News and Events: Conferences

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29 May - 1 June 2008, 2008 International Workshop on Truth Values, Dresden, Germany

Date: 29 May - 1 June 2008
Location: Dresden, Germany

The purpose of the 2008 International Workshop on Truth Values is to present and discuss work on various interrelated aspects of truth-values: philosophical, logical and algebraic among them. The topics of the workshop include:

- the philosophical elucidation and theoretical explication of the notion of a truth value;
- general formal tools for a uniform treatment of various logical, mathematical and philosophical aspects of truth values and valuational systems within a joint theoretical framework;
- the interpretation of logical calculi as valuational systems, the development of general methods of formalizing (in axiomatic, sequent, tableau etc. style) logical theories on the basis of a given system of truth values and the examination of their syntactic and semantic properties;
- the investigation of topical problems of many-valued logics, such as Suszko's Thesis, truth value gaps, logical and semantical paradoxes etc.;
- possible applications of generalized truth values and generalized truth value functions in various areas of philosophical and mathematical interest.

For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see

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