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19 - 21 June 2019, Sixth Formal Ethics conference (FE2019), Gent, Belgium
Formal Ethics is a common denominator for the application of tools from logic, decision theory, game theory, and social choice theory to the analysis of concepts in moral and political philosophy and to the development of ethical theory. It is a rapidly growing field of research which goes back to the work of Kenneth Arrow, Amartya Sen, John Harsanyi, Georg Henrik von Wright and others. The field has recently gained new impetus with formal work on non-classical logic, freedom and responsibility, value theory and the evolution of norms and conventions.
Keynote speakers: Edith Elkind (Oxford), Campbell Brown (LSE), and Ray Briggs (Stanford).
Formal Ethics 2019 will feature a single track for contributed talks of 40-45 minutes. Authors should submit an extended abstract (1000 words max, pdf format) via easychair. Submissions in all areas of formal ethics, broadly construed, are welcome. Contributions need not be formal in nature but should show familiarity with applying formal tools and results to ethical investigations. We aim at an inclusive conference in which speakers at different stages of their careers (including PhD students and post-docs) participate. We also aim at a strong representation of female scholars.
We specifically welcome submissions on the theme of joint responsibility and collective decision-making. These notions are under investigation in various fields including computer science, (meta)ethics, and political theory. Our aim is to further stimulate the synergy between these different fields, and to provide a forum for both conceptual, ethical, and formal disputes.
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