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1 - 5 July 2019, 7th European Set Theory Conference (7ESTC), Vienna, Austria
The 7th European Set Theory Conference will be held July 1 - 5, 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
The conference features the presentation of the Hausdorff Medal, an initiative of the European Set Theory Society. The currently confirmed invited speakers are: Jörg Brendle, Mirna Džamonja, Todd Eisworth, Moti Gitik, Alexander Kechris, Piotr Koszmider, Maryanthe Malliaris, Justin Moore, Dima Sinapova, Slawomir Solecki, Boaz Tsaban, Anush Tserunyan, Matteo Viale and Hugh Woodin. The organizing committee includes: Vera Fischer, Sy-David Friedman, Benjamin Miller.
Contributed talks are welcome! If you would like to give a contributed talk please send an abstract and title at <estc2019.logic at> (or follow the instructions during your electronic registration) by May 31st, 2019.
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