, GPiL Students Introduction Meeting
Location: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamWe are happy to invite you to an introductory meeting for new participants in the Graduate Program in Logic, where you can get to know one another, meet the staff members, and receive some practical information about the workings and rules of our institute. As part of this meeting we included the Logic Tea, a lecture series which we are certain will be of interest, and which gives you a chance to meet other ILLC members. Afterwards drinks and snacks will be served in the University Pub.
For more information, see here. We hope to see you!
30 August 2002, Afscheidssymposium Jaco de Bakker, CWI, Turing Zaal Z011
Location: CWI, Turing Zaal Z011Op 1 juli j.l. heeft Jaco de Bakker het CWI verlaten, waarmee een einde is gekomen aan een wetenschappelijke loopbaan van bijna veertig jaar, die met zijn aanstelling in 1964 bij de Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, de voorloper van het CWI, begon.
Ter gelegenheid van Jaco's afscheid wordt er een symposium ter zijner ere gehouden. Het programma zal bestaan uit lezingen van de volgende sprekers:
Jan Bergstra (UvA, UU)
Paul klint (CWI, UvA)
Joost Kok (UL)
Gerard van Oortmerssen (CWI)
Jan Rutten (CWI, VU)
John Tucker (University of Wales Swansea)en zal worden afgesloten met een borrel.
26-29 August 2002, Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language, Pecs, Hungary
Location: Pecs, HungaryThe Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language will be held in Pécs from 26th to 29th of August, 2002. Special themes are:
1. Logic and Computation - Internal Information Increase
2. Syntax and Semantics - Word Order, Intonation and InterpretationInvited speakers include L. Kalman, T. Reinhart, and J. van Eijck. Tutorials will be offred by T. Reinhart and K. Szendroi (Syntax-Semantics Interface) and J. van Eijck (Semantics); a third tutorial on information structure also is planned.
For more information, see
25-30 August 2002, Second International Summer School in Computational Logic, Basilicata, Italy
Location: Basilicata, ItalyDeadline: 15 May 2002The School is aimed at graduate students as well as other interested researchers, both from university and from industry. It will consist of several lectures on different aspects of CL; covering both the theoretical framework and relevant practical perspectives. Each lecture will provide the basic notions of its topic before proceeding to more advanced issues. Final exams in the topics studied will be available to participants on request.
Deadline for early registration: 15 May 2002
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
23 August 2002, PRIMES is in P, Troy Lee
Speaker: Troy LeeLocation: CWI, Kruislaan 413, room M279Abstract:
We shall present the remarkable proof [Agarwal-Kayal-Saxena '02] that $PRIMALITY \in P$
For more information, contact Hein Roehrig (roehrig at
DIP Colloquium, canceled
Speaker: canceled -
DIP Colloquium, canceled
Speaker: canceledFor abstracts and more information, see
9-11 August 2002, Colloquium Logicum, Münster (Germany)
Location: Münster (Germany)This event, a satellite meeting of Logic Colloquium 2002,is also the biannual meeting of the German Logic Society (DVMLG). Invited speakers include: T. Arai, J. Bagaria, A. Nies, M. Otto, C. Parsons, A. Pillay, M. Rathjen, and J. van Benthem.
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
5-16 August 2002, ESSLLI-2002 Student Session, Trento (Italy)
Location: Trento (Italy)Deadline: 25 February 2002For more information, see
5-16 August 2002, ESSLLI 2002:
14th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Trento, ItalyLocation: Trento, ItalyThe ESSLLI Summer Schools are organised under the auspices of FoLLI, the European Association for Logic, Language and Information.
The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students, researchers and IT professionals interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information.
In previous editions of ESSLLI the courses covered a wide variety of topics within six areas of interest: Logic, Computation, Language, Logic and Computation, Computation and Language, Language and Logic. The novelty of the 14th edition is the special emphasis on the interface between the basic areas (Logic, Language, and Computation). So, this edition offers about 50 courses, organised into three interdisciplinary areas (Language & Computation, Language & Logic, and Logic & Computation), at a variety of levels (foundational, introductory, advanced), as well as a number of workshops.
Deadline for registration: 30 June 2002. Early registration closes on 15 May 2002.
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
3-10 August 2002, Logic Colloquium '02 (ASL European Summer Meeting), Münster, Germany
Location: Münster, GermanyDeadline: 1 May 2002The ASL makes available modest travel grants to graduate students in logic and recent Ph.D's: the deadline for applications is be April 1st, 2002. For more information
, a call for abstracts and a pre-registration form, please visit the meeting website at -
25 July 2002, HyLo@LICS: 4th Workshop on Hybrid Logics, Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 26 April 2002Hybrid logic is a branch of modal logic in which it is possible to directly refer to worlds/times/states or whatever the elements of the (Kripke) model are meant to represent. Although they date back to the late 1960s, and have been sporadically investigated ever since, it is only in the 1990s that work on them really got into its stride.
HyLo@LICS is likely to be relevant to a wide range of people, including those interested in description logic, feature logic, applied modal logics, temporal logic, and labelled deduction. In this workshop we hope to bring together researchers from all the different fields just mentioned (and hopefully some others) in an attempt to explore what they all have (and do not have) in common.
The full text of this announcement can be found at here, or on the Hybrid Logics homepage at
20 July - 1 August 2002, FLoC 2002: The Third Federated Logic Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkIn 1996, as part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS hosted the first Federated Logic Conference (FLoC). It was modeled after the successful Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC), and synergetically brought together conferences that apply logic to computer science.
The third Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'02) will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July 2002, jointly hosted jointly by the IT University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen. The conference will be held at the University of Copenhagen.
The following conferences, as well as a large number of workshops, will participate in FLoC.
