News and Events: Upcoming Events

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

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<< December 2021 >>
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Click on an event to view details.

2 December 2021, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Adam Brandenburger

Date & Time: Thursday 2 December 2021, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Adam Brandenburger
Title: Agreement and Disagreement in a Non-Classical World
Location: Online

DIP Colloquium cancelled

Speaker: Michael Franke
Title: Probabilistic Models of Question and Answer Choices
Location: Online

Michael Franke's talk at the DIP Colloquium, originally scheduled for tomorrow, is cancelled. We hope to reschedule it for some time in the Spring (date TBD), and to see Michael very soon!

6 December 2021, Reading group: Elements of Causal Inference (Causal Inference Lab)

Date & Time: Monday 6 December 2021, 14:10-15:40
Location: Hybrid Form (look at our website)

Main reading: Peters, Jonas, Dominik Janzing, and Bernhard Schölkopf. 2017. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms. The MIT Press.

For the next meeting, we have to:
- Work on the problems of Chapter 3.5 "Problems" (pp. 39-41)For programming, prefer R.Submit solutions to the drive file [link in our website], so that others can access them for discussion.
- Read Chapter 4 "Learning Cause-Effect Models" (pp. 43-70)

At the beginning of the meeting, Matt will give a 10' presentation on the main arguments of the Dawid (2021) and Janzing et al. (2016) papers in the "Suggested Readings" [see website].

For more information, see or contact Evan Iatrou at .

7 December 2021, EXPRESS / PhilMath Seminar, Lucas Rosenblatt

Date & Time: Tuesday 7 December 2021, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Lucas Rosenblatt (Buenos Aires)
Title: Theories of Paradoxicality
Location: Online via Zoom

A lot has been written on solutions to the semantic paradoxes but very little on the topic of general theories of paradoxicality. The reason for this, I believe, is that in most cases it is not easy to disentangle a solution to the paradoxes from a specific conception of what those paradoxes consist in. In this talk I want to do things differently. I will first address the question of what one should expect from a theory of paradoxicality. Then I will present and critically evaluate a number of theories that have been offered in the literature. The main claim I want to make is that, in many respects, these theories needn’t be seen as competing with one another. This is joint work with Camila Gallovich.

For more information, see or contact Lwenn Bussière at .

9 December 2021, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Giorgio Sbardolini

Date & Time: Thursday 9 December 2021, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Giorgio Sbardolini
Title: Coordination without Common Knowledge
Location: Online

10 December 2021, Cool Logic, Amity Aharoni and Rodrigo Almeida

Date & Time: Friday 10 December 2021, 17:00-19:00
Speaker: Amity Aharoni and Rodrigo Almeida (ILLC)
Title: Brouwer's Intuitionism: Philosophy, the Continuum, and boxing with your Feet
Location: Room D1.111, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

When mathematicians and logicians hear the term 'intuitionism' they often think about the law of excluded middle, weak proof systems, and Heyting's formalisation of his teacher's philosophy. In this talk we will look at Brouwer's philosophy and mathematics of intuitionism, tracing some of the philosophical underpinnings, and motivating his mathematical results with contemporary mathematical tools. In it, we emphasise Brouwer's attempt to undermine the place of logic in the foundation of philosophy, replacing it with a special notion of 'intuition'.

For more information, see or contact Vasily Romanovskiy and Tibo Rushbrooke at .

14 December 2021, ILLC Midwinter Colloquium 2021, Online

Date & Time: Tuesday 14 December 2021, 16:00-17:30
Location: Online

The ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.

The current organisers of the colloquium are Malvin Gattinger and Aybüke Özgün.

For more information, see or contact Aybüke Özgün and Malvin Gattinger at .

14 December 2021, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Marcus Rossberg

Date & Time: Tuesday 14 December 2021, 16:00-17:15
Speaker: Marcus Rossberg (Connecticut)
Title: An Inferentialist Redundancy Theory of Truth
Location: Online

This talk is online, please contact the organizer for details.

For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at .

14 December 2021, ILLC Midwinter Colloquium 2021

Date & Time: Tuesday 14 December 2021, 16:00-17:30
Location: Online

Dear colleagues,

You will have noticed that due to you-know-what there has been no ILLC colloquium during this year. We do not want to let the year end without bringing the ILLC together, even if it has to be online. We will have the following programme, consisting of talks from three different research units.

- 16h00-16h30 Sandro Pezzelle (NLP&DH)

Visually-grounded semantics in human speakers and deep neural networks

- 16h30-17h00 Milica Denić (LMC)

Inferring cognitive representations underlying the meanings of numerals

- 17h00-17h30 Tobias Kappé (MCL)

Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence for Protocol Parsers

After the talks everyone is welcome to stay online - but obviously you will have to bring your own hot chocolate or beer!

To access the event, use the following link:

Looking forward to see you,

The ILLC Colloquium organizers

(Aybuke and Malvin)

For more information, see

15 December 2021, Proof Theory Virtual Seminar, Alessio Guglielmi

Date & Time: Wednesday 15 December 2021, 10:00-11:00
Speaker: Alessio Guglielmi
Title: Totally Linear Proofs for Classical Logics
Location: Online via Zoom

15 December 2021, Stress relief for PhDs

Date & Time: Wednesday 15 December 2021, 15:00-17:00
Location: Online

In 2021, the Faculty of Science organizes multiple editions of the stress relief workshop for PhDs given by a psychologist. First, you will practice some mindfulness to help you slow down and take better care of yourself. After that, you will also have time to share difficult work situations and support each other. Let's prevent the negative effects of stress together!

16 December 2021, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Branden Fitelson

Date & Time: Thursday 16 December 2021, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Branden Fitelson (Northeastern University, Boston)
Title: Probabilities of Conditionals & Conditional Probabilities — Revisited
Location: Online

17 December 2021, DIP Colloquium, Magdalena Kaufmann

Date & Time: Friday 17 December 2021, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Magdalena Kaufmann (Connecticut)
Title: Topics in conjunctions are conditional

20 December 2021, Reading Group on Causal Learning (Causal Inference Lab)

Date & Time: Monday 20 December 2021, 14:10-15:30
Location: Hybrid Form (look at our website)

Our main reading is Peters, Jonas, Dominik Janzing, and Bernhard Schölkopf. 2017. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms. The MIT Press. [pdf]

For the next meeting, we have to read:

1) Chapter 5 "Connections to Machine Learning, I"

2) Chapter 6 "Multivariate Causal Models" until Subchapter 6.5 "Markov Property, Faithfulness, and Causal Minimality".

For more information, see or contact Evan Iatrou at .

20 December 2021, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Lars Birkedal

Date & Time: Monday 20 December 2021, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Lars Birkedal
Title: Iris: A Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic Framework
Location: Zoom

The Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.

This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here: .