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23 - 27 May 2019, 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS Gothenburg 2019), Gothenburg, Sweden
IWCS is the bi-yearly meeting of SIGSEM, the ACL special interest group on semantics. The aim of the IWCS conference is to bring together researchers interested in any aspects of the computation, annotation, extraction, and representation of meaning in natural language, whether from a lexical or structural semantic perspective. IWCS embraces both symbolic and machine learning approaches to computational semantics, and everything in between.
The main conference will be run from 25-27 May 2019, preceded by workshops on 23-24 May. The areas of interest for the conference include all computational aspects of meaning of natural language within written, spoken, or multimodal communication.
Three types of submission are solicited: long papers, student papers and short papers. Long papers should describe original research, and will have a full oral presentation at the conference. Student papers should describe original research but the first author must be a student or at least 2/3 of the work on a paper should be completed by students; the papers will have a full oral presentation at the conference in a special student session. Short papers (typically system or project descriptions, or ongoing research) will have a lightning talk at the conference, followed by a poster/demo session for discussion. All types of papers should be submitted not later than 15th January, 2019.
Additionally, workshop proposals are invited on any of the conference topics and closely related areas. Deadline: 10 November.
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