- Conference on Automated Deduction (July 27-30)
- Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (July 27-31)
- Formal Methods Europe (July 22-24)
- International Conference on Logic Programming (July 29th - August 1st)
- IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) (July 22-25)
- Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (July 22-24)
- Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (July 30th - August 1st)
Deadline for early registration: 15 June 2002
For more information, an online registration form and preliminary programs, see
16 July 2002, lecture, Prashant Parikh
Speaker: Prashant Parikh -
5 July 2002, Symposium on Relational Reasoning
Location: Technical University Eindhoven, Traverse,
van Trierzaal13.45 - 14.45 Rudolf Berghammer (Kiel), Computer-aided development of relational programs
14.45 - 15.15 Tool demonstration of Relview by Rudolf Berghammer
15.15 - 15.45 break
15.45 - 16.45 Jan Rauch (Prague), GUHA; relational datamining
16.45 - 17.15 Tool demonstration of GUHA by Jan Rauch
For more information, see the detailed program at here, or contact Prof.dr. Swart, H.C.M.deSwart at
29 June 2002, The Stanford Workshop on Mood and Modality
Location: Room 050, Building 420, Stanford UniversityOrganized by Cleo Condoravdi and Stefan Kaufmann. For more information, see here.
28 June 2002, DIP Colloquium, William Croft
Speaker: William Croft (University of Manchester)Title: An evolutionary framework for understanding language (change)Location: Room 004, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Michael Moortgat
Speaker: Michael Moortgat
(Utrecht)Title: Grammatical constants and structural variationLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 June 2002, ILLC talks, Martin Otto
Speaker: Martin Otto (Swansea)Title: Bisimilar Covers and Finite Model TheoryLocation: P0.16, Euclides-buildingAbstract:
Many model theoretic arguments for modal logics rely on bisimulation invariance which can be used to prepare nice tree-like models. The resulting tree model property of modal logics plays a major part in the usefulness and good algorithmic behaviour of modal logics. Tree models are in fact quite simply obtained as bisimilar unravellings of any given models. As bisimilar unravellings are typically infinite, however, they are not suited to the context of finite model theory. Instead, one needs other nice and manageable bisimilar companion structures that can be kept finite.
In this talk I shall discuss such constructions (and related open problems) primarily with applications to semantic characterisation theorems. Other applications, in particular also related to guarded logics, provide links with extension properties for partial isomorphisms and the finite model property of guarded logics. At the methodological level, these issues serve to illustrate the power of logic games in the model theoretic study of semantic invariances that go hand in hand with corresponding model constructions and model transformations.
24-30 June, 2002,
North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
, Stanford, CALocation: Stanford, CADeadline: 15 March 2002The first North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI) will take place at Stanford University from the 24th to the 30th of June. It will be followed by the eleventh Logic, Language, and Computation Colloquium (LLC) at CSLI, the program of which will be integrated with the school.
The thematic focus of NASSLLI is modeled on that of its European sister event, ESSLLI. As it is customary with schools of this nature, the classes will run from foundational and introductory to advanced. Each lecturer will give a set of five one hour lectures on a topic suitable for a broad audience interested in the interface of logic, language, and computation.
For more information, see or contact Darko Sarenac at sarenac at
21 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Sjaak Verbeek
Speaker: Sjaak Verbeek
(Amsterdam)Title: A generative model for the Self-Organizing MapLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
21 June 2002, Docentenbijeenkomst Logica voor informatici
Location: Vondellaan 202, Utrecht.On Friday June 21st, Josje Lodder (OU) and Hans van Ditmarsch (Otago) organize a teacher's conference to gather input for the upcoming revision of the book 'Logica voor Informatici' (Johan van Benthem et al.).
For more information, see the (dutch) invitation at here. Participants are requested to register beforehand with Josje Lodder, josje.lodder at
20 June 2002, What is the world of mathematics?, Joachim Lambek
Speaker: Joachim LambekLocation: De Uithof, Centrum-Gebouw Zuid, Room F119, UtrechtAbstract:
It may be argued that the language of mathematics is {\it about the} category of sets, although the definite article requires some justification. As possible worlds of mathematics we may admit all models of type theory, by which we mean all {\it local toposes}. For an intuitionist, there is a distinguished local topos, namely the so-called {\it free topos}, which may be constructed as the Tarski-Lindenbaum category of intuitionistic type theory. However, for a classical mathematician, to pick a distinguished model may be as difficult as to define the notion of truth in classical type theory, which Tarski has shown to be impossible.This event is coordinated with the Sixth Workshop on Games in Logic, Language and Computation, which will take place at the same location on the same date. For more information, see .
20 June 2002, Games in Logic, Language and Computation 6
Location: De Uithof, Centrum-Gebouw Zuid, Room F119, UtrechtCosts: FreeThe sixth edition of the workshop on Games in Logic, Language and Computation (GLLC6) will be held on Thursday June 20, 2002, in De Uithof, Utrecht.
The informal workshop series "Games in Logic, Language and Computation" focuses on the application of game theory in linguistics, logic and computer science, as well as on the (logical) foundations of game theory. Earlier meetings have taken place in Amsterdam, Nunspeet and Groningen.
