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23 - 26 September 2019, 8th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2019) and 7th Workshop KI & Kognition (KIK-2019): Formal and Cognitive Reasoning , Kassel, Germany
Information for real life AI applications is usually pervaded by uncertainty and subject to change, and thus demands for non-classical reasoning approaches. At the same time, psychological findings indicate that human reasoning cannot be completely described by classical logical systems. Sources of explanations are incomplete knowledge, incorrect beliefs, or inconsistencies. A wide range of reasoning mechanism has to be considered, such as analogical or defeasible reasoning. The field of knowledge representation and reasoning offers a rich palette of methods for uncertain reasoning both to describe human reasoning and to model AI approaches.
The aim of this series of workshops is to address recent challenges and to present novel approaches to uncertain reasoning and belief change in their broad senses, and in particular provide a forum for research work linking different paradigms of reasoning.
We welcome original papers on any of the workshop topics or related topics. We put a special focus on papers from both fields that provide a base for connecting formal-logical models of knowledge representation and cognitive models of reasoning and learning, addressing formal as well as experimental or heuristic issues.
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