News Archives 2009

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Past Events

  • 18 December 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Dries Vermeulen

    Date & Time: Friday 18 December 2009, 15:30
    Speaker: Dries Vermeulen
    Title: On The Fastest Vickrey Algorithm
    Location: Room A1.06 (<em>changed</em>), Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 16-18 December 2009, 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 16-18 December 2009
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 September 2009

    The Seventeenth Amsterdam Colloquium will be held December 16 - 18 2009 at the University of Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Colloquia aim at bringing together linguists, philosophers, logicians and computer scientists who share an interest in the formal study of the semantics and pragmatics of natural and formal languages. The spectrum of topics covered ranges from descriptive (syntactic and semantic analyses of all kinds of expressions) to theoretical (logical and computational properties of semantic theories, philosophical foundations, evolution and learning of language).

    Details about the symposium, and about the submission of abstracts, can be found at:

  • 15 December 2009, "The End of Infinity", Symposium

    Date: 15 December 2009
    Location: Room A.02.06, VU Hoofdgebouw, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    The one-day symposium The End of Infinity marks the end of the NWO-FOCUS/BRICKS sponsored research project Infinity, concerned with infinite objects, computation, modeling, and reasoning. In several talks participants of the Infinity project will report on the results that have been obtained in the project, new insights and challenges for ongoing research. There will be invited talks by Larry Moss and Hans Zantema.

    For more information, see

  • 14 December 2009, Logic Tea, Sam van Gool

    Date & Time: Monday 14 December 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Sam van Gool
    Title: Canonical extensions, Polarities, and Counterterrorism
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 14 December 2009, De Stelling van..., Johan van Benthem

    Date & Time: Monday 14 December 2009, 17:00 - 18:00
    Speaker: Johan van Benthem
    Title: Het academisch debat bestaat niet
    Location: Spui 25-27, 1012 WX , Amsterdam

    [In Dutch only]
    Een reeks gepresenteerd door universiteitshoogleraren van de UvA. In samenwerking met bureau Communicatie.

    De stelling van dr. Johan van Benthem luidt: ‘Het academisch debat bestaat niet.'
    In het zelfbeeld van veel academici is een levendig publiek debat de bron van de wetenschappelijke vooruitgang, want 'bij de botsing der meningen vonkt de waarheid'. Interessant academisch debat is aan de universiteit echter opvallend afwezig, betoogt Van Benthem.

    For more information, see

  • 14-16 December 2009, Tinbergen Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory and Economics (TIGAEC)

    Date: 14-16 December 2009
    Location: Tinbergen Institute and VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 6 November 2009

    On December 14-16, 2009 the Tinbergen Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory and Economics, and the Fourth Dutch-Russian Symposium will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    There is no registration fee, but because of capacity restrictions, participation into the workshop and symposium is limited to about 35 participants. For more information, see

  • 11 December 2009, New Directions in Preference Representation

    Date & Time: Friday 11 December 2009, 14:00-17:25
    Speaker: Francesca Rossi, Michael Wooldridge, Jérôme Lang, Cédric Dégremont, Daniele Porello
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Preferences are ubiquitous and unavoidable when dealing with interacting agents. This workshop consists of five talks by researchers in preference representation, highlighting recent work. No registration is required.

    For more information, see

  • 4 December 2009, Spui25, Henkjan Honing, Annemie Ploeger,
    Machiel Keestra & Jaap van Heerden

    Date & Time: Friday 4 December 2009, 17:00-19:00
    Speaker: Henkjan Honing, Annemie Ploeger,
    Machiel Keestra & Jaap van Heerden
    Title: Doet muziek ertoe?
    Location: Spui 25-27, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Je zou kunnen zeggen dat muziek in evolutionair opzicht zinloos is: het stilt onze honger niet, en we leven er geen dag langer door. Muziek lijkt weinig nut te hebben, behalve misschien dat we er plezier aan beleven als we het maken of ernaar luisteren. Althans, dat was de redenering van cognitief psycholoog Steven Pinker. Pinker zette taal af tegen muziek, waarbij taal stond voor een evolutionair relevante, en muziek voor een evolutionair irrelevante menselijke eigenschap.

    Klopt dat? Zijn er echt geen argumenten aan te voeren dat muziek een beslissende rol heeft gespeeld in de evolutionaire ontwikkeling van de mens? Is muziek niet eerder een 'adaptatie', een aanpassing, die bijgedragen heeft aan het overleven van de mens als groep? Of is ze toch, zoals Pinker stelt, niet meer dan een prettige bijwerking van belangrijker functies zoals spraak en taal?

    Een gesprek hierover met Henkjan Honing, Annemie Ploeger en Machiel Keestra, onder leiding van Jaap van Heerden, n.a.v. het verschijnen van Iedereen is muzikaal: wat we weten over het luisteren naar muziek bij uitgeverij Nieuw Amsterdam.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 4 December 2009, DIP Colloquium, Simon Kirby (Edinburgh)

    Date & Time: Friday 4 December 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Simon Kirby (Edinburgh)
    Title: Language Evolution in the Lab: from models to experiments in
    evolutionary linguistics
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 3 December 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Daniele Porello

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 December 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Daniele Porello
    Title: Dimension of Voting and Coherence
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 3 December 2009, PROSE Colloquium, Mohammad Mousavi

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 December 2009, 15:45-16:45
    Speaker: Mohammad Mousavi
    Title: Decompositional Reasoning About Past
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 2 December 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stefan Frank

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 December 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Stefan Frank
    Title: Investigating the roles of expectation and uncertainty in human sentence processing
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 30 November 2009, Logic Tea, Nina Gierasimczuk

    Date & Time: Monday 30 November 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Nina Gierasimczuk
    Title: What makes a good teacher? A computational study
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 27 November 2009, DIP Colloquium, Kurt Ranalter

    Date & Time: Friday 27 November 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Kurt Ranalter (University of Verona)
    Title: Towards a computational account for an expressive conception of norms
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 November 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Willemien Kets

    Date & Time: Friday 27 November 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Willemien Kets (Santa Fe)
    Title: Inequality and Network Structure
    Location: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 25 November 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Federico Sangati

    Date & Time: Wednesday 25 November 2009, 15:00
    Speaker: Federico Sangati
    Title: An English Dependency Treebank à la Tesnière
    Location: Room A.1.14, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 20 November 2009, DIP Colloquium, Cornelia Ebert (Osnabrueck)

    Date & Time: Friday 20 November 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Cornelia Ebert (Osnabrueck)
    Title: Topics as Speech Acts -- An Analysis of Conditionals
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 November 2009, PROSE Colloquium, Jeroen Keiren (OAS)

    Date & Time: Thursday 19 November 2009, 15:45-16:45
    Speaker: Jeroen Keiren (OAS)
    Title: Bisimulation minimisations for boolean equation systems
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 17 November 2009, Logicomix, Apostolos Doxiadis

    Date & Time: Tuesday 17 November 2009, 15:45
    Speaker: Apostolos Doxiadis
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Apostolos Doxiadis, one of the authors of the Logicomix ( will show a 20 min. movie discussing the making of the comic and then have a Q&A/discussion session.

    For more information, contact Sara Uckelman () or Peter van Ormondt ()/

  • 16-17 November 2009, Colloquium History of Computing (CHOC): "Programming, languages, linguistics and computability"

    Date: 16-17 November 2009
    Location: Room C0.110/A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Liesbeth de Mol (Gent), Maarten Bullynck (Paris) Janet Martin-Nielsen (Toronto) & Karel van Oudheusden (Amsterdam) will appear in the Colloquium on the History of Computing and amongst them connect such diverging historical subjects as Von Neumann, Lehmer, Chomsky and Dijkstra.

    For more information, see

  • 13 November 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Eric Pacuit

    Date & Time: Friday 13 November 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Eric Pacuit (Tilburg)
    Title: Levels of Knowledge and Belief
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 6 November 2009, DIP Colloquium, Igor Douven (Leuven)

    Date & Time: Friday 6 November 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Igor Douven (Leuven)
    Title: Vagueness: A Conceptual Spaces Approach
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 6 November 2009, Semantics in the Netherlands Day VII, UvA (Bungehuis)

    Date: 6 November 2009
    Location: UvA (Bungehuis)
    Costs: free
    Deadline: 8 July 2009

    The Semantics in the Netherlands Day (SiN-dag) is a series of annual conferences which provide the opportunity for graduate students working on natural language semantics in the Netherlands to present the results of their current research. This year SiN-dag (SiN VII) will take place on Friday, 6 November, at the University of Amsterdam, being hosted by the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC). It will be an all-day event including coffee breaks, lunch and drinks afterwards.

    If you would like to attend (parts of) the SiN VII please register before 30 October by sending an e-mail to the organisers ( & ). Registration is free. For more information, see

  • 3 November 2009, Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics, Peter Hacker & Peter Koepke

    Date: 3 November 2009
    Speaker: Peter Hacker (Oxford) & Peter Koepke (Bonn)
    Location: Belle van Zuylenzaal, Academiegebouw, Utrecht

    On the ocasion of the visits of two eminent speakers, Peter Hacker from Oxford and Peter Koepke from Bonn, we are organising a special session of the seminar.

    All interested are cordially invited to attend. Summaries of the lectures can be found at here.

  • 2 November 2009, Logic Tea, Antonio Montalban (University of Chicago)

    Date & Time: Monday 2 November 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Antonio Montalban (University of Chicago)
    Title: The boundary of Determinacy in Second Order Arithmetic.
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), Umberto Grandi () or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 2 November 2009, A Day of Indian Logic

    Date & Time: 2 November 2009, 12:00-15:45
    Speaker: Nicolas Clerbout, Marie-Hélène Gorisse, Laurent Keiff, Peter van Ormondt, Sara L. Uckelman
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    A 1-day workshop on Indian logic, bringing together researches from Lille and Amsterdam in the working group DDAHL (Dynamic and Dialogical Approaches to Historical Logic.

    For more information, see

  • 2 November 2009, NWO Symposium "Fads and Fallacies in the name of Cognitive Science"

    Date: Monday 2 November 2009
    Location: De Driehoek, Willemsplantsoen 1c, Utrecht

    The NWO programme committee for Cognition organizes both an internet discussion and an afternoon symposium on " FADS AND FALLACIES in the name of COGNITIVE SCIENCE"

    The symposium is organized to discuss exaggerated and conceptually confused claims concerning results of Cognitive Science and Neuroscience. This discussion was initiated by Prof. Pieter Adriaans in a letter. Both the internet discussion and the afternoon symposium are intended as a partial fulfillment of Pieter's request for more attention to these methodological and conceptual issues. Keynote speakers are Prof. Ruth Millikan (University of Connecticut) and Dr. Peter Hacker (St Johns College Oxford). The symposium will be chaired by Prof. dr. Herman Philipse.

    For more information and registration, see To take part in the internet discussion, see

  • 30 October 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Speaker: Krzysztof Apt (CWI & ILLC)

    Date & Time: Friday 30 October 2009, 15:00
    Speaker: Speaker: Krzysztof Apt (CWI & ILLC)
    Title: Sequential Mechanism Design
    Location: Location: A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 30 October 2009, Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam (TCSA) Day

    Date: Friday 30 October 2009
    Location: Vrije Universiteit, room A301 in the Faculty of MEDICINE (!), Amsterdam

    On this TCSA-day, organised by UvA, VU en CWI, theoretical computer scientists from the Amsterdam region can meet to learn about each others' work. The programme consists of talks by researchers from CWI, UvA, and VU. There is no need to register. Tea and coffee is offered; lunch is not organised.

    For more information, see

  • 29 October 2009, Logic and Cognition Seminar, Alistair Isaac

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 October 2009, 16:00-18:00
    Speaker: Alistair Isaac
    Title: Modeling Abduction in Perception and Science
    Location: Room A.106, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Peirce first identified abduction as a type of inference distinct from induction and deduction. He claimed that abduction permeates every aspect of human thought, from low-level perception to scientific theory choice. In contemporary philosophy, abduction is frequently considered only in the latter capacity, as a form of high-level scientific reasoning. In A.I., abduction is closely associated with the frame problem, the problem of how to determine relevance. Again, however, philosophers tend to identify this as a problem only for high-level reasoning. Fodor, for example, argues that low-level perceptual processes are encapsulated, and thus immune to the challenges of holistic reasoning, like abduction. In this talk I provide an overview of several different perspectives on abduction. I argue that the fundamental stumbling block for formal models of abduction is its inherently creative character. I conclude with a defence of Peirce’s original insight, arguing that empirical research on perception is a field from which models of abduction in other domains (such as scientific reasoning) can and should draw inspiration.

    For more information contact Nina Gierasimczuk at .

  • 29 October 2009, Formal models for learning processes: Old tricks and new developments

    Date: Thursday 29 October 2009
    Location: Room E020, University of Amsterdam Building E (Economy), Roetersstraat 11 (Roeterseiland), Amsterdam

    The symposium starts with a lecture by Prof. Bill Batchelder, who will give an overview of the history of mathematical learning models. He will discuss how recent advances in statistical computing have renewed the relevance of traditional, and seemingly out-dated, models for learning and memory. This lecture is followed by presentations of recent developments and applications of learning models in the areas of category learning, probabilistic learning, causal learning, classical and operant conditioning, and discrimination learning.

    Participation is free. Please register by sending an email to . For more information, see

  • 26 October 2009, Logic Tea, Lisa Fulford

    Date & Time: Monday 26 October 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Lisa Fulford
    Title: Modular Canonicity for Bi-implicative Algebras
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), Umberto Grandi () or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 23 October 2009, NAP-Dag 2009

    Date: Friday 23 October 2009
    Location: Room 401, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam

    NAP is the abbreviation of Nieuw Amsterdams Peil and this day is meant for junior researchers to present their (ongoing) research. The NAPdag will be a full day of presentations, including social events like having lunch and drinks afterwards.

    Because of the growing collaboration between the two research institutes, there will be presentations of PhD's from the ACLC as well as from the ILLC. Attendance is free, but if you wish to join the (free) lunch, please send an email to the organizers.

    For more information, see here or, or contact the organizers at .

  • 19 October 2009, Logic Tea, Jan Heylen

    Date & Time: Monday 19 October 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Jan Heylen
    Title: Collapse and slingshot arguments in intensional logic and arithmetic
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey () or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 12 October 2009, Henkjan Honing in 'De stelling van': We zijn allemaal muzikale dieren

    Date & Time: Monday October 12, 2009, 17:00-
    Location: Academisch-cultureel centrum SPUI25, Spui 25-27, Amsterdam.

    Tijdens de eerstvolgende editie van de voordrachtenreeks De stelling van ... is het woord aan Henkjan Honing, universitair hoofddocent op het terrein van Muziekcognitie. Hij gaat op maandag 12 oktober in op de stelling ‘We zijn allemaal muzikale dieren'.

    Over muzikaliteit bestaan veel misverstanden. Mensen die zichzelf amuzikaal vinden, zeggen dat ze geen ritmegevoel hebben of niet zuiver kunnen zingen. Een zingende vogel of een op de maat dansende kaketoe vinden ze echter al snel ‘muzikaal'. Maar kunnen dieren wel muzikaal zijn en wat is muzikaliteit eigenlijk?

    De toegang is vrij. U dient zich wel van te voren aan te melden. Voor meer informatie, zie en

  • 9 October 2009, DIP Colloquium, Sybille Krämer (Berlin)

    Date & Time: Friday 9 October 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Sybille Krämer (Berlin)
    Title: The Diagrammatical Mind
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8-11 October 2009, 2nd International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-II), Chongqing, China

    Date: 8-11 October 2009
    Location: Chongqing, China
    Deadline: 15 July 2009

    The First International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-I) took place in Beijing in August 2007, with participation by researchers from artificial intelligence, game theory, linguistics, logic, philosophy, and cognitive science. The workshop led to great advances in mutual understanding, both academically and culturally, between Chinese and foreign logicians. Due to the success of LORI-I, we have decided to continue organizing LORI at various places in China and possibly other countries in Asia and the Pacific Area in the future.

    The Second International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-II) will take place in Chongqing, China, during October 8-11, 2009. The Workshop will feature a distinguished roster of invited speakers, refereed contributed papers, poster and tutorials sessions for students, as well as cultural events and excursions.

    For more information, see

  • 2 October 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Frank Nebel

    Date & Time: Friday 2 October 2009, 14:00
    Speaker: Frank Nebel
    Title: Complexity Issues in Coalitional Game Theory: An Introduction
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 1-3 October 2009, Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference on "Meaning and Truth" (AGPC'09), Amsterdam

    Date: 1-3 October 2009
    Location: Amsterdam
    Deadline: 10 June 2009

    The conference is dedicated to exploring new ideas on what has been and remains a fundamental theme in the philosophy of language, namely, the relation between meaning and truth. We invite papers from young researchers who have an original contribution to make regarding the role of truth in a theory of meaning, the role of meaning in a theory of truth, or even the question of whether meaning and truth are actually related in an interesting way.

    The conference is motivated by the ongoing debates and discussions that pose new challenges on how to conceive of meaning and of truth, and the relation between them. Some areas of interest here include: truth-functional vs. proof-theoretic semantics; semantic theories of truth; the role of context in interpretation; semantic normativity; deflationism; meaning as use; inferentialism; compositionality; vagueness; the semantics-pragmatics interface; language evolution.

    The program committee invites submissions in the form of short papers (not longer than 4000 words) accompanied by short abstracts (not longer than 500 words). The deadline for submission is June 10 and it should follow the on-line submission form, available on the conference website. Candidates eligible for submission are graduate students and those who have completed a doctoral dissertation within the last three years.

    For more information, please visit the conference website at, or contact

  • 30 September 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Tejaswini Deoskar / Federico Sangati

    Date & Time: Wednesday 30 September 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Tejaswini Deoskar / Federico Sangati (ILLC)
    Title: Smoothing fine-grained PCFG lexicons / A generative re-ranking model for dependency parsing
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 28 September 2009, Logic Tea, Maxim Khalilov

    Date & Time: Monday 28 September 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Maxim Khalilov
    Title: Syntax-based reordering model for statistical machine translation
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), Umberto Grandi () or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 23 September 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Maarten Versteegh

    Date & Time: Wednesday 23 September 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Maarten Versteegh (Radboud University Nijmegen)
    Title: Using Data-Oriented Parsing to model syntactic change
    Location: Room C3.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 21-25 September 2009, Eighth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Bakuriani, Georgia

    Date: 21-25 September 2009
    Location: Bakuriani, Georgia
    Deadline: 1 May 2009

    The Eighth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation will be held on 21 -- 25 September 2009 in Bakuriani, Georgia. The symposium is organised by the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at Tbilisi State University and the Georgian Academy of Sciences, in conjunction with the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam.

    For more information, see

  • 18 September 2009, DIP Colloquium, Gillian Russel

    Date & Time: Friday 18 September 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Gillian Russel (Washington University/Tilburg University)
    Title: Indexicals, Context-Sensitivity and Implication
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 18 September 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Friday 18 September 2009, 15:00
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Extending a Preference Order over a Set to its Powerset
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 14 September 2009, Logic Tea, George Barmpalias

    Date & Time: Monday 14 September 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: George Barmpalias
    Title: Computability and Randomness
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at

    For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), Umberto Grandi () or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 12 September 2009, Publieksevenement Illusio NWO

    Date & Time: Saturday 12 September 2009, 12:00-18:00
    Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
    Costs: none

    NWO sluit het programma Cognitie op 12 september spetterend af met het evenement 'Illusio'. Illusio is een publieksdag voor iedereen van twaalf jaar en ouder met als thema 'illusies'. Er is een doorlopend dagprogramma waarbij de bezoekers in verschillende ruimtes van het Pakhuis worden blootgesteld aan klassieke illusies en boeiende cognitieve experimenten. Aan de programmaonderdelen worden begeleid door diverse Nederlandse cognitiewetenschappers. In de grote zaal vindt van 14.30 - 16.45 uur een speciaal geïntegreerd middagprogramma plaats waarvoor registratie verplicht is, waarbij de beroemde Amerikaanse illusionist Teller als hoofdact een inkijkje zal geven in de geheimen van de magie, en Peter Hagoort en Johan van Benthem het Publieksboek 'Geestdrift, wat Cognitiewetenschappers bezielt' zullen presenteren.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 11 September 2009, DIP Colloquium, Bart de Boer and Jelle Zuidema

    Date & Time: Friday 11 September 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Bart de Boer and Jelle Zuidema
    Title: The evolutionary biology of language
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 September 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Rohit Parikh

    Date & Time: Friday 4 September 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Rohit Parikh (CUNY)
    Title: The Use of Knowledge in Social Algorithms
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 4 September 2009, Mentor Speed Dating Event Women in the FNWI

    Date & Time: Friday 4 September 2009, 15:00-16:30
    Location: Restaurant-cafe Polder, Science Park 205, Amsterdam

    The Women in the FNWI network organizes a speed date event where potential mentors and potential mentees can meet. The program will consist of a short introduction with drinks, and about 30 minutes of "mentor speed dating": potential mentors and potential mentees engage in conversation for three minutes, and then change partner at the end of each three-minute period. Drinks afterwards.

    For more information, see

  • 2 September 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gerard Kempen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 2 September 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Gerard Kempen
    Title: The Unification Space implemented as a localist neural net: Predictions and
    error-tolerance in a constraint-based parser
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 31 August - 2 September 2009, Workshop "Practice-based philosophy of logic and mathematics", Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 31 August - 2 September 2009
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 March 2009

    Traditionally, the philosophy of logic pays little attention to the actual practices of logicians. This is somewhat surprising, as the works of several influential authors have shown the relevancy of attending to actual scientific practices within the philosophy of the empirical sciences as well as the philosophy of mathematics. But there is no hint of a similar 'practical' turn in the philosophy of logic.

    The workshop is intended to enable philosophers, logicians and mathematicians to discuss the fruitfulness and viability of a practice-based approach to logic. Within the philosophy of mathematics this approach already has a certain standing, so practice-based philosophy of mathematics can serve as a starting point for the development of a practice-based philosophy of logic. We hope to offer a novel vantage point into what is after all an essentially human and social activity, the practice of logic. What do logicians do? How do they conduct their researches, individually and within the scientific community? How do they communicate with each other? Answers to these questions may offer new insights into the most fundamental issues that the philosophy of logic must address.

    For more information, see

  • 27 August 2009, ILLC Drinks/Introduction MSc Logic drinks

    Date & Time: Thursday 27 August 2009, 17:30-19:30
    Location: ILLC launch - C3.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Because the boats that cruise the canals of Amsterdam are not allowed to land near Science Park, this year we will not have our annual boat trip. We will have our very enjoyable ILLC drinks (with pizza) during which staff and (new) students can mingle and get to know each other.

  • 27 August 2009, Introduction MSc Logic 09-10

    Date & Time: Thursday 27 August 2009, 14:00
    Location: C1.110 (A1.10, Logic part), Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 10 August 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Tim O'Donnell

    Date & Time: Monday 10 August 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Tim O'Donnell
    Title: Computation and Reuse in Language
    Location: Room C1.108, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 27 July 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Reut Tsarfaty

    Date & Time: Monday 27 July 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Reut Tsarfaty
    Title: Parsing a (relatively) free word-order language
    Location: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 20-31 July 2009, ESSLLI-2009:
    21th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Bordeaux, France

    Date: 20-31 July 2009
    Location: Bordeaux, France
    Deadline: 1 September 2008

    The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation.

    Previous summer schools have been highly successful, attracting up to 500 students from Europe and elsewhere. The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information. ESSLLI-2008 is organised under the auspices of the European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).

    For more information, see the website at

    For more information, see here .
  • 20-31 July 2009, 2009 ESSLLI Student Session, Bordeaux, France

    Date: 20-31 July 2009
    Location: Bordeaux, France
    Deadline: 14 February 2009

    The 2009 ESSLLI Student Session will take place from July 20 to July 31 in Bordeaux, France, as part of the annual European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information. We hereby invite paper submissions from students in the areas of logic and computation, logic and language, and language and computation for presentation in the oral session or in the poster session. All submissions will be reviewed by three experts in the field, and those selected for presentation will be published in the proceedings. The Student Session is an excellent venue to present work in progress, and also to gain experience presenting one's research to a wide audience. As in previous years, Springer is offering 500 Euro in textbooks for the best paper award, and 250 Euro in textbooks to each of two runners-up. The extended deadline for submission is February 14, 2009.

    For more details, please see the full call for papers:

  • 200 July 9, LSIR-2: Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning, Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)

    Date: July 2009
    Location: Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)
    Deadline: 9 March 2009

    In the past years, logicians have become more and more interested in the phenomenon of interaction and the formal modelling of social procedures and phenomena. The area Logic & Games deals with the transition from the static logical paradigm of formal proof and derivation to the dynamic world of intelligent interaction and its logical models. Modelling intelligent interaction has been an aspect of the practical work of computer game designers for a long time. Pragmatic questions such as 'What makes a storyline interesting', 'What makes an reaction natural', and 'What role do emotions play in game decisions' have been tackled by practicing programmers. The practical aspects of computer gaming reach out to a wide interdisciplinary field including psychology and cognitive science. So far, there are only a few cross-links between these two communities.

    LSIR2 focuses on the relation between techniques of modern logic (such as discourse representation theory or dynamic epistemic logic) and concrete modelling problems in computer games (either as part of the story or game design or as part of the design of the artificial agents). We aim combining communities of logic, multi-agent systems, computer game design, the story understanding community, and various parts of AI dealing with the formal modelling of emotions and intentions, as well as the empirical testing of these models; we invite all researchers in these and related field to submit their abstracts of papers, in particular those that build bridges between the communities.

    For more information, see The main financial sponsor of the workshop is the Marie Curie research training site GLoRiClass.

  • 7-11 July 2009, Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL 2009), Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Date: 7-11 July 2009
    Location: Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Deadline: 15 March 2009

    Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active branch of mathematical logic, with many applications, in computer science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tool and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The program of the conference TACL 2009 will focus on three interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical study of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical, and topological methods.

    For more information, see

  • 1 July 2009, Connectionist natural language processing

    Date & Time: Wednesday 1 July 2009, 14:00-17:00
    Speaker: Morten Christiansen, Franklin Chang, Stefan Frank
    Location: Room C1.17, Oudemanhuispoort, Universiteit van Amsterdam
    Following the PhD defense of Hartmut Fitz on Neural Syntax, a public symposium will be held on neural network approaches to processing natural language. Participation is free and registration is not required.

    For more information, see

  • 1-3 July 2009, 5th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING5), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

    Date: 1-3 July 2009
    Location: Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
    Deadline: 13 April 2009

    On July 1-3, 2009 the 5th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING5), is going to be held at VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    This meeting is jointly organized by VU University Amsterdam (VU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), and the Tinbergen Institute (TI).

    For more information, see

  • 30 June 2009, BRICKS Workshop on Game Theory and Multiagent Systems, CWI, Science Park 123 (= Kruislaan 413), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: Tuesday 30 June 2009
    Location: CWI, Science Park 123 (= Kruislaan 413), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Prior to the "5th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory" (SING5, there will take place "BRICKS Workshop on Game Theory and Multiagent Systems". BRICKS stands for Basic Research in Informatics for Creating the Knowledge Society.

    For more information, see or

  • 29 June 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Peter beim Graben

    Date & Time: Monday 29 June 2009, 14:00
    Speaker: Peter beim Graben
    Title: Dynamic Cognitive Modeling of Syntactic Language Processing
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 26 June 2009, First Workshop on Logics and Strategies

    Date: Friday 26 June 2009
    Location: Room 5161.0267, Bernoulliborg Building, Nijenborgh 9, Groningen, The Netherlands

    Modelling intelligent and rational interaction in multi-agent systems has been one of the main issues in Artificial Intelligence that gained momentum in the last decade of the past century. This is now merging into broader studies of formal models of society, where computer science meets decision theory, game theory and social choice theory, for instance in the study of rational deliberation and decision making.

    This first workshop on logics and strategies of the project STRATMAS focuses on ideas and concepts for bringing in the notion of strategies explicitly in the logical frameworks dealing with intelligent and rational interaction in multi-agent systems, which is one of the main goals of the project. The workshop consists of talks by some experts in this area as well as some young researchers. It can also be regarded as the first event in the revival of "Dag der GrAmschap" which used to be a regular event, not so many years ago, to mark a day of talks and discussions between the Amsterdam and the Groningen logic research community on some topics of mutual interest.

    The workshop is free for participants, but please pre-register before June 20, 2009, by sending mail to Sujata Ghosh () so that we can organize an appropriate lecture room and catering. For more information, see and

  • 24 June 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Henk Zeevat

    Date & Time: Wednesday 24 June 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Henk Zeevat (ILLC)
    Title: Bayesian Interpretation
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 18 June 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Amit Mukarjee

    Date & Time: Thursday 18 June 2009, 14:00
    Speaker: Amit Mukarjee
    Title: The constructivist enterprise: towards computational language acquisition
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 12 June 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Bas Spitters

    Date & Time: Friday 12 June 2009, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Bas Spitters
    Title: Constructive Theory of Banach algebras
    Location: Room 611ab, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 June 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Friday 12 June 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Economic Inequality
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 10 June 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Miles Osborne

    Date & Time: Wednesday 10 June 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Miles Osborne
    Title: Stream-based randomised language modelling for machine translation
    Location: Room A.104, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 5 June 2009, DIP Colloquium, Albert Visser

    Date & Time: Friday 5 June 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Albert Visser
    Title: Look again: syntax is no syntax
    Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 May 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Daniele Porello

    Date & Time: Friday 29 May 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Daniele Porello
    Title: Linear Logic for Bidding Languages
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 27 May 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Juha Kontinen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 May 2009, 15:00-16:00
    Speaker: Juha Kontinen (Helsinki)
    Title: Regular representations of uniform TC^0
    Location: Room P.016, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 May 2009, General Mathematics Colloquium, Sander Bais (UvA, ITFA)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 May 2009, 11:15-12:15
    Speaker: Sander Bais (UvA, ITFA)
    Title: The physics of quantum groups and their breaking
    Location: Room A1.09, Science Park 904

    The General Mathematics Colloquium homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Jochen Heinloth (), Bas Kleijn () or Peter Spreij ()

  • 26-27 May 2009, Amsterdam workshop in set theory, Room F-001, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15

    Date: 26-27 May 2009
    Location: Room F-001, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15

    Following the PhD defense of Brian Semmes there will be a two-day workshop in set theory. A wide variety of topics are covered, including descriptive set theory, ordinal computability and combinatorics without the Axiom of Choice

    For more information, see

  • 25 May 2009, NWO: Bessensap 2009

    Date: Monday 25 May 2009
    Deadline: 4 March 2009

    Together with the Association of Journalists of Science (VNW) and the Science center NEMO, NWO organises Bessensap for the 9th time. The event, with the theme "science meets the press, the press meets science" aims to bring together journalists, editors and PR officials.

    For more information, see

  • 24 May 2009, When are you musical?, Henkjan Honing

    Date: Sunday 24 May 2009
    Speaker: Henkjan Honing
    Location: NEMO, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Een klasgenoot die altijd uit de maat klapt, een tante die vals zingt of een buurjongen die jengelt op zijn gitaar. Dit zijn mensen bij wie muzikaliteit ver te zoeken is, zou je zeggen...Of toch niet?