For more information, see
17 June 2002, ILLC talks, Benedikt Loewe
Speaker: Benedikt Loewe (Bonn)Title: Transfinite Iterative ConstructionsLocation: P.016, Euclides-buildingFor an abstract, see here
14 June 2002, CABS-colloquium, Mathijs de Weerdt
Speaker: Mathijs de WeerdtTitle: Coordinated Planning in Multi-Agent SystemsLocation: Faculteit ITS, Mekelweg 4, DelftAn abstract can be found at here. For more information, contact Cees Witteveen, witt at
14 June 2002, DIP Colloquium, Malte Zimmermann
Speaker: Malte Zimmermann (University of Amsterdam)Title: A compositional analysis of anti-quantifiers as quantifiersLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
14 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Lena Belitskaya and Samuel Driessen
Speaker: Lena Belitskaya and Samuel Driessen
(Océ-Research)Title: Language Analysis and Understanding Group at Océ-ResearchLocation: Room B2.40, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
7 June 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rob Mokken
Speaker: Rob Mokken
(Amsterdam)Title: Unsupervised feature detection on high-dimensional dataLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
7 June 2002, ILLC talks, Stefan Geschke
Speaker: Stefan Geschke (Berlin)Title: Forcing, Elementary Substructures, and a New AxiomLocation: Diamantslijperij, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, room NP.101For an abstract, see here
7 June 2002, ILLC talks, Wessel Kraaij
Speaker: Wessel Kraaij (TNO Delft)Title: Embedding Web-based Statistical Translation Models in Cross-Language
Information RetrievalLocation: Diamantslijperij, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, room NP.101Abstract:
Although Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is available for more and more language pairs, based on MT services, many languages are still not covered. An attractive alternative is to construct translation models based on parallel corpora mined from the web. Since these corpora are noisy, embedding translation models in the retrieval model is not without problems. However, experiments showed that retrieval effectiveness can surpass MT systems in a CLIR evaluation task. -
7 June 2002, ILLC talks, Khalil Sima'an
Speaker: Khalil Sima'anTitle: Probabilistic Models of Natural Language Processing:
Empirical Validity and Technological ProspectsLocation: Diamantslijperij, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, room NP.101 -
6 June 2002, Logic Tea, Paul Égré
Speaker: Paul ÉgréTitle: The Knower Paradox in the Light of Provability Interpretations of
Modal LogicLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamIn this talk I offer to discuss more closely the links between the Knower Paradox and provability interpretations of modal logic. First, I bring together and compare the respective strength of several inconsistency results respectively involving truth predicates, provability predicates, up to knowledge and belief predicates. In a second part, I examine how provability interpretations of modal logic enable to bypass the limitations imposed by the Knower and related results. The discussion rests more specifically on an examination of the distinct treatments elaborated by B. Skyrms (1978), C.A. Anderson (1983), and R. Solovay (1976). imposed by the Knower and related results.
The Logic Tea homepage can be found at
5 June 2002, Information about the ABP-Pension Statement
Location: room A-B, Roeterstraat 15Target audience: English-speaking employees of the UvAEach year the employees of the University of Amsterdam receive from the ABP their Pension Statement. The last two years the ABP has, on request of the Board of the UvA, given some workshops to the UvA-employees in order to explain the Pension Statement. This year the ABP will give the workshop in English. All UvA-employees are free to come.
In extension to the earlier given workshops in Dutch there will be special attention to pension transfer from abroad to the Netherlands and vice versa, to surrender of your pension, to the AOW-benefits and to the possibilities for insurance considering IP (disability pension) and ANW (survivor pension).
For more information, or requests for points to be addressed in the workshop, please send an email to stjon at
31 May 2002, DIP Colloquium, Torsten Leuschner
Speaker: Torsten Leuschner (Universiteit Gent)Title: How Subordination Emerges from Discourse: The Case of Concessive
Conditionals ... RevisitedLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
31 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Antal van den Bosch
Speaker: Antal van den Bosch
(Tilburg)Title: Unravelling the intermediate representation myth in naturalLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
29 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Jerry Seligman
Speaker: Jerry Seligman
(Auckland)Title: The scope of Turing's analysis of effective proceduresLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
29 May - 4 June 2002, Course on Component-Based Design of Intelligent Multi-Agent
Systems, Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamLocation: Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamIn this 5-day course, the basic concepts and characteristics of agent systems will be addressed, and a systematic component-based design methodology for agent systems will be presented. The course consists of both lectures and practical work.
Course material and instructions are in English.
If you would like to participate in this course, please send in a registration form before April 27th, 2002.
For more information, see
27 May 2002, Dakje Is (^=), Jeremy Seligman
Speaker: Jeremy SeligmanTitle: The algorithmic basis of scientific modellingLocation: OMHP D118 CThe use in science of sophisticated, complex models is widespread and yet the epistemology of science has focussed mostly on the relationship between theory and observation, to the neglect of modelling. Recent discussions of models have emphasised their autonomy and questioned the ability of previous epistemological views to account for their place in scientific practice. In this talk, I propose that we regard models as computational devices and then use algorithmic information theory to account for their use and their relationship to theory. The adoption of this perspective adds a twist to some familiar topics in the philosophy of science such as the distinction between realism and instrumentalism.
For more information on Jeremy, see
23 May 2002, Logic Tea, Frank Hindriks
Speaker: Frank Hindriks (Erasmus University)Title: Response Dependence: a Modest Solution to the Problem of
Rule-FollowingLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
17 May 2002, DIP Colloquium, Kristina Striegnitz
Speaker: Kristina Striegnitz (Saarbrücken)Title: Constructing Invisible BridgesLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
17 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Paola Merlo
Speaker: Paola Merlo
(Geneva)Title: A multilingual paradigm for automatic verb classificationLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
14 May 2002, Workshop on analytic Philosophy of Action
Location: Tilburg UniversityTilburg University's Dept. of Philosophy organizes a Workshop on analytic Philosophy of Action. The workshop will focus on Intentions and Akratic Actions. Key Speaker: Alfred Mele (University of Florida).
For more information, see or mail to: Filip Buekens (f.a.i.buekens at
3 May 2002, DIP Colloquium, Donka Farkas
Speaker: Donka Farkas (Santa Cruz)Title: Varieties of IndefinitesLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
3 May 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Lucian Galescu
Speaker: Lucian Galescu
(Rochester)Title: Sub-lexical language models for unlimited vocabulary speech recognitionLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
2 May 2002, Logic Tea, Jan Willem Romeyn
Speaker: Jan Willem Romeyn (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)Title: Induction and Bayesian UpdatingLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
2-4 May 2002, Dimensions in Epistemic Logic
Location: University of Roskilde, Roskilde, DenmarkThis conference is the first event sponsored by PHILOG, The Danish Network for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications. Its goals are: (1) to track the history and development of epistemic logic from Hintikka's first formulations to its contemporary forms,and consider some of the many applications in philosophy, computer science,economics,etc.; and (2) to describe and discuss the developments of epistemic logic in multimodal systems.
