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24 January 2008, Information Meeting Advanced Investigator Grants ("European Vici's")
On the 24th of January 2008 at 15:00 Bureau Kennistransfer UvA organizes an information meeting on FP7 Advanced Investigator Grants. The meeting will be in English.
Speaker: Andreja Zulim, ERC-expert of the Dutch National Contact Point.
Registration: Bureau Kennistransfer UvA: liaison at
Advanced Investigator Grants- in short
- WHO: active researchers with min. 10 jaar trackrecord (nationality or age is not important)
- WERE: EU-member states or associated states
- Budget : Max. € 500,000 per year; max. 5 year; max. € 2 500.000 per project;
- WHAT: all area's of sciences
- HOW MUCH: approximately 300 grants will be granted;
- "EXCELLENCE" is the only evaluation criterium!
Physical Sciences & Engineering: 28 February 2008;
Social Sciences & Humanities: 18 maart 2008;
Life Sciences: 22 april 2008.
For more information, see Carolien Zijderveld, tel: 020 525 6931/5417, e-mail: C.A.L.Zijderveld at
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