    Tijdens deze kinderlezing op zondag 24 mei in science center NEMO laat dr. Henkjan Honing de kinderen zelf ervaren wat muzikaliteit betekent. Herken je een liedje nog als het ritme wordt aangepast? Hoor je het als muziek in de verkeerde toonsoort wordt gespeeld? Met geluidsfragmenten en filmpjes laat Honing zien dat je ook muzikaal kunt zijn zonder zelf een instrument te spelen.

    For more information, see

  • 19 May 2009, Logic Tea, Spencer Johnston & Sara Uckelman

    Date & Time: Tuesday 19 May 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Spencer Johnston & Sara Uckelman
    Title: John Buridan's Sophismata and interval temporal semantics.
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 15 May 2009, DIP Colloquium, Igal Kvart

    Date & Time: Friday 15 May 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Igal Kvart (Hebrew University and Rutgers University)
    Title: Change-Based Indicatory Knowledge And Perceptual Skepticism
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 May 2009, The Amsterdam Circle for Law & Language, dr. R.G.F. Winkels and ir.drs. E. de Maat

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 May 2009, 17:00 - 18:30
    Speaker: dr. R.G.F. Winkels and ir.drs. E. de Maat
    Title: From Legal Language to Computer Language ("Van Juridische Taal naar Computertaal")
    Location: Room A 1.01 (Faculty Room), UvA Law School, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    The Leibniz Center for Law develops computer models of statutes as well as methods in order to make the 'translation' from legal language to computer language increasingly automated. A trustworthy, neutral interpretation of the legal text, without added details, is here of great importance. In the presentation the speakers will explain these 'translation'-methods and their 'technical' approach to legal interpretation with examples from various areas of law.
    The lecture will be given in Dutch.

    For more information, please go to or write an e-mail to .

  • 8 May 2009, DIP Colloquium, Jonathan Schaffer

    Date & Time: Friday 8 May 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Jonathan Schaffer (Australian National University)
    Title: Knowledge, Questions, and More Questions
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 May 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stéphane Airiau

    Date & Time: Friday 8 May 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Stéphane Airiau
    Title: Iterated Majority Voting
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 6 May 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Kenneth Manders

    Date & Time: Wednesday 6 May 2009, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Kenneth Manders (Pittsburgh)
    Title: Knot Representation
    Location: Room 430, Buys Ballot lab, Princetonplein, Utrecht

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 2009, The Amsterdam Circle for Law & Language, dr. R.G.F. Winkels and ir.drs. E. de Maat

    Date & Time: 2009, 17:00 - 18:30 hrs
    Speaker: dr. R.G.F. Winkels and ir.drs. E. de Maat
    Title: From Legal Language to Computer Language ("Van Juridische Taal naar Computertaal")
    Location: UvA Law School, Room A 1.01 (Faculty Room), Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    The Leibniz Center for Law develops computer models of statutes as well as methods in order to make the 'translation' from legal language to computer language increasingly automated. A trustworthy, neutral interpretation of the legal text, without added details, is here of great importance. In the presentation the speakers will explain these 'translation'-methods and their 'technical' approach to legal interpretation with examples from various areas of law.

    For more information, please go to or write an e-mail to .

  • 28 April 2009, Logic Tea, Sonja Smets

    Date & Time: Tuesday 28 April 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Sonja Smets
    Title: When Logic Meets Physics
    Location: Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 24 April 2009, DIP Colloquium, Jennifer Ashworth

    Date & Time: Friday 24 April 2009, 16:00-17:10
    Speaker: Jennifer Ashworth (Waterloo)
    Title: Logic in Seventeenth-Century Oxford: What did Wallis contribute?
    Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, Amsterdam.

    This lecture is a join event with the Wallis conference (see For abstracts and more information on the DIP Colloquium, see

  • 24 April 2009, Leve de Wiskunde

    Date & Time: Friday 24 April 2009, 10:30-17:00
    Location: Turingzaal, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Op vrijdag 24 april organiseert het Korteweg-de Vries Instituut van de UvA voor de zevende keer het congres Leve de Wiskunde! Vooraanstaande wetenschappers zullen u op de hoogte brengen van de recente ontwikkelingen in en rondom de wiskunde.

    Voor meer informatie en aanmelden, zie

  • 23-24 April 2009, Wallis: Logic and 17th-century Scientific Thought, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 23-24 April 2009
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Ten speakers will discuss the status of logic and its position within the intellectual context of the seventeenth century, taking as a starting-point a logic textbook written by John Wallis (1616-1703), founder member of the Royal Society and a prominent mathematician, linguist and musicologist. Topics of discussion include the views of the value of logic held by Hobbes, Locke, Arnauld and Leibniz, as well as the relations between logic and grammar, between logic and mathematics, and between logic and science.

    An international symposium, organized by the Wallis Project, Oxford, in collaboration with ILLC, Amsterdam. For more information, see

  • 21 April 2009, Logic Tea, Lorenz Demey

    Date & Time: Tuesday 21 April 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Lorenz Demey
    Title: It is easy to see that...
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 20 April 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Dan Dediu

    Date & Time: Monday 20 April 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Dan Dediu (MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)
    Title: Genetic biases and language change: how well do simple models of language evolution generalize?
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 20 April 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Kenny Smith

    Date & Time: Monday 20 April 2009, 15:00
    Speaker: Kenny Smith (Northumbria University, Newcastle)
    Title: Language change and language evolution in the laboratory
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 17 April 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Vangelis Markakis

    Date & Time: Friday 17 April 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Vangelis Markakis (Athens)
    Title: Overlapping Coalition Formation
    Location: P-0.15A, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 17 April 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic,
    N.-C. Short
    / W. Sieg

    Date & Time: Friday 17 April 2009, 14:00-16:30
    Speaker: N.-C. Short (Provence)
    / W. Sieg (CMU)
    Title: Mathematical style: where symbolic concurrent structures and individual practice meet
    / Structural Proof Theory: Uncovering aspects of the mathematical mind
    Location: Room 611, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 16 April 2009, PROSE Colloquium, Helle Hvid Hansen

    Date & Time: Thursday 16 April 2009, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Helle Hvid Hansen
    Title: Bisimilarity in neighbourhood structures, a coalgebraic approach
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 7 April 2009, Logic Tea, Jonathan Zvesper

    Date & Time: Tuesday 7 April 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Jonathan Zvesper
    Title: Softening Rational Dynamics
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 3 April 2009, DIP Colloquium, Min Que, Femke Smits and Bert Le Bruyn

    Date & Time: Friday 3 April 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Min Que, Femke Smits and Bert Le Bruyn (UiL OTS, Utrecht
    Title: The Scope of Bare Nominals: evidence from Mandarin and Dutch
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 30 March 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Kevin Small

    Date & Time: Monday 30 March 2009, 15:00
    Speaker: Kevin Small (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    Title: Interactive Learning Protocols for Natural Language Applications
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 27 March 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Carsten Held

    Date & Time: Friday 27 March 2009, 15:00-16:45
    Speaker: Carsten Held (Erfurt)
    Title: Frege and Second-Order Logic
    Location: Room 611, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 24 March 2009, Logic Tea, Sebastian Lutz

    Date & Time: Tuesday 24 March 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Sebastian Lutz (Utrecht)
    Title: Semantic and Syntactic Descriptions of Theories and Models
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 24 March 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Markos Mylonakis

    Date & Time: Tuesday 24 March 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Markos Mylonakis
    Title: An All-Phrase-Pairs Approach for Statistical Machine Translation with Smoothing as a Learning Objective
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 20 March 2009, DIP Colloquium, Elia Zardini

    Date & Time: Friday 20 March 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Elia Zardini (St. Andrews)
    Title: First-Order Tolerant Logics
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 March 2009, Logic Tea, Canceled

    Date: Tuesday 17 March 2009
    Speaker: Canceled (was: Ioanna Dimitriou)

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 16 March 2009, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Willem Conradie

    Date & Time: Monday 16 March 2009, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Willem Conradie
    Title: Modal Correspondence and Canonicity via Ackermann's Lemma
    Location: Room P.114, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Yde Venema ().

  • 13 March 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Davide Grossi

    Date & Time: Friday 13 March 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Davide Grossi
    Title: Correspondences in the Theory of Aggregation
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ()

  • 13 March 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic,
    W. Hodges
    / J. Väänänen

    Date & Time: Friday 13 March 2009, 14:00-16:30
    Speaker: W. Hodges (Cambridge)
    / J. Väänänen (UvA)
    Title: Where Frege is coming from / Second order logic, set theory and foundations of mathematics
    Location: Room P.019, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12-16 March 2009, 10th Szklarska Poreba Workshop: The Roots of Pragmasemantics, The mountaintop Szrenica, Szklarska Poreba, Poland

    Date: 12-16 March 2009
    Location: The mountaintop Szrenica, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
    Deadline: 15 January 2009

    We announce the tenth edition of the workshop that takes linguists, philosophers and logicians to the ski slopes. It will be held March 12-16 2009, on the mountaintop Szrenica, Poland (the same location as every year).

    The workshop aims to bring together linguists, philosophers, logicians, and all others interested in the semantics and pragmatics of natural language. This year the theme is Learning - as usual this 'hot topic' should not exclude submissions on other subjects, but talks relating typical Szklarska Poreba concerns to learning are especially welcome. We prefer new and original ideas, even if the material is not fully ripe and the presentation still tentative. Invited Speakers include Paul Boersma, Wojciech Buszkowski, Damir & Malgorzata E. Ćavar and Markus Kracht.

    For more information, see

  • 11 March 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Dave Cochran

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 March 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Dave Cochran
    Title: Darwinised Data-Oriented Parsing: Statistical NLP with added Sex and Death
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 11 March 2009, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Dion Coumans

    Date & Time: Wednesday March 11, 2009, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Dion Coumans
    Title: Distributive lattice-structured ontologies
    Location: Room P.114, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Yde Venema ().

  • 6 March 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Freek Wiedijk

    Date & Time: Friday 6 March 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Freek Wiedijk
    Title: Formalizing Arrow's Theorem
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (). Or see here.

  • 5-6 March 2009, Games, Logic, Language, and Computation

    Date: 5-6 March 2009
    Title: Generalized Quantifiers: Formal Semantics Meets Computation and Cognition (GLLC-16)

    The workshop will be mostly devoted to generalized quantifier theory and its interrelation with computational and cognitive aspects of language. One major focus will be computational complexity and its interplay with "difficulty" as experienced by subjects in cognitive science. The workshop will combine classical generalized quantifier theory (linguistics and mathematics) with newer generalized quantifier theory (computation and cognition).

    For more information, see

  • 4 March 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Remko Scha

    Date & Time: Wednesday 4 March 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Remko Scha
    Title: Grammars without categories
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 3 March 2009, Logic Tea, Daisuke Ikegami

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 March 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Daisuke Ikegami
    Title: Infinite games with imperfect information
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 27 February 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, D. Isaacson
    / A. MacIntyre

    Date & Time: Friday 27 February 2009, 14:00-16:30
    Speaker: D. Isaacson (Oxford)
    / A. MacIntyre (London)
    Title: Some comparisons between incompleteness in arithmetic and set theory / The Impact of Incompleteness on Pure Mathematics
    Location: Room 611, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 24 February 2009, Logic Tea, Michael De

    Date & Time: Tuesday 24 February 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Michael De
    Title: What is wrong with boolean negation?
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 20 February 2009, DIP Colloquium, Herman Cappelen

    Date & Time: Friday 20 February 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Herman Cappelen (St. Andrews)
    Title: Against Assertions
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 20 February 2009, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Martin Davis

    Date & Time: Friday 20 February 2009, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Martin Davis
    Title: Gödel's Developing Platonism
    Location: Room 611, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station)

    Abstract: In Gödel's (unsent) reply to the questionaire sent to him by B.D. Grandjean he asserted that since 1925 he had held a position of 'mathematical realism' whereby 'mathematical concepts [and sets] and theorems are describing objects of some kind.' (The words in square brackets were added by Gödel.) A more nuanced story emerges from the hints made available with the publication of the magnificent five volume set of Gödel's Collected Works.

    For more information, see

  • 20 February 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Bart de Keijzer

    Date & Time: Friday 20 February 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Bart de Keijzer
    Title: Computational Complexity of Fair Resource Allocation
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 19 February 2009, GLoRiClass Seminar, Julien Cristau

    Date & Time: Thursday 19 February 2009, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Julien Cristau (Paris)
    Title: Graph Games of Ordinal Length
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 16-20 February 2009, Mini-course Highlights of Lambda Calculus and Term Rewriting Systems

    Date: 16-20 February 2009
    Speaker: Henk Barendregt and Jan Willem Klop
    Location: Technical University Eindhoven
    Costs: (PhD) students: 300 Euro; members of Dutch graduate school 100 reduction

    This five day master class in lambda calculus and term rewriting is centered around some twenty of the main theorems, both classical and recent. Each theorem is treated in a syllabus chapter of 10 pages, concluded with a section of exercises and notes for follow-up subjects and further reading.

    Deadline for registration is January 30th, 2009. For more information, see or here. The complete programme may be found at

  • 13 February 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi

    Date & Time: Friday 13 February 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Umberto Grandi
    Title: Automated Reasoning in Social Choice Theory: Arrow's Theorem
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 11 February 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Dan Roth

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 February 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Dan Roth
    Title: Constrained Conditional Models: Learning and Inference in Natural Language Understanding
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 9 February 2009, PROSE Colloquium, Ana Sokolova

    Date & Time: Monday 9 February 2009, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Ana Sokolova
    Title: Exemplaric Expressivity of Modal Logics
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    In this talk I will report on a joint work with Bart Jacobs on examples of expressivity of modal logics. We investigate expressivity of modal logics for transition systems, multitransition systems, Markov chains, and Markov processes, as coalgebras of the powerset, finitely supported multiset, finitely supported distribution, and measure functor, respectively. Expressivity means that logically indistinguishable states, satisfying the same formulas, are behaviourally indistinguishable too. The investigation is based on the framework of dual adjunctions between spaces and logics and focuses on a crucial injectivity property. The approach is generic both in the choice of systems and modalities, and in the choice of a ``base logic''. Most of these expressivity results are already known, but the applicability of the uniform setting of dual adjunctions to these particular examples is what constitutes the contribution of this work. In addition, we observed an interesting comparison of the mentioned types of systems, in particular of Markov chains and Markov processes.

    For more information, see

  • 6 February 2009, DIP Colloquium, Fred Landman

    Date & Time: Friday 6 February 2009, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Fred Landman (Tel-Aviv)
    Title: An almost (but not quite) naive theory of comparatives
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 30 January 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Guido Schäfer

    Date & Time: Friday 30 January 2009, 16:00
    Speaker: Guido Schäfer (CWI)
    Title: Cost Sharing Mechanisms: Recent Advances and Future Directions
    Location: P-3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 29 January 2009, GLoRiClass Seminar, Jonathan Zvesper

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 January 2009, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Jonathan Zvesper
    Title: Belief revision and backward induction
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 28 January 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Trevor Cohn

    Date & Time: Wednesday 28 January 2009, 15:30
    Speaker: Trevor Cohn (Edinburgh)
    Title: Inducing compact but accurate Tree Substitution Grammars
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 27 January 2009, Logic Tea, Sara Ramezani

    Date & Time: Tuesday 27 January 2009, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Sara Ramezani
    Title: Nash Social Welfare in Multiagent Resource Allocation
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The relevant paper can be downloaded from The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Edgar Andrade (), Lorenz Demey (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 22 January 2009, PROSE Colloquium, Sonja Georgievska

    Date & Time: Thursday 22 January 2009, 15:30-16:30
    Speaker: Sonja Georgievska
    Title: On compositionality, efficiency and applicability of abstraction in probabilistic systems
    Location: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU Eindhoven

    For more information, see

  • 21 January 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Yuval Krymolowski

    Date & Time: Wednesday 21 January 2009, 15:30
    Speaker: Yuval Krymolowski (Haifa)
    Title: Automatic Annotation of Morpho-Syntactic Dependencies in a Modern Hebrew Treebank
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 16 January 2009, ILPS Seminar, Pablo Cesar

    Date & Time: Friday 16 January 2009, 13:30-14:30
    Speaker: Pablo Cesar
    Title: Towards Next-Generation Video Sharing Systems
    Location: Room F.009, Informatics Institute, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 January 2009, GLoRiClass Seminar, Florian Horn

    Date & Time: Thursday 15 January 2009, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: Florian Horn (CWI)
    Title: Stochastic games for verifications
    Location: P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
  • 14 January 2009, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Jakub Szymanik

    Date & Time: Wednesday 14 January 2009, 15:30
    Speaker: Jakub Szymanik
    Title: Complexity of Quantifiers
    Location: P.327, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

Calls for Paper

  • 17-18 December 2009, EUMAS-09, European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Ayia Napa, Cyprus

    Date: 17-18 December 2009
    Location: Ayia Napa, Cyprus
    Deadline: 14 September 2009

    In the last two decades, we have seen a significant increase of interest in agent-oriented technology. It is crucial that both academics and industrialists within Europe have access to a forum at which current research and application issues are presented and discussed. The aim of this Seventh European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems is to encourage and support activity in the research and development of multi-agent systems, in academic and industrial efforts. This workshop is primarily intended as a European forum at which researchers and those interested in activities relating to research in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems could meet, present (potentially preliminary) research results, problems, and issues in an open and informal but academic environment.

    For more information, see or

    Submission of papers describing relevant preliminary or completed work are invited. EUMAS 2009 also welcomes papers that are under submission, will be presented or have already been presented at relevant international conferences. Abstracts are due: 14th September 2009

  • 16-18 December 2009, 4th Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09), Tumkur, Bangalore, India

    Date: 16-18 December 2009
    Location: Bangalore, India
    Deadline: 10 April 2009

    The 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09) will be held in Tumkur (near Bangalore), India during December 16-18 2009. The conference consists of paper presentations, special workshops, sessions, invited talks and local tours, etc. and it is one of the biggest AI events in the world.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is April 10th, 2009.

  • 19-21 November 2009, IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2009, Rome, Italy

    Date: 19-21 November 2009
    Location: Rome, Italy
    Deadline: 31 July 2009

    The IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) Applied Computing 2009 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within the applied computing area and related fields. This conference covers essentially technical aspects. The applied computing field is divided into more detailed areas (see below). However innovative contributes that don't fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to conference attendees.

    For more information, see:

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 31 July 2009.

  • 19-22 November 2009, IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2009, Rome, Italy

    Date: 19-22 November 2009
    Location: Rome, Italy
    Deadline: 31 July 2009

    WWW and Internet had a huge development in recent years. Aspects of concern are no longer just technical anymore but other aspects have arisen. This conference, organized by IADIS (the International Association for Development of the Information Society) aims to cover both technological as well as non-technological issues related to these developments.

    For more information, see:

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 31 July 2009.

  • 19-20 November 2009, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS6), Tokyo, Japan

    Date: 19-20 November 2009
    Location: Tokyo, Japan
    Deadline: 15 August 2009

    LENLS is an annual international workshop focusing on formal semantics and pragmatics. In the past it has been a satellite of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence conference; this year it will be part of a special workshop session to be held in November, distinct from the conference though still sponsored by JSAI.

    For more information, see or contac .

    We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal semantics and pragmatics, and related fields. This year we especially welcome submissions related to the interplay between logic, philosophy of language, and formal semantics and pragmatics. Abstract submission deadline : August 15, 2009.

  • 12-14 November 2009, 6th Workshop on "Methods for Modalities" (M4M-6), Copenhagen, Denmark

    Date: 12-14 November 2009
    Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
    Deadline: 1 September 2009

    The workshop "Methods for Modalities" (M4M) aims to bring together researchers interested in developing algorithms, verification methods and tools based on modal logics. Here the term "modal logics" is conceived broadly, including temporal logic, description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic, temporal and hybrid logic, etc.

    To stimulate interaction and transfer of expertise, M4M will feature a number of invited talks by leading scientists, research presentations aimed at highlighting new developments, and submissions of system demonstrations. M4M-6 will be preceded by a two-day mini-course aimed at preparing PhD students and other researchers for participation in the workshop. The mini-course is associated with the FIRST research school (

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. We strongly encourage young researchers and students to submit papers, especially for experimental and prototypical software tools which are related to modal logics. Submission deadline (extended) is September 1st, 2009.

  • 7-8 November 2009, Arché/CSMN Graduate Conference, Oslo, Norway

    Date: 7-8 November 2009
    Location: Oslo, Norway
    Deadline: 1 September 2009

    Arché, the Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology, and CSMN, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, are pleased to announce the sixth in a series of graduate conferences aimed at showcasing international graduate work in contemporary analytic philosophy, especially in the areas of Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, and Metaphysics.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2009.

  • 7-8 November 2009, First DepLog LINT Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden

    Date: 7-8 November 2009
    Location: Stockholm, Sweden
    Deadline: 23 October 2009

    This workshop aims to provide an opportunity to discuss and further develop the current research directions on the topic of Dependence Logic, Dependence Friendly Logic, and Independence Friendly Logic, such as the investigation of their proof- and model-theoretic properties, their extensions and their relations to each other and to other formalisms.

    The workshop organizers are Jouko Väänänen and Dag Westerståhl. If you intend to come to the workshop, please send Jouko a message, preferably no later than November 1. For more information, see

    On Saturday, two talks of one hour and two short talks of thirty minutes will be held; on Sunday, instead, there will be a one-hour long talk and two short talks of thirty minutes.
    The titles of the talks have not been yet decided; those interested should send their proposals to Jouko Väänänen as soon as possible, and in any case before October 23.

  • 4-6 November 2009, Formal Methods 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Date: 4-6 November 2009
    Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 6 March 2009

    FM2009 is the sixteenth international symposium of the Formal Methods Europe association. Ten years after the world congress in Toulouse in 1999, FM2009 will be organized as a world congress again, a global platform for researchers and practitioners from a diversity of countries, backgrounds and schools to exchange ideas and share experiences. Several conferences are colocating with FM2009 within FMweek. As is tradition, the symposium will go together with an Industry Day, a Doctoral Symposium, a Tool Exhibition, an event on Teaching Formal Methods, as well as a wide range of workshops.

    For more information, see

    In order to complete the programme, the organizing committee of FM2009 cordially invites proposals for one day tutorials in the wide area of formal methods, which will take place on 2 and 3 November, preceding the symposium. Tutorials should aim to provide conference participants with the opportunity to learn new techniques and gain insights in the use of formal methods. Deadline for proposal submissions: 6 March, 2009.

  • 4-6 November 2009, First Colombian Conference in Logic, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science, Bogota, Colombia

    Date: 4-6 November 2009
    Location: Bogota, Colombia
    Deadline: 15 August 2009

    The conference is designed to provide a biennial, international forum for new work in logic, epistemology, and philosophy of science. The format of the conference will provide an opportunity for speakers to receive constructive feedback from interested colleagues from Colombia and abroad, and for other participants to become acquainted with new work in the field. Invited speakers are Susan Haack (University of Miami), Arnold Koslow (CUNY Graduate Center) and Michael Bishop (Florida State University).

    For further details, please visit or contact

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is August 15, 2009.

  • 3 November 2009, FOPARA 2009: Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Date: Tuesday 3 November 2009
    Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 10 July 2009

    The workshop serves as a forum for presenting original research results that are relevant to the analysis of resource (time, space) consumption by computer programs. The workshop aims to bring together the researchers that work on foundational issues with the researchers that focus more on practical results. Therefore, both theoretical and practical contributions are encouraged. The workshop is a satellite event of the 16th International Symposium on Formal Methods, FM2009.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstract deadline: July 10, 2009.

  • 2 November 2009, 3rd Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Date: 2 November 2009
    Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 10 August 2009

    Reducing the likelihood of human error in the use of interactive systems is increasingly important: the use of such systems is becoming widespread in applications that demand high reliability due to safety, security, financial or similar considerations. Interactive systems are also becoming increasingly ubiquitous and being used in new and more complex situations. Consequently, the use of formal methods in verifying the correctness of interactive systems should also include analysis of human behaviour in interacting with the interface as well as with the wider socio-technical system.

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in computer science, cognitive psychology, and other areas of HCI, from both academia and industry, who are interested in both formal methods and interactive system design.

    For more information, see The workshop will be held in conjunction with FM2009 <>

    In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits two types of submissions - regular papers and short papers. Deadline for abstract submission: August 10, 2009.

  • New journal: Dialogue and Discourse

    Deadline: none

    The journal "Dialogue and Discourse" reflects the surge of interest in the analysis of language `beyond the single sentence', in discourse (i.e., text, monologue) and dialogue, from a formal, computational, or experimental perspective, as reflected in the wide range of work presented at the SEMDIAL and SIGDIAL conferences (; and various other forums. "Dialogue and Discourse" is the first journal devoted to a wide dissemination of such work.

    We are part of the eJournal initiative of the Linguistic Society of America Articles will be published online as soon as they have been accepted. Each year, a (hardcopy) volume, collecting all articles of the year will be published by CSLI Publications, Stanford.

    The journal is open for submissions and we urge you to consider submitting your work on any topic relevant to dialogue and discourse as specified in our Aims and Scope. For more information, see

  • 30 October - 1 November 2009, Workshop and Special Session on Constructive Mathematics, Boca Raton, Florida (U.S.A.)

    Date: 30 October - 1 November 2009
    Location: Boca Raton, Florida (U.S.A.)
    Deadline: 14 July 2009

    For more information, see or contact Bob Lubarsky or Fred Richman .

    The organizers of the Special Session on Constructive Mathematics at the AMS Sectional Meeting at Florida Atlantic University (F Oct 30 -- Sun Nov 1, 2009) welcome submissions of abstracts of talks to be considered for inclusion in the Special Session. Talks at such sessions are typically twenty minutes long. The deadline is July 14.

  • 29-30 October 2009, Logic in Databases Workshop 2009 (LID 2009), Roskilde, Denmark

    Date: 29-30 October 2009
    Location: Roskilde, Denmark
    Deadline: 1 July 2009

    Ever since Codd's Relational Model, logic has played a major role in the field of databases. The significance and impact of this role have grown stronger over the years as data management research marched through many a data model, with logic keeping up and providing the foundations every step of the way. Some of the latest additions to this long list of models are XML, semantic web, probabilistic relational models, integrated model of DB+IR, data integration models, and models of unclean data to name a few. For some of these, corresponding logics already exist or are being explored. The significance of logic's role for data management will continue regardless of the data model. Logic is a fundamental tool for understanding and analyzing several aspects of data management. The Logic in Databases workshop, LID 2009, is a forum for bringing together researchers from around the world who are focusing on all logical aspects of data management.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is July 1, 2009.

  • 28 October - 1 November 2009, Workshop and Special Session on Constructive Mathematics, Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A.

    Date: 28 October - 1 November 2009
    Location: Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 14 July 2009

    At the workshop there will be sessions on algebra (Fred Richman), analysis (Doug Bridges), topology (Bas Spitters), and set theory (Michael Rathjen). The workshop will conclude with a talk by Vladimir Lifschitz on constructive mathematics and computer science aimed at a general mathematics audience. The special session will be part of the AMS sectional meeting at FAU, (

    For more information, see or contact the organizers (Robert Lubarsky, Fred Richman, and Marty Solomon) at .

    Abstracts of talks to be considered for inclusion at this special session can be submitted over this AMS website, with a strict deadline of July 14. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DEADLINE IS EARLIER THAN THE ONE FOR NON-SPECIAL SESSION CONTRIBUTIONS!!! By the AMS standard, talks at such sessions are typically twenty minutes long.

  • 24-27 October 2009, FOCS 2009: Foundations of Computer Science, Atlanta GA, U.S.A.

    Date: 24-27 October 2009
    Location: Atlanta GA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 2 April 2009

    The 50th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS2009), sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing, will be held in at the Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown in Atlanta, GA, October 24-27, 2009. Typical but not exclusive topics of interest include: algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, cryptography, computational geometry, computational game theory, algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics, optimization, randomness in computing, parallel and distributed computing, machine learning, applications of logic, algorithmic algebra and coding theory, theoretical aspects of databases, information retrieval, networks, computational biology, robotics, and quantum computing.

    For more information, see or contact the Local Arrangements Chairs, Milena Mihail and Prasad Tetali, by email to or .

    Papers presenting new and original research on theory of computation are sought. Papers that broaden the reach of theory, or raise important problems that can benefit from theoretical investigation and analysis, are encouraged. Submission deadline is . Extended abstract must be received by April 2, 2009.

  • 21-22 October 2009, Paris-Nancy PhilMath Workshop (P-NPMW), Nancy, France

    Date: 21-22 October 2009
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 31 July 2009

    Next October (21--22) a workshop in the philosophy of mathematics will be held at the University of Nancy 2. This is envisioned as the first in a continuing, annual series of workshops organized by a team of scholars from Paris, Nancy and elsewhere in France. The two day meeting will feature both invited and contributed talks. Deadline for the submission: July 31.

    For more information, see

  • 21-24 October 2009, 2nd conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA 2009), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 21-24 October 2009
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 15 January 2009

    After its successful first conference in Madrid in November 2007, the second conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) will take place at VU University Amsterdam from 21-24 October 2009.

    For more information, see

    We invite contributed papers and proposals for symposia. Submission deadline: 15 January 2009

  • 18-20 October 2009, 2nd Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, Paphos, Cyprus

    Date: 18-20 October 2009
    Location: Paphos, Cyprus
    Deadline: 3 May 2009

    The purpose of SAGT is to bring together researchers from Computer Science, Economics and Mathematics to present and discuss original research at the intersection of Algorithms and Game Theory.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. Deadline for submissions: 5 May 2009.

  • 12-14 October 2009, CLA09: Computational Linguistics -- Applications Workshop, Mragowo, Poland

    Date: 12-14 October 2009
    Location: Mragowo, Poland
    Deadline: 30 May 2009

    IMSCIT is a multi-disciplinary conference gathering scientists form the different fields of IT & Computer Science together with representatives of industry and end-users. IMSCIT with its motto: "new ideas are born not inside peoples' heads but in the space between them", quickly became a unique place to share thoughts and ideas. This year's gathering is held in October 2009 in a beautiful town of Mragowo in the midst of Mazury Lake Country.

    The CLA Workshop is located within the framework of the IMCSIT conference to create a dialog between researchers and practitioners involved in Computational Linguistics and related areas of Information Technology. The Workshop will focus on practical outcome of modeling human language use and the applications needed to improve human-machine interaction.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 30 May 2009.

  • 10-11 October 2009, Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 10), Notre Dame, U.S.A.

    Date: 10-11 October 2009
    Location: Notre Dame, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 1 September 2009

    The tenth annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 10) will be held at Notre Dame the weekend of Saturday, October 10th and Sunday, October 11th. There will be a full day of talks and discussions for Saturday and a half day for Sunday, as well as a workshop dinner Saturday evening, with all participants invited to attend as guests of the university. Some special events are planned to mark the tenth anniversary of the workshop. Some of these will occur as part of the workshop. Hugh Woodin and Tony Martin will be joining us and giving talks as part of a special session on set theory and philosophical questions concerning it. There will also be a special meeting of the Notre Dame weekly Logic Seminar in connection with this.