For further information,visit
27 April 2002, Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Per Martin-Löf
Location: Berg en Dal, The NetherlandsIn May, Per Martin-Löf will have his 60th birthday. To celebrate that special occasion, we organise a special afternoon, dedicated to the work of Per Martin-Löf. This event will take place on Saturday afternoon, April 27 in Hotel-Conference centre Erica, Berg en Dal, NL (near Nijmegen). The afternoon is part of the TYPES 2002 meeting, but people are cordially invited to come just for this special celebration.
For more information and registration, see
26 April 2002, CABS-colloquium, Nico Roos
Speaker: Nico Roos (IKAT, University of Maastricht)Title: Multi-Agent DiagnosisLocation: Conference Room 9th floor, Faculty ITS, Mekelweg 4, DelftFor more information, see
26 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, CANCELED
Speaker: CANCELED -
24 April 2002, Dakje Is, Canceled
Speaker: Canceled -
19 April 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Yde Venema
Speaker: Yde VenemaTitle: Canonicity, correspondence and dualityLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
19 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Stefan Schlobach
Speaker: Stefan Schlobach
(Amsterdam)Title: Knowledge Discovery in Modal and Description LogicsLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar (Double Session), Enrico Franconi /
Thom FrühwirthSpeaker: Enrico Franconi (Manchester) /
Thom Frühwirth (LMU Munich)Title: (Description) Logics for Information Modelling and Access
Description Logics in CHRLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 April 2002, Logic Tea, Balder ten Cate
Speaker: Balder ten CateTitle: Towards a modal logic of informational independenceLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
10 April 2002, SIKS/Ontoweb Master Class, Peter Patel-Schneider
, Pat HayesSpeaker: Peter Patel-Schneider
(Bell Labs Research and Pat Hayes, University of West-Florida)
Pat Hayes (University of West-Florida)Title: Logical Foundations of the Semantic WebLocation: Bondsraadzaal Vakbondsmuseum, Henri Polaklaan 9, Amsterdam
(opposite Artis zoo)The World-Wide Web Consortium has started, as part of its Semantic Web activity, a new working group to develop a web ontology language The second meeting of this group will be held at CWI in Amsterdam on April 8-9. Ontoweb and SIKS have taken this opportunity to organize a master class on the logical foundations of the semantic web. The two invited speakers, Peter Patel-Schneider and Pat Hayes, are members of the working group and experts in this field.
For more information and registration, see here or, or contact enserink at
5 April 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Pieter Hofstra
Speaker: Pieter HofstraTitle: Relative CompletionsLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
4 April 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Maarten Marx
Speaker: Maarten Marx
(Amsterdam)Title: Hybrid Logic for KnowledgeLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Joao Marcos
Speaker: Joao Marcos
(Ghent University and State University of Campinas - Brazil)Title: Internalizing ConsistencyLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26 March 2002, DIP Colloquium, Igor Boguslavsky
Speaker: Igor BoguslavskyTitle: Sandhi in syntax: scope of "already" and negation in RussianLocation: Oost-Europa Instituut, room 161, Vendelstraat 7, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
22 March 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Tim FernandoSpeaker: Tim Fernando (Trinity College Dublin)Title: Events constructed automata-theoreticallyLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
22 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Pieter Adriaans
Speaker: Pieter Adriaans
(Amsterdam)Title: SSTT (Speed Search in Truth Tables): SAT as a learning problem.Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
Computing with LLI Seminar, Canceled
Speaker: CanceledFor abstracts and more information, see
15 March 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Lev Beklemishev
Speaker: Lev BeklemishevTitle: On fragments of arithmetic related to $\Delta_1$-inductionLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station)For abstracts and more information, see
15 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Rens Bod
Speaker: Rens Bod
(ILLC, Amsterdam)Title: The Computational Linguistics of Musical SequencesLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 March 2002, ILLC Double Talks, canceled
Speaker: canceledFor more information, contact Frank Veltman (veltman at or Martin Stokhof (stokhof at
14 March 2002, Co-training in Text Classification, Stan Matwin
Speaker: Stan Matwin
(University of Ottawa and Universite de Paris XI)Location: Room E.020, Roetersstraat 11 (Faculty of Economics), Amsterdam.For an abstract of the talk, see here.
8 March 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Isabel TxurrukaSpeaker: Isabel Txurruka (San Sebastian)Title: NL DisjunctionLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
8 March 2002, Second Utrecht-Amsterdam Workshop,
Computational Tools for LinguisticsLocation: Room 2.04, Uil OTS, Trans 10, UtrechtThis second Utrecht-Amsterdam workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the University of Utrecht (UiL OTS) and the University of Amsterdam (ILLC), with common interests in the area of computational linguistics and information systems. Speakers include M. Moortgat, J. Kamps, P. Monachesi, C. Caracciolo, C. Monz, R. Moot, T. v.d. Wouden, K. Sima'an, P. Adriaans
The full program, including abstract, will be announced asap and published on the web site at For logistic reasons we ask you to register yourself before March 6th: registration is free. For registration and further information, please contact Caterina Caracciolo (caterina at or Paola Monachesi (paola.monachesi at
1 March 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Detlef Prescher
Speaker: Detlef Prescher
(DFKI, Saarbrücken)Title: EM-Based ClusteringLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 February 2002, Constructivism, Anne Troelstra
Speaker: Anne TroelstraLocation: Plantage Muidergracht 12, Room M328This series is designed in the first place for students of mathematics, computer science, artificial intelligence, and philosophy, and the students of the Master of Logic program of the ILLC. In particular, this means that talks will not presuppose any detailed knowledge of advanced logical machinery. We expect, however, that it will be interesting for Ph.D. students and staff members, too.
Cookies and tea will be served. You are most cordially invited!
