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16 - 18 December 2016, Workshop "Situations, Information, and Semantic Content", Munich, Germany
The semantic content of natural language is multiply *situated*: Whether an utterance receives one interpretation or another depends on the *discourse situation* (in which the utterance takes place), on the *target situation* (which is described by the utterance), and on the interpreting agents' *informational situation* (which also contains the agents' background knowledge). Over the past decades, work on extralinguistic context-dependence has focused on discourse situations and target situations, and has paid less attention to the dependence of interpretation on the agents' informational situation. However, this kind of information-dependence plays a crucial role in the explanation of a number of semantic phenomena, including the behavior of epistemic/deontic modals and propositional attitude-sentences. This workshop aims to bring together linguists, philosophers, logicians, and cognitive and computer scientists to discuss the information-dependence of the semantic content of natural language. It covers all aspects of the interaction between situations, information, and semantic content, both theoretical and experimental.
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