    For more information, see the website at

    If you would like to give a talk, email a pdf of your talk or substantial summary to Paddy (), Tim (), Curtis () and Mic (). We would like to have all proposals for talks by September 1st so that we can set the program by September 10th. Talks should be 35--40 minutes, with 15--20 minutes left for discussion.

  • 3-5 October 2009, ALT 2009: Algorithmic Learning Theory, Porto, Portugal

    Date: 3-5 October 2009
    Location: Porto, Portugal
    Deadline: 10 May 2009

    The 20th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2009) will be held at the University of Porto, Portugal, October 3 - 5, 2009. The conference is on the theoretical foundations of machine learning. The conference will be co-located with the 12th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2009).

    ALT 2009 homepage:

    We invite submissions that make a wide variety of contributions to the theory of learning. Submission deadline: May 10, 2009 (you may submit for as long as it is May 10, 2009 anywhere in the world).

  • 25-27 September 2009, Days of Judgement, Leiden, The Netherlands

    Date: 25-27 September 2009
    Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 May 2009

    Although modern logic has neglected the notion of judgement, logic is in need of this notion, because the premises and conclusions in our reasoning are judgements. The notion of judgement brings back to logic and to philosophy in general the notion of judging agent. This focus on the agent is not to be understood in an exclusively subjective sense, because the agent is entitled to judge only if he has grounds for his judgement. Recently, the notion of assertion, the linguistic counterpart to the notion of judgement, has come into focus. The aim of the workshop is to bring together different perspectives on the notion of judgement from the history of philosophy that may have a relevance for a theory of assertion and judgement today.

    For more information, see or contact the organizer Maria van der Schaar: .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is May 1st, 2009.

    For more information, see here .
  • 17-19 September 2009, "Logic, Language, Mathematics", A Philosophy Conference in Memory of Imre Rusza, Budapest, Hungary

    Date: 17-19 September 2009
    Location: Budapest, Hungary
    Deadline: 1 June 2009

    The conference, part of the annual conference series "LANGUAGE, UNDERSTANDING, INTERPRETATION", is held in memory of Imre Ruzsa (1921-2008), the father of modern philosophical logic in Hungary. His professional interests centered around modal logic, intensional logic, modeling natural language in systems of intensional logic, and the foundations of logic and mathematics. He always thought of his generalization of A. N. Prior's concept of semantic value gaps to quantified, intensional and type-theoretic systems as his most important contribution to logic.

    For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Andras Mate at .

    Contributions for 20-minute panel-presentations are sought in philosophical logic, mathematical logic, formal semantics, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of language. Plenary talks will be in English; some of the afternoon panels are held in English, some in Hungarian. Graduate students are encouraged to submit. Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2009.

  • 17-19 September 2009, 4th Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (Progic 2009), Groningen

    Date: 17-19 September 2009
    Location: Groningen
    Deadline: 1 June 2009

    Logic and probability theory are often studied in conjunction to decision making, and for good reason: we want our reasoning to be rational because the reasoning precedes and controls for actions. But the models for rationality in reasoning have seen major changes and additions in recent years: logicians have taken a dynamic turn, and probabilists have discovered network tools and new representations of uncertainty. In this workshop we address the question how these developments in modelling rationality carry over to the science of decision making.

    Invited speakers include Johan van Benthem, Luc Bovens, Richard Bradley, Igor Douven, Stephan Hartmann, Jim Joyce, Christian List, Clemens Puppe, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Teddy Seidenfeld, and Jon Williamson.

    For more information, see

    We welcome submissions of papers on the special focus of the workshop, or indeed on any aspect of combining probability and logic. Deadline for submissions is June 1st 2009.

  • 15-18 September 2009, History and Philosophical Foundations of AI, Paderborn, Germany

    Date: 15-18 September 2009
    Location: Paderborn, Germany
    Deadline: 9 April 2009

    The philosophically relevant track within the KI-Conference "History and Philosophical Foundations of AI" deals with the history of AI, its philosophical basics and conceptual debates on basic principles.

    Relevant topics are Artificial intelligence and limits of computability, Multi-Agent-Systems and action theory, Computational functionalism, Philosophical reasoning and AI, and Phenomenology and artificial subject.

    For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber at

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is Paper submission: April 09, 2009.

  • 15-20 September 2009, ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference on Complex Systems and Changes - Darwin and Evolution: Nature-Culture Interfaces, Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

    Date: 15-20 September 2009
    Location: Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
    Deadline: 10 July 2009

    Interdisciplinary conference on evolution theory in natural, social and human sciences.

    For more information, see or contact Ms Zuzana Vercinska, COST Conference Officer ().

    Deadline for applications and abstracts: (extended to) July 10, 2009.
  • 14-16 September 2009, Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'09), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 14-16 September 2009
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 17 April 2009

    Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) are interactive characters that exhibit human-like qualities and communicate with humans or each other using natural human modalities such as speech and gesture. They are capable of real-time perception, cognition and action that allow them to participate in a dynamic social environment.

    IVA'09 is an interdisciplinary annual conference and the main forum for presenting research on modeling, developing and evaluating intelligent virtual agents with a focus on communicative abilities and social behavior. In addition to presentations on theoretical issues, the conference encourages the showcasing of working applications. Researchers from the fields of human-human and human-robot interaction are also welcome to share work which has a bearing on intelligent virtual agents. IVA'09 particularly encourages submissions on this year's special topic of games.

    IVA'09 will be co-located in Amsterdam with the complementary Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction International Conference (ACII'09,, held 10-12 September 2009.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 17 April, 2009.

  • 14-17 September 2009, Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification (GAMES 2009), Udine, Italy

    Date: 14-17 September 2009
    Location: Udine, Italy
    Deadline: 15 July 2009

    As in previous years, GAMES 2009 will be an informal workshop, without proceedings, with a programme consisting of introductory and advanced tutorials, contributed talks and short presentations. GAMES 2009 will also feature an open problem session, which will consist of very short (10 min) descriptions of interesting open problems about games.

    For more information, see

    Contributed talks and short presentations will be selected by the programme committee on the basis of submitted abstracts. Submissions can contain work published elsewhere. Submission deadline: 15th July 2009.

  • 12-14 September 2009, THE 5th INTERNATIIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DOMAIN THEORY (ISDT 2009), Shanghai, China

    Date: 12-14 September 2009
    Location: Shanghai, China
    Deadline: 12 June 2009
    Supervisor: Yixiang Chen, Ernst-Erich Doberkat, Achim Jung

    The 5th International Symposium on Domain Theory (ISDT2009) will be held in September 12-14, 2009, Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.

    International Symposium on Domain Theory (ISDT) is a series of conference held in the mainland of China. It aims at providing a forum for researchers in domain theory and its applications. Each meeting includes invited talks and contributed papers. The previous four ISDT events were held in Shanghai (1999), Chengdu (2001), Xi'an (2004) and Changsha (2006).

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research not concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. Abstract submissions are due (extended deadline) June 12th, 2009 (Friday).

  • 11 September 2009, Fifth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA 2009), Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 11 September 2009
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 17 July 2009

    Objects, components, and agents are fundamental units to organise models. They are also fundamental concepts of the modelling process. Even though software engineers intensively use models based on these fundamental units, and models are the subjects of theoretical research, the relations and potential mutual enhancements between theoretical and practical models have not been sufficiently investigated. There is still the need for better modelling languages, standards and tools. Important research areas are for example UML, BPEL, Petri nets, process algebras, or different kinds of logics. Application areas like business processes, (Web) services, production processes, organisation of systems, communication, cooperation, cooperation, ubiquity, mobility etc. will support the domain dependent modelling perspectives.

    Therefore, the workshop addresses all relations between theoretical foundations of models on the one hand and objects, components, and agents on the other hand with respect to modelling in general. The intention is to gather research and application directions to have a lively mutual exchange of ideas, knowledge, viewpoints, and experiences.

    For more information, see or contact the programme commitee by email at

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. We look for contributions describing original research in topics related to formal methods in combination with object-orientation, components, or agents addressing open problems or presenting new ideas. Deadline for submissions: July 17, 2009

  • 9-11 September 2009, MATES 2009: 7th German Conference on Multi-Agent Technologies, Hamburg, Germany

    Date: 9-11 September 2009
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 4 April 2009

    The German conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES) provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, users, and developers, to present and discuss latest advances in research work, as well as prototyped or fielded systems of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems.

    MATES 2009 will be colocated with the Tenth International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA'09) and the Fifth International Workshop on Modeling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA'09). The participants of MATES 2009 will also have full access to the concurrently running programs of these events.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission Deadline: April 4, 2009.

  • 9-11 September 2009, Phloxshop 2: Modality, Berlin, Germany

    Date: 9-11 September 2009
    Location: Berlin, Germany
    Deadline: 1 May 2009

    The research group phlox organizes a workshop on modality with Dorothy Edgington and Keith Hossack as keynote speakers. The workshop will focus on counterfactual reasoning, modal knowledge, and modal idioms in natural language.

    Questions that may be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:
    - What strength or kind of modality is expressed in different sorts of everyday modal idioms?
    - What role does metaphysical possibility play for non-philosophical reasoning?
    - Is knowledge of counterfactuals prior to knowledge of possibilities and necessities?
    - Can modal knowledge be grounded in knowledge of some non-modal facts?

    For more information, see or write to .

    The research group phlox is inviting submissions for the workshop. The deadline for submission of paper abstracts is the 1st of May 2009.

  • 8 September 2009, Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries 2009 (AT4DL 2009), Trento, Italy

    Date: Tuesday 8 September 2009
    Location: Trento, Italy
    Deadline: 18 June 2009

    The fast growth of digital material is challenging for research in many disciplines. The EU has funded many projects to advance research in this field and facilitate end-user access to cultural and scientific heritage. The ENRICH, Europeana, CACAO, GAMA, NEEO and TELplus projects, funded by the eContentplus programme, have joined forces to organise a workshop as a satellite event of ICSD 2009 (

    The workshop aims to bring together stakeholders in order to present an overview of state-of-the-art systems in the field and identify open research problems that require further work.

    For more information, see

    Submission deadline: 18 June 2009.
  • 7-11 September 2009, CSL 2009: 18th Conference on Computer Science Logic, Coimbra, Portugal

    Date: 7-11 September 2009
    Location: Coimbra, Portugal
    Deadline: 30 March 2009

    Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science. CSL'09, the 18th annual EACSL conference will be organized at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra.

    The invited speakers include: M. Bojanczyk, T. Coquand, M. Grohe, Y. Moschovakis, and P. Oliva. A special session on the life and work of Stephen Kleene also is planned: 2009 marks the centennial of his birth.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline for abstracts is 30 March, 2009.

  • 7-11 September 2009, Computer Science Logic 2009 (CSL'09), Coimbra, Portugal

    Date: 7-11 September 2009
    Location: Coimbra, Portugal
    Deadline: 30 March 2009

    Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science. CSL'09, the 18th annual EACSL conference will be organized at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra

    The Ackermann Award for 2009 will be presented to the recipients at CSL'09.

    Early registration deadline is 31 July, 2009. For more information, see or contact

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline (title & abstract) is 30 March, 2009.

  • 7-11 September 2009, FAMAS09: Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems, Torino, Italy

    Date: 7-11 September 2009
    Location: Torino, Italy
    Deadline: 6 June 2009

    In recent years, multi-agent systems have come to form one of the key technologies for software development. Part of MALLOW 2009, the fourth edition of the FAMAS workshop series aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of logic, theoretical computer science and multi-agent systems in order to discuss formal techniques for specifying and verifying multi-agent systems.

    For more information, see

    We welcome and encourage the submission of high-quality, original papers, which are not being submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Submission deadline: Saturday 6 June 2009.

  • 6-10 September 2009, 3rd Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO 2009), Udine, Italy

    Date: 6-10 September 2009
    Location: Udine, Italy
    Deadline: 2 February 2009

    CALCO is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). The conference brings together researchers and practitioners to exchange new results about both traditional and emerging uses of algebras and coalgebras in computer science.

    CALCO 2009 will be preceded by two events on September 6, 2009:
    * CALCO-jnr - a CALCO Young Researchers Workshop dedicated to presentations by PhD students and by those who completed their doctoral studies within the past few years.

    * CALCO Tools Day - providing the opportunity to give system demonstrations of tools based on algebraic and coalgebraic principles. These include systems/prototypes/tools developed specifically for design, checking, execution, and verification of (co)algebraic specifications, but also tools targeting different application domains but making core or interesting use of (co)algebraic techniques.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee invite submissions of technical papers that report results of theoretical work on the mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the way these results can support methods and techniques for software development, as well as experience with the transfer of resulting technologies into industrial practice. Deadline for submissions is February 2nd, 2009 (February 24th for submissions to CALCO Tools day).

  • 3-5 September 2009, British Logic Colloquium (BLC 2009), Swansea, Wales

    Date: 3-5 September 2009
    Location: Swansea, Wales
    Deadline: 3 August 2009

    The British Logic Colloquium exists to support, promote, and foster the study of logic (especially, but not exclusively, formal and mathematical logic) in Britain. It embraces diverse aspects of logic, from the studies of traditional formal systems to philosophical logic and the modern applications in artificial intelligence, computer science and linguistics; above all, it aims to encourage communication between logicians working in related fields.

    The Annual Meeting of the British Logic Colloquium will be held at the Department of Computer Science, Swansea University.

    For more information, see or contact Ulrich Berger at . We have reserved a limited number of on campus accommodation, which are on hold until Monday, August 10, 2009.

    We have space for a few contributed talks. Please send an abstract to with subject "BLC09 contributed talk". Deadline: Monday, August 3, 2009

  • 1-4 September 2009, Foundations of Uncertainty, Prague, Czech Republic

    Date: 1-4 September 2009
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 31 March 2009

    The Department of Logic at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Formal Epistemology Research Group at the University of Konstanz are jointly organizing a colloquium on philosophical issues concerning uncertainty calculi, in particular interpretations of the probability calclulus. Invited speakers include: Colin Howson, Jim Joyce, Peter Milne, Jeff Paris, and Glenn Shafer.

    For further information please see the conference website The conference mail address is

    We invite submissions on the following topics: Objective and subjective interpretations of probability, Other theories of uncertainty and their relation to probability, Logic and the foundations of probability, and Philosophical aspects of the dynamics of subjective probability. Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2009.

  • 1-4 September 2009, Trends in Logic VII: Trends in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Frankfurt, Germany

    Date: 1-4 September 2009
    Location: Frankfurt, Germany
    Deadline: 26 April 2009

    Trends in Logic is the conference series of Studia Logica. This year's conference will focus entirely on the philosophy of mathematics. We have invited scholars who pursue the subject at the currently most advanced level. In addition, we invite papers that contribute to and try to advance current debates in the field.

    For more information, see

    Submission Deadline: April 26, 2009

  • 31 August - 4 September 2009, Student Session of the 11th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS-2009), Torino, Italy

    Date: 31 August - 4 September 2009
    Location: Torino, Italy
    Deadline: 26 June 2009

    Within the context of EASSS'09, the Student Session is designed to encourage student interaction and feedback from the tutors. By providing the students with a conference-like setup, both in the presentation and in the review process, students have the opportunity to prepare their own submission, go through the selection process (peer review) and possibly present their work to themselves and their interests to their fellow students as well as internationally leading experts in the agent field, both from the theoretical and the practical sector. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted paper submissions will be assigned a 15 minute slot for presentation. Typically a presentation will either detail the intended approach to a problem or ask a specific question, directed at the audience.

    Deadline for submissions: June 26th. For more information, see the Call for Papers, available at

  • 27-29 August 2009, Philosophical Aspects of Symbolic Reasoning in Early Modern Science and Mathematics (PASR), Ghent, Belgium

    Date: 27-29 August 2009
    Location: Ghent, Belgium
    Deadline: 30 April 2009

    This conference brings together scholars working on philosophy of science, history of philosophy and history of science and/or mathematics. The topic is the role of symbolic representations in the development of modern science and mathematics from the end of the sixteenth century throughout the seventeenth century.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Following some requests, the deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until April 30th.

  • 24-28 August 2009, Mal'tsev Centenary Meeting (Conference on Algebra, Mathematical Logic and Applications), Novosibirsk, Russia

    Date: 24-28 August 2009
    Location: Novosibirsk, Russia
    Deadline: 24 April 2009

    This conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Anatolii Ivanovich Mal'tsev (1909-1967). The topics of the conference include group theory, ring theory, universal algebra, mathematical logic, computability theory, theoretical computer science, and related areas of mathematics.

    For more information, see or contact the organisers by e-mail at .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submission of abstracts is April 24, 2009

  • 13-15 August 2009, The Philosophy of Computer Games Conference 2009, Oslo, Norway

    Date: 13-15 August 2009
    Location: Oslo, Norway
    Deadline: 1 June 2009

    The purpose of this conference is to initiate an investigation into how current research on computer games touches upon philosophical issues. In line with this purpose, the conference is interdisciplinary, drawing together researchers from diverse fields such as: philosophy, computer game-theory, semiotics, aesthetics, sociology, psychology, and anthropology.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions focusing on, but not limited to, the following three headings: "Fictionality and Interaction", "Defining Computer Games" and "Ethical and Political Issues". Accepted papers will have a clear focus on philosophy and philosophical issues in relation to computer games. They will also attempt to use specific examples rather than merely invoke "computer games" in general terms. Deadline for submissions is June 1, 2009.

  • 11-14 August 2009, Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2009), Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 11-14 August 2009
    Location: Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 12 January 2009

    The IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science (LICS) is an annual international forum on topics that lie at the intersection of computer science and mathematical logic. LICS 2009 will be held at UCLA in Los Angeles, California, USA, 11th-14th August 2009. It will be colocated with the 16th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2009; August 9th-11th).

    For more information, see

    Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for presentation and/or proposals for workshops, on topics relating logic - broadly construed - to computer science or related fields. Abstracts are due January 12th 2009, proposals December 1st 2008.

  • 10-14 August 2009, BLAST 2009: Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory, Las Cruces NM, U.S.A.

    Date: 10-14 August 2009
    Location: Las Cruces NM, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 30 May 2009

    BLAST is a conference focusing on Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory, Set-theoretic Topology and Point-free Topology. The conference is the second in a series that will rotate among universities of the region. The first conference was held in Denver last summer and was a big success.

    The conference webpage is at

    To apply to give a contributed talk, please submit a title and abstract in Latex or plain text on the abstract submission page by May 30. After May 30, contributed talks may still be accepted, depending on available space.

  • 9-15 August 2009, 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria

    Date: 9-15 August 2009
    Location: Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria
    Deadline: 30 April 2009

    The general theme of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium will be "Language and World", with sections focusing on Wittgenstein, Theories of the Linguistic Sign, Language and Action, Language and Consciousness, Language and Metaphysics, and Reality and Construction. There will be two workshops, on "Wittgenstein and the Literary" and "Wittgenstein's Nachlass "

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 30 April 2009.

  • 9-10 August 2009, LAM 09: Logics for Agents and Mobility, Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 9-10 August 2009
    Location: Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 1 May 2009

    Our aim is to bring together active researchers in the area of logics and mobile systems, especially in the field of logics and calculi for mobility, agents, and multi-agent systems. Many notions used in the theory of agents are derived from philosophy, logic, and linguistics (belief, desire, intention, speech act, etc.), and interdisciplinary discourse has proved fruitful for the advance of this domain. Outside of academia, the deployment of large-scale pervasive infrastructures (mobile ad-hoc networks, mobile devices, RFIDs, etc.) is becoming a reality. This raises a number of scientific and technological challenges for the software modelling and programming models for such large-scale, open and highly-dynamic distributed systems. The agent and multi-agent systems approach seems particularly adapted to tackle this challenge, but there are many issues remaining to be investigated. The workshop is intended to showcase results and current work being undertaken in these areas with a focus on logics for specification and verification of dynamic, mobile systems.

    The workshop will be held as a one-and-a-half-day event before LICS'2009. There will be a general introduction and brief survey of the field by the organiser as an introduction to the workshop. The workshop will contain invited talks, contributed talks, and a discussion session. The latter is meant to give the participants a chance to discuss informally research directions, open problems, and possible co-operations.

    Further Information: About the workshop:
    About LICS:

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission Deadline: 1 May 2009.

  • 3-7 August 2009, Logic and Mathematics 2009, York, U.K.

    Date: 3-7 August 2009
    Location: York, U.K.
    Deadline: 31 March 2009

    Theme: The interaction between ideas or techniques from mathematical logic and other areas of mathematics.
    Sponsored by the London Mathematical Society and the British Logic Colloquium

    Participants are invited to submit abstracts of papers they would like to present.

    Deadline for early registrations: 31 March 2009. For more information, see

    submissions and
  • 31 July - 5 August 2009, Logic Colloquium 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria

    Date: 31 July - 5 August 2009
    Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
    Deadline: 15 April 2009

    The Logic Colloquium is the annual European conference on logic, organised under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL). It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the new developments in the area of logic. The conference attracts researchers from logic, with an emphasis on mathematical logic, but also including researchers from computer science logic and philosophical logic. In previous years, the Logic Colloquium has been organised in Bern (2008) and Wroclaw (2007).

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit contributed papers that have logic research content that lies within the scope of the interests of the ASL. Submission Deadline: 15 April 2009.

  • 29 July - 1 August 2009, Thirty-first annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Amsterdam (CogSci 2009), Amsterdam

    Date: 29 July - 1 August 2009
    Location: Amsterdam
    Deadline: 1 February 2009

    CogSci 2009 is the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society for basic and applied cognitive science research. Scientists from across the world submit their best work and attend CogSci to hear the latest theories and data from the world's best cognitive science researchers. This year the conference will be in the Netherlands for the first time, in Amsterdam. Invited speakers this year are Nikola Clayton, Randall O'Reilly, Joshua Tenenbaum, and the winners of the Rumelhart prize for Cognitive Science, Susan Carey, and Heineken prize for Cognitive Science, Stanislas Dehaene.

    More information about the conference can be found through the Cognitive Science Society website:

    Researchers in Cognitive Science are invited to submit their best work to the conference by 1 February 2009 in the form of a six-page paper, a poster abstract (for members), or proposals for symposia, workshop or tutorials.

  • 27-31 July 2009, Workshop on Logics and Agent Programming Languages, Bordeaux

    Date: 27-31 July 2009
    Location: Bordeaux
    Deadline: 4 March 2009

    The workshop is part of ESSLLI in Bordeaux and is aimed at researchers who use logics in design and / or verification of agent programming languages. The workshop will provide a forum for advanced PhD students and researchers in these areas to compare methodologies, exchange ideas and identify challenges in agent programming languages and writing reliable agent programs.

    Deadline for submissions: 4 March 2009. For more information, see

  • 26-31 July 2009, ICCS09: Conceptual Structures: Leveraging Semantic Technologies, Moscow, Russia

    Date: 26-31 July 2009
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Deadline: 5 January 2009

    The 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2009) is the latest in a series of annual conferences that have been held in Europe, Australia, and North America since 1993. The focus of the conference has been the representation and analysis of conceptual knowledge for research and practical application. ICCS brings together researchers and practioners in information and computer sciences as well as social science to explore novel ways that conceptual structures can be deployed.

    Arising from the research on knowledge representation and reasoning with Conceptual Graphs, over the years ICCS has broadened its scope to include innovations from a wider range of theories and related practices. The 2009 ICCS's theme "leveraging semantic technologies" hints to the large overlap of the research fields of semantic technologies and conceptual structures, and emphasizes the goal of closer connecting these two areas in order to obtain a mutual benefit.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers describing both theoretical and practical research outcomes. Submission deadline is Monday 5 January 2009.

  • 23-25 July 2009, TIME 2009: Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Brixen, Italy

    Date: 23-25 July 2009
    Location: Brixen, Italy
    Deadline: 6 April 2009

    The TIME symposium series is a well-established annual event that brings together researchers from all areas of computer science that involve temporal representation and reasoning. This includes, but is not limited to, artificial intelligence, temporal databases, and the verification of software and hardware systems. In addition to fostering interdisciplinarity, the TIME symposia emphasize bridging the gap between theoretical and applied research.

    TIME 2009 encompasses three tracks, but has a single program committee. The conference will span three days, and will be organized as a combination of technical paper presentations, poster sessions, and keynote lectures.

    For more information, see

    Submissions of high quality papers describing research results or on-going work are solicited. Submitted papers should contain original, previously unpublished content, should be written in English, and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 6.

  • 20-24 July 2009, ViC 2009: Vagueness in Communication, Bordeaux, France

    Date: 20-24 July 2009
    Location: Bordeaux, France
    Deadline: 15 February 2009

    Although vagueness has long since been an important topic in philosophy, logic and linguistics, some recent advances have made the functions of vagueness in natural language communication an exciting and timely research area. This renewed interest has a distinct cross-disciplinary character and has spawned many new research questions. While the classical instruments of dealing with vagueness have not been significantly extended, new approaches investigate questions like context-sensitivity of vagueness, the sharpening of vague predicates in context, and the modeling of precision levels with expressions like 'roughly' or 'like'. On a more fundamental level, the question why there is vagueness to begin with, what role vagueness serves in human communication, has been addressed. Game-theoretic methods have been employed that show that being vague or imprecise can be beneficial for communication even if the speaker could truthfully use more precise terms (de Jaegher 2003). Furthermore, the important role of vagueness became evident in a number of empirical domains beyond obvious examples such as the language of diplomacy.

    The ViC-2009 workshop is part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2009), and is organised as an event of the VAAG project of the ESF Eurocore LogicCC. It aims to provide a forum for researchers (including advanced PhD students) to present and discuss their work with colleagues and researchers who work in the broad subject of the disciplines relevant for particles and modal adverbs, as represented in ESSLLI.

    For more information, see or contact Rick Nouwen at .

    Authors are invited to submit an anonymous, extended abstract. Deadline for submissions is Febuary 15, 2009.

  • 20-25 July 2009, Workshop Logical Methods for Social Concepts (LMSC), Bordeaux

    Date: 20-25 July 2009
    Location: Bordeaux
    Deadline: 4 March 2009

    Both computer science and the social sciences are interested in social concepts such as power, cooperation, responsibility, delegation, trust, reputation, convention, agreement, commitment, etc. The aim of this workshop is to study whether logical approaches developed in the multi-agent system (MAS) domain are adequate to express them in an accurate way. The workshop is intended to bring together logicians and social theorists in order to provide a better understanding of the potentialities and limitations of logical methods for the analysis of social reality. Its scope includes not only the technical aspects of logics for multi-agent systems, but also multidisciplinary aspects from social sciences (e.g. economics, sociology, social philosophy) and a critical analysis of the existing logical frameworks for the specification of social concepts. It is organized as part of ESSLLI'2009.

    For more information, see


    Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract presenting an approach which is relevant to the area of logic for multi-agent systems. Submission deadline (extended): March 4, 2009

  • 19-24 July 2009, Computability in Europe (CiE 2009), Heidelberg, Germany

    Date: 19-24 July 2009
    Location: Heidelberg, Germany
    Deadline: 20 January 2009

    CiE 2009 is the fifth in a series of conferences organised by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings took place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007) and Athens (2008).

    CiE 2009 has a broad scope and bridges the gap from the theoretical methods of mathematical and meta-mathematical flavour to the applied and industrial questions of computational practice. The conference aims to bring together researchers who want to explore the historical and philosophical aspects of the field.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers (European and non-European) in computability related areas to submit their papers (in PDF-format, max 10 pages) for presentation at CiE 2009. The committee particularly invites papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community. Submission date of papers: January 20, 2009.

  • Special issue "Logic in India" of the JPL

    Deadline: 15 August 2009

    A special issue of the Journal of Philosophical Logic on the theme of Logic in India is being planned. Please see the Special Issue page for details. Potential authors who are interested to submit to this volume are requested to send an email to one of the Guest Editors, by /August 15, 2009/, mentioning their intention, with a title and an abstract of one paragraph. The submission Deadline is: January 1, 2010. Editors are: Rohit Parikh, Ram Ramanujam, Hans van Ditmarsch.

    For more information, see

  • 15-17 July 2009, International Workshop on Hybrid Logic 2009 (HyLo 2009), Nancy, France

    Date: 15-17 July 2009
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 1 March 2009

    Hybrid logic is a branch of modal logic allowing direct reference to worlds/times/states. It is easy to justify interest in hybrid logic on the grounds of applications, as the additional expressive power is very useful. In addition, hybrid-logical machinery improves the behaviour of the underlying modal formalism. For example, it becomes considerably simpler to formulate modal proof systems, and one can prove completeness and interpolation results of a generality that is not available in orthodox modal logic. But more generally, the topic of HyLo 2009 is not only standard hybrid-logical machinery (like nominals, satisfaction operators, binders, etc) but also extensions of modal logic that increase its expressive power in one way or other.

    HyLo 2009 will be an special event, conmemorating the ten years since the organization of the first HyLo workshop in 1999. HyLo 2009 will be relevant to a wide range of people, including those interested in description logic, feature logic, applied modal logics, temporal logic, and labelled deduction. The workshop aims to provide a forum for advanced PhD students and researchers to present and discuss their work with colleagues and researchers.

    For more information, see

    We invite the contribution of papers reporting new work from researchers interested in hybrid logic. Deadline for submissions: Sunday, 1st March 2009

  • 15-19 July 2009, 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, Patras, Greece

    Date: 15-19 July 2009
    Location: Patras, Greece
    Deadline: 27 March 2009

    The Panhellenic Logic Symposium is a biannual scientific event established in 1997. It is open to researchers worldwide who work in Logic broadly conceived. The Seventh Panhellenic Logic Symposium will be hosted at the Conference Center of the University of Patras. The scientific program of the symposium will consist of hour-long invited talks, tutorials, and presentations of accepted contributed papers.

    Further information about PLS7 can be found at the conference web site E-mail inquires about PLS7 should be directed to the local organizers at or .

    A web-based conference management system will be used for the submission of abstracts of contributed talks. Deadline for submissions: March 27, 2009.

  • 13-16 July 2009, 16th International Medieval Congress (IMC 2009): Logic and Heresy in the Middle Ages, Leeds, England

    Date: 13-16 July 2009
    Location: Leeds, England
    Deadline: 1 September 2008

    In 2009, to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the launch of the Albigensian Crusade, the International Medieval Congress has the special thematic focus Heresy and Orthodoxy.

    For more information, see or contact .

    The International Medieval Congress solicits proposals for both individual papers and for groups of papers forming thematic sessions. We are planning to submit a proposal for the inclusion in the Congress of a session on logic and heresy in the Middle Ages. For this, abstracts/paper proposals on all aspects relating to logic, orthodoxy, and heresy are now being solicited. 1 page abstracts for papers on any of these topics should be submitted to Sara L. Uckelman at by 1 September 2008.