For more information, see the full announcement at here, or contact Marc Theunissen (mktheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin (debruin at
26 february 2002, Gentzen in Gottingen, E.Menzler-Trott
Speaker: E.Menzler-Trott -
22 February 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Jennifer SpenaderSpeaker: Jennifer Spenader (Stockholm University)Title: A gap to be bridged?Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
22 February 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Thijs Westerveld
Speaker: Thijs Westerveld
(Twente)Title: Finding Web Pages using Content, Links, URLs and AnchorsLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
18 February 2002, First Seminar Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA)
Location: Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130,
Room G.018On February 18 the newly established Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA) will hold its first scientific meeting, which will be hosted by ILLC. Speakers are Herbert Clark, Stan Rosenschein, John Perry, Reinhard Blutner and Keith Stenning. Drinks will be served afterwards.
A program and abstracts are available at here. For more information, contact Michiel van Lambalgen (vanlambalgen at
15 February 2002, How Did Mathematical Ability Evolve, Keith Devlin
Speaker: Keith DevlinLocation: Room 211, Minnaertgebouw, Leuvenlaan 4Organized by the Institute for History and Foundations of Physics.
15 February 2002, Amsterdam Aachen Exchange on Logic and Games
Speaker: W. Thomas, J. van Benthem and othersLocation: Roetersstraat 15, room ADThis edition of the Amsterdam Aaxchen exchange will consist of three longer presentations and five shorter ones on the theme logic and games. The final program will be announced in the second week of February.
The program of this meeting now is available on the URL For more information, contact Peter van Emde Boas (peter at
15 February 2002, ILLC Double Talks, canceled
Speaker: canceled -
14 February 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Marco Aiello
Speaker: Marco Aiello
(Amsterdam)Title: Spatial Reasoning: Theory and Practice.Location: Room B2.40, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
13 February 2002, Farewell Meeting Kees Doets, Henk Barendregt, Dirk van Dalen, Krzysztof Apt, Johan van Benthem,
Theo KuipersSpeaker: Henk Barendregt, Dirk van Dalen, Krzysztof Apt, Johan van Benthem,
Theo KuipersLocation: UvA, Plantage Muidergracht 24 (Euclides building), room P.019.Lectures by Krzysztof Apt, Henk Barendregt, Johan van Benthem, Dirk van Dalen and Theo Kuipers.For more information, contact Dick de Jongh (dickdj at
13 February 2002,
(Real) points for events, imperfect utility discrimination, etc.
Uwe LueckSpeaker: Uwe Lueck (Dept. of Phil., Munich University)Location: Plantage Muidergracht 12, room M.328We are happy to invite you to a special talk on Wednesday, February 13. (preceeding the "Farewell Meeting Kees Doets"). An abstract can be found at here.
For more information, please contact Boudewijn de Bruin at debruin at
8 February 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Paul BoersmaSpeaker: Paul Boersma (Universiteit van Amsterdam)Title: Gradual learning and acquisition of constraint rankingLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
8 February 2002, Computing with LLI seminar, Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam/Stanford)Title: A Modal Walk Through SpaceLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166,
AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, canceled
Speaker: canceled -
1 February 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic,
Troy LeeSpeaker: Troy Lee (Universiteit van Amsterdam)Title: Multiplication Harder than Addition?
- Arithmetical Definability over Finite StructuresLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
1 February 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Maarten de Rijke
and othersSpeaker: Maarten de Rijke
(Amsterdam) and othersTitle: LIT 2002 Evaluation CampaignsLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
25 January 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Tanya ReinhartSpeaker: Tanya Reinhart (Utrecht University)Title: Cheap and expensive focus computationsLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
25 January 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar,
Guus SchreiberSpeaker: Guus Schreiber (SWI, Amsterdam)Title: Ontology-based photo annotationLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
18 January 2002, Computing with LLI Seminar, Verónica Becher
Speaker: Verónica Becher (University of Buenos Aires)Title: On the standard proof of randomnessLocation: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 January 2002, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Aart Middeldorp
Speaker: Aart MiddeldorpTitle: Transforming Context-Sensitive Rewrite SystemsLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
11 January 2002, ILLC Double Talks, Maarten de Rijke, Henk Zeevat
Speaker: Maarten de Rijke Henk ZeevatTitle: Computational ModellingLocation: to be announcedAfterwards there will be the ILLC New Year's drinks in Cafe de Jaren, Nieuwe Doelenstraat.
For more information, contact Frank Veltman (veltman at or Martin Stokhof (stokhof at
11 January 2002, DIP Colloquium,
Kerstin FischerSpeaker: Kerstin Fischer (Universität Bremen)Title: Communicative Failure in Human-Computer ConversationLocation: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
Calls for Paper
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, Special issue on
Annotated TermsDeadline: 30 June 2002This special issue intends to cover aspects such as theory and foundations, implementation issues, and applications involving underlying ideas on Annotated Terms.
We look for original, unpublished contributions of high quality which are not submitted elsewhere. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2002.
Guest editor is Mark van den Brand (CWI).
For more information, see and
MoL and PhD defenses
20 December 2002, Master of Logic defense, Fabrice Nauze
Title: Passé Simple and the Imparfait.
An event calculus approach to French semanticsLocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen -
12 December 2002, Master of Logic defense, Rajvinder Singh
Title: A study of optimality theory and the human sentence processing
mechanismLocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24Supervisor: Henk Zeevat -
2 December 2002, PhD defense, Rosella Gennari
Title: Mapping InferencesLocation: Doelenzaal (the small room), Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411,
AmsterdamPromotor: K.R. AptCopromotor: M. de RijkeKeywords: efficient automated reasoning, CSPs, constraint propagation, modal logics, modal satisfiability.
