News and Events: Open Positions

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PhD student / postdoctoral position in "Theory of Artificial Intelligence", Bremen (Germany)

There is a position is available at Faculty 3 (Mathematics and Computer Science) of the University of Bremen, for a Doctoral Research Assistant / Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Science (TVL 13, 35,000 to 50,000 Euro p.a. pre-tax), with the new group for the theory of artificial intelligence and teach courses in computer science (theoretical computer science and AI). The focus of the new group will be on description logic, modal logic, and related areas. Candidates with a background in knowledge representation and/or logic in computer science will be given preference.

The position is available from November 2008 (or later) and is initally limited to three years. Extension is possible. The application deadline is October 13, 2008, but the application process will continue until a suitable candidate is found. For more information, see or contact Prof. Carsten Lutz at (position reference nr: A 161/08).

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