  • 6-8 July 2009, Twelfth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK XII), Stanford University, USA

    Date: 6-8 July 2009
    Location: Stanford University, USA
    Deadline: 2 March 2009

    The mission of the TARK conferences is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields, including Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Economics and Game Theory, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology, in order to further our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and knowledge. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, semantic models for knowledge, belief, and uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning, commonsense epistemic reasoning, epistemic logic, knowledge and action, applications of reasoning about knowledge and other mental states, belief revision, and foundations of multi-agent systems.

    For more information, see

    Submissions are now invited to TARK-XII. Submission deadline is March 2nd, 2008.

  • 6-10 July 2009, Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2009), Oslo, Norway

    Date: 6-10 July 2009
    Location: Oslo, Norway
    Deadline: 19 January 2009

    This conference is the 18th in a series of international meetings on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods.

    Tableau methods are a convenient formalism for automating deduction in various non-standard logics as well as in classical logic. Areas of application include verification of software and computer systems, deductive databases, knowledge representation and its required inference engines, and system diagnosis. The conference brings together researchers interested in all aspects - theoretical foundations, implementation techniques, systems development and applications - of the mechanization of reasoning with tableaux and related methods.

    See for more information on TABLEAUX 2009, and for information about the TABLEAUX conference series.

    Submissions are invited for research papers, system descriptions and position papers, as well as workshops and tuturials. Deadline for submissions: 9 January 2009 (workshop/tuturial proposals) and 19 January 2009 (paper abstracts).

  • 29 June - 3 July 2009, 4th Conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, Marseille, France

    Date: 29 June - 3 July 2009
    Location: Marseille, France
    Deadline: 1 March 2009

    The theme of the conference will be algorithmic randomness (Kolmogorov complexity) and its connections to various other subjects. This meeting will be in the spirit of the earlier conferences held in Argen tina in 2004 and 2007, and in China in 2008. However, this time we are using a modified Dagstuhl model, where most of the talks will be given by invited speakers.

    For more information, see

    Please also let us know if you wish to give a talk at the meeting. In this case, you will have to submit an abstract by March 1, 2009.

  • 28 June 2009, Games for Design, Verification and Synthesis (GASICS 09), Grenoble, France

    Date: 28 June 2009
    Location: Grenoble, France
    Deadline: 10 April 2009

    GASICS is an ESF project of the EUROCORES programme LogICCC (Modelling intelligent interaction Logic in the Humanities, Social and Computational sciences ). It studies game theoretic formalizations of interactive computational systems and algorithms for their analysis and synthesis. Our aim is to extend the existing notions of games played on graphs introduced by computer scientists. Currently, most of the games played on graphs are of the sort "two-players zero-sum", we aim to extend them to "multiple-players non-zero-sum", and show the applicability of the new theory to the analysis and synthesis of interactive computational systems.

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on game-related subjects, and to discuss on various aspects of game theory in the fields where it is applied. The workshop will be composed of two invited talks, together with contributed talks on relevant topics.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 10 April 2009.

  • 22-27 June 2009, 11th Asian Logic Conference (ALC2009), Singapore

    Date: 22-27 June 2009
    Deadline: 15 March 2009

    The Eleventh Asian Logic Conference will be held in Singapore from 22 to 27 June 2009. The Asian Logic Conference series is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic, and the meetings are major international events in mathematical logic. The series features the latest scientific developments in the fields in mathematical logic and its applications, logic in computer science, and philosophical logic. It also aims to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and to bring logicians together both from within Asia and elsewhere to exchange information and ideas.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. We particularly invite papers by logicians from the Asia-Pacific region. Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2009.

  • 21-24 June 2009, 16th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2009), Tokyo, Japan

    Date: 21-24 June 2009
    Location: Tokyo, Japan
    Deadline: 28 February 2009

    WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The Sixteenth WoLLIC will be held at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan, from June 21 to 24, 2009.

    As 2009 will mark the 60-th anniversary of the publication of Paul Erdos' elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem, WoLLIC will celebrate this by screening the documentary about Paul Erdos which was directed by George Csicsery "N is a number - A Portrait of Paul Erdos".

    For more information, see

    Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by February 28.

  • New Journal: Argument & Computation

    Deadline: 16 September 2009

    The Journal "Argument and Computation" aims to promote the interaction and cross-fertilisation between the fields of argumentation theory and computer science. It will be of interest to researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, computer science, logic, philosophy, argumentation theory, psychology, cognitive science, game theory and economics.

    For more information, see

  • 15-17 June 2009, Third Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic, HEC Lausanne

    Date: 15-17 June 2009
    Location: HEC Lausanne
    Deadline: 30 March 2009

    Formal approaches to rational individual and interactive decision making is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of research. The workshop series in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL) started in 2007 and aims at fostering interactions between graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers from economics, logic and philosophy.

    Each DGL features three tutorials, one on decision theory, one on game theory and one on logic, given by leading researchers, as well as presentation and poster sessions by young researchers. The third edition of the DGL has also the pleasure to feature a discussion panel on rationality.

    For more information, see the website at or email .

    We invite submissions for presentation and poster sessions by young researchers (graduate students and post-docs) in the fields of decision theory, game theory, logic and formal philosophy. Preference will be given to conceptual work in these fields and work that combines problems of these fields. Deadline for submission: March 30, 2009.

  • 8-10 June 2009, Controlled Natural Languages (CNL 2009), Marettimo Island, Italy

    Date: 8-10 June 2009
    Location: Marettimo Island, Italy
    Deadline: 14 November 2008

    Controlled natural languages (CNLs) are subsets of natural languages, obtained by restricting the grammar and vocabulary in order to reduce or eliminate ambiguity and complexity. This workshop is dedicated to discussing the similarities and differences of existing controlled natural languages of the second type (those that enable reliable automatic semantic analysis of the language), possible improvements to these languages, relations to other knowledge representation languages, tool support, existing and future applications, and further topics of interest.

    For more information, see

    We invite researchers to submit extended abstracts of exactly 4 pages (inclusive references). Deadline for submissions of extended abstracts: 14 November 2008

  • 5-8 June 2009, 13th Annual Meeting for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASCC XIII), Berlin, Germany

    Date: 5-8 June 2009
    Location: Berlin, Germany
    Deadline: 31 January 2009

    The thirteenth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be held from June 5th to June 8th, 2009, at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. Hosted by the renowned Humboldt-University, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain is an international graduate research school on the interface of humanities and behavioral sciences with neurosciences. ASSC XIII is intended to promote interdisciplinary dialogue in the scientific study of consciousness. ASSC members as well as non-members are encouraged to submit contributions that address current empirical and theoretical issues in the study of consciousness, from the perspectives of philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and cognitive ethology. ASSC XIII will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation of new empirical findings or novel theoretical perspectives in an atmosphere that will promote discussion and debate.

    For more information, see

    The Program committee invites proposals for symposia (deadline 15 October 2008) and tutorials (deadline 31 January 2009) on any topic relevant to the scientific study of consciousness. Talks and poster presentations will also be sollicited in a later call.

  • 4-5 June 2009, RaAM 2009: Researching and Applying Metaphor Workshop on Metaphor, Metonymy & Multimodality, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 4-5 June 2009
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 15 March 2009

    The analysis of metaphor in different modalities, not just in written texts, elucidates the vital ties between metaphor and metonymy in meaning-making. This workshop therefore integrates these three topics for its theme. The multiple forms of expression to be considered include written words, spoken language, the pictorial mode (still and moving images), sound, and the gestural mode. Attention will be focused on the multimodal use of metaphor and metonymy in TV advertising, film, comics, animation, naturalistic spoken discourse, experimental settings, and foreign language teaching.

    The workshop will feature a combination of plenary lectures, introducing basic concepts, and hands-on workshops, in which the plenary speakers will guide participants in the analysis of materials. There will be two plenaries on the analysis of images and two on gestures, and three workshops on each of the modes of images and gestures. The same hands-on workshops will run on both days so that participants may take part in two out of the three on each topic. There will also be time allotted for a poster session by participants who wish to present their own research on multimodal metaphor and/or metonymy.

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation.

    Deadline for registration is March 15, 2009. For more information, see

    and/or abstract submission
  • 1-3 June 2009, 9th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Toronto, Canada

    Date: 1-3 June 2009
    Location: Toronto, Canada
    Deadline: 16 February 2009

    One of the major long-term goals of AI is to endow computers with common sense. Although we know how to build programs that excel at certain bounded or mechanical tasks which humans find difficult, such as playing chess, we have very little idea how to program computers to do well at commonsense tasks which are easy for humans. One approach to this problem is to formalize commonsense reasoning using mathematical logic.

    The symposium aims to bring together researchers who have studied the formalization of commonsense reasoning. The focus of the symposium is on representation rather than on algorithms, and on formal rather than informal methods.

    For more information, see

    We aim for rigorous and concrete paper submissions. While mathematical logic is expected to be the primary lingua franca of the symposium, we also welcome papers using a rigorous but not logic-based representation of commonsense domains. Technical papers offering new results in the area are especially welcome; object-level theories as opposed to meta-level results are preferred. Papers should be submitted by February 16, 2009.

  • 29-31 May 2009, 2nd Formal Epistemology Festival: Causal Decision Theory and Scoring Rules, Ann Arbor MI, U.S.A.

    Date: 29-31 May 2009
    Location: Ann Arbor MI, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 22 March 2009

    This is the second of three small, thematically focused events in formal epistemology, organized by Franz Huber (Konstanz), Eric Swanson (Michigan), and Jonathan Weisberg (Toronto). This year's festivities coincide with the 10th anniversary of the publication of James Joyce's The Foundations of Causal Decision Theory.

    For more information, see

    We welcome submissions of papers on topics related to causal decision theory, scoring rules, or both. Please send a pdf prepared for blind reviewing to . Deadline for submissions: March 22, 2009.

  • 21-24 May 2009, 7th Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2009), Darmstadt, Germany

    Date: 21-24 May 2009
    Location: Darmstadt, Germany
    Deadline: 1 December 2008

    Formal Concept Analysis emerged in the 1980's from attempts to restructure lattice theory to promote better communication between lattice theorists and potential users of lattice theory. Since then, Formal Concept Analysis has developed into a growing research field in its own right with a thriving theoretical community and an increasing number of applications in information and knowledge processing including visualization, data mining, analysis and knowledge management.

    The conference aims to unify theoretical and applied practitioners using Formal Concept Analysis drawing from the fields of Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences, Software Engineering, as well as diverse application domains such as Linguistics or Life Sciences. Other aspects are welcome.

    For more information, see

    We call for scientific publications on theory and applications of Formal Concept Analysis. For each paper, an abstract must be submitted by December 1, 2008.

  • 14-16 May 2009, Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2009), Odense, Denmark

    Date: 14-16 May 2009
    Location: Odense, Denmark
    Deadline: 18 February 2009

    The 17th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics will be held at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark, on May 14-16, 2009, with two days for the main conference, and a separate day for workshops.

    More information about the conference and local information about Odense will be available at the conference website at:, or by contacting .

    The Program Committee invites proposals for workshops on all aspects of language technology, as well as papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research. Deadlines for submissions are December 5th, 2008 (Workshop proposals), January 12, 2009 (regular and student papers), and February 18, 2009 (short papers).

  • 10-15 May 2009, AAMAS-09: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Budapest, Hungary

    Date: 10-15 May 2009
    Location: Budapest, Hungary
    Deadline: 10 October 2008

    AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 by merging highly respected individual conferences ICMAS, ATAL and AA. The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally respected archival forum for scientific research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The main theme of AAMAS-09, based on feedback from previous conferences, will be reinforcing the rich panorama of *interconnections* in the field.

    Oct 10, 2008 EDT (GMT-4): electronic abstract submission deadline Oct 14, 2008 EDT (GMT-4): electronic paper submission deadline Dec 19, 2008: paper notification Feb 06, 2009: camera-ready copy submission deadline

    For more information, see

    AAMAS-09 encourages the submission of *original* papers covering theoretical, experimental, methodological, and application issues in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. Submission deadline is Oct 10, 2008.

  • 16-18 April 2009, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe (SPE), London, UK

    Date: 16-18 April 2009
    Location: London, UK
    Deadline: 12 February 2009

    The purpose of the colloquium is to enhance the dialogue between linguists and philosophers and to provide a new forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and the various related areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of mind). The colloquium is to take place every year, alternating between Paris, London, St Andrews, Barcelona and Oslo: this is the second colloquium.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions to any of the interface areas of linguistics, semantics and philosophy for 40 minute talks. Two-page abstract of 1000 words maximum should be sent by email to by February 12th 2009 (please put "SPE CFP" in subject header).

  • 6-7 April 2009, Symposium on AI and Games (AISB 2009), Edinburgh, Scotland

    Date: 6-7 April 2009
    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
    Deadline: 19 December 2008

    The AISB convention is an annual event organised as a number of collocated symposia loosely organised around a theme, and interspersed with invited plenary talks and poster sessions. This symposium focuses on the application of artificial intelligence or intelligent-like techniques, frameworks and theories to the creation of interactive engaging intelligent games.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 19 december 2008.

  • Special Issue Synthese: "Logic and Social Interaction"

    Deadline: 1 May 2009

    There is now a growing body of research on formal algorithmic models of social procedures and interactions between rational agents. Largely using the language of logic and game theory, these studies have led to new insights into the dynamics of observation, updating of knowledge and belief, preference change, dialogues and processes of strategic interaction. Central to many of these studies is a multi-agent perspective on rational agency that situates inference in an interactive context.

    In this context, a workshop on Logic and Social Interaction was held in the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai during 7-8 January, 2009, focussing on current advances made towards modelling complex multi-agent interactive situations, attempting to identify logical elements in our daily social activities. As a follow-up of the Workshop, a special issue of the "Knowledge, Rationality and Action" section of the journal "Synthese" is planned on the theme of Logic and Social Interaction.

    Deadline for abstracts: May 1st, 2009. For more information, see the Special Issue page at and the workshop page at

  • 27-29 March 2009, Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory, Boise ID, U.S.A.

    Date: 27-29 March 2009
    Location: Boise ID, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 25 March 2009

    We are pleased to announce our eighteenth annual BEST conference. There will be four talks by invited speakers:
    Steve Jackson (University of North Texas)
    Ljubisa Kocinac (University of Nis, Republic of Serbia)
    Assaf Rinot (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
    Grigor Sargsyan (University of California, Berkeley)

    The talks will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Department of Mathematics, Boise State University.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. The deadline for submitting an abstract is March 25, 2009.

  • 6-9 March 2009, 2nd Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, Arlington VA, U.S.A.

    Date: 6-9 March 2009
    Location: Arlington VA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 12 November 2008

    Continuing the mission of the highly successful first AGI conference (AGI-08), AGI-09 will gather an international group of leading academic and industry researchers involved in serious scientific and engineering work aimed directly toward the goal of artificial general intelligence.

    This is the only major conference series devoted wholly and specifically to the creation of AI systems possessing general intelligence at the human level and ultimately beyond. By gathering together active researchers in the field, for presentation of results and discussion of ideas, we accelerate our progress toward our common goal.

    For more information, see

    AGI-09 will accept two types of submissions: full-length papers (6 pages) and short position statements (2 pages). Submission deadline is 12 November 2008.

  • 26-28 February 2009, STACS 2009: Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Freiburg, Germany

    Date: 26-28 February 2009
    Location: Freiburg, Germany
    Deadline: 15 September 2008

    The STACS conference Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science takes place each year since 1984, alternately in Germany and France. STACS 2009 will be held in the city of Freiburg (located in the Southern Black Forest) on February 26-28, 2009.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Deadline for submission: September 15, 2008.

  • 19-20 February 2009, Colloquium "PhDs in Logic", Ghent, Belgium

    Date: 19-20 February 2009
    Location: Ghent, Belgium
    Deadline: 19 December 2008

    The aim of the colloquium is to bring together young researchers in the field of logic. During these two days there will be 6 tutorials in total, 3 about mathematical and 3 about philosophical logic. In addition, PhD students and postdocs in mathematical or philosophical logic are invited to give a presentation. In combination with the planned social activity this will hopefully lead to a better overview of the current research in logic and even joint work.

    For more information, see or contact .

    Abstract submission before December 19, 2008.

  • 18-20 February 2009, WALCOM 2009: Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, Kolkata (India)

    Date: 18-20 February 2009
    Location: Kolkata (India)
    Deadline: 1 September 2008

    The third International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2009) will take place in Kolkata, India, during February 18-20, 2009. The workshop is intended to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory of computation.

    WALCOM 2009 will be preceded by the Second National Workshop on Nano-Science and Bio-chips (February 16-17, 2009), whose theme is "Combinatorial and Algorithmic aspects of Bio-chips"

    Conference web site:

    Papers presenting original research in the areas of design and analysis of algorithms, computational geometry, graph drawing and graph algorithms are sought. Submission deadline is September 1, 2008.

  • CfP: "The Games of Logic: A Philosophical Perspective"

    Deadline: 15 March 2009

    For more than two decades now, each year has seen a growing number of important results in the emerging field centered on the interactions between game theory and logic. We feel that it is time for the philosopher to assess in which ways those results bear on the fundamental questions of the philosophy of logic. In particular, what insight have we gained on such central notions as truth, validity, proof, proposition, form and formality, logicality, etc. We would thus like to open a series of books that we conceive as a gathering place where philosophical ideas concerning those topics can be expressed, scrutinized and confronted. The series will be published by College Publications ( as a new subseries of the 'Philosophy' series.

    We therefore invite submissions related to all aspects of the philosophical consequences of the interactions between games and logic. More specific topics include (but are not limited to): game-theoretical semantics, dialogical logic, ludics, Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games, game-theoretical notions of logical form, game-theoretical notion of proposition, logical games between semantics and proof theory, games and modal logic. Paper submission deadline: 15th March 2009.

    For more information, see here or

  • 8 February 2009, Common Sense and Intelligent User Interfaces 2009: Story Understanding and Generation for Context-Aware Interface Design, Sanibel Island, Florida

    Date: 8 February 2009
    Location: Sanibel Island, Florida
    Deadline: 20 November 2008

    Capturing common sense knowledge often involves uncovering the implicit, unstated assumptions behind communication, often best expressed through stories. Work in story representations dates back to Schank-style scripts and other efforts in the 80s, but recent developments have unleashed new potential in this area. The maturity of common sense knowledge bases such as Cyc, Open Mind and ThoughtTreasure; statistical and corpora-based natural language understanding techniques; the explosion of participatory knowledge collection over the Web; progress in cognitive science; the popularity of Web-based storytelling media such as blogs; and new common sense reasoning techniques are all enablers of the new generation of work on common sense stories.

    We are accepting both papers and demos to our workshop. Submission deadline is November 20th. For more information, see

  • 22-23 January 2009, 3rd Bi-Annual Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Association for Analytic Philosophy (VAF 2009), Tilburg, The Netherlands

    Date: 22-23 January 2009
    Location: Tilburg, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 October 2008

    Analytic philosophy has a prominent place in Dutch and Flemish philosophy departments. In order to promote analytic philosophy in the Dutch and Flemish communities, the Vereniging voor Analytische Filosofie (VAF) was founded in 2006. The third bi-annual organised event of the VAF will be a two-day conference on recent trends in philosophy of language.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. We especially invite contributions on
    1. minimalism and contextualism in semantics
    2. Interactions between philosophy of language and (social) epistemology
    3. Philosophical and psychological theories of Conditionals
    Submission deadline is 1 October 2008.

  • 22 January 2009, Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN), Groningen

    Date: Thursday 22 January 2009
    Location: Groningen
    Deadline: 17 November 2008

    CLIN 19 is the Nineteenth Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (Deadline for abstract submission: Monday 17 November 2008). The meeting will take place in Groningen, The Netherlands. It will be held on Thursday 22 January 2009 in conjunction with the Treebanks and Linguistic Theory (TLT) conference.

    For more information, see

    Researchers are invited to present work on all aspects of computational linguistics and related language technologies. The deadline for submission is Monday 17 November 2008.

  • 17-18 January 2009, CfP Second Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, Cambridge, U.K.

    Date: 17-18 January 2009
    Location: Cambridge, U.K.
    Deadline: 17 October 2008

    The Philosophy Faculty of Cambridge University is pleased to announce its second graduate conference on the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. The conference will be held in The Fisher Building of St. John's College, Cambridge (CB2 1TP). Keynote speakers are Prof. Hannes Leitgeb (Bristol) and Prof. Timothy Williamson (Oxford).

    For more information, see or contact the conference organizers, Luca Incurvati & Florian Steinberger, at .

    The program committee invites papers from graduate students, or those who have recently completed their PhD, on any topic in the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, broadly construed. The deadline for receipt of submissions is 17th October 2008.

  • 7-11 January 2009, 3rd Indian Conference on Logic and its Application, Chennai (India)

    Date: 7-11 January 2009
    Location: Chennai (India)
    Deadline: 18 July 2008

    ALI, the Association for Logic in India, announces the next edition of its biennial International Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA), to be held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, from January 7 to 11, 2009.

    ICLA is a forum for bringing together researchers from a wide variety of fields that formal logic plays a significant role in, along with mathematicians, philosophers and logicians studying foundations of formal logic in itself. A special feature of this conference is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, and historical research on logic.

    The earlier events in this series featured many eminent logicians as invited speakers, as will be the case this year as well. See for updates on this conference as well as links to information on past events.

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in any area of logic and applications. Of special interest are articles on historical Indian systems of logic, especially in relation to modern logical studies. Deadline for Submission: 18 July 2008.

  • 7-8 January 2009, Workshop on Logic and Social Interaction, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

    Date: 7-8 January 2009
    Location: Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
    Deadline: 20 October 2008

    The Association for Logic in India (ALI) announces a pre-conference workshop on logic and social interaction to be held during January 7-8, 2009, in the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai prior to the 3rd Indian Conference on Logic and its applications (ICLA 2009).

    For more information, see

    We plan to include a few short presentations of on-going research in areas related to the workshop theme. Those who wish to present their work in this category can send in a 2-page abstract of their proposed presentation (as a PDF file) to . Abstracts received by October 20 will be considered, and decision on them will be sent by October 25.

  • 3-6 January 2009, LFCS 2009: Logical Foundations of Computer Science, Deerfield Beach FL (U.S.A.)

    Date: 3-6 January 2009
    Location: Deerfield Beach FL (U.S.A.)
    Deadline: 14 September 2008

    The LFCS series provides an outlet for the fast-growing body of work in the logical foundations of computer science, e.g., areas of fundamental theoretical logic related to computer science. The LFCS series began with Logic at Botik, Pereslavl-Zalessky, 1989 and was co-organized by Albert R. Meyer (MIT) and Michael Taitslin (Tver), after which organization passed to Anil Nerode.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is September 14, 2008.

Past Conferences

  • 13-14 December 2009, Workshop on Structural Aspects of Rationality, Kanpur, India

    Date: 13-14 December 2009
    Location: Kanpur, India

    Predicting rational play is the central concern of game theory, and game models are built on rationality assumptions. Re-examining notions of rationality in new contexts has led to many interesting questions for game theory, as for instance in games of infinite duration, motivated by computation theory.

    This FSTTCS-2009 Pre-Conference Workshop on Structural Aspects of Rationality (STAR) is intended as an occasion for exchanging ideas on foundations of game theory, especially on structural and computational arguments for the analysis of solution concepts.

    For more information, see

  • 4-5 December 2009, Conference on Eastern and Western Philosophical Themes, New York NY, U.S.A.

    Date: 4-5 December 2009
    Location: New York NY, U.S.A.

    At one time, there was lively dialogue between Western and Eastern philosophy. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and William James were strongly influenced by Eastern philosophy. But, during recent years, Western philosophy has shown much less respect for the East than previous and there seems less awareness that issues like epistemology, time, and selfhood have been addressed very intelligently in the East.

    The purpose of the conference is to reinvigorate the dialog between Eastern and Western philosophy (philosophy as distinct from religion), and a galaxy of brilliant speakers from all over the globe have agreed to participate.

    For more information, see

  • 16-19 November 2009, Workshop "Combinatorial Set Theory and Forcing Theory", Kyoto, Japan

    Date: 16-19 November 2009
    Location: Kyoto, Japan

    A workshop on "Combinatorial set theory and forcing theory" will take place at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Kyoto University (Japan) from November 16 (Mon.) till November 19 (Thu.), 2009. The workshop is organized by Teruyuki Yorioka (Shizuoka University). The program will feature minicourses by Sy Friedman and Ilijas Farah, as well as many other talks by participants from Japan and abroad.

    See the webpage for details. If you are interested in attending, please contact the organizers at or .

  • 10-11 November 2009, PhD Autumn School on Modal Logic, Copenhagen, Denmark

    Date: 10-11 November 2009
    Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

    The goal of the Autumn School on Modal Logic is to prepare PhD students and other researchers for participation in the sixth workshop Methods for Modalities (M4M-6) which takes place November 12-14 2009 in Copenhagen. The workshop Methods for Modalities aims to bring together researchers interested in developing proof tools and decision methods based on modal logics. Here the term "modal logics" is conceived broadly, including description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic, temporal and hybrid logic, etc. The first M4M workshop took place in Amsterdam in 1999. Since then, M4M workshops have taken place in 2001 (Amsterdam), 2003 (Nancy), 2005 (Berlin), and 2007 (Paris).

    The Autumn School on Modal Logic is open to anyone interested. The intended participants will have a general background in theoretical computer science, but wish to obtain more concrete knowledge on modal logic and its computational aspects. Besides a working knowledge of English, prerequisites are a basic knowledge of logic and mathematics that is usually covered in undergraduate classes on discrete mathematics.

    The registration deadline for the Autumn school is Friday, October 23 2009. For more information, see See for more information on the workshop series.

  • 25 September 2009, Workshop "Focus on Discourse and Context-dependence"

    Date & Time: Friday 25 September 2009, 10:00-17:30
    Speaker: Gabor Alberti, Maria Aloni, Jeroen Groenendijk, Andreas Haida, Kriszta Szendroi
    Location: PC Hoofthuis, room 625

    The workshop "Focus on Discourse and Context-dependence" will be held in Amsterdam, on Friday, 25 September, 2009. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and discuss the mattersof focus, discourse and context from different perspectives form linguisticsto philosophy.

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 24 September 2009, Workshop 'Recent Developments in Language Typology'

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 September 2009, 13:00-17:00
    Location: Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18, Amsterdam

    On the occasion of Eva van Lier's thesis defence, a small workshop on Recent developments in language typology is organized.

    For more information, see

  • 4-6 September 2009, Conditionals and Conditionalization, Leuven (Belgium)

    Date: 4-6 September 2009
    Location: Leuven (Belgium)

    While it strikes most as obvious that there exist close conceptual connections between conditionals and conditionalization, it is far less obvious what these connections precisely are. The aim of the workshop is to investigate these connections from an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on recent work in philosophy and experimental psychology. The time is ripe for such an approach, given that both linguists and psychologists working on conditionals are increasingly turning to the probabilistic theories of conditionals that philosophers have been developing over the past forty years or so. On the other hand, various philosophical claims have been made about conditionals - in particular concerning their semantics and pragmatics - apparently on no other basis than the linguistic intuitions of the philosophers making these claims. It would be interesting, and from a methodological perspective desirable, to subject these claims to more rigorous testing, which is where experimental psychologists could help (and, to some extent, have already helped).

    Deadline for registrations: August 15th (no registration fee). For more information, see: or contact Richard Diets at .

  • 31 August - 4 September 2009, 11th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS-2009), Torino, Italy

    Date: 31 August - 4 September 2009
    Location: Torino, Italy

    EASSS is the annual European summer school for PhD and Master's students working in multiagent systems and related fields. Courses include "Game Theory and Mechanism Design", "Coalitional Games", "Negotiation and Auctions", "Fair Division", "Multiagent Planning", "Agents and Arguments", and "Normative Multiagent Systems". This year's edition is colocated with several international workshops (MALLOW-2009).

    For more information, see


    Date: 29 August - 4 September 2009
    Location: Cortona, Italy
    Costs: 690 or 850 euro (accommodation, full board, documentation and fee

    Human natural languages are complex adaptive systems, forever emergent and adapting to the needs of their communities. This insight is currently revolutionizing many branches of linguistics and this summer school feels the pulse of these exciting developments. It brings together typologists and historical linguists studying language variation and the emergence of new grammatical structure, evolutionary linguists modeling the origins and evolution of language, cognitive linguists investigating the cognitive foundations of language usage and learning, complex systems researchers using methods from statistical physics to study the semiotic dynamics of evolving languages, and computational linguists and AI researchers carrying out experiments to achieve open-ended communication with autonomous robots.

    For more information, see

  • 17-21 August 2009, EMU 2009: Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable, New York, U.S.A.

    Date: 17-21 August 2009
    Location: New York, U.S.A.

    Although classical computable model theory is most naturally concerned with countable domains, several methods---some old, some new---extend its basic concepts to uncountable structures. The purpose of this workshop is to study these various extensions of effectivity to the uncountable, bringing together experts in such topics as sigma-definable structures, alpha-recursion theory, E-recursion thoery, ordinal computability, Blum-Shub-Smale machines, infinite time Turing machines and locally computable structures, among others.

    This workshop is the second of its kind, after the inaugural EMU in 2008. In the 2009 workshop we plan to provide tutorial-type introductions to models of computation which were not discussed last year, as well as discuss progress made since last year. A particular theme we plan to focus on is the role of a computable well-ordering of the universe of a structure. We will contrast the approaches which allow such an ordering with those which forbid it. We expect this will have methodological repercussions for the study of effective model theory on countable structures as well.

    For more information, see here or, or contact Denis Hirschfeldt at .

  • 20-31 July 2009, "Conditionals: Philosophical and Linguistic Issues" at CEU Summer University

    Date: 20-31 July 2009
    Location: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
    Costs: € 500,- (financial aid is available)

    The aims of this summer school are 1) to teach and discuss recent philosophical and linguistic advances on our understanding of conditionals and 2) to promote discussions among the faculty and participants of issues involving conditionals from the perspectives of linguistics, philosophy of language, philosophical logic, cognitive psychology, and philosophy of science 3) to help establish a network of young researchers on issues in philosophy of language and philosophical logic.

    Application deadline: 16 February 2009. For more information about the course, see CEU Summer University web page: Please address your inquiries to .

  • 13-31 July 2009, UCLA Summer School in Logic for Undergraduates, Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.), July 2009, Los Angeles, USA.

    Date: 13-31 July 2009
    Location: Los Angeles, USA.

    The UCLA Logic Center is organizing a summer school for undergraduates this July. The goal of the school is to introduce future mathematicians to methods and central results from mathematical logic. Courses are very intensive, designed to assume little if any prior experience with logic, yet reach highly advanced material within three weeks.

    For more information, see

  • 6-7 July 2009, FTP 2009 - International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, Oslo, Norway

    Date: 6-7 July 2009
    Location: Oslo, Norway

    FTP 2009 is the seventh in a series of workshops intended to focus effort on First-Order Theorem Proving as a core theme of Automated Deduction, and to provide a forum for presentation of recent work and discussion of research in progress.