For more information, see
28 November 2002, Master of Logic defense, Luciano Buratto
Title: Back-off as Parameter Estimation for DOP modelsLocation: Room 2.35, Building B, Nwe Achtergracht 166, REC, AmsterdamSupervisor: Khalil Sima'an -
26 November 2002, PhD defense, Mirna Bognar
Title: Contexts in Lambda CalculusLocation: Aula van de Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamPromotor: Prof.dr. J KlopCopromotor: dr. R. de VrijerFor more information, see
19 November 2002, Master of Logic defense, Marian Counihan
Title: What have four year olds in common with Frege?Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen -
31 October 2002, Master of Logic defense, Mathieu Vidal
Title: Classifying ConditionalsLocation: P.327 (Plantage Muidergracht 24) -
31 October 2002, Master of Logic defense, Bernadette Hernandez
Title: Automated Reasoning with Boolean ABoxesLocation: P.327 (Plantage Muidergracht 24) -
9 October 2002, PhD defense, Wim van Dam
Title: On Quantum Complexity TheoryLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam -
13 September 2002, PhD defense, Yuri Engelhardt
Title: The Language of Graphics: a framework for analyzing syntax and
meaning in maps, charts and diagramsLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Remko Scha Peter van Emde Boas -
12 August 2002, Master of Logic defense, Seth Cable
Title: Stand Over There, Please:
The Dynamics of Vagueness, the Origins of Vagueness,
and how Pie-Cutting Relates to Ancient Heaps of SandLocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24 -
6 August 2002, Master of Logic defense, John Duda
Title: Context and MythologyLocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24 -
22 July 2002, Master of Logic defense, Willem Conradie
Title: Beth's definability property in modal and hybrid logicLocation: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamSupervisor: Maarten Marx Yde Venema -
19 June 2002, PhD defense, Raffaella Bernardi
Title: Reasoning with Polarity in Categorial Type LogicLocation: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, UtrechtPromotor: Prof.dr. Moortgat(Utrecht University) -
22 February 2002, PhD defense, Marco Aiello
Title: Spatial Reasoning: Theory and PracticeLocation: Aula van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411Promotor: Prof.dr. J.F.A.K. van Benthem Prof. A.W.M. SmeuldersFor more information, see
25 January 2002, PhD defense, Nikos Massios
Title: Decision-Theoretic Robotic SurveillanceLocation: Aula van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411Promotor: Prof.dr. F. Groen Prof.dr. M. van LambalgenCopromotor: L. Dorst Dr. F.P.G.M. Voorbraak
Projects and Awards
Best Student Session Paper Award winners
Balder ten Cate and Ken Shan received the "Best Student Session Paper Award" sponsored by Kluwer Academic Publishers, on the ESSLLI Summerschool in Trento for their paper "The Partition Semantics of Questions, Syntactically". The paper can be downloaded from Balder's web-page:
Funding, Grants and Competitions
New NWO Research programme: Interactive Multimodal Information
Extraction (IMIX)Het onderzoeksprogramma Interactieve Multimodale Informatie Extractie (IMIX) is een gezamenlijk initiatief van het Gebiedsbestuur Geesteswetenschappen en het Gebiedsbestuur Exacte Wetenschappen en maakt deel uit van het thema Digitalisering en Informatisering uit de NWO Strategienota Thema's met Talent.
Het IMIX programma heeft als doel het vergroten van de strategisch-fundamentele kennis op het gebied van de Nederlandse taal- en spraaktechnologie en de toepassing daarvan binnen multimodale en/of multimedia systemen. Voor de uitvoering van het IMIX programma heeft de programmacommissie een aantal strategische en thematische prioriteiten vastgesteld, die uitgebreid in de Call for Proposals staan beschreven. Deze prioriteiten zullen als basis dienen voor de beoordeling.
For more information and a Call for Proposals (also in english), see
NWO Open Competition
The NWO invites you to make a project proposal regarding "De Open Competitie". Deadline for this proposal is January 29, 2003
For the full invitation (in dutch), see here. More information about the grant and a brief summary of the standard procedure for applying is provided on the NWO website at, or contact Ir.drs. M. de Boer at boerm at
Call for "Outline" proposals for ESF Scientific
ProgrammesThe ESF Standing Committee for the Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC) herewith launches (9 September 2002) a call for "outline" proposals for ESF Scientific Programmes. PESC wishes proposals to address NOVEL SCIENCE in one or more of the following fields: chemistry, physics, mathematics, information sciences and technology, fundamental engineering sciences, materials sciences and engineering. Multi-disciplinary proposals based in these areas but also involving fields within the remit of other ESF Standing Committees are also welcome. Deadline for proposals is October 31st, 2002.
An ESF Scientific Programme is a networking activity, bringing together key researchers and research groups for four or five years to address a major scientific issue at the European level. Key objectives are to bring synergy and European added value to research work being undertaken at the national level, and to achieve a visible impact at the European level to the advantage of European science.
For more information, see -
Declaration Forms on UvA web
Not all of you may know that the UvA declaration forms can be downloaded from the web. The forms can be found at:
If you print and fill out the form and send it to our office accompanied by original tickets or receipts we will see to it that the amount will be transferred into your account a.s.a.p. -
Opportunities to participate in ERCIM and IMA
Through the CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica), there are possibilities for individual OzsL researchers to participate in the activities of ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) and IMA (Institute for mathematics and its Applications). The CWI is actively involved in both ERCIM and IMA.
See and for information about ERCIM and IMA. Those interested in participation in ERCIM activities, please contact dr. ir. Barry Koren at Barry.Koren at (ERCIM), or prof. dr. Lex Schrijver at Lex.Schrijver at (IMA).
Marie Curie Fellowships & Marie Curie Training Site
Laatste mogelijkheid om binnen 5KP Marie Curie Individuele Fellowships aan te vragen: Het gaat hierbij om Individuele Fellowships om binnen Europa maximaal 2 jaar postdoc onderzoek te doen, of jonge onderzoekers te ontvangen. Om als Marie Curie Training Site aangemerkt te worden, kunnen (delen van) onderzoekinstituten zich aanmelden bij de Europese Commissie. Onderzoek instituten geven aan dat zij op een bepaald onderzoeksthema jonge promovendi uit Europa maximaal één academisch jaar kunnen ontvangen en extra kunnen trainen. De subsidie betreft een beurs voor de fellow en een fee voor de ontvangende Training Site.
