View publication by year:
- CT-1989-01:
Michiel H.M. Smid
Dynamic Deferred Data Structures
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-02:
Peter van Emde Boas
Machine Models and Simulations
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-03:
Ming Li, Herman Neuféglise, Leen Torenvliet, Peter van Emde Boas
On Space Efficient Simulation
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-04:
Harry Buhrman, Leen Torenvliet
A Comparison of Reductions on Nondeterministic Space
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-05:
Pieter H. Hartel, Michiel H.M. Smid, Leen Torenvliet, Willem G. Vree
A Parallel Functional Implementation of Range Queries
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-06:
H.W. Lenstra Jr.
Finding Isomorphisms between Finite Fields
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-07:
Ming Li, Paul M.B. Vitanyi
A Theory of Learning Simple Concepts under Simple Distributinos and Average Case Complexity for the Universal Distribution (Prel. Version)
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-08:
Harry Buhrman, Steven Homer, Leen Torenvliet
Honest Reductions, Completeness and Nondeterministic Complexity Classes
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-09:
Harry Buhrman, Edith Spaan, Leen Torenvliet
On Adaptive Resource Bounded Computations
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-10:
Sieger van Denneheuvel
The Rule Language RL/1
1.Full Text.
- CT-1989-11:
Zhisheng Huang, Sieger van Denneheuvel, Peter van Emde Boas
Towards Functional Classification of Recursive Query Processing
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-01:
Johan van Benthem
The Fine-Structure of Categorial Semantics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-02:
Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof
Dynamic Predicate Logic, towards a compositional, non-representational semantics of discourse
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-03:
Yde Venema
Two-dimensional Modal Logics for Relation Algebras and Temporal Logic of Intervals
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-04:
Johan van Benthem
Language in Action
1.Full text, 2.old version.
- LP-1989-05:
Johan van Benthem
Modal Logic as a Theory of Information
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-06:
Andreja Prijatelj
Intensional Lambek Calculi: Theory and Application
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-07:
Heinrich Wansing
The Adequacy Problem for Sequential Propositional Logic
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-08:
Victor Sánchez Valencia
Peirce's Propositional Logic: From Algebra to Graphs
1.Full Text.
- LP-1989-09:
Zhisheng Huang
Dependency of Belief in Distributed Systems
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-01:
Dick de Jongh, Albert Visser
Explicit Fixed Points for Interpretability Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-02:
Roel de Vrijer
Extending the Lambda Calculus with Surjective Pairing is conservative
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-03:
Dick de Jongh, Franco Montagna
Rosser Orderings and Free Variables
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-04:
Dick de Jongh, Marc Jumulet, Franco Montagna
On the Proof of Solovay's Theorem
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-05:
Rineke Verbrugge
$\Sigma$-Completeness and Bounded Arithmetic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-06:
Michiel van Lambalgen
The Axiomatization of Randomness
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-07:
Dirk Roorda
Elementary Inductive Definitions in HA: from Strictly Positive towards Monotone
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-08:
Dirk Roorda
Investigations into Classical Linear Logic
1.Full Text.
- ML-1989-09:
Allesandro Carbone
Provable Fixed Points in $I\Delta_0+\Omega_1$.
1.Full Text.
- X-1989-01:
Marianne Kalsbeek
An Orey Sentence for Predicative Arithmetic
1.Full Text.
- X-1989-02:
G. Wagemakers
New Foundations: A Survey of Quine's Set Theory
1.Full Text.
- X-1989-03:
A.S. Troelstra
Index of the Heyting Nachlass
1.Full Text.
- X-1989-04:
Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof
Dynamic Montague Grammar, a first sketch
1.Full Text.
- X-1989-05:
Maarten de Rijke
The Modal Theory of Inequality
1.Full Text.
- X-1989-06:
Peter van Emde Boas
Een Relationele Semantiek voor Conceptueel Modelleren: Het RL-project
1.Full Text.