    The workshop welcomes original contributions on theorem proving in first-order classical, many-valued, modal and description logics, including (but not restricted to): resolution, tableau methods, equational reasoning, term-rewriting, model construction, constraint reasoning, unification, description logics, propositional logic, specialized decision procedures; strategies and complexity of theorem proving procedures; implementation techniques and applications of first-order theorem provers to verification, artificial intelligence, mathematics and education.

    For more information, see

  • 5-10 July 2009, 2nd European Set Theory Meeting, Bedlewo, Poland

    Date: 5-10 July 2009
    Location: Bedlewo, Poland

    This is an ESF Mathematics Conference in Partnership with EMS and ERCOM. Chair: Prof. Jouko Väänänen, University of Helsinki, FI/University of Amsterdam, NL. The conference will be in honor of Ronald Jensen's lifelong achievements in set theory.

    The conference focuses on three main topics. The first topic is inner model theory and large cardinals. The second direction is descriptive set theory, which studies properties of definable sets of reals, and more generally Polish spaces. Finally, combinatorial set theory deals with uncountable structures without any definability restrictions. As a fourth scientific topic of the conference, we can list applications of set theory to Banach spaces, measure theory, general topology, and other neighboring areas.

    We encourage all interested participants, especially young scientists, to submit abstracts of their work for the poster sessions. Closing date for application (as well as for abstract submission): 08 April 2009. Grants are available for young researchers to cover the conference fee and travel costs.

    For more information, see or contact Ms. Anne Guehl, Conference Officer ().

  • 3-16 July 2009, Leeds Symposium on Proof Theory and Constructivism, Leeds, U.K.

    Date: 3-16 July 2009
    Location: Leeds, U.K.

    A two week symposium on Proof Theory and Constructivism will be held in the Research Visitors' Centre of the School of Mathematics at Leeds, from 3rd July (arrival) to 16th July (departure) this year. It will comprise three connected events:

    4th & 5th July: An LMS-funded conference on Proofs and Computations. This meeting will be in honour of Stan Wainer on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
    5th & 6th July: A Gentzen Centenary Conference, celebrating 100 years since the birth of Gerhard Gentzen, the founder of structural proof theory.
    7th - 16th July: An EPSRC-funded Research Workshop on Proof Theory and Constructivism.

    For further information visit the web-site: or contact the organisers at:

  • 26 June 2009, Workshop on Proof Theory, Gent, Belgium

    Date: 26 June 2009
    Location: Gent, Belgium

    There will be a small workshop on proof theory on Friday 26th of June (next week). Everyone is cordially invited to attend the talks. If you are interested in giving a talk yourself, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers.

    Abstracts and more information can be found on, or contact Michiel De Smet at or Andreas Weiermann at .

  • 14-27 June 2009, ESI Workshop on Large Cardinals and Descriptive Set Theory, Vienna, Austria

    Date: 14-27 June 2009
    Location: Vienna, Austria

    Set theory has recently experienced major new developments concerning the construction of models for large cardinals, combinatorial set theory, descriptive set theory, generalisations of Martin's axiom, strong absoluteness and the theory of forcing.

    Particularly encouraging is the fact that many unusually talented young people have recently entered the subject, who have established remarkable results concerning the Proper Forcing Axiom and its variants, the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis, subtle properties of stationary sets, and important aspects of applied set theory, including topological dynamics, Borel equivalence relations and metric geometry.

    Our two-week workshop, which will be open to the set theory community at large, will focus around two principal themes: Large Cardinals and Descriptive Set Theory. The workshop is organized by the Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI) and financed by the ESI and Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

    For more information, see

  • 8-26 June 2009, Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 8-26 June 2009
    Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    In the summer of 2009, the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University will hold a three-week summer school in logic and formal epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and other sciences. The goals are to introduce students to cross-disciplinary fields of research at an early stage in their career, forge lasting links between the various disciplines.

    The summer school will be held from Monday, June 8 to Friday, June 26, 2009. There will be morning and afternoon lectures and daily problem sessions, as well as planned outings and social events. This year's topics are: Categories and Structures, Decisions and Games, and Logic and Formal Verification.

    Instructions for applying can be found on the summer school web page, Materials must be received by the Philosophy Department by March 15, 2009. Inquiries may be directed to Jeremy Avigad ().

  • 31 May - 6 June 2009, GAMES Spring School, Bertinoro (Italy)

    Date: 31 May - 6 June 2009
    Location: Bertinoro (Italy)
    Costs: € 400,-

    A GAMES spring school will take place in the Centro Residenziale Universitario in Bertinoro (near Bologna), Italy, organised by the ESF Research Networking Programme Games for Design and Verification. The school is addressed to Ph.D. students and young researchers with a background in computer science or mathematics who are interested in the field of game theory and its applications to logic, verification and automata theory.

    The number of participants will be limited to 70. If you want to participate, please apply before February 28, 2009. For more information, see

  • 28-30 May 2009, Workshop "Preference Change", London, U.K.

    Date: 28-30 May 2009
    Location: London, U.K.

    Preference change is a phenomenon that everyone experiences in himself or herself. Such change can be gradual or radical, expected or surprising, caused by external experiences (such as encountering another culture) or by internal influences (such as aging), and so on. How should preference change be explained and modelled? This is a methodological question of tremendous importance, with repercussions in various areas such as dynamic decision theory, welfare economics, consumer theory, moral psychology, philosophy of mind, political science, and the study of deliberation. Yet the question is far from settled, and a science of preference change, if it exists at all at this point, is certainly in its infancy. To mention only one point of disagreement, standard rational choice models explain every preference change by an underlying belief change, whereas critics reject this reduction. The aim of this workshop is to bring together different researchers with interests in this area and to discuss fresh perspectives.

    For more information, see

  • 25-26 May 2009, "Mathematical Logic in the Netherlands", Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    Date: 25-26 May 2009
    Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    This meeting is intended to be the first issue of a series of yearly meetings on Mathematical Logic (and related areas) in the Netherlands. Rather than a specialized conference, where advanced research results are reported, we aim to get to know each other better and, by understanding the various branches of logic represented in the Netherlands, strengthen our community.

    We have reserved a generous amount of time for expository talks, but also strongly encourage contributions by young researchers and Ph.D. students. In all, we hope to create an environment where we can share common interests and where we may fruitfully explore possibilities of collaboration in research, Ph.D. projects, and teaching.

    See also the web site of the symposium: Please register with the local organization. If you'd like to speak, please send an e-mail to Bas Spitters: .

  • 11 May 2009, Conditional Logic - A One-Day Workshop at the University of Duesseldorf

    Date & Time: Monday 11 May 2009, 10:00-18:00
    Location: Room 00.46A, Building 23.21, University of Duesseldorf
    Costs: Free

    In this workshop conditionals are analyzed from a logical, epistemological and psychological perspective. The focus lies on uncertain conditionals, their non-monotonic character and probabilistic reliability.

    For more information, see If you plan to attend, please contact us at .

  • 23-24 April 2009, Symposium on Games, Argumentation and Logic Programming, Luxembourg

    Date: 23-24 April 2009
    Location: Luxembourg
    Costs: Free

    The symposium brings together leading researchers working at the interface of the three disciplines: game theory, logic programming, and argumentation theory. Inspired by Dung's seminal work "On the Acceptability of Arguments and its Fundamental Role in Non-monotonic Reasoning, Logic Programming and N-persons games" (Artificial Intelligence, 1995), it aims at fostering the interaction between these active but historically autonomous subareas of nonmonotonic and practical reasoning.

    The symposium is organized by the Individual and Collective Reasoning Group of the University of Luxembourg. Registration is free but required. More info:

  • 14-18 April 2009, 2nd Young Set Theory Workshop, Bellaterra, Spain

    Date: 14-18 April 2009
    Location: Bellaterra, Spain

    The aim of this conference is to bring together PhD students and postdocs in Set Theory in order to learn from leading researchers in the field, hear about the latest research and to discuss research issues in a co-operative environment. Four senior set theorists have been invited to represent a branch of Set Theory and give morning tutorials about their work. The afternoons will be devoted to small group discussion sessions.

    The deadline for registration is 28th February 2009. For more information, see

  • 8 April 2009, Annual CSCA symposium 2009

    Date & Time: Wednesday 8 April 2009, 15:00-17:00

    This symposium marks the start of a new initiative to boost Cognitive Science research at the University of Amsterdam. Following the designation of Cognition as a key research area of the UvA, a small committee of researchers from the CSCA was asked to draw up a proposal to promote collaborative research between groups of different institutes. One of the key elements of the proposal is the establishment of a new institute where researchers from different disciplines will work together on a programme to resolve questions regarding the mechanisms underlying human (and animal) cognition. The new institute will be located near the Spinoza Center for Neuroimaging.

    For more information, see here or contact the organisers at

  • 3-5 April 2009, Conference on "Foundations of Mathematics", New York NY, U.S.A.

    Date: 3-5 April 2009
    Location: New York NY, U.S.A.

    The philosophy department at New York University will be hosting a conference on the Foundations of Mathematics, in April of 2009. The conference will explore methodological issues surrounding the adoption of new axioms, as well as semantic and metaphysical issues surrounding mathematical truth.

    Attendance is open, and there is no registration fee. However, anyone planning to attend must register by emailing no later than February 31st, 2009. The conference website can be found here:

  • 30 March - 3 April 2009, 10th Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science (MGS 2009), Leicester, U.K.

    Date: 30 March - 3 April 2009
    Location: Leicester, U.K.

    The MGS is an intensive course of lectures on the Foundations of Computing. It is very well established, with this being our 10th anniversary, and has always proved a very popular and successful event. This year we have Professor Peter Dybjer, Chalmers, Sweden, as guest lecturer.

    The lectures are aimed at graduate students, typically in their first or second year of study for a PhD. However, the school is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about mathematical computing foundations. We very much welcome international applications as well as from those from the UK.

    For further details and registration visit All registrations must be received by 2pm on 30th January 2009.

  • 20 March 2009, NVTI Theory Day, Hoog Brabant, Utrecht (close to Central Station)

    Date & Time: Friday 20 March 2009, 9:30-17:00
    Location: Hoog Brabant, Utrecht (close to Central Station)

    NVTI is the "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica". One of the main activities of the NVTI is the organization of the yearly Theory Day. This year, as usual, there is an interesting program with excellent speakers, both domestic and foreign, covering the wide spectrum of theoretical computer science from algorithmics to logic.

    The speakers will be:
    *E. Allen Emerson (U Texas, Austin)
    *Barbara Terhal (IBM Watson, NY)
    *Frank de Boer (CWI, U Leiden)
    *Paul Vitanyi (CWI, U v Amsterdam)

    Attendance is free. Registration deadline for the organized lunch (at € 15,-) is March 13, 2009. For more information, see

  • 19-20 February 2009, PhD's in Logic, Ghent

    Date: 19-20 February 2009
    Location: Ghent
    Costs: 30 Euro

    The aim of the colloquium is to bring together young researchers in the field of logic. During these two days there will be 6 tutorials in total, 3 about mathematical and 3 about philosophical logic. In addition, PhD students and postdocs in mathematical or philosophical logic are invited to give a presentation. Of course, everyone is kindly invited to attend the tutorials and contributed talks!

    For more information, see

  • 26 January - 6 February 2009, Summer Schools in Logic and Learning 2009, The Australian National University, Australia

    Date: 26 January - 6 February 2009
    Location: The Australian National University, Australia

    One of the grand challenges in science and engineering is to build computer systems that are trustworthy and intelligent. While achieving this goal could be many decades away, computer systems are clearly getting smarter and more reliable year by year and human society is becoming more reliant on exploiting their increasing intelligence. Logic and machine learning are two indispensable parts of the efforts to meet this challenge.

    Join us for a new summer school experience where you have a unique two week opportunity to combine the solid foundations of logic and machine learning, with an introductory track in artificial intelligence. Courses are taught by some of the world's leading computer scientists and blend practical and theoretical short courses with lectures and demonstrations in state-of-the-art computer facilities at ANU.

    Details (including Fees and Registration, and Accommodation) are available from the website at

  • 26 January - 6 February 2009, Summer Schools in Logic and Learning, Canberra, Australia

    Date: 26 January - 6 February 2009
    Location: Canberra, Australia

    One of the grand challenges in science and engineering is to build computer systems that are trustworthy and intelligent. While achieving this goal could be many decades away, computer systems are clearly getting smarter and more reliable year by year and human society is becoming more reliant on exploiting their increasing intelligence. Logic and machine learning are two indispensable parts of the efforts to meet this challenge. The Summer Schools in Logic and Learning bring together two annual summer schools in the area of logic and machine learning: the Logic Summer School and the Machine Learning Summer School.

    The Logic courses will consist of short courses on aspects of pure and applied logic. The Machine Learning courses will consist of short courses on the theory and practice of machine learning, which combine deep theory from areas as diverse as Statistics, Mathematics, Engineering, and Information Technology with many practical and relevant real life applications. The courses will be taught by experts from Australia and overseas. The summer schools this year will also include a special track on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which will feature courses on aspects of both logic and machine learning. In addition to the scheduled courses, time will be set aside each day for practical classes, discussions and software demonstrations.

    Deadline for early registration: 19 December 2008. For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see

  • 23 January 2009, Workshop "Explanation, Indispensability of Mathematics, and Scientific Realism", Leeds, U.K.

    Date: 23 January 2009
    Location: Leeds, U.K.

    This is a workshop on current perspectives on the indispensability argument for mathematical platonism. Many scientic realists are willing to commit to various esoteric unobservable features of the world, but at the same time they treat mathematical platonism with great suspicion. According to the indispensability argument such preference for concrete theoretical posits is unjustified, because mathematics plays an indispensable role in scientific theorising.

    The present state of debate turns on an attempt at a more precise characterisation of mathematics's role in our best science. In particular, it has been argued that the explanatory function of mathematics is decisive here, given the realist's reliance on inference to the best explanation in defending realism about unobservable concreta. If mathematical entities can play a bona fide explanatory role in science, then arguably commitment to those entities follows by inference to the best explanation.

    For more information, see here or contact Juha Saatsi at .

MoL and PhD defenses

  • 15 December 2009, PhD defense, Tikitu de Jager

    Date & Time: Tuesday 15 December 2009, 12:00
    Title: "Now that you mention it, I wonder...": Awareness, Attention, Assumption
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Remko Scha
    Copromotor: Robert van Rooij

    Note that Michael Franke's defence is the same day, at 10am, also in the Agnietenkapel.

  • 15 December 2009, PhD defense, Michael Franke

    Date & Time: Tuesday 15 December 2009, 10:00
    Title: Signal to Act: Game Theory in Pragmatics
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Martin Stokhof
    Copromotor: Robert van Rooij

    Note that Tikitu de Jager will also defend at 12.00 the same day, also in the Agnietenkapel.

  • 14 December 2009, Master of Logic defense, Salvador Mascarenhas

    Date & Time: Monday 14 December 2009, 14:00
    Title: Inquisitive Semantics and Logic
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jeroen Groenendijk en Dick de Jongh
  • 11 December 2009, PhD Defense, Joel Uckelman

    Date & Time: Friday 11 December 2009, 10:00
    Title: More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Compact Preference Representations Over Combinatorial Domains
    Location: Agnietenkapel
    Promotor: Prof. Dr. K. Apt
    Copromotor: Dr. U. Endriss
  • 30 November 2009, Master of Logic defense, Sam van Gool

    Date & Time: Monday 30 November 2009, 15:30
    Title: Methods of Canonicity
    Location: Room C3.158, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alessandra Palmigiano

    If you want to visit this defense and you do not own a UvAcard, please tell the receptionist of the Science Park building that you are there to attend the defense of Sam van Gool at 15.30 in room C3.158. That way you should get a visitors card to enter the elevators.

  • 17 November 2009, Master of Logic defense, Karel van Oudheusden

    Date & Time: Tuesday 17 November 2009, 11:00
    Title: The Advent of Recursion & Logic in Computer Science.
    Location: Room A1.08 Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Gerard Alberts
  • 29 October 2009, Master of Logic defense, Lisa Fulford

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 October 2009, 16:00
    Title: A Study of Canonicity for Bi-Imlicative Algebras
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alessandra Palmigiano
  • 27 October 2009, PhD defense, Olivia Ladinig

    Date & Time: Tuesday 27 October 2009, 10:00
    Title: Temporal expectations and their violations
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. Dr. R.J.H. Scha
    Copromotor: Dr. H.J. Honing
  • 9 October 2009, Master of Logic defense, Olga Grigoriadou

    Date & Time: Friday 9 October 2009, 12:00
    Title: A Momentary Lapse Of Reason: Comparing Davidson's account of rationality and reasoning to that of van Lambalgen & Stenning.
    Location: Room 0.01A, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof and Michiel van Lambalgen
  • 25 September 2009, Master of Logic defense, Floor Sietsma

    Date & Time: Friday 25 September 2009, 11:00
    Title: A Case Study in Formal Testing and an Algorithm for Automatic Test Case Generation with Symbolic Transition Systems
    Location: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Inge Bethke
  • 24 September 2009, PhD defense, Kata Balogh

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 September 2009, 10:00
    Title: Theme with Variations. A Context based Analysis of Focus.
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.A.G. Groenendijk
  • 23 September 2009, PhD defense, Chantal Bax

    Date & Time: Wednesday 23 September 2009, 10:00
    Title: Subjectivity after Wittgenstein
    Location: Aula van de UvA, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.J.B. Stokhof
  • 3 September 2009, Master of Logic defense, Ivano Ciardelli

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 September 2009, 15:30
    Title: Inquisitive Semantics and Intermediate Logics
    Location: Room A 114, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jeroen Groenendijk, Dick de Jongh and Floris Roelofsen
  • 3 September 2009, PhD defense, Andreas Witzel

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 September 2009, 12:00
    Title: Knowledge and Games: Theory and Implementation
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof.Dr. Krzysztof R. Apt

    For more information, see

  • 1 September 2009, PhD defense, Sara L. Uckelman

    Date & Time: Tuesday 1 September 2009, 12:00
    Title: Modalities in Medieval Logic
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof.Dr. Benedikt Loewe

    For more information, contact Sara Uckelman at

  • 31 August 2009, Master of Logic defense, Maria Spychalska

    Date & Time: Monday 31 August 2009, 14:00
    Title: Scalar Implicatures and Existential Import: Experimental Study on Quantifiers in Natural Language
    Location: Room A 104, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen
  • 28 August 2009, Master of Logic defense, Daniele Chiffi

    Date & Time: Friday 28 August 2009, 15:00
    Title: Analysis of Knowledge, Assertion, Verification
    Location: Room A 114, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
  • 28 august 2009, Master of Logic defense, Maarten Versteegh

    Date & Time: Friday 28 august 2009, 11:00
    Title: Modelling Language Change with DOP
    Location: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jelle Zuidema
  • 26 August 2009, Master of Logic defense, Nikki Hausen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 26 August 2009, 13:00
    Title: Wittgenstein's Investigation and Damasio's Explanations: A Comparative Study of Emotion
    Location: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, Amsterdam, room BG5 2.05
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
  • 24 August 2009, Master of Logic defense, Wouter Beek

    Date & Time: Monday 24 August 2009, 13:00
    Title: Truth-Theoretic Contextualism
    Location: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, Amsterdam, room BG5 2.05
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
  • 20 August 2009, Master of Logic defense, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics

    Date & Time: Thursday 20 August 2009, 14:30
    Title: Decomposition Theorem for Abstract Elementary Classes
    Location: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, Amsterdam, room BG5 2.05
    Supervisor: Jouko Väänänen
  • 2 July 2009, Master of Logic defense, Inés Crespo

    Date & Time: Thursday 2 July 2009, 11:00
    Title: Normativity and interaction: from ethics to semantics
    Location: Room BG5 2.05, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
  • 1 July 2009, PhD defense, Hartmut Fitz

    Date & Time: Wednesday 1 July 2009, 10:00
    Title: Neural Syntax
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. Dr. M. van Lambalgen
  • 9 June 2009, Master of Logic defense, Chris Brumwell

    Date & Time: Tuesday 9 June 2009, 13:00
    Title: A Dynamic Analysis of Epistemic Possibility
    Location: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Paul Dekker and Jeroen Groenendijk
  • 26 May 2009, PhD defense, Brian Semmes

    Date & Time: Tuesday 26 May 2009, 12:00
    Title: A Game for the Borel Functions
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof.dr Dick de Jongh
    Copromotor: Prof. dr. Benedikt Loewe
  • 23 April 2009, Master of Logic defense, Petros Stamatis

    Date & Time: Thursday 23 April 2009, 13:30
    Title: Going for a walk on a Fine Summer's Day While a Sea-battle is Taking Place, or, Concerning Future Contingents and Intentional Action
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
  • 21 April 2009, Master of Logic defense, Daan Dirk de Jonge

    Date & Time: Tuesday 21 April 2009, 15:00
    Title: Autistic Number Learning
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen
  • 6 March 2009, PhD defense, Jakub Szymanik

    Date & Time: Friday 6 March 2009, 14:00
    Title: Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Johan van Benthem and Marcin Mostowski
    Copromotor: Theo Janssen

Projects and Awards

  • Free Competition NWO: Khalil Sima'an granted a project proposal

    Khalil Sima'an has been granted a project proposal in the 2009 second round of the NWO Free Competition of the Board for Exact Sciences (NWO-EW Vrije Competitie). The project title is "Machine Translation when Exact Pattern Match Fails" and covers a PhD position.

    With the Free Competition, NWO stimulates high-risk innovative research, and offers opportunities for researchers to develop pioneering ideas. In general, Free Competition entails the possibility to submit original and innovative research proposals without programmatic or thematic restrictions.

    For more information, see

  • VENI award for Erik Rietveld

    Erik Rietveld, former PhD student of the ILLC, is awarded a VENI grant by NWO for his project Unreflective action in everyday life. Erik was awarded a Rubicon grant earlier to work as a postdoc at Harvard University.

    For more information, see

  • INFTY: New Frontiers of Infinity. Mathematical, Philosophical and Computational Prospects.

    At the ESF headquarters in Strasbourg, the new Research Networking Programme INFTY: "New Frontiers of Infinity" was launched on 16 March 2009. This programme covers set theory and its interdisciplinary applications (for instance, philosophical questions about the foundations of mathematics, constructive set theory, applications in computability theory and computer science) and will be run by currently nine partner countries for the coming five years (until March 2014). The programme will be funding conferences, workshops, schools, and in particular bilateral research visits between partner countries.

    The ILLC is represented by Jouko Väänänen in the executive group of the network. Benedikt Löwe is the Dutch representative on the Steering Committee.

Funding, Grants and Competitions

  • BKT-factsheet on the NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls

    The Bureau Kennistransfer has published a BKT factsheet on the NWO-Vernieuwingsimpuls, (Veni-Vidi-Vici) with a short summary of the latest developments.

    It is available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at or the NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls website at

  • Grant Update 3-1 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 1st issue of 2010 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • Call for Proposals KNAW Academy Colloquia

    The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences offers financial and logistical support in organising a maximum of six top-flight research colloquia a year, each one attended by no more than fifty participants.

    Deadline: 1 March 2010.

    For more information, see

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletters 'R&D in Europa'

    The october and november editions of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" (dutch only) are available from the SenterNovem website, at

  • Grant Update 2-12 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 12th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • Call for Proposals for the Second Edition of the Science and Technology Fellowship Programme China (STF2 China)

    The Call for Proposals for the 2nd intake of the Science and Technology Fellowship Programme (STF2 China) is open now. The STF Programme offers 2-year fellowship to EU researchers in China. The programme is open to all academic and scientific disciplines.

    The deadline for submission of proposals is 04 January 2010 at 16:00 Beijing Time. For more information, see

  • Call for Nominations: IFAAMAS-09 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award

    Nominations are invited for the 2009 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award sponsored by IFAAMAS, the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. This award includes a certificate signed by the IFAAMAS Chair and 1500EUR. Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009 in the area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems. The award will be based on the originality, significance, and real or potential impact of the work.

    The dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor. Deadline for submissions: February 5, 2010. For more information, see here or the IFAAMAS website at

  • Grant Update 2-11 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 11th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    Established in 2009 by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims to attract the outstanding students in the world to pursue their PhD degree programmes in Hong Kong's institutions. The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$20,000 (approx. US$2,600) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approx. US$1,300) per year for a period of three years. 135 PhD Fellowships will be awarded for the 2010/11 academic year. Applications related to dialogue systems or corpus/computational linguistics research are welcome.

    Application deadline: 1 December 2009. For further details, see or contact Raquel Fernandez at .

  • Artificial Intelligence Journal: Funding Opportunities for Promoting AI Research

    Using funds from the royalties it receives, the AI Journal is pleased to announce a new opportunity for the AI community to benefit from these with the aim of promoting AI Research.

    In providing this funding (in the order of US$250k p.a.), AIJ aims to:
    - promote and raise awareness of AI research and practice;
    - encourage the timely and widespread dissemination of AI research results, techniques, and tools;
    - promote interaction and exchange of ideas between AI researchers, practitioners, and students;
    - promote the exploitation of AI research results, techniques, and tools.

    For further details, including the application procedure, see Direct link:

  • NWO Mosaic Grants

    Ethnic minorities are currently under-represented in Dutch academic research. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science are keen to promote diversity and are concerned about the present loss of talent to the academic world.

    The closing date for submitting concise idea is 14 January 2010. For more information, see

  • Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award (EACSL outstanding dissertation award for logic in computer science)

    Eligible for the 2010 Ackermann Award are PhD dissertations in topics specified by the EACSL and LICS conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between 1.1.2008 and 31.12. 2009. The 2010 Ackermann Award will be presented to the recipients at the annual conference of the EACSL (CSL'10).

    The deadline for submission is 15.3.2010. For more information, see

  • Grant Update 2-10 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 10th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • The KNAW Conference subsidy

    The KNAW Conference subsidy fund is there to promote the organisation of international scientific conferences in the Netherlands. There are three application deadlines every year. The next upcoming deadline is 01-01-2010.

    For more information, see , or contact

  • Call for proposals for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks launched

    The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research is calling for proposals for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs). In support of training and career development for researchers, the action addresses joint research training networks in the form of either multi- or mono-partner ITNs. Multi-partner ITNs require at least three participants from three different Member States or Associated Countries. Mono-partner ITNs, on the other hand, are composed of just one single participant in a Member State or Associated Country and a network of associated partners.

    The indicative budget of this call for proposals amounts to EUR 243.79 million. Submission deadline for proposals: 22 December 2009. For more information, see

  • Lorentz Fellowships

    The Lorentz Fellowship program is a joint venture between the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Wassenaar (NIAS) and the Lorentz Center in Leiden. The programme was (formally) launched in 2006 to promote interdisciplinary research that bridges the gap between the humanities and/or the social sciences on the one hand and the natural sciences on the other; Lorentz Fellowships are awarded by NIAS to scholars whose research reaches across this boundary. Project proposals are welcomed that approach research topics from an inherently interdisciplinary viewpoint.

    For more information, see

  • Call for Workshop proposals Lorentz Center

    The Lorentz Center of the University of Leiden calls for proposals of workshops. Workshop proposals are submitted for review by the scientific program boards three times per year: 15 January, 15 May, and September 15.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Update 2-9 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 9th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • Imperial College London Junior Research Fellowships

    Applications are open for Imperial's second round of Junior Research Fellowships, to give the world's top early-career researchers freedom to focus on research, by providing a competitive salary and laboratory support costs; there will be no teaching or administrative duties associated with the appointments.

    Deadline for applications October 30th 2009. For more information, see

  • Sigurur Nordal Institute Fellowships

    Annually The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies invites applications for the Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships. The Snorri Sturluson Fellowships are granted to writers, translators and scholars (not to university students) in the field of humanities, from outside Iceland, to enable them to stay in Iceland for a period of at least three months, in order to improve their knowledge of the Icelandic language, culture and society.

    Applications should be sent by ordinary mail (no e-mail application) no later than 31 October. For more information, see

  • Call for Research Group proposals at the ZiF in Bielefeld (Germany)

    The Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Bielefeld University intends to establish a new research group in the academic year 2011/2012. Research Groups are the ZiF's primary format to support long-term interdisciplinary collaboration. The fellows of the research group reside at the ZiF and work together on a broader research theme. Support by the ZiF comprises financial assistance (for a research group up to € 500.000) as well as providing its infrastructure, i. e. accommodation, workspaces, conference facilities.

    Applications for a ZiF research group may be submitted by any scientist or scholar from Germany or abroad. In the initial phase, a draft proposal for a research group (up to 5 pages) is required. Draft proposals should be received by the Managing Director of the ZiF Professor Dr. Jörg Bergmann by October 31, 2009 at the latest. For further information, see or Dr. Britta Padberg at .

  • Grant Update 2-8 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 8th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • Call for applications ESF Travel Grants

    Research in experimental pragmatics generates data as it tests between theories of pragmatics. After having seen accelerated growth over the last ten years, experimental pragmatics is now in a better position to resolve theoretical disputes, to advance beyond armchair theory-making and to make pragmatic theories more accessible to the cognitive science community at large. As part of an effort to provide a more permanent platform, a Research Network Program known as EURO-XPRAG supported by the ESF is now kicking off through a call for proposals that will support collaborative research by means of travel grants for short visits.

    Deadline: September 15th, 2009. For more information, see

  • New EG-Liaison/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    The june edition of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" (dutch only) is available from the SenterNovem website, at

  • Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7): Marie Curie

    Within the Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) 3 grants have been made available:

    • Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development
    • International Incoming Fellowships
    • International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development

    These Marie Curie grants are intended for postdocs or researchers with at least 4 years of research experience together with a research group abroad which will be the host organisation.

    Deadline: 18 August 2009. For more information, see (Intra -European) (International Outgoing) (International Incoming)

  • Investment Subsidy NWO Medium

    The purpose of this investment subsidy is stimulating a balanced national investment policy and a balanced investment policy of research institutes.

    This investment subsidy is meant for investments with financial contributions from NWO between 110,000 and 900,000 euro.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Update 2-7 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 7th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • KNAW Heineken prizes call for nominations

    The Heineken Prizes are international prizes awarded biannually to five internationally renowned scientists and one highly talented Dutch visual artist for their great merits to science, Dutch art and society.

    The deadline for nomination is 1 November 2009. The laureates will be announced in April 2010. For more information, see

  • Investment Subsidy NWO Medium

    The aim of this subsidy is to strengthen the social sciences research infrastructure. The Divisional Board of the Division for Humanities wants to realise this objective by addressing medium-sized, research-driven, thematically organised and/or discipline wide infrastructural initiatives that promote the humanities in the Netherlands in general. Such large-scale projects with a broader scientific importance can only be realised if researchers match their research agendas with each other. The Start Subsidies actively support the setting up of such coordinated large-scale collaborations.

    For more information, see

  • NWO Humanities G-programmes

    The Humanities area of NWO will start a pilot of scientific theme programmes. So-called G-programmes focus on innovation of content. The research should have the potential to determine future research agenda's. Because this is a pilot only one proposal will be accpeted.