Improving Human Potential programma deadline 13 maart 2002
Quality of Life programma deadline 10 april 2002
Environment programma deadline 20 maart 2002
Environment programma Training Site deadline 20 maart 2002
Voor nadere informatie, zie, of zoek contact met het Liaison Office van de Universiteit. E-mail: e-lluster@; telefoon: 525 5417 of fax 525 5242.
Open Positions at ILLC
Open Postdoc Position at Vrije Universiteit
The Faculty of Sciences is looking for one or two Postdocs for the Department of Artificial Intelligence.
The Department of Artificial Intelligence does research in both fundamental and applied aspects of Agent Technology, Knowledge Technology, Computational Intelligence and their applications. The current vacancy is for a position in the Agent Systems Research Group, focusing on research into modelling dynamics of agent behaviour and multi-agent organizations. This includes analysis of the usefulness of verification, (model-)checking and diagnosis of organizational dynamics, simulation of dynamics, and correlating dynamic properties on different aggregrational levels within an agent or organization.
For more information, contact dr. C.M. Jonker at jonker at or tel: 020-44 47743/47700, or prof. dr. J. Treur at treur at Or see the departemental website at
Open PhD Position at ILLC
The ILLC is looking for a PhD student in the field of Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, or Computational Linguistics. The PhD student will get an appointment for four years at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. The starting date of the appointment is September 1, 2002.
The application deadline is May 31, 2002. For more information, see here
Postdoc Position in the Language and Inference Technology group
The Language and Inference Technology group at the University of Amsterdam is searching for highly motivated candidates with a PhD in computer science, computational linguistics, or a related discipline, for a postdoc position. The ideal candidate has a working knowledge of linguistics and experience with applications that demand natural language processing capabilities. He or she has a strong orientation towards empirical and applied research, with system development and evaluation forming an integral part of his/her research activities. Research experience in machine learning or statistical modeling techniques is essential.
For more information, see the full text of this announcement at here, or the project homepage at
Open Positions, General
Postdoc-fellowships Universiteit van Padua
The University of Padua has renewed its programme for foreign researchers who have obtained their doctorates abroad (i.e. outside Italy) and wish to pursue their scientific research work at the University of Padua.
These fellowships are intended for foreign researchers who have achieved their research doctorate or equivalent qualification abroad within the last five years. The program offers 10 two-year fellowship grants, the annual amount of each grant being 21,000 euros. The deadline for submitting the application is December 31st, 2002. A decision about admission will be taken within February 28th, 2003.
For more detailed information, including application forms, see the web site of the University of Padua, at (English Version) or (Italian version). Or contact the Liaison Office of the UvA at, email: e-lluster at, tel: 525-5417 (LO identifier: Uni Padua 2002).
Postdoc position, Faculty of Philosophy, University of
GroningenThe Faculty invites applications for a postdoc in the Department of Theoretical Philosophy
For further information, see here or the departmental website at
Positions at Mitteleuropa Foundation
The Mitteleuropa Foundation, a research center in cognitive systems and ontology, has a number of posts for Research Fellows and PhD students available.
For more information, see their recently updated webpages at
Post-Doctoral Fellowships at EPDI
The European Post-Doctoral Institute (EPDI) launches a new call for Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Each year, the EPDI proposes 5 two-year grants in mathematical sciences, with the only requirement for the fellows to spend at least 18 months in a foreign country and from 6 to 18 months at one or several EPDI institutes. Applications are reviewed in January 2003.
For more information, see the EPDI website at,
Position in Computational Linguistics
Location: Georgetown University, Washington DC, USAThe Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University Seeks to hire a Computational Linguist at the Associate (tenured) or Assistant(tenure-track) Professor level, with a specialty in Natural Language Processing. Ph.D. in Linguistics required; salary commensurate with experience. Priority will be given to applications received before November 1, 2002.
For more information, see here or contact Paul Portner at portnerp at
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sydney for
"Logics of Knowledge and Belief"Location: School of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, AustraliaA postdoctoral fellowship/research fellowship, supported by grants from the Australian Research Council, is available in applications of modal logic to distributed systems. The research conducted may encompass both proof theory for logics of knowledge and belief and algorithmic verification techniques based on these logics, including the development of a model checker and its application to the verification of knowledge-based programs and security protocols.
Applications should be submitted by July 26. Applicants should have, or be about to complete, a Ph.D. in computer science, or equivalent research experience appropriate to the project, and expertise in modal logic (particularly epistemic logic and temporal logic) and/or model checking.
For more informatin, see or contact Assoc. Prof. Ron van der Meyden at meyden at
Open Position at Auckland University
Location: Department of Philosophy, Auckland University, New ZealandAuckland University (New Zealand) invites applications from qualified individuals for appointment to a Lectureship (tenure-track) in the Department of Philosophy. The area of specialty is Logic. Areas of competence may be in any area of Philosophy. The Department fosters a pluralist ethos involving different areas and styles of philosophy, and values collegiality; it is expected that the successful applicant will share these values. Significant teaching experience will be strongly preferred.
The closing date for applications is 4th Nov. 2002. Preferred start date is Feb. 1st 2003. For further information, see the release on the Department's website at or contact Professor Rosalind Hursthouse, email r.hursthouse at
Title: Fwd: post-docs positions in Univ. of Padova2-year post-docs positions in Univ. of Padova.
Deadline for application: Jan. 30, 2002.
Area: Constraints.
Coordinator: Francesca Rossi.
For more information, please visit or mail Francesca Rossi at frossi at
For more information, see here . -
Three Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Model Checking
Applications are invited for three EU-funded Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowships, each of two years duration, within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. The successful fellows will work on extending and refining the model checking approach, investigating deductive, lightweight and multi-agent aspects of model-checking.
Closing date for applications: 15th February 2002.
The full text of this announcement can be found at here. Details of both the research group and Department can be found via
Past appointments
ILLC welcomes 15 new international Logic students
Master of Science students:
Elizabeth (Be) Birchall, Canada, U.K.
