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23 June 2008, Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications (IMLA'08), Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
Constructive modal logics and type theories are of increasing foundational and practical relevance in computer science. Applications are in type disciplines for programming languages, and meta-logics for reasoning about a variety of computational phenomena.
Theoretical and methodological issues center around the question of how the proof-theoretic strengths of constructive logics can best be combined with the model-theoretic strengths of modal logics. Practical issues center around the question which modal connectives with associated laws or proof rules capture computational phenomena accurately and at the right level of abstraction.
This LICS'08 affiliated workshop will bring together designers, implementers, and users to discuss all aspects of intuitionistic modal logics and type theories.
For more information, see
We solicit submissions on work in progress and on more mature results.Deadline for abstract submission: April 25, 2008.
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