    For more information, see

  • New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'

    The february and april editions of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" (dutch only) are available from the SenterNovem website, at

  • Grant Update 2-6 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 6th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • Grant Update 2-5 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 5th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • NWO programme Brain & Cognition: an integrated approach

    The NWO programme ‘Brain & Cognition: an integrated approach’ is part of the larger National Initiative on Brain and Cognition. The programme is financed by the boards of three NWO divisions – Earth & Life Sciences, Humanities, and Behavioral & Social Sciences - as well as ZonMW, and has a budget of 7,5 M€.

    The overall and most important aim of the programme is to promote research that uses an integrative approach. Within this framework, three specific goals are set:
    - Stimulation of excellent research;
    - Formation of (inter)national networks;
    - Support for the scientific development of high potential junior investigators.

    For more information, see

  • Cooperation Germany - von Humboldt Stiftung

    The Von Humboldt Stiftung (VHS) at Bonn every year offers two research prizes to Dutch senior researchers affiliated with a German research institute. NWO offers the same opportunity to two German senior researchers at Dutch research institutes.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Update 2-4 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 4th issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • ESF Exploratory Workshops: Call for proposals 2009

    Each year, ESF supports approximately 50 Exploratory Workshops across all scientific domains.

    These small, interactive group sessions are aimed at opening up new directions in research to explore new fields with a potential impact on developments in science. The workshops, which usually last 1-3 days, have a wide participation from across Europe and involve mature scientists as well as young, independent researchers and scholars with leadership potential. The relatively small scale (in terms of people involved) provides an ideal platform for focus on the topic and for all participants to contribute to discussions and plan follow-up collaborative work. Interdisciplinary topics are greatly encouraged.

    Proposal submission deadline: 30 April 2009. For more information, see

  • Van Gogh grants for French-Dutch research exchange

    The French Dutch Academy seeks to promote and support collaboration between research institutions by offering grants for research exchanges.

    For more information, see [In Dutch/French only].

  • Grant Update 2-3 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 3rd issue of 2009 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • New Edition Knowledge Transfer Office "Best New Idea" competition

    On the 12th of May there will be a new edition of Science Park Amsterdam Nieuwe Ideeën Prijsvraag'. Students and employees based at the Science Park are asked for ideas that are new, innovating and applicable.

    Deadline: 30 maart 2009, 18.00u. For more information [in Dutch only], see

  • EAAS Travel Grants

    The European Association for American Studies is pleased to announce the 2009 EAAS travel grants for postgraduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who are registered for a higher research degree at any European university. Two kinds of grants are available: the Transatlantic Grant and the Intra-European Grant. It is expected that four scholarships will be available this year. The maximum single award granted may amount to EUR 2,000.

    For more information, see

  • KNAW Visiting Professors Programme

    The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has launched its Visiting Professors Programme in the Summer of 2008. The Visiting Professors Programme is an Academy initiative to allow excellent researchers working outside the Netherlands to spend some time in the Netherlands to contribute towards strengthening Dutch science.

    Members of KNAW and of KNAW's The Young Academy, as well as researchers at all of KNAW's research institutes, are invited to submit nominations.

    For more information, see

  • NWO: Rubicon

    The aim of the Rubicon programme is to encourage talented researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes run by KNAW and NWO to dedicate themselves to a career in postdoctoral research. Rubicon offers researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands (maximum of two years).

    The Rubicon programme also offers talented researchers from abroad the opportunity to obtain grants to spend one year conducting research in the Netherlands.

    For more information, see

  • NWO Call for Programmes for Excellence (Brain & Cognition: an Integrated Approach)

    The overall and most important aim of the programme Brain & Cognition: an integrated approach is to promote research that uses an integrative approach. Within this framework, four specific goals are set:

    • Stimulation of excellent research;
    • Formation of (inter)national interdisciplinary networks;
    • Interdisciplinary education of high-potential junior investigators;
    • Contribution to new insights into neural substrates of human cognition.

    The programme Brain and Cognition: an integrated approach is looking for innovative, risk-taking, out of the box and unusual crosslinks between disciplines. The present Call for Programmes for Excellence offers scientists the possibility to apply for a subsidy up to 500 k€. Proposals should be dedicated to integrative interdisciplinary research on brain and cognition and should contribute to new insights in the connection between human cognition and neural substrates.

    For more information, see

  • Grant Updates 2-1 and 2-2 available

    Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.

    The 1st and 2nd issue of 2009 are now available from the ILLC website at and For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at

  • NWO grant opportunity: Internationalisation in the Humanities

    With this grant instrument, the Humanities Divisional Board wants to facilitate the international cooperation between Dutch research groups and their foreign colleagues, stimulate the formation of international networks within the social sciences and encourage social sciences applications to international agencies.

    Senior researchers at Dutch institutes for university education and research and/or researchers at institutes recognised by NWO can apply. Researchers not employed at an institute recognised by NWO, can submit an application in collaboration with senior university researchers. The application must be submitted by a Dutch research group that wants to work with at least two foreign research groups. A second Dutch research group may be involved in the project.

    For more information, see

  • Call for Nominations: Influential Papers in Agents and Multiagent Systems

    The International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems has established an award to recognize publications that have made influential and long-lasting contributions to the field. Candidates for this award are papers that have proved a key result, led to the development of a new subfield, demonstrated a significant new application or system, or simply presented a new way of thinking about a topic that has proved influential.

    This award is presented annually at the AAMAS Conference, in this case AAMAS-09 in Budapest in May. Winning papers must have been published at least 10 years before the award presentation, therefore this year's eligible set comprises papers published in 1999 or earlier, in any recognized forum (journal, conference, workshop).

    To nominate a publication for this award, please send the full reference plus a brief statement (150 words or fewer) about the significance of the paper to Michael Wellman (chair of the 2009 award cmte), . Nominations are due by 4 February 2009. For more information, see

  • 15 January 2009, NWO Information Meeting VENI, VIDI & VICI

    Date: Thursday 15 January 2009

    The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme will change in 2009: * higher grants
    * no contribution from the institute
    * no prior embedding
    * also for professors.

    Would you like to know how high the grant payments will be? Are you interested in what changes will take place in the procedures? Or are you curious about tips from successful applicants? Then make sure you attend one of NWO's morning or afternoon information meetings about the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme. There you will hear from successful applicants, coordinators and (ex) committee members about what is new, what to pay attention to when completing your grant application and which alternatives are available if your application is not successful. And in the speed date sessions of five minutes you can ask them all you ever wanted to know.

    For more information, see

  • Association for Symbolic Logic: Call for Nominations for Sacks prize

    The Association for Symbolic Logic is seeking nominations for the Sacks Prize. The Sacks Prize is awarded for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic; it was established to honor Professor Gerald Sacks of MIT and Harvard for his unique contribution to mathematical logic, particularly as adviser to a large number of excellent Ph.D. students. The Prize became an ASL Prize in 1999; the Fund on which the Prize is based is now administered by the ASL and the selection of the recipient is made by the ASL Committee on Prizes and Awards. The Sacks Prize consists of a cash award plus five years free membership in the ASL.

    This is an international prize, with no restriction on the nationality of the candidate or the university where the doctorate is granted.

    Deadline for nominations: 30 september 2009. For more information, see

Open Positions, General

  • Postdoc vacancy 'Cognitive systems in interaction' in Groningen

    A postdoc position is available in the Multi-agent Systems Group in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (ALICE) at the University of Groningen. The candidate will join the five-year Vici project "Cognitive systems in interaction: Logical and computational models of higher-order social cognition" of prof.dr. Rineke Verbrugge, comprising six researchers.

    In the Vici project, we investigate children's development and adults' limitations in applying higher-order reasoning, using a close-knit combination of empirical research and formal modeling. Whereas first-order social cognition has been intensely investigated, higher-order social cognition is far less well-understood. This Vici project aims to apply improved understanding of higher-order social reasoning to design realistic logics, ready for implementation in systems supporting mixed human-computer teams.

    Deadline for applications: January 15th, 2010. For more information, see or (vacancy number 209395), or contact prof.dr. Rineke Verbrugge at .

  • Tenured assistant professor position in Computer Science, Rome (Italy)

    The Computer Science and Engineering group at the Department of Computer and System Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome invites young researchers holding a PhD in Computer Science and/or Engineering interested in applying for a faculty (tenured assistant professor) position at our School to contact the recruiting committee of our Department.

    In order to compete for the position a formal application must also be submitted by January 3rd, 2010. Further information is available at or can be requested at

  • Postdoctoral fellowships in "Relativism and pluralism regarding truth and knowledge, norms and values", Tartu (Estonia)

    The Estonian Ministry of Education and the Estonian Science Foundation will offer new research positions commencing in 2010 through its "Mobilitas" scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to develop and diversify Estonian research potential through scientific mobility and exchange of experience, and thereby to activate international exchange of knowledge, and support the development of careers of young researchers. Positions will be awarded on a competitive basis and will be full time for two or three years.

    The Department of Philosophy of the University of Tartu welcomes expressions of interest from early career researchers (PhD awarded within the last 5 years, counting from March 2, 2010) interested in applying through our department's research project "Relativism and pluralism regarding truth and knowledge, norms and values". The project covers a wide variety of topics related to pluralism, relativism and contextualism in the areas of ethics, epistemology, philosophy of language, and logic, as these are discussed in contemporary analytic philosophy.

    Expressions of interest must be received before 15 January 2010. For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Margit Sutrop at .

  • Lectureship in Mathematics at LSE, London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited from candidates with proven research ability in Mathematics, especially those with research interests in an area where the Department has current strengths, such as algorithms and discrete mathematics, financial mathematics, game theory and probability theory. Interest in applications of Mathematics or Computer Science to the Social Sciences is an asset.

    You will maintain an active programme of research and will contribute to the general work of the department, including the teaching of a range of mathematics courses. You should have an established track-record of research at a level of international excellence as well as a completed, or nearly completed, PhD in a mathematical subject. Ideally, the post will commence on 1 September 2010.

    The closing date for the receipt of applications is 18 January 2010 at 5.30pm. For more information, see

  • W3 professorship in Theoretical Computer Science, Erlangen-Nuernberg (Germany)

    A Full Professor position in the area of Theoretical Computer Science is available in the Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.

    Applications must be received before 1 February 2010. For more information, see here or

  • Funded Ph.D. Studentships in Computing and Mathematics

    Location: Manchester Metropolitan University

    The Department of Computing and Mathematics at Manchester Metropolitan University has a leading reputation for research excellence. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, 75% of Computer Science Informatics research was judged to be at least "internationally recognised", and 35% was deemed to be at least "internationally excellent". As a result of this, the Department has secured significant research funding, and, with the support of the MMU Dalton Research Institute, we are able to offer four fully-funded* Ph.D. studentships in the following areas:

    * Novel Computation
    * Logic and Computation
    * Intelligent Systems
    * Optimisation by Quantum Annealing

    For more information, see

  • Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science, Ithaca NY (U.S.A.)

    The Theory of Computation group at Cornell is seeking candidates for a post-doctoral position in the general area of the theory of computation. This fellowship is made possible by a generous gift from the Simons Foundation. The fellowship is a two year position, starting the summer or fall of 2010. The fellowship stipend is gauged to attract the highest caliber of applicants. Fellows will be assigned a faculty member close to their research interests from the group.

    Candidates must receive their PhD during the academic year immediately preceding that in which the fellowship would begin. Applicants should submit a CV and research statement, and provide the names and contact information for three references who will be contacted electronically. Please send complete applications by January 30th, 2010 to Eva Tardos at . Please include the words "Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship" in the header.

  • Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theory of Computation, Cambridge MA (U.S.A.)

    The Theory of Computation (TOC) group at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT is seeking candidates for a post-doctoral position in the general area of the theory of computation. Applicants in /all areas/ of theory are encouraged to apply, including (but not exclusive to) algorithms, complexity theory, combinatorial optimization, cryptography, distributed computing, game theory and computation, geometry, parallel computing, and quantum computing. This fellowship is made possible by a generous gift from the Simons Foundation.

    The fellowship is a two year position, starting the summer or fall of 2010. The fellowship stipend is gauged to attract the highest caliber of applicants. Generous funds for scientific travel will be available for use at the fellow's discretion. Fellows will be assigned a faculty member close to their research interests from the TOC group. Fellows will be encouraged (although not required) to teach a graduate seminar in their area of research.

    Please submit complete applications by January 1st, 2010. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral fellowship in Algorithms, Randomness and Complexity, Atlanta GA (U.S.A.)

    The Algorithms, Randomness and Complexity (ARC) Center at Georgia Tech is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to participate in research investigations. Candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Operations Research or a related field are encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to work on any aspect of algorithms and complexity, broadly interpreted, and collaborate with ARC faculty.

    The position is for up to two years, with a start date between July 1 and September 1. There is no teaching requirement, but the postdoc is encouraged to lead a research seminar.

    Interested candidates should send a CV, research statement, and request 3 letters of recommendation be sent to: . Applications should be received by January 10, 2010. for full consideration.

    Please contact Elizabeth Ndongi () for any further information.

  • Postdoctoral position in theoretical computer science (2y), Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)

    The Simons Foundation has awarded Carnegie Mellon a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science for the two-year period Fall 2010 through Summer 2012. Applicants must have received a PhD in the academic year immediately preceding the fellowship (i.e. 2009-2010). Postdoctoral Fellows will have opportunity to work with all members of the Algorithms and Complexity group at CMU. In addition to salary, fellows will receive a $7,000/year travel/equipment research budget.

    Applications (CV and research statement) as well as recommendation letters should be sent to Marilyn Walgora at . Please include the words "Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship" in the header. For full consideration, applications should be received by February 28, 2010.

  • Associate Professorship in Algorithms and Data Structures, Aarhus (Denmark)

    An Associate Professor position in the area of Algorithms and Data Structures is available in the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Denmark starting August 2010. The position will be affiliated with Center for Massive Data Algorithms (MADALGO)

    All applications must be made online and received by March 1st, 2010. For more information, see or contact Professor Lars Arge at

  • Two postdoctoral positions in "The parameterized complexity of reasoning problems", Vienna (Austria)

    Within the ERC-funded project "The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems" lead by Prof. Stefan Szeider applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions in computer science. The aim of the project is to study computational reasoning problems in the framework of parameterized complexity theory. The positions are for the duration of two years with the possibility to extend. The earliest starting date is January 2010.

    The candidates should have a PhD degree in Computer Science or related area; research experience at postdoctoral level is of advantage. The review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Applications received by 19 December 2009 will receive full consideration.

    Further details on the requirements and information on how to apply can be found at

  • Postdoctoral and Ph.D positions in Algorithmics at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken (Germany)

    The Max Planck Institute for Informatics seeks several Postdocs for the Algorithms and Complexity Department directed by Kurt Mehlhorn. We are looking for applicants from all areas of algorithmics, including related areas like computer algebra, complexity theory and discrete mathematics. We are also explicitly looking for people interested in algorithm engineering and the design and implementation of algorithm libraries.

    The institute is also seeking Ph.D students for the same group, to carry out theoretical work in the areas of algorithmic game theory, online algorithms, and approximation algorithms.

    Applications must be sent by email in PDF format to Christina Fries at (PostDoc position) or Rob van Stee at (PhD position), by January 31, 2010. For further information, also on other offers, please refer to

  • Researcher/Software Developer position at North Side Inc., Quebec (Canada)

    North Side Inc. is developing software to support conversation in unrestricted English between people and machines. Initially we will focus on developing Bot Colony - a game featuring English-based dialog between the player and the characters. We are developing a full NLP pipeline, with reasoning as its central component.

    We are looking for a researcher and software developer with a background in AI and reasoning to join our team in our Montreal facility. A Ph.D. in AI or areas related to reasoning is desirable. A background developing a First Order Predicate Logic reasoner coupled with a good understanding of temporal logic, modal logic, deontics, reasoning on large knowledge-bases would be ideal.

    Application Deadline: Open until filled.
    For more information, see or contact Eugene Joseph at . For more information on BotColony, see See and YouTube Bot Colony videos.

  • Scholarships for PhD students in computer science, Oxford (U.K.)

    The Computing Laboratory has several competitive scholarships available for full-time doctoral (D.Phil.) study to commence in October 2010. The scholarships typically include full or partial support towards college and university fees, as well as maintenance. Several types of scholarships are available, include EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA), Clarendon scholarships and departmental awards.

    Scholarship applications must be received by 22 January 2010 at the latest to be considered for 2010 start. To be considered for a scholarship, candidates must have been accepted for doctoral study at Oxford. For more details and application details see or email .

  • Open position for a junior Computational Linguist at Q-go

    Location: Diemen (Amsterdam)

    Q-go provides interactive, online applications based on natural search technology. The company was founded in 1999 and has grown to become a leading European supplier of Natural Language Search solutions.

    We are currently looking for a computational linguist to complete our Professional Services team. You will be responsible for the implementation, maintenance and management of our customers projects. Furthermore you will improve Q-gos natural language resources (grammars, dictionaries...) and participate in internal projects for further improvement of our core technology.

    The ideal candidate would have a (near)native knowledge of at least 2 of the following languages, Dutch, English, French, Italian and Spanish, aminimum of a Bachelor in Computational Linguistics, Linguistics or related field and experience with NLP systems or computational grammars.

    For more information, see or contact us directly at . Position open until filled.

  • The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for female students in computer science

    Anita Borg (1949-2003) devoted her adult life to revolutionising the way we think about technology and dismantling barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields. Her combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.

    As part of Google's ongoing commitment to furthering Anita's vision, we are pleased to announce The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Through the scholarship, we aim to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, and become active role models and leaders.

    Applicants should complete the online application and submit all requested documents by 1st February 2010. For more information, see or e-mail , including 'Anita Borg Question' in the subject field of your email.

  • PhD student position and postdoctoral position in coalgebraic logic, London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for one PhD position and one postdoctoral position within the theory section at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London. Both positions are available for three years and funded by the EPSRC within the project "Cool: Coalgebras, Ontologies and Logic", starting March 1, 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. The goal of the project is to investigate both foundations and applications of knowledge representation using coalgebraic logics.

    For details please see or email Dirk Pattinson () for informal enquiries.

  • Full Professorship in Economics/Game Theory & Computation, University of Liverpool

    The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool
    invites applications for a full Professorship to be attached to the newly established Economics & Computation Research Group.

    Job Ref: A-570583. Closing date for applications: 8 January 2010. For more information, see or contact Professor Paul W. Goldberg at .

  • Associate Professorship in Computational Complexity, Aarhus (Denmark)

    A position as associate professor in the area of Computational complexity theory is available at the Department of Computer Science (, starting January 1, 2010.

    The Department conducts research and teaching in theoretical as well as experimental computer science. The staff is close to 200 people, including 30 full or associate professors, and 60 PhD students. The number of students is approximately 600. Applicants must document a strong record of original research and have teaching experience at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

    For more information about the job vacancy, see Application date: 20/11/2009

  • Temporary Lectureship in Philosophy, Oxford (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for a Departmental Lecturership in Philosophy, in association with a Non-Stipendiary Lecturership in Philosophy at New College, for the period 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2012. The post is a temporary replacement for Professor Timothy Williamson who has been awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship and who will be on special research leave during this period.

    The areas of research specialization for this post are as follows: epistemology, metaphysics, philosophical logic, and philosophy of language. The successful candidate must be able to teach one or more of these areas at graduate level.

    For more information, see or contact the Assistant Administrator at . The deadline for receipt of applications is 12noon on Monday 7 December 2009.

  • PhD position in mathematical logic, Prague (Czech Republic)

    There will be a EU funded PhD position in mathematical logic in Prague, to start in October 2010. The funding will be through the EU network "Mathematical Logic and Applications" (MALOA). The position is intended for students interested in logic&complexity, proof complexity in particular.

    Deadline for applications is 31 January 2010. More information is available at: Or contact Jan Krajicek at .

  • PhD and postdoc positions in Bergen, Norway

    Bergen University College, Faculty of Engineering, has 1-3 open positions for PhD students/research fellows (3-4 years) and 1-2 open positions for postdoctoral researchers (2-3 years) in computer science/informatics, as a part of the research project Formal Modelling and Verification of Grid Systems (FORMGRID), funded by the Research Council of Norway.

    Topics: formal methods for multi-agent systems (logic, category theory, grid computing).

    Deadline: 28 November 2009. For more information, see (for the PhD student positions) or (for the postdoc positions), or contact Associate professor Thomas Ågotnes at .

  • Doctoral and postdoctoral research positions in contstraint programming

    Location: Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

    The Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence Group at the Catholic University of Leuven is urgently looking for doctoral and postdoctoral research candidates in the area of Constraint Programming.

    For more information, see or here.

  • Professor of Philosophy at Umeå University, Sweden

    A position as Professor of Philosophy has been announced at Umeå University. Deadline for application is December 18, 2009.

    For more information, see

  • Associate professorship in analytic philosophy at KTH (Stockholm)

    KTH is Sweden's largest technological university. Its Division of Philosophy (around 30 employees including PhD students) conducts research and education in areas such as ethics, philosophy of risk, decision theory, logic, and philosophy of science. We now have an open position as associate professor (senior lecturer) in analytic philosophy. This is a permanent, tenured position. The primary emphasis is on subject areas that are of particular interest to KTH as a technological university, which includes ethics, decision theory, epistemology, logic, and the philosophy of science and technology.

    The application should be sent so that it arrives at KTH no later than November 30. For more information, see or contact Sven Ove Hansson at .

  • Tenure or tenure-track position in Mathematical Logic and Foundations, State College PA (U.S.A.)

    The Penn State Mathematics Department is seeking to fill openings for S. Chowla Research Assistant Professors. Successful candidates will be new or recent Ph.D.s with exceptional research potential and a commitment to excellence in teaching. These non-tenure-track appointments are for three years. The Department may in addition make other postdoctoral appointments for two or three year terms. Applicants for the Chowla position will automatically be considered for these positions. Initial offers will be made in January 2010.

    The Department also is seeking to fill two or more tenure and tenure track faculty positions; dependent on the qualifications and experience of the appointee, these may be at the assistant, associate or full professor level. Areas of emphasis for hiring are Dynamical Systems and its applications; Geometry, including algebraic geometry; Logic and Foundations. A Ph.D. degree or its equivalent is required. Review of applications will begin November 23, 2009 and will continue until positions are filled.

    For more information, see

  • IBM Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdocatoral Fellowship in mathematics and computer science, Yorktown Heights NY (U.S.A.)

    The Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center invites applications for its 2010-2011 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in mathematical and computer sciences. Areas of active research in the department include: algorithms, data mining, dynamical systems and differential equations, high-performance computing, numerical analysis, optimization, probability theory, statistics, and supply-chain and operations management.

    Candidates must have received a Ph.D. or receive one between September 2005 and August 2010. One fellowship will be awarded with a stipend between $95,000 and $115,000 (depending on area and experience).

    Applications must be received between October 26, 2009 and January 6, 2010. Complete details are available at

  • CMI Postdoctoral Fellowships Program (Mathematics of Information), Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)

    Caltech's Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI) announces openings in the CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, starting in fall 2010. The CMI is dedicated to fundamental mathematical research with an eye to the roles of information and computation throughout science and engineering. Areas of interest include algorithms, complexity, algorithmic game theory, applied combinatorics, applied probability, statistics, machine learning, information and coding theory, control, optimization, networked systems, geometry processing, multiresolution methods, and molecular programming.

    Please apply and have three reference letters sent directly as instructed at All candidate materials are due by Friday, December 18, 2009 and reference letters are due by Monday, December 21, 2009.

  • European Post-Doctoral Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Call for Applications, Barcelona, Catalonia

    The European Post-Doctoral Institute for the Mathematical Sciences has an open call for applications for EPDI Fellowships for 2010-2012. Each year, 7 European laureates and 1 Japanese fellow are selected by an International Jury on the basis of excellency. Deadline for applications: November 29, 2009.

    For more information, see and

  • Research fellowship (postdoctoral) in diagrammatic reasoning and formal languages, Brighton (U.K.)

    Based within the School of Computing, Mathematical and Information Sciences, you will join the school's Visual Modelling Group which is internationally renowned in the visual languages research community. Diagrammatic reasoning was noted as a particular strength in the school's RAE 2008 Computer Science and Informatics results, with 65% of the submitted research outputs being graded as 3* (Internationally Excellent) or 4* (World Leading). Working on the EPSRC funded project Defining Regular Languages with Diagrams, you will develop a diagrammatic logic that can be used to define regular languages, including its formalization and devising inference rules. The post is fixed-term for 12 months as funding is limited to this period.

    Closing date: 10 November 2009 For more information, see or contact Dr Gem Stapleton, Senior Research Fellow at (please quote reference number MM4037).

  • Postdoctoral research fellowships in theory and algorithms, Newcastle (Australia)

    The University of Newcastle, Australia, invites expressions of interest for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in the area of theory and algorithms for optimization of integrated supply chains, starting early in 2010, or as soon as possible subject to applicant availability. Fellowships are available for 1 or 2 years, with possible 1-year extensions. The postdoctoral fellows will join a research team of several faculty, research fellows and PhD students working on this project, under the supervision of Professor Natashia Boland.

    This project will investigate the optimization of key planning activities in the export coal supply chain, and seek to develop effective algorithms for their solution. The successful applicant will hold a PhD in operations research, engineering, mathematics, computer science, or related discipline. Strong optimization and computer programming skills are essential. A knowledge of constraint programming and/or artificial intelligence techniques would be an asset.

    Expressions of interest are preferred before November 2, 2009, however later interest will be considered until all positions are filled. For more information, see here, or contact Megan Stephenson at .

  • PhD scholarships in Algorithms and Logic, Technical University of Denmark

    The Algorithms and Logic Section (AlgoLog) at DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark, encourages applications for PhD scholarships starting in spring 2010.

    For more information on AlgoLog and the PhD scholarships, see and Applications must be received by October 14, 2009.

  • Five postdoctoral positions (E14) in all areas at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz (Germany)

    The Zukunftskolleg is a central scientific institution of the University of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. It forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between distinguished researchers in Germany and abroad, and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third-party funding.

    The Zukunftskolleg is offering 5 Research Positions (Salary Scale 14 TV-L) for the development and implementation of individual research projects / research groups. Each position can, in principle, be divided into two half-time positions. The initial appointments will commence on April 1, 2010 and end on September 30, 2011. An extension of the work contract for an additional 3.5 years will be financed by the Zukunftskolleg, provided that substantial external third-party funding for a research project has been granted.

    The prerequisites for acceptance are a doctoral degree and outstanding scientific qualification as documented by research activities and publications. The ideal candidate has just finished her/his dissertation or has acquired initial work experience as a postdoctoral researcher. International experience in teaching or research and a strong interest in interdisciplinary topics are desirable.

    Application deadline: November 30, 2009. Fellows will be selected on the basis of their project outlines and a two-day workshop to be held on February 22-23, 2010 at the University of Konstanz. For more information, see

  • Assistant or Associate Professorship in Formal Epistemology / Philosophical Logic, College Park MD (U.S.A.)

    The University of Maryland is looking for an Assistant or Associate Professor (tenure track). Junior candidates are preferrred, but outstanding applicants at the Associate level will also be considered. AOS: formal epistemology or related areas of philosophical logic, decision theory, or game theory. AOC: the ability to teach logic or traditional epistemology at the graduate level would be an advantage.

    Applications will be considered until the position is filled, but for best consideration all materials should arrive by November 23, 2009. For more information, see here or

  • 6m or 9m postdoctoral fellowship in Computability Theory, Manoa Hawai (U.S.A.)

    The University of Haway has a NSF-funded non-tenurable Postdoctoral Fellow position available for six months (January 1 - June 30, 2010) or nine months (August 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011), to conduct mathematical research in computability theory. The research will focus on common interests of the fellow and the principal investigator within computability, probability, and randomness. The postdoctoral fellow should be willing to contribute to the supervision of the undergraduate researchers, whose work may involve mathematical computer software.

    Closing Date: Continuous - application review begins October 15, 2009 For more information, see

  • Visiting Fellowships at the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science

    The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invites candidates for three- to nine-months visiting fellowships in the academic year 2010/11 intended for advanced Ph.D. students or faculty. Candidates should work in one of the areas the Center covers and have a commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative work.

    The deadline for applications is December 15, 2009. For more information, see

  • CRM Postdoctoral Grants in Mathematics, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

    Doctoral degree holders can apply for postdoctoral stays at the CRM, provided that their doctorate has been awarded no earlier than 5 years before the application date. A certificate of doctoral award must be presented before the starting date of the stay. Applicants must have a written acceptance by a host research group, stating their conformity with the research plan of the applicant and their willingness to host him or her as a participant in the activities of the group during his or her stay at the CRM. A member of the host research group will act as responsible for liaison with the applicant and follow-up.

    The normal duration of a postdoctoral grant is one year, although shorter stays are also possible with lower priority, and extensions for a second period may be negotiated. The gross salary will amount to 24,480 euros per year. Successful applicants will be provided with office space and working facilities at the Centre, as well as house-finding assistance if necessary. They are expected to start their stay at the CRM in September 2010 under normal circumstances. Delayed arrivals are acceptable under request, provided that the starting date of the stay does not surpass February 2011.

    Applications can be submitted before October 31, 2009. For more information, see

  • Research Fellowships at Rural Digital Economy Hub, Aberdeen (Scotland)

    The University of Aberdeen is recruiting to two three year research fellow positions in connection with the new RCUK-funded digital research hub, in the areas of Computational Models of Argumentation and Natural Language Generation, respectively.

    Applications must be received before 30 September or 7 October 2009, respectively. For more information, see and

  • Research assistant position in "Interactions on the Move", London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for the post of Research Assistant to join the Interactions on the Move project at the UCL Interaction Centre. The RA will be responsible for the running of experiments aimed at investigating how people perform multiple ongoing tasks while driving. Candidates should have a degree in Psychology (or equivalent subject) and have experience of running controlled experiments with human subjects. Effective working knowledge of statistical data analysis tools is essential (preferably R). Working knowledge of JAVA is desirable. This post is flexible in terms of working hours. It can be either a full-time position for one year starting November 2009, or a half-time position for two years.

    Closing date for applications is 1st October 2009. For more information, see or contact Duncan Brumby at .

  • (Senior) Lectureship in Computing Science (Knowledge Technologies, Natural Language Generation), Aberdeen (Scotland)

    The University of Aberdeen is currently advertising for a lecturer/senior lecturer in Computing Science. The research interests of the applicant should enhance and complement our existing activities in Intelligent Systems: Knowledge Technologies, Intelligent Agents, Natural Language Generation, and Computational Analysis and Modelling. The successful candidate will be expected to work with colleagues in one or more of these research themes, but also to have the ambition to develop new areas of strength for the Department.

    Applications must be received before 19 October 2009. For more information, see:

  • Two 18-month postdoctoral positions on automated verification of probabilstic programmes, Oxford (UK)

    The Oxford University Computing Laboratory is looking to recruit two Grade 7 Postdoctoral Research Assistants to work on the EPSRC-funded project "Automated Verification of Probabilistic Programs", under the direction of Joel Ouaknine, Andrzej Murawski, and James Worrell.

