News and Events: Conferences

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9-10 October 2008, Formal Modeling in Social Epistemology, Tilburg, Netherlands

Date: 9-10 October 2008
Location: Tilburg, Netherlands
Deadline: 15 August 2008

Social epistemology is a relatively new and booming field of research. It studies the social dimension of the pursuit of acquiring true beliefs and requires philosophical as well as sociological and economical expertise. The insights gained in social epistemology are not only of theoretical interest -- they also improve our understanding of social and political processes as the field includes the analysis of group deliberation and group decision making. Surprisingly, little work has yet been done on the epistemic properties of group deliberation, belief aggregation and decision-making procedures. This workshop aims at closing this gap with the help of formal models that ideally combine representational adequacy with instructive analytical results. To this end, we welcome contributions from all relevant fields of research.

For more information, see

We invite submissions of extended abstracts of up to 1500 words through our automatic submission system by 1 August 2008. Decisions will be made by 15 August 2008.

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