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3 - 6 July 2019, International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2019), Gent, Belgium
ISIPTA 2019 is devoted to robustness and imprecision in uncertainty modelling, inference and decision making, focusing in particular on uncertainty frameworks that extend or replace the probabilistic one.
ISIPTA conferences are characterised by a friendly and cooperative style, a strong emphasis on in-depth discussion and a true openness to new ideas. We hope that you too will both enjoy and contribute to this unique atmosphere.
We accept three types of contributions: full papers, short papers and poster abstracts. Each accepted contribution is briefly presented in a plenary session and then discussed in detail in the ensuing discussion session - with the help of a poster, a whiteboard, pen and paper, or whichever medium you prefer.
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