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Postdoc vacancy 'Cognitive systems in interaction' in Groningen
A postdoc position is available in the Multi-agent Systems Group in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (ALICE) at the University of Groningen. The candidate will join the five-year Vici project "Cognitive systems in interaction: Logical and computational models of higher-order social cognition" of prof.dr. Rineke Verbrugge, comprising six researchers.
In the Vici project, we investigate children's development and adults' limitations in applying higher-order reasoning, using a close-knit combination of empirical research and formal modeling. Whereas first-order social cognition has been intensely investigated, higher-order social cognition is far less well-understood. This Vici project aims to apply improved understanding of higher-order social reasoning to design realistic logics, ready for implementation in systems supporting mixed human-computer teams.
Deadline for applications: January 15th, 2010. For more information, see or (vacancy number 209395), or contact prof.dr. Rineke Verbrugge at L.C.Verbrugge at
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