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23 - 27 September 2013, Algebraic Proof Theory W0rkshop, Gudauri, Georgia
An Algebraic Proof Theory Workshop will take place at the Tenth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation that is held in Georgia on 23 - 27 September 2013. The workshop centers around the connection between proof theory and algebraic logic, a connection that is still not completely understood and has received increasing attention over the last years.
Workshop organizers: Agata Ciabattoni and Rosalie Iemhoff. Invited Speakers: Matthias Baaz (Vienna University of Technology), Alessio Guglielmi (University of Bath) and Kazushige Terui (University of Kyoto).
For more information, see the Tbilisi Symposium website at or contact R.Iemhoff at
Anyone interested in giving a talk at the workshop can send a 1 page abstract to Agata Ciabattoni (agata at and Rosalie Iemhoff (R.Iemhoff at no later than May 30th, 2013.
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