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23 - 25 September 2019, Joint Ontology WOrkshops (JOWO 2019), Graz, Austria
The JOWO workshops address a wide spectrum of topics related to ontology research, ranging from Cognitive Science to Knowledge Representation, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics. JOWO is especially suitable for interdisciplinary and innovative formats.
The following workshops are being organized:
- 2nd International Workshop on Bad or Good Ontology (BOG)
- Cognition And OntologieS (CAOS IV)
- Contextual Representations of Events and Objects in Language (CREOL).
- Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation (DAO-SI)
- 10th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI)
- Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST).
- Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences 2019 (ODLS 2019)
- The Shape of Things (SHAPES 5.0).
- Social, Legal and Economic Entities (SoLEE)
- Second Workshop on INteraction-based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS-2)
- 1st International Workshop on Ontologies for Digital Humanities and their Social Analysis (WODHSA)
- 4th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE 2019)
In addition, JOWO 2019 will host five tutorials:
- Data-driven ontology engineering with Relational Concept Analysis (DOnEReCA)
- Introduction to Foundational Ontologies (FOUNT)
- Semantic similarity and machine learning with ontologies.
- SNOMED CT Tutorial
- Top Level Ontologies (ISO/IEC 21838)
Papers should be submitted non-anonymously in PDF format following IOS Press formatting guidelines. As in earlier years, selected contributions to JOWO workshops with a minimum of 5 pages will be published in a joint CEUR proceedings volume.
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