Julia Grodel, U.S.
Guillaume Aucher, France
Loredana Afanasiev, Moldavia
Spencer Gerhardt, U.S.
Oren Tsur, Israel
Clive Nettey, U.K.
Gilad Mishne, Israel
Chunlai Zhou, China
Tanja Hötte, Germany
Thuy Linh Nguyen, Vietnam
Jill Cirasella, Canada
Giosué Baggio, ItaliaExchange students:
Andreas Zollmann, Germany
Dirk Walther, Germany -
New Program Manager at GPiL: Peter Paul de Witte
We are happy to announce that we have found a new coordinator for the Master of Logic program. His name is Peter Paul de Witte, and he will join ILLC for two days a week (Monday and Thursday), for a period of at least half a year. His office will be room 312 in the Euclides building.
A short introduction can be found at here.
New PhD student at ILLC: Troy Lee
Troy Lee (USA) is PhD student at the ILLC, starting February 1, 2002
At here you can find a small text Troy has written to introduce himself
New PhD student at ILLC: Darrin Hindsill
Darrin Hindsill.(re-)joins the ILLC, as a PhD student working on 'Logic and Cognition'.
At here you can find a small text Darrin has written to introduce himself For more information, contact d.hindsill at
New PhD student at ILLC: Nick Bezhanishvili
Nick Bezhanishvili (Georgia) is PhD student at the ILLC as of January 1, 2002, working on the 'Constructive and Intensional Logic' project. His office will be room P.316 in the Euclides building.
At here you can find a small text Nick has written to introduce himself. For more information, contact nbezhani at
New secretary at ILLC-office Plantage Muidergracht: Tanja Kassenaar
Tanja Kassenaar will start on Tuesday March 19 at our office on Plantage Muidergracht 24 for 19 hours a week. Her working days will be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; room P 3.29.
New PhD students at ILLC: Merlijn Sevenster and Sjoerd Druiven
As of 1 september 2002, the ILLC crew will be extended with Merlijn Sevenster and Sjoerd Druiven. They will join us as PhD students working on the InIGMA project under Johan van Benthem and Peter van Emde Boas. Before them, Merlijn Sevenster can occasionally be found in room P.318 in the Euclides building.
At here you can find a small (dutch) text Merlijn has written to introduce Sjoerd and himself. For more information, contact Merlijn at sevenstr at
New PhD student: Clemens Kupke
Starting February 4 2002, Clemens Kupke has joined the research forces of the ILLC. He will work as a PhD student on the NWO project `Coalgebraic Modal Logic' and will divide his activities between the ILLC and the CWI. His supervisors are Yde Venema (ILLC) and Jan Rutten (CWI).
ASL Newsletter November 2002 available
The November 2002 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This is to let you all know that last Friday, November 15 our twin daughters Gaia and Rosa were born. They are still in hospital, together with their mother, but are expected to be released soon.
With kind regards,
Jan van Eijck and Heleen Verleur
Information about newsletter for PHILOG
The newsletter for PHILOG - The Danish Network for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications - PHINEWS, now has it's own website, at
We invite you to contribute material to PHINEWS. Since the release of PHINEWS volume 2 (October 2002) the subscription list has increased to more than 400 subscribers and still counting. The next volume of PHINEWS is scheduled for March 2003. Deadline for submissions is February 15, 2003.
For more information, see and of course
ASL Newsletter September 2002 available
The September 2002 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
As happens every year during the holiday season (22 juli-16 august) the Euclides building and other buildings of the Roeterseilandcomplex (A, E/H, P) will be closed during the evenings. Closing times are at 18:00 (as is normal for fridays). Of course it remains possible during all summer to use the "overwerkregeling" to get into the buildings.
From July 15 until August 18, 2002 the opening hours of the canteens of the Roeterseilandcomplex (REC) will be:
Mensa Agora: 09.00 till 15.00
Cafe Krater: 09.30 till 17.00
Kantine A: closed, the machines will be functioning. -
ASL Newsletter April 2002 available
The April 2002 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ILLC website at
The course schedule for the 3rd trimester of the academic year
2001-2002 is available.The course schedule can be found
on the GPiL website at -
Exemption Form for Formal Educational Requirements available
online for foreign PhD studentsIf you obtained your prior degree outside of the Netherlands, it is likely that you will have to request the College voor Promotions for the granting of an exemption from the formal (Dutch) educational requirements. For this you need to submit an exemption form, accompanied by properly certified copies of all diplomas, degrees and certificates beyond high school/secondary school, with list of marks, as evidence of an academic level equivalent to doctorandus.
It is advisable to do this well in advance, preferably at the start of your tenure! Problems with certifications sometimes can cause great delays, in at least one case almost delaying a promotion beyond the stay of the promovendus in the Netherlands.
The exemption request form, and an english folder with the exact requirements and procedure to follow if you did not obtain your prior degree in the Netherlands should have been included with the Promotiereglement. These documents are otherwise available from the bureau of the College voor Promoties, or online from the Promotions for ILLC Promovendi page.
3rd Trimester 2002, Introduction to the Proof Theory course
Speaker: Andreas Weiermann
(University of Muenster)Location: Euclides Building, Room P.327Andreas Weiermann (University of Muenster) will teach this course during the third trimester on Fridays. He will explain and discuss the contents of this course and the results treated with students interested in taking it.
Contact D. de Jongh at dickdj at for information.
ASL Newsletter January 2002 available
The January 2002 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
The course schedule for the 2nd trimester of the academic year
2001-2002 is available.The course schedule can be found
on the GPiL website at -
10 January - 28 February 2002, Reasoning About Uncertainty II,
Professor Joe HalpernSpeaker: Professor Joe Halpern (Cornell University)Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThis is a continuation of the course with the same title taught last term. In this trimester, I will consider logics for reasoning about uncertainty, modeling default reasoning, belief revision, and (if time permits) relating statistical reasoning to degree of belief. The course will probably run only in January and February.
For more information, see the GPiL course schedule .