News and Events: Projects and Awards

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NWO Rubicon awarded to Erik Rietveld for Harvard visit

NWO has awarded a Rubicon grant to Erik Rietveld. The grant allows him to work for two years to as a researcher at Harvard University's Department of Philosophy.

His project starts from the observation that in many situations in our daily lives we act adequately, yet unreflectively. With certainty and fluency we descend stairs, maintain an appropriate distance from the other people in an elevator, and without deliberation we stop the pedestrian next to us, who, while about to cross the street, does not notice an oncoming car. Often we just act, and normally this immediate action is appropriate. The overall aim of his research project at Harvard University is to contribute to a better understanding of such adequate unreflective action. He approaches this phenomenon primarily from a philosophical perspective, but one that is open to interaction with affective science and neuroscience. According to him, such an integrative approach is important because it is only through integration of the findings of various disciplines that we can achieve an understanding of this complex phenomenon.

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