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26 - 29 June 2019, 12th Young Set Theory Workshop (YSTW 2019), Vienna, Austria
The 12th Young Set Theory Workshop will be held June 26 - 29, 2019 in Vienna, Austria, as an "Advanced Class in Set Theory".
The workshop features tutorial lectures by leading experts in set theory, research talks, poster and discussion sessions. The tutorial speakers are: Jörg Brendle, Alexander Kechris, Justin Moore, Slawomir Solecki, Matteo Vieale and Hugh Woodin. The postdoctoral speakers are: Thomas Baumhauer, Filippo Calderoni, Spencer Unger and Zoltan Vidnyánszky.
Early career researchers are encouraged to participate in our poster session! If you would like to submit a poster please send an abstract and title by email (or follow the instructions during your electronic registration) by May 31st, 2019.
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