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23 September 2008, Smart cards in public transport: the Mifare Classic Case, Bart Jacobs

Speaker: Bart Jacobs (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Date: Tuesday 23 September 2008
Time: 15:30
Location: Lorentz Center Leiden

The Mifare Classic chipcard has been dismantled. Between 1 and 2 billion copies have been sold worldwide. The card is mainly used for access to buildings and for public transport. The talk will give an overview of these developments and of the role of the Digital Security Group of the Radboud University Nijmegen. (This public lecture is part of the NIAS-Lorentz workshop Logic and information security, to be held from 22 to 26 Sept at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. The public lecture is open to all, and registration for this lecture is NOT required. Registration for the workshop is obligatory.

For more information, see

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