    Applicants should have (or shortly expect to receive) a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related field, and either strong programming skills, some experience of tool construction, and basic knowledge of program analysis, or a strong background in theoretical computer science or mathematics and exposure to topics in system or program verification.

    Further particulars, including details of how to apply, are available from: or by email request to: . The closing date for applications is Sunday 20th September 2009.

  • PhD position in computer science, Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    Within the Software Technology group of the Information and Computing Sciences department of Utrecht University there is a vacancy for a 4-year PhD student to work on the efficient implementation of functional languages.

    For efficient implementation of functional languages, graph-based term representations are used in which identical subterms can be (but not always are) shared. The question arises whether graph-representations and their reductions that are optimal in a theoretical sense can also be practical from an implementer's point of view. The overall-goal of this project is to answer this question in a back-and-forth communication between theoretical concepts and practical realizations. Project leaders are Prof.dr. Doaitse Swierstra and dr. Vincent van Oostrom.

    Application deadline: Sept 31, 2009. For more information, see or here, or contact Doaitse Swierstra at . Note vacancy nr 62910 in communications.

  • Professorship in Philosophy (Epistemology, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Science), Roskilde (Denmark)

    At the Institute for Culture and Identity, Roskilde University, a full professorship in philosophy with special emphasis on epistemology, philosophy of technology, and philosophy of science together with applications of formal methods in some of these areas is vacant. The position is connected to the Research Group in Science Studies. The position starts on 1 February 2010 or soon thereafter.

    In order to be considered for the position, the applicant must demonstrate an original and internationally recognized scientific production in epistemology, philosophy of science, Philosophy of technology, or formal logic. The applicant must document pedagogical skills and competence at a high level. Since the professor is expected to actively partake in the institute's international research and publication activity the applicant must in addition document considerable experience with research management and editorial work.

    Please send your application marked 62.01/04 together with appendices in triplicate to Rector at Roskilde University. Closing date: Monday 9 November 2009 at 12:00 noon. More information about the position may be obtained from or by contacting Professor Stig Andur Pedersen, phone 4674 2265.

  • Computational Mechanisms of Nonverbal Communication

    There is a PhD position available at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour for the project "The meaning of movements: A computational model of nonverbal communication", funded by a DCC-PhD grant.

    As a PhD student in this project you will study the cognitive computational bases of human non-verbal communication. You will test the computational necessity and sufficiency of several basic cognitive abilities for effective human communication. You will formalize these abilities in a computer program that engages humans in an open-ended (nonverbal and non-linguistic) communicative game.
    The project has both scientific and technological aims.

    For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in Logic / Theoretical Computer Science (2y), Bern (Switzerland)

    1 Postdoc position is available in the research group "Theoretical Computer Science and Logic" at the Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of Bern University. The position is available from October 1, 2009 for a period of two years, after which time an extension may be possible.

    This position is within a research project about proof theory focussing on reflections and (non-)monotone inductive definitions, operational set theory, and feasible and subrecursive proof and type systems. An excellent background in logic and previous working experience in proof theory are required.

    Interested candidates should send an application letter and a detailed CV (including a list of courses completed and marks received) to G. Jaeger (email: , phone: +41 31 631 85 60, fax: +41 31 631 32 60). See for further information about the research group.

  • Full Professorship in Algorithms in Data Structures, Vienna (Austria)

    The successful candidate is expected to lead his/her own group and to conduct research and teaching in the area of Algorithms and Data Structures. Ideally, candidates are sought, who are able to combine theoretical research with novel applications.

    Applicants are expected to have an outstanding research record, experience in project acquisition and management, and experience in university teaching. Duties include teaching mandatory and elective courses of the informatics curricula (in English or German). The professor is expected to contribute to the management of the institute and the faculty. Applicants must meet the following requirements: a doctoral degree, an outstanding track record in research and teaching, didactic skills and leadership abilities.

    Application deadline: November 20, 2009 For more information, see

  • Lecturer Position (Assistant Professor) at University of Southampton

    The School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton is seeking to appoint a candidate to complement the existing research programme in the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia (IAM) Research Group.
    Salary range: £34,435 - £43,622 per annum.

    The closing date for completed applications is 15 September 2009 at 12.00 noon. For more information, see

  • 1y fixed-term stipendiary lectureship in philosophy, Oxford (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for a one-year fixed-term stipendiary lecturership in Philosophy, to provide tutorial teaching during the 2009-10 academic year when Professor Frank Arntzenius will be on research leave. Candidates must be able to provide teaching for the following subjects: Introduction to Logic (for first-year students), General Philosophy (for first-year students); and either Ethics or History of Philosophy from Descartes to Kant (for second-year and third-year students). In addition, it may be an advantage to be able to teach one or more further subjects from the list of options available to second-year and third-year students.

    The post is for a fixed period of one year from 15 September 2009. The salary will be on the Senior Tutors' stipendiary lecturers scale. In addition to teaching six contact hours per week, averaged over the three eight-week terms of the year, the lecturer will be expected to participate in undergraduate admissions, and be responsible, jointly with Dr Bill Child, for the organization of the subject and for the provision of pastoral care and the academic welfare of Univ's students reading Philosophy.

    Applications must be received before 14 August 2009. For more information, see or contact Professor Frank Arntzenius () or Dr Bill Child () for additional information or for an informal discussion about the post. Please note that interviews for the post will take place on Thursday 20 August 2009.

  • Research Assistant (neurolinguistics) needed at RWTH Aachen University

    'Anthropological universals - cultural differences'; is an interdisciplinary project funded by the Federal Ministry of education and Research. In the project involved are Prof. Dr. Christian Stetter (Institute for Language and Communication Studies, project leader), Prof. Dr. Walter Huber (Section Neurolinguistic at the Department of Neurology) and Prof. Dr. Martina Ziefle (Humtec). The aim of the project is to compare the writing systems of German alphabetic writing and Japanese Kanji as well as their cognitive processing. Thereby developing an empirically appropriate cognitive model for single word recognition that is based upon a coherent theory of writing systems is developed.

    Your responsibilities

    You will have to program and analyse full artificial, neuronal networks of single-word recognition and of lexical determination in German and Japanese (Kanji). Besides you will derive word-meanings from text-corpora. You have to cooperate closely with the researchers of the other sub-projects.

    For more information, see here or contact Sonja Häffner at .

  • Professorship in ICT, Media and Learning, Umea (Sweden)

    The Umeä University campus is a creative and exciting place of work and study for our 4,000 employees and 29,000 students. At Umea University world-leading research is conducted within several areas. One of these areas is Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Media and Learning, where a professorship is announced. Attached to this professorship are two PhD positions and two post-doc positions that are to be announced by the professor after appointment and also funding for visiting guest professors and an additional € 140.000 at the professor's disposal.

    The area of ICT, Media and Learning represents an inter-disciplinary and applied field of educational research at the intersection of learning and technology in social and cultural contexts. The field includes technology enhanced learning, professional development and the design and development of learning environments.

    Ref. nr is 311-400-09. Applications must be received before September 15, 2009. For more information, see Or contact Eva Lindgren at or Johan Lithner at .

  • PhD student position in "Formal Analysis of Social Procedures", Tilburg (The Netherlands)

    The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science invite applications for a four-year full-time PhD position, commencing February 1, 2010. The successful candidate will work as part of the Vidi project 'A Formal Analysis of Social Procedures' led by Eric Pacuit and complete a PhD thesis within four years.

    The deadline for applications is October 15, 2009. For more information, see Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Eric Pacuit at (mentioning the vacancy number 500.09.24).

  • Two PhD student positions in computation and learning in networks of spiking neurons, Graz (Austria)

    In the research group of Wolfgang Maass and Robert Legenstein at the Graz University of Technology in Austria there are positions for two PhD students for research on computation and learning in networks of spiking neurons, models for complex autonomously learning neural systems (including neuronal implementations of reinforcement learning), and models for self-organization and self-calibration of biologically realistic models for cortical microcircuits and areas. A keen interest in understanding brain function as well as knowledge in machine learning, computational theory, and programming skills are expected.

    For more information, see here or Or contact Angelika Zehetner at .

  • Two research assistant positions, one PhD student position on "Computational Models of Argument", Dundee (Scotland)

    Applications are invited for two research assistants and one PhD student to work on an EPSRC-funded project in computational models of argument. The Dialectical Argumentation Machines project aims to deploy argumentation technologies in real world settings and involves working with providers of some of the world's largest and most popular websites. The posts will be held in the Argumentation Research Group in the School of Computing at the University of Dundee.

    The theoretical side of the project involves working to tie together abstract, mathematical models of argument, with concrete, linguistic representations. The foundation that results will then put the applied side of the project on a sound footing that is both flexible and extensible.

    The practical side of the project involves building a platform to enable an ambitious vision of the "World Wide Argument Web", bringing together semantically rich representations of data with large-scale infrastructure into a coherent and open platform for online debate. Applications and tools that make use of this platform must then be easy to use and immediately appealing.

    Closing Date: 31 July 2009. For more information, see and

  • PhD student position on "Homogeneous structures", Leeds (U.K.)

    As part of an EPSRC grant at the University of Leeds with the title above, there will be a fully funded PhD studentship, and we seek suitably qualified candidates to begin their PhD in the autumn of 2009. The project concerns aspects of homogeneous structures. The very general framework of homogeneity means that the subject touches many parts of mathematics, such as model theory, connections of finite model theory with computer science, group theory, descriptive set theory, and, in particular, combinatorics. Much of this has developed since Cherlin's 1998 memoir. For example, there is now wide interest in homogeneous metric spaces, in connections with structural Ramsey theory in combinatorics, and with topological dynamics. It has become urgent to revisit classification in homogeneous structures, to identify how far it can reasonably be taken, and whether, if one requires less than full classification, meaningful descriptions remain.

    This is a project in combinatorics, but it has strong connections with model theory, group theory, and theoretical computer science. Candidates with interests in any or all of these areas may apply.

    The studentship is advertised on and anyone interested is encouraged to contact one or both of the investigators on or .

  • Postdoc Positions in Algorithmic Game Theory in Liverpool and Warwick

    There are two postdoc positions available in a research project on "Efficient Decentralised Approaches in Algorithmic Game Theory" at the Universities of Liverpool and Warwick, UK. The emphasis of the research is to analyse models of decentralised interaction in game-theoretic settings, and the impact of decentralisation on the computational task of reaching a solution.

    The application procedures for these positions are separate; you are welcome to apply for both jobs by submitting separate applications.
    Salary: approx 30k pounds
    Duration: 3 years, to start October 1st 2009, or shortly afterwards
    Closing date for applications: 17th July 2009.

    For more information see and or contact Paul Goldberg () or Artur Czumaj ().

  • PhD student position on "Security by Logic for Multithreaded applications", Enschede (The Netherlands)

    This project develops a uniform verification framework for the protection of data. Key innovation on which the proposal is based is the notion of self-composition. This gives a different view on classical security properties, recasting them into safety properties of a single program, and allows reuse of existing program verification techniques. This project will demonstrate how this approach can handle a wide range of data-related security properties, such as confidentiality, integrity and anonymity, in a uniform way, allowing easier comparison. To make the framework usable for realistic applications, which interact with their environment, we concentrate on multithreaded applications, and properties that specify complete executions of an application. Model checking will be the targeted program verification technique.

    We seek an enthusiastic PhD student with an MSc degree in Computer Science (or an equivalent qualification). The candidate should have a thorough theoretical background, and a demonstrable interest in program verification and security.

    Vacancy number: 09/124. Please send your application by E-mail, as soon as possible but no later than 15th of July. For more information, see Or contact Dr. Marieke Huisman at .

  • PhD student position in computer science / economics, Toulouse (France)

    We invite applications for an interdisciplinary 3 years PhD position in computer science and economics. The projects title is: "Epistemic states, Trust and responsibility of economical agents: from theoretical aspects to experimental studies"

    The objective of this research project is to study situations requiring responsibility and trust with experimental economic paradigms. Within the domain of multi-agent systems we will evaluate how and when responsibility will lead to trust when interactions are repeated. The results will then be theoretically extended from an individual to an institutional level, and the resulting states will be formally characterized by using epistemological concepts of trust and responsibility.

    For futher questions please contact: Andreas Herzig, or Astrid Hopfensitz,

    Applications must be received before 19 September 2009. For more information, see

  • W3 Professorship in Theory of Humanities, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Konstanz (Germany)

    Professor for Philosophy (W3), University of Konstanz, Germany Department of Philosophy. The position is to be filled from April 1st, 2010. AOS: Theory of Geisteswissenschaften (Humanities and Hermeneutics), philosophy of language, philosophy of mind AOC: broadly within philosophy from the systematic and the historical point of view. Applicants should be habilitated or hold an equivalent qualification.

    Application deadline: July 8, 2009. The reference number of this vacancy is 2009/086. For further information, see or contact the acting head of the department, Prof. Dr. Peter Stemmer.

  • Two PhD student positions in Algorithms and Complexity, Oxford (UK)

    The Verification Research Group is offering two D.Phil studentships in Oxford University's Computing Laboratory ( These positions are associated with the EPSRC project "Model Checking Real-Time Systems: Algorithms and Complexity'' under the supervision of Dr James Worrell, which will deal with a logical and automata-theoretic framework for model checking real-time systems.

    The studentships will suit candidates with a strong background in theoretical computer science, including at least one of the following areas: algorithms, automata theory, complexity theory and logic.

    The closing date for applications is 5th July 2009. For more information, see or contact James Worrell at .

  • PhD scholarship in modal logic for social software, Bergen (Norway)

    At the University of Bergen (Norway) there is currently an open position for a Research Fellow, in the form of a 4 years PhD scholarship, in information science. Project proposals are invited, and projects on modal logic for social software are of particular interest. Note that the deadline is (already!) 20 June.

    Thomas Ågotnes () can be contacted for enquiries regarding projects on that particular theme. For contact information for more general enquiries and for application details, see (choose "English" from the menu in the upper right corner)

  • Six PhD student positions in Computer Science, Swansea (Wales)

    Six PhD studentships are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 12,940 GBP stipend plus fees. UK candidates are eligible to apply for all six studentships. Computer Science at Swansea University offers an active and stimulating research atmosphere for PhD students, with internationally-leading research groups in Theory, Graphics and HCI.

    Deadline: 15th June 2009. To ensure consideration for an award, please apply to the University for admission as a PhD student in Computer Science at Queries may be addressed to Dr Arnold Beckmann at . For further details of our research, see:

  • PhD student position on logic and formal verification, Liverpool (U.K.)

    The "Verifying Interoperability Requirements in Pervasive Systems" project is a collaboration between the universities of Birmingham, Glasgow and Liverpool. As part of this project we are supporting a 3 year PhD project to tackle relevant aspects in logic and formal verification.

    The project tackles the development of logical foundations and verification techniques for pervasive systems. This PhD will involve one or more of: formal specification; autonomous systems; security; organisational/context models; model-checking; non-classical logics; deductive verification; executable specifications; fault tolerance.

    You will study under the supervision of Prof. Michael Fisher in the Logic and Computation group of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. The group has an international reputation for research in the areas of formal logics, verification, and execution.

    Closing date for receipt of applications: 6 July 2009. Ref: FISHER/WWW. For more information, see or contact email Michael Fisher at

  • Junior Professorship (W1) in Computer Science, Darmstadt (Germany)

    Within the framework of the Graduate School of Computational Engineering, the TU Darmstadt invites applications for a Junior Professorship (W1) Computer Science (Ref. No. 192) in the Department of Computer Science. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
    - Semantic modeling and simulation methods which combine first principle approaches (i.e. continuous in time and/or space) with abstract (i.e. discrete) properties and their application in computer-aided engineering and design, virtual environments or intelligent robots,
    - Simulated reality and the interaction of realistic physics-based simulation, optimization and visualization/animation methods subject to real-time constraints.

    Applications must be received before 11 June 2009. For more information, see or, or contact Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk at .

  • PhD Scholarship in Computer Science

    The Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies (CBIT) at Roskilde University invites applications for a PhD scholarship in Computer Science to be filled by 1 September 2009 or as soon as possible thereafter.

    The scholarship is two-thirds funded by Roskilde University and one-third by a grant from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation ( to the FIRST Graduate School (Foundations of Research in Software Technologies) ( of which Roskilde University is a member. The topics of the PhD are expected to fall within the overall themes of the FIRST, in particular modeling, analysis, and verification of computer systems. Topics focusing on both theory and practice are welcome.

    The successful applicant will be attached to the Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems (PLIS) research group (, whose research areas include knowledge-based systems and intelligent interaction with systems, logic and knowledge representation, programming languages and tools.

    For more information, see

  • Postdoc position in philosophy of complexity

    We have an opening for a postdoc position in philosophy of complexity/systems biology at the University of Kent, UK. We are primarily looking for people with a background in philosophy of science, but also biologists with an interest in philosophy of science.

    Closing date: June 5, 2009. Please contact for informal inquiries. See for more information and application procedures:

  • PhD student position "Argumentative Networks", Brussels (Belgium)

    At the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, a full-time and fully funded position for a Ph.D. student is available for a four-year period, starting at the earliest moment (as early as 1 July 2009).

    The topic of the research project, funded by the FWO-Vlaanderen (Research Foundation Flanders), is: "Argumentative networks: a still missing integration of philosophical approaches to argumentation with AI-models, with an application to mathematical practice." The intended application is the classification theorem of the finite, simple groups. We are therefore looking for a student with a philosophical training, but with the required mathematical background to handle such proofs.

    Please send your CV and a letter of motivation to Jean Paul Van Bendegem () before June 15, 2009. A more detailed project description can be found at

  • PhD student position in Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University

    One PhD studentship is available in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University funded under the EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards. These pay fees and a stipend at an EPRSC-set level, currently 12,940 GBP a year for UK candidates, and fees only (no subsistence) for EU candidates. Overseas candidates are NOT eligible.

    Potential candidates should have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a cognate discipline at the 2(1) level or an equivalent academic qualification. To apply, please send a CV (including the names of two academic referees) and short (max 6-pages) research proposal in one of the areas relating to our research groups to , with a short covering email which must indicate which research group and specified research area your proposal covers. Deadline: June 19th.

    Details of research groups and their members are available at

  • Associate Professorship in History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Computer Science, Aarhus (Denmark)

    The Department of Science Studies at Aarhus University (Denmark) ( invites applications for a permanent position as Associate Professor beginning January 1, 2010. The Department seeks a historian or philosopher of mathematics and/or computer science with significant publications and research interest within the fields of history and philosophy of mathematics and computer science broadly conceived.

    The deadline for receipt of all applications is July 1, 2009, at 12,00 noon. For more information see or contact the head of the department Keld Nielsen at , or vice head of department Hanne Andersen at .

    For more information, see here .
  • Postdoctoral research fellowship in philosophy ("online personal identities"), Hatfield (U.K.)

    We invite applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy, to work on the project "The Construction of Personal Identities Online". The position is full-time, fixed term (18 months).

    The aim of the project is to investigate the construction of personal identities (PI) when they are digitally mediated, that is, when individuals are embedded in virtual environments that provide unprecedented affordances and different constraints for PI development, as well as innovative opportunities of interactions with other agents, both human and artificial.

    Closing date: 29/05/2009. For further information about the job description and how to apply, please visit or contact the principal investigator, Professor Luciano Floridi, at (Ref Number: EN8899).

  • Postdoctoral position "Dynamics of Argumentation" (DYNAR, Luxembourg)

    The Dynamics of Argumentation (DYNAR) project aims to examine the dynamic aspects related to formal argumentation. In particular, the aim is to construct a theory on issues like how to do incremental updates without the need for global recomputation, how to make (minimal) changes to the argumentation network in order to change the status of a particular argument, and how sensitive the various argumentation semantics are regarding the global effects of relatively small updates. Apart from that, the project also aims to study the question of when it is rational for an agent to accept an argument given to it, and aims to construct a formal model for simulating how knowledge, expressed in the form of argumentation, is spread in a social setting where the individual agents have to protect themselves from various forms of dishonesty of other agents.

    The project is a collaboration between the University of Luxembourg (UNI.LU), the Institute of Research in Informatics of Toulouse (IRIT) and the Center of Research in Informatics of Lens (CRIL). The main working place of the postdoc position will be Luxembourg.

    Applications are to be sent no later than June 15 2009. For inquiries about the project and its positions, please contact Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre (, +352 4666445261) or Dr. Martin Caminada (, +352 4666445485). Or see

  • PhD student position in Type Theory, Nottingham (U.K.)

    A new PhD position is available in the Functional Programming Laboratory at the University of Nottingham. The topic of research for the project is "Programming and Reasoning with Infinite Structures": it consists in the theoretical study and development of software tools for coinductive types and structured corecursion.

    Deadline for applications: 20 June 2009. Send a cover letter and your CV to Venanzio Capretta (). For more information, see here or contact Venanzio Capretta.

  • Two 2-year research fellowships at the Centre for Reasoning, Canterbury (U.K.)

    The Centre for Reasoning ( is a multi-disciplinary research centre with members from all faculties of the University. It is the University's hub for the study of reasoning, inference and method, broadly construed, and is at the centre of international research efforts in this area.

    Currently there is an opening for a Research Associate to conduct original research on a research project of the Associate's choice from the following options:
    1. Reasoning in coordination games
    2. Reasoning about complex biological systems: analysis and critique
    3. Reasoning about evolving computer programs

    Closing date for applications: 5 June 2009. Please visit entering reference HUM0078 for a full job description and the application procedure. Please visit for more information about the three projects.

  • 2 PhD student positions, Philosophy of Mind / Cognitive Science, Tuebingen (Germany), Deadline 7 June 2009

    Two PhD scholarships are available for applicants with a Masters degree (or equivalent) in Philosophy or Cognitive Science to work in the newly formed "Junior Research Group on Neurophilosophy" in the Center for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) at the University of Tübingen (Germany). Candidates are invited to submit research proposals on any given topic in the Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciences. Interdisciplinary projects are especially welcome.

    Please send applications before June 7th 2009 directly to Dr Tobias Schlicht at . For more information, see

  • Max Planck Scholarship for Excellent Women in Computer Science, Saarbrücken (Germany)

    The Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI-INF) is inviting applications from female postgraduate computer scientists for a two-year research scholarship of up to 72,000 Euro. The MPI-INF encourages women to excel in computer science and become active role models and leaders in the field. The group of algorithms and complexity is looking for applicants from all areas of algorithmics, including related areas like computer algebra, complexity theory and discrete mathematics. We are also explicitly looking for people interested in algorithm engineering and the design and implementation of algorithm libraries.

    Applications must be received before October 31st, 2009. For more information, see here or, or send an email to .

  • PhD student positions in "Theory and Applications of Induction Recursion", Nottingham & Swansea (U.K.)

    We have recently obtained funding for a project on "Theory And Applications of Induction Recursion" from EPSRC. This project is concerned with investigating the concept of datatypes defined by mutual induction and recursion, with applications to functional programming and constructive reasoning. The project involves the University of Nottingham, University of Strathclyde, and the University of Swansea.

    We are looking for two oustanding and enthusiastic PhD students (one at Nottingham and one at Swansea) with an excellent degree in Computer Science or Mathematics at MSc (preferred) or BSc level (average at least 2:1 (UK) or equivalent). The applicant should have a good background in theoretical computer science, functional programming or mathematical logic and should be keen to get up to speed in Category Theory, Intuitionistic Type Theory and foundations of formal reasoning.

    We offer: PhD places with living expenses (standard UK level) for 3.5 years. The grants also provide laptops and travel expenses for conference and workshop visits. Both Unversities provide a vibrant research culture with the Functional Programming Laboratory at Nottingham and the Theory Group for Algebraic and Logical Design Methods at Swansea.

    Deadline for applications: 15 May 2009. Please contact us, if you are interested or need further information: At Nottingham: Dr. Thorsten Altenkirch () At Swansea: Dr. Anton Setzer (). Or see,31725,en.php.

  • PhD student positions, postdoctoral positions, fellowships in "Formal Methods and Theoretical Computer Science", Macao

    Positions are available at the United Nations University's International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST) in Macao for post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and fellows. The positions are funded by UNU-IIST and the Macau Science and Technology Development Fund through "PEARL - Process Expansion: Action Refinement in the Large", a project run in collaboration with the University of Macau. The PEARL team includes Jeff Sanders, Xu Qiwen, Wang Xu, Yang Shaofa and Chris Ma.

    The project concerns the top-down development of information systems. One convincing way to understand the complex systems that confront us daily in Computer Science is to specify their behaviour, abstacting implementation detail. But usually it is the implementations themselves that are of interest; for instance we may have just a specification and wish to find an implementation; or we may wish to understand, in greater detail than its specification, an existing implementation. By adopting the standard approach of Science, the top-down incremental method posits a series of designs, starting with the specification and ending with the implementation and having the property that each design conforms to its successor in the series.

    For more information, see or the UNU-IIST website at, or contact Dr J W Sanders at .

  • Postdoctoral fellowship on causation & probability, Paris (France)

    The IHPST, Paris is offering a postdoctoral fellowship through the CAUSAPROBA project dealing with the connection between causation and probability. The postdoctoral fellow will work at the IHPST in Paris in cooperation with the Konstanz team. S/He will be in charge of the website for the CAUSAPROBA project and the organization of the closing international conference. The fellowship is 12-months, beginning October 1, 2009, with the possibility of a 12-month extension.

    Applications must be received before May 14th, 2009. For more information, see here or contact (subject: "CAUSAPROBA post-doc").

  • 18 PhD Positions in Mathematical Logic (MALOA Network)

    The Marie Curie (FP7) Initial Training Network in Mathematical Logic (MALOA) is a network with 8 Full Partners (Leeds (coordinator), Manchester, Oxford, Lyon (Lyon 1 and Lyon ENS), Paris (UPD), Muenster, Munich, Prague) and 3 Associated Partners (UEA, BT, Onera). Contract negotiations are still not concluded, so funding is nor absolutely confirmed, but it is expected to start on 1 October 2009, and run for 4 years. It will fund 18 PhD students and 20 short-term visitors (at least 3 months). All the full partners expect to make appointments for October 2009.

    For more information, seee or contact Dugald Macpherson (the coordinator, ) or
    the Scientist-in-Charge at the relevant partner.

  • PhD student & Postdoc positions in "Foundations of XML", Dortmund/Paris (Germany/France)

    FoX, "Foundations of XML - Safe Processing of Dynamic Data over the Internet" is a research project funded by the EU involving seven universities in Europe. The FoX research program is to study the fundamental issues raised by distributed XML repositories. Topics range from modeling and reasoning issues, querying and extracting data, verifying critical properties of distributed XML repositories and learning. This reserach will include theoretical investigations as well as prototypical implementation of tools.

    The FoX program is scheduled to start on May 2009 and last until May 2012. Within this project two post-doc positions are currently available: one in Dortmund and one in Paris. The position in Dortmund can also be given to a PhD student.

    For more information, see here. Interested applicants cam also contact Thomas Schwentick for Dortmund's position () or Luc Segoufin for Paris' position ().

  • Seven PhD student grants ("Lichtenberg grants") in Cognitive Science at Osnabrueck, Germany

    The PhD Programme Cognitive Science is a curricular PhD programme, associated with the Institute of Cognitive Science and research groups from the Institutes of Informatics and Psychology. It includes research groups in Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics, Neurobiopsychology, Neuroinformatics, Philosophy of Cognition, Knowledge Based Systems, and Differential Psychology.

    We invite applications for 7 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg PhD scholarships from all Cognitive Science areas. Scholarships are € 1400 (plus allowances) per month for a maximum of three years, to start at October 1st, 2009.

    The application deadline is June 15th, 2009. For more information, see, or contact Prof. Dr. Peter Bosch at .

  • Postdoctoral position in cognitive modelling, RPI, Troy NY (U.S.A.)

    The Cognitive Science Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is looking for a post-doctoral researcher, to join in a basic research project investigating cognitive modeling, cognitive architectures, and cognitive social simulation.

    The starting date is August 1, 2009. This will be a full-time research position, with the expectation that you devote 90% of your time to project-related research work (not your own research topics).

    For more information, see here or, or contact Professor Ron Sun at . Or contact somebody at

  • Professorship in Computer Science (Intelligent Systems), Innsbruck (Austria)

    The University of Innsbruck invites applications for the position of university professor in computer science with a focus on intelligent systems.

    The application deadline is April 30. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in Formal Methods for distributed systems, Bergen (Norway)

    At Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway, there is an open position for a PhD student, as a fully employed research fellow, in formal methods for distributed systems. The research project will be to employ formal methods, in particular multi-agent logics and/or category theory, to model and analyse aspects of grid computing systems.

    The position is full-time for four years. Closing date for applications is 18 April 2009. For further details and application procedure, see: or contact: Dr. Thomas Ågotnes, , +47 55587229.

  • Graduate Student Teaching Assistantship (4 years) in Computer Science at Leicester

    Applications are invited for a Graduate Teaching Assistant (0.2FTE) in Computer Science. A Graduate Teaching Assistant is expected to undertake teaching-related duties within the Department, not normally exceeding seven contact hours per week during term, while undertaking research leading to a PhD supervised by a member of staff. The position is available from 1 September 2009 to 31 August 2013.

    Closing Date: 22 May 2009 If you wish to apply, please download an application form and further information from or contact Personnel Services on or +44 116 252 5114. Reference number for this position is S4143.

    For more information, see

  • Lecturer in Computer Science ("Formal Foundations") at Leicester

    The successful candidate will have a strong or promising research record in computer science, with a background in formal foundations (either algorithms and complexity, or semantics of programming or modelling languages), and will be able to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision in software engineering.

    Closing Date: Friday 1 May 2009. Starting date: 1 September 2009. For more information, see or the advertisement at

  • 2y postdoctoral position in Algorithms, Bristol (U.K.)

    Based in the Department of Computer Science in Algorithms Group, you will work on an EPSRC funded project related to string algorithms. This project will directly address the algorithmic and theoretical underpinnings of online and approximate matching. We will consider both problems where fast polynomial time solutions can be expected to be found and also look for approximation algorithms for more general NP-Hard problems. We will also consider extensions and improvements to data structures such as suffix trees and arrays to provide fast and small indexes. An interesting feature of research in string algorithms is the connections that are made to related fields in Computer Science. Those particularly relevant to this research project include algebraic coding theory, approximation algorithms, complexity theory, metric embeddings, external memory algorithms, Fourier transforms, streaming and sketching and group testing.

    The closing date for applications is 15 April 2009. For more information, contact Dr R Clifford at , or see

  • Lectureship (Universitair Docent) in Algebra and Logic, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

    The Algebra&Logic group of IMAPP at Radboud University seeks a tenure-track assistant professor with preference for applicants working in the area between algebra, logic, and computer science. We seek candidates with international experience that have a demonstrable commitment to excellence in both research and teaching. The candidate should be motivated to contribute independently and through collaboration to the research and growth of the group. This includes contributing to the supervision of Master and PhD students and securing of funding for PhD positions through grant applications. The candidate must be a good communicator with experience in as well as enthusiasm for teaching that can contribute across the undergraduate mathematics curriculum as well as at the graduate level in algebra and especially in logic and in the joint research master with computer science.

