News and Events: Upcoming Events

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15 November 2023, Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Monthly Meeting, Paula Helm & Roanne van Voorst

Speaker: Paula Helm & Roanne van Voorst
Title: Exploring future methodologies
Date: Wednesday 15 November 2023
Time: 10:00-13:00
Location: Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48. Amsterdam

Imagining futures to empower the present: Exploring and experimenting with future methodologies.
With regular meetings, the UvA wide research community Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) aims to create a space for interfaculty encounters and conversations. We give a podium to UvA groups to present their research, their methodologies, or open questions to the RDT community. At this month's special edition, Paula Helm and Roanne van Voorst will speak about exploring and experimenting with future methodologies.

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