    Review of applications will begin May 1, 2009. For further information, see or contact Mai Gehrke at

  • Assistant Professorship in Computing Science at Uppsala University

    Uppsala university has an open position for an Assistant Professor in Computer Science.

    Deadline for applications: April 14th, 2009. For more information, see

  • Three "free-floater" tenure-track professorships in any area of research, Göttingen (Germany)

    The University of Göttingen, together with the non-university research institutions of the Göttingen Research Campus, invites applications for 3 Tenure-Track Professorships and the establishment of Independent Research Groups in all areas of the University's research fields. The positions as head of so-called Free-Floater Research Groups will be at the W1 salary level (Junior Professorship), have a reduced teaching load (2 hrs/wk), six years of funding to build up an Independent Research Group, and a tenure-track Option (W2/W3) dependent on successful review after 3 and 6 years.

    The Free-Floater Research Groups will be established to support competitive and innovative research ideas. Proposals can be made without topical constraints: The allocation of the Free-Floater Research Groups within the university will depend on the interests and research profile of the group leaders and is open for joint appointments together with non-university research institutions of the Göttingen Research Campus. Successful applicants for a Free-Floater Research Group must be able to make a significant contribution to the strategic development of the university and its faculties.

    Applications must be submitted by April 26, via our online application platform at: For more information, see or Or contact Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne at .

  • Ubbo Emmius Programme for Ph.D. Scholarships in Groningen

    The Ubbo Emmius Programme for Ph.D. Scholarships at the Groningen Graduate School of Science (GGSS) is now open for applications. Topics include o.a. Logic. First Deadline: 1 May 2009.

    For more information, see

  • (Associate) Professorship in Discrete Mathematics or Algorithms, Warwick (U.K.)

    The Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP), the Department of Computer Science, and the Warwick Mathematics Institute at the University of Warwick, UK, have a faculty opening at a level of Professor or Associate Professor.

    We seek a candidate with an excellent research record in Discrete Mathematics or in Algorithms and Complexity, or in relevant areas on the boundary of Computer Science and Mathematics. Depending on who is appointed, the postholder will be formally based either in Computer Science or Mathematics, or jointly between the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics. The postholder is expected to undertake research, teaching, administration and other activities supporting the work of the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP), the Department of Computer Science, and the Mathematics Institute, developing and enhancing their reputation, both internal and external to the University of Warwick. We seek a candidate who will play a key role in the development and direction of the DIMAP Research Centre and our principal concern is to find an individual of the highest quality with ambitions to play a leading role in the Centre, supporting the Director in his duties, in research, postgraduate and undergraduate teaching.

    The deadline for the applications is on March 30, 2009. To apply, please follow the instructions on the official advert web page

    Informal enquiries regarding this post may be made to Prof. Artur Czumaj (Computer Science, Director of DIMAP, ) or Prof. Colin Sparrow (Mathematics, ).

  • Thirteen PhD scholarships in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, Warwick (U.K.)

    DIMAP is a multidisciplinary research centre supporting an internationally competitive programme of research in discrete modelling, algorithmic analysis, and combinatorial (discrete) optimisation. It has been recently established by the University of Warwick and is partially funded by the prestigious Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Science and Innovation Award.

    The Centre has initial funding for about 13 PhD scholarships, and is developing a doctoral training programme supporting a continuing stream of research students in discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, and related areas. Available scholarships are for 3 years of PhD study. Applicants should have a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Operational Research, with excellent grades and references.

    For any further questions related to PhD scholarships in DIMAP, please send an email to:

    Applications are welcome for the study starting in the academic year 2009/2010. Further information is available at:

  • Postdoctoral and PhD student position in philosophy of science and technology, Stuttgart (Germany)

    The Institute of Philosophy at Stuttgart University is asking for applications for a scientist at the postdoc level and a PhD student to pursue research in philosophy of science and technology, reflecting and evaluating the research activities of the SimTech Cluster. (

    The Postdoc position is for a researcher working in epistemology of simulation with a particular focus on conceptualisations of and methodological strategies for coping with uncertainty. The position with the designated salary bracket TV-L 13 has a limited tenure of three years with a possible extension.

    The PhD Student is supposed to work on a project concerned with the normative evaluation of simulation studies. Special attention will be paid to potential value conflicts, which may arise when evaluating technology projects. The position with the designated salary bracket 50% TV-L 13 has a limited tenure of three years with a possible extension.

    Applications must be received before April 30 (extended), 2009. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral and PhD position in the MathWiki project, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

    The Institute for Computing and Information Science of the Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) is looking for 2 researchers to work on the NWO project "MathWiki a Web-based Collaborative Authoring Environment for Formal Proofs". The vacancies are for a Postdoc (3 year) and a PhD (4 year) position.

    The aim of the MathWiki project is to open up to a wider community the rich collections of knowledge stored in the repositories of proof assistants. To this end we will build a web-based collaborative authoring environment for formal mathematics, the MathWiki system. This system will provide interactive web access through a standardized interface to a number of proof assistants. The MathWiki system will also be a platform for the development of formal proofs within those proof assistants and it will provide high level access (through Wikipedia-like web pages) to their repositories of formalised mathematics.

    For more information, see For inquiries about the project and its positions, please contact the project leader Prof. Dr. Herman Geuvers (. Deadline for application is May 1, 2009.

  • Lectureship in Mathematics, London School of Economics, London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited from candidates with proven research ability in Mathematics, especially those with research interests in an area where the Department has current strengths, such as algorithms and discrete mathematics, control theory, financial mathematics, game theory and probability theory. Interest in applications of Mathematics or Computer Science to the Social Sciences is an asset.

    Ideally, the post will commence on 1 September 2009. The closing date for the receipt of applications is 31 March 2009 at 5.30pm. Regrettably, we are unable to accept any applications that are received after this date.

    For more information, see or email quoting reference 22/08/LEC.

  • PhD positions at Nottingham and Swansea in Theoretical Computer Science / Logic

    We have two fully funded PhD positions in our project on induction-recursion: one at Swansea (with Anton Setzer) and one at Nottingham (with Thorsten Altenkirch). This would be perfect for people who are interested in the foundations of Type Theory.

    Deadline for applications: 15 May 2009. For more information, see

  • Assistant Professorship in Philosophy (Metaphysics / Logic), Oberlin OH (U.S.A.)

    The Philosophy Department at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time, non-continuing faculty position in the College of Arts and Sciences. Appointment to this position will be for a term of one year, beginning Fall 2009, and will carry the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor.

    The incumbent will teach a total of five courses: Metaphysics, Deductive Logic, and three introductory courses. Among the qualifications required for appointment is the Ph.D. degree in hand or expected by the beginning of fall semester, 2009. Candidates must demonstrate interest and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Successful teaching experience at the college level is desirable.

    Application Due Date: March 15, 2009 For more information, see

  • Research Fellowship / Tutorship in Logic (4y), Oxford (U.K.)

    Keble College (Oxford) proposes to elect a Research Fellow and Tutor in Logic for a period of four years (fixed-term, non-renewable) from 1 October 2009. Scholars in receipt of another source of income, who would like a college association, are welcome to apply. The research interests of the person elected should include Logic or neighbouring areas of philosophy or mathematics, and there will be a requirement to teach Logic at undergraduate level.

    The closing date for applications is 20 March 2008. For more information, see Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Edward Harcourt at .

  • PhD student position in "The Mind and the Self", Lausanne (Switzerland)

    Within the Research Module "The Mind and the Self", directed by Prof. A. Schniewind (Lausanne) and Prof. A. de Libera (Geneva), the Department of Philosophy of Lausanne offers one PhD position at the University of Lausanne /Switzerland starting date preferably 1st September 2009, for a duration of three years.

    The Research Module « The Mind and the Self » is part of the Swiss National Science Foundation doctoral programme (Pro*Doc) « Mind, Normativity, Self and Properties ». The PhD candidate will have to take part in the training programme of that Pro*Doc (

    Applications may be sent until 15th April 2009. For more information, see here or or contact Prof. Alexandrine Schniewind at .

  • Postdoc and PhD positions in Algorithmic Game Theory (Singapore)

    The Algorithmic Game Theory group at Nanyang Technological University
    (Singapore) has openings for several research fellows (post-docs) and PhD students, to start from August 1st 2009 or shortly thereafter.

    For more information, please contact or see pr here.

  • Ph.D. Scholarship in Logic, University of Groningen

    We invite applications for a fully-funded 4 year bursary position for a Ph.D. student at the University of Groningen. The scholarship is offered jointly by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and the Department of Philosophy. Applicants must submit a research proposal for the intended PhD research covering the four-year duration of the scholarship. The application for the scholarship should be made no later than 1 May 2009.

    Candidates should have (or obtain before 1 September 2009) a Masters degree in Logic, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Mathematics or Physics. We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in Logic and its applications to modelling information flow, learning, agency, interaction and rationality in Artificial Intelligence, Theoretical Philosophy, Computer Science, Quantum Physics or Game Theory. Fluent English is a prerequisite.

    For more information, see here or contact Dr Sonja Smets at .

  • PhD student position in epistemology or philosophy of science, Tilburg (The Netherlands)

    The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invite applications for one three-year full-time PhD position, commencing at the latest September 1, 2009.

    The successful candidate is expected to work on a topic from epistemology or philosophy of science and complete a PhD thesis within maximally three years. The position is open to candidates with a master degree or equivalent in philosophy. We expect the willingness to work in an international interdisciplinary research environment.

    The deadline for applications is April 1, 2009. Informal enquiries may be directed to Professor Stephan Hartmann (email: ). Please indicate the vacancy number 500.09.03. For more information, please visit

  • W1 Junior Professorship in Theoretical Computer Science (tenure track to W3), Karlsruhe (Germany)

    At the faculty of computer science of the Universität Karlsruhe a position of a W1-Junior Professor (Assistant Professor) for Theoretical Computer Science is available. This position is a tenure track position, which will become a full professor position (W3) after a positive evaluation. The focus of research should complement the existing chairs at the faculty and allow for cooperation in at least one of the areas of Cryptography/Security, Algorithms, and Formal Methods.

    The candidate is very welcome to give lectures on his research area. In addition, an adequate contribution to courses on bachelor level is expected. Requirements are a strong scientific record, e.g. acquired through an excellent PhD thesis, and a teaching aptitude.

    Applications containing a curriculum vitae, scientific achievements, a list of publications and a research plan (of up to two pages) shall be sent to the dean of the Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Am Fasanengarten 5, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Tel. 0721-608-3976, email: . The application deadline is 20. April 2009. For more information please contact Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade (Phone: +49 - 721 / 608 - 4327) or Prof. Dr. Ralf Reussner (Phone: +49 - 721 / 608 - 5993).

  • Postdoc Position in Logic and Probability, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    A post-doc position is open at the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil, for research on reasoning by agents that combine logical and probabilistic components. The project is multi-disciplinary and includes both theoretical and practical aspects, with a focus on inference, learning, estimation, and decision making. Open software packages, to be distributed to the research community, will be produced during the work.

    Candidates must have excellent research record in the interface between logic and probabilities. Programming skills are necessary. An interview with candidates may be requested after initial selection.

    The project is to begin in March 2009. Candidates must send a short CV, list of publications and two letters of recommendation, by email, to Prof. Marcelo Finger (), until March 12 2009.

  • PhD student positions in Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh (Scotland) (non-EU)

    The Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS), which is part of the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK, invites applications from prospective PhD students. A list of concrete PhD projects is available at In many of these projects there are PhD studentships available, funded, e.g., by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) or by the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Initiative (SICSA).

    Deadline for applications is mid-March. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral positions in Theoretical Computer Science at UT Austin, Austin TX (U.S.A.)

    Professors Adam Klivans ( and David Zuckerman ( are each looking for a postdoc for the 2009-2010 academic year (total of two postdocs). The positions will not require any teaching. Applicants should send a CV, research statement, and have three letters of reference forwarded to the faculty member (Klivans or Zuckerman or both) who best matches the applicant's research interests. The Theory group at UT-Austin anticipates several short and long-term visitors for the 2009-2010 academic year who are focused on complexity theory and its applications to randomness, cryptography, and learning theory. Priority will be given to applications received before March 1, 2009, but applications received by April 1 will still be considered.

  • Post-doc in formal semantics at Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France

    The Institut Jean Nicod is seeking to appoint a postdoctoral fellow in the area of formal semantics for a period of one year (non-renewable) beginning September 1, 2009 (flexible). The post-doc is founded by the ANR Project "GENIUS: Genericity Interpretation and Uses" and will primarily work on temporal, aspectual and modal aspects of genericity in Romance languages and/or on the individual level versus stage level distinction.

    The post-doc will be benefiting of the highly stimulating environment of the Institut Jean Nicod, in collaboration with the members of the project on genericity. The post-doc will also be in charge of the organization of the bimensual seminar linked to the project.

    Deadline for applications (flexible): March 15h, 2009. For more information, see or contact Alda Mari at .

  • Postdoctoral researcher position in Natural Language Processsing, York (U.K.)

    We are looking for a talented Postdoctoral researcher to start work on the INDECT project. He/she will be expected to work on relationship mining and entity resolution. Applicants should possess PhD or equivalent in experience in machine learning and/or computational linguistics. The post will be for a minimum of 3 years duration with possibility of further extension. Salary is expected to be in the range £28-32K. Actual salary will depend upon qualification and experience.

    Indect is a 5 Year project funded by th EU under the FP7 IP programme. Further details can be found at the project web site located at: Please contact Suresh Manandhar () if you are interested.

  • Postdoctoral positions in "Computational Logic, Implementation and Parallelism", Madrid (Spain)

    The CLIP (Computational Logic, Implementation and Parallelism) group is searching for candidates for postdoctoral research positions in the research areas in which the group is involved. A PhD in Computer Science or related areas is required. These are research positions (no teaching is compulsory, although it is allowed) and renewable for up to 3 or 5 years.

    Application deadline is 13th of February (for the 5 years position) and 18th of February (for the 3 years position) For more information, see or contact

  • PhD student position in algorithms engineering, Munich (Germany)

    Modern computers have faster and faster CPUs, such that it is getting more and more difficult to supply them with the data bandwidth to leverage this speed. This works reasonably well if data is accessed linearly, and basically impossible if memory accesses are random. Hence, to help the design of fast algorithms, it is useful to consider the so called I/O-model, that captures the data transfer between different types of memory like cache and main memory. In this setting the project is concerned with the multiplication of a dense vector with a sparse matrix.

    This is not only an important building block of many applications, but also an abstract formulation of a data-flow problem. The focus is to understand the influence of the structure in the non-zero entries of the matrix on the I/O-complexity of the problem. The concrete research topic will range between intriguing theoretical questions and the engineering of an implementation of the theoretically analyzed algorithms.

    Your application should include a CV and copies of academic degrees showing your grades. Please send your application by March 5. Further information is available at or directly from Riko Jacob, .

  • Postdoctoral fellowship in "Computational Logic and Combinatorial Optimization", West Virginia (U.S.A.)

    West Virginia University, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering is seeking a Post-Doctoral Fellow to work in the areas of computational logic and combinatorial optimization. The successful candidate is expected to participate actively in research activities, including the drafting of research proposals and guiding graduate students.

    An earned Ph.D. in computer science or mathematics with a commensurate record of archival publications is required. It is anticipated that the position will start in the Fall of 2009 and will continue for a period of twelve (12) months. Extension to this appointment is possible based on the successful candidate's performance and the availability of research funding.

    It is anticipated that a review of applications will commence March 1, 2009 and continue until the position is filled. For more information, see or contact Dr. K. Subramani at .

  • Lectureships in Economics & Computation, Liverpool

    The Department of Computer Science was ranked in the top 10 UK Computer Science departments in RAE2008, and building on this success, they seek to significantly expand current research around existing strengths at the intersection of economics/game theory and computer science. The successful candidates will join Professor Paul Goldberg and Dr Piotr Krysta in establishing a new research group in this area.

    The group will carry out research in the computational foundations of economics/game theory and economic theory in computer science. The group will enjoy close collaborative links with the existing Complexity, Theory and Algorithms research group and the Agent Applications, Research, and Technology research group.

    Closing Date: 27 February 2009. For more information, see or contact Prof Paul Goldberg, Head of Group at . Please quote Job Ref A-569104 in all enquiries.

  • PhD student position in Computer Science, Liverpool (England)

    The Computer Science department at the University of Liverpool has funds to support a PhD student to begin during the next few months. To be eligible, a candidate would have to be from the EU.

    Applications must be received before March 1st, 2009. More details are at People interested in applying are encouraged to contact Prof. Wiebe van der hoek informally at, also to check the web pages that give an overview of main research interests at the department:

  • Postdoctoral and PhD student position in "Security and Games", Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

    The university of Luxembourg has vacancies for 1 Postdoc position and 1 PhD student position in the project "Game-theoretic Approaches to Security"

    The project aims to develop new approaches to the design and analysis of secure systems based on the observation that the security of a system can be considered as the result of a game between a defender and an attacker of the system. This observation opens up a wealth of analysis methods from the field of game theory. It is expected that game theoretic approaches have an impact on the design and analysis of fair-exchange protocols and other types of security protocols. Research will be conducted on the study of security attacks and counter-measures to prevent or mitigate such attacks. The project will focus on the application of non-zero sum games and games of imperfect information.

    The PhD student will be employed for a period of 3 or 4 years (40 hrs/week), starting on April 1, 2009 (or shortly after). The Postdoc will be employed for a period of 3 years (40 hrs/week) starting in the first half of 2009. The project will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre and Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw.

    Deadline for application is February 20, 2009. For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre (, +352 4666445261) or Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw (, +352 4666445480).

  • PhD student scholarship in "Language and Cognition", Bielefeld (Germany)

    Within CITEC (the Center of Excellence "Cognitive Interaction Technology" at Bielefeld University, Germany) the newly established research group "Language and Cognition" conducts research on online language processing, also in interaction with other cognitive sub-systems, and is leading a project that explores how humans interact linguistically with one another and with virtual characters.

    In this context, we are inviting applications for a PhD scholarship for the duration of 3 years. The applicant should have a degree in Cognitive Science, Psychology, (Psycho-) Linguistics, or a related discipline (ref: 2789).

    Applications will be considered until all positions have been filled. For full consideration please submit applications by 28.02.2009. For more information, see here or contact: Dr. Pia Knoeferle (E-Mail: ).

  • Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowship in any field of the humanities or social sciences, Jerusalem (Israel)

    The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute proposes to award two Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships in any field of the Humanities or Social Sciences, for a period of up to five years, beginning October 1, 2009. The Fellowships offer an annual stipend of $40,000. Yearly renewal of the Fellowships will be contingent upon demonstrated progress in research. Fellows will be expected to work on their research at the Institute for consecutive years during the period of the award.

    Although these are postdoctoral fellowships, other candidates may be considered in those fields in which a doctoral degree is not a prerequisite for career progress.

    Candidates should submit to the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute at a 3-5 page statement of research plans; a 3-page summary of previous research; one published article or equivalent unpublished work; a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications; along with names and contact information for three referees. Please indicate where you saw this advertisement. The deadline for submission of completed applications is April 20, 2009. For more information, see

  • Three PhD student positions on "Understanding and the A Priori", Cologne (Germany)

    The Emmy Noether Research Group 'Understanding and the A Priori' at the Philosophy Department, Universität zu Köln funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG seeks to fill 3 PhD Research Positions (Doktorandenstellen), 2-year appointment with 1-year extension,

    The research group is dedicated to the study of a priori knowledge. We are especially interested in the cognitive capacity of understanding and its role in a priori justification, the relationship between apriority and necessity, and the methodology of philosophy as a distinctive armchair discipline. The project brings together work in epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics and phenomenology. The group will consist of 3 post-doctoral researchers and 3 doctoral researchers. Planned activities include weekly seminars, semi-annual workshops, two major international conferences and a graduate conference. We have cooperations with research institutions in Germany, Australia and the US. The main project language is English.

    Start date for the positions is 1. April 2009 (or earliest possible thereafter). The deadline for applications is 31. January 2009.

    More information can be obtained from our website:, or by contacting Magdalena Balcerak Jackson at .

  • PhD student position and postdoctoral position on "Causality and Probability", Konstanz (Germany)

    The Agence Nationale des Recherches and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft are sponsoring a French-German cooperation between L'Institut d'Histoire et de la Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris, and the Philosophy Department of the University of Konstanz on the joint research project Causality and Probability directed by Prof. Jacques Dubucs and Prof. Wolfgang Spohn. A description of the project is to be found at the homepage of Prof. Spohn:

    The German side at Konstanz offers two positions for three years starting at April 1, 2009: a full post-doc position (salary: E13) for the subproject D, and a half Ph.D. position (salary: 0,5 E13) for the subproject A. The tasks to be performed are:
    (a) research on the topics and issues described,
    (b) fulfilment of the deliverables and milestones as described,
    (c) engagement in the French-German cooperation,
    (d) engagement in the Philosophy Department at the University of Konstanz.

    Please send your application (CV, degrees, possibly writing samples and letters of reference) either by mail to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spohn, Fachbereich Philosophie, Universität Konstanz, Fach D 21, 78457 Konstanz, Germany, or by e-mail to till February 13, 2009.

  • Lectureship in Computer Science, Bristol (U.K.)

    Bristol University has an opening for a Lecturer in Computer Science. The succesful candidate will be based in the Department of Computer Science, which has a lively research culture with current strengths in Digital Media, Cryptography and Security, Machine Learning and Biological Computation, Architecture and Design, and Quantum Computing, as well as many links with the computer, communications, microelectronics and media industries in the Bristol region, providing opportunities for collaborative research and teaching, secondments and new ventures.

    Further details and an application form can be found at For informal enquiries, you can also contact Prof Nishan Canagarajah at , or send a mail to (stating postal address ONLY), quoting reference number 14499. The closing date for applications is 9.00am, 30 January 2009

  • Postdoctoral position in Algorithms, Darthmouth College (Hanover NH, U.S.A.)

    The Computer Science Department at Dartmouth College has an opening for a postdoc in Algorithms, starting summer or fall 2009. Areas of interest include but are not limited to graph and network routing, design, and partitioning; approximation algorithms; and game theoretic and economic aspects of algorithms.

    Review of applications will begin January 31, 2009, and continue until position is filled. For more information, see here or, or contact Lisa Fleischer at .

  • PhD student positions on ontology reasoning, Aberdeen (Scotland)

    The Knowledge Technology (KT) group in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen is one of the key players in the area of semantics and ontology technologies with excellent balance between theoretical work and pragmatic applications.

    The KT group is looking for PhD researchers who are willing to do research within one of our new projects. The goal of the project is to combine benefits and synergy of Web 2.0 and semantic and ontology technologies. To reach this goal, it will develop a seamless integration technology for ontologies into social Web 2.0 applications, resulting in ontology-driven social Web 2.0 development. Scalable ontology reasoning technologies will play a key role in the project. Successful candidates will be awarded SICSA (Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance, studentships, which worth around £18,000 per year for 3.5 years.

    Applications Deadline: Jan 27, 2009. For further information regarding to the research in the KT group and the project, please contact Dr. Jeff Z. Pan (

  • Several postdoctoral positions in Algorithms and Complexity, Saarbruecken (Germany)

    The Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science seeks several Postdocs for the Algorithms and Complexity Department directed by Kurt Mehlhorn. We are looking for applicants from all areas of algorithmics, including related areas like computer algebra, complexity theory and discrete mathematics. We are also explicitly looking for people interested in algorithm engineering and the design and implementation of algorithm libraries.

    Applications should be sent by January 31, 2009. For further information, also on other offers, please refer to

  • Three open Full Professor positions in Computer Science, Brasilia (Brazil)

    The Department of Computer Science (CIC/UnB) of the University of Brasilia has three open faculty positions at the so called "titular professor" level. These are permanent, highest level positions for federal public institutions in Brazil; they are equivalent to a "full professor" position in the USA.

    The basic formal requirement is a PhD degree obtained 10 years ago (or more), in any area of Computer Science. The Department seeks experienced candidates with a strong research record, willing to lead research activities and teach courses at all levels.

    Applications should be submitted from December 22nd, 2008, to February 1st, 2009. The selection process will take place by the end of February, 2009 (probably, from 16th to 20th, February) in Brasilia.

    Detailed information about the positions can be found (in Portuguese) in: and For further questions, please, contact Profa. Célia Ghedini Ralha (), or Prof. Guilherme Pinto ().

  • Assistant professor semantics at Tübingen University (Germany)

    The Department of Linguistics at T¨ebingen University offers two junior positions (phonology/phonetics and semantics) with the beginning of summer semester 2009.

    For both positions duties include teaching at the undergraduate and the graduate level. The teaching load is four hours per week, i.e. two courses per semester. Furthermore, the candidates are expected to conduct original research in their area of expertise, and to actively participate in larger linguistic research endeavours at T¨ebingen University. Candidates should hold a PhD at the time of the appointment.

    The appointments should start as soon as possibe after April 1, 2009, and not later than October 1, 2009. Interviews will be conducted until the positions are filled. For more information, see or, or contact prof. Gerhard Jaeger at .

Past appointments

  • New Appointments: Aline Honingh

    Aline Honingh has been appointed as postdoctoral researcher in the VICI project "Integrating Cognition" of Rens Bod. Aline received her PhD at the ILLC in 2006 and worked till recently in the Music Informatics Research Group at City University London. She has come back to the University of Amsterdam where she will work in the field of music cognition and data-oriented parsing.


  • UvA access to IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)

    From 30 november the IEEE-IET Electronic Library (IEL) is available in the UvA-domain by means of the IEEE Xplore® digital library platform. Through IEL you have full-text access to all IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines; IEEE conference proceedings; IET journals and conference proceedings; and all current IEEE standards. The IEL includes cutting-edge research in all areas of technology, including: Biomedical Engineering, Circuits, Communications, Computing, Electronics, Imaging, Information Technology, Nanotechnology, Remote Sensing, Robotics & Automation, Secure Communications, Software and Wireless. In total more than 2 million documents. Limited to 5 concurrent users

    Getting started:
    Browse to the IEEE Xplore® digital library at You should be IP authenticated and you will be logged in automatically. Find relevant full-text documents in the IEEE collection using the Browse, Basic, or Advanced Search functions. When you find an article you would like to download and view, click on the PDF Full-Text link.

  • Henkjan Honing in de Volkskrant

    In de Volkskrant van zaterdag 14 november staat een interview met Henkjan Honing "Muzikaal zijn we allemaal"

    Voor meer informatie, zie of

  • Nieuw boek "Iedereen is Muzikaal" van Henkjan Honing

    Op 16 november verschijnt het boek: "Iedereen is muzikaal: Wat we weten over het luisteren naar muziek" van Henkjan Honing.

    Meeklappen op de maat van muziek: we kunnen het allemaal. Ook het herkennen van een liedje is voor de meesten van ons een fluitje van een cent. Maar hoe vanzelfsprekend is dat eigenlijk? En wat heeft het met muzikaliteit te maken? "Iedereen is muzikaal" laat zien dat luisteraars muzikaler zijn dan ze zelf denken. Wij zijn geen passieve consumenten, wij maken muziek. Ook als we wegzakken in het pluche van het Concertgebouw, of meedeinen op een concert in Ahoy. Ons geheugen, onze emoties en onze verwachtingen zijn onze klankkast.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • New book "Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs" by Krzysztof R. Apt, Frank S. de Boer and Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog

    The book 'Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs' (Third
    Edition) by Krzysztof R. Apt, Frank S. de Boer and Ernst-Rüdiger
    Olderog appeared with Springer in October 2009. The foreword was
    written by Amir Pnueli and the drawings were made by Krzysztof's
    daughter, Alma Apt

    For more information, see

  • Youngest Faculty of Science student is in MSc Logic

    Faculty of Science student Floor Sietsma has succesfully finished the MSc Logic. Last Friday, September 25 the Seventeen old could pick up her diploma. According to her teachers Sietsma knows exactly what she want and is very focussed.

    'The coming six months I will be working on a project with the Centrum voor Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), in preparation for a PhD position that could start in April. Professor dr. Jan van Eijck and professor dr. Krzysztof Apt supervise me in this', says Floor.

    Sietsma got a lot of media attention in 2004 as the youngest university student in the Netherlands. At twelve year she started two bachelor programmes: Informatics and Mathematics. After a year Sietsma choose Informatics, because this is what she found most interesting.

    'I enjoyed myself very much at the UvA and during my studies I have therefor been very active in the student union VIA'.

    Translation from Source: afdeling Communicatie (FNWI), .

  • Martin Stokhof in NWO Geestesoog 2009-03

    Geestesoog is het kwartaalblad van Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) NWO-Geesteswetenschappen. In het herfstnummer van 2009 staat een interview met Martin Stokhof.

    Voor meer informatie, zie of

  • New Book: Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence

    This volume is a systematic, expansive presentation of the major achievements in the intersection between two fields of inquiry: Argumentation Theory and Artificial Intelligence. Contributions from international researchers who have helped shape this dynamic area offer a progressive development of intuitions, ideas and techniques, from philosophical backgrounds, to abstract argument systems, to computing arguments, to the appearance of applications producing innovative results. Each chapter features extensive examples to ensure that readers develop the right intuitions before they move from one topic to another.

    In particular, the book exhibits an overview of key concepts in Argumentation Theory and of formal models of Argumentation in AI. After laying a strong foundation by covering the fundamentals of argumentation and formal argument modeling, the book expands its focus to more specialized topics, such as algorithmic issues, argumentation in multi-agent systems, and strategic aspects of argumentation. Finally, as a coda, the book explores some practical applications of argumentation in AI and applications of AI in argumentation.

    For more information, see:

  • 'Logica in Actie' is Online

    As announced on the site of "de Automatiseringsgids", as of the 20th of April the Open University course "Logica in Action" by Prof. dr. Johan van Benthem is available online and freely accessible.

    For more information, see the full announcement at

  • AMS Graduate Student Blog

    The AMS Graduate Student Blog is a new blog by and for math graduate students, managed by Frank Morgan, AMS vice-president, and professor of mathematics at Williams College. "Graduate students are the future of the AMS, and they have a lot to talk about," says Morgan.

    The blog entries to date concern organizing a reading seminar, how to give a good mathematics talk, advice for beginning teaching assistants, navigating seminars and finding an advisor--topics of great importance to graduate students, who are all are invited to join the community by posting comments, questions and advice on the blog, hosted by Williams College, at

  • Call for nominations for the next Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (ToCL)

    Nominations (including self nominations) are invited for the next Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (ToCL). The position is for a term (renewable once) of three years, starting on July 1, 2009.

    Candidates should be well-established researchers in areas related to computational logic, broadly conceived, and should have sufficient experience serving on conference program committees and journal editorial boards. Nominations, including a current curriculum vita and a brief (one page) statement of vision for ToCL, should be sent to Joseph Halpern <>, by May 1, 2009.

    Final selection will be made by a Selection Committee, consisting of Joseph Halpern (chair -- Cornell University), Kryzsztof Apt (CWI), Prakash Panangaden (McGill University), and Gordon Plotkin (University of Edinburgh). Nominations received after May 1, 2009, will be considered up until the position is filled.

    For more information, see